Hmdrrami Bally BiapHtriy Kaitatdisbrtl \m-llst IT 1!>tt Published Keen Mternnnn Km rpl Sunday by HKM'HisOS l>|sr\l( II ( I* IM 11>:> \ mini! street HENRY >. es. and Edit m : I I I I 1’IIOM S Eiiit • ' Hu-1ti«-s- )'! e The 1 It mil l s. nil: : .Midi .1 member I ’ ■ \ • At' t future-, s> ■1 • ■1 '■ e. Pllbll.-ht l ' \: • ’ll 1 1 ‘ .V 1 111 ClilOlmu . ’ rr.S ' 1 1 "II the \ - . in. ed ! • is 1". ty entitled o is,- inr in tall 111■iv 5 1 -1■. 111 ies uu< oUiervv Im i I.'- . and dl-ii 'i t therein Ai. gh'.s ! . . .. a' n of »pei ial til , . ■ a - lie I - at; v ed s; HM KIP IMS K V I I > CARRIER PI : Y .v o' - dtreet I Hire at # pet " 1 W ri'K \ d'e - Old lie. MAI!. S ■ s :, 1 advance '1'■ .r ss six mon! *.( .. , :) ip ;: .ns j'„ Per t' ; v Sr aon. N v' - • Virginia s Affair e r • 1 m < • 1 Soonefs Prediction ' ! , , V.1 l)l i\W !' hou.r - • ' ' ' US VI It) by .:i .. 1 1 1 • g' Al’nnURh J.-panr • a ' ■■ ''a gh If I'd ■' ' • a -t at tb.i' mi ’ m 1 ' 'i .v. at tit" g.i'ia : IS bring arrayed ' da mot .out. (trid' ’ a J * t"tt>r '. 1 ‘S r i’) make - othei IVOVV af Sid'd r W h 1‘ 1 n )) ■ d ( i e' t '. ' •' A " 1 "1 V ' ' kilnu the • ' 1 ' -v tia ii t ■ ;< .\v ' '• ' d.' y 11 ■: 1 The ,.n lias been filled a! !;lte' with report s t [ pi iei ders, iig them have been denied, at leas! as to their ■ a t a .. 11 ■ 'or T course, o' bat natural It is just tvos— sible that there t ty be substnn e some ■ t them The: e 1 doubt but that Japan would to get ■ ait. ind she cannot relish tin' idea ■! uneon ditional surrender. Neither could Germany, hut Gern my in the end did come to that. The Japs will also, but they should have sense enough to profit by the example that has been -i t by her European Axis part ner and save whatever is yet possible before all is lost in the rubble and debris of the once great and power ful industrial centers of the home islands. k Army Communism > «. ■'v ’ * ' W K • \ • ' !!: tt vt'' ■ i < i i *• 'u s Jit* \ u , i * * \. I Ur UK A Woman’s Opinion B.c v e v.!. * ho u-.r •: • - i S ’ ml* • • ' l •' ’ U‘ ’ ‘ " 1 • "• :■ ’■ I'.. - ' »1.V • ' • • * , ' ami Tl .c Cl a,: .• r> . - m c.v;i1 . | c .men'. : alld I ' oil ,■ .1 m U'.ty aval ac .inti Is •. ot'i .’* d more o:' es.- pi■!: ie \4 a at a world of chans. K ...i .' ■: the l’: ' i N i •:. ■ i. - is riding til rouge. ' ' • . * ( v i S‘ *• - Si• n.i’ t* ’ * • • • *' C • |>e.,rs • e Cm - l.i.l, y ' It ' me ■ i•• • « * • ^ .• t J; 1 l.f !'li!lU'!l!. ’ i I :t.s ici t *> >\. iiu'i ;»> .i 'A • 'i'k • ’i !••'* ' • * !m: n* : m. : ■ !r *■ Tile i"U ' - ors and f little Mith a .1 ■ nd in ’• ' "'lesia by Miss i h>- p n i,.,,: for their -onvietums. .. d. as i it ippears, nay ref esurt a more realistic viewpoint a -a -n i::‘. candid pirn *n, if you please. On >eing t d tht Mother Chios* ir-ory rhyme about the cow that aped over the moon, Junior . oi ptiy demanded fe) know , i h.*w many red ration points away the moon really :s. While awaiting British general electi 'ii res.dts. Brune Minisn-i \\ oi -t n Churehill is taking a vacation hoping, naturally, that it will not be a permanent one British film studios plan to make western pictures It will lie interest mg to hear a couple of celluloid cowboys calling each other "old boy" instead of "podner. The new motor cars will be wider —news item. This should make try ing 'u park more of an adventure than ever. MAI IA«. ()nr - M in ut«‘ IVst \N orcN ol W is(|nm. I o(Li\ ’> I InroMopr t Hints on n<*lic. V : i ' • ' i *■ i * Horoscope l’or Sumi.iv. If •\j „ v , t\ Vi.:! .,;,< (1 . , > I ' : . ' ' ‘ I • : !> :.f. . V. »• me.' ; *y. V. dr. • y . : • : • * - • • • .y ■ :it\ ' i * ! y V - • »: •' !::■•!!• 1 y \V . 1 'I .. Mm : y * ■ One-Minntc Test \nswers. 1 Oklilh'C’ J NY V V 3. Colorado. ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1 Adr .i T. K-ke I.angh y 2 tinder 2 sq. mi. 2 Kan ms opera singi r •t Frequence Modal i!: at. ii Alfred Mbel. li. A four-side! ! igute vs ith two sides parallel. " Mo destv. 8. Earliest inhalr'anc d a e > in trv or region. !l Quaker (Society •!' !• ’ids) 10. Approximately 10 peirrit! A Lift For Today This is the eondemnation; that men love ti.e darkness- John 2.10 BY FOVINC. darkness when tin light of Christ's presence is possiblt to us, we condemn ourselves, for i' is not the lather's will that arty o: his children should come under con demnation, O holy one, may we so let thj light shine in us that men mil glorify thee. "ENDURANCE CHUMP'_ _ DAILY CROSSWORD AC ROSS 1 Missile 22 At home 1 m • . ..pen 27 Close to Fust man 24. Assimilated 1 \ • S P, 1 , f, [ in I ,f 7 . t 7 Hugh 1- r.e COM p Species of 27 Fat s r- . cassia 2*5. To buiM I ' i| 12 C r.stella- a nest , • i tmn 27 Roman 1’ Ci.- l ie 11 Rm ! poet ivar > 12 F t ,;Mv 17 Edible 2S Pi.ln't work .. ... , \ rstcrdu) • An»*er II Catkin rootstocks 29 spring 15 R.p,,- 21 Unit of month J6 G . s low- matter 2.4 Poker stake 77 Russian i : : -e (chem ) 35 Set of objects river 17 Cuckoo 19 Land measures 20 Flak! s 23 Man’s name 24 Regulate 27 Vigor .70 F< 31 Sob mum i sym ) 32 Girl's name 33. Work of t'.v, ■ para!" ts i F, rt 1 30 i; o. .*'g r > • t I 7 s P’ [ * ;■ [1 t ■ . :v :-.t try 29 in He •to 1 /nr. •i : t : i r O! =. measure not’. \ 2 I’d :o 3 i'r : r (. n -ul ( R Y i'TOQIOTK—A cryptogram ((notation <• P K W X r Z Y H w R P ORQD JTN BO D .1 .’ " i: i: X F T Y P E P W YD Z Y K T P — L Y X A P X Ves.enku s (r\iitiKjuote: CONQUEST PURSUES, WHERE AGE LEADS THE WAY GARTH t>i--t! ibuu-il to Kins Features Syndicate Inc SALLY'S SALLIES K. • L v I •■- - • ^M^MMJ "My husband mutters in his sleep, Doctor. Can’t you give him something to make him speak more clearly. BUY MORE BONDS WANT ADS Get Results HENDERSON BUSINESS COL . i • tho.. r.tghl v. The man n v' an ttamoii I r b.iute-- : ai school. 1,1 >S ]• I INK LIGHT TAX COCKER in .■ Answers to name ot ■ ' v ' Yahiabh 1.1 iv\ not a t liitvti • pel Lil»i*:al reward 1 !I ii iv..-- ii:t. iti-4: ■ VI IN' WitKIiY A1501 T SUGAR > w uen yea can preserve ; ft and vegetables the '.to a Gene: .d Fleetr;. It . •' ;> . . : Sol I 'ey Ai ■ i I' at mg A- ( >1:. e Supply j'.l-i: I’d! \ ( i O TWINE. SLIDE ■ ■, ir tienl and roll : - - W..11-.■;- Hardware Co. 18-4L 1. '-I SATURDAY IN HKXDER • .'A gold bracelet . three ' e Finder a 11 a y Mrs Wallace Boyd. R ... to a. Hondo: - on. 1 9-3t i UVFRY Id >UR MINUTES A IK 'ME nt vhere. Y n ly be i a ' : ■ Ue certain that yo r insurance prov ies the pro to-ti.a you need today. Cates In na nee Agency, the h one o: bet ter f e at a saving. Ph me :.oi S-t! \ GOOD LOCAL i .KM WAX !'S ! . e I .'.'.til high school lie >'. and drat! even.; t !■ ir derm, neat J■ Go ..1 - 1 a• y and I \ e lent -pi - : Utility 'o ad\ anee. Addle-.- 1 ’-aim, rare I) -a,.'. .: 20-lK.i tf’RUIT JARS REGULAR SIZES, in half pints, ; . a- and ha : gallons, jar K ami Ma.- m jar rings, and x for se ng. Wat . Ha 1 .vare Co. 18-4ti attention: b and c card hoi n rs now eligible to buy new tire--. 0:1:.• ..1 tire inspection Sta tons. 15 i Ten Esso Sorv. e, Har : . A Dan.el Esso Sen :ee. 12-tf FL IRS SANDED AND FINISH e 1. .,nd ;• <1 -h ng. Work • : ■■ y i xj ■ lent ed fio irman with ::e;i v :u'v ling : j ' ters. Prices re.- mable Call .1. Maurice Alien, In2ti-W. W&S-tf CALL HARDEE TRANSFER CO., : •: k nd: • I ban'.mg, local and i- •t a n. Phone 315l-J. 18-fd.i EOR RENT: TWO ROOM DOWN ■ ' i eat E : n du d or :n ed W.,;, r. 1 ghts. ill . •.!■: i" ne ided, Mrs. L. W Hot ; . 103 Zene street. Ph me all 1 -W. 2II-2U GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything for your table. We deliver timl save you gas and time. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Yel low Front. 2a-tf OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRE-WAR pencils, ledger binders and sheets, numbering machines, typewriter papers, ribbons and carbon paper; Rubber stamps made to order. School supplies. Henderson Book Co. Established 1884. 10-tf WANTED FARMER ON THE h '' :tare tor 111 It!. (>ne v :th i" ugu he’p ' i tend seven aern • .Ii i.’i’ii. tivo ., re- e..'ton, corn n fi ed .p G .•! team an I tools ' > work with. Apply C. L. C rter. Pimm 103. 20-3ti \()TI< I' OF SI MMONS BV IM BFIC \TIOV In The Superior Court. Stale ■: N Carolina: County of Vance: Vernon C. Itoberson. vs. Gladys Faulkner Roberson The defendant Gladys Faulkner Tober.-on w: 1! lake notice that an action as above entitled has been •on nu n cd in till* Superior Court ■ f Vance C uinty, North Carolina, for a D.voice Absolute between the plaintiff and the defendant on the grounds of adultery: And the .-aid defendant will fur ther 1 ake notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Vance County, North Carolina, >n or before the Till day of August, 11)45, and answer or lemur to the complaint filed in this action, or the relief prayed in the complaint will be granted. This the 6th duv of July. 1945. F. O. FALKNER. Clerk Superior Court, Vance County. North Carolina. Gholson & Gholson. ■Attorneys for Plaintiff. 7-14-21-28. B. H. MIXON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER “Builds Better Buildings" Building, Tainting, Roofing and General Repairing PHONE 7 AH Forint of Insurance Real Estate Bought & Sold Property Management Home Financing AL. B. WESTER MeColn Bids. Phoao ISt WANT ADS Get Results MONUMENTS, MARKEES~ BEST workmanship. Representing j',i mer Stone Works, Inc. w. \\< Langston, 219 Young St i" ... ”3- ' JUU WE CLOSE EACH SATURDAY ,\T one p. m. dur ng May, June. ,|;j;v and August. H. O. Ealkner & s,, ,' l'-tt PLENTY OF REGULAR sjyp ft. -n lot 11.,Itrl m-. \v H.tld’.V.Ue Co. • I • 1 ' ' I • t It T N DEE PS OF i■ xI;A t ii'iieil <;imini.- in the si •... popular styles ami ,■ . , ()nc special lot of odds ,n j ends at only .fl.P'l. WeLiJs llemk l si m Shoe Store. 17 j DECORATED WATER SETS. !TI i■■•■‘•i and -i\ glasses. I).. . ,r, j Herat design serving tray- U ■ t;.n.- Il.edw.ire Co. ],,_(■ WANTED EI.ECT'RKTAN \\,4 Eel; • ' a' ■ .nee. Apply Co and I).na;e !’:i me 204-W’ ;;; El )R SAFE HAP.Y S'l'Ri i| | Pi me > 1 9-J. WIRE EGG BASKETS, CHICKEN r.ngs, To\ite. a disinfectant it Lint i■ . e!iickcn houses. We. o Haniw are C i. la. a MR. JOHN FOX WANTS TO S! ; p his friends furniture from lr t rge stock. It. _ E. Satterv . Sens. See us—S, , e nninev. -1£ SEE ()UR NEW DISPLAY 7' ; n C s No 1, just North 1 1 - ter . • o’ 1 ’ date Mi i;:(•■•• - and M e ' . ei ail Tin-.I >r 1 EU-W M mua-.en; Co. ; a ;• E< >R S MM i )NE SELF-PL.- Y s hun aim p .mo. $17:, cash. In r 1 d e Hid • m I’lame (it ]-J. L’M-L’', PURE SHELLAC. WHITE AND • n pints, q iarts ind - L nge: a <•' • amt reirim ei. Wat . n. Redware C i. 1,'i f. PROTECT YOUR TABLE TOP— new glass cut any size for table tops. Edges beveled and polished. Auto glass plain or safety, cut and installed. A. R. Perry Garage, phone 300. 3-tf OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT Seal rent j . ! received. Tallin" R*1 ■: ng C.m.p.i::y. 21 -2ti LOST WEDNESDAY NIGHT NEAR ( 1 i!: G c Si 1 ci' .hi brawn 1)1!Ihild !’■ 'lit,.i'bng i•.i Hi, dm it-.' been c, .: . ue hook, c'.ussifie i ti• m rai d :.d , g her ;>ap,$25 un ri".‘. aid for re; ..m. : i 1 ).sji,ilrii (); be. Ul-fiti WANTED Fi 'REMAN CAKT’EX tei . i ino rapoido in handi ng i 1 . ck i ,: I ’:. v S 1.25 per !mur. A:1 - ply ' i Mr. G.,i-it at Van. . T. i. . lag Gii r rail 111,3. 20-3:i HENRY DISTON HAND SAWS, b are., try square . squire, level-, hammer-'. hat. he's and trowels. Watkins Ifar.iveare Go. 18-L GULF SPRAY AND FLIT—PINTS, qnai ts and gallons, also . ' k spin v. W • ■.ns Hardware G >. 18-4! 1 FOR SALE: WRITING DESK Sl'IT able to:- hs-ines- Lire. M. 11 AI. Lewis. Plume 599. 21-2'. COAL RATION CUT 20% FOR next winter. (See daily new. - paper). Weathering with our pre war zinc, grooved-!n material ruon pays for itself in savings of fuel. Our expert mechanics working there soon . Wr.te us, we call. Munson-Sivnth Go.. Richmond, Y.u, 30 years service. S-AI.-tf FOR SALE: TWO TABLE. MODEL radios, a litar.-. ukeles, guitar strings and picks and many other items Baker*.- Pawn Shop. 20-'t TOBACCO FARMERS—GET YOUR old papers now for packing down cured tobacco. Three bundles fur 2.5c. single bundles 10c. Henderson Daily Dispatch. 14-tf CLOTHES BASKETS, IRONING boards, ironing board covers. Wat kins Hardware Co. 18—4ti PURE WHITE AND ORANGE Shellac, linseed oil, turpentine, quirk drying enamel, porch and floor paint, 10 colors, inside paints, varnish stains. Tanner Roofing Company. 21—2ti H U N D r1T 1)S O F UN R A tioned sandals in the season’s popular styles and colors. One special, lot of odds and ends at only $1.99. Webb’s Henderson Shoe Store. 17-5ti LOST: WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON between City Fuel Co. and Cow ard's Service Station, Man's Elgin wrist watch. Reward. Notify Wil lie Ford, Ii49 Rowland street. 20-2ti ONE OUTDOOR PLAY GROUND slide $32y0. Watkins Hardware Co. 18-4ti FOR COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE call 204-W. All work guaranteed. Upchurch & Daeke Electric Co., 114 South Garnett street. 19-tf FOR SALE—CHEVROLET TRUCK model 1937, long wheel base with body. Motor and tires in good condition. Chassis and body $828. 64. This price Ls within OPA ceil ' ing. Phone 268. 14-tf