Urnhrrson Daily Dispatch ' Established August 13. 1914 ftbllsbed Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCII CO.. INC. 109 Young Street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres, and Editor M. L. FINCH. See.-1 teas.. Bus. Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office . . .. 500 Business Office . 610 The Henderson Da.ly Dispatch is a ©ember of The Associated i’ress and AP Features, Southern Newspaper Publishers Associat.on and the North Carolina I’ress Association. The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to use f°r republication all news dispatches civd.icd to or ' Dot otherwise credited in tins paper, Dnd also the local news published therein. Ail rights ot publication o£ gpecial dispatches herein are re served. SUBSCRIPTION KATES CARRIER DELIVERY in City of Henderson. Payable to Carrier or. direct to office at 20« per Calendar | Heek. No monthly or other rate is ’ ©ade. , . MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payable in ! advance. 1 Year $6 0., six moctus |3.00, 3 months $2.00 Per Copy 3c_ Entered at tre post office in Hender- j •DC, N. C.. as second class trail matter ( Psalm 7.7 Hi , : my • _ , | Reflects Sentiment W he the the ac'len son ciiui ' > to Cl' int 1 the " war is ■ i ment m eral M in Nor-.: U ; ••• ~ ■ local and thoritii - are, but •' outline «.■: • •>’ aC‘u!l* rnent m. ;• . • One i taken by ::: not also a . e ■ • the pe : a and m > pi" cal dep ' 1 United >'' - 1 '• a - ice measuii and. iltl; ... th- l : " thusta.-m : ably, it . and w 11 1: '■> be he.a tional lea s ’ month cation. One thing . « ' . •' * pie kn a ' y know as .i ■ ' ': to fight the pi" a all era'll' ■ then, is :• a ■!; the Ira!' many ,. policy from pea.i ■ . duty. • This iv oppi.'si: . It is ■ of Ml' wen istic* A : ferent : Then ■ to be .. been ia many ■ 1 ac Amt: a a •. y 1 ! Japan. Britain, helping their "■ JHUIl 1 has bci n Brit • Franco : N '' c which l.,c i will m-m m There n..,- bci.: States n a.v ii men to 1 ; > Nippon Ullt.i c eU led ' and ad justmei •>de. j , All of Wh ■ ■ e<| ... c n » V soldiers P'>s.-ib!y me year.'. B .: we canhi>t tjuite ■ ison th new men should bi A‘-’y '.<• go into the Aid > be • ny cause a. tic hostilities have ee; sed, and certain ly not unless other nat ns art w ill ing to share tin 1 , Here again <> n ' be ai! of place i . < ttei ti vhat we have always . ; . ' : • injus tice and inipi'opi ;ety ot in.pressing into military service - between 18 and 21. We ha\e nevet b< la- ed and do not now believe it lias .it any time in this vvai been necessary t■ > compel children la light our wars • ior us. As for the Hoxoro boards retusal to serve further and to call up more men for duty, they were undoubtedly acting conscientiously, and that should be kept in mind in apprais ing their course. There are many angles to the question, but we can not escape the feeling that this board's move reliects a lot ol silent stn'imont abroad in the land, and I-, .night be well l"i those who an* •.inn .ty and who huv e ci>« e la • • > ; leased I • i se i . yea:.', 1 '..me note of the devc. p o • It ■ ay cairy far more .-.gniii , ai-.ev '. :i being merely the ... ! • a draft board in a small rural eoi - munity. Why Buggs Island O.i iicu tieig 1: s . ver in V r gitiia are mui a .istir over prospects r ' he i> 1 lai i p>-vve- a> : 1". i control development by the Federal government It is a project that will e etu is sums of money and which should be well under.'' >'d uelore residents oi the area go .h.i-out lor the vent re. There is strong suspicion that many ot those lavorable to the uti ilers!.i , i g 1"..1'. i land !<1: . . a .. ' i y - likt ' - i fabulous price: hut they might hi disillusioned when government agents come a. ■ .nil with their ■ ■ . .. ■ ’ tun ■ ■ ' , like it. The promoters are no! so much concerned about the need '' rng r the plight Counties will be left when thousand.' . . acres ol tillable so go the tax nooks with a possible deficit. these a In til dilation, however, and should be kept in mind. An .ic: aspect •>: me venture - thoic > actually no need : • • we: u'd be dev e! liow e er large : -mail the gene. ir.g Ian's night be. Private e m 1 .antes -e: mg the area, on bo:!. the Slut ne have ei! et .... - . •spare. is that that is altogcthei s» - : dury m the •: inds of the we.,.:-: gton who ni’ : . : dev e.oj.men!. T. ■ v ay • is a 1 reive ■■ private business in the power livid, and there nave cer ida-nt t" 1 ■ , past that then is much senti ment ■ i that kind in tlu Federal s'.. net. re t:tc national e..i .tab !- : e ‘ iii hint series ot v ild be baht n the R.-.o .e river Id " ba.ii the :.i'.>d tn.it ■ . g ed down that stream, five year.- ago tins month. It they on. f. vw i n van the flooding >1 areas :r ' rt iched y th< ugh vv let iri and in the overall picture a tlo-iri .• :. eh matter where lh< mandated is located. We ton fcss to a e nment invasion of > y te v' 1 c. !' r -i . Ii.it, .. mg * n e theory • f socialism now .- n.. • u mt. and the >;rung inclination.- :n W cej ' pendii.g .-pending, and the rash that will ,a erne to fl* si’ VV h s-V land- w li i hi O' .gilt, and the fact t hat the! i in, need now nor in the n re,-ee.iole ■ • foi additii i ol power .n the area, wherein lies the ifieatioh l’oi ich iseless ' - y- ,| the people's i.r.v ' The beautiful pictures have tinted « • tit •a " ‘hut vv i add be de 'doped, to, ng. hunting and the ' .: w o w i : lock to the are , ' .-> v fne MW, .1 ereufiini ot I’m !*• Sam. : ay be more ot a fury that t re.dry. It might be vv ill a p- uder wheth or not stu l o-cal.led ., v tPages have come ;■> o'.iter area w ..ere the people's mil . it- nave . i tred nit i iuesti n ble en a ia Iof the kind. 'I e Piet, too, that so Maic : a been done with so little sari nowit if and that there is so m ,eh seem ing hesitancy even now aij, it lav ing all the cards on the table is a :i • 'I'.-ci that might be roiled nfa,i ; on gut before u ges lehind iv burned and the whole area is s inked m on this socialistie sche i a. Iii any event, before they swallow fie whole project, hook, line and sinki r. thv people and the counties • . : .gut prolit by lea ning all the fai It wo ildn't hurt them t‘ have the whole picture. To Be Friends Again There will be general endorse ment of the decision of the State Department to resume diplomatic ielations with the tiny republic ol Finli.i d. This country severed rela tions when Russia and Finland wen at war and when Russia was an ally o! this country against Germany anc It. ly. Rut most Americans • ever har bored til feeling against the Firi and do not today, and hope tor : speedy resumption of cordiality be tween the two. i. One thing that is everlastingly ti l the credit of Finland is that she re spected her obligations to this coun try, and until the time relations were | severed • ever missed a payment 01 Iter war debt owed to the Unitec States. That is more than can be 1 said about any of the others, large or small. And it won the admira tion and good will of Americans gen erally. Moreover, if Finland need, cash for rehabilitation and for feci n struetion after the war, she, more than any or all the others, .. cn t :!e.i to civ.i.t :e. - —certainly !n>m standpoint integrity as to ob* g.p; us. T - '.ill. Finland's | policy stood ( ut as a . odol 1 o.’ o* hi i n.itions. i! - lop::..i •: dip! >matir and , e . ill Heartily t■ ; this c mntry, and we .pi ei :.:..iii t v ill also among the Finnish people During ti.i war Dutchmen ate j thousand.- • •: tulip i :!’os lierause of T ley sav ed a 1 it .• :; •• :■ g ..i.d c dm .Ping i\v plant g th« . Vi t . v gai len direc tty m the stomach. 1 it B vmph n \ • ■: ehestra , i- ! ,i i ! wii li.l ti HIS . ; ii'. ingle cot icert i . i een .. star 1, . i. i :u::t i: la had taken up baseball. .! ;u,iir , . pi: ■ vd l"istpone i - :"h lav mtil next year 1 (1. : :. U i M gi \ l ‘II git t S 1 le . lliei that wood and cardboard. M.p.v ii.'. i ;■ ■. ■:'ng 1" Fat*>- i ph. i . 'poll ta.-lo i"piI.' on tile . oh .■ of •: u 'oc' \' ."ider .■ fly to M ,1 .-troll m a sugar I • i . p ■.. p. ..1 ii'-1. ays he ;s:h' Ii.u ro.-'i i 111 loo nil ga.-i •lille ! ie. lie':! settle for • i uo.v right I rent i i ris A Lift For Today V'i i 1 . i; a-::ncd >! the gOS i cl .t t'r. li'iai.ins 1:16. Till-; BUST ■■■.,. ,11 the divinity of Ch. ; • :.,.t : r make dead men * . . t-\ ^ Keep us pure in heart and clean in lilc Lord (iod Almighty, crea tor and preserver of all tilings. M il B4C One-Minute Test. 1. What tamo - American said, "Let rai'C a standard to which t*a* ;m. ..ad a i-iest can repair: the res; m the minis of God'".1 2. What a- the largest food crop it the United States? 2. in what book of the Bible is the q a -tati m. "They have sown the :nd ,.ud thev si..,11 reap the whirl wind"? Words of Wisdom. There i- no study that is not eap ■a'nie of delighting us after a little application to it —Pope. Hints on Etiquette. The br.de. of course, has the final word regarding her wedding plans, < .iisui' ng ..'h her groom. How ever. i; would be tactful to ask the bride's an : bridegroom's mothers 'their oj,,•;.jm well on some de tails. Today's Horoscope. | A birthday today means that you ’are aggressive, confident in a pleas t way. and re- n rceful in bending ’other.- to your will. You are tact lid. esteemed by youi friends, and sharp in your judgments. Love and harmony will ii.de in your home. Live your lilt- : , the fullest of your inherent talents and skills. Do not hesitate to iggest new and original ideas that come to you. I! you can paint, sing, write, in housework, are you putting these into some practical form of expression. One-Minute Test Answers. 1. George Washingti n. 2. Corn. .. The book _f 8:7. • ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1. True. 2. Thi. lias Jeffers. >:i 3. Quebec. Cana ia 4. Sir Homy M ig 5. "When in the c■1 . ■> nan jvents." ti. National Labor Hi . L • d. \. Hegulatory food.-. 8. Paleontology. t). William Allen W:. to. 10. Comedienne. . ONTROL REMOVALS OFFER Ml \\ I'ROBI.I M New York. A ig. 22 AP Then dill are bottlenecks in tin \..y te 1 i\ ci v ..f tli.rt new ■ ■ange. or aulomohilc ae-p :e 'green light" given civilian _nu lacture. Industrial observers agreed ' t y the war production be .if .\ - lion of 210 restrictions • ■ i .' las loused a eonn.iett.ve . eh i■ • i■: - .luce This very compel it i i .y ■ rang .in immediately prnbk The Hesearcb Instil .te A me: - ies, ino>rp.'rated. pm. . t - ■ a n.i ing i .rgani/.ation predicted .a: Mood of exaggerated and pi. 'ate buying by manufacturer.- trying ' issliro thcmseh e- an a.le>|iiate .-ap ily of materia! that WPI5 will be li'ieed "within the next few days' to take action. INJURED IN FALL Oxford. Aug. 22. Hoy \V, Crew. I firmer of Salem township ...... e eovering today :i ■ ; ini . ■ - - tinned in a tail thn.ugh the t or.- o a tobacco curing barn w hei ■. a at work. Infoiai ati. a. ivcei. > 1 was that Crews appuru tly fainted from excessive heat in the ii.an. tel! forward on sticks ot tobacco hang ing in the barn and crashed to the ground, his head hitting a flue. TIIIA DIDN'T KNOW WAR HAD ENDED I; , _■ A .{•. 22.—Good now. t , i ;. Lvtlio ration hoard :i Il.u Im.gton has prool that ,t ... . i very point. ;■ .. \ • r..tion board leeched p.e, .11 . .on' a ms tor 1 liel oil ration i even though the tool was ■ ,ii :: a'.! ration lists last Wed nesday. Oft icials f the board say a lai ge \ : business has dropped since hue, :ucl oil. and kerosene were i, ns cu :roui rationing, blit that the i i.ijr. -e ' applications for tires has . aii ' '.v increased W tii only a few other items still i ■ mi !. >uch as meat.- and tats. ,ni r .boor footwear, the chief mss o: the hoard now will be : m b enforce OPA price control. :• v .,s said this morning. EAST CAROLINA LEAST AFFECTED BY CCTBACKS K : ii. Aug. 22.—President Ed ! R. Ruehii of the Atlantic and ICarolina Railroad company in an i p: miistic postwar sttilement to ; \ iei a red that eastern Carolina .b iff feel less- effect from the i :1 'ary and war cutbacks and v. 11 -ale layoffs of workers than a: v other part of the state. He P .i out that the A. and E. O . v. iii. li i' the lessee of the stale-own i ■ A!:,anti and North Carolina rail ;11. lias already sustaVed Hie worst 1 rt i : its postwar adjustment and re dv lot expanding freight loads a "bis returns to the market from peace-time factories. WANTADS WANTED: YOUNG LADY AS !.kkeeper and cashier. Salary, Skin per month. Apply in own handwriting. to "Bookkeeper,” Care Dispatch. 21-2ti DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 7 Bay window 23 Huge ~ _ 1. Bounder 9 Not ever 24 Strin" 4. Mournful 10. Clothing ^ An ac°ccpted I! , JZ.U.thered maxim 8. Social 14. Distress group signal ^6 Convert into 10. Rank 10. Varying leather | 11. Percolates weight 27. Betimes 13. Points (India) 28. Cereal wlEll IQIiCL|Q|AlN^ 14 Part of a 19 Expression grains _ 13B garment 20. Put on. as 30. Abounding 15 Twilled clothes in rocks »_ Yesterday • Anawrt fabric 21 Containers 33. Raised > 35. Priestly caste 16. Turf for writing 34. Coffin and '■* (Persia! 17. Erbium ink stand . 37. Vehicle 18 Herbs 20. Terrible YY/Y//A' p P YZTX* Ts P V/aX/7/ 22 Belonging 07,70, 07, 70/07, to us 77 rf-7/7 s-a 77? 23. Holiday (Jap ) y/, Ay, 70, 24. Slang -7i 26. Mender of //' pots --777? - 29. Farm animal yy 30. Large roof- --7777 if2-777,977," ing slate ^ 77/ //A 31. Method ---- 32. Narrow strip yA Of Silk TTT7 TS-’777 T0-- 7777 -rn-> 55 Bare 70/07’ 07/ 07077, 36. Type of '70 Z0-777770 architecture * 07 16 37. Spheres —--________ 38. Humble 1 77/. y/A 70, 39. Homely ——-_u__ __-____ Cll*.-__ ■ 40. Arid }i 5J a+ 707 41. Little girl __, Yu*__ , DOWN //A. 5? 1. A defender ___----rt__-- _■. __ __ 2. Helps 70 5* /// ^ 3. Female doer YYu __---__- 0O. 4. Reprove W " 07070 5. Genus of lily xAAAaAA/A YAA/a VAAjlAAA, 6. Stun • CRYPTOQUOTE—A cryptogram quotation ■ CEY SKQUYMC RPQCM H J N T! C E V XYMC EPAMYM — CEYHKMCPRQYM. Yesterday’s Cryptoquote: OVERBEARING AUSTERITY JR ALWAYS the companion OF SOLITUDE—PLATO. Oi»tribiit»a by Kinf Features Syndicate, lac. " t WE HOPE HE LEARNED HIS LESSON WE'LnseT TOGETHER AGAIM 50AieT/ME/ * fj NtVEt? g A6AIN / WANT ADS1 Get Results HKNDKHSUN HlSiNCNS Cl’L. ki’o X\ a \ ■ m S.\ V • :h -4 Ve ered ! '■ ■ « NEED ■ ■ : ' ins i . . .. e ready io a su perior j- -- ' RADK1 HI IVICE. WE j k11■ '\\ nave .i !'■ . •"’" ■ '' tube.- and .' 1 A'lr. i 1 • - "i ary :na :.o r.a! i .va ia! i| . li tu .1 s • » ern • i iavn.-r I rail a e 11 vi ' i ■'1 ail- i a I > 1 'll .'oil; \-l i. at a i onej j savins ■ I’: *n*i>i sci v iee on any .< i i ■ 11 . u -■!) m live piri; 1'iv.ri A.. ••• on. Saaran’ei a 11 D H- 1 • Ho ke a, i'1-1 u- • :: cry , eel - 1. 1 ■ ■ out ENTIRE ST< H K 11|- 1 N ratinned sunum i - .i>|u is and sandals I'm- mm. women and cllildl'i 11 lit i\V reduced t' i less than Norwich near Post ( M l io.. 21 At i P« lit SALl : >Tn )N AND Mir . I’.ae. !>.... \ K.t: in Phone 3002. 21-2'.. EXP! iVK.M I '■> S A .1. e X M A X. ci id.: : . .;r ■ 1 - ■ re: 'f. age 31, vi ai . . a Hendic ,-.in A 1 ire.-.- Sa.i c . re D - paten. 20-411 CHEAP SUIT CASES. UTILITY bag.-, met.., to '1 b 'Xe-. reg.il.ir size Mas!i k-ai! batter.es. W.U.ihis Iiardv. ..: c Cu. 21-4:. J 1ST ARRI YE D SHIPMENT ul’ men's oversize dress pants. Size- up to AO waist. Nor wich ileal- Post Ul’l'ice 21-Ati GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything lor your table. We deliver and save you gas and time. Phone 43b. Always ready to serve you. Herbert’s Yel low Front. 25-tf FOR SALE ONE OIL STOVE IX good r . I • Lit. .Vive. ■ Bane St.. W. t Ileruiei )li. 21-3:. WANTED TRUCK Dl.'lVER AND yard nan. 11 Ce.h an.! W-m.I. 21-2ti FOR SALE THREE ELECTRIC mot- 'i .-. :. • ; m r- pi.. 1!, .. in scales and x - : i ' ... I i 15. New man, ;d: me 1 122. 21-2U REGARDLESS OF FORMER prices. all unrationed summer play shoes are n dticeti! Two special lots at Si.hi) and S2.hh. W'ehlj's Henderson Shoo Store. Pi-10ti DINNER SK I'S TO S22 an. Ert ra c ins and -a :cer-, platter-, salad bow 1bowl _ Wnt k.n- 1 l.crdv. .: c C >. 21 -41i MANY NEW ARRIVALS AT -THE Place ■ V.i le ." Wir'd cut tin's, ci >w ci iin-. n ' ■: cat -. j vi !!. n'k-, DX • . c . i'. - ’\c-, and 1 ry re. Corn knive-. Alex S. Wat . i 22-1 ti RADIO SERVICE-OVER 20 YEARS experience, n.n.cin ei|Uipment, and a complete stock >1 t .nc- and repair paid . gna..aUee y.iu lirst class ran," -cr\ ,.'c : i ra.-unable Cast. Cnmplcn I i ' V Sel l ICO UU any make tad - Jet. an. Radio & Sound Scrv.ee, Phone 4 Hi. M-W-F-tf IRONING BOARDS. PAD COVERS and ana idol lie- n. . .o. Wa Ik m - 1 lardw ire Co. 2 1 - Iti WANTED TENANT Wi I'll PLENTY of help ter one ,u V ,cc C .anty'. best tobacco. e-tlan and gr.ii i farms. .Must be a g.-nd man. Can furnish ample tnbaeeo allotment, good team and tool- to work with. Address Tenant, care Dr-patch. 20—31 i FOR SALE HOME COMFORT range, > . Hl.'iu. In good con dition. Mr-. l’.it!:c Tucker, K-2, Henderson, near C >ke.-u ry. 121 —12*.i HOSPITAL1ZATK '.V INSURANCE. Ye-, c. e can • ale !■ >r individ ual or fa iuly gr .up prelection. $5.00 a day to" hospital room. With or ur.iiout .-logical benefits. Cost rea on i>le. Ft ank M. Barn hart, General Insurance. Phone 562-J. 7-tf F<*R SALE MAN S PRE-WAR Bi cycle, Western Flyer, heavy duty, good as new. Cun be seen at Southern Ice Cteani Company. G. S. Eastwood. 22—Uti TIN CAN, WIDE MOUTH JARS’ also regular jar.-, jelly glasses, sealing wax. jar tops, lids and rubbers. Watkins Hardware Co. _ 21—Jti BRING YOUR LAWN MOWERS TO Overton’s Lawn Mower Shop, Kit trell, N. C. for guaranteed shar pening and repairs. Also saw sharpening. Ten years experience. 4-.M-W-S- 12-ti JUST RECEIVED LARGE shipment of ladies 51 jgau;ce hose, DOc per pair. All new Dill shades. Limit two pair to a customer. Norwich's, near Post Office- 21-2ti ATTENTION CAR OWNERS: IF you have a certificate to buy new tires, be sure tu buy the Atlas tire-—the tire that is guaranteed for twelve months unconditionally against all road hazards. Bon Ton Esso Service and Harris and Daniel Esso Service. 20-tt W A N T ED, S E V E R A L MAIDS AT Vance hotel. Hours 1) a. m. to 4 p. m. Good "pay. 20-3U FOR SALE THIS USED EQUIP ment—one large cash register, one small cash register, one check’pro tector, office nesk and one De troit computing scale. Watkins Hardware Co, 21-4U iVANT ADS Get Results monuments TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From Tile oath's Largest Monument.i! ]• • r_ I VV. VV. LANGSTON 7 21!) Young St., Phone 77t! ___ Hi-iti. iKK YOUR COAL DEALER Now and he may be able to help v., 1 keep warm this winter. (Til on \ ii. O. Falkner and Son. Phone 20')! __ 3-ti ’ROTECT YOUR TABLE TOP-I new glass cut any size for table tops. Edges beveled and polished. Auto glass plain or safety, cut and installed. A. K. Perry Garage phone 31)0. 3 VALL - RITE TRIMZ, Rt \ ted \vall paper. A, > reg « 'd paper. Watkins Hard Co. 21 It \NY MAKE RADIO CAN BE RE paii cd at Upcli ireh A I ),n . Two experienced i adn> sc . . men and a complete .-t"ck of . j.| , parts at your sen lee. Bring \ M. . et to Upehiireh & l),,eke. or : m pick up sendee call 2114-W. 1 t»-tf XK\V STATIONERY JUS’L ARR1V ed. Large shipment of tales' colors and styles in Air mail and Stand ard Weights. Also several hundred beautifully einbosse.i and neatly framed pictures for the home or ol!:ce, non-breakable and w,,.-li able. Something entirely new and different. See them on d, play at Alford's Printing & Oll'ice Sapp'y Company. 3( >- tf AUCTION' SALE: DINING ROOM suite, living room suite, bed: ■< t furniture, stove.- and othei m. eellaneous Terns. Saturday, Aug, 2.'). 2 p. m., at Chri.-tian par . :n front of Liberty church ,,t Epsom. 22-Uti H( )USE AND L( >T Ft >R SALE 213 Davis ,-treet. Apply J. D. Per,, Police Department. 21-3:, LOST: KEYS ON KEY RING WITH identification tag of David P. Smith, Jr. attached to ;e> ring Finder ret .rn to S A. L. agent, Henderson, and receive rc.vaib. i 2l)-3ti FOR SALE: JERSEY AND GUERN sey cows. Reasonable prices. Call Charlie Trado, phone UU. Can be seen at Trade's farm, known as Old Dav ,.- Chicken Farm. Ti-2U-22-2 1. TOBACCO FARMERS — To. bacco will sell high again this year. Protect your year's work with sound insurance on your pack barns and tobacco, and stive anticipated 2u per cent on your premiums. F. E. Pinnell Insurance Agency1, telephones l')2-.J and 252. 17-tf ELECTRIC WIRE AND CABLE, electric fencers, clips, knob-, ihy cell halter1! -, hot -ii.it battoi le ft utkins I l.irdvv.. re Co. 21-t ti BLACK Ml’LE STRAYED To MY place Sundry l >vv Her ran get -tune by paying fo: keep and ad. T. R. Hope, Henderson, I(o ite 2. STEED WOOL MENDETS. CAN opener-, tea -1r.niic! -. air vvir.v. teaspoons, Watkins Hardware C • 2 l-4ti STRAYED AUGUST 8, BLACK mule vveai ing leather halter. Finder please notily Mrs W G. Collins, Route 3, Dm 32!). Hen derson, N. C. lti-titi. DICYCLK TIRES. TUBES. HANDLE bars, pedtiller.-. basket.-, fla-h lights and batteries. Watkins Hardware Co. 21 -4ti CALL IK A FORSYTH AT 14G-J IF you want to trade your old bed room suite tor a new modern one. It. F. Satterwhite & Sons. ti-tf FLOORS SANDED AND FINISH ed. Waxing ami puliMung. Work done by experienced llourman with heavy duty sanding machine and polishers. Prices reasonable. Call 3. Maurice Allen, 1U2G-W. W&S-tf WANTED: UNFURNISHED HOUSE I or apartment. Call Eduard G. | Cobb, Phone 35U-W. 22-21i 1 ALL UNRATIONED SUM mer play shoos, regardless of former prices, are now priced from 99c to $3.99. Good style from 99c lo $3.99. Good styles! Good colors, good sizes! Webb’s Henderson Shoe Store. 13-10ti BED LAMPS, TABLE LAMPS, drop cord 3c foot. Ceiling lamps for kitchen and porches Watkins Hardware Co. ’ 21-lh OFFICE SUPPLIES, PKE~- WAR pencils, ledger binders and sheets, numbering machines, typewriter papers, ribbons and carbon paper; Rubber stamps made to order. School supplies. Henderson Book Co. Established 1884. 10-tl at USED a. CARS WE PAY SPOT CASH CANDLER-PALMER MOTOR CO. Studebaker Sales and Service I Henderson. N. C. Phone 451

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