. iin wm 1 ^ “ ( \ri:i< t.. J Hp that tile sky "I night i ;i w .', t > with t tv nkli '•,f iron- til • ] p.j,.. ... '. w:t:i the V net tor com pany. w-.• < ts ot cloud a cend and shilt. I , , ' r.g, high currents. cum ,:ig - ■ 'O To i ■ -■' h-.ra which only dreamers rc.ich: j I ,... til'1 yellow poppies of the ^nd . :ii its cn le. curve ol golden head). j r lie. ill the still, I: a 1. pa re. j -I tiie dawn bite, .»».• . one. — T)’( • . jne bigge ! catch 1 r.'in the i'.i o| sleep- j iffjt ;htj p.vard tug. I land the sun! Maur.ee III!. Spends Week Mild Here. s 1 yi Ji up, ot K ('. T. 5j,. : 1 lit week end here w ith Mi. Ali a Rowland. Return to I.Miiishurg. Mi I. It. Kerlv and children hnvi rst , ' i to their home in l.ouisiiu aftei is.ling Mr. a lid Mr-. L. I. B; i i.t - Returns to Texas. M . Lewis L. 15; rues, Jr., ol Rule Te\a.. ha; returneii to her home aftei .«!»in ling a lew weeks with Mr. am Mi . L. E. Barnes. I liters Cadet Nurses' Carps. Mi > Shirl- v Bars left toriav fo D ar wiiere she is to enter Wat's . •.ii t.. train as a member in th l'. S Cadet Nurse t orps. To Kilter Carolina Joseph S. Rowland is expected t leave tomorrow to- Chanel Hill \VI ere he will enter the Kill seme-po at the I'nivers.ty ol North Carolina. Kclurii From C. X. (’. AL ser Annie.. Mil. '1. 15.■ 11x (e'uflwyn and Mai v H. !! I)i -v •• i returned t. 11.ei)• homes here, aller attending the -umna r '■■-•mi at the University of North Carolina. Cl a pel Hill. Visiting Here. Stall Sergeant .dad Ms:- Dan Gar ret.! ol Ahoski ■ vi King Sgt Gar re't - mother. NT.' .1 VV. C1... ret t M ■ ■ e]i t.eit. S s ' ( P i r*■ 11 1 ,.ll a ia-d.iv furl-.Li.,■ i ir .-■ F .-ter Gon er.d hospital. Camp .iaeU.- n. M. Nurses' tides t nif.-rirs \\aiial)le. Mrs W. W. Bowei« . th< le d Cm- room on Tie-. d.,y after noon t rum a to 7 iI'eloe ' ' gi' ' N ■ Aide nn I -riv-. it was mi ni meed today. Gi Is are trged to get their uniforms ; nrl he > ■■ !v f the grain, 'ion exercises which will i held \v. • Inesilay m1 Miss Hilda Powell In \\ ed S<*t. I .ord AT- and M: Ben in: in Walla- r B veil,. Hi lie 7. Hondo' ui, an ti 'Utire the engagement and ap 1>: o miling marriage of tin r da igii te: 111 Ida 1 ,ee, to Se go. nt A rt li , 11 I a iril. ol C 'a up Buitn-r and I’o: ! '• do. I’enn.-y I van a. m of Mr. and M: In ;n G. I .ord, of I ’■ .1 Isv il !e Tin- wedding will lake place in lhe la a: future. BIRTHS Hirlfi of Soil. Mr. and l\lr:. Allison D. Allison at t,ounce the birth ni a : on, Kronci. H mdolph, on August 21). at Maria Barham hospital. Birth of Daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. JacU.-on. ,Tr. •tiiiioi.inc" the hiirtn of a daughter Z‘'ltan Ann. on Augu.-t HO, at Maria h irham hospital. Marian Martin —Pattern— ! i':.:' m-we.-u, smartest neckline on i ki.'O m no. v. m gives tins sim- i dri-.-s a touch ot distinction! ■ u 9151 ..pens down the front— ; ' 1 P>.t on: easy ironing, too! Pattern 9151 eome- in s.zes 12,' : 1. Hi. 18. 20; 30. 32, 34, 3(3, 38, 4u! - ze Hi. :.-nek, 3 yards 39-inch. Send twenty cents in coins for ms p..lle.n to L'uny Dispatch, Pat ent Dept., 232 West 18th St., New Dirk 11, N. V. Print plainly SIZE. .'AME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM JER. Fifteen Cents more orings you the j .Iarian Jlartin Summer Pattern j look, a collection of all that new aid smart in wearing apparel for - e lamdv. Free Nightgown Pal •ern printed in the bookl College Students 1 o Be Honored By I he Drop-In Club The Drop-Ill Teen Ago Club will .. e a danr. Saturday night in the elub room ol the Parish House of the i-.| iM-opal eluireh for the members of die club and in honor of those boys iltd girls who will soon leave for col eg.-. .1 was announced today. A special program lias been plan ned tor the evening in addition to lancing. The starting hour has been .1 at 8:3i) o'clock. Admission will be by card only exo |d for honored guests, me college undents. SHANNON ROGERS FETED AT PARTY Little Miss Shannon Rogers \va~ ■ ■led at her home on Wednesday alt I'liMon, the occasion being her 1:> rth birthday. Mrs. Milton Jour iiec.m ;i:id Mrs. Milton Rogers were hostesses. During the afternoon the guests ■njo.ved many out door games. Re le.-Wiion: were served to the fol •vving: Shannon Rogers, Tracy Ann Rogers, Joan Rogers, Florence and Vleivin Gris.-om, Jr., Nancy Lester, Sue Blanks, Sylvia Crocker, Linda rocker. Faye Carter, Judy Might, Betty Fowler, Itetty Nicholson, ieanette Parn-h, Mat and Dennis iriSMim. Mable Burnett, Sandra Suiith and Alice Burnett, Returns to Dunn. Mrs. R. G. Tart, o! Dunn, who i;is been visiting her son-in-law and laughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Page, 11'.. iias returned to her home. WITH THE SICK Has Throat Operation. Mrs. 1). T. Avsciic went to Rich mond Thursday to be with her niece ittle Emily Jane Fuller, during ; throat operation which was plannee for today. k ★ ★ ★ * * * WITH THE COLORS * ****** Gone to Pacific. T-a Herbert M. Clark has gone to the Pacific after 11 months’ duty in] France, it was learned today. Me is the husband of Minnie Clark, route four. En Route from Europe Pt'c. Elwoiid E. Peedcn is on route home from Europe with the "Sant; Fc" Division, which in ten month.1 battled across the Elbe river t< within -42 miles of Berlin, il wa it aimed from overseas today. Pic. Peedcn is the grandson of Mrs. A ,ci Peedcn, Henderson. He holds the Presidential citation, five* battle -tars, the Purple Heart award anc Good Ci i duct ribbon._ liss Lyliston Weds Julian Alston, Jr., In Newport News <m Friday afterno n, August 24. t five o'clock, at e Fn ' Rapti.-i hurcli, Newport NT •. . Va.. Mi — lli/.abeth Jane Lvi ■■ m became tin ride of Julian Meredith Alston. Jr., I Henderson. Rev K. F.. Ru*hlcdg« ras the offiei.it i g minister at tie oulilc ring ccren ■ >ny. Graduate d candelabra h >ld i g .bite tapers and baskets of whip ladioli f> rmed tile altar deo ration rior to the ceremony, Mrs. F.. I-. Tithledge, organist, rendered a pro ram of nuptial music and during :te ceremony, "Clair de Lune" wa >ftly played. Mrs. Clay Turner s mg. 1 Love Y>>u Truly," by Carrie Ji < kinds, ;• d “Because" by d'H irdciot 'he traditional wedding marches cere used for the processional and eci-ssional. Mr:. F. G. King was matron oi onor and only attendant. She wore street length dress of fuseli i t cpi nd a . h adder a irsage of uses. Fred G. King served as be-t man The bride i • tcred the chi irch n lie arm i f her father. Willi i c Jnvid Lyliston. by whom 'c \\u> liven in marriage. Sl.e vvi -•> a ircci eitglh two-piece dress of darl; lipi.vn lat crepe. Matching acccs-nri. .m• > shoulder corsage of orchids com ilctcd her costume. Tile bride's m- tlief, was rl'T-u’i n black crepe with which she mcc notching acccssori1 s and a -In il.k •orsage "I wane roses. mr . mother was gowned in a two-pin-- j iress of soldier blue C'-pe wit: i vhich she used black accessories and ! i corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Alston is the only daughter if Mr. and Mrs. W.D. L.yhsto . ol Vewport News, Va. Mr. A Ison is ilie =on of Mr. and Mrs. Julian M. Al ton. of Henderson. Immediately following the cero nony the parents ol the bride enu - ained at Hoiel Warwick, No-.vp-r •, Vows, honoring tho bridal pai'ty aur uit-of-town guests. After the bride i d groom cut the tirsl p'e;e o! wedding rake Ihe serving was com [iletcd by Mrs F. G. Long. After a short wedding trip 1” on- j -nnonneed points (ho coup], will be at home at 751 — 301 h street. New port News. Ya. For travel the bride wore a dressmaker's suit eh' lea' green and brown accessories Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Air. and Air.- .lull; • AT. Alston, and Aliss .Anne Alslo •>: Henderson: Mrs. L. A. Tisanp.-ou, Ensign L. A. Thompson. Jr.. • >! Franklinton; Airs. C . H. We-i a. o Wake Forest: Mrs. V. II. Pam. o'. Suffolk, a d Airs. J. B Saundcr- .uni Airs. Sam Masters, oi Norfolk. Butner Patients Learn Electricity In Practical Wax Camp lUitiHT, Aug. 31. To Hu T whir of generators, buzz ol bell . and | pounding ol generators, intensive six- I week courses in electrical linoi-v. ar- i mature winding and house-wiring are preparing students in the coma ] lesccnt program electrical shop. Camp ] Butner, for postwar jobs and house- , hold tasks. Returnees with no previous back ground in electricity have lclt lie -Imp project equipped to fill an elec trical job in civilian plants, accord ing to the head instructor. Pl'c. Leon ard W. Bathke, an electrical contrac tor of 20 years experience from Wa- | seca. Minn. ! Pl'c. Bathke exhibited records ol I some students who had become cm ployed in North Carolina plants at electrical jobs on their release .. the Army. Other returnee students, like Pvt. Karl G. Braynard. a farmer from 111.- ! nois, have learned house-wiring mi he wooden beams of a facsimile, ipartment erected in the shop by in ' tructors Pfc. Harold Speetor, fonnei Navy inspector of electrical equip | ment, from Brooklyn. N. Y.. Pvt. I Grayle L. Tauscher of Ohio, and In ■tractor Bathke. Electrical student Pvt. Braynard 1 avs proudly: "After four weeks in j he shop I could wire my farm I louse." The electrical shop, according to ; Lieutenant John S. Aiken ol Ashe- . ville, attempts to duplicate the aclual j ■L ilian electrical scene. A storeroom has been converted into a projection i room where Westinghouse and Gen eral Electric films on electricity nr" ;hown to the students as a supple ment to regular classes. Several tours have been sponsored iv shop instructors to Duke Univere -itv and University of North Carolina I engineering schools and the IHirham hydroelectric works at Lake Michie. MANY BUTNER MEN BEING DISCHARGED Camp Butner, Aug. 31.- All enlist -d men with 8f> or more points as agned to the convalescent hospital. U. S. Arniv general hospital or ho oital center at Camp Butner will be discharged from the Army before September 1, it was revealed today n an announcement from I-t. Palmer ). Aasnumdst. director ol military personnel for the three install tions Most of the high point men in these organizations have already hit im • ■po. linn centers or ci.i. ulidation letaarhments. CONVALESCENTS AT BUTNER IMPROVING Ca Butner Aug 31 In a n az< ol ropes. mats and nieria tie halls ol a barracks sized rejr ''dial gymnasium m Convalescent hospital. Camp But ner. convalescing returnees with wound injuries are gradually evreis ing their way to better health. To the cadence of tt e voice <,* i heavy-set Tech f> Lee L Ttigobofl. enlisted man in charge and lurin'] physical training instructor of \e\>. York. X. Y.. patients are getting the kinks out of arm. leg and body mas ties in scwnlil ic fash! n By naans ol ample pa ull' l bars, chest weights, bikes, stall bars, row mg machine... wri t rotators and i other ctpnpment. men returned Irom the battle zones arc learning to fight such enema - of good I • . Ith and ! vwll-being as ankylosis ol the joints, atrophy of the muscles and m rve dis orders. Patients come fron 1 1 i i ack I ections ol th< conval i n1 ho ,t rea on doctors’ i>rd< i - \ t any a I tin a dnv are handl' d by the rode hal i". nmasitnn cla K; ch ci >:i i i -trtletefl in ex'rejso tint c. II hc:P i present condition d .; o 1 tin ol i o' ho effect ivcl.v ia i t iced at home after hi' release from th < \rmy. As much indiviilird eoiisd ia tion i rendered hv instructors as i no-sl I" m an average 28-n an class The progre.t of each man syste matically recorded on charts. J * — FARM GIRLS REVAMP ! OLD SUITS OF MEN ('•’liege Station, Raleigh. Aug 31. Men's discarded suits, shut-, and other apparel are now being u-* I by faun girls *<. make smart outfit- f. women. according to Ruth Curr* 1.1 State home demonstration agt nt the State College Extension Service For instance. Mi-s Current stud, attractive ensemble of coat, -kft ti ; blouse can be made from used part.-* of two of dad'< old suits and a dis carded dress shirt. Such conservation ideas nr" prac ticed by rural girls participat ng in the National -111 Clothing Achiev merit Program. The activity not onh encourages the girls to develop their creative abilities in sewing. knPin1 crocheting or ither noedlccraf: art. hut also n repairing or remaking old clothing. Miss Current said. Outstanding records of achieve merit in this program will receive special recognition in the form of merit awards. These include she medals to county winners, and Na tional t-H Club Congress honor t the State champion. In addition 1? girl.; selected from the date pbam I ions Will each receiv e a $200 college eholarship. Th" program is directed by the State College Extension Sen i” • and 11. S. Department of Agriculture co operating County homo agents in North Carolina will furnish complete information. The typi al Japanese headdress >• mad*' of fig-ued cloth, with a r* und I knot at tiic back of the neck Burlrt! >• -iti’esgr ■:inu nui ■ ' i; f" <• i the life ol , Surma ' i . • •. the beginning of the Chi .-ban era. (Mb (WH fa |— As I qdvertilO d ■ in LIFE I LANE (HOPE CHEST SHIRLEY TEMPLE .oy... •■u’hmihrRr.ii r*mif™n Yes! I.ane, the real love gift, is /fUmK. Vii/ ^ rrur / f»»f I'owt wuh a Hnpt Omt" worth waiting for! To assure sw,i,y Ipn.pl.. i,co-.f»rr.d earliest possi hie del ivcrv on your with Ginqer Rogers and l * - J-.. ph Conpn m thn Sp'i- Lane (.hest, register vour name nek International Picture ** •■i ll be seeing rou" on our Lane W'aitillt; list now' HENDERSON FURNITURE CO. HENDERSON, N. C. s - - J FLOWERS I FOR EVERT OCCASION * Phone S80 Oajr or Night V BRIDGERS The nort*‘ I I Plymouth Perfect Flannelette Crib Pads Waterproof, absorb ent, non irritating and odorless. Four pads size 12x14. $1.00 mam Country Club Pool Will Reopen Saturday After a thorough cleaning the pool will be open Saturday and be ready for the final week of the season. ! BACK TO SCHOOL Long Sleeves, Short Skirts in Solids, Checks Sleeves, Cardigans or am Plaids. Sizes 1) to 1 (, Slip-Ons. -4 l" ■— $3.75 „p $2.98 up Reversible it is! The coat made for weather—- * rain or shine. Solids and Tweeds. $14.95 and $16.50 • Off to school in the Short and Belted Top blessed Chesterfield — per to stride jauntily into Black. Brown. Blue, fall. It's a coat you’ll like Green, Red. Junior and because of its comfort- j regular sizes. able fit and good looks. $26*50 Up Brown Loafer Style- $16*50 Up Ease. Excellent for school girls. All sizes. All leath $6.95 hTATir1!?! WE WILL HAVE BULBS KIVU*. FROM HOLLAND, SEPTEMBER 15 E. G. Davis & Sons Company ___ _^^^^■———— I . ^

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