Po/tern p/poe 't<' £ iqrena CARLFTOi' - •iiiloil out of htv, into hi r Im roi:rn a |i:i r| mint to In ti r the ilur.ition of the war. %!'>!' i MW: Spmiscr lejirrm his Hr |, - i it ill \iuiti* a ii is in w hr ii he s, , •'•iinlra lni:;h «•!? tin* flirtalioiis «ju(( •if a u•mil fiatiircd * haiilfnir 1 t >*»ntiic 'ii'■> J.I-oi rrnphaliiallv «.t.11• flist hi "I not ui I in list Hilled 1 America, nor will ho liko it. CITAPTKR STX SPKNSPR WITHIXdTON n, l.i:: . 1 1. .i inquiry n g ir ling S.in lira's s' rvanta. ' V. lu i c is your cook - - you maid?” It had not taken him Ion to walk through the living roon two lx ‘dr.."ins and hath, the dinir. alcove and kitchen that forme Sandra Kdw,arils’ living quarter.' His estimation of it all was unmis takably low. "I don't see.” he told her, tnssim his cap upon the davenport, "v. Ini you possibly keep them." “That's the answer. I don't. M place is ton small to keep help. IV cause it is so small I don't neei help." "Oh?" he said politely, and sa down, still keeping his puzzled gazi on her. "I don't seem to remembe ever having known anyone withou servants.” The girl did not sit down. Shi remained standing and her voir, was tart. "I regret that I don't liv. up to your expectations, Spenser I have a cleaning woman win comes in twice a week, but he: duties do not include this sort o thing." She picked up his cap, fron the davenport, and handed it ti him. "You'll find a peg for this or your closet door." For an eyc-clashing moment she feared he was going to refuse tr put away his own cap. the did not know what she would do if he dis obeyed. Then ho smiled. Thai strangely .angelic smile that made him all big blue eyes and rudd\ cheeks. Candidness and boy is! dimples. “Righto," i;c exclaimed heartily as if it were his own idea. "Can i have things dotted all about the living room, can we?" When he re-entered the tiving room Sandra was leaning out thi window, her elbows on the ledge bracing her shaking figure. "1 put away the moldy old cap,' Spenser shouted. "For the duration 1 hope. I loathe anything on mj head." He joined the red-hairei girl, studying critically the bin hat, still on her head. “I shouli think you would, too," ho said lapsing from British decorum. "I'n not frigid fully keen on. that hat Sandra." "Really? I hnrdiy think—” Tin girl discoveri d she was at a loss foi words to express her inner sar casm. Nut the least bit disconcerted Spenser Continued: "Tire hat k definitely smart. I hnarine. Mrs ' ■ fc | Abruptly ro’.id j ■ .. ; , ' ' ■ • ; a Oil mg w - rv. 1 j The r. M am ,] cirl f. it h< r hoar • jump with synu ithv. She put la 1 ib< it i j . Jl,st ns rpjickly. he wriggled a-ax • from her. 11 ’fi t bother, pirns c!” h t bark< "I'm all • ;ht. R illy I n I a. hat ed if I’ll he l ted." Hi; | throat jerked f-»r a smut while I.ut, xxhen ho turn: 1 to h r onei more, his fare was h! ind His xa ire ; however, was critical, far he ha [ returned to tlie subject of tlie bat As soon as we can shop to Ifptiler 1 11 select a hat far you, San a a." He scrutinize 1 her featurt. ■ | and her hair, then suddenly v a. ' . not looking at ht r at all, "I know.’ he said, as if he were walking in . Iream, "precisely tire sort I wan 1 you to have." ; A hat like one he had seen h mother wear. Sandra knew that as if he had voe • d the thought 1 This time she ma ie n. > cntnfo> tins gesture in response to ie yearn Ing. She dii] not u:. h to expa riene again that £e< ling of 1- ing ui " ant I ed, that shoving m ale of her .-gw ! I'athy. "I think,” she sai l urighMy, *'T'. • Hkc a young man to ! t’a ha for me.” With her words rnmo the dori sion to take off the i.riVndin;: feath ! ered topknot. “lax nie.” sh i said, and left the window. Siie walked across the livin. room and into the narrow hallwa adjoining tlie bedrooms. As sir passed Spenser’s room somethin) caught Her eye and stopped !e r, if she were mesmerized. Tie n hurried on. The boy was at the window, stil staring at I.ake Miehixuin, \vh u Sandra came back. Instead of go ing to his side she glanced through tiio south window into Oak stre< I Casually she said: "Mrs. Fm.'ii more didn't lose much time callin' on us. I'm sure ti1'11 :s -die comin: in now.” Wasting no time on a reply j Spenser shot into his bedroom Soon lie was back, seating him.-i-! or. one end of the davenport. Sun lira took tlie opposite end. Tie waited. And waited. And waited, i The youngster glare ed at til Clock over Hie tie ; lace. "She's ■ ■ not Mrs. Ira.” it ' girl's words ; o in t of i n • tv." ’ ■! P: ,-n r. “why Wli.it was ■ not one. "Why ‘ > y< ir bedri>om ! Mi s. K. iitiinnn o was * ’ '1 ’’ ' - d o* ■ r the I. .*,'s rcgu* . i • Il-hni n sullen 1 ' : 1 . n r< tllM:ed. ’ " j-1 *} • ! at ! is reluctance. ‘Tell me!" ' If v ■'i must know, I went Ir to ) mg up my nip.” Having blurt s onfession, he m w u ed: i u ti> i" l, Sandra, saving Mrs. [■' more was coming up." j 'I d you when you toll me you had hung up your cap. Why?’* r iquii Hied. "I don't know i i isdy I tietiiwe i threw ,f fin the door. I.-.'cause you Were so blasted ' ' •' "1. A i hap d ii .-n't like to d. y'know." His voice sank lo little more than a whisper. :: liow, it made me feel better to toss the old thing on the floor— I si • it "1 to g'-t my breath easier.’’ Ii:.-: di.'nnifort lessened Sandra •’'ids' severity. "Naturally," she -ad, wheedling good humor into 1 ' r tone, "I'd not like to interfere 'Mi yi or breathing. P.nt try and *•" toward me as you would to ■ :1 Mr- Kennimore.” i "That is scarcely possible.” I "Ho you tike tier ta tter, Spen ser'."' He aid not answer the fer i vent player ip. her heart. She per sisted: "Had you rattier go to her?" 'll ' buy's reply was rasping and ' ilicnt. "I told you if I didn't Id " it hero I'd go to h r." dra was > qually impatient. “I lu he said sternly, "but I ! don't e : re for that atl itude. Decide hat you v. int to do," The I r'iddi n s'tueinvsR on his counte ■' u d (tasteful to her. "Hur ry i:;" she pro,: :. ; "Make up your The realization that she was ( serious jolt, d the English child. , "P -chaps I'd better carry on here,” ■the granted.. "I tancy Mrs. Kennl e has quite a d,. to look after dl the little blighters who have . no—" His r.une too appreciative : glance swept about the living room. I "No home," he managed, l The tell phone rang. "If that ■ should he Mrs. Kennimore ringing i tit i. Vi mi might toll her," he said in . his lordly way. "that I've decided ■ to stay here with you." It ■ .s Capitoia. "What gives?" ' e d into Sandra Edwards' J 1 r. “Why haven't you called me? . I I've beer. agog. So lias everyone ' el->- I " • s lie like it here? I lues he I i like you? Are you happy-?" - ; Tim dressmaker cut into her , s-i -rotary's avid questions. "Let’s | ..us! say I am diverted, Capitol* • • I'll t oil yi .ii all tomorrow." II 'To He t ojilinned) ' V eteran Combat Marines Get Read) For Jap Landing Heady to go ashore for the occupation of Japan, veteran combat Mamies arc < i ' u attack I ranspor U.S.S. Lanier in Tokyo’s home waters. Here they crowd a landing emit slunu ’!>.• l-at, ■ r rati and in this they will be taken from the ship for landing operations. V. S. X..vy Ph go (In!, rnafvmal .vundphoto). . . . . . W 1 n l n , . 1 'IV I_ r Aew Aimew allows now Domncni uauuui Made from a low-flying plane which took off from thc fltsM when i. ^^1 ‘^V,Vta!’u‘nr<^'I!n Ansi been'’terrifically baTtered'by1 u'. S. bombers. Hardly a building is lcll lauding in the city’s center. Olliual Navy Radiophotu (International Soundphoto). — I THIMBLE Ti IEATRE—Star rin${ JPopcye t. ___ b'\ T ISN' ‘ £p— - • - •—- - - -.. I !"• • rANT '-j = ?-,NER he : .y Tr no Thas se'tern 1 ;P'NA.CM ""rlE /MERE I KJESES VA,Tae ) ’ STRcnoER I FEELS JY'TZ _y-^T'i :(£vu .Vvpy; Thats 50 NICE ( say slwpim i y ABOUT A ) - 7 giant??)'- ^ .tv i s *•-- - - -- .jfl BLONDIF- - !< ^’ur-d «' *• r*'n‘ No Time Wasted! Kv Chir Young ,/j " r.' ! >> r, ) ETTA KETT-- , „__. _. ROBINSON (VJELL.IF IT ISNT THE t_ | LOOK WMOS | f HAP.'HAP.;' I BLABBED BiG HOLLYWOOD TALENT LAUGHING THE BlZ TO ETTA ABOUT SCOUT.'MAKE ANY^ —' ✓ KEN TRICKING HER I WATCH THE FUN ! ■ ) THE GUMPS- HOT TONSILS 5-oyoUTHOiJ.jHT WE W" 'W'THAT ^ T’O. 1 To WELL' \vOUNP‘J LIRE I WFRE OERiOUC; EH IZ7.V ■’ ] PREPC-VERY HER AJHP THENJ Vl$ITOt»,iS\A BKOK.F.M NOT THAT YOU VYOULPN— PECOMINCr-THE HE— I -50UNP-> UKF) RECORP | BE COMPETITION FOR £HlKREP NECkLlNI • vo ',V ASP ViaME AkV WOMAN-PUT WE-AH- l-SYOUTHFUl_ LOVE •• TRiS'HA ’) PRO VTf/NCE _ REALLY TELIOT OWR —— =7, p,N*FtAES; APE THE FR -T HLIPBANPO- , . i.u‘NMS - H "r TALRIN4 MACHINE V -a’ ' • EPicON ONLY INVENTED - ' THE R1NP THAT I THE OLD HOMETOWN ... By STANLEY SURE BEEN A BACKWARD ')/YEAH. TH'BOYS AT TH'N SL-ASON- -OLD MAN B/MGLeA fire house say th' FELL OUT O' HIS PLUM / USUAL OASOL/NE STOVE TREE TWO WEEKS LATER EXPLOC/ON /N MRS T0DD3 THAN LAST YEAR SUMMER KITCHEN WAS —j——p" ten days over due \ ( . ,) JfA—UP TO MOON TODAY-' ^ s SCOTT S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT I ,,,,,,‘SCff/vpy and pacific jr~\ oceans and THe'wHoLEoF '^WST' TW A Costarica ,k_J ‘*\j PRYWineisa Apevisibie /j ^ completely from-Thlpean fermented OF IRAZU- 1 WINE 11,200 FFET— AND ITS Summit can EASILY BE , _ _ FLAlHEP B) V/eIat lan^uaTe NAME. oF 'fri. ; FiliPino A MAN ON Do MOST BRAZILIANS CHI! !■ OF IV. LICE IS HoosrBACK speak r AYEROFLAHO ■-il>s moTEr savv Her FiRt-r i 8 Ji torT'u^uese airplane oust before His Tip .i —I and <;avl him Tilt name I ..'. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay ‘■The Authority on Authorities'* — ■ .. ■ —-— ■ - ■ —. NOT DONE WITH .M1KKOKS MANY ('b' the accomplishments at the raid table Seem at lirst as if they would be impossible except with the aid of mirrors or some other devices of the legerdemain artist. Hut when they are ex plained they become undeistand ahle In this class, of course, fall j those hands on which the declarer takes a number of tricks which just naturally are not "In the cards” except after certain things 1 begin to happen. 4 Q J 9 5 V J S 7 4 None Jf> A K Q 7 4 2 ♦ 8 2 -m- * 10 f> 3 V A Q 10 5 24 V K 9 C 4 W E 4 Q 10 9 4 A 7 :s S 4, J 10 8 6 4. it r> 3 - A A K 7 4 v 3 2 4KJS6542 Jj, None (Dealer West Neither side vul nerable. ) West North East South IV 2 jp. Pass 2 4 Pass 34, Pass 34 Pass 4 4 Did you ever score 13 consecu tive tricks against opponents hold ing two aces against you. if you bad two "sure losers" in their best suit7 If not. share the thrill , earned by William 1? Hill. Ji manager of the bridge supply de- , partmenl of the American Con- ! Distributed bv Kintr E* tract Bridge league 1:1 ,\eil ..UK, when he dal it roe. idly. West ha til,- diamond A against his spade garni' and it didn't take Inm more than a few moments to figure out the p,,. 1/iiities of the situation He naturally ruffe.1 that in the dummy discarded two hearts on top clubs, scored the spade Q and led the spade il to the A The diamond K won and a small diamond was ruffed with the spade J Then the heart 7 was ruffed by the spa le 7 anil the spade K used to fell the J With nothing left now hut set-up dia monds. he ran them to complete his unhid and "i .possible" grand slam. * * * Tomorrow’s Problem ♦ Q J Id *lf!H 5 ♦ 6 -r< * Q 0 S r, ♦ 8 7 4 3 ^ A 9 R V K J G 3 ‘ * A 7 4 2 ♦ A 7 3 u A Q J 9 H ♦ 7 4 S * A J 10 A A K r> 2 <* 10 A K 10 4 2 A K 5 3 2 (Dealer West. Both sides vul nerable. ) If South bids diamonds on hi» first turn, spades later, and gets into 2-Spades which W, -t doubles, what deicnsive p'.m should he fol lowed throughout ? atureii S\ n.h, ..*■ tne Wife Preservers l»uli t! i\ sin Is on soilou coilui'S aiul ruffs of si'll, ’s Koll thrill llisulr tin* slurt, ami soak f* i 1 .r» minutes Just before Uaoiuii^. selllb With . lore they are canned you know, and o\< :eookti .• will destroy food value, appeal unee and flavor.