1 U'iTIL MY BOY IS HOMS Pec t tell me It's over, either — until we've nailed down some of the thincs those '..is gave up two, three years of their lives for.. Cicme cf them, all there was of their lives. .. The war won't be over as long as there are millions of men under arms in Europe and Asia —bored to death now that there is no fighting to do, and pathet ically eager for the entertainment provided by the actors sent over by USC-Cnmp Shows, w!rrh for a few short hours makps them forqet that thev are far from homo and are lcno;inq to get back. It won't be over as long as there are tens of thousands of service men in hos p:t~ls in this country, eac h of whom forgets his amputated arm or leg, or his shell torn body, as he watches and listens to the actors sent to entertain him by the Hospital circuit of USO-Camp Shows. Nor will it be over while there are millions of men under arms in this country, for whom the USO recreation centers n^r their camps provide an escape from the dreary routine of peacetime army life The war won't be over as long as hundreds of ships carry food and supplies to our millions of service men in Europe and Asia, and the seamen who man them need the recreation centers estab lished in all important ports cn lire seven seas by United Seamen's Service. Don't tell me the war's over til! we've solv ed ail these problems. And get this one straight. . . don't te-1! me it's over. . ■ that it will ever be ovvr. . . if wc fa:!, now, to read, w-i <3 helping hand to the people we're freeing from the bloody yoke of oppression. It's not just human ar.d decent to help them had; to their feet. . . help them to begin to help themselves . . . but ihr-i's tire only way So keep my boy's kids from hovir.g another mess to clean up a generation from now. The biggest gift I can make to the War Chesi is a small price to pay for that. Isn't that the way you feel about it, too? Give Generously To Your Community War Fund Vance County’s Quota $15,750 CAROLINA BAGGING COMPANY HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA