WANT ADS! PHONE 610 FOR SERVICE FOR SALE MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKKltS Emm The South's longest Monumental Factor; W. W. EANOSTON 2111 Yeung St., Phone 773 lfi-lti 1.1 )T Kill: - M. I. DESIKARU ; i : ]. I , I i': i K :" ’ r 1 i 1 H2 1-2 I7h .. Ml .1 V A ,, . .‘.'IN ' , ( ; II. ", : ' , rt j.in 14::-U' 11-41. PAINTS' PAINTS' KINK i.iUAI. I y j i Pinrt \’., all I ' I ’. I S .|I all- \s III tc a a.I \ a " ( , , ' •" . : i. 11 • a !11 • i ■ II .. • • I h.'r! Alt\ S V. :. i ' | ■ t 11.: \ i. 11 !'• .1 ■ il l: FOR S'.I.K V.M.rAP.I.K I ARM *t.* *: . i ■ . - * ’ . 11 . Pi a, i nl IP . 11 .: i. 111 j 11 •. j: 11; l nt: • Club . Seven re hi lac, ■ I .ci.:. I: me B Wn; - u n . i;-:iti AC r< )M 'PI Ii \V< I '! I III-, \TKRS N" 1- 1. P i: e I * ' i lit*., A al a * . i anti a .va ||. I M VV.a .1, 1, .'.at' C, FOR SA1.F I.ARCH SIZE I ■RE '.va: -a : a . ain.; he.ilee a es, leii; ■ ■'oltt.■ ills, mt'ilile I r hea' at Pa.- ■, 1.. a :* i >, i.i ia . a imp .1 a AI .1 Ml P DUTCH i iV !• NS, FRY I'la ' a a t .a.a- ji.m , 'Ml ■ . • M ea • - ' a Hi U ail..11 I la. I .-. (a. :.-:r , Vine i A I ' !■' P; \P la n: SALE IT ■ ■ 'a la •• I. pt-.e. til.; a a 1 ' a ■ : ' a a';. Ai 1:1.og 'S ' H.... i . a: e 11 V | g a i * Hi.' a I gll ITill- i ■: 'pa n,. I a 1, V. : lie, ; P .lie ] at a- P : I flite. i :I j I | , 1 a , ; H ' ' I. 7 .. PEI r-i ,,-1 'IP a , H i. I. : ... I: , a. V. , l II,VI . Ei 'it s \i.ip Hi:n mi )di:i. a ki hid : 4-4 ;• I a , -1 e.iaili t i lli-int i lut ■ . I ', P p; i.-,. W.I I a. 1! I -' "M ,U I'm.- I al Slat; , I Is' ; . E'.a . PI...it u-r-tt. BURPEE TIN CAN SEAT.MRS NO 3 N , P tin Watki-n Harri " a t- I ' ' IJ-HP. I-'t )R ‘ ..I .F I Cl K A -1 'I i| A Dis 1 pi n.- • : . I !•' -ai,I i -i (’,irb... i.at • ! 1-.i* . ■ i I, a (Pr i (’Reek Wi ll • 1C R. '■ . I \ P' . Mi .Pe . 1 "a af „ ... ., | : eight .ail a iV .V ■ ail I '. . .IX III-;: ; AT 1! P PP i;; ('Alt i i\VNERS 1 !•' .,- i Ct l I: I a at e I, i I ai v m '.t- i * '• - • • hay '-a- All.,-; Fit- Pa- 1 <• 1 at , gi: . itee.l I- • - . i I' e •:. inl'■ ia mi - in:!i:i in.nl!v : ' a -atl ha.-ai -1 B •!! Tall F I- -I ! a.I 11 .: . . ,-fi.l D.a M K i S ■ a e. 20-tf two ' i -i: 11 ini snow CASES 1 P; - ■■ i i .i onabli-. It i' <; ■ F -a 720. 0-121 i Tin-1: -pi pi ai 11,ias pint size, ' > .!Vries, battery lan tern a ■••II and hnl ■ hot bat tel . .p.. .. IIai.l.va,e IP 0-3t i i GOOD Ql ,!.i I'Y U OOD II EAT- ! > »V - i:h j ilo'A n : if:, m idp hi ■ hot-' steel | I' ■ 'll' ' '1 l !.'• m- ,l till iinifal i hem* n de Alex '1. Watbin . I 10-1 •. OHp.-r . ■ * i: I'.IKS'i.iALfZEl i 1 '■ ■ 'a.' 1 I :n 1> ' ;■ mlr • 1'- lam ! i. alt .'act i vc lit igl is. I i >(a . I ! i | ) i ii .$ ] .niI up nann* II iv i • ! i . . I K-mte;' i,n I !,,v)K Sail c. 4-tf GAHBAG!•' C A X S , COTTON ■a. 'i, prewar lard tin . No. 2 and No 3 t ii rails for canning. Wat kin- I I.l I'll A ll I P ( 'l i. Sl-.'i' CLOTHES I'l.NS. ALUMINUM, 3lie dozen G.iH aiu/cil wire, clothe backet U at!..ii Hardware Co. g-ati FOR RALE TWO FRESH MILK cow '.'. .ii. e. ,ni1 ml third ea1 \ i All k •o.l n-ii'-te: T. I. Ilar ringlon, phone 2H02 or see me at High Price Warehouse. ti-3ti ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS, BATH rnuni, bedroom and kitchen light tixUire-:. Watkins Hardware Co. ELECTRIC STOVE FOR SALE. IN | good condition. Call at S.iile I). 1 ,a\v Building, 1 (1-1 L FOR INTERIOR PAINTING USE j l'latlux. I! covers with one coat j It's an ml base paint. Dries quick ly. Colors peach, pink, cream, ivory, buff, light green, powder blue, j inqud, and white. Alex S Watkin.- Phone 33. 3-4ti GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything for youi table. We deliver and save you gas and time. Phone 433. Always re.i v to serve you. Herbert's Yel low Front 25-tf I .. ' _ _ SHOE LEATHER, SHOE SOLES rubber stick-on soles. rubber heels, heel plates, shoe tread, sad dle soap. Neatslene shoe grease. Watkins Hardware Co. 9-3ti TYPEWRITERS. A I) 1) 1 N G MA chines. Cash registers, Steel Desk, IAIuminu n Chairs, Steel Files and Pianos s( on to be available. Place your order now for early delivery. Alford's Printing & Office Supply Coatptmy. 5-tl i i FOR SALE >NF I.I.I * l RI(' i >RJ1 ,|.. FR( >M I 4 III.'ll t.i I I S1 .111 .ill W.it .11 1 l.u 11\\ .a r i n I'hunt* 41). !i HU WF 11A V F \ FFW KLFCTRIC ill'll n R I. S:,;u fwhiie ,v S' 'll Fee i . .Hies . !J • • [ I'KDTFl T Yot'U TAliFF TOP lies'.' pb. . It any size fur table t'.ps. Kdgi In eleil anil pi.li-'it’d Anil) iJ'* plain i.r salety, rut and installed ,\ K lVny Cainf'e, pin.lie HUD H 11 Ill'll' 'Al'AFMY CAN YAP. I'lilVK Pel ,/e Walls.n • I lardv. a.. i ;|. , REPAIR - SERVICE R AI) I () REPAIR SERVICE A <-<• 1111,!<■!«• n -k ill' tubi and re placement pari lor any make radio. Prompt ervice. All work yuai anteed. Free pic.; up -ervice IT and 11 Radio Hi air K e, i;i:i t Mon! gi on ; y .-Pit! 1 ’hone 2:il. ‘ 8-tl HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE ie a.red 'V Singer expert iiip Genuine Sing, • parts 1.;; 1 I All •'U i 1 .mierd. Repair; • I up T . i. day all. , al Walk-in Hi hvare (' > . and de I . e. d : , . p, v II, . V.ae . '■Ui Suii'.er Sewiii:; M,..-oiue Co . II W. P ... h Si , |) In,mi, N 11-27; i FI. It Y AND WATCH R F.l’A IR ■ .. ei.vut.i! . ! 11 ted, estimates eerl uby n ide NiiW op, 0 for 1' ine. s T; 1 1 I Sonne, 2n i fluoi Bldg 2U!) S. f 1.1; nett St , Henderson. X. U 25-27ti PRFPARF FOR v.'IXTF.R: IN 4■ 1 till a liew nmlTler and eli RunaF' pan fumes. Sprinkl ■ I i re in. 1 .'Id William Si red. 9-t f FOR PROMPT ELECTRICAL SEH e 1 HI Dutfell Electric Con I'-Pnj. Silt's and Ser\ace. Phone X 1 11> 17. P (). Box lid, Bender on, X. IX 28-20ti St.’.VIXG MACHINE AND VACUUM 1 I I'l'p..;: S V: I. i R bill!: s A uu; M.udime . Paris. All vr irk • ' ■ ■ Hi" i. Tannei Si wing M.i ' nine Shop, lb me 1 10-W. H-.a'i ANY MAKE RADIO CAN BE RE "n i red ul Updeirch & Daeke Two expel ienced radio service men and a complete stock of radio p.ols at your service. Bring your set to Upchurch St Daeke. or for o A op 'iv "i ■" ca'1 'MW 18-11 HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED Go 1 1 iu 1 y u 1 ul i• .11 a.i : hi. A ■ - | 1 V V. !b to. Wool,', I ! till', v s I 1; 9-t: WANTED ONE AU’I’t HVR iBILK n e a mil a-. \; m!y at R, I iable Weld.ng and Machine Works. WANTED AT ONCE COLORED .■Oman to cool: and keep small bun 1 clean. Very good salary. f t, uiy job. (11 stay oil lot 11 de ..a■ 11. Call at Bui., rX Pawn Shop. in-" WANTED: SIX WHITE LADIES lor Hole) Vance. Good pay. 8-0ti WANTED NEAT COLORED CURL In work at lunch counter, $15.00 !■ week and hoard. Apply at Ihgh Price Lunch Room, High 1 h ice Watch'< tse, 9-2ti NURSE WANTED: STAY ON THE lot. Mrs. li. II. Mixon, phone 8(17-W. G-tf WANTED TRUCK DRIVER AT once. Apply in person at night’s t oa I & Wi' >rl 9-lf WANTED: TWO BELLBOYS AND other help wanted at Hotel Vance. 8-6ti WANTED C< 'Li 'RED MAN or F’AM ily as caretaker. Must be reliable, congenial, interested in boats, f.siting and hunting. Write 1’. O. Box 38, Henderson. N. C. 7-tf WANTED WANTED—ALL PEOPLE SUFFER mg from kidney trouble or back ache to try K1DDO, 97c Money back guarantee. Page - Hoeutt Drug Co. 2:i-tf WANTED NEW OR USED ELKC tiic iruit. Call Hull, Daily Dis patch WANTED TO RENT: THREE OR four mom furnished or unfurnish ed apartment by permanent t esi dent. Phone Dispatch at 500. tl WANTED II A It LEY DAVIDON motorcycle. Will pay cash Do sey Tillot-on, Route 3. Henderson N. ('. lt:-3ti WANTED A CIRCULATOR OIL heater. Call 404 or 779-J ; fte ■ 7 p. in. 9-5ti COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN wants two or three room unfur nished apartment for light house keeping. Phone 1133-J. 5-5ti WANTED TWO ROOM UNFUR nisred apartment for man and wife. Call Mr. W. W. Edward- at Southside Drug Co. £ 3ti SPECIAL NOTICE LION'S ('ll' L SgUAIil- DAW S.itui tl.i> iii11 at Ai iinn>. !* 12, .ttlmi- .nil >’1 e pi i jir > iii, 1(I-1‘ SEE YOUH COAL PEA LEE NOW, and In' may In* aide In help ynu keep warm this winter. Call on o H. O. Ealkner "nd Son. 1‘hone 2(in 3-tf H( »Si*l I'AI, 1\SUKAN. r. CAR( J linn ('asll.i!! v Insin anee 1 ' . ! Sav ior's lie .; ,i nee Se: v . r 11 | Bekhan \i;ent. Hi X 7 lit. Ilen derson, N C , phone 41!n-W. •{i»-27ti AUTOMOBILE I N S i ilANCE IS nr 'iv mi. .i. y now than (■’. ii a' We !.., e hiit y at in • : I"1 n i i W 1»a i ■ f i n; 111 (11 ■ n i ■ i ■: 11 J n - ill.litre Phone if,2-J. 20-1 LIONS . OUARK 1)AN( s ill. .IV II eh! A. Ill II V. h 12. ail.i . at ..lie | ie; |ie on. 10-1 t voc ni-:i:i» only rkah I he in v. 4|in|>er hi adlmes o (i tisi r \ i ■ the iremeiiddiis in f r«*ii:■•(• iii ititli.midiile acci dent . Are yuu insured np'am ! • eh hazards? I'.etter be ate I liilti Surry wit It ilde '111a11 iii'.tirtiiiii Costs so Iii lie I’itmi'll 1 nstir;tiiee aps nev. ! ’Itolle Tod Ilf lbd-.J. 1 if LOST—FOUND LOST VC .MAX'S BROWN I.EATH fi'. 1 iii.i. •• /-ip: •< ■: piu'.'e i'u:it:iinii i ■. <R i • i i ’ ’ -on- i hi ! ntlie:' vtilu.i < 1 i mil- Aloiiil.iy •' t1'. I' j I- : i-lin ii ! i Clnt-I' n| I',-!.., ii :i■. ; OR SVOLI-'X lancK KK ninlr- |-i,!nti’i, •• with bn.n - i. el ill brown (i L:ii! '1 I'll k : I i i 1 > .it: I . t1 . II II.'.I Jl II km'.- -in ■ > ■ c.'.-i'.:, .1. R VV. 11111. i:: I i' j (J.. t n. 11 ■ S: fit...in- R7'J-.I Id-., LOST: M A VS SLACK CLOVE !: •'! i- '.h Willi;,m tr. - Rl-v.'.iI ( '. ;vl. t ‘ i ,J ,(■!'. 11 -tit i I.( )ST AT W i i El'K • >N NORLIN. \ r->:id Sim I ,i... ]j..t■, 1 ,11 iiil' ' R| A .1 . I Rl’t ! |: il t. , I ’. St:, r (i met . v 'J ;! LEGAL NOTICES I Xl < I TOR.X NOTH ft We hare tli .- day iiuahfiml before ‘: (’!••! k oi S; i j KM ior ( ' * irt, of Vance County as eseeiP.».• .> 1 the ■'.'il 1 ot oar iia>‘. ,c. . Anna 11 Wy he, kite of Vmice County. I bis is !i. nobly all per. -ns hav i ing claim, ayaiimt t!i».• e>t. • >1 aid decea - mil. p: < cut them to !;. • lin er •. cued duly venhed on • r he'.ore the 12th day 1 Sepieuhe. . lP-HI. -> j tliis notice will hr plmadml in bar I of their recovery. All per ms m de!)ted to aid elate are i <•<|lie u i to make immediate j.av in nt. This the 121!i day - 1 Srptembi-i 1945. 04. A R 11 A MM IF.. AITIUSTI'S R KA VIS. Executors of the Will ! Anna Ik Wyche. D a 1(. l A. A Runn, Attorney. 12-19-20-2-10-17 NOTH ! OF S\! ' O' North ('ai olrna: Vance County: l' lit . riv! bv ■. i ' . i of llu- Si I la ri f'i' 1 t \'a .a ■ f'mmty, North ('arni :' ir in tin specia I i n ■ .r i• 1' i” • ■ i i ■ rI— ing. cnt it h d H 11 !!'i. I, \ Tung ten Millin'1 (' , md under and ov !: luo i ( 1 ■ dor Kp-X.ilp ill.o-i an I ill, - I bid tin- m ‘ ':, 1 ( . [will i.n Ua 261; dav o i 1 i i■ 194.6. at i:’ .. : .a . v .on. • : a l 'owl ! T iii.'ip d "i in I lendr: on. N (' . offer for silo | i the i.. \ ■ t ! ; i - der f"■■ cash. U|i n a■" ■ i• ' of $2100.00. led • 11 b j i "'t to • |, • > ■ i . !ii illation of the (’ •: rb 4 • I: fact i-'ghts or fee n 1b.it ce: 1 • i i *. * o land and being in Willi' Township. Vance County. Vo 'h Carolina, adi"ining lands of \ l.i Morton, Marrow, and olhr and more |'art icularly de ;t;be t ! al low- : lie-" n at a b me in Moi-h- ' bn": run theoee N 66 1-2 !•'. 10.70 chain to i si i|<e. ' ■ tint 1 v a pine: N 72 ! 2 K 9 a.'! el' a ; ns to a take ill old ran i, C m onin'i along aid N 2.611' N 12 1-9 K I 7.6 • ” 4 W 4 ott: N 3.7.6: " h: k > to- \t •>;> |.; ;> on \i -,n ff i ii6 V 67 1-2 If 4 16: N nt " -.<•• \" 2,8 If 4 40 cii- i". to a 4 mo "t the path I 1 0 fl e s' tier ): thence a! me Mo12m i 89 l-° 6 ”o eha ns b> a stake in branch. Morton's and Seek'- ■ irnci" Ihenee down llv In o> b s 02 ' 1 0" s •'! r i r v r q .in I.4 1 pa ,,, ■ Star' 's 'V 18 I -■> !■' t I 66 stone. 1 Pet ll's per S 6 t 1-2 b 17.81 to P.lar' ('. • •• ii" ■ ■ 5 Hi W 79 link to Owen’.' Co"' s 87 If lt.lt (•' "I" t 1 stone. Marrow's come1 S .6 W .68.6.1 to n ■ ■! I ' id' "\ on X o th !'■ a branch. I'anaT ... V 86 ie ilong a line of marked trees 44.06 chains to a Hint -"in 'i• t.■ 2 46 to red on1: ide Idle' S 86 W 1 ..61 chains to gum -.'"bn v " 1 ‘’ll chains '"lilt ' 1" ' ■ . ■ ' 44 i j " W 7 06 d'ai't • ni" i l. b" •• v 2.7 W 8 If' t , I ' 4 I '4 2. I l-4’ W 6 27 chain • 4 ■ Con tain inn 2'd ere . ■ r less, ao coi ding to ol.i4 !■ ■ "a Tavlor ai4 C. • " '"'da'no November 24. 1898 and .h ne. 191' Reference is made la deed recorded in Hook .68 at nage 104. Vance C • ' • ty Registry Being know tins till A) " ah on Sneed land. This sale will he made subic-' 4 ' the mineral and ore rights in iiil ! land. This 9'h day of October 1946 B H PKURY, Commissioner. 1 Pen v A- K'tired. Attorneys, I Henderson, N. C. 10-16-23 3 BLOND! F Kcsisirrpd I <. I’;.tout Ol., By Chic YoUIlg 1 I _ - --- THE OLD HOME TOWN ..- - .. ■ By STANLEY L, OH1-HE fell. OUT OF TM PEAfP TEEE . And ONLV ar?OKE HIS ARM -- IM SOE15Y. t thought hed , BI2EAK A lEO 06 t/jOTHIS j VEAS . DOC, ANOTHER^ \ )olD CODGQ.' {. J 2J (outguessed 4||I , l Vou,1 J ^ '&**?*> m l« fa-4 . !====- DOC PlLLSBUlRV SAVS moth/mg IS GO/AK r ACCOK’C’/AiG TO SCHEDULE THESE DATS- . ... ., M. . ... • '.'-IQ_ bCOTT S SCRAP BOOK I 3 A ^ 1RL IOO >al. l -LO'.t 1o IO :'»t l On p .•■ f M a L vv. TH E J A-. f 1 I M 1-30 p L E T ULYSSES PuT TrE SHOT 47 F t L I i.RRAHl' 8 INCHES , U i-iH JUM PEP v.AS CALLED 6 FELT I incH , And won ViConPiITonai I SCHOLASTIC. HONoM l» FM SURRENDER.' BASKE-TBALL^^r^fENNlS, > \ l'anTOlinamE ^RANT "**■ The largest republic furinc, the IN 1ME U S.S P > .'IVIE WAR. |R >R ■ . - N THE U S. - jr >Lfa- Russian sov’i t , Yu , , FEDERATED Socialist \c . Tltlt SAW tfu A SWORDFisM republic H> IS A WEAPON OF DEFENSE iwyh I BARCLAY ON BRIDGE HAYRK NOT V HANDIC AP MANY A STAR player will tell you he bids exactly the same op posite a weak partner as with a strong one Rut we have yet to see the player whose actions con stantly eonhrm his statement On certain hands, he will take the tut in his teeth and bid so that bis associate gets very little chance to do anything about it .some thing' be would not even think of doing if he had a partner he con sulercd as capable as himself And >• mu-limes these tactics pay prof its so that having a weak partner proved an advantage instead of a handicap * -T 7 6 40 K 10 4 ♦ J 10 8 7 6 4 3 X None X \ 0 5 --- X K 10 4 2 40 V q J 9 N 40 8 7 5 3 ..2 \V K ♦ ♦ " c X J 9 4 2 X A 7 5 --- X Q S 3 40 None X A 17 Q 2 x K q 10 8 ti 3 11 valet* South Neither side ' vulnerable i I South West N- -th F.ast IX 4 V P- s Pass ■'X West would never have made that Leaping Lena' bid of 4 1 h arts with an experienced part ner opposite him He was afraid that F.ast might bid diamonds, or tha: North and South might find a lit in that suit, and he wanted to shut off communication between them besides fearing what East might do It turned out that if gradual bidding had g d North and South into a diam. nd o ntraet a grand slam could have been made m ease a spade was not opened \ cross ruff of hi arts a: d clubs could bat e priII ■ "... d !"i a tew t ru ks until the duh remainders wore es tablished. whereupon they could have been run i n spade discards from the Ninth hand Even with a spade lead only two tricks could have been lest If the opponents had let West try 4-Hearts, as they might ha' e in case that was reached gradual ly. it would have been St t with the loss of one or more tricks m every suit As it was. West got a plus score for his side because the defenders played the hand in the wrong suit South, trying for S-Clubs, lost two tricks to trumps at. i two m spades, so was down two Tomorrow's Problem 4 9 d .1 f K J t 2 ♦ Q 9 -2 'l + K 1KQ 10 -1 A A 8 7 S A Q 10 S ti N yt r, 4 W K ♦ io ♦ a o +.18764 + A Q 5 - 3 2 A o * « A 7 A A 17 1 8 C, 4 i 4 >0 9 (Dealer North East-West vut nerable. > If West 1. ads the spade K against Souths 5-Dinmi mris and follows with the Q how can East I tell definitely that he should not j overtake it to return anothei spade? Distributed by King Features Syndi ate, Inc. ■ Wife Preservers * annt'd peaches chop|led fine and used I ar an inKi**-*.in cup cakes have the \ effect as applesauce or bananas. 'I it \ produce a nice moist cake that stays n-vust for several days. Wife Preservers If. when defrosting your refrigerator, you till the freezer trays with hot water, the heat of the water will melt the film in the compartment and it will run into the drip pan below

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