USB THf us* ™* W-W W'W ■ in TOUR ' 1 •" *«>«*» '■ POST WAR PLANS P0ST WAR PLARS THIRTY-SECOND YEAR HENDERSON, N. C„ SATl’RDAYAETKRNOON, OCTOBER 13, ID 15 EJVE CENTS COPY Argentina Is W ithout Government One Dead, 35 Hurt In Street tight In Bu cnos Aires II; i' ll". Ain-. t let. 1 •”». (AIM A rg. nt ina u as \ irt ua!l\ with'.it a gm ( rument today in a political crisis which had ex ploded into open civil strife in downtown Hume Aires las' night. (Inn fight ing invol \ ing police. nati'Uiali-t . and international ist.- killed one man and left d’> wounded, including six police mi n. AI i(i I he in':: e i . ninet with 1 he exi t o' tin - > ami n > mini'-: I i ■ g.i ye.-! i-n i.iy. tin ur:m ..mi' '.til : Iani the I esigna I : lew Farrell ‘lor use a any in a ent Tc.l.O the only authority rr rn.iriin: was that of the arm', r.jvi and pic two hold-overs from the lallen govornmriil. Tla- police. a|)|ia: i-nllv acting au tore : i i ai ly I'm :; a time being. I nr biid |iai a" - t- p . "i: • ii new- of tin slid'' i ..ui' ng. ! low ever, they won ] l ! ' : • . en: i 'll ' i:, 12-:: / unit "1 ' i. ..-and- ni persons in Iron ol the ar.nv ye-ierday while gene, !-. admirals and ri\it loador il'-nii' do sited the future of I he ci 11 ■ ': ll w a : . this debate broke in wit hi re 1 the firing be g.ii', Wli" began it was uncertain, but at P- height police lin'd m tin cpnvil. Inrlw in.,. 1- routined the: I.! •' and ;. uro'.i 1 idenhlied ci' i 11;ir: - a (icil p"'. i- by ding inf tin ni.c- tli" i.-'.jnd-. The lighting spread to o' urn par Is ol the city Hi r.-cs wit i empty .- add le- galloped througii ttie ' ee'.s, and dead horses lay am mg pm wounded belore tin army . ib. C . ] .liian I’m mi was reliably re ported at midnight to bo aboard a navy -nip in the hard r. Hoover ha vs T licommon* Men To Lead Cam 'ci -!>; . Penn . ( >c* 13 ( A i ‘1 I* . I. • • Iter- • II ' ,i til l ‘ at 1 m- nat: in' • ' rv * i "pr •’ i ■: ■ i * v .11 the mma! anti pi: ■ il .cni I ' ’ho •• >It of line" moll i ''ii and women ;111.imi* ii : po<ip 1 c Hi i ' rt ed. i i adi I re a I tin' 7a!t innr. ci ry • it \V1! • ■ 11 t' ■ I lege tin'; "dcspi!'■ Hr- i* irii>■ t- i- ilt. -a I..' « itct .i: i ?,iiy>'n -' • i• I a rr'er1 to t1 ■1 uncinin i!' in man. I am ennf ident it Mil ii"' is hi ! i ■ " a edu.'.it a " Hi - tit itioti .aid development of lead er n i iay hr.i neh ' if 111 e." "Who ever this political i.incnm tli m 1 m . I w.iiit 1 rm to In: re I all 1 r ii. 'pie benefits of the Am c i ■ in wav "I life. me!u full i'pinii't111111 v i rise t i leadership.” i 11*o\ ' r m i. Knipluusi'/ins the American col lege’s great "obligation to restore j our mural and spiritual losses from tin war, t i renew our 'deals of free dun . to legain o r sensitiveness to \\ mg mid to provide the nation vr th rai1" cl support ot trainod I. ujci ip.” tiie ex-P: t"ident said: "t:i • '.v : i build this new cr • on ’in e lo.i rid: 11 i. in -. it means tile war ha iiren i ist. It means more. It . nealis ei'. : 1 i/'.u I a ill . - lost.” NO ROOM New Yo (let. 13. (API—Two li'.iu ireis unties, associated with the 11 lie . |. —ci a ii in "I New York C.:y pi.sir.l notices today they would ha . i no raoin available for the pc r od a Oct. 15 to No\ . ti. when the fleet i.~ in p.u't. The Hotels mailed tin1 not cc.s to regular guests who had -o aglit reservations uring the pi r id. Navy men will get ail the av liable roan >, the notice said. WHEN ARGENTINA STUDENTS STRUCK PAKKK AlMNf. TfiI A! y < j A ■ > . ! I , . . \lres. A: :;c" . ' ' ■' e.-: . :in . i ’.heir re:H'l! i >: .. u■ W; :: !•'. re i-1'. .11 .■ . 1 1 ■■ ■ . ■. . .1 ... 1: 11 Pei ' . nd . ■ 1 11 j 1« ign lui the presidency. Vi ti e.v -in. : llie l>..le■■ , j . • .■eiginu policemen, food supplies are ■ led pu'ure. (International> Atomic Energy Bill Plaguing Congress Some Think House Going Too Fast, Senate 1 oo Siow W.,. ■ i i:: ,\!‘i '! hi I'rstinil I ■ 'll 111 I* i; oil t!io Mol II I lav: I (-'"ii:;1'. o. ii '■ ■ ■ . o 'mi fast on :i * i i ' o : . t’n blent 'I n ■ • ' - anx ■ ii ■ •■!• • i SrIIa!o mi a I ■ Ii 1 : • > ■ • • . • i nillli . n ' :. i ' i i- - . 111i); • ■ l II’ :.. I nimr . II • - I . ' 1... . think tiic II*' : , i.ii with the' in \l mi b -m: - M-icii.tisi 11.-• • ■ . - .( • i ' ■ i . i. Represonlativ'<• lioira (tail.i .in Douglas said in a statement lint the Douse Military t ummilter \i as "legislating in a spasm ol hysteria" because it held only one public hearing on the meas ure. Another i] hi :. e tin- 1 r rva U i 1 - i ■ :■ 1'1 ■ ! The i ' " : i:a'.. . - ' ’.,o. - back in the . cide mi ini.eedtiro .mi > . i • - Ii m ilia ry : e| n" Iron, .1 I . y or. U . I). Mitchell, ill' : .. i < ■ eiyn ", the exist mg cloe'.i11> at i : t’i ngre- - .' i I! ii m : - - e The Senate, altoi a slow -.i t on the atomic energy hill, mn get going on taut nieasun next \y eek. Mere h ! o ' . ' S commit toe I. . - mo ■ b:!l Ocean 1 tin Son agree who ■ i "n it. But todaj ' o - ready tn o e; creating a mm 1 handle all a'oim I ■ ■ - ’I "o' nil e men V\ 1 1 • ■ help to make or' ry. WEATHER FOR NORTH ( ViMH.INA. Slightly cinder tonight and Sunday. Milton Hcrshey, Can<l\ King, Succonibs At Hershey. Penn.. Oct. 13— (API — Milton S llei hey. who made a tor time Horn - tit' of chocolate candy and gave it to orphan boys, died to day in Hershey hospital in this cen tral Pennsylvania town he founded in 1003. He was 88 years old. In recent years, he lived quietly in the town which bears hi- name and continued active in community affair.-. He was one of the honored guests at the 1044 cont'em ce of governors held here He was join iky',.-moot 13, 1857 near the tract >n whii . . :> ■ in led a business t»! a aking cocoa and live cent candy bn: . He lirst sold cindy Hail i.iel phia but went t u' o' bo ini ~s :te bis horse-drawn wa; n was \ cm ed. He i ext h< rr iwc i money tip . New York I’ll- ire' a id . i again A it e: .. -ini’’ , : ■ • • n i' he went to l.anc, . • P« tin . t ! '!H8 lot another try . candy - .1 n: Fifteen yea1'-’ 1 ter he -od ‘'tit to a nil!!ion doll ' s ‘t 111 is h1 cce.- - «s built on three uiiluiec. Mrs. Truman I iivolv 1 in lluciai Sgnil \'. ■ - I ( Ai > All . H. . y S. 1 -i i.nif 1 11■ i sell in .in . V a in.,• :rr luis t' back Hazel . .. Icfiltnl . f C'on 111 'in:: i i . .. .••miMrs. I—I tit . tie o IV'hitt ■ i i ll •• (I. 1 o ...:a •:.: - in a II ■ ..-I' I1-! -I I . I IV.I I. w !iy sin -in .i 1 i : i vi vi '1 til' i Cott ' i. Hi li. Mia v a - i''st ol ! i \.i a- - - -'ol iiay ('would . Ill’ IV Xi. : Adam C. P well ol X ( ’.' V' ■ ; .aai la . Scott, •' l-'i ■ " vi. Ai ■ T: a.nan a a- ' . : 1. i.\ ’ V '.a- bad. . lot the Ami P in Min na, i" ai- ■ ■■ t.i-t-a" rem . ..i'll A! . 'i .i ■ . 1 1). A. a v she I. .'. . . l tm s iv 1 ••• 1. •. at |V ill t'laa-liltui(>11 Hall." Admits l ie Bnt!i Murdered, Buried ‘Patients' V.’OI a,in. ( la. !!. m;. . ( ), t. 13. - . A: 1 \ :it : ■ tide i a i. • today tin ■ . H nai ,/■ a . is si ,■ “ : 111..' a a ’ . a, I.; j: ana rry he bodit a ti> t( tht Cl 111' '' ".V. ] A., mo Oi a ,i jail ient? V. oil' a l! A'li .' ' ■ III? Ill at inn I: was ■ ■■ • I : > n. ■ with Pub • lad R i.-.-vii . ho .-.lid. K ’ Vi lig, ekiet'lj : . ,1 tin in,-; lute -.. a i the o 11*' I a i: > ’.'.as i i i - - ! .o :1 *.i nv , but added: "I to-■ .-unit'd lla.l io Gar ’ .ai dodos the j i' i wa, t o • t!ie\ v. i . o incurably ill." - -i • a t A i m in- "f trial 1'. (..!-.■ f S Hilary in m ii c, • co- ia ■1 ■ ; :.i. iv than 401 I’nli-h p 'i n'- on i•;"'.( as o| 1h' I! l 1 r I. 1 i ■ Alia kilim ... n. Japs Moving To Enforce Dircclix c Cabinet Approves Measure to Allow Women to Vote i nk.' o, (Jet. I ( A I ’) - I ’re ruier Shitli liar; '< ri-is" cabi net today to' !, r ; 11 -1 steps le va I'll meet illy < ■. . u'al I )<lUglas .MacAriiiur d: au.- that tin govt : nrm lit o a ide lliu serv ant nsteaii tilt master of the ! people. In tiuj face iii :.,:;k scepticism j ' 1 A i ppiiiii'si Hi "-! al , tile cabi net approved I’m admission u> till' diet ni";. . granlmg' \ ote- to worn : ,,nd lowering' the voting' age limn 25 to 2d | \ rs. Genei al MacArt: .r e In- direc tive to: .-weeping ■ • and political change.- om> in.. ..... mil already i the revi.- i .1 proposed r '1. era . .■ : was i i . . ' i ,i . i lushed. 7 he nei papei . K( : .> ivi . : . i carcei statesman an J a 1'i-ci. .lam imi : i.peroi' lino- . hili - a 11 \ , -| os. iiai ,.!■ '-.iteil a ciiait ■ i the proposed 11 n to the t'.n pei -u . Source- c., Konoye saui his et'n.rt- wo in l engthen the , power i. me tin 1 .\r i ,i decrea.-iag tin: position >i the . -i':'"h Am the; I'.-". ,i,ipe mi that ac- , i ni i; i g t i tli** !’i-12 -i'll is. ther*■ Would he -1 ,dun.ell I II et; eligible to voti . ' the dii ' iproved live two in Ni j pi . reported that ti.i i'..; lini't'.- pi • \> -ed c insti tutional changes V. .In .miipletcd and .-uoni.ut'd to the pra. v c utinii for approv al in time n. r. pre.-i hied ti a special -e - a . ol the diet sche utiled lor i feci a ! er Rudolf 1 less Now Claims 1 le 1 las 1 ,ost 11 is Memor\ X'tienm ra. Co : rri my, (id. Id. (AP) I; . i !1 I h , ■ me-'. no im.i nor two ?.'•/. r r mg ti in I as one . d | • i • m d > . i 11' !.. .. •riminal.s, is ti i ring ia‘ iai lt d ;i. mammy, ;t v. as d.-cln.-ed today. ('ol. John A on, fh:ef A in i .c m q • :os' inner i ; i i ( i not i.t11; >i• i'' , : >< > wid ton d.i v i a1 A ■ a a ' ■ . i: '|1.I i a a lyaal o: i n’d;. .!. ! i.i • " li an' .oil a . One ■ ; ■ i A Hied - a1 waved !■ ' ' a' a ■- m 11 .• an '. dei " : re a m i ■ iio mil). 11 . t■ a l 11*;i;omtier !!'•tiling. 1 .1 -' aid l einemljel Ceilings On ■ New Houses Due Shortly w Washington, 11 Id.— i. AP) I )■ - .-pili p j •' >rtei I., a a Dial rat ion opp •-1 1 n i . ., Prong ■ aoi mendati"ti :■■■ | '1 see cei lillg • a .. ' • nig prepared by ,iaels ol lour t’ed e: al ;.g« no • . too Slated to rescii Reconversion Cl pot T ha. Sny ea i \ next week, tile program call- . Ceilings new boltst and cei ling a old si • ii they ha changed i to Jannarv 1. HM.d. These rt e eltdations Were drawn this use. by Jonn Cmlet stabilization ... ' r, Chester 1'. price .',- ' i. Joint 1 >. 151..mi lord. J: .. tad. .. housing mi : mi ■ 'id and M S Ect tes < ii man .1 the Keiic ! Resold e Hom'd. Report i ' • a ei re Hated til Sny m a and I .ienl I' mi .all ■. > opposed In eel!,' a> oil homes, lip pr..pononls ol th-e id.m say la th. ...i l maintaining m ■ pen mind on tat i alee' alld lOl'ido Otll.V alt ei ■:gunn : ■ . been '’it Court Denies ()uislin<r Pleaj _ | London, (tot. Id i AP) -The \m 1 wi'giati suprt me ('" rt today retusei Vid n (,Unsl r.a' appeal Iron, tin death sentence imposed tor treason, the mfortuation olfiet i eed ' Qi:i>hiig’> ( 1 was imsitee ■ till on ah p ail' ' the agency said. "The dee,'. n . the s iprente com a . w a- or..itiiii The former Norwegian puppet leader, w nose ■ ,m e heeante synon i i.iidii' w ilh t‘ it* ■ i had betm sen i tenet d b\ tne . ■ court September ■ in. I'nder la a ■ was permitted to appea 1 , t I’. t1 .e sentence, not i tt ill he i i, : g idly. ARMY DISCLOSES TOKYO BULLION CHECKED BY YANKS ..w * i* u; i or iioiuioo no asi iu. Ti.Uy . I j T (>1’I :.! Mil". I:, ■ - i . i -i ’ ' e. .■:< i : > Col. R. C. Krs-mi e!t . »HO j. Co’n. C . (th n ieti .. . '■• 1st C airy I U.g A ny Signal C'orji.-" ];..(!! . i 1 .o-i ;..1' ■ ■ • i Si.uu i: :io;- i Continues To Miners and Soft Cos 1 Operators Continue talks Without Agreement <T'!ip \>ciulc(l Press) XT lm ak m si rike lines a' labor disp it's aero.-.- the country keep I ad.non aw ay I rorn jobs. li • . i ■ v,' iv ilit major devclopnu ni s "tt the .-‘rikc I roil l today : ('< ,d ai.d ted o| ; C' al ojn ra! o'1, and l uited Alim- \\ orkers : coin limed conU rcnce witJi no indication ni immediate settlement ill coal strikes as operations were curtailed in steel mills, more that: iMiu iii)(j mil;, r . idle in '.mo mini - in d\ date . Truckilie—Tlireati ned strike of li. iisaiid. ot truckers and Aid. drivers for Xl'.m concerns in twelve mid-west -tales peti * h i \ : ; •::. ■ I .. ■ ‘. 1 v. t . i i 11 ■ i i > 1. ' v 1 Tim iv- porta linn—One 11i<>.■" md < i •; ti i Imn.Inil Ml. Inis drivers other imiilii o leave jobs o\i'i w.isr (li.putes r.tiling oil m i \ !«•<• in 7 I New I niil.t ul cost, tminiiie ■. po s“lllcntrnl m weko old strike of :.70*> drivers in | sri rii t’.orfhv. est suites. ' ■ : \ .S ■ " .■in:; i: ml Majnur !... ■ pi . i.'.' trn -ii ships. M ■■.:'•> 11 linos I ■: I...i ih-.vd irt \ i. ...ii-iI .l.spnlo tiftoi NIJUl electron <| l . end I mg si: ... . I. :vm - Ne ."I. m;. lull!,..:: I .. ,\K1 1 m: . r). . i wee., e; ,-!i; ;e tnr higher •A ages. DecisionDuc Shorilx On Lavai Death I\ i ) • * A!\> A uvi i >n u :',ri!ic ■ < • \r nl inn n! I *: * *! ; t ■ Lava! will* at* r:\vvwd nut with- ut delay was amid m confinmd astire Mm The l\,ra rv\\ s|;.ajht Liiv iii.m : ’ mi !r i !;• i l! t t \m * ! ' * ■: 1, \ : 1 ! .in nrrn sri !■ . ia.'\t WVdnrs day. ' 1 ■ « an . !.' iri i rrj •• a 1 > >aid 11 a. 1 Tieli’i"! might o • ■: i ! )••(la .Hr i aa I. ' I . ■ ■ - ■ Vichy ohiol ■: g- a * •: ■ • I trial i ■ ' IVG ... } \. ■ . e vy i ' - • I tofed Without l" T-■ 1 iv, ... I ■■ e i, iiorly Mr » 1 silence t I plead li !• the life ... he' . . ; i .... p,.. •. ate. -1 ■•■ .■, . ■ i .•■.i intifn.iit netBiM’U's of njitrrii < in w • 1' ■ •" shew that I...\til had .sought tu ;.,ki ;u. Aiho Kisenliow er Says Rule In Germain Is To Be ITarsli Prank furl. Oct. Id.— l AP)— General I iscuhow er .nul several of his commanders spoke out \tVlt idav on then plans for G(4maiiv which added up to s -er appl tion oi th dena zification policy for an indilinite oenod. 1'hi* l v-. commander reply - i?i; to what he termed criticism, said in a m « vs co. if . f ica h would (arm out the Potsdam aRi'emeiu m all details in re ard to the ovs upation. He esti mat< d it ird". ht lake “tilt' ' am of hard work” to reeducate Ger man' in dt m«A ratic ideals, and sail! so far as he was concerned, “th han on \a/i> will be per manent.M SS \\ oman C .hums Site Was Sick Of Smell At Belsen I Gpp:i;m; \IM lift-:;, i . ‘I. S ! -• O.-1-t-n i. it*.' ': ■ ■ 1 t- > ,i\ , ! ’ m Ciiinp Coiv:n. ; K :i ' • Ui.'t > •’ l>H •' :> T"o 4i'-v.•..!•• ild W.mdo. m-eiised ■ K ■ i. ■ lf. ' " ■ I ' i nn . ' i - - P■ CANADIAN INCOME TAXES ARE SLASHED Ott i • 13 f AP) , I ’.coda put lu i ;.: - ’ i >e;i'.*o turn. 1 c,r ill ’ * ■ XCS • V 1 li pc cC'.t *: ri !. »\vc up ■ ix- - oil i> cues ! and dm-iv . 1 d re \ U • w n pa v n (!>'’■, taxes w .11 •1 or.t a, ue t * do >» * ( . ]v • -a* * » tax by 1 hi* old lor mi: . 1 * de:iar’ up 11> per cent <» ♦ he ye. 1 11. There are nearly 1. ai»ii.ni1,1 Ml'oce tax i1 ve - ill Can* 0d A 12,000,000 population. Doeumt ills Show Eiiriny 0 Men Landed Interpreter Boasts In His Dia-y or Beheading Incident Tnkyi 1 i A [’) — .lapaii'.-T arm. ord'T have I n>\ rd caiHiibait -i:! am ng Nip poliesi • !-■!•>;■< \V: :. ' -.•ret docu ment s td i - "d ■ lay, which >hiiWid ; ha'« ■ . t; ;. i'<>re< - were praised i t' ’ Ay at t h< flesh of A!!i( d d-ad hut wen jmt to death if ti: y fi astcd on their lallen comrades. This was anouiiced t<-day by th< same hitherto secret Allied headquarter.- units winch yes terday disclosi-d :m ,-tory of an American flier’s in heading by a -Japanese naval interpreter and announced the identity of the -Japanese vvlio chopped off the head of a captured Ausrtal ian flier. •' • i> i: i ■ ■ ops-were e"»! Head end ,-JpT papers 1 ■ i ve -1 t i1 ii■ cr11ne I Iiis was ihe first oll'i ial con firmation of cannibali-m among Japanese troops, which had been reported from several points dur ing the war. The evidence was found among the thousands of documents about Japanese milS tar\ preparations and atroci ties. s' i/i (I h> a I nited States army noils whiis-.- existence was undisclosed until \est'rdav. .1. a '.ill' a • . -;. . ' who Cl !■ a it.-- ( .irn ' •' people 1 -1 ■ •! ‘!y h.'t l-i . 11 i ' :.led at ns. They .. V of sad a ip ' . a ■ i became I. •! ’. ' •- : requent v i : i i -"in I'ades \\ .11 < rimi h ii l'rial A ,.a, .m.I possible r:.■ , ,'. i 'Id- flooded .1. j. .mx ini in nsU'd n Allied ; ■■■.'.■ . . • tic i drunken X11 . -ne-. \ onet three _ 1 h Re Y. i • . n -w held in A a-! aui ; a - :. . after i ;:.11 an..’ .a., t. identifi ll, Avf lel law en : , iv. :r apt : . ■ a. tl'.e Royal l .. a .. ■... a Mt i:f. i 1 ’"life. He was aptureri April 25. 1944 t Holl; ndia, Xi■ 1 11 ‘a t wei-k Gen . : . ■ It ■ .... til : •• I-irees in \ if.: ■ • Tae (a tails. ItOW i a . wire a - A. seci "lay today. . i,. ■ i . t- i r ' ... 2-1, in X ■ llu.iie .. Y • .■ aie \vi >te in his "This afternoon I myself with mi own .Japanese sword behead ed an enemy soldier prisoner. 1 liis yy as a new experience for me. 1 really believe 1 yy as mag nificicnt. \mongst the onlook ers there were many yylio de i dared tlnir admiraton lor my skill in making stub an exeel lent stroke." i a , • a i" '- ■ -ionaries • V • ■ i the author Tt v •••el • :• ..mi 'ry o£ i ■ t i ’. I: • ; Ament* or IT. A • **en loreeS • , i •. X. G unea, na . ■ ■ • a . : ae .1 apancso, I Tt e nni'i elated assembling local na ((’onl:rfvit• : "ii 1 Six.) FRANCE AND CHINA TO SIGN AGREEMENT Ch : i M’i A. ■. .. .1 It .. I give l " ' ae' .. t-en ChlltA , i ■ alt ■ It ‘ 1 -O'.. "a t. he supplemented if. Sia.o-Kreilch trade I elv today :;. . i. • a i .'e' .' . :n< -e ;ni • i , r ■ . , A. i a aral (Targe Dar i u, Ki ench missioner lor Indo-C hin . 1 v,, if. i I, y plane tor Cal cutt aft* ' fin toTk with Gcn ... i i Kai -4'i'k. Ki • 1 , ■ .a te' t •.. r. ts< rt optim i ■ m that t1 • gn < • out. would be s gn( d sht ftly . '.ns the Chin* se military occupation of ■ , atberii Hid" (2 tina would btt tem porary. « . . i

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