Leaders Hoping To Reueli War Fund Loaid ids \\ eek Total Gifts So Far Reported As $10.1-7; $15,750 Sum Needed 1 .radio's n • ,1 I .. I ' 1 ft I 1 tor [lie Unit 'd War Fund said t - k.y tin. y htiju'iI to . i .. Mu'. SI j.T.-O t: .■ n .. I ' . 1 tort AO,ild hr end, ,1 n next Sat lay, vvnethc 1 ' amout a.,- received or not. Frank Jordan, iiai: n ' i campaign, had leave ‘own ■! busine-s, an.i turned viv kia c u i la-ion o! the dr., r • S.: who said today tin fa, .. sin.il’T o2. •• hich i , , th; $*>.60 Alford said hi fidont t goal would be > . . .f M. \ 1 \ . :: i • a. i' a / i ,1. and no m oort ha u i i . l.oii tin 1 • 11 •.;! , J. R. 15... i.e.-. , colored riiv -ion. n id" ..n appeal ' t'oloivd a o kors an i u - dun* • , (urn in their rep ' t«■ i Centra! e hired ■ I' is dra. insi for Sl.ooti. Alford at meed nu. inta ;ned by ;*i«» ..pa., or gan zat n in A la in it a - closed tod v. .: i i | rt'l Ifts ': O'! this on -ii • ,k| in made ' hi at . - e Two u \ it it i \<;i: i it i \ s i s Mu ■ .i.kc ! . "iisc r i iv u .inti • • 1a ; white couple- at Pie ea -ter m deed- oi;i v yr-'r kiv. s*.. n_ I. ithi .v u ni \' . A •••anti.i Trice. a R; Ya. 1- nnie K n ,•. I ]| Ay - cue. 1 >■ T:: o. Hen, in ()ld \\ hippet ()t i he Siiaw s .Just Ain't \n\ More • nrd! F< »r yeai > til 1 o' 1 1 * . '*-n have been UA ng ( r Snaw that his 1927 \\ }iip|: ■ I.- a 't<» kill down ill • iti'l ‘.i rt Sat u i day .a ipened M S ,. .king hi> milk ■ ■ ’ ' " ' • a.\ nigh! when a «• d • . • : .* ■ 1 ;. i .n 1 hat > am - t• 1. Hi . . e .lit I llings** i ' . h.il 1111 • ■ ,4 ( InI'ki. t 1. ; ,1 ' 40111(1 4‘4' ' .1.1 -.■4411 A.r.' . ■ ' .ii - ',i , . A I!, r unci thi. Sh. ■ ■■ '4. 1 .i" i. M;uii :.r, upon i • . 111,4 I ■ ■ ulcHe >* 11 .. iiit il. "C’litni' It • Vliiuricf. honvi 111 :(ll . I 1 14. T1 ■ I : il 4 lllIM.st C\l III. ■ . 4 'll-'.Ill' 1st s;.U.' 44,11, ■> M. Si, > A . ill ry, !ivn year: i- :i i. up *.n. ■ y ;u h j • i.• 1, ori , .,'4. t>\ ■ . . : 1. i i -i if "ui'4 J this part . a •. ri. It I' • • aim si , a in-- : it; mi that r-.y t i • •:. • i u-r i' in s ! 4i i ', ii nl of til' Shaw ’ r< 4 i i Mi n't" awry BILLY VAUGHAN HAS BRONZE STAR MEDAL I t : • '.V .11 -I. \! ..ml Mo. W. ; \ (I '( . fiat*. Hell : In t m , if i ■ f B.-onz » -■ : M, o ' 1 i : -merit .. >• ;• 1!l<• c: 1 i) 14 t t A; : !.’ Y. -i as tv:r. plater m, • •: •: 11« :i < j 1:1 r. ■ t*. lc:ick*!*sh 1.) .' 1 • v. ;.nd < ' ■" y. v. inch result ■: 'at- i 'a:h anient >!' an en : platoon. Hi v\'-y. \ .it •.... ; o', .m l iiigh degree n i ,lfct:vess. \va ! . , : g 0 POSi t i ,lhe toon \va - i ,. . i1 ng y i ' ,i:iH .- icce.— y i tuifk.Lt. Vaug i c• i. i -1! a- an i dc • . n :■> duty rou u the highest nr- - (m.-i Inn -nil ami the United -h:iU Ai my." I • Win han .-.a recently awarcl ■ I Uic Hi igian Kail: raget-e lor par . ; pa Lon in t'.ie 1 er..'ion nt Bel giu m. NEW SECRET WEAPON ON DISPLAY ONE OF THh' FIRST PICTURES 1 . I * 1. t Vrih-anfile 1 •' ' ■ r ■1 * '' . ■ » :iy for use at • : 1 'i * 1- b i 1.1 .1 • h infallible that : w 1 ’ ' j , . . S undohoto) Treatment of Ankle Sprains Bv HIIHMAN N BUNDF.SKN. M I) \V 11 K.\ a person sprain : ankle , ii it only does ho • ill'' i i anil in- ■ ’ v • niem e, hut <■ i ■ ■ ot' t\v.• ti. • g< may happen. Tin may in omplrte or pa t ml t ing of the ligaments wlt.eh hold the Ins together, or 11.my be tl n ation of a ... 11"-. H\ IM IIIIS Ilf tl Climpl' t r i" nat 1 ■’ in ronling to 11. . ■,o- t, ■ jM. \\ vl.r of the Modi.ml ( i of tlie* i'nited States Naval Re serve, ami the taking of Via; . it is p ■ hie to tell just ah nit \v at type i ’’ d:ti mge to the ankle jo; t has oieurred. Ankle Cast If there lias been a complete l tearing of the ligaments, t; e he n treatment, Doctor Weight think . is to have the patient wear a ca-t over the ankle for at least si : weeks. This east is of the type ; which allows the patient to be up ami about. A complete rupture of the liga ments on the outer side of tle an k 1 e is not unusual in ra es of sprained ankle. This emi rs well ing. muscle -pa in. and pain upon movement. To make a dmgu it i • uggested that th path t b< put to sleep. Then the foot ran he moved so as to stretch the e liga ments on the outer side of Lae ankle. I.ignnient Ruptured If the ligaments ;u -■ ruptured, a certain one of the hoi ■ - ia the ankle will get oui of ns normal position. An X-ray of 11 • ■ fma in this posit ion will si...v. I im d's location of the ankle bone, it 11 ere is not a great deal of . i: possible .« .cly by J . i■■ .1 ■ ■ or treat 's do not n may de i‘. current 1 is reason, "i is, it is ■ moo called • tlie ankle, • I 1 I til' : : S.'lgcd tO i- I a non ! i'. ■!(<- Following ■ d to walk .\ ■: weeks the ■i. , ankle sup piaster 13 ■ 1 at d w. i- two addi tional weeks. I a mplefe i ire of the •ei.: • has ia 1 ii red, Doc t"i Wi:L'ht belie,' • hat the use ■ a pi i and ige, 1 bat is, a t "a" luge, is a■ I\ i able. This i lie it the la . .'i rhage or ding into the ti ics. The in • ’H i. • : • ‘caino : the tender . ••• ’her with the use of i:a will relieve the pain and help get , ! of any I 1 lod clot that limy l.e pie out. II ■ i. :a■ f of pain of simple a: le sprains may be aecom ; .. leal by the use of contrast 11.1 . . T..at is, Ilia ankle is put i to hot water for oi e-half min ta.e. :! on cold v ater for one-half inute, this being rep< ated sev ■ al times. Ma sage is also help ful. Altogether the contrast baths . ill ma .: ge should last about 20 minutes. I’.'nipt and proper treatment of ankle iprains will help prevent I ei mauent inj.tuies. Ccj-yriuKt I'.'lo, Ki: f 1 « ' S« : ;»U* InQ. Dizziness A Sign cf Many Ills By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M. D. MOST OF ns "have been dizzy at some time or another so it, is .veil to know that dizziness .1 rtigo is just a symptom which may oc cur in the course of any one of a number of eoiiditim ueh •' heart di; ease, 1.:d 1 in i d.a , disturbances id.' tiie Mood vv 0! . or in \ui ions t> i>es of 1 .on or lessening of the culming in the blood. More severe attack' of oizz i.e may occur in patients suit', a ; from such blood disordcia - !■ ! - mia in which the number oi v. uite cells is greatly increased, or 1:1 purpura, a condition in which there is bleeding into thi . I these latter disordei . lae d ness occurs bocaii.-e of hen Mil a: c into the internal car, ..1 v. 1. I: a located the s* i uctui e- ca .• I si 1: i eircular canals which c.n.t el L e sense of balance. Tobacco and A! iiliol In addition, dizzim s n ay also Occur because of the 11 i1 1 c id io bacco and alcohol. Cert;, u drugs may bring on the attai . e pe cially quinine and th.e sal ! s. Constipatiim is another 1 ■ ■ t1" attacks of dizziness and a; m ■ infections may be accuu ■■ ■ < this symptom. It is also known that ;r dizziness or vertigo may 1 1 in persons who are ailing: . i! a! :r. who are sensitive to ■ which they eat or to sm !"nr 11 or dust which they In , 0 m. Tumors of the brain . r do: nu ances of the blood v , . in the brain which may cause pressure on the hearing nerve, may bring on vertigo, which is almost con stant. Nerve Tissues Th' ii. too, there are certain dis ea (3 which cause wasting of the ■ > -i : -ia and one of the symp :r : 1 ! heJS disorders is dizzi Blovt 01 the ears, fi act meat tiii■ i — . : 11." -ki ll and concus eii ..! ti.c In ,.;a may lead to ver lli-io is a connection between :'.>■ thieat and the middle ear by no ans of a l i oneway known as the eusiari.iau tahe. If this tube heroines lil ■ ."•!, dizziness is one i f ' e .-ympt'iiiis which may de velop. Meniere's Disease There D a cdition known ns y. e's d: i ■ in which there rrent tt icks of dizziness, :• i r with • '.ring of the ears ; !, . I exact cause of this condition : - not known. The iizi'lni' - may vary in its severity. It may he i ■ .i;g more than a feeling that "!,j, et are spinning, hi< h last s : ■ • a few seconds, or then i" iy ! i-a violent feeling of whirling a . d that the pa tn nt fall • to s' •• .'round. \VI: '. «" !■ ■ . at the many can- :' . it can readily be seen I taut a symptom it iMuch ci,-i i’C done in many cases CM e tko c . -e is known. In ill,.. - it ■ i : • ant to have a cur. f | ."id 11 a- by a physician : .i . the i.' . 1 > ■ fore adequate 11 eat m nt cai b arried out C"J*1 • .t ! . Ki: . 1 • •!* ; ' :i'o. !i. ■ A Curious Growth ot the Bone By HERMAN N BUNDESE N. M 0 THERE is a cm diii as cervical rib whit!. \ s a variety of distiirhatic. ! in:/ the neck and arms. !■ li tion, there is an ovorgt. v. lii cf bone like an extra rib :.! i ee r.p per part of the sp.ia . •! : • t w l.y this disorder occurs is:. ' .. >\\ n. The symptom? pre lucid by the condition are due to pns-nre on the nerves and blond ve ■. I The type of symptoms that de velop depends upon wh, lu.r the pressure is high or low in the neck, and whether the blood \e sols or the nerves are limit r pres sure. Pain occurs in pi ;■< * ally all instances. The pain i dull and aching in nature. Numbness Common The next most common com plaint is numbness in the arm a: h shoulder. The pain may pa.-- into the back or into the front of the chest or upward toward the ear but. in most instances, it i- is ateil in the aim and forearm. Me t of the persons with this condition walk with iheir shouldei - raised while they are careful not to move the urin away from the i dy or turn the head suddenly. The strength of the pulse heat in the affected arm may he less than that on the other side. Of course, an X-ray plate showing Copyright 3-‘45. King Feature* SynUKat*, Inc . pri •1 •’ cervical rib is :£i;i i t •' • diagnosis. Red Rest T1 : i at ‘onsists of a per il 1 <•:' !•■ ! > . with the patient si, pi■ , I: i k with the head bent forward and t lie should i - la '' : v. ard by pil low s. 1 i.i when moving t, at ta • to walk prop erly E> n ■ my be given to develop the !es. In sonti i ; the condition may lie .' !ii■ ved i \ , i i ration. Various ty pi - of t pi 1 are performed to r; la v. tl . ee'.dit am. In some in staneis, the -on h mis aidieus mus cle is cut. 1 , eider eases, the rib i- in i : i 1 and sometimes both pro. edui'i s are employed. I'ei .-on.- w . suffer from pain in tile, nook and arm, numbness ami similar syn-i 'ins should have X-rays made , the upper part of the spine in or lor to determine if t!i" symptoms are due to cervi cal rib. Once a diagnosis is made, propel' treatment may be carried out. qriSHONS \ N l> ANSWERS (1. T.: What is a urethral car uiiole and what causes it? Is it curable? Answer: A urethral caruncle is a type of tumor growth which occur- in the urethra or outlet from the bladder. The cause is not known. Operation is usually re quired. The condition is curable Sweet Potatoes Plant Discussed At (’ of (1 Meet Sweet pet it II - .It t ■ ;j» , - ije’* t.it ahvay- in hue with eon inert I pi "bit’ll-. " lip ed ill ■ tin di - i"iiui> ,.t thr nion'hly meeting • the Heililei mi (' i i e: I ('.. ieri e bojrd >1 1.1 ecti .M t.. ■ . ening. The .v ■•. eet | .• ‘op ; ei a! • a and p . . .: o. e-'.ibli-: .1 ■ nut I :.'I :le \ i 't : .ir.-if It ie> o to . ( Vance .. ! . ot e ir.itte: v. i ‘ .j . tu l..e X ), c a ' ec:ing, . 1 •> Agent J S fide t ■ m ' ■ ijr Repo |, • , *he h iar I S<"‘l I t. \ I Ii, /hellIll's! ! und~ had >,.■ ■ ., eri tin uu. c - )i rh .1 u:v. ha t let ’ dr j,jgs fin , - ii hoy- ai 1 ■ . aiiv, and tit;11 Ml I • . ' purp > e . • ■ -1 p.- p i i, :i - i d ! placed v, it ■ v- T.i • t « .eh I tier in J11* i «• an 1 , 1 .■ iii’d leu- ; v ■ iing "the. o in t!i iiv :r III l‘l a>.ll a' e a i'll- "I - He III ■ . • ni> Tta. . a- .It .re . ■ ■ , i audit i tiu pruci ! , e ,, -eJ .1 -I oil R it-. el alio \ II Me e. I! ,U T : . S I emit net ni Mid - u1 ■ A ii'.i: ■ r • a I out ine iii. ! ter - t til »«, h . w j tentative pi Im the anmo. ne re' i„ ,■ held pm i.i'n!’* j I. nuary K\ch;in<4'c ('lub Hours Of \etion ()f 4th \ )i\ isi<>n Pie 1Vc • P .■ F .1; - . I Dr. -.on -■ l ' on: P . . i j a to k!\ I rllli) lad ■ • . ' :. til P: . , .dent V. K R . . .1 »> Pi A }ii '. LAs ‘A . \ i PI l a .1. : Kill!-,- A , C-illi. • A A, ■ ] a a (■ s:’■ i a , ■ , : |, -cliool i a i n : : : i • a ' si o mi Of l • I ' a i W . Ft. . 1 j The ihiii'ti'mj ia :j a | . Rocky Moon; ... or, .el P. 1 i. ! Hick.- c;a e n ivior' o: t .■ of civ.c cl :. A' a! ; L'.'L’l;; ■. : ' Rotary cl o. < I nest - a* 1 a ■ ii’t til n; v.n a < \. P. Ktra -l . 1a K. \sal R. Tindall, IV Fa .lire: Robert Perne ind William S .-.‘.til Sidney 11... I .Jill '< >I‘S l)l ■;i\\ 11 I" (>l* J rials Tluirsdav t Thu Octobi I ; 1 erf today y E. ( Fa I km Hendc \ it H ! \ N Cr n ker, X C T)a !it ii. (ii Hi- !;. Halpei. !-. Brin i Ed f C* Lough! . \\ B - * *. i il B inn, Raj A K uud to shi - J E Perry. P I. i- ii ,i !•: •. i Wtil .• i . loft iisii i W. II Em- L. S fill!. I n \ . K township - \V. E * iwn.-hip I >.i v -! I renson. J H M .i ■ tup -C. t* -X .. ■ y. iiip—M Cl K S A.L OFFICIAL IS TRAFFIC SPEAKER i > • ;( ;. , ' ’ • 7 < i ■ I ‘ (i * t • ... ; ' . '*»« 17 'I ’ »* St - ... I . * • . ■ To morn i i ' . ■ i k o!', •! ubmi* 1 i>o pi-< !• ,,n • • ,fi *• ' , - t ‘i’1 Al . I >fi: ;».* »*v ■ :«ri VI I er | fr 3 ! Kerner Drug Co. | Plmn.' 1 12 or 11:: I •n^MntmrvaiHaHUBiamwE Piles! Ow!! —But He SMILES, Now B- wise as hi w*.«. I’m-sain.- |, w ,la u • I I'V '!■■■ - a.I nil !|\I l\ at a. ■ a p tun & Minni t'litii, . Siiipii n m 1 alliativ, i.lii ,,i j tain. .• i . 11' Ips fit. a an.I :■ ml ■ tnp. (t tnl„ Th,,’ i:ion ,v Mm i - |p ■ ,. itiiitni, in nr Tli • man ,v M., )■ . , j Ttlipin .uj,,,, s II,av I.,;,, if nut tli'lightfil with tin i"i('T, ips' law " Jt 1 ■ 1 Hil l I 11 i , . . ' ; At all goad drug .-Toi't'S caijwi. u B. H. MIXON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 'Builds Bitter Buildings” huililing, I’ainting, hoofing and (ipnoral K "'pairing PHONE 7 ★ STURDY — PRACTIAL ★ Al 3AV t.xa X HI.I I! DIMM <0)j WORK SHIRTS f Y | Sanforized WORK PANTS $1.95 i-lai.l <^-1 tq S11 HITS Overall Pants Overall Jackets . ea. Zipper Front (PO SWEATERS. p,aid C? Q6 JACKETS.QL.VO BABY BLANKETS — Special.59c LADIES’ Use Our Cotton SLIPS I aV-AWAY BATTS Size 32-42 For Ql'II.TING $1.79 PLAN ICc to $i.CO rnRTAiNK ro,: sr,TS Also LUK 1 Aino coats Din.ssi s, mm t 2', Yds. long XPH sides $2.39 and Fabrics LINING —Our Store Hours— MONDAYS TIIROFGII FRIDAYS—9 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. SATl RDAYS—9 A. 31. TO K P. M. CARTON'S Department Store OPPOS1TF F.ARMI RS WARF.HOl SF. HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA I $15.00 to . I ALLOWED IN TRADE FOR YOUR OLD | LIVING ROOM SUITE j ON A TRADE FOR A NEW SUITE We have an extra nice assort- | meat of living room suites to g * select from. | R. E. SATTERWHITE and SONS | SEE US-SAVE MONEY! * ——■———^^—1!—B—*gjjjjglWgj We can all "Point with Prideyi to the only children's shoes with . . Let's point first to Magic Circle Fit, which insures young, tender, k growing feet adequate space for •M Hexing toes—and safe, important, “ support for the non-moving portion of a child’s heel. Other points in their favor are their economy, good looks, balance, comfort, and line cileet on future foot health! $3-95 For Girls and Boys from 2 to 12 ★ ★ STORE HOURS: 9 to 5:30 DAILY SATI KDAYS: 9 to 0 ★ ★