_ - I j Society News j TIM IN'!; I IM I Some iien i in ' T!ie turn o day By the -1 mt In a field i>: hay A man •.< > e ■ M Is stone .mil te> i Tells tilin' i'.v l., > ni'id Ol the day at h hei I. And so e. !' him! An i deaf and Ie. Can i erkoti ' ■ 1 By the ta- 'e "i it- Iruit Not i l l ' e (Ie ill. W th ' • ■ • ' 1 ■ Have I"-' h' Of ?,io golden did . —Join K in ! C i a I o to Miilcllcliurg MAIN To Meet. The M I I ' a a IV i t .v AI : will nine: Thu: 1 o. >, * a* o'clock at t he no d All hi I H 11low y. ' I Woman's < luh Thursilav. The Mi na . W hold ft ippt ' ig it Vat hotel '1 lay ■ : .a o'clock, in o id .:; ta an m urn ment to ay. Parsonage Aid To Aleet The Parsonage Aid S atv of the Vance Me;nod • k go '.'.'.II nr, ' the par.-nin ige Thursday e ei 7:30 o'cloe!;. it u i .mu urn v i ' • day. All mem i as .ga- ur ;ed to at tend. Visiting Mere. Cap*., • nd Mrs. I ;< > It. Pat terson and o' .Idivn .. i \ .■ mg Caph Patter -an' >: icr. Mr K. H P ,* - tcr-am a* i It .'vai'll avenue, ( apian Poftci'- i.u on tea- i niinal le. , e i S .in, VV i.-.i i ington. an 1 o,: a .,omed upon j ex| iratam m in a .ve. EIK1IIS Son Horn Air. and AI \ ;i (' m noun, e th** , , ,\ a," Fmory Collia . .i • AI . I' . hospital ( H" d c. Ah • ,, and sen are reported!;. mg , oly. .... Mother's Friend massaging prepa ration helps bring ease and comfort to expectant mothers. MOTHER'S FRIEND. : r i'll ' prepared r:n< 1 u- • iul in n’.l conditions win i a !•i. 1 a tin-;-, no massage medium in nu 1 . . u desired. One cm :. ■; n in ■ . :■ n \\ mm lor more than 7*» >< u - 1.: >• u «•1 U an application 1-r n. b P* during preen.i:u-v ... v skin soft and pi • a ' imnecevsns v u: • ' d • ' > dr-, and ttgh*n< ?• r« n- . : i t- . • T no skuu An Ideal for tho numb, ting: in.- or Pn*-:.::. : -• i ' the skin . . . U r . h»* td l ■ J: ;vu • > or cramp-liim pan. >a t ..•• I . Cp: absi irbed i to ti El praised by i • : in-iv.v d • • . an l nurses. Millions (.: ! ■•■ . s.,.; i .Ju t a-'.: any dm a:: for M ''r' ■ 1 . u I skin eniolla nt .d i ibra-up Do try it. Maria" Martin —Pattern— 9335 n-a- A^livin' - V L \V•. i' :ig : y :i. we t»t, : il :. m P tie : i1:-;:;.", s , . :• d->"y - ii Up 1 - Car i Ea.-v fu.i tn .1 V item ‘1235 available for dolls 12. 1 1. 1(1. IK. 2d. 22 niche.- tail. Fur . i . ■ I a i y, (age-, see pa Hern. Senn r\\ EMM cents :n corns for hi ; dti ra to D ly D spateh P t 'ern De; t., 238 West 18th St., New Yo „ 11. Y. v. Print plainly SIZE, YAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM- i HER. NEW—the Ala: tan Marttn Fall uni W.nte: Pattern Book is yours r Fifteen Cents more! Ail easy-to styles! ALS<)—printed i ight r. Inc book is a page of complete lire.•!.otis in:- you—an accessor.es -et: hat, jerkin and handbag. New Bethel WMS \\ 11!i Mrs. Bowen ■1 - V . - M ... y S icietv Cl It.. • t ■. ,: . :! a ■ I ■'. . Da . last night at the hom ol Mr.-. W J. Bout in. AT it t ■ r , 1 . d'"t i" ion a I talk • ting pro j was pre . ■ i ud y Mr-. L. O Fra/icr. AT -, .eh i e. t r: n and AT. Harry K< ii- uiug tile b isiness session, the • : - • - - oj-'il with a praver by Mrs. T. !!. V. ejdui. Tic ho '( -.-. as.-i.-ted by her .ugh.'it -. .-cr\ ed ret re.- aments. Ii ,v,.- uncoil that the next ec-t ng will be held on November 1 ! ,n ti.r iin , o| M ham Aiken. LONGING FDR NYLONS? It takes fats to make nylons, girdles, electric irons and many other things you're waiting for ... as well as soups. Usedfats are needed! TU2N IN YOUR USED FATS! Phil;ithc;is Plan Attend Tri-Count\ Meet In Oxford PI. i - 1 c ti minty Bai Philathea mooting to bo held in Oxford next Friday wore di ousseo at the October meeting of the Shaw Philathea eh of the First Bapti.-'. church held • the church last n gb X" deleca'i were appointed t ■ the mecti: g , ; Baraca and I’lnla- , thea • • ' Vance, Wi and Granville c- - .ntics but all n em bers were urg' d to attend. The Fir-' Moth dist cl'.u: h .it Oxford will b. host for the occasion. 1Y1 r-. \V. 11 Ma , i >n ■ ident, pi t - ded at tin ••• tmg I i.-t night. v\Inch vas opened tin • ging of “A1 Hail the Po • ■ Jesu Nam* lie, . ]•■ M i . 1! gov c a dev t. nal ir. I till ing : • • s' 1 n tin I "II 'Wing la v, ■ 1 ice w cl ap pointed: 1 >n M P. 'I aimer, and Mis < > K 1 :i rruigton; si. k Mrs. Robert • ■ and Mrs. M G. Wo d .1 W II lb ter and M I li Wilkinson: am I or." i a I M - W t . Stain . , ck , ml M .1 (' Siainback. Mrs. A. I ’ I i i ga\ e severa hum 1 r: - m tl'-. ,Joht Be. a Mari'.. Mr- Cl::: rd Waod 1 ard .: I i 1 Iren. Cli 11 rd. .1 .. a:i Mild: ■ a Mi J hn Walsh .oil son Tohio'ie Mrs, .Toe Palmer, al ■ Rvhniond. V.i.: Mr-. C. E. Mize it B rlingt n : M - \nth mv Rom< • M . -cna. X. V . Mr and Mrs. T II. M. Mom. ■>' Sturgis. Mis-., and M. -, C .immgham, of Alberta. ****** * WITH THE COLORS * *★★★★* To I’aeifir Stephen G. Flaiinagan, S 2. r. ha left the San Bruno ba-e. ('alii., and is in)-vv bound for an isl; • *d in the I': -i::c. are r-dihg t ■ inlormatii a re reived here today Ills new address is: Stephen G. Flynnagan S 2 e 2'i4-8(i-:Jd. X 12. No. 71. Soil Brum Dr.OI No. 1442 47, care Fleet Pus i ifiice, S.m Franeiseo. Calif. On Terminal Leave. l.l. Walter K. Smile is ",i termurii i- e hi re, it was learned : “.lay Io Stone has been stationed in Spo kane, Was!: n.gton, foil iw ng o\ er -e.i- -erviee in the Sol mens an •l Italy. He ente -ed the a mod e ires with the National G ard n I!Un nd will be d:-om.irgv : upon exp..y inn of his leave. Grace... Flattery... A Comfort. Styles so smart you'd never dream then's, orch-support concealed in their p.etty lines! Suedes, gabardines, sob calfskins in black, brown, army russet . . . . . WEBB'S HENDERSON SHOE STORE Keen Halloween POINTED REMINDER :i t frost 'll soon be on th- :.e | - and that even field coi n v. e shucked is furnished (above, i toe barbed wire that entat < . Martha Vickers of the t.b • enough to make this picture t.: .. .th spirit o’ Halloween. (/ tc;national) Bogart And Bacall 10 Select Beauty Queen At l . X. C. Chuue! II... Oat. I1 Humphrey1 : • 1 Latin . se ct the q een it t nual bea ity to b< ponsored t Yachcty student year'.' the Un - i. .:,v r Xii: th ( a .- was an i meed 'uid.iv :iv It I'red Flag • .! H ■ I' nr". T::•> ! 'ea'.lt v qtlaau I her C:gi t fag 1 V li ' • '"d ' tog ' I Sttl - •I Hill •a1, ms to be ma ;te a: •:a ..II whieu to hi ne’.il in \V !, u Gvania-i.im at nr lav nig .' Da ra 1. Ml ■ ,v the C’... -Vi. gin.a root all game. All t . 1 1 t •. ■ dormi i. ;t■ and a . ■ : .;. ,. gamza* a ms are !l\ ite : to anti ;■ I "■ .ga a, Its of one ; ran Is t a for tl a e t a (.» :ei I 1 - a IS)Mi ' diet t . . ■ v i i ... BARACA-PHILATHEA MEET POSTPONED Tha tri-ramiy 11.... aa T’hila'hea 'mam li i "'!1:" chado!ad 1. mart at I '■ First I’...111; t a1111!' •!;, ( i>.a .i, nil I heel postponed, ac ■ii ildi' in .a: ann unrempnt today y 1 F. It ; * a p -a i!lent of tha nion Hi taied that 1 nesting II be i i 1 iay, (lelober 26 ; ' ■ • •' ■ F:i t Methodist ■a rei:. ( >:•.! .1, a. ;h I h U claur 'll a D. T. DICKIE, JR. HOME I ROM PACIFIC I) T. 1):. :.., . . \'M it e. nf til • I ScjlH‘(■' ■ »* t!h* l\ S \i‘\v, h i , . . .. , j Vr i Mr-. P : P;e : • *. •: ■ in ■ ■lie:' h:;\ fi..' * :>c;* lor Hit i p:M * P i n..- m • 1« two • i • IK’.I f it ' I I hn\ t* n BO- v | '«Mieh in \ >ie re porting for t'u ' i.• ■; .. —igr.m'enl. - ——— -1 An Aiislocraf of Perfume C ■ ; I 1 ■■ i cf c ''y ! f- sv ■C S r b» * \ ou v> !l km w c'l IP's tl •• !• -lent \ cu meet its ft i.nance. BLUE GRASS PERFUME C ^1 ‘ 6f . t Ia*e*t J i j Cancer Societx I o Hold Meeting i In Durham Soon I) i ham, Oct 16. - Dr Alton ()ch ii;. ha .id the drj i’incnt o: urgia nd Ki lex vil ■ urn n 1 i atni c mtimre tl i ith 11■ ' ■ • ■ - i , cording t • an .* I • I. an M. Proc M el .1 ( e m „• 1 Mai - na divi tie 'a ai > , • American C; > - <•< r Si . • • ! ■ e 'A ,, hmgton Duke h"ti 1 i i • . Ip a■ it r~. but , a,i'i of till e-,; I V be held at Du,a • ' ■ a p ■ ■ * ■.>■ University Ot Nor’'' ( 11', r i'i in Chapel 11' '1. Mr- llr :• i - being assist ed D D Proctor, and Mr- Mat 1 . ■(»•">•! -ping the pi Ogi am, a a ; ■ , meeting will give atti.pt; : . i„ii pr-ifessional and lay : • •,. ught ti c; ■ - cel-. Meinhe; ' !:,e' aiedie.il pio ft igl t N Carolina .,r iuv,:t t. Mr >c(>lt improving 13. A Sen-1. S: a! underwent ■ operat M lay il Mat Par ham hospital. i< reported to be doing * cel.v i d abb to see his friends. Women Do these symptoms Betray your Age? Do 7/01/—like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and ok—suffer from hot flashes, nervous tension. Irritability, are a bit blue at times— clue to tiie functional "middle-age” period peculiar to women? Then start at once—trv Lydia F. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. This great medicine litres nature. Taken regu larly—it helps build up resistance against sucii "middle-age" distress. For almost a century—thousands upon thousands of women have re ported benefits. Also grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. <£fcUa£.(PiMkhaMC& VEGETABLE COMPOUND NURSE MEMORIAL GAINING SUPPORT Washington, Of lti Strong pH • was ann in ed • >day : • ! he $2,000,000 Nurse- Nii! anal NI” - rial which will bo built .n Wa-i ington a> the tribute o! a g: itetul nation to the nur.-es and inert.cal women who served so de\ itedly in World War II The memorial wd pro., e a • enti e" t h e N a - t; m - Capital .■ .new v. ,11 end . < '1 nigh the vc,i | ,r tin se he >. .'.it: won on and th i-e who ! .. ::i the nursing profession. W.th 're anno mcemom : reject ei by Mrs N 1 T Kir!;. w:f< f Mai . Genera! K : ■irgeon gem r . ' the United S'ate Armv and j .: • ,; ,,n of the g: ,n itabli .■ pit dged then aid, these, am ng rs. have whoie heartediv ; i!> I • e cau.-e’ G .1 .' PersI ; the Ann A . : W M Wa I '■! if- • > F i, Sr-, W : » , id in i boa V .il letter in he I - hand'A ri.tng Justice Frani: M phy • fu.t* ed States Slip . e C n. ; Fleet Admit.1 C '■< VV N Mrs. Ralph \. It:. 1. ■: . to: mer Unde -c v ‘ • .W. - Glenn 1. Mii.'t.! 1 'e.i . ' designe: .. 1 Students ( lull to Meet The Students . ■> .1 < * t on Thursday ait< : t o n t 4 1 >• at the- home of Mi's II J J no- oil Belle street. it v . I)t mons-t 1 :.t: : 1;. achieved record p: J . trni tor Tic sum.!.' r moot iv> \ . y: • ;:<• ret .ms above ten u any year according ' (. J M. • u. State • liege. FLOWERS I FOK FVFXT OJ 1 A SION * Phon ■ S80 Day or \'Uht ■ BRIDGERS KiorU‘ p ! HOPKINS TAILORING COMPANY IC ]>i (tentative Will Be More THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th Newest Styles in SMART. Ql'ALlTY FARRICS Correctly Fitted fur SUITS and COATS To Meet Your Most Exacting Demands! Come in and Make Your Selection! E. G. Davis & Sons Co.