feTIME^MOHEY | USE THE WANT ADS 1_ — FOR SALE MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS Emm The South's Largest Monumental Factor? W W. LANGSTON 219 Young St., Phone 773 18-ltl A SHIPMENT OF AUTOMOBILE -eat lover.- is oil the a ay. Be - .re to M-e u- lor y ur need- Fire.-tone — Till' Friendly store. lh-L FOR SALE SADDLE MARE. WORK anv where G. P. Stalling-. Ml - dleonrg. N. <'■ FOR SALE FIVE NA TIONAL GASH i; '.la .i excellent conditio. ,C::e l.il-W or 14(1. W. .1 Pa - ham I G-2ti ATTENTION CAR OWNERS' IF vuu h.ue a leit.la'ate to buy new tiii-;. * a1 am jo buy the Atlas tire- the t.:e that . guaranteed for t'.'.eT e months unconditionally again.-’, all road hazards. Bon Ton Esso Service and and Harris and Daniel Esso Service. 20—tf , ELECTRIC WIRE, BX CABLE, limp r I I'll, elective teneir . no. shot batteries. :rv cell batteries, liesh light batterie . Watkins Hardware Co. l(j-4i. ORDER YOUR PERSONALIZED Christina:: Cards early! Bee our selection of attractive :e-igns priced from 4(1 lor $1.0(1 up name ineludpd. Henderson Book Store. E-tab! shed U'84. 4-1: . FOR SALE OXE 2H FOOT FEUE- 1 haul' vail, Hi ,.H1 v. ltli j brake ■ an ; 10:20 tire-. • <■ 1 . 500.(10. Tii plies : nth . r. < )PA 1 ceiling. '••; . to Mack Roy ' r at Highway Garage. HJ-Gti FOR SALE: DRY PiNK WOOD Sawed : .vo length. Delivery any where n town. David Hargrove, RolKe 4. B i.x 84, Houde: on. T-F-tt CLOTHES PINS. ALUMINUM cookie .'iieet . fry pans, 11 itch o.i.i. meat ehuppei Wat k. n Hard-w at'. Co. 1U —it. VIRGINIA FARM FOR SALE, a acre well Heated, and in a good 1oba ■ --e: si. Goad house and nere-saiy oatbmldings. Plenty if wo. id. Good tobacco allotment Price $45:00.00. Write me at once if interested Robert L. Young. 313 Un.oil 'Trust Building, Petersburg. Virginia. 9-&-16 TRUCK COVEKS-HEAVY WEATII i .--I . : canvas. assorted sizes. Watkins Hardware Co. 16-4U SAVE 15c ON EVERY SPARK plug during October. Guaranteed to give you quicker start and smoother oper ation or y >ur money rilim s.'.l. K.iestone Store. 12&10 LAST CALI.: FOR FALL AND write. ore amt c .a! .» e a ft gt i ■ a nil ' left.. J. E 1' :. Co m . . Next t > !• N ' al Bum;. 16-2; GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND \ cgi table. . Everything for your tabic. We deliver' and save you and lime. Rhone 431). Always tea ■•' to serve you. Herbert’s Yel lo.v 'Front. ' 25-11 IT’S TIME TO HEAL UP THOSE old ores tiy AC(’ • )intn eat a.. . see how quaurly they disunpeu ACC Urntment stops itching and toot lie all skin irrdati Jtls Sol.! at leu.hug drug tores. 16-’.8-20 DRY PINE W :<>’) "■".’ED STOVE h ngth and delivered anywliere in Hen retson. Order now before v it. weather. D. M. Glover, phone 4021. 1 1 -EOD-12'i HAIR CLIPPERS, B A R B E R shears, scissors and safety raz >rv Watkins Hardware Co. 16-4ti 105 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, SIX acre tobacco allotment. Two miles out on Townsville road. Also, 42 acre farm near Dabney with 6 acre tobacco allotment. If interest ed see C. T. Nethery. 15-3L GALVANIZED SCREEN WIRE 24, 26, 30 and 32 inch widths. Wat kins Hardware Co. 16-41i FRUIT TREES — In ASSORTED varieties, offered by Virginia's Largest Growers. Write lor Free Copy New Low-Price Catalogue, listing Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, and Ornamentals. Waynesboro Nurseries, Wnvnesboro, Virginia. T-F-tf BLOW TORCHES, GASOLINE lire pats, electric drills, electric soldering irons. Watkins Hard ware Co. 16-4ti IT’S HERE! PRE - WAR PLUS Shell gasoline. Now you cart fill up your tank with the best gaso line Shell has ever made for few car. There are two grades—Shell and Shell Premium. 7-11 Shell Service Station, Sam H- Allen, Mgr. 13-5ti FOR SALE YOUNG MTLK COW, Guernsey and Jersey mixed. Can be seen at home of C. C. House, Route 1, Kittrell. 16-3ti PROTECT YOUR TABLE TOP — new glass cut any size for table tops. Edges beveled and polished. Auto glass plain or safety, cut and installed. A. R. Perry Garage, phone 300. 3-tf 'TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MA chines, Cash registers, Steel Desk, Aluminum Chairs, Steel Files and Pianos soon to be available. Place your order now for early delivery. Alford’s Printing & Office Supply Coatpimy. 5-t t REPAIR - SERVICE RADIO REPAIR SERVICE A complete stock of tubes mid re placement parts lor any make radio. Prompt service. All work guaranteed. Free pick up service. 11 and B Radio Repair Service, I'uJ West Montgomery- street Phone 234. ' 8-tf MR. FARMER — HAVE YOUR WELL drilled now a id nay for it twelve months later. Write for quotatioc <mo give direction ana distance from town. Heatei Well Cc , Ra leigh. N. C. Tues-& Eri t! HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired by S nger expert me chanics. Gem:.lie Singer part., ed. All work g..urantecd. Repairs picked up Tl. day aftern > >:t a' Watkins Hardware C'o., and de 1.v cred ba< • • you one wee;; later Singer Serving Machine C'o I 110 W. Parri n S', Durham, N r 8-27ti FOR PROMPT ELECTRICAL SER vice call Duflell Electric Con ti acting, Sales and Service. Phone No. 1017, P. O. Box (112, Hender son, N. C. 28-2UU PREPARE FOR WINTER! IX stall ;t new muffler and eli minate rris fumes. Sprinkle Tire C’o, F55 William Street. T-T-S 11 LEAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE or vacuum cleaner a; 103 North Garrett 'He . Tame: S ■ . in : Mu'-.uine Shop, - - r- ;r..r ■ <■; A 1 work ..o', ed P . ne lli;-W. la-(it •EWELRY AND WVIVti R l-ii 'A lit re, <"'y.-ta Is ! .Red, estimate cheer1.' 11 ly ma le Now ope!! lo> •1-1 ■(•->. Ina Hoi.Me, 2nd Ron Ad mis Bldg.. 20!) S. Garnett S'. Henderson. N. U. 2V27R ANY MAKE RADIO CAN BE RE nnired at Upchurch cSr Daeke Two experienced radio service men and a complete stock of radio ports at your service. Bring youi set to Upchurch & Daeke, or foi ou.'k "p nW"'ii"> c.i'i ‘ i 4-W. 18-ti SPECIAL NOTICE FREE AND NOT RATIONED IS the courtesy and service we oiler you wl:en yi u enter u store. W really appreciate you:' biisinr Firestone Store. M-‘.i SEE YOUR COAL DEADER NOW. and he may be able to help you keep warm this winter. Call on us H. O. Falkner "nd Son. Phone 2r.n 3-tf OPENING TUESDAY SILHOUET Te Gi't Shop. 221 Belle s'-eel Gills for all occasions. 16-lti TRY TCJL,SON’S SCABE-KNOX A speed u lie.Umenl loi deh. eczema m f all form? m skin irritation. 75? and $1,011 per jar. Peoples Drug Store, Henderson, N. (’. T-F-tt AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 1. more necessary now than evei oelore. We liave what yui need Frank M Barnhart General In surance. Phone 502-.J. 20-r $15.00 TO $50.00 ALLOWED in mule for your old living room suite for a new suite. Extra nice assortment to select from. 11 E Salter white & Sons—See us, save money. 12-t.f BILL CHAMPION AND ARDELL Walker left my services without notice. Please notify me before hiring these men. C. B. Basket'., Route 3, Henderson. 10-2U VOU NEED ONLY HEAD tile newspaper headlines co observe the tremendous in crease in automobile acci dents. Are you insured against such hazards? Better be safe than sorry when ade quate protection costs so lit tie l’innell Insurance agency. I’hone 252 or 192-J. 1 tf WANTED WANTED—ALL PEOPLE SUFFER mg from kidney trouble or back ache to try KIDDO, 97c Monev hack guarantee. Page - Hoc itt Drug Co. 2:5—tf COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN wants two-room u n f u rnislieJ apartment for light housekeeping. Phone 1058-J. 16-20 WANTED - CLEAN. SOFT RAC 2 1-2 cents pound at Dispatch ficr W.ANTED: 39 OR 40 MODEL AU tonmoi.e from private owner. P e fer Ford or Chevrolet. .James Ed wards. One mile below Gills .‘tid ing on Bobbitt road. Phone 28 )3 15-20 WANTED TO RENT: THREE OR four room furnished or unfurn'sh ed apartment by permanent resi dent. Phone Dispatch at 500. tt FOR SALE D. D. T. FLY SPRAY—LASTS FOR weeks. Also stock spray. Watk us Hardware Co. 10- iti ■ ■ I ■ I LOST—FOUND THREE BURNER OIL SI 1 ' i i rg Highway R c - \\ *ini ‘. > i« t.ii 11. L iii.s A1 .. Liwisb .rg. N. C. 16-T LCJS'I M V AFTERNOON \ billfold • :i•.lining money, so. s.d seem :ty n l n, ver l.eea e cards R< i-10-25 • ■ belong P< Pit i i • cal: Mini itt .. !. gelt s It S''»: e and re- . re.vc )■■.'. i lC-3ti [ FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM I UIT.ABBE FOR t tv< i ..... ■ Room ha io bte bed. , !( I | •. ho and in i .'. ati 223 Viri/.ni i Avi . telcph me In27-V. v. lti-2'i FOR REM FARM ON HALF shares ft • cme.-o ail itaient. Cotton, e . : grain a de-ire.I. See R. A !! ,| ime'.v. inquire at Dickie' • ... Epsom. 13-16-13 HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED. Goad sal. : , md enmmission. Ap ply oi c. Webb's Beauty Salon. 9-{f ill'S DRIVER NEEDED. Ap ply Henderson Hits Lines. I (!-2t i WANTED THREE WAITRESSES, de ent a.l ag t .. Gmrn hours. e\i . ■•:' | v. meal and t ips. Apply la ;.i . m only n Vance (',;■■ 13-2[ AUTOMOBILE M !■'.!' MA XH' V.'ANT efl. I v .a I Ull mi :i.,.i. Ap'dv ' Relia ii • Weld n M u . ie Worl North G.a ::c‘ t .-tree' 16-31. NURSE WANTED: STAY ON THE lot. Mrs. B. it. Mixon, nhonc 867-W. 6-tf WANTED U< ].((RED M \\ oi KAM ily ns carerat e: hi :st be phobic, congenial. interested in boa'-, fishing and hunting. Write I’. o Box 38, Henderson, N. 7-tf W A X T E 1) IMMEDIATELY for Permanent Jobs, several thoroujfhh experienced elec tric and aeet v • 11 ■■ welders. Apply pers ninel manager, ('t i'iiitt < 'ompany. 1(5-at i ATTEXTOX MEX' -COULD YOi.* l: e an extra S5.0(I per day? Work a 4 h ' r shill riio. .so y >ur own hour.'. Full lime work a 1 - < avail able. Age no handicap. Write t . J It, W’atkin.-. Dept. S-3, ft -ii mond, Va. lj-liti j VETERANS Ii n a nade I': in'.ii:!; is inter- 1 a. SI; lied 1 a11er. W ell paid. The So itla-Mi S ■: ool of Pr nting 'las been ii.pr.'ved i.y tie Ve.-r.u;'. i'iirin! ■' .,' :: : . tin- t i.in < of eteruns ler the ft 1. Iii'1 of FU edits. F>-r ''I. o■ lete infoi'n...! m a .'a rd to i. -• -' i<. ■ 1 a. ri‘e ' . S-mth em School of Printing IT! 1 ! ft South Street, XashvilV (2) Tenor ..... LEGAL NOTICES NOTH I OF SUMMONS. In Tin* Suiierlor ( unit, October Term. I!)'.".. State of North Ca: dinar Comity of Vance: Annie Simms Barnes, vs. Bolton Barnes. The defendant Bol'.,n Barnes will take notice that an action entitled ..s above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Vance County. North Carolina, for the purpose ol btaininjs an Absolute Divorce on the grounds of two years reparation, as pr ivi (d by the Com- >1.dated Statutes. And the -ai l defendant will fur ther take notice that he ;s required to aopcai- at tin op ice of the Cleric of till' Superior Court of Vance Vance County, at the Court House in Henderson. North Carolina, on the filth day ■ ' I answer or demur t ■ the in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This th • 3th Huv of O-'oher. 1915 K O F \LK' r'l ’' ' v ■■ (...j ,]■ (' ... j! Gh'.l r. X- Ghok-om At' rrev for PI :in'.iIT. 9-1 (i-23-30 C A I ! ' 3 G fi ■ oi'Miuv rir» V\\I 14 Hour auto SUPPLIES, COMPLETE AUTO PARTS SERVICE Standard Motor Parts Co. THilViiiLL 1 hhA I Hr.- Starring r*»prye --- — -—— BLONDIE— Hfrcd r. s. Patent oni, By Chic Young , v this will " w r “ f V SAVE < GETTING OUT THE ■ H ; lapped 1 /?* ' j •V. ' \ e~" A I I ___ Bv PAUL ROBINSON — -yic — c. n-c n ~ v ' ■: - - • * —*« . j^vSE HE r\ Ho -Ov'E / ... ■ . N 0 CxJ vou T-i'HK. SCHOOL HEBE ■■ , • -C./ SEFOBEHE / s' »sHr vMm ,; Mw) _L_/i..^ r ~ —-- - . TWENTY YEAL’T'A j LIFE TEN TENTH - YET IT • FEMv PUT YET I Efc’PAY _ WHEN 1 AV'PIVEP HE PE TO FT: ; I IE K^UTEKEEPEK' ; T 7-■>! ' cy I \m THE OLD HOME TOWN « ■ By STANLEY ,( JOHN VJH? AS YOU ) . . -— -'Ni V' ••v WASH THAT fH '/MOW \ \ VJ/NDOW E-.F CARE - 1 N JW / ful - ■ I think thf L HL; < N Hi ■ ( ROPES BR KEN// 1/ V i i! %Sn;i rU; \V ■ r ^ il .« ' ii... i I ,,~0^ .")T I •'j1 ‘ ‘ 1 l\4l®V ! M. ■ -l - j 4is& 0: O': SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK C/R.J SCOTT - \ v. ** :.^:ytrJ - io io "“O' * w -SC9APS - ' >7v * "“•'C' ’ -nIP-' f ._-— ■ ! - U r AMI L1; in 1BL \sORLP IS ftU FAMliy OF CONF Li ' I IIS til F'lthCFR IS 1lll DIF HRINCE 1 hi STc-.F - i i . Cl Ll^ ION BFFwtEN A hOURML! VhKO LIVED 1 o 478 PC H.LEVv- and a Gourmand 7 if/vfwhsF/ owl A, ,1P VI i ri. nDANIli RECEIVED IRE F IK-T lOlSCV NUMBFRMC ElHAN RADIO LICENSE C J\,1Ol *S® 40, OV . S, t • I- NFS ISSUED B> IHl U S. C:iN,,fv t,l NF C-vflON , AMOVED , /•»./! '' W _ FROM liillR ANCtsfOR BARCLAY ON BRIDGE BETTER KNOW SQUEEZES , IP' YOU PLAY' match-point du- 1 plicate and intend to seek an oc- j casior.:( ;top score by playing a I grand slam hand in No Trumps in.di .nl of a suit it behooves yof J to know your squeeze plays. In j some sizable percentage of grand slam han the contract is easy I to make at the best-fitting suit because of the chance to ruff a trick or two. But in No Trumps, you can't pick up tricks by lulling So if you find only a dozen No Trump tricks of the usual kind in right, a squeeze may be your only chance to manufacture the thir teenth, A Q 10 S 7 f K75 A A 10 X a q 7 -i A ’ C 1 - -1 A if .i N »Q j > 0 -1 ♦ K 0 ■’ \Y K . X -T 10 0 S o ♦ 9 8 . a 2 0 -1- X 3 A A K J 5 3 if A 10 A q j n x k ; 2 (IValer: North. Both sides vul nerable. ) N\ nil East South West 1 A Pass 3 A Pass 4 NT Las ■ 5 V 1 -‘SS 5 NT Pas.- u V Pass 7 NT At mo si tables of a big dupli cate ^^his deal was played in spades, sometimes at small slam, Usually tile bidding Went about as given except where natural bid ding or i u< -Lidding got used fins pair. \\ ith the aid of the Bl.u k wood slam convention. «as the only ambitious 7-No Trui ps as t iiant. After East 1. .1 tho heart Q, North c< mt< 1 up his tricks. Hu could tin i i..r.ly tw ■ lve if file dia mon.'l uu.'Tso wt■ .. i work and Wi st held up a two '-guarded K, unless elutis wee cvwily divided in the defendei.- ha:.Refus ing to depend i :i l.- th those hr, aks, Xoiih - cid.d to try to build up a sqm • to give him an extra string to Is.. I ... It was good ho did. The K won the la-art lead and then ante fivt ’ hie tricks, fol b'V.od by the lU.inumd Q. which West underplay.-1. and the dia mond A Then North led the heart 7 to the A. He had discarded so as to hold his own four clubs and in the dummy the diamond J and three clubs West had to discard on tho heart A. He was pared down to thi diamond K. which he could not dis- aid without making the d d. an 1 his bt t four clubs, i ino of which h. ciisi iriled There upon is- ::th the club K. A Q and 7 to make his contract. Tomorrow's Problem A A Q J 7 v If s 7) t ♦ Q 2 A Q s 4 A 9 -;- A A fi 4 V A ,T N ¥ 1< Q 9 7 ♦ k .1 10 > \V I-: 7 4 o ♦ A 9 6 5 A K 10 5 ---A J ♦ K 10 r. 2 2 ¥ = ♦ A \ 9 - r, d 2 i pcai,; l o t X- ' her side vulm rai la 1 11. 1 • i s tli play for 4 Spatlt hen . W <■■■ 1 leads the In ut A and 6? Distributed by King FiMr. rts c> r. i: « Wife Preservers < ' «• side of a grocery carton, :»'. i i*.«-n .c I in the box when scrub l I !hn>rs. It protect* both knees and *ku la. Wife Preservers Keep a shorf handled mop handy tor a quick wipe up •'! waiet splashes when you are in a hurrv T*arh tlie children t* use it when they splash in the tub

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