FOR SALE ~ MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From The South's Largest Monumental Factory \V. W. LANGSTON 219 Young St., Rhone 773 I ill BEST IN FANCY greet rii If. • n t. lit 1,-.. j ! i F.t.m. Fur Dei erv Ft >R Y< il’K t '.\H I £1:I i i iI' B \ kee ! > F" - i J_' BA&Y C 'I11 K BACKED White li pelt . lit i . B 1 New Ham;.! ana .:!> . it sorlment at .1 quality r week. It;: rhc::’.- 1 i .‘ burg, Va. i : -27 - | FOR SALE 19 K ti ( YLNi s t u d eb a k • 1 - j e la i • ling My- . at Up-:.. . !•■• V. .1. .... . Much-tie Wort; . A - 1 _ A. (ME GAR!>1 N STRAW * iTh ' it ms Con.-islit Kvt rbearuig, a(» Nt .■ Majr- tie. all N .. li 1 00 Blakem 'it'. • i’ : — It:. $7.35 Dust,;. . ! \V V N ;r p . ics. W. hd j SEE OUR GENUa;. gp ilci 1 -p ► 11 .1 a; picture liana-. 1 ..I . ■ biil-foki •. It K n i kevt . ! ; . ;a Heildt ':17 (.a 12 WE JUST KECEIY!) \ Ei V A mahog any F ;• - 1 .vEiV Sun. Set : i. t ■ • 11 v * ATTENTION CAR OWNERS: 1! you i.ave p 'crl.: a i’.c : a , n. tires, iii1 .-1 ii e to y ' ,\' .a tire—the tire that gu it for t'Aelv’' n; u. again-1 aii : met :,... a.i B . r .. Esso Sc;".’;p e m i ami II . : arm Daniel Fa- . Se: . .. c. 2 FOR SALE FIVE AXTk/U .E • 1 iN son c'm i - <>":• - 't.t ' R. II. Ma .1.' . i ■ A ( . .11-ti WOOD FOR SAL. al Wood lengths. Call nila-W Nea t'; y and 1 Io| ;e. 1 a- i 2: FOR SALK 3 YEAR OLD MILL a !.>u.4 gall in a ■ ' Mr.-. C. W. Sue, ;a plant. X... Li,a a SKa 11 DRY PINK SLAMS 1/ NO '1 a it tove ed.' See t II. H Townsville. 21-11: WHY \V \1T • BUY YOri CHRIS mas : v - n >\v. 1'• • o . i.y-a a. ay plan a m ' ■ a WANT A WASH INC. MACHIXi Place yout fo ' De\tea — 1 or easy ,It -a . *■ ay N : 'i - far aa a ; in. : , m. ! 1 e-W. Tanner Sc,'. tig M . ue & El e’f.f Simp. HD X- th OarneM. TYPEWR ITERS, ADD! N G MA chines. Cash re",.-,.rrs, Steel Lt . Aluminum Chairs, Steel Files a; : Piaims sa.on lo be available L! w" your ci der now ft r early delivery. Alford’s Printing N- Ol'lico S,.; ; ly | Company. 5-1: LOST—FOUND LOST IX POSTOFFR'I. WIDNLS-i day. a small 1 Pack i nge irse, containing SI Hum • ■ N 1 | iden;:t:caiien. Hag a.I C„ ’■ Fran a Boy.l. 22- • LOST BROWN’ AND WHITE SPO'l ted female hound uadi b: n I'd' around body. Reward. Plea-e notify Dr. Kalimaii, 1’: ■ ue (>:’!» 19-oti HELP WANTED WANTED FIVE WHITE LADIES Hotel Vance. 20-12: FARM HELP WANTED FOR 1946 on hall's or for wages. Small but good house. Plenty of t 'Race ■ and what cotton that i-; wante : N , i"tton required. House nou a.., - able. F. M. Aysrue. two n lies South of Epsom, (llcide -■■■: te 1 ) ' 21 v’hisxificd Rates lc per word '-Mini.; a: a cl ... ^ > < 1; Size . . Jc ]ht won] .Minim: m charge •". ■.•) lurgiT type, inquire for ‘ i!i'-ti ii. ;'! y iple. el .:i : ir >1 -o typo, «! -ily t*-i : ■ in »uh . si; m ■ ■.'■■■:■ will He :••• e i ■ i ::11 i i ,; O • • :’ ..d e! ! e- d . : lie a • • a. THK lii'.XDKIlSOX l).\I! v iiisi’.v; ch SPECIAL r;UT:CE ■■I’M YOI'R r< I.\I, PT-lAl.r.l; NOW, ' i He \ )e aMe lo help you 'i XICI1 T :> ’till i h;;i • = i:i i: iirs snaxc iiax’d \Y i! !'n. iiish Music ■ he ii r t Admis.-i ; tla- each Person .' I* * G'.A- ' 1 ,A1M OP SAMK r :'. ; . . ill i P ■ ‘ i! le;i 11:; A. R. IV;-: y Garage, s -e!, ’ lu-tf \ 'TIM' Y iL’R i P )MK WITH . None::,.. . Magn 1 a. : 'Kinii ..'.:! it' Nice t ■■ . O. M. High! a p\.l Mi o ' Go., KiUrell, \\ W C \|;s. TRUCKS \N'!> ' « p ,, T (V St ■. - • . . S.,:i, :r. 20-Gti \a Always— \\\ Ar, Headquarters 1 'or !i r Than Ever ! 21 - 1 (It i REAL INSURANCE SERVICE is not just writ iny the policy properly, hut fair and prompt setth m n? of tin- claims—on this wi• pride ourselves. Ask our pohryholdci's. Pin noil In-urance Ayeivy, phone 2.12 (u- 102-J. o-tf LEGAL NOTICES notice of si mmons. Iii The Saperiir Court, Before The Clerk. s* : X . :h CitI'oliua: ; *d mity <1 Vance: \S; \ Kic harilhon, Administrator of tht» instate of I), ib Nattrrw hite. i>* ■; S.dt’Twhile and wi::, \mi. - S„it.into. VV liani Saltt - ah:tc ;::m w:ie. My‘‘o' Satterwii. :. nd each ot them. w:i! take • •.! an act. as a'unve entitled m i:.e nature ot a Sperm! Pr ieeed a* . "11 earn:noticed ill Vie S .per or ■ .I Vance Co uty. X >rth Car , : ;■ (he sale of the lands of the ate I), it Satterwhite to make as r .. estate; ,\u I ■::e .,id defendants James S.itierv.:. m.i wife. Winifred Sal ;e: .te. A! L. Perry and l.u.— ; it Chat l.e Pi ry, Hattie Pe ta . J : " Satterwhite ..nd , , Afir S •;••• .i.ite. William Satle-widte .md tie. Myrtle Sat terwhite and each "t them are re qu w i ' ’ a|)|ie:u n tin ■>: ee ot the Clerk of tiie Superin: C >urt of Vance C..unty. X >rth Carolina, on : before the 271ii day ol Dee m b<,1!; ?5. and an.- . er i>: demur to tiie jm*-.itimi filed :n said action, or the n het demanded in -a: i peti.ion vvh oe ...noted. < -»t»t dav uf November, 1945. ' E. O, FALKNER, Clerk of the Superior Court, Vance County, North Carolina. Ghols.m & Gholson, \tt n.\v 22-29-U-13 I REPAIR - SERVICE HAYES THOMAS ELEC'EICAL S c. elfctri Pic me 8Ali-W, P. <' P . S3", Herders' n, N. C. ' K : JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIR - mg, quick and reliable . mice. W ork g .. inteed. Estimate e:.e:el'ully m,.d< lua Boom, 2nd. .. Ad; B Ig Phone f>2 -.1 RADIO REPAIR SERVICE I’ licensed radio enginee: - v ‘ . * . . 1 I t: i CS and a . uc‘c uienl pa. ready to . euor ' . ara ntee" evei Free rice. II id B R Service, lot) V. i i AI St., phone 23+. , t. . A Pi. .: r ELECTRICAL SER V.ce .... Duileli Eo. i: r e, Con • tu , ■, ; S, 1:' 1 7 ' i 1;17 — V, . P. U. Bo : (i 12 Hendt n, N. C. 30-301 PALE I’PCIU-RCTI & DA EKE FOR yi ' needs, \\ e re; u a■ ■ i 'o... i runiplete, 1 ,vi txpe.'.eiu e.i radio tevlmic.aa to handle yna. radio problems, all in i', g . armed. Also cu t. ..■ inoi . i .lain-d an > ri v. oui . . c .: • ; t o ter wind yo r electrical net-1.- . ... In-, pi-,, ae 20-1-W. 19-1! GET SET FUR WIN ’ER Motor tune ups, brake re pairs. rewiring', lubiicut ion and S-1 u11.1j• recapping serv ice. Sprinkle Tire ■( William St reel. T-T-s t' RADIO SERVICE-OVER 2u YEARS experience, modern equi; rient. and a complete stock of i and repair parts, guarantee y a first class radio service at a rea. enable cost. Complete factory serv we on any make rad.o. Jenkins Radio & S ,und Sfer\ e, Phone 440. HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired by Singer expert me chanics. Genuine Singer parts us ed. Ail work guaranteed. Repairs picked up Thursday afternoon at Watkins Hardware Co., and de 1:vert'd i ■ to you on • wee : later. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1! 3 W. Parrish 3;., Dm r un, N C. 8-27 ti Ft )R 7'- )UR p )MPT I :p ;■ ' " TRT P.'en-fd eU'clrteiatis. to a - y > t 1 1 17 electrical v.a Uo -h re D (me Elect: <' C u., i 2u l-\\ , ill 7 Carnet; street. 19 " WANTED W A.\ I'F.I) GO USED BB ! 1 :: !e. Wi .v "A r R.t! ' c: re D - - WANTED CLEAN, >KT CAiiL 2 1-2 cents peutnl .tt Di-p r ( )* : ft re WANTED: LATE MODEL USED car, D idge, Ply: 3. i’ Olds, ' ' Pit! ft OLlp cash. Phene 771-,!. 2(1-1: WANTI D l’O BUY, SMALL FARM. I price, - , eqti:pmen , ding j a 'id teliac. e a 2e: .en' 1i. i. ;> NT. Rowland. C’ei !ral Hold Header- ■ • £■ 22 ANY )NE HA VIE G ANY 410 griage . i. I-..:; :n ■ hells : ■. ,7 i:y H. 1.. B rweli. He I • . l'u.ite 3, Buy 83. 21-22 WANTED 3 TO 3 ROOM APART or house any where in Hei di . s.m. Veteran m tv. to and child, do-ire to settle he v per manently. PilePe 1100, 8 In 3. Nil. I'yndali. 21-7ti Magazine i reuicts 0 Private Aircraft B\ 1955 In l!),">,i. ,\n en.-aii will Isave 400. 000 privately owned au-plrnies n constant ,.-c, and the a\ l.ttwii in dustry wiii be times a big as it \\ a> in 1030. i on government reports, Ls . day by tSio magazine Flying. Win -eas i re war airlines carried inly la pet cer.I a- many pissi-r. grr' a n t: . w, iOa' they 'll be ca: rymg nail as m my. , - i at least (idO.OOf) person- will !>■• em ployed vatious phases ol avail, m. Fly ng tartner predicts. These tigure . tin- •oagaz'n • ■ >; oat. are more c m or .it:.-. ’ . a - 1 ers which have been br-.uga'. out oy otiier -urveys. With lull employment, there v. U be 2,800.000 lamilies which can il Inid :i lOaa. W .. airport development, extensive p. 1 - • ti . li ng, lowered purchase and ni-'n ance e sts and im-rcased salety, the figure of 4()0,00': ^ - ' ^ ETTA KE T ____ now much ! jv/O SE'-'TA'TV : w .l'/ou8io K five." ■ n ^L^:; LUSH DISH *. 1 • (VvO H • • h'•j - - y — WHY MAMA-I V £APE P/ THlNP PlDW'T THINK. VOU ) WHAT’l.’. HAPPEN CAREPSO-- / TO /W/^OCIAL / PO^ITIOM-EVeW THAT i5‘l; -W oa/p/ tS-m^UFE! SCOTT'S 'CRAP BOOK By P j S, !/■ iJofiH Fifsfi of CillNLoYl.'ljT £>. H I 8 I 'l V T*4 e_ f I RST STEAmro.mI IK Trtt U.S., rSOMpy, / l —■—r— . j > / ft*"* iflp- a,*/P ,, L " S ' A SpAPPH ~ MEKiCA\ I h \, .0fiAf°‘!'\' WHa S> U R v A £ T- *- ■ ~ . ■» water. Wyoming powh in . "e.-.,. i,.,;, I THE OLD HOMETOWN — — By_ST AN LEY _—, ( LADY [ HAD To PUN UP and P N ,. j WHY DID j VvMP'NO STAIRWAY ALL PAY BY '■ YOU LF AVE / 1 WAS SO WOUND UP I W YOU(? LAST l OUT A BED l PLACE 0 ^ ' Y ST/LL 0/2 ho r\ I /Ct ; l DOMESTIC STUFF - CHECK/NO ‘ c-on. THE NFW MAID — \TK TIin!!‘s M: 11 'MK • • •' tie” p! >y to ■ n a suit fe n > u.- a lot of Ins t rumps " a! !•!>'.! ilhr.g 11. ks 1 • ■:th nil" in:: 111 .! t:no and r.evei using .Si Tl can nqa:ri- adroit management, p il. ; .s. :.-g up v\ith a situa s: a; . ! icli one of the two In I - i ii.i.s only a couple of trumps •••I •. and the opposite one is '.rumple s To nuke that succeed 1 uy necessitate having a certain i a femlei m the lea 1 at just the right time when the lead is made ! ’ the next t" last trick, or else re: sing guarded trumj nd f tho desSired ! a \ i" :• ■: V v : d ♦ i A \ K 6 .■ ? * T-' * -- A T x : V ' 2 ♦ K Q J 9 A ' 7 A Q 9 it ’ y K .1 lo9 i \ s : ; , A Nora (Pe h • S ith B itl si los - ti ler. Tie. ) B ’k West N ik: East A 1 O’l Pass . V r.:.-.S J * Pass I. V Tin re is an example of the kin : of raj 1 ; ■ • . ding you get on 1 trait from the sul Nt York City ids a iy e.'inmuters ,ej togeth < • The lattler from Seursdnle was 1 g illai.d Centi,tl when EM ' ’ N M" re quickly passed his ; ind heard Wt t oper with 1 i I urn h of junk and then ox r Not . : lbs hut a ■ ■ Ninth an V> !n-n North Mi Moore ! k a: • ■ _ i- t it ' score • -the-hne enti : 1 !"■ \ .-ale real ..a . is • win ttie i ■ . ■■■ : • • •: i • I a. c l in the pi \ n : enabled the A i i\ : ■ : t ■. c spade dis card.-- .ia . : and cl ib was ruffed hv East's hoar! 7 iwci'-niffed hv t i I Tie : \ WHS fOl 1> • v : ! v a i a :r. with the ■ ' at >> H" h : I; • s i ic A then i off' si'. •• the heart 9. T‘ .' • i umped by at a • • e heart 10, - heart A. Then 1,. . '1 . q West had ■ns i " tta •; , then lead :;. in a: ■ ;.i the K-J a 1 ' •• t ricks If la : a : . t i . K that play I ■ : 11 v a if East also tia i tta ia • Q \\ ah West hold c the si ■ K n i.,le no dif* f. " i'.o t ■ . ■ ia la-art honor Tomorrow'-- Problem A 1 <$ c in : 6 ♦ K q S • \ O f. ( re 1 t m ’ : i" at Soi th • A . d . . a Wife Preservers i 1 them in a pitcher or . walei enough to only * ‘.u. bliolca. Wife Preservers .u you: - a], chips or powder are thM ouci !y dissolved before you eUut your washing.