THIRTY-SECOND YEAR ^K^wiKE^Rvu-^oir HENDERSON, N. G., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER ,u‘,u8mEPTKjl:Niy7Et(NuuN_FI\ E ( EN I C (JR\ BOSTON MAYOR-ELECT AT TRIAL -mm- — — ■ __ ( |i ■ >■ f*i 1) U n 11 ■: .t H i 55 \ \ l)S % :i-a i' •. t .c; ...fii .... a "war i >ntr.ifts arakrrage racket". May ■ - > -, t .laaas M. L- .,, s (atave. le:t) >1 Bu-i n pictured leaving C S !).• i. • Court it w ngtcu with hts lawyer. W. E, Leahy, s n te and four cthw. dotend. • t.N w i. o jwl • n (Intern;.’: ;... S :.dph<>toi Officials Of G. IVL, Federal Conciliator Ar ra n ge Co nf er ence Rep. Mason Says Flier is ‘Billy Mitchell’ of Present War . ervt , v : a lii'l " .0 v. llh lm i , .,. f,l1d. J I inditet :;h i^ e\ar • \ ia Hi*’ ‘■aim* status as tin* t * e '• • ' ral Bill\ ' ! il; : \\ »• > 1-w years helo» • -the •■•'s dene to him u a ■> t-«n »-ee*ed. 1 -m impelul iliis will im r.Tli li*'d \\ iihci.l If ' tvMi a ’ l is n Ii\ i ;;tn r I i 11. u !■' t ' >t tnhicn »■! tile imhlie a ml ( "li LTess at this time." Mas in -aid. t i j ( 1 \V i d* I ■ er ’ ,\ ’. . U' '• Ij' cii.M. . s-t cl Iron ... w *i *: \ a - . n : ,n v .. ul ' ■ '*■'*Ji " j v.. v dis inn. fit ■' '• • ui-e > : j Mipei i -1■ -. Company Not Ready To Re-open Talks On Union Demands (!"■ Tlio - i atvrt I’ri'ss) 7: . . x,. ; V . ■ i'(1 .'iy ! . ro |.1'HI reward was ol'I'erril l>> the i \t\ < to ai Saginaw. Wifh. lor the "arcst and com ietion" (Jj persons rrspotisitde tor throw - l. ; hi iei-.s thn at.ii a w indow at the hoe: ■ ot one t«. M. e\eeUli\ e, .„(j oh.a- log against the door peer's home, ill • union ,|: , l time ! att v resoonsihilit '. jp;,pirn (letter:: 1 M■ tor . t-11itli £ ilMHit i ie t iw y iron ■ .. • . 1 a .1 111 Til (1 M i ... r ..... the nation. , ■ , ■. . t. a.,, ! jobless it i: o,'.;. at, o >••• -i at aoh.OOll. CU* re’n > -> i t' "! employe , . |\ : ..1. I CO it ■ , I ’ |; . , , a reed t meet will ttii * p. .' ' i tin e. nt an b a mminiun w age. NATIONALIZATION OF FRENCH BANKS ASKEE I . \ \ :J,u. (A111 'I' a' I i; ,ui.. .. rnaient i■:i" i , u rmilly : i.-y I>■ <•1 ’* z:i I . ' ,,1 'll. I’.:,; . Kr. arc ..aci 1 u l t 1 • • ■1K" • VC Dull Cil| ’.875.0 )0.000 fru c i s.'iA.iim1.11,111 I’- S iii-yi. ■ mi■ I\ .1' 1 ' ! 1 ’ rl d< at n the » » ‘Beatrice Fairfax' Dead W is) ingt >11, N • ; ' \r’ \ i Bratriie Fair) is ' l'>'|y|'’ ■ 1 « ,H\ ire to die lo\ el-m dim pa lushed for years by many • ewsp , t died Wednesday at hoi I In r a ! "in all. ■ I ; name was ■ • ■ - j i.i r.naig Ga. eh. Site was .0 yea old. HESS ilTS HE ESS BEEN FAKING Forme- Number Two Nazi Will Stand Trial; No Rid n ’ Mad2 N ii'i 11I11 1.. \,)S. ;;o.— (ASM — Kudoil Hi ilil the interna Hoiia I mintarx tribunal toda> that lie :• • < r 11 • r? ‘iull hil:: \ Ini all I f»a\ c t, ne. *• i;ned or co-si . 1. j and that he wished to eont!);iii <»n trial with his iel IOW Nay Ha . : a had ( i.ncd hi., own at * *l« « i a J.ioiK-nr I lor the da% w 1 at s 1 • o. neipn a rul ing *n t.;e n n.a! ii!n« ss ot the t( rtnrr Hindi i r.\ o Nazi, w hom \ 11 * «*» t iiiics have reported ‘•‘lie. it Mil twin; i;<>m hysteria, i ■' - •• i 4 u h i up all v fpn.- ( ' ■ . • 1 , . I that ■MT .!! y , . r\( r; I j( ijo .' .» a : m.. d i v ex: e • : a ’alt. !!, r :1m- taihuv the M» : an. ' tie- dll . J < a•:-ii , h.imri I.e idcr Arini. \\ \Vi!ii.■ i:•. ( ivsin , . i; i- - . ■ i i i ' a,-: ti i • (Jit" \ . •• ni’spoiii .;e sei 1 i : . 1 i .i .nl . - a h add i ihl ay clique Lai sen, Can ris' aide. The slit ■ •: <■,. . :he • i■ 1 : • sti'.v ■ . t r • an 'Hill's ! V • 1! ■ ■ ,ah 11) nliu r ol : it It :' . • . Mai. fit'll, v'd v. i I ..I I i leh Ada: Wid er Wiiht-hn i i.'..ia. . German in el’.iogiiee La 1 \vhu \v i- i'xe ii 1 vd ! i : :' ■. i:\itlMa lilt' a !>: if •tyssful 11 * i■ 0-44. 1 i1 ■. : a: is hau i.iinled ' Kill H it lei in y:,r-. The tall, halil senei al said Vnn Rilihentmp's statement w as made Sept. I !. ltKii). at a meeting oil Hitlers train attended b\ the furherer. ( an.iris. Ribbcntr t i. Field Marshal Wilhilm Keitel a ml < ol. (.en. Jodi. I A tentative plat ' ■ assa inate Fi'ench M o' hal M , in- Weyg.,nd after the tall "1 Franc" .v.i • di-'i-uss , id by Geni an a .illary leaders but ■ as ip .1 rari'i' d ■ n 1. Go nul I i hoiiscn said. Tile as>.i lion was aye ted by Field Mat hal P - a! *■!, ne el the defendants, to prevent the I possibility ot the fiirniatioti ol a re • i si a nee a m wie oi round I lie Freneh 111 ill 1 .ar lender, he sa id. !1 ,sh in:ii"i ' vole plan idei 1 by till* "in to n.llil G- i aw lie atlm.; on , t lee:; n dl • ' ’."".alt il'iwit/, Ti, : je :: • .:T. ineidi'lll" v.'l:leh IP'.. the excuses foi ■; iding I’ il : 1,1 ai. l-uhoti. i ii . d tii" i: n l (G.inar I | - ) V. ,1 l'.\* .tl"l With " "S I if otllC'I ii .uii'i a I Hr Hitler e o-d deal!' in the i'limii ' i Pi ill 11)44 Motors ('<>mm;nul M arLct Attention x. w Viir.. x ■ :;u. t aim I \1. j 1 as led a i : > overy see I tig I : (iiday’s msis.el v.hidt re fd ’ li.a" . . ■up' than tv. r ; mints n: rivet.' Ins and put as •orleit i . lie. at new higim. ( Sled ('. i mg', o min hi. Ilmmi d aim i III !■ lilts .1. C. Penney iuc up . ii i it tin ei■ ivith 11.r 1 hits' iv j i" ;ii<’ three I i one split pro posal a :11a. a 1\ alU'elt j nn:di I rell.'. M. n -I a pleasing animal stall nient. Ahe: cl wen- U ;• - !’f. .Montgomery i win'd. \V.,. iu r it B..eing, mu Veste: ti Union "A". Flood Control Bill Approved West, ngton. N". . ill'. (AIM Tin • i,. i i; y .vert tiled . ppn pria I 'inns ei inn ft"- to add m t . si'2'2. 000.(KK) l..' ii.i\ iagtion and tlooil e,.n'.rol t . .. .tendency s ipplv b I! Ending pi .longed dispute, tin i irt tin it'd ‘ ith 1 ’resictent l : t , ■■ a rettue.-' t" ' tlu money to pir r h: lted wilier P" g. inis ba< . • t , i | e. e time oasis as ..igges'.ed by nil y engineers Hv a standing rote ot lit. to 88. tin apt .'o\ori the mild, totaling i 22.27a.'"1 > i t ". e. am1 u t s o | projects ii i Higla. it the nati n Army Feared Japanese Raid With Last Diplomatic Note Tok\ o Pi op<>scs ()\\ n Im e stimation ()t Pearl I larbt>r Tokyo. Via . \ P i —I he hie question of who was respan sihle for I luinhii.. .la pan on a disastrous war I'okherl no to day as the diet ehart-d .t. n sec re lary l i 'lie tai, y tol l K y ml" : i a " 'a ‘■ Ja pan's army and n.i\> depart meets euro disselved today wild (omi i’iion of demobilization of all sen ice men in the Home is lands. Pleader will he the nation s lirst demobilization minisler. replacin': the war min ister, and probably yyill takeover the i.'inaniii” duties nl the abol ished navy ministry. Kyudo news asfiii'i said. (ia n ... 1 Mai-Ar' '• ' . iqua rter ■ e..n.w! ih' deeded .1 o's appliea tion t i i sue an a > ,d S) ).()()(), utdi.oim yen fSffjmu. oiiii r. S C 11iTt'iicy a )■1 ■ and 1 ■ 1 iposal “an aid ti b':. '1. market ■ i ntn us and of inil..i m i ry tend" . a- .“ H index Is (Allied B\ l n-.American Group In Mouse hi si . Mm (AIM 'I !to lieni.-r (■' i n i:ttec iin c -1 in.i'.ini’ : - Amciir . • i ..: 11 if lay \ uteri t leal! M i. ( h n. 1 *..* I!m ley In te 'ity his i 1 ' : :: that to 1 11 i ' h i . .. had a-ei ted in the State de le " : Chairman U'nud i ( a-nryia i > 1 a ppea r ilniu.lav i 1' ■ a the t;■ .1 t’ia \vimid la■ a elii eiI '.inlint added that it 11< 1 I).' open ti tin- public L.t. :. Mint Jr utures Ksse 25 (lents a Bale y..: x . 8i). - am) t 'ot M I Nu.n ])l ici \\ • ;v I !•• e 1*. 2 ) 1 ball* hi Ax :• Ho, • 2 M2!». Mare.t 2 1.2a, Alav 2 1.1". M\ . Cl • c < >|)en Pi -c( . i. i >i r 2 128 2 12.i March . . . . 24.20 2 1.20 May .21.042 2 l.nO , ( >e 11 iiK*r . 28.1 - 28.1 0 i Pect in.H*r ( l!Mf» 28.08 28 08 Reds Might .Win Atomic Bomb Race Scientists Declares Soviets Would Have First In 3 Years W.i-hingtiin. ,\ 3! I - (I *; 1' ! Irving Langmuir .redieted today . hid li i.n id' ■. rave de .•<■!.iped, K - ai v. .1 pii'dim i:. i:i . till i; !L' I' 1 lli) ill .:! i'lill till iv ye.11' and pus.-mly aecunmlate them du . • i the 1 ited Stales:. Tie , ■e ,i: i i i -i'.ii i'li di t ee! General Kleettie gave the Senati I donor energy . . umniUee halt I : I! i'i i>' a 1... ■,>. : I v la' said tar K i -- ! .urns v i. ’lei Inn r .ai ad\' 1. ",\ large, |j pulalion and it eat be t'e'J ; elite' I 2. •••]•( t.y I < remarkali e > ;t i: oi i:een!iv( .vhieh is id!,, n. leasing b.e i . .. eiuy ol tln'ii m dlls!rial |:i din ing the war In . . r greater evmut than we have.' he ehemist sa: 1 "Further re. they h.n e in uilab'a 'll i 11V ii’i'iuie - m : ay pr.'gr.. . tin knowledge ad teehnieal sgill o German sene: and 'l 11 ‘veins. 'Russia ee '.anlv has ample l'e ei s m : annum YAM ASH IT A DENIES ATROCITIES Waving . ■ 1 ci• : in. i Gi n. T i. Y;,mas:.n. tells a l . S :. i' i v T. : ,1 in X. nil i ' . ' •• id ;i*■ t be laid ac ei mtable I«»i-* a 1 - .lap iti *i act ed at his v r rri ex ti lie id h< tot the deli Philippim but wa 11 1 (.11 Jap CO . t h>' •■i-iit hv. I ' ■ ml Sisitai Co. p.- .’an i h> (In!*- . ' i , i hi itidph..'•<•) Five Persons Kiiie cl As Bus, Oil ranker Hit; 22, in Hospital \. . '.I • \l', I'!:. i ■■■ • .• - Wade said several !;• • r sons nl Hi : i ku »w n 11; lta\ e lx t n aboard 1 Sic bus, v. l icit was < any iiift l Wile work* heir m*:es it: a’ 1 near Ltun'oerlon. wen* in serious eondili-n. All ll survivors were hospitalized, he said. ( iiilv ’i'n HtP iriciiti: :e. •’ iI,:;-, Wi .-t 1. ; - i!«\id C - i: cc t ' i rt* nil or o i.e.o " * i • ;l < -I* lain .-*. i i nr I'l.s v.-.r- '"tally ,i, h .• Thu •-.iiila-r w a> nut .-us sol aftt'il. Wa t hr r, . i tu ; 1 11 I'U ‘ 1 ■ riuath : hi. 1 ilniui s i . m Ir Iv ijjit;ils he < t' •«!;»> ' trt aRi.'-nt ut tin ivu Textile Face again t old a cliidit g 111 -1 >!% t >• ' ■ ■ lapan •| he ptin I pii-i ii 1 .-.iMitiil iiy Saul N'-l the n alt t s and pi luvt d i ,■ th( ■ \ ilia! i oducl •i-uii n, tin- tin..! ■ v>si.m I ; m *1*. ' \ t ill- i' ' iU - . '; , a j !\\ o da \ n ■' i'I m a \t l-n.l -,,ai • ■ ’• ' ’■ 1 ! lUIlket In I ’ll pad S’ V ‘.til • . , 1 le ■■ ini i illiim varrts uni Uy, comp ed illi grass c\purls of ’.Mil million I rds in 1937. Donna lie and e\p D 'a' -> ts ouId taka betw«. u 1 I and 12 hill '-n .mils of United S’ ti le\tili-' ear. Nelson said, an ndput 20 t. ! , , ,• alxivo il’f highest level: l atta.i .ed beti l '■ tin •’ ..r. Indonesians I e RAF Planes a, , i\ 30 (AIM Bi itish •>' .1 .r ‘ , a s; to ; • .sm v i u-lt d O' A 11.t . iv' *- • 11 -• d bovr , , . ♦ i .. i h ;A." A'1 A.; A .V.A a"v. :-rA:?,;V \'». r : A. i : 1 In- J.; i i i aiiiKiiHHTfl today 1 that iJyhlin Ur do- old anain in IJandorna •'( twin'll : Dutch and Man natianal No Law Offices < . .. s i x ■ w .An - I i u ,, I, . , . : . ft 1 utnbii. i Srt . ■ ■ lind of 1 , Ill, I' .vV ■■s 11111 r id.' circuit i A.'. .'Si'", (.' rci.Hi 111,;,.• ■ .■>i tiii ... .we cl', t hal Four Days Off \\',i-;. i ii l* T i »ii. \ .3* Fodoral , a f i w tin :: i i • - • .y la diday at Ne w Y. A : i m ■' .0 '; * > dits ••ttoct wa> . . i.( • • v U I!. /. :m r ran. admin as!s : ;.. • ;.i 1 i’sttlon v . :w »*i* „s : .onioning 2 4 ; ! >- cv:'.: -v v 31. tho ... s Thor M >’• i-’: 1' ‘> ‘"d S : in toy. \ er\ Much r cared Raid, Sa\ s I 'ormer \nm ( j-2 ! wader Washing!*’' \ »• — < \ i* >— Mai. (ten. Mi imati Miles saitl today that .n in intelligence \ * r\ much !< u the iaj.a m w mil I attai »\ when they de le iti d tlit ir «* * i• I im.itir note hi re al 1 p. m IP•» imhrr 7 PHI. hul did not km-'i where the al to !* v . . t iiiriii I:. h : a nc*=N • • Pearl • • Home *■•• i ir»ii ‘ : .. ■ ■ Ja.ian a:-ility in ‘he Ivin 1 ): < • r pH! I> ne, r. then Cii j • In i u i *! 1 ua.i! : • • . i :.»i < "> i"U . Pc.mi It.o nor ih f a hi, fi Senator Brewster ot Maine at tempted unsiK eessl ullv earlier m Ket Hie committee's permission to iouk at what In said he sus pocls may he a va< ant War l!r inirlnieiit !!!;• that mieht ntirt* have contained a coin ol the mess ini*. K. i ; t ■ • ■ ■ . i uk ; ....■ I Air ■ • : ■ port :ml p.p" n cp. ", i v. h.P Itnow lpdli” '>:• It: 1 : ' I 'i |>| !■■:,' .Ul'1’ of that i i- ■ i-e' " ■ ‘a 1. i- I mold • ■ i by t h.e r, i ■ - I a 11. * > avert m tie■ rhlhe ■ ■ i e li 1 v I ■ ..y i sit. r -A a- e ra.lo > • \ hr Mdc:..M the vi. ■: ''i . ' They j1111 ucti'd their i!.; l")i1.1r '.:i Was : oc Hi- . ur .! ' M p .p raped Seat's rein‘ imr n a ay i " and lor tee'll in de-tn ,V I' Men n nil" . Mi !e- a ' alisw ' f. e * • '• 1 >•' fd IIS :■ I I,. . a v MU, 11142. , : i * I. was ■.iil, leai 1 Mi. si..pi! l May for lift tier quo.'!! r.ine Unique Arrival WHEN snCl.iiR Cpl. Charles 'V. Huilp.a.- Norfolk, Yu., arrived in Boston, Rlu.-s., on the transport Genera! Brcei;cnrid(je, he became the t\vo-iv;!lii'iiih GI to be rede pli\via home front the European theatre. t International) Proposed tobacco Council k.' May Be Organized Tonight l\\ IYW MSBIT HiMlv Disoitrh Bureau I i;-,. \"\ A limiitT i'M i • - enlatm phases ol ' l«w nrtustvy \, • (’ ’ iSr \\ .I!te» 1 (uni ex; eted t ■ iesult in | h * ■ c. iIA ion 111 a state c.i id' is*irj mimed to w ork w p and Mi'" gh (ite dopai l i ment ol act c lUire. | ,\t re tut : interested parties Go. er a ( n rv .1 lew weeks ago , ■ , ,| ■ " 1 ■■•ring ■'env.nittec p,u-.l ■' Ke r commis-neiwr ,it t.gue.ii' art’, to lonimlate a sug ;;r ’.-i 1 ;>’ ' n ie'jv.rt I Mi,, com :1 ■. , : 11 i ■ i mi e 11 vd i • > r adoption . :. i on a n,;i-- Hit- whole grout. In Ul'lii 11 ■ I'll:- 1 i I! 11 " sot! Ill clt the 1 ' " , nun,. v Ml work . gh the depart! tch * tho . .nir v. ..y ; hi ■ ■. oral i■ undations work through State i nllogo. with em p| ; «is ■ ii maiki-iijig ond pri I'.'sing i thin than research at production. Sponsor^ the idea feel that the -•.n, ha.- ift given thi attention to t ctesi I've.- in view of the it-, ait place the er ip plays in statu agricultural economy. W Internees Protest I rnnspi notation I o i So\ iet-11 e 1 el. I anul Stockholm. \o\. Mb— < M’ Hundreds of (German i'e!i‘h. Andrian and Baltic interiors delayed their transportation from Swedish internment ramps to Russian occupied kinds b\ mass suicide attempts aiul sell inflicted wounds toda'. Rrisouers attacked themselves with knivcv, razors, lit- ol S'lass and c\ i'n sharp stones. Some of the internees iormed rims against Swedish military and police who siir i rounded their barracks before carrying them to a Russian de portation ship. Thc\ held oil the officials whih* others -tabbed | themselves. Mao barracks were soon splashed with bio *d. weather FOR NORTH CAROLINA Fair and continued rather enld tonight exrent for some eloii*.. noss in iho mountai is: S.ilurdi' f^'r with slow I > rising temp ■'fu tures. 120) Shopping days till ctirtstmas mtki t