I Society News BOV IN Ills ΒΟΛΤ. ιρ. ι ·ι .ι u in Iv wave, I'm.· .y η his Dn.it π des high, 1),ιν ι. 11 cloud; l),m:i, down, horn fiio ilty's blue ( O'lt, CV.m :'ic ι ! r. brave and proud. ρ .. ι ι. \ . a re > ■:■ r lilies ιlont. C t s ,'ie kil l like a thrush on the wing; ρ λίι. (1 iv. π, comes the boy in his b 'at. Γ i 'u ■ * ii' b.in hgarden swing! Maiu1 iv ||ili. Senior Choir Practice. ! ; · : i,i ι r (loir ol t be F ι1 γ ·ι. ' .ι ; ι *ι u.l! meet tonight ,ι ; .'! j'dock, it v. as ,ni:i alnce.t lo (1.1, > Mini: I'cij-lc's < 'ioir I'raelico. 'Γ'; ·■ > : ^ . < . ι ; > I ■ 's . ' ι ■ r ■ >; tar I 1 · Mi·· , h ' - ill! i-: : \v.;i meet t ·- . . ' 7 ! "i 'clock, ii Was .i.i , I ·.. I .y. Me . ( Music Group MceliiiK, It was ; n.iJ today th.it tint ι |ηκφβ i>t Ute Mu ic st...iy Oub will mei' S;ituι I iy afteiii in, Di. vinaer 15. .ill 2 ::$() o'il.ek at till e h.ar.o "f Λΐι .1. Λ. II . .Kici.i.v oil Turnei avenue. All numbers are urged io .,:ti ι t h l.iu meeting <>f t.'ie year n i ι un.ii .. · :r t'.iri tiius car it books. Miss Mills 1 lonors Recent Bride At Wednesday Party M - Hi y I!. Mang in. .1 r.. ι e • V. ■ . :·.(.! Ι'λ U .1 ·|·. ;ΊV ! .ml n 11 r..leison since ii r ' λ ·..■.· ii jimnenti I We<1- I tu .'.iy 111 mi ι. ■ ■ 4 u nen Mis· liriuy ■ïuhn Λ : : 1 ! ·» enter Uiined at a eoca cola pa: ty ;. ii.t* m« oil lit Ik· strec !. The a; pn .. ιΐηβ Cfarèelsïras mutt I . it. ι·. I ,-ί·ι i iK.t : i· ·; . In it· :·»·;; . . >:r. ! \\\. ' ;>:a.\ .i a at .aiLi\oly decorated j tree v.i"i i is mantel be. r; banked ι ",· Λ λΙ; .'.iiKia λ .ι .n.· ι ted in ·'...· π ;· r ο' ; ·..» ma r.ai w.tii .ι \ ' ι . . · ,. ι r : : : e : η i :. ·*ΐ; Is' · .ai;· fig ι. , \ .1 :ι ι · i le. \VluU" bu π us ta; s east a s ·!. gl i\v over tiie -t^.ie. A large vas · «>l ρ .' ·!'ίι :τ I ci. m .]. ted tile living l u. il a; r ;i r. s. 1 , .· i.min: ι .m ii .■ 1 .. . . i ά .; ι ι el ar cut b; '■) wl :'.di:ig 2 ilor.'u'. C.'i. -tm.. i.naii.entK. :··'■. ι . en ted tiie guest ol silver.' Γ. 1 ; . c..na;.i , 1 .ncy sand . y ie te ν, . 1 was a»istid 111 ; iv ΛΙ■ . ,1. F. in.ilin Mills Ai Ualiie F.. . „ Mill·. M; s Lucille V. , te ; 1 Μ Η. Κ ί Collins. Inv ·.· I »ϋ · : ν \ν. .·· Μ: . i.lan κι ι. . ·.· gui t. Mrs He .irv Ma:i ,, . Si . M. . David Bryan, Mrs ' ; . C; ν ■ 1. Mrs. Eugene Pattei Ί1, Mi . T. \V. MeCi'aeken, Mrs. Ε Λ. 1.. ' ι. Mr-. (Ii >rge Stevenson Μι . Honey M œrls, Mrs. Btek Goech, M.s. !1 : ..· S Tei-er. Airs William an il. . Mr . J. Council Pinnell, Mrs. H..I B: Mrs. l irl Heru '1. Mi.··· Ι. ν Brvan Ad: 11s. Mr Be Ity. .1·.. Miss Man..:-. Callaway, M: -. Kd Wilkinson, Jr.. B:llie H se. M: s Lu lie White. M ■ Ai 1: Dix n. Mis. .1 i 1:1 Tram tïjl Church. Mi. s Helen Collins. W 1 ' ,'ii :i Tei-ι r, M · Moilie Bu&f. •'"lis. Mis. Geneva Β. Teiser. and M.-. I-ir\in M. Johnson, of Haleign. Marian Martin —Pattern— The suit silhouette of the >oason, a bulky ao-.ildercd jacket, dea. > :k. . I .η si ;r'! Make pat torn 9468 ■ ι ■> , a:· now unde;' your c:u t— ι > ' ail-se: < ·η style. Pfitt.· ι S) 168 t· «κ» a size.- 12. 14, 16. 18 . ιΊ 20. S ze 16. u:t. take. 2 1-4 yards 34-inch fabric. 1'atte:ί ill 11. sizes small (14-16), "ediuin (18-20), large (40-42). Small size· takes 1 yard 35-inch. The Ma. am Martin colorful Fall and Winter Pattern Book is yours l'or Fifteen Cents more! All easy-to make style.-! ALSO—printed right .n the book a page of complete directions ior y.ui — an aecessorie set; hat. jerkin and handbag. (ιiK'sts of the Parhams. Ma ior R ' .·: Il'.a.v Ho I. J.a. Ί ο' Mr. a · :Ι M: -, R. H. Ht. d, 1 .γ ιοι- rs^teafs of Henderson, is the suest of Dr. and Mr-. Albert Hood j Parham on t:he Oxlo.J . a.i. Maio, I I' "I !" at ci :t!y ae'.irncd from the j Me a. tc .1 : : η 1 - '. ·. a.r . ί ■ 11-, I 1 ι " ly ih:vi> years with the Army Air F trees Mrs. Mnngum Feted At Bridge Part\ « Mrs. Hal Bhsett and Mrs. Κ she: Jj F'i ι·Ιι ν, Jr. tnti . ' , m d at .1 bridge v I η '.y ;it ' ::e 1 e f Μ - Π ·:ι Granite -'a ; 1 >n M nda.v 11 g ■ ^5 ! ρ( "ii · M. il· :iry M,.:u », 11 cnt bride J4 'Par ·ιιι e w< ' .·)!mir.gly decor- 4g ■ ■ ·(} wWi tk . r on·! of the Yule Jj • ι 'Ρ ' ' S "η ! .· ' »' . r 1 1 '' 1 y [ . :ι ■ ι : t - ·.ί 11' Φ I ν I ' ' V ϋ·· ' · ..! · Τ ! ΊΤ 4 r οηι 1:Γ !.· was ■ · ' re ! Ά Γ ι I - ΜΙΊ' . · ' i by κ 'ν · ι Ρ ο I ιν M'"l ν ndlo-. Following several progrès-i ins of M - Ali- ι I)î\·mi w?s ιeent id hid'i score awi rd and Mrs. David VVV 1 won sen ι nri/r. The h>-t (·■ ; pire.· ented . y ft .·' cry tal to " ft nor g. - M i s. Mangum, Mrs. \\" " -η Γ ι ir '·■. w. ' Il 1 Miemb: : I ' ι ; 1 gift of fil- -* \ . r in '!:;· -1 !t ti. Ζ Λ di - : i - 1. .I·; •oid «· >1- ·? r,.. wefi : cfvt I ' · ; ))]o\\ * r, est · Y 11 ν V ! . • M M Hogg Kit Ï Kfiitii Powell. L ' White, M -\m μ ί'.ιΙ' ι\\ IV Ml I I ) . 11 It'll Τ · * lb I 'll ("nl11 ·, Γ .Mill . Ml * di··»· - W I : ii c π .· ι;,·' ι M· .5 i < ·.·· 11. II ! I . Γ···ι:; I' ' ». !rr>oil. I'd W 11::!· o. .Ir.. E"3fii·.· ? T. Til l · I .··. Τ :ι Γ · - »l '■ :i:n. W-.vr 1 P. 1"/. Charles Green ~'fi : I David Wat "■ BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR ? JOHN ROBLKT ADCOX > ·■* » Mrs. J. D. Peck wîh h t«S3 ft 1 1 $ i".pri c party givt 1 in honor of lit- £ Ίο John Η 'be: t Λ:' · ix. : ! hir '10:110 1 .).i Zcnc ftrc^t last Sunday after- »? 110η. Λ Upon rrriv il r. '1 r "le ~v ? t v.i.- ρ irescrted with η San! 1 ?■! rkTn» fill- * r1 wl'ih rr.rrïy, nuts and ujçprisaSs » After Γιο pîry:ra ι f _·νοιai g:..ors I4 guests were served ice cran-η : ο j J cake. Ί tabic < rati· - e ν ■ι Cl"·: ''11"= color s.-.'icme. At the | g ; ; 1 :ce of "ic han r Hoe-I \va< a min ! a tin s Chrlrtm: ' ic. under w 1 It was a 11. A.;., F . cette, Mary Fr 1: Mo--. .1 y. Peebles, of Οχΐ'··ι I. .1· !ιη Πο'μ t A !- A cox, guest of hoit -r. Gene J hn-o 1. ^ Tommy Fauicette a : I Michael Twis» » dale. ' S I "i I,eaves Hospital. James T. Ay-cue, who '1:1s been a I» pat :· «* : ■ 'ie Mat '·.< I'· j| pilcl. is now 0; ■ ' ■··'.":] £ daughter. Mrs. B. G. Stevenson, near | .v Warreniton. i ί * *■ ★ ★ * ιr 4r WITH THE COLORS * ****** Returns to ( amp I'eary. lîobert Stanley Parhaai. S 2 c. U. •i. . η :.Γ I Jr. an I Mrs. Λ. Ιί. P.I ι 'il. : latlimt .I to C in: Pc:.ΐ'.ν, \ . r l' ' " : : ι, nl'tLf .ι tcn-ciay Ju: Kclly at Charleston. A Π irlc.-t n. S. C-., Dt ■·. 13 H r * ''. Kelly, Jr., y torn a η f'r.d class, i . S. η : ι \ y, vvh .> lr :11e i · IH7 Che.-.t- j g h ' 'vt:l, Henderson, lia · re;. > -U : ί ! ;r duty at I'he navy's personnel sep- "1 ι ,ι'.ι il renier here. : \ Λ ν» :*.·ι ::ι "I nearly three ye . 4 • ·>ν:Ί vu·.·, he .«pent a ye..r ov ι i» seas, at Pearl Harbor, Guaam, a.xl ·ν the Philippines. He wear- the Amer- « t hi it; r . abbon. tae Λ,-i..l. 4 Paeif':· ri'-hnn and Philippine- Ii-ber- β :i ribbon. Before entering Che navy, Kelly)M c:nploved bv a l'ir.ii in V.';. . /» N. C. I DISCHARGED if WILLIE AIll.LI Κ £ W I i i e Mi lit Λ son ol' Air \V. M. ' > 1er ι : ' 1,382 igh l> 'Hi na\ y vet s\< licin^ !»·'.> ..lit 4S card tihe U. S. S. Cowpen.-, 'eft C.. :: Ν<··. .· nb<·.· ι' ■ i .. ^ to arrive in San Francise this wet . I ^ — — -5 ( I.VIM. S. HHiUT. Clyde S. Hig'nt. <;«i ol Mr. and I ÇR Mrs. C. M. H' - it, Aindre ι lit; . | £S is bi η >Iy dis; : " 1 ι Λ • Γ , i Si·:,·: ; ■ - Λ '..v. Il .. Hi : 1 'at. i ' 1 ! it. ι High ;:i'd 1 rit r : ι ι ■ .ι i r{ Γ·.. , .ην . en pl. yi i . ' :.· Citizens Ilank ; Tri:. : C. :nn ·ιν. Hi ,ht ::s he i memi er ι ' ' arme :i forci - . Ki 19-1(1 . i been st.it. :ieJ J» cain,[ s i«i C -ηι.ι, Isa:·... . FI - | & i '.ι : :Ί Τι · where lie reee 48 I -■ n :al traiiang and was instructor. « 4S V « a l)i>!ir Craciuates. -5 Κι ·,!..· F eld. Mis-., Dec. 13. Pvt. Ci irge F. Duke, son ol Μι. ,.n Mr.-. C. T. Dake of Hendercm JS giaduatcd t.»ι - ··>. eek from the Λ Air Forer-' méohainies traiihu .■ ι .- ■ :.1 Kee-le: Field. J» The traîitttag ha received cov-ereâ Ils basic .. . plane aind engine mechanic 1» a per:; tiens. « Hints oil Etiquette. Λ nan . . .! lift hi- h ,· !.. wifi waan tiny meet in a |·.ι.·>!· olncc or on the stree*. on j mi:ng he ι ι : r "4 t:· in hor. 'it % « Muscular Aches—Pains Î ■ » If you want to experience -wee ^ relief lr- m :ηι -eiilar sorenei-s. doe t. J» too ineeli e\er'··-···. rub your tortured 1 painful muscles with fast-actiir. Stt'KKT KILIIF •EXTERNAL" am enjoy its stimulating action. Tin warm niedieat i· · used in SWEE1 RELIEF "EXTERNAL" aids naturi in red ι in" swelling. Yi ur muscle "ease"—feel limber and relaxed. Ym will want to dane-· with i >v. Clin thi advertisement and lake it to Page Horutt Drug Co. It's worth 25c on your iirst pnrchase. Ί « Quickly Relieves Distress of Sne&y,Stuffy HeadCoids X" A little Va-tro-nol un / tpcc'a -c itv each nostril promptly ι rC ible r relieves sniffly, stutTy V / (&Vr0f distress of head colds— V Ρ makes breathing easier. Also helps prevent many colds from developing ii used m time. Try it! You'll like it! Follow directions in package. FLOWERS M>K EVKST OCCASION Phon» SRC Day or Night bRiDGERS ^ ON YOUR USTI Luxurious hir Trimmed Slipper A bit of ροιηρ in tl/ rabbit « QO fur collar on Mark, blue or B·»® winc «rayon. Lcalher soie! Corduroy Velvet I'l 5 Tuesday .9 to 5 Wednesday 9 1» "> Thursday . 9 to 5 Friday 9 t< 3 Saturday 9 to 8 f * ·~~· i- h * 4» > I «. - v-."r-r · " ·. Borer! DRESSER SETS li. ''d HANDBAGS ? G 8 *».■< β (*/' ο i ν' U A ; ·. ΓΑ ο· J'C BOXED ri. ■Je strand, J-u-: JE WE" ' ». t\ L ;i 1 flA Â * .(;·· ;· f ί$-~Λ *£ é^· - ν-κ. ι ^-vMzrr,'·.· -■ Girls Reversible Coats ·■ '. ,' !.·. ! p^; I·! id ; AO Mf INFANTS DRESSES CRI3 BLANKETS DEPARTMENT': STORE RTFMTO iT.e Favorit ■ Fa?hion CHESTERFIELD COATS $16.98 >aî that ci cry occasion with Sparkling: Holiday DRESSES 7.98 lit > il qre;il ray—charm . g ■ '„iv. S nan and novel trims, Many :. : j ·κ· ίπm 1 isîy warn « nils. I'·* ·,·\ fvt· appi'.ii da.·.h ami style*. All ,-i/L . HOLIDAY SWEATERS 3.98 |> .-lei <·< -lui - i ί i d ' il-! nui. ·'