USE THE WANT ADS FOR SALE MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From The South's Largest Monumental Factory W. W. LANGSTON 219 Young St., Phone 77Ï ASBESTOS BOARDS sI/κ ι χ y .m· ideal Γη]' idi:is <·η barn . ;.t:i!>lt's, I1 .-khuii-1 . nil t in . : houses. It's weather proof, fhre an 1 i**rl pr '>>1. A!t\\ S W.:t kin·. Mi»n:teiy rot ·,. ΐ;ί-1 ;, ÎTTÏÏ ΤΙ IK I1KST I.\ FANCY grooorios. fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh meat ·:, !. 11 and nv ters Phono -t.'»). I Ii-rb· 1 tV Yellow Front. Kreo Delivery. 17-:: ΛΙ.1. .Μ ΚΤΛ Κ CHRISTMAS ΤI.M·.:·. holders. Aïs > brge hainpt rs in bin .·. w iii.e, gri : ι . ι 1 j.ini; Kirt ' St... ; ] dry oak wood for sale Large or :> .11 I .. I . C.,'! y t r .. e Law: ivitv Da'. 12-âr; WOOD KOR HALF, IN STOVK wood lengths. Call 1130-W. Nelh ery an.i llti|)0. 3!l-12t. FOR SALK L. C. SMITH DOUBLE barrel haiwmerless .-h tgun a.r..! Vol ι r boxe·: nf .uheils. Can be see.i at S. W. Rc-nn'- Gnu-e y. Hi tl SKK OUR GENUINE LEATHER, gold tooled address books, diaries, picture frames. Ladies and men's bill-folds. Robinson Reminders, keytainers and zipper pencil cases. Henderson Book Co. 12-tl SEVKUAL NICE DINING room suites and many other jrood items in new and used 1'urniutre will ai rive the first of the week at Κ. E. Satter white & Sons, See us savi money. 2i)-tf BUGLES FOR sali·: IIAVK I-'K\V I ) 1 ; ι tc I b;i loi' sa le. 1 {ι ι nu . ι It· \V. Γ. Ht·:.μη·. Pivinit· 731-W. 1M-T PIANO AND OIL STOVE FOR Sale. Call Mabel Kaulk at Nor wioil's St«>:·(.·. Plume 471. 12-411 PIANO FOR SALE, SHAW UP rij.·':!, just 1 et η repa i, t .1 an.1 tui· i'.i by J. !!, Collin··. P.a·;.ι c..:i be : ·.··. I. . : (!i:i Atui.e.v A\ « . I·'. \V Daeke, Sr. Ki-2'. CHRISTMAS CARDS i.UPKINTKi with your nan>·· aie ιi ,i ilil·· also Seoteli Christmas Tape and wrappuu;-. Make voor ,>elt?ci >n now while oui' l ick is complete. Alfvrd's Printing & Office Supply Co. 7 t: NEW AI·;RIVALS AT -THE PLACE of Values." Win-low ;;la s, sq ia.v I ι ηt · ',.ινι !■, altry λ .re, 1 '.X cable, ι ten ν I ■ > ι · - and machine l: >1! ·. Alex S. Wat kin-, Mont gomery Mtreet. 13-1 li FOR SALE — TWO SMALL Shetland ponies with bridles and saddles, cart and wagon if desired. They are gentle as a cat. A baby can handle them. Iirooksidu Dairy Farm. 5-t f .11 "ST RECEIVED: LIMITED sup ply ill c.ul .-iyle Sweater.- in size :Ίι> t · 4(1. Col .· . Bi iwn. Blue or Oxford Gray. N.vwich'-, Opposite Ration Bo.::d. 13-4; KM FX Τ BUILIUN'O BLOCKS Sizes 4x8xlU and tix8\l(i Phone -157-W Temporary Location 2(1!) Carolina Avenue Henderson, N. C. Λ GOOD STOCK OF SHEETIRON 9i caters, stove pipe, elbows, anc! !ove board ; at "The Place οϊ Values." Alex S. Watkins. Mont gomery street. Ιϋ-ϋ'ι BEAUTIFUL PICTURES MAKE ideal gifts. We have a large stock of Florals and. varied subjects a: greatly reduced prices. See them before making your gift selection. A1 ford's Printing & Office Supplv Co. 7-tt DOLL BEDS A Ν D DOLL cradles. Special : $2.95, were $3.95 and $4.45. We also havt one doll carriage. The 1'IIR Cradle Shop. 1 ·>-—ti RADIO BATTERIES, HEAVY duty 1,000 hours A & P> packs, $4.98, add 15c sales tax. Mail orders filled prompt ly. Oxford Furniture Com pany, 103 College Street, Ox ford, N. C. 10-Gti A NEW SHIPMENT OF ASPHALT fibre roof coating and roof cement. Stop tihoi-e !el..y rate. 25 words in regular size typo, daily for one month . . . $0.00 No rules or I.orders will he avail able for use i:i tl.e classified but white suae·· η ay be used on each side ( f an . ...:'.i/.ine ty] 1 t a a: ·ν i' h !d 100 lv. ot roal. Cro 1 \a 1 ues at .S>)4./â. Alex S. Walk.: -. M' :Γ >' nery street. i:î-14-l 5-17 \te\y ε\ί·:πτ'.ι:λι;ιχ(; fk; f.eoin.·; :\peni;i : di 1 ..· ! : 'it in July, e.»n!in:;.nu in ini> \vi ather, 3 Hearing S.ze 2 t.> .'1 ft. Trees lor $t.h") I'.i-tpaid. Write 1'.., Free Copy L> '.-I'.ire C'alalomie il'fer iny extensive line of Fruits and Ornamentals. Waynesboro Nur series. Waynesboro, Virginia. 19-1 ti ΊIRISTMAS GIFTS THAT PI. Κ. ASK —Kor men we . uggp l Leather Brief Cases, Desk Lamps, Desk Sets, Billfolds, Game Sets, R»u lette Wheels and many oilier nsc f.:l and attractive items. A1 lord's Printing & Office Supply Co. 7-tf KOR SAI.K- TWO YOUNG MARKS in r\:·. lit : ι ' c mditiun: 1 heiler, - . d and 1 male yearling. LI years old. He r.psey Wimbush, Hi : )('·■ ·). W C. lit. near Xal : ■ X.i. 2 ι ι liool. Co ila.·; Κ. 5 Wil liam Street. Any week day from 9 to ό o'clock. Handling charge 50c per license. 12-tti FOR RENT FOR RENT One of the beat farms in the county, with coal stoker for curing tobac co. 8 Acres Tobacco, to acres cot ton. One mile from town. Al. Β Wester, li: -uranei'-Kon'tals - Real Estate. 12—5ti HELP WANTED WANTED SIX MEN BETWEEN use · of If! a:id 30 who are willing to w. : k. Good pay. Apply at of ■! ico. Continental Hosiery Co. 1,1 I'· LOST—FOUND LOST: BIG WHITE FOX HOUND wit:! i> 1 :■ k t.clung. Red medicine s'.: :i . ο ι sho. Ide-r and ς·!κ·.-ί. Re ward. Dr. D. E. Kuilmun. 1 i- - ' 62fi 12 6ti $10. REWARD FC)R WHITE MALE ■hound dog v.til brown ticking. Lii^t Fr; ay. Ii:gi:t ey.· bud. Call Goldberg at Sea-board Taxi, Rhone 248. 8-6 li WANTED WANTED: GOOD SMALL WAGON, suitable lor Christmas present lor ! •five-year-old boy. Plea ι call 1072. 13-1 ti WANTED 3 TO 7 ROOM APART nient or house in good location; furnished or unfurnished. Call Philip Harris, Jr., 29!) day or 898-.J night. 11-tf WANTED TO BUY—OIL HEATER cr r ma 11 laundry heater. jCall 791-W. ' 13-3 ti WANTED BY VETERAN DESIR ing to settle here permanently, 3 to 5 roam apt. or house. Furnish ed <>r partly furnished, in or near Henderson. Phone 1101). Mr. Tyn dall. 7-10ti I CAMt &A.-V *-Οι£ SALT ANP PP.PPfi^ _ fÇPCTEK ??3 f\ r Jtr^lv . k± w (W, ifc'i > '·. ιrrii I MOPE 5HE k ( I HO'i SW£ U, HUCKiF-S WITH Y HURC;E-5 WiTH , τμΕ SALT ?/Aj r PEPPER bfcir I ' '®'λ601/ — - J ,2S^ii .· - *r : ·,,.g ETTA KELT ' - . ] ; YOU DATED ME:.' ι·,'! !Ϋ DID you TOW HSR ALONG? Τ'/) Η - HONESTCH-Ct ' "Γ, ■ NOT KV IDEA.:' ; ^^èkTED DOWN r\v 1. NOW ι,νΟ\τΟΞΤ our^f η ^eiv'E I ■ OME BARCLAY ON BRIDGE ί KJIÏW-.K KKASON ΕΝΟΓ(·ΙΙ IT [S EASIER ίο set up a low honor than a more .spot card as an eventual trick taker against the opponent's No Trump con tract. It is also easier to cash an ultimately established card if you have adequate re-entries into your hand. Either of those is sufficient reason for preferring the open ing lead of a suit headed by a jack or 10 above one headed by the ace or king with imly spot cards un der it. ^ Κ 10 8 7 Ψ J ♦ Q 8 7 5 + « 7 5 2 φ !> 6 ψ Κ 10 7 ♦ Λ 9 6 3 φ j 9 6 :î ♦ Λ J b 3 V 8 6 4 3 2 ♦ ' 2 *KC ♦ Q42 V A· ♦ Κ J 10 ♦ A 10 4 (Dealer South. Neither si.le vulnerable ) Γ II V I 1 ψ Pass 2 NT Pass Mi East 1 φ Pass 3 NT West considered his choice was clearly between diamonds and clubs for an opening lead Follow ing what he hail read in many un sound books, he led the fourth best of "his longest and strong est suit diamonds becaust it was strongei than clubs Thereby he handed the contract to South The diamond Κ took the tirst trick and tilt· spade Q went to the A. Tlu1 diamond 1 was c. ν iv i l'v the .1 and \ A club .· :t h t.- t the contract was still . wila ' but West decided to repeat dia monds in order to avu, ! Ί... i ...; away from an honor ' Γ- r. r won with the 10. and t. 1-t;.·.·. I.» 2 to the 10 and J ι ' uι : I the heart .!. which Smith let run to the Κ Now at last \\Y. ! l< d a club The Λ took it. and declarer ran lus game with the ln-art \. Q and ϋ and the spade J to t!i> Κ and 8. It was truly terrible defer, e li West had opened th.- c!u!> i the defense played corm : !y thereafter, nothing could I. ··. · prevented the side fr<-m t:ικ.: .. three tricks in dut s. one in hearts, one in spades and on<- in diamonds to set the contract two t'-icks Tomorrow's Problem φ A J 5 3 ψ A S 'J ^ 10 7 1 3 *0 'ι φ None « κ Q in r, 4 φ Κ J 0 f! Α Λ Κ J 10 ( Pea! r. vulnerable * !l South ι 1-tîpadi- . · ' W. si d.-al : IjK.s what .· Neither side •rails 1-1'. irt with ιϊο 4-Spa les. whii h an ! Xo 111 red. ai l.i s.. it'i tiu-n dr. ;· Distributed by King Feature:·· Svnh In Wife Preservers When cupl.'oanls 01 » Iks* ts an· halwtu ally damp, plu*.·· ι small » · ; ι ». of Iiiih in thorn. In most rasi-s it will not In· in·» »·*· saiy to rui-\v tin* lm.«· 11 ■« » it · ihan · \ « ι y two Wt't'kd. and nvwi uhlll it becomc* ftlaked Wi ο Preservers ■s&SfM \i mm Ai *, * ll ! 1 Λ ■ atlu'i cap ar ■o. . -.|iu> . Γ a reu wash the It ai .· ι ·· nh sa· allow the >uii.iu to tit; Ihi't Apply a coat of p;t.sit· wav 01 a in υΐι .,Ι shot· cu-ain. put it on in a dun tout ai^i ruh in wwll SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT £?HlKE.£L PoR/fAPLE. RLlÎAUClAN1 _ >o— cvssisii = F Λ ^ ΓοV Ε, KE-ffi-LS , RI£E AND vE_mL1V BLC5 , ALL BALANCED Γ Η 1 Ht- SHOULPLR. ί>Τ-A COOLIE VvM.AÎ iS ΜΕΑΚί' ι WHEN Α ΓΕ.Κ,άΟΜ là SAIP ΐο bt "SUI JURIS" 7 Able. * -ύ brvah/ \ν κ, ο ft. Ίηε_ famous ΡοΕΚΐ -•'rtAHA-fc PSi$ PlToRE ♦iEYiA'i 17 -ι LARS CL? ΤΙ-IE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY