3H*nù?r0on Bally Dispatch Established August 1!. I!»ll Published Every Afternoon Ι \cPpt Siind.i\ by HENDERSON DISPATCH l Ο , INC. 109 Vnunc Street HENRY A DENNIS. Près .,· · , M L. FINCH, Sec.-Treas , I?..- Mir TELEPHONES Editorial Office . . 5!l0 Business Office 610 The Henderson Daily IVsp.i1 is a member of The Av>vi ·····'. !' · -< AP Features, Southern News) per. Publishers Association rid tiie N«>rth Carolina Press Ass v.alien. The Associated Press is e\ \ e ly entitled to u<e ; re; all news dispatches eredited to or I not ο!lv λ ■ se erev! ' and also the local news published I there Mi rights ' Ilea:, η special dispatches . 'in are : e H'TV ed S( BS( RIPTION R \ I l S CARRIER DELIVERY in City Of I Henderson Payable to Car.;··:' .·: ; direct to office at 204 per Cale» .: »r Week. No monthly or other rate is' made MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payable in j advance. 1 year $6.00, six months $3.00, 3 months $2.00. Per Copy 5c Entered at the posi ffice in H " 1er· •on. N. C , a» se rond class η ι il matter The Housing Crisis Byrnes Ai Moscow and policy. 'lh.Ti· vi 11 be lir. .· <i: t': i ilty . _ " ; ι : l; · 4 |U M Bcvin, for 1 ι 1111 ! 11C b< ί :. Ο » QiO.Ô l,l ";:ι causes of eu 1 . · 111 my.-U-ry :· ·· · . · in· . M -···. ! · th t î 1 !S Π ■ ill! . V. LI I ; les- . : ■ 1.- followed from that ; recent months. Chances ,-.·»· η t·. '·>·· ..· United State.-· - , ■ in·, ·■ · ; Cl>s of appease!: I'nt ! ■ I the Ki'ttjillin that w ill carry :·> v. I iti.· distance is nt ossary, <>r .< : .v dem; 1 ded. by 4 ! ■■■ Si ■. '.·· ^ ment. .Somehow this Λ:ι.en· > 1.· ' way of late, and has bean ι ι period of years, in contrast !·> tradi 11 11a! policy ( 1!' ! innti — s ..1.1 r.de pendence which built I'spert lur 1:1 i. nation .ill m it the w· rid. Thi cost us h πιο prestige than we real l/.e. Λ - ,n itniic.it ι ι 11 : Μ" ι ".v\- In - tiincy tn negotiate mi tin· ;i:ne basis as the United Stati". and Britain. the Soviets already, several day, in ad vance of the conference, have an \nonnced that censorship will 1>e strkt. And that m«·. > s the outside world will receive only the crumbs, if even that, with respect to what is going on. That appears to b.e fixed Soviet policy about everything. It was during the war and has been since, even throughout areas of eastern Germany and other parts of Asia conquered by the Russians luring the war. I*·.ι<ht ,π.ιSccr^tury l'yriu's hi'n.-elf has disappointed SoUK* *>î ills ι·λ:ι util wishers ·\ν πι dm.itums toward UK) iniu*h sceivcv r c '.·!..ν' ο \ '\c State I Vpai'tι* ent and Α ι · < Ign t4ft( *%s {X<i \ :\c OC( . · .··,:*> ι· ι> spurted .. ν ι«: u .>114!»' ::·. a :;e ρ ν s ι*» : lic ence wneti .·■-·' .· "m i tU ' t d* \ flop·] fi.t, : ι torting : 1 j». · · · ·\y that it v\as : - 1:0 t.. :he publii* - busines -·. That 4 au * his pi'.-.tion. :. ι :> it what hi> admirers the a-ibudging alt 1 itCSi I' h&S SCIτη· νi * ..r* ' · · i'\p<\ :■.·(] · · 11 p!et > wi ll work*». »ur part vet v he — ρ Γ.· ·,\ is and • S\.:< Β ι .ta 1:1 t * '1 ' a η a *. ν. ι>· her li·..: :"r i thai it' they tig ·. :!u y α.» : the e'her toot !·".· a y te π : Ihe Mi se&W , od a beg:lining for A Ni WE Κ S TO DAILY QUIZ Β,ΙλΙ <;ΐ(Αϋ l u. Oui - Mi mit*· I est. î 111: ( ν tri I ii'i ui'tlr I m| · · s I|m| os( ()|h·. V · >. ι .·*! i H i Oih Mniiilc i est \nswris. A Lift For Today Jesus Ν ' )ί· ■·.:<( ) Τ " ; ί IS11 ΐ·: ; ) : 1 t< il lj ■ ν .. - ' . 4 - WI. : ι.. . S'.v.i lus. Our Iallier. ma\ «c never rest until our gond is better and our bel ter l>e*t. ι WiiaS Tliey Oid In War Gold Croei 331! D INFANTRY DIVISION (Moiipv Division) Kouffht in Wakde-Sarmi nper.i lion 1 i in second b;it*]i> of Moro tai. Fo.ight un Lu/ η an.l captu rd Ha·;ιj ι·) !· ··:· c:«i' t:il of the Philippine s. Ret· werad 12 jt ili mine·; ! 1m m '·».· -1. 11 ! -. including some of the rii hest mines in the world. In taking , Bagu .. the 33rd tvscued several : thousand captives held by file Japs, j Among i,hi m a lormer aide to Gen- : eral M. Arthur and Miiagros Os- ' mena, d-j.-^'iter of the president ol' I '.ht- Philippines. | JAPANESE LANTERN SALLY'S SALLIES I ι " -= I *— "ΤΙ:· ;./s ■ " Ί ; : : ·. u willi this milk Ι'Λ :.U 1·· W. l'AUA LYZK1» l>y a yovc·!liincut ANARCHIST." DAILY CROSSWORD \( ROSS I. Λ river duck 8 Rover herated 10. Deserve II. Motherless calf in. Entertain 14 Elevated train (shortened ι 15. Greek let ter Ifj. Jumbled type IT 1'art of "to be" 18 Varying weight (Ind.) 19 Narrow, connecting waterway 23. Foundation 24. Particle of addition 25 Muscular spasm 26. Web-like 28. Simian 31 Native metal 32 American moth 33 International language 34. Bone (anat.) 35 At home 36 Courage 39 Middle (Law) 41 Rub out 42. Reticent i4. Negative pole of electrolytic cell DOWN 1. So. Am. ;; republic 2. Egyptian g ι ·■ Idess 3. Μ··ηΐοΐϋη dum 4. Thulium < sym. ) ii. Mountains ι So. Am. I 6 Heathen image 7 Support S Pay, as a bill" 9 Ten cent pieces 10. Charts 12 River ( Eur ) 17 Neuter pronoun IK. Bag 20. Contest of spec 1 21. Some 22. Fish 23. Storage place 25. Sign of infinitive 26 Weaving instrument 27 Accented Syllables ( pros. 1 2S Molybde num (sym.) 29 Appearing as if eaten 30 Time long past VcsttTtlay'i ΛΓ.ewe* 32. Lifeless 35 Peruvian Indian :;6 Interdiction 37 Dry 3S Wash 4o. Dry. as wine 4.'; Expression m F ΥΔ 1 m r m m CRYPTOQL'OTE—A cryptogram quotation U Β C V Ρ Ν Κ Κ Β L V U Β J Κ C Ο Q W Α Κ C, U Β C M U Η Κ C V Κ Y Χ Ρ A C Κ Β V U W Υ— L Ρ A A W Β Ο. Yesterday's Cryptoquote: THE EYE WHICH MAGNIFIES HER CHARMS IS MICROSCOPIC FOR DEFECT—PATMORfi. Distributed by K;a* Feature» ïjnJ.-it-, law, Rlv<>rder ( ji\ cs Is < >;id Scntcnccs In !)runk ( Hi y J Enu (' ·.· :·, .· . vv» . . :. · .1 ■.■·■·. .if. ί.»V" k : ! 1.1 ι' . ' 'Λ . t !i U ' Ή ' ί · .l\ V.. .c:'. , 1 Join Bm co: ; ι . y ι .in 1.1: ι j >ay roen-t <: c< · ·',s. Pi·m > lliu fi n. ff·!>: ·. d, v.' ' · tried for «·|η·ι 4 a ι. ·: . ι .,. !.· v. ι. ί an <» ν · : : 11 r's la-ensc and prayer Γ ·■· ju-dgmcnit wa$ cooUwuedi ιι,>«».ι I.mV! lM · Î · "<t" c< 1 *t >. I .·· ;.· ( î! η ·. i i· * · 'i. · : ι \ for : ! ' ; a'· 1 ' ! . ' i 1 a ' . 1 ( - ' ! 1 1 ! ^ : ι li was Π . ..a 1 I. M 12 . · " · VFRSXTII.ITV OF \ RAYS \-■.!>- h.i\c !>i i'n I" md u-ctn! m rcating ,ippro\i:natcly eighty skin ■ ι stu do ι >. Υ"Ί fift the ην cnmlwi ins w hen \ • ι ii - shly m.iilp . Salad sjiys cxtcneitrt ' ,n C irnm ' "n·· th?m ^ "lilcd m 3 nu · Zionists. University Employee Grateful To Retonga Had Suffered Severe Dis tress From Pains In The Legs, Indigestion and Weak, Run Down Feeling That Nothing Seemed To Relieve, He States, Re longa Λ Great and Pleas ant Surprise. Μ 11 y I Κ .île! i il ι a 1 ■ π ■ ■ ι ··m II w.iIk- <it 111·· ι "ii • · ι ! ' :»!· "· Ί Λ .1 : . I Λ .· ι ' lit ' ' ■ ,. ι \ » - M. .1 l> .1 · U vv . ·■■·.·) ■ - ι : ·. ' 953-Iftïh Street» KnoxvHlc. J IV I . I■ . : e-'..lkor I·' Iv.i : i :;.·>» .ill I m: Is i.: · .ι· Γη·\ ι n: IYnnes ■('. I >i ~ ι ■ 4 Kt'ii'llf;.!. :u· j;;alL' lly i "I π ι.. '·.· I It my ν h* ίο having tried Λ year ago H ::iptly hi;' >[ Ί.-trus*. fr ·:ιι indigestion ;uul a fcmdty rtin- | ·) : eeli: 4 1 \\ .is siiiii'i.'i.; η·'.ι ϋ tress from i:id:ge-ta>n, poor ap i ' te, sovi : e a ins m i.y !ι:ρ··. ι a-es. ;,iid lfri's. .m I ι ι·,, ι : . 1 -in. i Was very ivv.le-s and' -■·. ί"' ίί Ί ι od niijii·'- !eep. My appetite was almost completely gone I ;1 r. 'iiitig 1 ate mi :.ed l ι lijixc , ':!'ί me. MR. J. I). .(INKS "Γ/;- kept ιιρ foi* about three ι·ι·. ; - .ιΐκΐ tiic relief lie: -ii-ta gave lii w - ;i sre.it and h φρν s irpri.-e. My appetite is splendid. I ça'. any ■·.£ . : 1 :» t·,1 ic-Mully. The pains e ι i'..e!y relieved and so is the -! ig.gii'h eiinrMTvatiun. I can work 8 ;.i II ars and n.it ft el tired out. 1; λ ■ ■.: 1 I be hard to pi . Ue Retonga ι ;; l." KeteMjiJ :s η'.elided to relieve dis : >>> d le to ius.111 ifient flow o( (I ν ;ive iu.. e- in the stomach, loss (.>! appetite, Vitamin B-i deficiency :,nd > 'i.sti;>atioii_ Accept no sub ;te. Kct 'Mg.i may he obtained at Parker's Drug Drug Store.—Adv. il<kJMlqiiarl4krs foi* Itcnulifiif GIFT SLIPPERS Every color, every style her hecirt desire» ...pretty d'orsays, platform scuffs, warm shearling flatties and many others... leather soled. WEBB'S lit ntltxsoii Shoe Store MEALS! FRESH HAMS and SHOULDERS Country Sausage FRYERS —HENS —TURKEYS Also Complete Line of Beef and Veal FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES KING'S MARKET 111 W. MONTGOMERY STREET Phone 190 We Deliver

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