Γ HEN'DERSOX, Χ. FRIDAY AFTERXOOX, DECEMBER 2 f UHLIS H ElJ KVKKV AK'Ih;KNu(;N «r ν ι · ir ι >nr· α ι · v» r , » *» FIVE ( EX'I S CORY INJURIES ARE FATAL TO NI» A Y. PATT Ο Ν Many Suspicions Have Very Good Chance of Being Killed Mn-t'iiw, Dir. JL. (AIM I'iii' ι-xplnratnry eiuivί rsat i«ίι : tin Ι'μπ i;;n ministers of I5ri t ; ; in. Ku-.sia and the 1 nited States appear to ha\e brought tin t hree cul nt ries ch iser to u et her than they were before til, meeting·. C r. ::i.n -· -|ΐιι i t.- aiv beiu <\i : · ,,\ e a -.11 ; t ... are ·! « I.;:. ·lis ig three ίι ad the • .1 e Situa tion! in < in the s ι \ th day of the · . . ... i'ei I'll . > : ' ilda.v · 1 ( ί t Ί ; · ■ : . ι ! : ~ - ι Slalifi tiiis appeared to be th : ιΊΐ 1 lie li; . ■ .it rep . ι ι i : eve; : : | :. te Therp is .1 strong feeling that Mime results will eome I rum the meeting .uni these results ma> lie hitler than ori.;inaii\ e\ eeteil. hut ιλ cry difference among the three is net likeh tn lie settled now. Γ: : ν 1 Stale- S ι-ere! irv ir S:..te es F. Bj!ι < t lîrit For i .: . Λΐ ail.ster Κ:ne-· Hi". Ill ire ; ι— ' t . il .ni \ι ι il· · 1 · ■ . .use thi ·.·ipes :·»Ι expeetati : - t : lie Ainei i an • .ι I: i' :sh pc ; >;e to ι much. The li'i enai ι. ι -■ *t ι - ι Ί lie big Ire :. ι ν ι ■ ' " li· 1 ·■ < . Illlell' a ·: ι "1 ,::a'. ι .: :!.· I'nite.l Xat i:s Or ii. > i/ati 'Mil . ·; uy-pa-.· ing il However. big three collaboration was applauded uu au; the War and much l;· u c : e acco pUsho thiiίικΙι sue!ι ci Ilabuiatι n 11 ι he ΓΧι ι w . s r ν pi ί:ted tu handle ..II m .Μι , theie would be lin need !' the i1 ate'lis t · have au iba.-sa ,1 τ. .id . ; u t aai nanistc».-. .Davonporl I rial Sri l>\ ( ,!ηίτ\ charges of cnnspiniry to violate the •ate ion!.inn ■·■ I ).. vei, [ >i μ" , ι '' ,\. 1 In·!). ! ;. ι ι·' . ι. Il - y S 7. Γι IΚI i (Ι Ί . · ί : : ei Se; >" ellt: HI •1 · !Ή. when 1 m !'.·· ι·> >:nif ν «....s I ' ir\ I Cluniffl .1 !. I· ill. D.ivn port vyili κ·> op lri;il IjcIim··· Judge J. Paul Frizzelle. Indicted Ί h ! : ι ινίΊ. I! \V Γ..,vies, \V Λ lirlnkky. .1. Κ. Munning, Àlstun Uor '···· .l iivt .- I. S it! . I,.·. Smith, I. ·||«·. F. Λ. II'..": G: .M.iri.-·. Λ M lui r S; it h. C'IvÉE· Ht·. M. e Bobei;.· and l; .tu. Mill.-. '! hi· state !> mm:ι π! in· esti.nati m • ί 1 !!:..· Ιϊ;.\ · ιΊ·Γ . Ί Κ.ι\ Î 'ι duce ('<>., v. : ι . 11; n : ati'il exteii ; 11\. wo· ι Id ί >· · ··■ >* in >ne\ at ;» ! < r π ι.' interest ν. ·Μ·ί; · ' I Κ■ >ι· i ι' >'■·· 111 Jier cent a wee Ile >·.;;>se (luenllv was urdered into receiver ship. WEATHER FOU NORTH ( Λ KOI .1 \ Λ Fair this afternoon and to night. Occasional cloudiness Saturday. I.i«ht rain extreme west portion Saturda*. Warmer tonislit. BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE A TRAIN JfcM msr-ΧΛ—— WITH THEIR HANDS JOINED in an attitude « Γ | r, tin ; Pacific vets aboard a ship tied up at Les Angeles show how they tcel about getting home for Christmas. They are part of about 15.· ·.»! returning G Is still on vessels in the harbor because of the lack of trains to take them to sépara?· tion centers and then to their hoi.tcs. <1 :> r..c: ·. al Sou-idphoto) Âdm. Kimmel Given Clear urner Asserts Washington, Dec. 21 (AP>- Ad i ra! I'ι··'■!.ιrcl Ke!l\ Ί u ni ι .-aid to day Adniiral Husb. > ft Kimim 1 (lit η* ! <·· mt.lv wit!, ,Ίο.'ΐι·" nr. Hi"■■■ and expie -ed the "pinion tiia I Kirnirel ha'l <l«>!·< II !· -sr.- at |'ι·. Ha : ι .· ι ι Id )i, ι . ι · litft "in.i eria ! !y ' Tiii iii r ,.!-·» I"ld ,1 Sr . (lu ; tinn tin 1 )· <?i - :·| T. liltl dl vt III·.· t: ·· I '.ill ' ii lk-"! 1if" Κ ι:' · Ί had ι κ in ρ r p..red ! · "I Ί ι Ί ι ,.Ί alt.Il !; .nirl wa.i ready for v.ar," Till· V:v\ 1 ii ρ.ι ι ! ini"it. I ; : ι· m - ri '..liii, ii.id sivrii Kimmi't "pi·· ti"i tl\ s|:c( it ii ι · it ·ti' iri'l ν c lear" nrilvr- t ι t.i'<r tin ncrr s.irt measures anailisi tin· .iup.i ni'M· attack. "1 )im Κι;rι·"!.'! ι ■ ;■ " > ιιρ— ii:iiill'"" ..ed Ya-t · '■ n C. p .·: Tl'l.'li ■ ιό "Hi )id nul Turner. ! ■ ρ : : ; 11 - : .1 ι · ! Γ·,·.·. >aK·' !1 ; I .i"i I It· . ι II :.i l : I·-· 11 Kimmi'l I.: d · !.od. |un - »·«< Cii.ipcr. · ν 'Uld the dis. τ- , ι- ι eft η ' : ■.· '·· n't· a : I'll or 11.1 , I ι u-.-n . : .. - ti ι iallv red .red"' Uoulil llavi· i'.i'i-n < ill "It thev d - ee η ιter;.i:«•dl'ee i." ! n.er "and there was a ; t>d . ham· · wt con I'd 11 e 11 d h et ι'd ι ι -ifler. !. ■ danπ Ii. .1. panest tie- . " tie) rest·!·.' ' ι\ t Mm h> Pi ι n serviee.- tailed to jell i>ft.·:·«.· the ja] ..il, k .11 It . I I 1! a ■·.. >1 ii r jili \ told a reporter he want- \dmiral Turin·!· une nl Un* navt's top ampiiitiiouN riinitii iiiili rs in the war. tn ex plain \\h.\ In· (lit!ii* 1 ncl together with Major (iereral Sherman Miles in October or "November ΙίΜΙ Ιο [kid! the information that was (Oinim; in on Japanese in tention-». Turner it ' ' ».■ : · uv. Ιηνι.ί · ' na\';il inH ! ii^em e ; · : 11 Vile- ί·.· . ι ». -1 η ι i !. · i< ' · -a ith tile . ι r : : y. !:,».· SfM.i't li' ii.-e } I. i Γ : '" » (· fru ι·m ' 'ι I' t ■ ; ϊ - ' ΐ rl 1 ί> . 1ollie:;ii<·' I. Mi t! a.·, ni d late in 1!)41 bill nevr: j><it >»·»«« <11»ot.·ti<·11 beeau>o Turner cMildi.'t !ind ι>ί,Ί,·ι· sp. ' c fur ii. Μ ι j : ■ · ). %' .-.lid hi· want. j tc know whether tti.it'.- thv real rea Ualiotiinji < M Ί hvs Emfs 'annas \ J 9s .. . - : i ΐ'ίΙΓ rti ..ι r 11 m lay lire ra- j ( >i\\ I i ι .v. ■ > cieal t » S li p - ;· · t . : ■ Λ "ι , I )tτ. . · - , ti- > . (i.ii·..» ■pt· "!1 1 i I . ; : lie fl el"; en y | ■ i t" ■ ι ' ::»··! wait j Γ II' : i ll 1 !< ·I I '.111- quarter peacited i i ι h χ ι πι ι· ι ii.a-MT.ufi' tires. Γ ! ι « · ( ·. ι ! . 11 ; I'ri'. i .. · . ··) Adniii. .-1 l'a - | ti , i' ( >P.\ ■ ' t · : thai I ;·.:·ι ,ι.ι Ί· . ■ :i··i v. hen it : Γι ι,·.. ed ! ' level. CPA I 'i 1 ' .!· III) 1 ;.'J P-porti'd ■ ι ■ , : : 1 η- !y p. ud ft i- "1 of I 000 M'i- mif.tIi. Ho f.-iimati's that ββ,000,080 ι μ.-·fimi'i' tin s w ill be ! jY.·.»:.av I Ί Uilti. Sr ! . m' !li ; ! re· w i:l hf need . ι : . ι.,· , ιι1···> · ί ί ! ι · - during t hi· ,·, ηΛ·:'..; yi Μιΐ!ι ίι- re must bi .nailsibte for repïtocçm.i* '.-· (Zj Shopping daijs till ■*· ·γ· - — '.y «si®* ·ί 3>βξΐί ' Θ M'ARTHliR DENIES BROADCA^REPORT HE PLi! ÏO QOiT Radio Corresp .ndent Says General and Russians Having Souabbie Ύ· I.yII. i )l ( . ! A ! ') ( i> il i nil ! >'Mijrl;c Mai ■ <1 uur d< ni ·<Ι 1111 l· ι \ :! iii'itaiira- ' ι·,1 ιί'ί that his hcadqiiartri had I )»·■·< >n ι ■ - t mîir<>i!<·<i in a1 t., ai - with 1 hi Russians o? a.-si.irunH'iit . i Russian occupa; ■ ι; ; π;·.,).- in Japan and that Mai-Arthur lias Ihnatenid to resign. "I a.1 : ho. 1 to y .nul not In hinder κι- obstrua the American government," tti? · -emc com* ! ,and« )· of the Alii- .ι . λ ι - .id in a st'.term·:·.:. "It is my full purpose to see tile thinif through. I he question ot Russian participation ill the uempa lion is a mi'iter for other derision then m\ own." 'I'ho .-:atenient said th it the broad I .i"il Π j ) 1 Γ t, " 1 I ; I i"i )' ■ i'i 1 · i ' ■ ) !!:;'.<· :'t . rr ι : de ·;. I .;.rrv i'i·! 1 the An eri c.-ii Xlr -adcastinfi (' - lately nu basis in la · It e îieluiied: Tishe Fell Ileoch "It Tighe mac.e the statement he is . lleseil to have · < .i■ · ι>t : om Tokyo, someone must have been ! ceding hin a funny ·>·(«· of *h.> .-a' being peddled around Tokyo on the black market. ( Tak ι . to ti ai the statement. I ,^:ie .-aid * 1 ι <— attirai t lu· st> ·ι ν ·. hteh I , rr . ι !y broadcast that ' ·· exprt ea lie. ' : t he et nie : > ι a·:' · : this ara ; ■ t; at the R .- a.)i ti on,ι - not be >1 1· ·\\ eti tu ' . .· < '1 the .ia|lanesi i.. I.aid e: li a;ka; it ." l Tigln·' nil.··. I ; · ι f 1 ill Sim I-'t-anrisi-t by ' AUl îii'led: i"Further ti'· .-npreme oejamand· er's el; i,η t ■. ιî a i ■· .. te .- a·); . a ■ I m eea lia· \ c r y < ire. η;/ , loiisislii i ; S "L · k y a Prograsiï ί ο Boû'iii Jan. i 5 W : Il ir. ■>·. !>' '■ 21 A Ρ Tin· . ιινι ΓΙιΙΙΗι I - I 11 · !■ . e ■mir . i'llt'l ι in ,11 L'li j III· * 'III ! .1 :m .. I'V 1.1. .1.·:.!! I ). S'il, ι ! 1. ι ■ the Civilian Production Agency said l'iday. The CPA chie: oKteeqfl that dwell ing.- . .:i(. · sUl.OlUi or le.-.> ie ol.fer ttl fir>: tu \ι 11.lies ; ml ι Id ι new-, conférence thai tne top ri» t · η theso dwelling;.· will be S&O per month, S η ι ι . ι ■ -1 i ι ' 11 i ι. ι. · ι ' . ■ . ι - · 411 ι. - IIHO : ... I ι..κι II 1 :» Hi. ■ \Vι■ ι· . Ile ι»|·! *-;·>; = ! ι μ : : ι.-. I ;. 11 : ' :, ! ι, . 111 : I |h.■-.·.· ·.. .! -ri' I γ il: ·,. 1 ;·.,': ι1 \ lr ' , i ι :S 111.11 ■ ι ί " τη.:- 1' c..ns. Simili s.!id. th.it c.n η m : 111 >' ! '. · new ri Λ ell inns .·. : : ι ! : ! lui Li : l;i ! Soil ιii ■ ι month. I h·· CPA .·! .ι it!.ι e.l regulation Msstoriwg ten kind- ·■: priority system ;ind announced ttuit the tederai II" i.-.ns Adti'.imslι.,!l·in ■ .:'.·.·.- *. the;.e ■ I . I, ■ ' CANCER DEATH RAIE ABOVE WAR LOSSES \V.. ' : 11U · ι > · I». · 21. I ΑΙ ' Ι' : · een ι I'llιν:ι.. -.lid tod.i,\ m■ . ι\ t\\ ivi ···> t ei'-i η» ' lie· i ·: . in le ι I 1 1ΙΓ. li : I'M:! 1 il l : I ; :U1 . - the ι ed ii 1 · - ! : λ ι : · :. \ . .t ii ill in Win d \V. : II. (.' . ! :. · ι h .h the pi: :· ι i l> 'kiled ίίΟ 1.419, the bureau saui. while :v b;,t ! ■-1 · ■ 273,00(1, \. ( I \M S Ι ΙλΜ S III πη ·-!< \ι ι ΐ ii wim \ιίί ι» Ch. ι·. I 11:11. Dec. 21 A .en-·.;,- o: tile [· ·.· ; - · : · ' ' > :.iiidiea(jped children ii tir Si : . ι th in and out of sell !, s ·: :>« ·ηιί ι; arte Mir·uish ci ι ;ιι 'I · t1 · ι I . \ e * iee 11 -el. ' tu I \ 1 e ί :1 r \ . : lenntend teacli· - ·"· white i d nei·! i. b\ Dr. ι Ι\.·ι· À, la w m, slate Sltperin timV:.: t ·' · i : ι1 rue: i < >: i. was ,nii· ii ' I ■ : 1 e '■ 'd.i\ l.\ 'm \ r t i ι Car·' '· s · · i> t". f!iip(iU I Oiil d· e" '-1 ·. d the · vey at it: !. .'· · eetr GEN. GEORGE S PATTON . \ I'OSi-U VU ( \SI \LTY Settlement of Month O! cl Labor Dispdtc Not In Sight Yet I)ctI·' it. I>.ν 21 : AIM -V : 1\ 11 ! · ι' Co,. Î · : r ( ' I ί )- ί 11 i 11 · d Λ 111 < W >rkoi■>. (·::!;■li-il'-vl r. . ·.. ·'i -j»· '· !.. \V .1 .. · Ί ι : 11 '.!d, ΐ'ϋ',Γό Λ ο ί hv\A hoi i'i.'iy l'ccr ί «>cΓ..v •t.·!! ici iii : 11 lull ί1: - Χι'-.' 'i.'t.u.i- I W ill he* :■·· ::: ci .1; « ,:irv I! Phr;»rs m -cninpU'lHy un.uwpi- | ■ iblt·." ;ind "totally : » . < ( i * · f : ι !1 < ■ v. < η to the e< mprmy's ι :·I ' ι · 1,1 c! ..'it·d .iii ι >: ! < τ ol \-.\ \ · i.itr increase. l'h«· UAW rici I w < . "s'.inding lirmt" *>·» it.- '.W per cent d«.:ii nd. f \X':ishin^ton. the ant > hid lis 1«.\'n hi^pst corporation—ilcn < ? ;11 Motors—which , Ko is .il loi;cr-hr ids with the t \\V ovrr ;ι (ι p«* r ρργ,ι ua;·!· i « « · re a s ρ v. "r.l i ί ; t ο ι iunh'ip with the ιιΐιί·»π to (i> r[\- rcsimiptioil oi ( oil;" t i "· ' 1 .! . . M i « Γ' OP. KsUiS iii\'«.' ·· ·;( in tlip month old strike. 1 . ν',τ v.-t ( 1 f )V : ι !<» tlir bi.. j.,p · 11 ί i ι i u; the wag; !··■-· d-l v. ^ H 2 £ * 1Λ é* jmmïs Oit es* î Yace Fia» In W ri lin" ^ 1 Chiang's Government Considers Proposal Only 'Propaganda C ι : !Hv VP) Λ (' cse Ciimn iiftk.ii ' sert i'd would pul nfiieially In! > 'Anting j .···..■· Τ i« >! ι.vl arnι i>t uv ;n Chi; m's . ntern.· . | w ar. with ht»ih >ide- "tru/eii" i· i their present p> sit ι· a. Hi.- assertion lollovved gi>\eii>i|30nt j «'··:·. mem.- that ihe j·;■«ip.wa> ; ''pn>pa&anda.'' because ii had b;een I n.alt' \ env.iiy at ι 1 me11 η. Πιγ Ked spdkcsm.in. voicing surprise at lliis. (In larrd that (louerai ( hou I'u-lai el the ( hiaose Hod deleîia t ioa hid for mal Ιλ roiiucsted that llie truce proposal ho t'orw aided to Gen eralissimo ( hiau:· Kai-shek. ( hou made tin· proposal t«» Shao l.i-tzu, nirmhcr of the govern ment delegatim to I he forthcom ing ii η i t > conference. "We want an armistice." th< spokesman said. "We e · ï ;. m erect »>u: proposal as nttieial and ' »rmalt but it' th·· a ·\ t !'!;·! ( · 1 w. at it in writ ing. λ a- are going ta . ''alige.'" The verb;· ι propo-al \\ ;..· ana· ·· :ne e i by ;i mii: -* : th e: \ ment that (Jeta il tïe · ge Mai mi .Ii. the ' peace maker." .stepped frowi hi.;, plain at Shangh; ι ye * * ·ι .i y, an i there were indie.iti as th à b« th » prepared t ·» m . gem ine t.» >sic»ns in efforts a. e: i the long Fuuhm! Λπιι\ » Lradt'r Dies il· id!· ■κ rir, (te r m a ι. y, I .· 21. -( AIM —Cm : ! ( ■ ■ r.iri Smi;ii I'utton. ·!ι-., c·· "liiil arms commander ss :ni Inm.'iit and t.'.lu >1 t ,ι·ι - ι ! ι ■ : ι - all t li.· as fr< m i lu» shores i f X l'th Alrica tlir.iiijrh it·ils and France al m < >. t 11: 15. : lui i ":-«■! 1 died at "ι :ô<> |>. ni. ( 1 1 :·">»> a. m. KKT), today a do/, i; days a i ter his neck was In ken in a t railic acciik m. .\Ii>. 1'attnn h;i> ssiiii him when he died. Ί lis· lierai s -twit old i'ijrhtinji heart weakened (iiiriii!.r the (lay fr« m effect m pulmonary complica t in a- Willi h Had Liesei his π cavers 1 π m a br<«Ion IH'C k. : .· tii was m.ale by liiy. Genera! ■ ■ · V. i.iiv: 11 if I : a led Si ,r.e. . < f 111 ii .Λ : ; ι .y. i ne o-iK iai anr.ounccnient saici: ' («citerai ï'atltm died at ~>:Γ>0 ρ· m. l«.night. it in announced 1>> i»rig. («<·γ.ιγ:ι1 i :t; 11 Uilh'ii, rhiei «Ί slali ot tiie Ncveiilh Army, («cneral k'atti/ii ;iied peacetLilly ί Ι·ν -Λ' ·1 ■'.· i \v... eu last λυ\ c:n l .if' ··;.'·{ "old bio »d ara ι.y " 1 · «it·.· !il.- com· ■ tivi. v. : ic μ η (>,t an army loll ίτ , ί i·. i t i ·. : in;;, 'ne w.n: r· ·:. uiunidei • ι ι Γ tn .St ii : «ν 1 ι :. : ι Army, whic: ■i.a.iiM ί ; : Αι ι ira. Siciiy anc •\ r: lit· had -er\'c.t Or icily a. . c'ing i".:.Mirk'i ·()!' 11 ' Unite· >'..u ι « ' : ■..■es in the Ivan-peoi· At the lime deilh lie \va. f ;i.m1.ndei ·>! .1 ipe. " army -th· ίί Γ.·:.·«»··! St tes campaigns ν ι. . r< ipe. :: · :·.;»· it ι ; ( i ->11 . · ι :. y t.:" .1 t. ': » i i · ■ · . 1 Hi'· in ι ίΊ 1 ί η· ·<·:. wit.· ! » ί 1 » ι. ·. : Mu.-ing a. paralysis ot the louer par »! his b« d.y. Indonesian Is Studied Β ... Dor. 21 -, ΛΡ ' Bnii. Lu· ·.·!·. ' ' Griu r ■ ; Sir M !· - C i .■·.) ι·;. . nd Ai; Chiet Marsh.. I S, Keith I ' ·ι iv- : .nil· ί lying \ ι>.ι t· Bahivia British o-rces ran. ! ..····.: ; rn.. ; ! ι λ 1 ! lui» 'ill's ι an * ; > 11 east oî Bein >eng,·. i!u· swiîimei· capital 1 )i i»t> ι > the Allied ^muii. l· vers e furaanucr and 1 'arks ih chiot Allie ■ . r officer tor ike Soi ώ ι·.!- i As in thoas re. Thi-y t« " «κ ut! .^.u. i»nl\ j 1 (. \v In.»' ι - - later. Ί iu? D'.Ieh ni-ws agency. Ληοκ. >|π·ί t r : ; 11 thiy Were to di> ■ wi'.u I.:. Grh. Sir Philip Chris : A! lu··, i ,· · · · a η ( km ·: the Not!) t'll · i!- Kast Inoie-. ι ho dot η , l'.j'in'u . 11 'ho n-cenî eniereniv <· i ' : '. - : ι . ι ί u i Π ι : Κ · h 11 · ;. d ι .-· . ;. S i 11 g ; ι |><»ΐν. High h- ι - in Bat.: , κι .-aid οι I )ν. ν! η: >ΐ'. Γ. ' i μ ' \ !ΐι · Βπ; ι-h i iau ι i » ν ii :<» η.»·\ e wh..Ό\ or roinl'oi r»· :: eiMs win· necossary 11 » rester. < · riit ■ r i.iid u t 'r; ι η ι or Dutch ι de it îhe Kasl Indies Selling Pressure ! .ackins* In Mart Ν.· V.. . « v. _i AIM Whil ι- . ; i nu iiresMiiv \\ notabl; . . .ι ι rreiîu 1.1 : teMdi-noie:- t'nn :.· m·.· :n I·> -'oi-k η arket. IV.· . \v: rd : .ί- ' n! tlu> t ime \\ or Γ s Moi ' ι. :- U" . Cîi'lior; il Ίι l'η.led S' iii·.- Κιibijer. tîood ι :ι h nid Stand;·: d OÎÏ. SERVICES ARE HELD FOR PRINCE KONOYF Τ « \.· Πι' :* I - ΛΡ> S«î 11 ; · •ο -ο"\ . - ν ore ο ηά oted ' ' · t !. \ : Ρ Κ..:ΐι .tlVii'i KiinuVi ι ! I -1 'ι II I premier -if ,Tapai v. ii!i iv ' i - ulaih i> m llu ι ·■ ]η·π. bousehtvld : ι cl several cabinet minis t.,- if.-nrtina. Κ ' ν ι ,n ι. n:. "on - lieidi' S..!iri... ιîrçap? Uia! as a war criminal. Queen of Roses BEAUTIFUL P. . Α.. nr.. IT. v. ..J nai. ed "Qta : : e T· ι :.t of Κ·ι. .·.·" ! . η !«; uve :· the annua! New Year's Day floral cele bration in Pasadena, Calif. Λ sopho more at the Pasadena Junior Col lege. Patricia is majoring in dra matics. (International Sovtndphoto) i nmiaii And Industry At » Cross lioads President Sugv/: ; Openmg Firm i-'ooks In Wage Dispulf ..· .: : I h it Λ ! ' > . iCcl lend ·. "' · ·ιΙ ι ΓΙΟ . ll'.-nci :l l·' I all ' t ittempt to re ΙύιιΐΊΜ'ΐι Surprised inn.ill Lloyd C!;i! ■ : ι 1 1 ' ο G M ' VI. ; u ι d - . ■ y · ■ · w it ι y to t ' '' « ' ; ' ' ' ' i : t-i 'Vimihi li.i I *;· vvi.mm III · f ît'SÎ i'i i. ' V· i: . * · . I : ί.' ■·:;/ •lllcl Dill ' <· · - · ■ ill i'\ L'l '* · .4 t -l · .· 1 ' îÎ10 is ii<? . μ τ1 : * · strike. Ai t cr a !:ui!t liuiii? or P. R( ut .· . Γ WV · ·,· pre ch nfe M Ç. Κ. Witew, ci Μ. ί ■· .'Ί* - ■ « it *. t # otft ml;! eoci !· ι .! fi ' :I ι - in·;ruing. ! ,mt Futures I ). >wn Sliarp!\ At Noon \c λ *ι ι ' 1 \ ' '. 'ii· Inn : ill i ',·< > : I 111- i Γι · ■ 1. πι'- ι halo fe>\wi Noon price.- we 1·"' to 4<J cents ;i halo . ··. · M ■ i.·: ν 2 4..V>, July 2-; :;n. P\. μ ι >I>011 \Iareh 2 4>:i; 24 / :i May 24..V.l 24.57 ''.I\ :· ! :: > 24.33 October . ι 41 23.314 Dtiembci 2 23 2') M. t ch ti 40 23.21» 23.15 Mr. Truman AmlCoiiiirc'ss: i. Relations Become Tense Washington, De> 21 —(ΛΙ'ι Ι'ι csident Ί ' ι 1111 an '- i'· allions with Congress· took un a new air oi ten sion today, particularly among Simtla τη 1 jemoc: at.-. Si.mc oi the latter de laie I "an open break' now exists between the Chief Executive and themselves 'l'hey ti ild a .eporler the> .-aw lilt le hope lor improvement in the -itmi ll η when legislative work is re sumed next year. The note of discord «.is prompted b> these three White Housse developments: 1 Mr. Truman'.- hews conference assertion he would express hiin.-el. s-ion 'ί legislation calling tor re tin-i'ig : t..e L'nitea States emj : >y D'en: st r\ ire. in the -;..(e.- u .'nil lull da.\ - Sox <■!'.·I t'ontjr-. >:-ii;i'!i .1 , tin- mean! ι it hoi -, veto ,r ;m >:her verbal -I.·; m Congres.- i> in tin l: 'J Release î letters !■ » key !.iu - makci.- in which tin· President term ed "11 ceoptabie" 1 Ho.ise 11 >> I · - ; t lite in:· t ·!< ·-(■.. I led "full employ · ment bill :«·.«■ Sen.,to ha.- pu.-.-vd. ) 3—Issuance Of an order authoriz ing the Fair Employment Practice Committee ( KKIV > t" investigate and report nil en plnyn.oiit prac tices in private industr> nest June 30. Mi. Truman's a t i, > were termed n li'u ,1 blender" by Repre.-enta •.. e Gibson Of Georgia.

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