Society News PINT. The green and shi: ly tower provides the mind an hoar lor higher concentration, and lor the hi art. c i n that, w..’. ruing svviltly, reie'u.s the height, the high tieart teaches itselt. m, out of season that there is listing reason, lor joy, the lightest power, m green or whin icd hour, Joseph Joel Kei.h. Presbyterian Choir l'raetiee. The .lioir ol thi Kii.-t I’i\ sbylc riati church v\ 'll n h«ui e Th 11 sday i ig'nt at 7:J0 o'clock at tile eliureii, it ^ was stated today. Here from I.iimherlon. Mi s. W. W. I >a . is, Jr., ol I. herton. is spending s. . < . ai Jay . wtt.i her parents, Mr. and Mr.-, Ralph Thomp-on, on Young avenue. /ell Vance P.-T.A. The regulai meeting o. the /.cis V;mec Parent-Teacher A-'- cude>n will be held at the school 'I hursdav i veiling ot this week at 7:8(1 u'eloi a; it was announced today. Contemporary Hook ( lull Meeting. The Contemporary I too.; CTm will meet Thur dl.'y afterimoii at 3:30 o'clock at Uie home ol Mr.-. Nathan I’. Strause, Jr., o.i Zollicol ler avenue, it was stated. It. P. W. Dinner Postponed. The 15. P. \V. dinnei whieii was scheduled for la... week has been postponed Until a later date, it un announced today. Tile exact date will be announced later. Woman’s ( lub .Meeting. The Henderson Woman's Club will meet Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the iiigu si .lout cafeteria, it was announced h lay. All mem bers are urged to be present for Inis meeting. Return to Hendersonville. Mr. .mil Mrs. A. J. K, Oden hav e returned to their home lit Hender sonville tor .-p. a !mg tnc week end with their parents, Mr. and Mr-. Frank Page, and t.ieir sister. Mrs. Ernest Fleming. Return From New York. Captain and fur.-. J. Li. O'Donnell have returned In New Yuri; City, where they spent ten days, anil are at the hone > Mm. O'Donnell's parents. Mr . mi Mr W. IT Mae Nair. Captain OT) nnell is now' 1 • terminal It m m .:Me> Jti months overseas in the Eur-oemi theatre. BIRTHS Parrish Daughter. Mr. .md Mrs. I’arrish an il1 a: v the birth o! a daughter, Betty Y\ onne, weighing 7 12 lbs., at M;' ia Parham hospital. January 13. Mrs. Parrish is the .romcr Mi.-s Yernelle Kd\vnrcls Evans Daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Graham I-., ms an nounce the hi th of a daughter, Brenda U"sc. we.i,i:’ eigiit p am is, one ounce, at Mar: ' Pam. hos pital an ivy 13. Mrs. Kuans i the form'.:' Miss Mildred Pace, o! Henderson. Wonderful WAY TO RELIEVE DISTRESS OF HeadCokisl foouble-Duty Nose Drops jfio , N^^Works Fast! ~ Wrr Yes, you get quick relief from snifily, stuffy distress of head colds with a lit tle Ya-tro-nol in c uch nostril. What's morc-it actually helps prevent many colds from developing if used in time! Trv it! Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL QUILTED PADS For Bassinette, Carriage or Crib. SMALL SIZE ’ 17x18 For Carriage 39c MEDIUM SIZE 18x3-1 For Bassinette 89c LARGE SIZE 31x52 For Crib $1.95 Made of All New .Material Consisting of Cotton Felt. L Marian Martin —Pattern— 9402 SIZES 2- 10 Spring breezes won’t catch your I tiny "image" unawares, if she '■ j this ensemble. Pattern 11402 features | a fr >ck good for all sunmmr, . lu.- .. matching cape to go over it NOV.'. Pattern 9402 come- in sires 2. 4. (i. 8 and 10. Size 6. frock, 1 7-8 yards Ha-inch; cape, 1 1-8 yards 54 imu. Send TWENTY cents in coins fur this pattern to Daily Dispatch. Pat tern Dept., 232 West 18th St , New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly SIZE, NAME. .ADDRESS, STYLE NUM BER. The Marian Martin Spring Pattern Book is now ready. It's yours for Fifteen Cents. Full of smart style for the family plus FREE pattern I ir the new “bag-on-a-belt” printed right inside the book. Delta Kappa Club Met In Louisburg The Xi chapter of Dolt-’ Ka'"ia Gamma met in Louisburg Saturday afternoon at Louisburg e •liege, wit,, the Franklin county aiembif's a< hostesses. Miss Shannon Morton, of Henderson, president, presided at the meeting. Mrs. R. J. Jones, of Henderson, program chairman, had chp.'ge of the program for the afternoon. Mi Sara Foster, member of the music department of Louisburg college, sang two numbers, accompanied at the pi an > bv Mrs. Janie Ya'rborough, >f Luoisburg. Mrs. Jones presented the subject for the afternoon. “Lasting Peace Thr >t:gh Education." She introduced the speaker for the afternoon, Mbs Helen Wilkin, of Oxford, who re viewed the book, "Anatomy of Peace," by Emery Roves. Mrs. J. Y. Paris, of Henderson, gave a sum mary ot the article "Eduet'uon fur a Lasting World Peace," by Everett Case, president of Colgate Univer sity. During the business session. Miss Hattie S. Parrott, of Raleigh, State membership chairman, reported on the nuti inal executive board meet ing held in Denver, Color;'do. last August, giving interesting highlights of the meeting. At the conclusion of the meteing a three-course dinner was served in the college dining romn. Hoste.-sas for the meeting were Mrs. J. A. Beam. Mrs. Gladys Beam Bailey, Miss Vivian Lucas, Mrs. Hugh !i Perry. Miss Gertrude Winstead, Mrs. Janie Yarborough, of Louis | burg, and Miss Annie Wester, of Franklinton. Those present in addition to the hostesses were: Misses Shannon Morion, Agnes Moore, Garnette Myers, Elizabeth Graham, Clyde Hunter. Mrs. Mary Crawford, Mrs. R. J. Jones, and Mrs. J. Y. Paris, of Henderson: Mrs. B. D. Bunn. Mrs. L. A. Ligon. Misses Annie Gray Burroughs, Sophronia Cooper, Elbe Parrish and Helen Wilkin, of Ox lord: Mis.' Lucy Kittrell. of Raleigh, and Miss Miriam Boyd, of Warren ton. Guest* included Mrs. Wa'iter Button and Miss Lula Mae Stipe, of Louisburg College, and Miss Hullo S- Parrott, of Raleigh. Patient at Hospital. Mrs. Frank Fuller, of Middleburg, is reported improving satisfactorily following :.' major operation at Maria Parham 'hospital yesterday. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic arthritis or neuritis pain, try this simple Inexpensive home reel|ie that thousands are using Oct a pack age of Ru-Ex ComiNiund. a two-week supply, today. Mix It with a quart of water, add the Juice of 4 lemons It s easy No trouble at •ill and pleasant You need only .1 tablespoon fuls two times a day Often within 4S hours sometimes overnight — splendid results are obtained If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel better, return the empty package and Rii-I \ will cost you noth ing to try as It is sold by your druggist under jin absolute money-buck guarantee Ru-Ex ' Compound is for sale and recommended by | druk stores every where. Shaw Philathea In .Monthly Meet Plans were made by the Shaw Philathe:.' class nt the First Baptist church at the tnonthly social meet ing Monday night for a home-coming lor the class the second Sunday in March, and a class meeting the fol lowing, and also for a supper meeting in Feor lary to become .1 annua, attain At the Monday nigiit meeting Mrs. M. C. Miles spoke on "< 1 a Assets for Building a Ne.v World." Mrs. W. D. Massce. the president, presided, and Mrs. C. E. Page read the Scripture, with a prayer by Mrs. W. C. Stamback foil iwing. Aiin itc of the previous meeting were given by Mrs. J. S. Milne, a'ctmg as secre tary in the absence of Mrs. E. U. Wilkinson. Committee reports included those on personal sendee, including nn mcro s gilts to the’ ,-ick, \ isits made an I gi t -'tings st nt. Mrs. W. W. Parker, Sr., present ed the program, including a song, "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee" b.v Mrs. 11. A. Dennis, accompanied by Mrs. Parker. Committees for the month were named as follows: Door, Mrs. I. \V. Nutt :'.id Mrs. R. S. Turner: room, Mr.-. A. A. Stainbuck and Mrs. J. C. Stainback: sick. Mrs. C. P. Tan ner and Mrs. J. Id. Murrell; personal sendee. Mrs. Leon Frazier and Mrs. Cora Davis. February hostesses nam ed were Mesdamcs E. A. Jackson, George Davis. I. R. Tippett, 1. \V Nun. E. P. Barrier, R. M. Hawkins'. It wav announced that the regular prayer sendee at the county home and the Parker Sanatorium would be held the evening of Tuesday, J.’.uiary 22. in charge of Mrs. H. A. Dennis. Arrangements for the meeting Monday night were in charge of Mesdamcs N. A. Tucker. P. B. Smith, C. E. Pago and Miss Velma Evans. They provided a "hit and miss" sup per l'or the members. Exchange Club In Annual Ladies Ni gbt Banquet Members of the Henderson Ex change Club entertained their wivi ; and other lady guests, members of !):;rh:, • m I Oxford dubs and pres idents it!' other eivie clubs at their u Ladies Night banquet and nee t West End Country club M ■: ■' :y night. President Hay R ichanan ri> !‘ ai.'s'er and welcomed the guests, following the singing o'. ' Anm in'. Rev. J. Frank Apple g.e i■ ■ in iuM rifj in. John Allen Hall s ing several sol is. accompanied by Mrs, Sallie Lou Weldon, wlio also gave several pian ) selections. Dra'.vings for prizes were held, with winners receiving gifts of sugar, nylon hose, candy, cakes and other val able items. Following the dinner, about 150 members and guests enjoyed danc ing, with music by the Carolinians, directed by W. T. Hearne. Miss Irene Hamm And Thomas Hester j Miss Irene Wheeler Hamm, only daughter of Mr. :'id Mrs. David L Hamm, became the bride if Thomas Sprinkle Hester, son of T. P. Hester, snd the late Mrs. Hester, on Sat urday. January a, in Dillon, South Carolina. The bride wore a gold dress suit wit.h brown accessories and :.! corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Hester graduated from Hen derson high school and attended Mis- 1 iardbarger's Secretarial Busi ness college in Ilaleigh. She has been employed by the Citizens Bank and Trust Company for the past 18 months. Mr. Hester attended Henderson high srh <ol and North Carolina State College. He served with the Navy Air Forces as pilot of a T. B. F. and and trained at Chapel Hill, Peru. Ind.. and Pensacola, Florid:,1. Hester served overseas for nine months and completed fourteen mis sions over Japanese homeland. Mr. and Mrs. Hester will make 'heir home temporarily in Hender son. DISCHARGED 11 HIS ,11'DGE YOUNG. Stall Sergeant Lewis Judge Young was ln.,”..ira.)ly discharged from the United States Army on December 2> after serving overseas lor three >tais m Now Guinea, Austra'lia and Hie Pacific, lie was with the 903rd division H.e wears the Asiatic-Pac ilie ribbon with file battle stars and the good conduct medal. He entered the army in January, 19-12, and re ceived tri.'.ning at Camp Croft, S C ,, and t amp Rucker, Alabama. He Is th v-on ol Rev. Lewis Young. Rutile 2, Henderson. Henderson Man Felt Like Swollen Balloon; Full of Stomach Gas Recently, a Henderson man stated that he used to feel like a swollen ,,111,111 alter every meal. He would mint lull of gas and spit up acidu lous liquids for hours after eating. V'a- terribly constipated. This man is one of tho hundreds in this- vic inity who now praise INNER-AID. He states he was amazed at the results when he took this medicine Now he eats what he wants with out gas or bloating, and bowels are regular for the first time in years. Ho feels like a new man. INNER-AID contains 12 Great Herbs; they • leanse bowels, clear gas fn m stomach, act on sluggish 'Iver and kidneys. Miserable peo nle soon feel different all over. So don’t go on sufferings! Get INNER AID. Sold by all drug stores here 1 in Henderson. adv. j Expected Soon Melvin C. Gupton. fanner's mav ;? has notified hi> i irents, Mr. ind Mrs. J. P. G 'mi. th >! lie has arrived safely in Calif irn: . and .ii ■rrive h me soon. Gi'ptnn ha- served 17 nv.inths in the Pacific. i & WITH THE COLORS ★- -★ r*"<.s In Vas'’villp. Thomtfe J. Simmons, Jr. S 1-c, has ret ■: m d to Plashv i He, Term,, all< . spending a 30-day leave w.'h hi. ■ '<• Mis Lottie Simmons, in Hen derson. Crudup Re-Ilnlists. Pvt, George C-ntdup of li< nder s -n Route 4 has re-enlisted lo- on year in tire army air I ruvs .t Wi1 liams Field. Ari/.. it wn- diselnsed today. He received the - i.ben. - fits and allowances granted t > arni.v re-enlistees. Pvt. Cniditp lu.'s had more than seven months of active sendee to n, crdi’it as his original enlistment wa in May 1945. Crndup intends to spned his 30 elay re-enlistment Imaoiign at ms home in Henderson. Salvation Army To Send Clothing To Holland Post The local post ol the Salvati- :i Army will send 'o .\i-- of cl.(thing directly to the Salvation Army in Holland tor relief, fa tain A. C Kin!: '.v, announced t- - 1 iv. Persons who have any clean used, or new clothes they would like t ' give for this purpo.-e. are a.-ked to call 502 and members of the Sal vation army will eall for it. JOHNSON TRIBUTE TO OPA PERSONNEL Vance county people who began their fifth year of service in OPA Price Cor.'ml B.orris 'this m it’; were I; ‘.id -.1 t day bv OPA Oistr: ■' Director Theodore S. Johnson for their work in the past and reminded that that work is lar from being fin ished. “Board members who gave s > un tiringly of their time and energy to the rationing of scarce commodities are the ponolo who made rationing programs a fine example of A:i;re ican Democracy," Johnson asserted. OPA continues to need the assist ance of unpaid volunteers. - n i irul boards to meet tire tremendous in flationary threat that is m my times grer’.er now than it was after World War I Johnson said. GARNETT STREET LOT CONVEYED IN DEED A lot on North Garnett street w transferred by Mrs. Icurv K.mbat. to Ernest Harrison for SlOtl and >th er considerations in .' deed iiled at the register ot deeds ofiice hi m dav. j. M. Peace and wife sold to M - dred Yancey Williams a hd on Hill side avenue for $10 and other cun -iderations. *7^ HEADACHE Capudine relieves headache fast because it’s liquid. Its in gredients are already dissolved —all ready to begin casing the pain. It also soothes nerve ten sion due to the pain. Use V^7/J777/1 only as directed. 10c, 30c, 60c. Polio Drive Off To Good Start In N. C. Chapel Mill J 18 Ent 1 ic re: "T • re. o l Mere ti il.u : ''.t ' i all 'ill* •:»: .. i • :i the Mil It ii I > i ii it'll opened M . i> ' -II - i today. 1 n W tilt)' . • o ' > c 1 .. gn Dirivloi' V.. !'. dr., a Tag Day i dami <vy 26 2' -el mg. A 1 . I.een plan -1 •. ' ■ ■ ■ 1 1 nl IHe . 'id. 1 1 a ■ 1hi .' : ' wells, too. Our e ■ salislaet i ,!v . : n r i i red our n 'a Klwde- reaoit. !. Ml in cluding the 1. .. k, , Civil.'ll. Alll . Cl •• . di it W.'in enV Club, aid t. s> ■ \V<•• n'.~ Club, hat t !•! t.ied iiai men n the local n word ft .( 11 1 C. C. Owens. "We ( \ uect to r; a at ieast Iron: Sill.(!()() to SI 4.00(1 this ye. ••. ' ' : , :ir quota by S3,000 or $6.00(1." : i1 . t -. Siren Suits Us ... .. *2-. • . SIREN SUITS of war days when wardens wore Y: i and air-raid whistles bleu :•:* a t to be confused with this suit (al->ve) that'll setoff the wolf whi t es when the pictured siren wears it, down yonder in FI01 Ida. In c; < j t uh e inti i ested in names, hers is Uarbara Chambliss. Mice model, eh? (International) DIONNE'QliINTS' always rely on this great rub for It Must 8e Good! All thru the year- ai the sign of a cold- the Quint m-h-’s’diesis, throats and hacks are immediately rubbed with Musterole. Musteroio >■ ‘■■''i starts to relieve coughs, sore tin’-»:*.i and muscle soreness of colds. Il mnuaily in- ! - break up painful local con--' am. Mak--- breath ing easier. < r< for ;ro n-upa, i • •! 1 n 3 strengt ns. 9 A I rADH’Q PRINTING AND ■ ALr UIvU O OFFICE SUPPLY CO. S FRIXTERS — OFFICE OFTFITTFRS jjEl Typewriters - Adding Machines. Hunts. Sheet Music S SAFES - STEEL SHELVING - WOOl* ANi> METAL ^ OFFICE FEHNITl Itl ! PHONE G2 lii.NDEiiSON. N. C. MADAM MUMEL GIFTED PALMIST AND PSYt UK Ml DIEM Tells you any and everything you v. i t-* ’..n nv without asking any questio* s, gives y. t; n i m mios, and friends. Gives true and never mil:: : •. iei on all u!fairs of life. If worried, troubled or in d'”: •> ••on-ult this phychic reader at once. She ran and v. In y"U. Con sult her on business. love, marriage. • deeds, m gages, lost and stolen articles and spei at- o! all kinds. • LFC’KY DAYS AND LI’CKY M MISERS Don’t be discouraged if others have f. led to help v. u. She does what others claim to do. One visit will convince y ■ tin ’Med: im and Divine Healer ;s superior to any reader you inn i «-\ or < hsalled Private and Confidential Readings Daily and Sunda> tin- Both White and Colored. Hours: 9 A. M.—9 P. M. You must he Satisfied or No Charge. LOCATED .11 ST BEYOND CITY LIMIT ON I . S. HIGHWAY NO. 1 NORTH TOWARD NORL1NA. LOOK FOR HAND SIGN OPPOSITE i O LARY’S DINER. HENDERSON, V C. DR. CHARLES ROLLINS RESUMING PRACTICE Dr. * D Ifr.; ins tod iv . - t . tired is ;• nine . 1 >r prsri ir, a ■ ■ i. as ■. f Ischar % for -cs and V.s re' at i 1 • 11 K n . S IS M - Fi. M. R,,Hiii D H . ' I t i ne hi ■■ tl •, rot :> Vai I litis r : . t ' * timi Dr. Vance R • char_cl ;i" .l i v - « . t : - SLi: . ;! Ills 'a s ! ■ a- • • t: Dr Chare Ro! it. oh* tines s ' ■ ed i • • • i- . I. to I li I ' only a sic t ia. : ' : ; for discharge « this r T: o b, a CI S all Cno ;.n. Aria,')-.a. < ' lift or i n \ ‘ «-• We 1 ■ ,e t’1 a- '. a\ 1 , one lor ki-idiv- .mi ■, ' : > ' i< ' - ' I Vi : i ■ ]!: i ’ ' ' : ftd we pi ay God's richest !o always be \\:th i;um and cur., cue of y >.i MR. .v Mrs zi-.iJ R> Ri.\.-.‘ . (OVER 100 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD! SIMPLY GREAT FOR MONTHLY PAIN E. - ' t ■ Mori than relieve monthly p in v.: > n die to female It o r« . - is oecont i.tnvmcf weak. tir< d. ne:\« . < :\.nk;. feelings—of mi h n . .re.'"'] ikrn regularly — P:nkh:i:: C :• < uui helps build ! > i .. It s also a fcrtat stomachic tonic 1 | HENDERSON | flower Shop M' Mu-cTssor to Hibberd's 1 MAY WE “ SERVE YOU? — •— \ \\( i won i bi nr, l 11 .!!'• »• on Mont-’.oincry St. Dr. Posner’s his J^>4B ^ S:.:. ' \ i ia:. o..y •: t: ,r r* -ad 1 > Width L' a:id L) ' ' ' 'iir-r ■ us i n’,-. \\\ v\ , i i .(•;•.) v. ;; -c irri tilt* i ' • . :v‘ 'muiv bal ... . ... :■ rr.; d 'unn j I lid strpjHT . . i . ’ L, W.v ( i i v HENDERSON SHOE STORE i *--—--—" "i ll Per yard CURTAIN Rubberized MATERIAL GLIDER COVERS Marftjiisetli' S : , \VhHi-. C;, ;.m .. I'., a-. ' ' 1 Vn 39c Yd. $3.95 DRAPERY MATERIAL Heavy In Floral Patterns, Yd. $119 -—Our Store Hours MONDAYS TIIKOI Oil I KIDWS—9 \ M. TO 5:30 1*. M. SAII KDWS- S A. M. TO 7 I*. M. -PHONE 159- | CARTON'S Department Store orrossTi farmers warfiiofse HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA I ---

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