IT PAYS * * TO USE THE WANT ADS! PHONE 610 FOR SERVICE SPECIAL NOTICE BE SURE To VISIT THE FIRE ■tone Si ire during sale. Rout , 4-to - a i it!:: • 1: i i;! avail.;: in all defiart • ! . I*a . !■ i.if Store. | | 7*| Arc ^ nil l nd cr-Insi.ircd? I’i'i fid e, have ranli ili utid In an increase in llie c. . t el '.vhil you ai.|uirc. This gon eral i i e1 if li I ai 1ne value if \vh..l .Vo i I'v. own. In ii; awe i , .os I,.,. o i, v i, on. lake ad\ a nl.i",i ■ • > 1 lie In -mg tally insured now. INFER ANTE DEPA RTMENT Citizens Bank & Trust Company Phone 199 llender n, N. C. 11-tt MR. J. T. PARROTT OF RENDER son s;.»ys, For over twel a nonth; 1 suffert d o:a la ■ uieers. \I1 •nedieines and ala arcs. ribt.1 for a:o I ai lad la hoa I : :oa 4 someone l'eaa.nmen.ia 1 AOO ()ia‘ nu ill. For 1 w ' weeks I ,1 AI'.4 < liniment and at Pm end ■ ' time t'he a rrs v.a . < em a a I., healed. Thai was in .Ian , i ;. 19 i i. and 1 have no: h. '.1 ..ay : a i. re. uirfiee s.nn p on. 1 tin t ACC (hutment a good hou.- oh .1 medi cine- n it .;nly ! ■. Is • u . • r . ;: 1'• r either min r skia r..,;i m as wed. You can find ACC Oint ment m all loa 1 :ig drag -.1 ires. “IT SURE WAS GOOD TO know 1 was insured’’, rtniark od one of our po’iiev holdi rs in volved in an automobile acci dent recently. Gould you sav the same if you had an acci dent See Pinnell for protec tion. Telephone 252 or 192-.T. 16-tf CUSTOMERS ARE \SKED TO fib" • ■■■■<. :d van liar • 1 wit • 1 liei!' ’.'a I aif Ills. Thare Is a - : ua - age of oil kinds of hangers and we are tine’.do I i go; tin a. Yah 1 Cleaning. Co.. ; hone HI 1. lll-illi FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE needs see Frank M. P rnhart, general insurance, Rhone ntill-J. 1 -If REPAIR - SERVICE SEV IIARVTN-MrlNNTS, INC. Ft lit General Auto Repairing by quali fied mechanics. Authorized Par! - ard Sales and Service. 132 N. William St. Rhone 173. 1 I -t I HAVING ADDED CLAUDE 11EEION to our stall, we cun now give yon quicker service in Expert Sh i Repairing. Call u . Grissom Shoe Shop, Rhone 8311. 5-11 HAYES - THOMAS ELECRICAL Service, electrical contracting and repuiis. Plume 8a9-W, P. O. Box 890, Henderson, \. C. 8-tl WE CAN REBUILD A WORN-OUT motor sa it will ]: rr-r: - rr lik. new! Seven skilled au ahunies a. your service. He: ter Motor C i 123 Homer street. Thu:.-ti ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES OF every descript .m t Xpert y repair ed. We guarantee our work. Friendly, eil'urent service. Phom 118-W, Tanner Sewing Machine and Electric Simp, 103 N. Garnet' street. thurs-nmn-tf DUFFELL ELECTRIC CON TR A ("IIN G / Sales ami Service House \Y wing a Specialty 21 Years Experience Phone 1017 P. (). Box 012 20 271 i RADIO SERVICE-OVER 20 YEARS experience, modern equipment, and a complete stock of tubes anu repair parts, guarantee you first class radio service at a reasonable cost. Complete factory service on any make radio. Jenkins Radio & Sound Service, Phone 446. GET SET EOR WINTER Motor tune ups, brake re pairs, rewiring, lubricatior and 8-hour recapping serv ice. Sprinkle Tire Co., 335 William Street. T-T-S tT RADIO REPAIR SERVICE Two licensed radio engineers with a full stock of tubes and replace ment parts are ready to repair your radio and give you prompt service. We guarantee every job. Free pick-up service. II and B. Radio Repair Service, 109 Wc-'t Montgomery St., phone 231. 7 tf LOST—FOUND SMALL BROWN CHANGE POCK etbook lost probably in A & P Finder please keep change Pad return Key and Pockctbook to \ T. Gupt.rn, Rt. 2. Box 20 1 Hen derson. 17 3 ti FOR SALE MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From The South's Largest Monumental Factory W. W. LANGSTON 319 Young St.. Phone 771 H <' KALKNER & SON. COAL and Wood. Phono 200. 24-tl ' BOSLEY RADIO. REFRIGERA 1 I tt’.i aing M. chine arc lor A" inspection. C. J. • ’• 11 1 g S | p|y Co. 17-2E !''R SALE. TWO NEW CEMENT ' 1 ” ■ are- mg i lachmes fixll.N 1:! I lxk\ Hi. one ccim nl mixer lor : ' ily about 2,0(1 per •a.v. Bought for -old Gospel : ern e." Will sell for cost. sv< A. W. Icard. phone 1112-W. Hi-31: FOR TIIE BEST IN FANCY groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh meats, fish and oysters. Rhone 439. Herbert’s Yellow Front, Free Delivery. 17-tf FOR SALE: ONE MULE FOUR years I id. Will trade for cow or be !er fresh in i.he spring. Staley i A Journigan Epsom, Route I, Hendtrson, Phone 2321. 10-2ti ASPHALT ROLL ROOFING, m 'ilium grade. For stopping leaks use Asbestos roof coat ing and asphalt plastic ce ment. Alex S. Watkins, “The Place of Values". 17 lti RADIO HATTER IES FOR SALE. II vin-McImiis. Inc. 132 N. Wil liam slice:. Phone 173. 15-3ti •H’ST UNLOADED CARLOAD OF bai' • ' Get your supply now at C. J. Fleming Supply Co. 17-2H WF.DDINi. INVITATIONS* AN I nouncements, At Homes. Recep tion Cards and Visiting Cards. Wide Selection of Styles. Inform ;il>. ;>() { jr $1.2.1 with nanio Henderson Book Co. 31-H. LINOLEUM R U G S. ELECTRIC' a and Electric Fence Con trol.'. Farm Supplies. C. .1. Flem ■:g S -ply Co. 17-2‘u GERMAN MADE VIOLIN FOR sale. Price $25.00 cash. W, W. Williams, 74.7 John street, Hen derson. HP2', FOR GOOD FURNITURE SEE US and Save Money! j Both New and Used Furniture Many Styles! Good Prices! New Shipments Expected. R. E. Satterwhite & Sons. i A COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDS, Hav. Dairy Fi eds and Chicken Feeds. Fill your needs at C. J. Fleuiin , Supply Co. 17-2ti WANTED SMALL OR MEDIUM IRON SAFE wanted. Call E. T. Credle at ph'Hie 178 or 581-J. 16-2ii W A NTEI > T11R E E OR FOUR ROOMS AX I) KITCHEN ETTE. FURNISHED. AT) DRESS ALBERT BROWN CARE HENDERSON DIS PATCH OFFICE tf. WII L PAY ()NE ()R TW<> YEARS rent in advi.Uee for house or apartim nt, four rooms or larger. Local business executive. Veteran. Call Mi. Leo ;l; telphone 56 be tween the hours of 8:30 a. m. and •L30 p. m. 17-18-21-222-2:1 WOUI !) LIKE TO BUY AN ACRE ul land on Raleigh Highway be y . 1 :1m Tourist Camp. Phone 557-J. 14-6ti WANTED 3 TO 7 ROOM APART nient or bouse in good location: furnished or unfurnished. Call Philip Harris, Jr., 299 day or 898-J night. 11-tf HELP WANTED •OUTSTANDING BUSINESS OP I ortunily for returned sendee mart qualified 10 assume agency we-k i'or top-rated North Carolina Lie In.-, r :a'o Company. Inquir es confidential. Salary and comn .s sion. Write giving age, qualifi •./ lions, to Opportunity, care of t is paper.” - ‘ 15-T-T-S-liti mi i it r.. Summons By Publication. Not th Carolina: \ once Comity: Konicf S. Brown, Plaintiff. vs. Kutii Check Brown, Defendant. The defendant Ruth Cheek Br uvn wdl take notice that an action en titled as above has been eomme ■ red in the Superior Court of V '.ice County. North Carolina, for the pur pose of securing a divorce by her husband on the ground of two y u’s s1 arati .n: and the said defen ant will further take notice that sh > is ten aired to appear at the offic • of the clerk of the superior court of Y.'.icc C. . niv. in the courthou- » it Hi nders in, N. C. on the 10th d; r of Ki'iruary, l!)-i(i, and :’.iswer or de niur t i tr.e complaint in said ac ion. or tiie plaintiff will apply to the 1 com-! !u- the relict demanded w I aid com; luint. This the 8th day of Jnnm'ry, 1h4G E. O. FALKNER. Clerk of the Superior Court, i Vance County, N. C. A. A. Bunn, Plaintiff’s Attorney. _ Classified Rates This Size' Ip r.< r word (Minimum rh:.rsfp 2.1 This Size . . .2c p« r word (Minimum choice n , For larger size tvpe inp ne for classified di play mfc t 25 words in regular size type, daily for one month SC.00 No rules or borders will he avail able fur use in the da -hi. I but white spare may ne u ,i n each side oT an ad and charged at Or per line in depth. THE HENDERSON DAILY DISI’ATf II _i / -- TO CARVE BRISKET I | ; i » ! I i i ! 1 Place whole cooked brisket with ■ fat vide op. and round'd vile away from carver. Divide brisket into two pieces. I - ntr plates. Ifvery drop of fat i;, needed oow as never before. Noah Numskou. j - TLcrfLU..''" i 1-24 1 j PEAR MOAH= WAS THE ATOM-APPLE FIRST PISCOVEREP BV EVE? B BUMN-charlotte, N.C. PEAR NOAH=ARE CIRCUS (SIR AFFE S TRAINED BV HKyH SCHOOL TEACHERS?, MRS ESTHER HAVES TITUSVILLE, PA. PEAR MOAH= EVER NOTICE, WHERE THERES A "WILL “THERE S^lfELAT/VEs' ? MRS-H B KERR - SA(Sr/NAW. MICH I a m a * I noAH nmsKwit ’CORA'T £7400*^ W/thoO'E PlOClH oai a ^apuf'c CrApe CpoW: DEAR NOAH = WMF M THE FARMER PUT A hU’-I/JV SCARE CROW /AJ THE FIELP, oit> the COPM GPW FROM ear to FAR ^ BUetEC-S P.UTJM *— ha re i oTfi >1 DEAR AlOAH = WOULD HUSH HEELS HELP A BAMK TELLER WHO IS SHORT C" Mice JULIA rONMOies hati reccvi, ai.t^ I TnalnLi.lrO tjr Ki/i* P**tuf?« SynduHt Inc j Noah Numskull , „ ME.1' j p0^ioo^ ■ DEAR NOAH= WHEM COMB GETS OLD, Does it aieeio false Teeth ore does it OUST PART WITH THE OKIES IT HAS ? EAI5L A CLARK , HOLDENVILLE^KLA ■ BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay The Authority on Authorities'* A I.IVIM POdT-MoRTEM j RUBBER IE pluycis .lur ing the post 1.1-.11•-in of a hiind. chiefly speculate oil what would be the result 1' somebody made a dirt, rent bid ... play Duplicate en thusiasts have :n advantage rr them, for usually in a big game with a lot of tables it is possible to see exactly what happened when such a hi. 1 or [ lay vv ... made One point on which • vnl nee accumu lates is that of No Trump versus suit contract when a game is in the curds at both A A K Q 7 d -i J d t A J 6 ri A2 ♦ ■ j f K 8 7 3 A 10 9 8 il * J 10 8 :i A 10 » 3 A A 10 ♦ Q 7 2 A A K Q 9 7 (Dealer Eart Neither side vul nerable ) East South West North Pars 1 A Pass 1 A Pass 1 NT Pass 3 A Pass 3 NT South made that last bid of 3-No Trumps because the game was match point duplicate and he reckoned that might edge out the people who hid 4-Sondes at that stage The vr’ence deduced by the action was far from conclu sive. Par. for all to try to b at. was the nat"" .1 : ■ u’.t of -i-Spades fad and 5-Spad;s r .. only two tricks bei.'." le t in dia.v.o:;.'.-. as a con pic of N 1 . • I. rti re k«4 on the * lut .* • »f the : uth hand That produced a »n»r ■ of 1 > points. 150 for trnV » plus >00 f**r the duplicate game bonus People who made two extra tricks at 3-No Trumps Ia it with 400 points, hut those who got only one extra tn i; were belov. it, with 430 Where a diamond was led to the K tie* A laid down m i a third diamond return -I. South pot 11 11 ;• ks Wh re i h< rt led. or a diamond follow* I by a heart switch South took only lo With ti deal like this, however there should he no argument at all in rubber bridge, regardless of post-mortems or anything '•! suit, instead of 1. -rts, against ' Ear t's 3-No Tntv.i' untrue* ? Wife Preservers_ Kill, ;i . ;;kf of ■' U..- tow amt ht-t-!.-. of ymii stool*irr.’s In-forc* wearing. anCOTT |A.PAh I ur ALOKE I AMO -1 v. f»0$' M ’ PR*:. ^ 0s M ft-ui'i nt KoM f Nf ..HLM f,». , f w fit) j XOMPS. r _ jfifi ^WAMP°HERBERT PLATO PEEVY OF WEST PBJB' PS f A 'LNUE APT ENTERTAINING WEEK-ENO GUESTT — O'l'il IM* L . H-> v rHIMBLF. THEATRE--- Starrm* Popevr ... 3LONDIE-(Registered U. S. Patent Offices) By Chic Young ETTA KETT_^___ __ Bv PAUL ROBINSON [- - DINNERS OF TO- (-' V' SWELL FOQ ] J - HEY/1 WON A FREE Mi PPACTiCALLN - Jjpy/J Ml NIGHTS BIG square) r1 FlPSTPQiZE ' |, WHEN VGU EATi | ^ PCE” KNOOCED H^iS^r ™ A.'ig j §f|8 ^ DANCE CONTEST "; LOOK/. • WHAT I i GCAPE fg>uiT " r ; - 00o OM LNV OUT TPYiNG TO r cAT jjfc ci r-nf m e-vE EM a HAND ; eor„- &ci S'": " ■“ Moonlight ufL“ - | ***-—> p^'f amd i GOGGLc-S- j L i night- |g|oonfcj ,J:a wk ... - ~ I 'ToooM A.O 7 ) THEY