Jiruitrrson Daily Sispatrlj Established August 12. 1914 Publish' d 1 . <-r\ 4t ternoon txi'Ppl Sunday by III NDl RMIN t• 1 -1 \ It H t O., INC 109 Young street HENKY A i . NMs. Pres. and Editor M L. l-'l.Nt 11. Sec 1 re..s.. Hus. Mgr n LEJ’HONES Edit : .500 Bu ffice • t> i > The H y Dispatch is a m,■ ■ - it J t less and AP Featu u*n N ■. pel F. the North Cat "'.ill i P- > ' a 'e ation. '1 }.s3 A.': i ’■ c'.'i is exclusive I-. . tor rc icatioi all i s d to or not olherv* an.! news pu hshed then a A . t.giLs : [ .. UcaUon of gp(\ 1 .. ’ . i'S II' i'tlQ il l fc? * 6" 8' IV - - . B8< i; 1 i MON R n I» S CAL- IV in City ai Head- a. ■ ' to C trier or direct t e a e . let dai Week A a or other tale is trade. MAIL S'. : NS. Payable in gdvan e 1 vf. $t , six months 5c trite: -a < Hen .er •on, l matter Is. It Worth it? • ■ j’l • — p m ' n SO.l was . The nubia i: hi:ee bur. tre>i m tluu is not so ■ tne.' halt billion ; :.e i i p expen t.uv basis for : :i negia the* lat- : ■: the wide open I ::e Mai - The : ■ * ' ' ’1 .• • ;e■' ■ vessels grouped ; get::-. tor the atomic1 1 la.-i. ami Pie ...me.' Pieir vane’;.. , the ; ■..v u.b pc the knowledge: .■ P u Pu le1'.- i : p - ..illy wen'sui. "" e-s. ip •we', or. i; it is : - ■ ■ • drov, at last offer up u pu■ - Pm id they are all suekeu up almost into hundred ships i : including some batlle situ u. : can mrs. h- the test wort ... - ecula p .. - - . ni '.L-. t'd (lernr.m tot t be used for this purpose. ip: ti:.,- t-x ! t; . ■■ • -aid be made - possible the f rue ■ ; uP'i energy released, ai ed might ulti u.and;. • Pi-- o n-.i.nv between i nr -a!-, u. -- ’hysieally and na tion.. by .u dest ruction, in I:. - .... i some fu ture ear Id it ust the sacrifice be so ci i and :ould not the same r b-uri-'y -mailer scale.' It . , that this government. \vi.. • - : te.•. ii: 1 i:i>n dollars m ’he ;i!".i bomb, can well : aft’or ’ •• .. y .it the altar another had a n. it- efit-eli. eness I !••!’• • . : a uptherti> untried 1 -cut within reason !'i"l if it del--, < ): - • ■ \ ‘:c/. • ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ :>ring the ... e ..eatest dis ■ 11 any ■ - has ever ■ tie ex peri Reaching To The Moon G..\. . ■ . elitists — .so they say. on.i :hoy ■ u.;ht to know—have (•..lit., 'v i I in* i... •i.n with radar ware . m.i thus avltieved a goal men h< ht tl the ages Al ready talk of an 1 *xpedition to tii-- ' ", ir body not so many years hence in sear h oi facts about the universe that nave challenged the inquisitive mind of man since first the st tdy ot astronomy was begun thousands of years ago. There is conjecture, too. that radar wares that can reach the planet Mars, come thirty million miles dis tant. as compared with a mere 240, 001) miles to the moon. Scientific speculation for centuries has been that no life exists on the moon, but it is theorized that on Mars sonic form of living goes on. This new discovery of radar is an outgrowth of the war, and furnishes proof that great upheavals like the recent mighty conflict, while leav k .. . -. - •'eth?* • ‘ "c * ,m some cornnensn! n a’.*4. mak? '.■me run:: but. u : e -enei.t'. • wled ma v thus arc • u ri the * -: it since eons bets seer .e > e* to l" bevond tl'e control <■: i e ra. > it is well that there should be g.i nt 1 . : kind to radiate fro;’i tiiem. iladm was me :hi most valu ! mde developments dr orable w Ibe : \ I Lied cause The Germans kne w extei noth: :g like the extent to wh , It -t was earned by the Arne .ear ..a,! \- W. ’ eel S . lu.eii to admit of hdherto ; nheardot and imdreanied r’ira. ies of coin* i .intention on this planet ami c\e-i to worlds thus far urkmiwn t > m 1 .driants of the earth Diset-very of raoa; and of atom.. energy will forever land to marl' mileposts of progress ir human ett 'ear or Th.e> need •• lie : -t r . i: cuts solely of uestrai tioii. liideea they should and one wai uare Le deve will make the.:' f.m-t ■■■•ntrib i l:on jM promoting lastn i'eace. Inventors of the mrp’n .e iiovvi • • i.et e Halt .1 w ".i i IV a till ■. ea] on : nisery estru : : • it has !; was applied i >y v h ■ e aggressors and the the late \var. But ts iroatexl erviei ■o humanity lie- ahead It has beer ■ : o extensively dcselopi i am: el ected under the necessity am • -; -i ■[' :v liu.l w. - is.::', e . el V Wa ill peace or w ■ il nave permioa ! evades 1 ! \i • i! e ..... ii v. -'Vi r. a- ..pp ■ lati ill: i . . die reset .da n ;i . : ..nr.-me; r. war doe.- nut offset the havoc v- r. ;;1:. thes ::: t.m . i use .'affix - mg. the hour now a..- arrived ox 'da- dll y i mrd '. :. ; - a:: ,.t:: id, ol vvdavii they are capable m peace will'll tile mads atic: en-'isaes u n ■ a . 1 o , a" -11*.: to '"o’.'*1 o :i - It's a* v-crie • war :m.y :r me ' **.*:: i * I u* I Is Peace Near? A give*' u; but a uu:i F r • a:. thi . . k first break | trife which for tightening its Grande:.' >.-A upon :}. fe of the be the begi : ■1 ’. .: 1 ... /■ be 1 llowc hort :.v by peace bet'Ace:. oii.;-(•!' el. ami labor in ■ »ther : .elm. tiiv home front liie tommy e\~ • . ths lenin to, F i rst tht . • trow:, to go.. i ei.rt:. villi it en Th< the meal packing a:.,; w * art • ■ efy 1 ■ - ; • ■. that ily patriotically trik the -.vventniiiil, agreed to rctn.n ' their jobs, rile radn i li un; . . : the carriers consented to aid itratu of their dispute, ami :t.ij■.*- .... ... I Chrysler got elhet their workers. ’Hus leaves tin.- biggest smartim. sore spots m the pH -ore ;is tr.e ( end Motors and ,-tcel coiilnne;' .1 ! i i . e are ;;":gei'i 1 as smaller d.s)>-.!•• that torn . tin . *yy. bot tnosc ui\i. .-r v.'iti p*. 11 ■;i 11. the meantime v* iormula .-nail b. t'>u!t•:l to a\ uid Moppa.;e- <»! v\ < *x •. a.n 1 engendering of ammo.-i* ie-. The n.ere pe-ycholo^y of the prej • t tion . . ^t■ • hop* that the current dispute.' are about to be solved. Peace may be 1 tea re. titan is generally supposed. Kvca though John Lewis, clothed with greater power and prestige than eve. bv reason of his affiliation with the AFL—though lie had plenty before j —rises again in the spring to de ! maud still higher pay for the miners. I there may come a brief breathing ; pell. What the country would like to see. however, would be establish ment of machinery to prevent these labor - management upheavals, in j which labor leaders may be, and we suspect are, maneuvering for per sonal advantage over rivals or con temporaries. The public is the great est sufferer and the greatest loser In the long run. Production stoppage, have become so commonplace in American industry that it is rtext to impossible to plan not. only for ex pansion but even to be certain of i .f - r a? r.OVi,’,"l'’T t!. ceri i T' .t*.i >.; it' i | •<: vr.tv .* he id bae ; e tha e . I I la* \\i!i ami » n other ua»i>ion<. ha. i t : a. « • ,!s ability to create and 4.1 49 £.44; One Minute i V-I. mv . ,, , .; , \\ .n ils 1 t \\ isilm.i Hulls mi 1 ti.iui’tli'. -• ; ii ■ ■ ■ • •» i re the cn lu .but loiia> - Horos tin1. One- 'I ill lie IV t \nsu el .. A da a set A Lift For Today WHY ARK WE tiu.ni, i rotor. Our Father, banish fear Irum om minds and help us to l ish deep lor the souls of men, ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1 year, inles i ,, he - L.ui.u Island Aririei A. Cir myi-a- ‘Soviet ti. Bt n lam in Frat kin: I.aMr id: .. 9. Hal.'t..\ Near Third Of Trials On Liquor TwuMy-ci.cht cf 76 ic fondant r ed in Vance recorder'^ court last \ ' :n .’..ce < in;yrti with some form ■: r’.i m “j the la’.vs a-.ainst pro- i mmlvn. acceding to the monthly j • opor: l evy of E. l». Faiktier, .-u orior i -art clerk. Eighteen oi the ' - : were cited for public drunken CSSl hi . .: • li nken iriving. Elevee were charged with operat a n.oto: \e;... e w thout propc: . cu.m aim cltr.ce. with reckic^ < 1 r :i-sup|1 <rl a:, i die with false pre tense. c.e while men and w a white .< ty-s< mi an i tv. • - ca>1oied w»i.c ei: b li;. t-two iieielicitni•- pvnv.i fmes N o 1 be p ros ( oven an-1 ten were a tiudgeti n • Unity. Total fines amounted to ;mtia aim, fees were Sa'lMJ. a total -l jS76J All-Star Girls Lose 1 o Carolina B\ Score ofA4-18 I Henderson All Star girls lost to a faster University of North Carolina girls team by a score of 34-Id in i game Saturday night at the Wo man’s gymnasium at Chapel Hill. The Carolina sextet took an early lead and did not allow the Hender son tpom to get ahead during any period of the game. Half-time score was 20-12. Frances Polston was high scorer for the local lasses, with seven do inis. .Jean Dixon put six points ihrough the hoop and Minnie Hn"hes scored five points. Viola Hovle and Joyce Fowler tied as top scorers for Carolina, with 12 points each. A return game with the Chapel Hill varsity has been scheduled for playing on the local court. SI.500 For Dimes Drive Is lleeeived Sivy rVrcent Of vi.j.J is Attained la IS 16 Campaign Vpjpcai i or ll 9f I rr (lO^g >HtU i O £ S ^ 8 3 iS I s i m I n 11 # * i I i $ II V >i j| O ! !• * f .* : -e. .iiule;• \’. < ; \ t..' !*. • the Drive For Clothes Is Ended Here 1 !:>v, which ended received. 1 he* c.»d!; to bo \.a >\eu ;.i. i |Uj,p .\ la rev of a n ■ ies n;. i been turned ;n .c the lire Math c. these were .. i i to til .• . •■eh r . TWO LOCAL MEN JOIN NAVY DURING WEEK T I H. ■ ;i, u u ,.n ... ..... I i ■ • an ,1. K. F’. ' L’a ■ ' n . • . I ’ ; C' i: ( nil :'n 1 t . •; i‘gO Chestnut \ ■ . . , . ' ' cent vimee • i ■ ' < U1 : • t ■ I. ; ; V . >' '*Tii . i LUG.. • x;*hcd; • ' V ' ncl PENNEY ASSISTANT IS SENT TO ELKIN 1 yds F as :. tt. ■ : ,,,; ages of the J. C Pennev Company >toiv hero, l a- been transterred to tin' Elkin stun' amt will take up hi • 1! t’: - a a tanl mana jer there on February !. C y" has been at the local tore Septet, be- 1. 19 J3, when h» an here >n Oxford. Grigg toda; iNj'n-. I appreciation for t ii e friendliness ■ i the townspeople and for them patronage during his rtav here. BRITAIN AND EGYPT REACH AGREEMENT 1 ..nrlon, Jan. 28—(AP)—The Brit ish Gi wet nieent was reported today to h. . i ottered to negotiate with Egypt for settlement ot her demands for t !! imi pendenee and tiie eva ■ ; ation ot British trooops from Egyptian territory. Disc'u sore of the British action followed an announcement that Egypt would not carry Iter demand before the United Nations. ’AAAI SEASON” Bowel Cleanin'-: Power Of -Aid Medicine i t ; INNER Ali) ••• > • . -an l C 111 1 ; : - b • dv I'.! 1 i 1. i'i% d :'it*d lip i t * 021 ; tIl«* i'ill appeared. At p;a -e 1 *• ■ ” • ' - INNER All1 HenO". ’ay rit .. r • ’ . : i um sti*0 a.; ar.d kidney.- . M: - / . A? ■ trol dit.t:v”.’ ... i ,,n <U;’t.UV\ * M >. S ! ! !ail ch'UK I Complete GULF SERVICE Re^Ntered l.i’Iir: ■ i-i'ii Service r. S. 'j.'iro Willard and ! . s. Batteries Oi'IN Al.l. NIGHT SERVE-ALL SERVICE STATION WH.MAM STKiKT ^ , PRESCRIPTIONS " A Our Label Is Your Protection SFRVKr SIM T 1S7S PHONE 560 PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE I J-' H i PAY SPOT i ASH CANDLER-PALMER MOTOR CO. Sludobaker Sales and Service Henderson, N. ( • Phone 4.>2 =jr=Jr=LJp=.ip=ur=^i^.-^r-^r jj \ l.arqc Selection Of j!l T] Trunks-Luggage Li l.adies < ases JLL H .> !i sizes ol >i itease - \i m. and Navy Haqs S SABER’S * if | PAWN SHOP | [[ s. <• illicit Street. Sr=-J r=j Hi Farmall International TRACTORS ,_N6L TRUCKS HARVESTER ( (Mir's M l RU'AIK SMiYIl i: mi I’AHM MACIllNEKY —McCormick-Deering Machines NORTH STATE EQUIPMENT CO. Phone IK!'.’ 305-(JOi* Vontaomery Street 1\F!:i:\ATIONAL Til! I.I.GGKTT II vI'. VI ST! K TOCAGCO HAHN I'Hoin ns on, (i i:kk | " 56■ I | TOBACCO a7 d COTTON CROPS I HAVE BEEN GROWN AND I HARVESTED IN THIS SECTION. I Citizens Bank & Trust Co. I WAS ESTABLISHED ■ Titi I:;stit:ition has had an important part in mak | I WE INVITE YOU TO OPEN AN J I ACCOUNT WITH US I I ♦♦♦ I A WELCOME AWAITS YOU | Deposits Insured by the Federal Deposit Insur ■ aiiee Corporation up to $5,000.00 for each de ■ I Citizens Bank & Trust I Company 1 HENDERSON, N. C. : fj Fnlrance un Garnett and Wyclic Streets 1 t ■ 1 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation j

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