Society News | Kn^a^ement Announced i . Mrs. J; t* W Jet ins, H i< t engage* • " their da .gh.or. Kit/..: a til to S ; 111 II. . Young. .- ai I. (.'. Y line and 'a'1 Mr Y m>. o: S:: ,t >.. i . . Nor. a (.‘aroiina. .. wedding will take place in the spring. AMBl'SCAOH. Mu' pi ay wail whore the snow ;lt. in It'll", unbroken sweep ,.;o we hid them them mw on row. i he secret earth to keep. ■ :er-i|iiavtercd. all the liltlo ; ,hr brown and dry and nrittie r an a''my l!1 'iri; 1 one ups bright i nd yoi 'en-ti 'Ca rt will crowd u, on the urine pi preon-pointed p utils whiise martial take the wmd v. dh b -a Sara Kir. h . BIRTHS I;O!’ 1 t!T Ltd. Mclhulr. ' and Mrs* 1!. Ih M d Cur in - "ii February 10 at Maria 1 ’ar lit; 1 VI i del >a - rr Mia Lillian Hiei. \ isiiars from Norfolk. !.!. Commander an I Mr- A. Ctleuu 1 . i;- trr ami son, A1 la.p arri\ t - ad it trom NorO dk. \ lrpima. ril'd some time with Com. Lan in other, Mrs. Sal lie t’p ■ a. on Yopim avenue. > -man* .Pj»CK,taa»?'> 11 ■ Marian Martin —Pattern— .. 'if .!i.. .-.ii.-.-: !-.. y to .... j ; 11v'.: n.::r, m- i.»iw->.-utch ,i ii . , i .1 i Mo iu-okline. (Irm :<l :i: , 1 l ; 11 iiii :. 'ei I nn till1 Waist t )|'Oil ■ - ;n ; Mint,am back optional. |’all, : ;: p.X.'T o'imo- in Juui"i' Miss 15 : Size 13 takes 2 vj; i Mil-inch fabric. Semi TWENTY cents in coin.' for : ; 1 i la:... I )i.- natch Pat Ia !.",2 We : Hit!I St.. New : 1;, X. Y. Print plainly SIZE, ime, ADDRESS, ST YU.. NUM BER. i M ■ on M rtin S. rin ’ Pat •i-rn I! ',,.. now .o.aiy . it's y >urs . ■ I''; I ecu Cell! . K ill ot smart • |. 'n,' ' io na '. rWbelt” . i ; ._■ t im ale t:>e book. Meredith Alumnae In Meeting Here On Founder's Day Me* ( flith College in ii» r; .» ! -< n observed Founder'.' day ki.-t i :hi at a meeting at tii • horn.* O ! i a\enue The day at the eollet k wa «»h>(‘! \ od with an addres bx Di •1. Clyde Tmner. **! Green bom, and a main pn gram and a > eceptii n a*. ' iie college • u Friday nigh* Mrs. \V. W. Parker. Sr., president <*1 the local chapter oi .diiam i *. ore ided a! the meeting and pre euten A i St urge.* l Vllm an i her . on. j Hilly, who entertained th group i with musical number Jr Collin.- 1 "i /Amour Toujour.; I. Amour’ | and "Sylvia” i»eeom;>iinie i by Hilly | Collin Hilly (’ollm th n played i •e\ e. a! ol.. in In. i in . "\\ it ind of th File Dance” by Manuel de Falla, mi :iu urrnnaenieiit ol "Symph -n * A Ahn M.lii Sketch”, giv ing a , brie* 111 t:»• \ ,,f tile i’otuv! Ilg of 1 !i aollcee a.iri fie* pr«»gre. > of the III - ilinti« n wa. pu .ented in • skil by : Mi ( ;ir.11 y n i > ike. A; i Iietty Ro j •" ‘ dt ‘ an a \ \: . .1 ..mda S. Alor. • Du: mg th • rout in-' !mi: in s :( • • ' ’ < ■ M ilt" . v. ere di ■‘.■usm* ! •' nd plan - were marie for » nlerlam ■ ng i a- iimlor air i u nit-: JrC in tii ‘‘"lUily in the ■ pring. At tii" cio.-c • | Inc m -el n a Mrs 1 • h assisted b; ,\ dinn Foil. Clariee, Imogene and ime 1L and Mis G mixed a .'.dad. cookies and enttae to the members present for th ; meeting. W ard-Ilincs Rites In January Are Announced Today • i Ai:. !).n othy !lines, dausthto • >; j Ah' an- i AI -s. II. A. I line... uf I km - ids. n. wa, ma: rie.l to Stall S.v- I cant Aliian A. Ward, -ott ol Mr an \Irs. Thomas Ward, of Glendine, d. ntana. in a double ring cerenum I the Mount Vernon Method:-: •••hureh in Washington. D. C'., on .Inn an y 111. Rev. John W. Ru.-lin pe: - Inrmed the ceremony. Alls, Charlotte Hines, -ister of ij ‘.ride, was the bride's only all. a i ant. She wore a navy blue ,-uit p. matching accessories an I a eor.-a - of white earnalions. Maurice Spain wa the .. ! est man. in" ivide wa, dressed in a:i aqir. • at with which she used brow , ac cessories. she wore a double strain •I ucarls, gilt of the groom. Her cor ■ar.e was yellow rosebuds. At tin 'm e of her marriage, the briiie vva. omploved in the Treasury Depart ment in Wa mington. The couple will make their horn :n V ash ui.gton, the groom bavin--' i e-el1:isted in the Army Air Force. AI1 -Star Boys io Meet Oxford Cagers Mondax Hi'n-ierst n a!l-slar boys ’.rill meet 1 1 >d"rd all--tar.- in a cage lilt on the Henderson high school court Alim ony night at eight o'clock in then 1 irst meeting of the season The local line-up has been in creased by return of a number o! servicemen and those playing now include Stewart Fogleman, "Buck' Nelson, "Skinner" Turner, Paul iilake, Ben Tharrington. linbpv Smith, "Pat" Patterson and Glenn Powers. < Wlord ragors are reputed to have a strong team and spectators ,mny anticipate a close contest Mornlav night. Carrie McFarland Weds Mr. 1 uircom On Monday evening. February 11. al seven o'clock at the First Ikiptist parc'Miage, Miss Carrie Tucker Mi - Farland, became Ihc bride ot Lucerne Flwin Larcom, ol Los An geles. California. Rev. F. XmTIcct CLrdner officiated, using the double ring ceremony. Fred McFarland, Jr., brother of the bride, was best man. Mrs. D. \V. Dixon, matron of honor, wore a gray woolen suit with which she used black acccsso-10 and a corsage ol pink carnation.-. The bride was dressed in a blue woolen suit with which she used black accessories and a corsage ol white carnation's She is the daugh ter ut .Mr. and Mrs. I' red McFarland, of Henderson, and i- a graduate ol high school. At the time of her marriage she was employed at the Continental Hosiery Company plant. Mr. 1 .aicom i- the son of Mr. and Mi J C Larcom, ol Los Angele California. For the past three and a half year.- he served with the arm ed forces and .served one year and four months in Europe. The couple v : 11 make the home in Los An geles. Calif. FOUR COUPLES GET MARRIAGE LICENSES lieenses continued to in crease .'il the register of deeds office tin- week, with four lieenses being i issued to white eotiples yesterday. Licenses were obtained by: Ollie B. Ayscue and Marie Esther : Coggins, both ot Henderson. Bailey Lewis Kearson and Edith Odell Perdue, both of Henderson. Arehibald Brooks, of Sparta. Va . ■ and Dorothy Edna Morton, of Mm - risiown. N. J. William Henry Fletehcr. Jr., and Mary Evelyn Nethery, both ot Hen derson. With the Sick 1’atirnt at Hospital. Rev. J. T Draper, of Warrcnton. I father of Mrs. Norman Holloway, is a patient at the Maria Farham hos | pital, it was learned todays Henuerson Youth Nam 'd As Club Officer _L fjFORR 'R;JR. __ i Pp/Uk IP UPC tiUri r s>Tu&us tURMSt-H > V ’/X. SO -V PtrikkIP 7?i?'A>'.K Xc-o :>• 1 A.:.' - r,.i C. latest ilep V"..t n’..l .; - C ■ ■ ■ ere. They an A t« P Fa tt i : Taylo ; ■ - < - : |). . : n, 1 \ • rev.. rv; Karl Stubbs <>. ll'Ildll (in. ;:c ■ rer: I i 1'. .vh •>’ Raleigh, reporter and (.Tail: of Inez, pmi ram Bnsoi.5) yoi u a: '* I'ai!’ ir r A1. I I ■ iv l a HIM . ' p.v.cs. I lie Bobbs- Ucrrih ( oaip any. X< w 1 ork. 1.7 ate i \v i: cii : .. • life on arlfl 'nr- bo 'i V: ■ "- • >•! : . nvrb. Dili fi Ii n. Is va it! ■. mrn the viev.-pi in' ^'1 '.be .<e’.vi..u ; llth.'l • r ■ ■ 1 bo 1H ■ 1.1 V- 01 '• 10 I . ! -• 111!.-. ! he : : 1 .l.ei.o : 01 o ! .. a. ,11■ v. i h [‘ii’,:. i. i 1 ■ Ain. i. ,e law, 1 > >! in a. e. i rin,, A ; : 1 , ,Je v... an:! tietory and it ivu exi/emei;. uiffi Ult l( . Ill" !11. a a : -a a tn a; .here !\r tcurb ait , : it.n . .liniseli a believe;’ i l ■ •lie's S1;.! l a. t bea a . a . t he house of jjjidah. Joseph m An il..then. uncle o! Ji uatiian. b a.a. oil 1 ■1 . I . ephe\ sadly left his h< lecaa. o' Jonathan l'aith in Jc: as the Messiah. A lilt le renin:'* ic inter' st e ie- 1 lected \\ ith .!■ ' .at ha: i' Elizabeth, sist r in a, • a ., .. - he stew ard in He.,,.:' h , . 'n the :id\ eaturun i ir. ; i Jar Al >i 1 1 ■ 1 the path < oil Ji n it1 an :.1 a i rails >1 i a a te; naiion in tlie ml r. ..:i : . i i:!ij-tiiiii. , ,.i ( _ .. x plan: \ hr it i. -i it.ii til ... iio I.’ end tar ^ iit m , "Mil ;; i;( ■ i , i 1 it Mi it 1.1 . nirahlr n • .inn •<. . cl raw ,iu i »: KM- I M i’< >! : • Ml! l 111 • "Ml i -1. | : )()()k. 11 ! Ill- i; . Ill', dr...: , < ; ’i arh him "I ( !. : 1 "r*.* h.b it-a! A . »rr cnlf'i. J i;;.r;i . Staiabacb. I’KA TV YIOi.FT by ( !r. . - opher 5 *ii' i JhX p.r, -. Yew York. !» m:ioni ilon^r. .1. WritU i: ir fust pr; mi. thi , ira! nat ir a •' ■ i ’rater \' r ■ • ■' hr At**' . I '. '' . toper 1 -ih w •• • I •i >! labor; a :«■ ?: v bn the An.-in a hi- • m l" . }■ . n a .i Ibibiii.'i; writing "I ihr 1 -wit . 11<)\'1 r by 1 hr a.. ' lie nr air. ' ' . a to r violet." '! hr i: . .r sh *ry i. : • . y« i ... I 1 ha 11!r "i lIn.* Vienne. e ;,n !. b*»:11. I | who M'lls \ :• ‘lr! ill \ K‘l 1! i.t ! 'i ill nr a ■ l)L’A|)it" tiic .br.r,; and liuthbu." • n the i ■ ' . a a. peel • uiutri l.yiirb the story v. inn: IV • tiiumn dramatizes during hi/ r . uiv-ration efforts with If h ■’ 1 r a m a t , , ;li and soeial ■■ juficanoe libly imprinte I an the. I retire! eni ft •. : Vi,»hM" i n-r 11 !)• t i leal , relic,ions. One reading i.-n ! .-nt nut to ill1 rough!V appreciate 1" i i. * l ami the reader mast keep Ins iind a tuned to satire to laily re . - , ,; - ; I a I • , a 1 ! > I M '; I i i 1 1 I n<>\ i ll A ia mum ii LoikIui ■ - Juanita Slain;;. ft it vi mardi g;;\s. \ -cm Oil; ans Novel of Th * ,.\ tv. tdo’plu- Roberts, ills pauos, The Robbs-Men ill * o. Indianapolis, *2.15. ... • 1 ' ! u. Iiin: ad an ; r« •: wn ice. ' ihr■ .ianii 111 a.- ' fit - <>' HMli - \ ■ ■ • ■'.el . has all the ■.’.■amour ol tie . )l(t South. 'Hie y•.•,!!• t.s li»61. \rv Orleam ay. picturesque an 1 poie.nant, snn f'iie mad ly Ai i . i sppi chill- 1«» th. hi ia hat 1 le drum.- r»laisi‘ I .am- *i *• •. n ;.•'i (-.era! Che-.If. .aid t*» him - d. er.eiiemenl! W hat a day to 1> •\ me :ii* Zealot!.- lo th* < *< nh-- :• . . iif cun . erts liie : r:r olou K,« I ki i h- ■’ ,.| | • I . llO! bn»thi?r, is , • > < .»*n.,! . ■ ‘U .* ' \» I ‘ r I ’ . ?mJ i IJ V • U. I . u!* . ‘ ■ • n • u - . . • . ■ I . • •. < ‘ i • *»I i . ..1 ill* h. i *< < vv.l. i hi' • >; V it iiittsi *.*• •» • ! -. ■ ■ . r<t i*. . ... jfaii. Eli.-. Cl . til iii- I !• II. t k j ■ ; i . - , - I . ‘ , b it1 In,111 .. . idv . • - . .. t:l I. J . ! X relitl • th . . , I . i, . < [rum i . ;mt ■ ■: .i o! ' .■ F;.i i d’Or m Paris. Fl : ■ ’ ' ' ' ! - . 11 ■ Ii .i i' ;. nr .iin. t-P * . . : ■ n m ii ul .in. m Iiii’ -,i ■ Fillt"i V.-l’.i. " i ... emai ho?, tire book •Ullluil ... HI - 1 - ; . : P . , Jli.liO: III ihi« bn t 1 . in. r.ii'ii ii itd'iv.- the icacti u. -i . a ■ Mach like ; . l-.l 4ju iiiil.n . . . th.?. Th : . u m p;v .im'i-i ■ 1 ■; ..... ; , . ; i,i . . i •.: ■ ■ ii .' i: (>vi • ft,i , li-.m-.ul i *o . I iv;'Iiii:i ■ -...i ' ' u. ’ . i .i. 111 A!; i r ’ I-'msmi d'i ::' !. ■ i !■:,: 1 1 I '--ii: n .. ; I ;. till [a! tlll-l. if 111.' • . ! !: Mil -Tdl'I' u b i •. 111.. ■:.. . 1:. I. j AIthom h i; 1 .-! !!,. ;:l i.-rra end l'ti . . . .i - m l. til- j ■. : ' : 1 • ; .U'' [ lit’. ; rnd nr' u-.ln I 111. Til'. I .Hi.". I /lily ro il. I ho -•»it* of flu* chon •• -els whirii I .!> the p.ll.lto “I the hi"; { .• tnitous gounnant. - .hiaiul.i Sti.m .dik. \«iies on Rooks. ■•J w, J;« flood ’ l»y He. ter W . I - * * 1 < 'Ci n> , | *»t .\I iss ; i..«pman s hvtorir.ti novel.- to be • :4 in Amenci. It w.»~ pub , I- or i. i y 1 2 by i Ion* hton Mb ii,}: Con pany. ! :• El ■ . . . • - ; bed two if o|; > -! Intel e t I*» Cf f. ; j k f ‘ | I )((•♦>! id ill V »» 14 r . i,\ \\i.\ ] VP : ! \m koi em ri!-c,;]»i'«‘ ion in interior ( ;... * • 1. " i*h( Garlano { <n»kb< -ok*’ a \Y Leonardi an i Ruth W. ,vi al!-pur{• cookbook : j .*i io'e vine,to fill c »«iks. In . V. Cmweil an leat ?da y Roland s “ I ho ! : i v:i . t- a y .■} one wo c' i v'it .e,ain I - yphilir- and m '1 • • • i* j • 11 >!i hod M.noli 1*">. 'itc o The ( ro.v. !l Com ■. i d p ib! i - ii ounti y ■ 1 y i v < i I hck. autlnir ui’ . ' ill Icon ill 1 .‘I , ,.| Amber", '"Mil \ :: 'a V. IlClC .1 111 in;11 .1 him ' Kddie .. ' >.-< i:• I iy l'"! i Inn t'. ■ . lie publish! • by Mao hi • ; IVbi.i.r-y Id. Ja'-irlillun i I ii " I' : .1 .ii' .itmu i •,< ■ Am ! I. :i aohy • • I \ ', i' .-am Al '< Wl:; • . !i tin ■ date ul' ; h I. uullln: of Dark m . bus written u new novel. I loin ()f i My 1 fands‘* . ill b pubis-! 1 :•!I m March by ’ A t: puny. Kin Ti;I:'! ;il - ■ ' !MU siile.: "I "Antlvmy 1 I Hurve.v Allen have just ! ■ :: I'l i ■ ste i ! i.•!:1 Xi.rwa\ the ukuble JJdl ■ :■ M M ii, CHI. II It : . ’ i ' i ar • ' iht! I ■ I icing pub slieii by Pocket Books. In*. ■ * Fi en 'v I. ■ pubis-hen by The ■ in - : ill iimiyraphi; ill account of Ms Fi ■ w !< . - early years in and i . . . w:ia. h. beyan In.- newspaper career. MM i k ’a 1: to John “THK F ■ Pa kin— o Keyes, published m this eohmin 'em: ib' r Jo. was quoted in last w Vo: k Tie ■ ■ Bonk tioi ii I an Mess . tin .ul\ ortisemiiiii. — J. S. T--t? newspapers ARE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM ( I '' - \ ladies over !H \oars of a sc with hish . inni r * >:•;;?!! lor telephone operators, l ull pay v : 1 5TI'.. it urkhv; condiiiors. Periodic pay in a! * * i < ''.c. ti.-s lor advanmiu'iU. Vacation with pay. >it i.ih ! , iu*:it. I !>: :r inf o illation. apph to CHIEF OPERATOR C A: CUE A TE! FPHCAE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY I!! MilllMlN. N (. - •x.-rf.-aasBaia 11 bpT—MKa——————— a •> y | une in »ll\f iverx mnrniin; Mooda' h .11 11:1 >. "Inn I5elt> lawson, ; I our personal shopper and st>le news reportir h; • hliuhts the dailv news from l.lf.fil.ll S. twtt .• -C gh’-ai:? » jl! ? IPM% I I *»nfhji.x l"j Cl (Treat The I amib Bj ;C 1)1 i H lOl IV 3 SUNOaY I I DINNER 1 I Hotel Vmsee I Ci 4fifflk >’rS®fiicfc;-‘ )«3ZgBfr< )4W5T>' ' Did You Say | “WASHDAY BLUES” ll . ,i wi r housewife will* pack- i• *'’’ i | ,l;iy tnmi'V- in the laumiry l>a.e' ami • • m.U | them off to us. We do wet wa h m flat work—return your clothes ilower in-li. | I’hone 287. GENERAL LAUNDRY & CLEANERS, INC. 134 Horner St. 1>1,0,,c 287

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