| Society News I Hour. FKBRFARY. Howl. February, at the door. You cannot scare me any more. Your back is broke and gone your sting 1 nr all your angry blustering. Your sister, March, will vainly strive To keep your fading spark alive; Y ur battered trumpet, she will blow it; loit you're both beaten, and you know it. Aim.i Roberts (Iordan Aycock I FA Club To Sponsor Mo\ ic Friday At School I he Future Farmer - of \tiie: ic;i • the Charles B. Ayeoek seiinol vvi!' •-nsor a moving picture. "Coin ..In Kid" with Bob Steele on Fri ,\ night. March 1, at 1> o'clock al • . school auditorium, it was learn , today. In addition to the west - , -i movie, ;. comedy will be shown i The : ehoor ha recently no.|uiied c ,-ound moving picture proj-eito" id this is tile second film whicl; I-- be shewn at th 1 school. Plan; being mad • for th 1 showing ot ■n- about evetwo week: . it w ’ ,iel by F. M. Barrett. : pon or of' . FFA chib. A small a-lrniss'ii n wiii lie charge I the fundi will be u 'd by the i \- in the curb. 'I'll ■ public is cor- - .ally invited. For Spring j ... i New Spring Suits in smart con r*. Nice Cislit.v Fabrics— i pretty, so ilailering! A nice •cUetion, on easy terms. Also Black ( hcstcrficlds and other color Spring ( oats. \bo I..'•dies' Blouses in As sorted Colors. LARKIN’S CREDIT CLOTHING —CO.— Marian Martin —Pattern— < nc look at the diagram shows >ou that Pattern 9395 is easy sew ing: two dart-scam- and your dne.-. >■- fitted to willow-slim perfection! Make with ruffles, sleeve.-., or both. Pattern 9395. 10. 12, 14. lfi 18 20' 34. 32. 34, 36, 38, 4”. 42. 44. Size Hi. 3 3-8 yards 35-ineh fabric. .‘-end TWENTY n.s in coins for Ihi.s pattern m Henderson Dispatch Pattern Dept.. :’.,2 West 18th St.. New York li. N 5'. Print plainlv SIZE, NAM;:. ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. The Marian .Martin Spring Pattern Book is now ready. . . .it's yours for I1 it teen Cents. Full of smart styles for the family plus FREE pattern for the new “bag-on-a-bclt" printed right inside the book. Rook Club Alcct Postponed. 1 he meeting of the Contemporary Bo. k C lul;, which was scheduled for this Thursday, has been postponed until next week, it was announced today. The date and time will be announced later. Daughters of America. Vance Council No. 39, Daughters of America, will meet Thursday evening at seven o'clock in the Red Men's hall, it was stated today. All members are urged to be present. Returns to Great Lakes. William Hoyle Mitchell, S 1 c, left today for Great Lakes. III., after spending lu day with his parents, Mr. and Airs. J. AI. Alitchell, on Young avenue. It’s the tap ilancei who puts his sole into his music. ___ --OUR STORE HOURS !):()() TO 5:30 — SATURDAYS: 0:00 TO 0:00 Tune in WH.W every mornii'g, M< nd.ay through Friday, at 11:15, when Betty Dawson, our personal shopper and style news reporter, highlights the daily news from LEGGETT'S. BUTTERFLY GAYETY IN .# ..^ Wear it right around the clock, in brown calf. Butterfly bow and accent of punching to frame a pretty toe. * tin shot with the beautiful fit Library Adds New Books J Appropriate For Easter Among the new books at the II. Leslie Ferry Memorial Library are a number which will make goo! leadin' during the approaching Len ten season. 'led is 11"t Dead’, by Bernai1' kkl.n .s Bell, p: r... 111., th pi. Him ■ ■ blc ill i f lii ■ avera ;e man. ‘CF eat Writers a.s 1 ni• • t p'dcrs o' l»eii'Tit n ' is by i) . i ilw n 11 in. rife sor Kmeiitus of I: ngiish Lil e attire of Van erbilt I'll..or ily. in this 1) ok !) . Mini- has I d iwn the c sence of hi; teach in : < l"r iiil. a century en the religion; ill's a" in our literary heritage. In th da sit w tl li 11 :t on .. of a eve ( li ’ Imn. like MtiPn Banyan •:'a • l.v'o. ;ei I Browning, oat al. . oi in III Icrcnl Shake;.p 'arc, lii ' athei.-s ■'iieiiey an I lie doubling Arnold l.o j ha . et or eaiph i iz~d p i a o liia i aro in pu i"! rev cal i m of lii - grivp i ideas . n 1 om ta'ii . of Hie pi, ilu.l1 "Thy Health Shall Spring Forth.’ by Russell Dicks, is a book of coin - ego and good cheer containing help in' and stimulating prayers and meditnt ions. "A Book of Comfort" i; an an thology which con lain; pooio. an I Chirac is selected from the works of outstanding American an,I Britisn poets and authors and tkuin t!; _• All an'kolorv o" a dif " •- n' t-1 is David Ro s’ "IVc!', Gold," a col lection of poems to be read aloud These arc the poems most popula m the radio reu bn . of David Ros ’’Walt Whit1 .ms and selected by Marl: v.m Doras 1 ,i ci mprc .i 'i ive in. • im ■ edition n U t- t.nan incl: a I o ; <• in d. ■ , m- ii I ■ 11 V I CM V II -i.l . ' 1 | ".'i 1 n: n Days,' ■')•!! a:V: la an 1 a " lae.s ,v.ard Gian." "( II V 11 . of S1 n IT " a • 1• i, of In' y' i a’ I: i ' r a.ill .' i< u •!. din i ■ It „ctivi b w. dl n an i i:..; I at "My Yoon lab’." by yiu lay Tor:’ p|e, will be ol mb’ ■■ 1 I > h r man ' "T lie i r and I", by I’ -tty Mao 1 a iiaul. r. a i • oi |,o i n m ■ . n liii’b'i :. n T 1 Id '".di Wi’ an 1 hi -b Inn mi Now fa 1 r n mi o.ir 11 -Iv.■. i . list - cd below: "Forrvr Yon, , by [Jow iii..ii: Tort rail of . Ma r;u’;e", by But. ■ "Ileaven 1 Jelow ’, by t lay ten ’Fom in Paradise", by ( raid; "The Kind' G’onsub. by Du Yi;i drier; "FTiwdc Valley Ph.iwdowii". by Field "Be fo-e Hi’ S,m Goes Down', by Howard; "if Pa a n I*"lies". !■;. Iir;ram. "Yurrc Morton (Pc Home', by I,o. an: ".I a !>• .iy Kills a Body", by .' ,o rune:’: ” I I T-: i ’npic ’, by • ■ »• no dl: " ’■: eh d IT ' i ,i;)b'b I iy Rc ni'irqt ■■: " '• < rl Gold”, by belli!. ’ i >1 ■ T.i• ", by ’-ctr.'il •’ n ' ’ll i. lehrs 1 ile> ; ited ' bv Wan’ b <•'-=*?*= ■■■■ IiereJdSJhere ( &fL /OHN^ROWN 1NG v • — --? Rare an 1 Warmer. !n 1905 when girls did swim, They dressed like Mother Hub bard. Iiut now they have a different whim, They dress more like her cup board. —Anonymous. THE MOST FLATTERING man in town is the fellow who was hurrying around a corner the other dav. lie bumped into a very stout lady, but ouicklv—and gallantly apologized. “Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "1 didn l see you!" THAT MUCH QUOTED man. Benjamin Franklin, is credited with having once said, "Ne'er take a wife till thou hast a house to put her inf Wonder what wise words he could offer were he living today? Follow ing his advice might heip relieve the present situation ; t that, but thor ■ surely would be a lot of old maids and second hand wives around. There was a statement some place which needlessly called to our at tention that the war had brought us much closer together. This was first noticed on the trains and buses, and now, the houses! Along this same thought is the "ever present" want ad included below: “DOOMED to be an old maid; un- i less somebody finds an apartment 1 for me ; ad my cx-aii force lieute nant. Newark vicinity. F. F. C. Box 361 News Office."—Newark News. An old Irish proverb offers the only consolation to the situation — but it isn't ton practical, "Live in my heart and pay no rent." REMEMBER the plea'ant days when a strike was something they called on a baseball player? I never thought we'd turn to poetry, but here it is: We ll arch our brows in swo t sur prise One day and watch the tun When there is no strike front sunrise To low descending sun. Oh well, maybe you shuuldn 1 have read litis far anyway! A 1918 FRANKLIN with an air cooled engine appeared on Garnett street one day last week. It was much in contrast with the sleek lines , of the modern flivvers, but some cat owners would no doubt envy the smooth-running engine which the high-seated Franklin boasted as it I chugged along in all of its antique majesty. QUOTES—"Four-fifths of the per jury of the world is expended on tombstones, women and competi tors.”—Lord Dewar. "Women are ! the bravest people on earth—can you imagine a man with ten cents in his pocket trying on ten suits of clothes.”—Anon. "A man's life is in teresting primarily when he has laded, for it is a sign that he has fried to surpass himself.”—Clemen ccau. "A man thinks he knows, but a woman knows better."—Chinese proverb. "Meeting a black cat is considered bad luck—but it depends on whether you're a man or mouse." —Anon. PEOPLE OFTEN make mistakes or -to funny things when they are ex ited or in a hurry. At a wedding you would naturally think the bride >f the groom would be more ner- \ \ous and excited than anyone else, but before a local wedding last week one of the ushers brushed his teeth . with shaving cream! You wouldn't , want to know who he was! That 1 stuff sure does taste bad though, doesn’t it! RED TAPE, as an expression, is said to have originated as it was used to j lie legal and public documents; the ihrase starting about 1775. Those; wo little words have gone a long way.... but I doubt if they have •ver passed the Red Tape.' "Too .ate” are the two most depressing ! •vords in the English language to out way of thinking. JACK DURING THE WAR a mid- | lie aged woman stopped a man on he street and demanded, "Why ren't you in the army?” The man, well past draft age, re lied, "For the same reason you iren’t in the follies!” SOME ONE CALLED OUR AT Assault, Vagrancy Cases Are Tried In Police Court leve-al cues ol a mult art i vag rancy were tried, by .Mayor Henry I . I owetl in police court today. Julian Southerland, colored, was tried l'or assault with a deadly wea p< n on Felix Anderson and for damaging his physical property. He was sentenced to 9.) days, commit ment not to issue upon condition that the defendant pay five dollars and costs, $7.50 to be added to costs ho use of Anderson, end further con ^ i it it n that the defendant remain of good behavior for two years. Bailey Green King, wivte, tried for vag’-anc.v. was sentenced to X) days, suspended up -n payment ol costs and on condition that he not ro near the railroad or bus depot; in the next two years unless he has a ticket, Anna Sykes n:id Dorothy Perry, colored, wore charged with assault and a deadly weapon each oilier. The defendants were foi nd to be minors end the cases were remand ed to juvenile court. Highs Will Play Methodist Home Tomorrow Night Henderson high school cagers will nv’i t Methodist Orphanage, of Ra i.'iyh, in a doublelv-adgi- on the local eon11 tomorrow nirht at 7:30 o'clock, in ! e:d of ■ n Friday night, a wa -, : clv-duled. Methodist ( 'rpii Ullage roqti'•:••(<> 4 ■ mo1 ing up of 11m tumos In ■ -a:is-■ • >r a convention which is to be held there Friday. In til'd r first meet m on I h ■ nr - pbanage court, the local bid and las;: ies gol a double win an 1 are hoping t-i ... out that way again tomorrow night. Henderson lassies racked up filch seventh win of the sea-on la t night from Hill horn, wild-- tile boys again came within just a few points of a w i n. The l!)l(i season will dose on March 15 when Lexington cagers come here for a doubleheader. Miss Hoyle Weds Mr. Dorsey In S. C. Miss Virginia Frances Hoyle, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. William Arthur Hoyle, of Henderson, became the bride of William LlnTM Dorsey, •Tr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd Dorsey, of Henderson, on Feb ruary !) in a ceremony performed in Darlington, South Carolina. For the speaking of the vows, the bride wore an aqua gabardine suit with brown accessories. Mrs. Dorsev graduated from Henderson high school and al the time of tier mar riage stie was employed at White Brothers Drug Company. Mr. Dorsey attended Dabney high school and was recently discharged from the United States Army after 30 months service in the South Western Pacific area. He now hold; a position with Swift and Company VFW MEETING TO BE HELD THIS EVENING A meeting of the new chapter o' Veterans of Foreign Wars will h held tonight at 7:45 o’clock in the court house, it was announced today. Ed Joyner, a t • g post commander will preside. The chapter already has about eighty members enrolled, slid hopes for a considerably larger '’limber to be signed at the meeting tonight. Presbyterian < hair Practice. The Presbyterian chinch choir wil rehf.T-se Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock at the church, it was an nounced today. -. f The wrapoer leaves of the cab bage are higher in vitamin- tm, I he head, say Extension Service uitritionists. TENT I OX to a little item, a laundry si-.-., iiv.'t local!) It read like this: "W do no* tea-- v'-Mr'cl'-oh-- w’'1 machinery. We do it carefully by hand.” ward Winner Pe lhn I'-unn (ab vei of Mount 1 • ’y. N C nationa nous 'ftbal! piii!; r, ha he u name 1 “""O ' >'! I ho ['Mi.. If. Tch^UV Memo rail award a. the' most out slandine," woman athlete of North ( ■ "Mil and Sou;h Carolina for 1945. She will receive the awat at a banquet in Chariot'-.' March 11. bhc is a m tmbor ■ 1 the t a n of Rex i fan >\ or mills in Gasti nia, and pit ched h • team to . t ite an 1 ic -.ioiial champion hips. Teawc award wm "cis ace chosen by sport; writers of the Caiolinas. (AP Photo). t'verrad.v ( la s Meet in •. * f 11 r» T ’ . - i '. . . c. 1 ' 1 <•, i 1) ' \c\.' ■'an »y .' o Haptist eh ■ eh will till tii.' .,j *Jrs. Howard Faulkner w i,ti Mr t la 11 nc"' Ay cue a ; joint h i - wa- state- i today. John Stewart, Jr. Weds Georgia Girl The marriage o, Miss Irene Rcgis ler. daughter of Mi and Mrs. L. G Regis In. Rout, 1. Enigma. Georgia nut Set. .Ii I i. R Stewart, Jr.. U. S M C . "ii of Mr, and Mrs. .1. R. Stewart, of Henderson, was an .! i ii 11 wending took place in ' ifp ii. ,ia. tli home of Mrs. L M. Gai ett on !•'. idav, February 2. with Rev. L. F,. Williams offi iai n;* at * he eeronr ny. ih ii' | W"1" a n ivy dressmak -i.il '.’ 'Hi bias's .■ '.'c ories an-1 ' (b'li.a She Wi iv ep iii ia■ . i.. .' I y her father r. -I i: n i * tuo i i.'c.i mil was Kcn netll ii. Rep. tv. h ethjr of 111-, bride. Mr. St, .a t a'.Rnicd Enigma hu ll . cliool , a I for the past three vi'."'' Iia Pei i i .'ipl'yed by the ■ mi’! in ","ll Tidep r n • & felc .rapli ■1 ■ .•, h v m I iftop. Ga. Sat. Stew. ,t attended Henderson high ‘ i do'il ; nd fir the pa d 4a a1 n'li h i r veil with the United tat . 1 •. 'll" C" p al various -ta 1'otT in Hi ' T'aaili'.' area. Sgt. and VIr: stew ;i t a n vv in Henderson i * .'■• Mi ..’id Mrs. J. R. Stewart - n . . 11 i Willi;"!! it reel. BIRTHS John Royster Armfield. Mr. and Airs. R. B. Armfield, of Rnloi; h. ; nn lunco the birth of a son, J"lin Royster on February 24. at Mary Ri'i/ ii.eih Hospital in Raleigh. M's. .''infield is tli" former Miss Mil'll Royster, daughter of Mrs. J. •S. Roy ter. of Henderson. Returns from Raleigh Mr . George V. Boyd, who has I"'en ill" curst of y.ir. and Mrs. Firm'd O. C.rver. Jr., in tfljalcigh for the p:i-d 1!) days, has returned to h home in Henderson. C » »# i«i'j ■ . i • . DIONNE QUINTS' always rely on this great rub for It Must Be Good! All thru the year jn of a cold—the QuintupVts' <•!.«--''. t ‘roats and harks are immediately rubbed with Musterole. Musterole insfantlu starts to relieve roughs, sore throat and • ; < '■ .ire ness of colds. It actually • • h-*-ak up painful local congestion. Makes breath ing easier. Great for grow n-ups, too! In 3 strengt hs. James C.Cooper •\* N» IM ^INSURANCE* PHONC 204 J HENDERSON , N.C. _ )' f=jf=Jr=Jf==jr^-Yr-^j :.ETr-^i—■ -i Join The ( mud At The 11: f VICTORY INN I jj l-'ormeriy Fn'tlish ’'avern ir l| 1 >Ilie Smith On || -« Itaieiuh Itoa I ir || lee Cold Drinks and Beer |j indu lehrs — Danee I io.tr i* H rhoni liiii II ji OFKN IATIiT 1 V M ir SAM and BII.C IASTWOODU Owners and Operators HI ■ nr-'rr=J1 rrrlr ~ -1r™ f= EXCITING Those “Little Women" in your home aren'i likely to let you forget that spring is here. No sir, they warn to dress tip and take part in the fashion parade too. And you can’t blame them. Look at these adorable new c am, suits and dresses can you resist Can't you ym. s.-e Susie strutting proudly down the street in one of these outfits. Of cotir. ' you can - and you want to. C( me in today to make your se lection. CHILDREN’S SPRING DRESSES Cute styles in a luiq’o selection of colors, both one and two piec ■ dresses in seersucker, prints, chambray, dotted swiss, spun rayons, batiste and rayons in solids, stripes, florals and polka-dots. Sizes 1 to 1 11 j $1.85 l" $4.00 GIRLS’ SPRING COATS Both <'hesterfieids and fitted models, some with velvet collars, braided trim and plain. A lovely selection of solid colors and some plaids in nice quality materials—Blue, Red, Brown, Green, Fuchsia and Tan. ' - lo 16 Little Girls’ $6.80 10 $12.98 panties 19c to 59c (SECOND FLOOR) 1,1 Cotton and Rayon Sizes 2 to 12 STORE HOURS Daily: 9 to 5:150 Saturdays: 9 to 7 For QUALITY and VA LUE in HENDERSON i *