WAn!PADS Classified Rates This Size .lc per word (Minimum charge 25c) This Size.2c per word (Minimum charge 50c) for larger size type, inquire for classified display rate. 25 words in regular size type, daily for one month.$6.00 No rules or borders will be avail able for use in the classified but white space may be used on each side of an ad and charged at 6c per line in depth. THE HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH FOR SALE TOR SALE: ACCIDENT Sz SICK-’ nrss insurance—$12 per year. Let us explain our Premier Double Duty Policy. Frank M. Barnhart, General Insurance. Phone 562-.J. 24-tf M ON u iVl r.NTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS From The South's Largest Monumental Factory W. W. LANGSTON 219 Young St., Phone 77J TOR THE BEST IN FANCY groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh meats, fish and oysters. Phone 439. Herbert’s Yellow Front, Free Delivery. 17-tf WANTED OUR MANY CCSTOM ■ and friends to try us for scarce items. Receiving more and better merchandise all the time. See us Save money. R. E. Satterw'nite A Sens. 26-lf II. O. FALKNER & SON. COAI, and Wood. Phono 260. 24-tt WEDDING INVITATIONS* An nouncements, At Homes, Recep tion Cards and Visiting Cards. Wide Selection of Styles. Inform als. Special 50 for $1.25 with name Henderson Book Co. 31-it'. 01 R TOO BARRED ROCK PUL lets layed 45,000 eggs before Jan uary 1. We liavo chicks from these fine hens for sale now. Also Reds, White Rocks and Leghorns. Call or write Henderson Hatchery. FORESALE TWO YOUNG JERSEY heifers, one fresh and the other fresh soon. Also timber for sale. D M. Glover, phone 4621. Route 4, Henderson. 23-Hi NKW HOLLAND HUSKER SHF.i. ler and Hammer-Mill. North State Equipment Co. 305 IT. Montgomery street. Phone 932. 23-tit! ATTENTION FARMERS-WE HAVE just received a shipment of Cov ington combination cotton and corn planters and fertilizer dis tributors. Get yours now. C. J. Fleming Supply Co. 22-5li Ft )R SALE T HREE GOOD BUILD mg lots on the Oxford Road. Ap ply to C. B. Godfrey, phone 1174-J 25-6U SEE BAKER’S FOR RADIO BAT teries, Harmonieas, Guitars, Elec tric Heaters, Luggage, trunks, Knives, Cigarette Lighters and Jewelry. "Always a Bargain at linker's Pawn Shop." 25-if FOR SALE 1926 ONE AND HALF ton Ford truck, special body, ceil ing $358.70. City Fuel Company, phone 180. ’ 25-3U JUST RECEIVED" SHIPMENT OF all leather pillows and felt mat tresses. Also large assortment of living room furniture. See Hughes Furniture Co. 413 S. Garnett street. Phone 137. 26-2ti -V t NO. 1 KOREAN LESPEDEZA Seed f. o. b. 8c per lb. Threshed Lespedeza Hay $25.00 per ton. Two tons or more $20.00 f. o. b. Munson, N. C. W. S. Collins. 18-20-23-2:, STEEL DRUMS AVAILABLE. Suitable for garbage cans. $2.50. Henderson Junk Co. 230 Winder street. 27-3ti Pigs and Shoats At High Price Warehouse. See J. C. Abbott or J. C. White. 27-3ti FOR SALE 4 ~BOYS BICYCLES. As good as new. See Malcoin Ab bott, 343 Peachtree street. 27-3ti EXHAUST F A NS, INCLUDING molor, frame and everything for installation. Electric hot plates, single and double size, single svvitch and four-way switches. Lamp cord, outside wire and a good assortment of electric goods. Watkins Hardware Co. 27-3ti FLOW LINES, JUST RECEIVED. Electric chicken brooders, founts, feeders, tablets, hardware cloih for chicken floors. Special, price °n chick founts for buttermilk or anything that you need an :u-id les istant container for. Watkins Hardware Co. 27-Bti AT "THE PLACE OF VALUES" a good stock of mason's lime, tin ishmg lime, red top plaster, gen uine brixrnenl, and Portland ce ment. Alex S. Watkins. 27-1 ti AT "THE PLACE OF VALUES" heavy slate surface roofing, a few asphalt shingles, tile ceiling board, building paper and temperde j board. Alex S. Watkins. 27-lti _ FOR SALE U’\<; AND SHORT SLAB WOOD C°» 1210- 26-3t S A V E H () X E V ! EXTR.-' Lespedeza Hay, baled $.’.{.00 ]>er ton. Korean Les pcdeza Seed. S. ,J. iSatter white, Hanson, X. (’. 22-7t JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SK Wvtion ni deep frame antique pie lures. Ileal bargains. Hughes Fur niture Co. 41ii S. Garnett street Phone 137. 26-3t I NSECTICIDES-ROTENONE DUST Hulenone in liquid form, arsenic lead, dry lime sulphur, Pare green. Krioside borcio mixture Black leaf 40, ealeium arsenic, Rei Arrow dritomic sulphur, slack bine and also a full stock oi Vigaro. Watkins Hardware Co. j —- -J7~3t J VEGETABLE BINS, ALL KINDS ot seed, beans, peas, corn and all kinds of small garden seed. Also asparagus roots, onion sets, Maine white cobbler potatoes. All Wood's seeds and a Wood's catalog at your disposal. All of our prices are the same as mail order prices from Wood’s except no parcel post or j delivery charges. Watkins Hard ware Co. 27-3ii 52-PIECE SETS OR CHINA AND k.t,- of open stock of nice patterns ol china in plates, cups, oatmeals, ■'■'-dad bowls, salad plates, glasses and a complete stock of pyres: ware. Watkins Hardware Co. __ 27—3ti GIRL CHAMPION AND CLIPPER plows, Dixie plows. We carry all eastings for these plows, also Chattanooga, Imperial, Oliver, Syracuse and Dunn. We have a good stock of all bolts and plow repairs. Watkins Hardware Co. __ _ 27-3ti PITCHFORKS, HOES, RAKES, scoops and all kinds of gardening tnols. Watkins Hardware Co 27-3fi ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEAT ers, oil burning hot water heaters, sizes that will suffice for large' apartment or house. Watkins Hardware Co. 27-31 i SPECIAL NOTICE Home Owners Figure Out The Cost To You of “Under insurance” There's a pretty high price tag on your home today. Yet its greatly increased value can be lost to you overnight—if fire comes and finds you under insured. Citizens Bank & Trust Company AGENTS B. C. WELLS, Mgr. Insurance Dept. Phone 199 Henderson, N. C. THE DEATH TOLL FROM automobile accidents is sky rocketing-. Careful drivers can protect themselves with sound automobile insurance. Ask us for the details now. Pinnell Insurance Agency, Telephone 252. 22-tf INCOME TAX RETURNS COM pleted by tax consultant located at Tanner Sewing Machine Shop, 103 N. Garnett. Hours 9 to 5. at night by appointment. Telephone 116-W. 22-Gti NEED LIFE INSURANCE? GET the facts on guaranteed protection at a good cash profit. Let us ex plain our 20 pay life with in creased benefits. Guaranteed paid up in 12 to 15 years. Good endow ment and retirement income op tions. Frank M. Barnhart, General Insurance, phone 562-J. 23-tf FIVE EXPERT SHOE REPAIRMEN to give you -’While-You-Wait” service! Also, reconditioned shoes for sale. Come to See us! Carolina Shoe Shop, next to A & P. 25—tf HERE’S A NAME TO REMEMB1 L — New Synthetic POST - W. { VITA-LUX. the WHITE ENAMI L that STAYS WHITE. One cc it covers, quick drying, washable, tints with colors in oil. Tann -r Roofing Company. 25-27-1 GARDEN SEED FOR EARI.Y planting. Get them in the ground as early as possible—Garden Peas, Beets. Cabbage, Tomato, Carrots, Turnips and Salads, Flower seed also. Woolard’s. 26-tf HUGHES FURNITURE COMPANY is now open to serve you. Our new location is 418 S. Garnett street, opposite the Big Star parking iot. We are prepared to help you at prices and terms you can ea ily afford. We are always at y >ur service. Hughes Furniture Co. 418 S. Garnett street. Phone 137. 20-4ti GOVERNMENT LICENSED FLIGHT instructors are on duty from 8.30 a. m. until 5:30 daily including Sundays to teach you to fly. new 1946 Piper Cubs. Phone 2705 for appointment. Passenger flights anytime, any place. O’Lary’s Fly ing Service. 26—oti J”maURICE ALLEN. CONTRAC tor and Builder, General Repairs, Painting. Weather Stripping, In sulations, Floor Refinishing, Phmm 1026- W. eob tf ■----I |_SPECIAL NOTICE , A REAL WESTERN MOVIE "Colorado Kid" starring Bob ■Steele will be presented at Ayeuck School Auditorium Friday night March 1. at 8 p. m. Sponsored ■ future Farmers of America. Alsu Comedy. Sound Projection Admission l()c through eighth grade. Admission 20c for hign _s't'hool students and adults. 27-lti ANTIQUES C hairs. Tables, Lamps, Glass. China Deep Framed Pictures and many other items. Mrs. Clifton If. Finch, Same floor with Jewel Beauty 'Shop. Ojien daily 1:30 until 3:00. Saturdays 9:30 until 1:30. 23&20 HAVE YOU VISITED Tlli" FIRESTONE STORE LATELY? Home, Auto and Farm Needs. We Feature Service. WTeds-tf I “A DRILLED WELL IS THE MOST I satisfactory water supply. Write | for quotation, giving distance and direction from your Post Office. ! Heater Well Company, Raleigh, j North Carolina.” T-F-tf ACCIDENTS CAN'T BE PREVENT | ed, but we can straighten out the j unfortunate results and make it look like new. Expert body work, welding and painting. ' Hester I Motor Co. 123 Horner street. Tues-tf REPAIR - SERVICE 1 HAYES - THOMAS ELECRICAL I Service, electrical contracting and repairs. Phone 149-W, P. O. Box H9U, Henderson, N. C. «-tf RADIO SERVICE-OVER 20 YEARS experience, modern equipment, and a complete stock of tubes and repair parts, guarantee you first class radio service at a reasonable cost. Complete factory service on any make radio. Jenkins Radio & Sound Service, Phone 446. i SEE HARVIN-McINNIS, INC. FOR I * General Auto Repairing by quali fied mechanics. Authorized Pack I arc! Sales and Service. 132 N. j William St. Phone 173. 11-tf DUFFELL ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Sales and Service j House Wiring a Specialty 21 Years Experience Phone 1017 P. 0. Box 612 21—tf RADIO REPAIR SERVICE Two licensed radio engineers with a full stock of tubes and replace ment parts are ready to repair your radio and give you prompt service. We guarantee every job. Free pick-up service. H and B. Radio Repair Service, 109 West Montgomery St., phone 234. 7-tf FARM MACHINERY REPAIR SER vice by experienced mechanics. Get your equipment in first-class shape now! North State Equip ment Co. Phone 932, 305 E. Mont gomery street. 23-7 ti -- EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, PARTS, Service by trained technicians. Unexcelled service. All work guaranteed. Let us serve you! Carolina Radio Co. Phone 1207, 117 N. Garnett street. 27-tf HAVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired now for Spring sewing. Parts, Serv ice, Adjusting. All work guaranteed. Tanner Sewing Ma chine & Electric Shop. 103 N. Gar nett street. T-T-S-tf IS YOUR UPHOLSTERY WORN? Your car will look like new if you let us re-upholster it for you. Leatherette in choice of colors, al so, fabrics. Hester Motor Co. 123 Horner street. Wed-tf ALL MAKE VACUUM CLEANERS Repaired. Expert work. All jobs guaranteed. See us for prompt, courteous service. Tanner Sewing Machine and Electric Shop. Phone 116-W. M-W-F-tf LOST—FOUND “ LOST: BROWN BILL FOLD. HAS pictures, social security card, white gold wrist watch and per sonal papers. Lost between Wood'.. Market and Embassy Theatre. Please return to Martha Roberts. 624 Breckcnridge street. 26-3U STRAYED SEVERAL DAYS AGO. black mare mule, weight about 1100 pounds. Last seen near ln gleside. Finder notify P. D. Gup ton, phone 374-J., Henderson. 26-3ti LOST THURSDAY BOTTOM TO Evershnrp Pen on Garnett or Wil liam streets. Reward. Tommy Newman, 539-W. 26-2ti STRAYED" A FEW DAYS AGO male pig with white stripe across back, weighs 75 to 100 pounds. Kinder please notify Lehman Bas kerville, Route 3, Box 280, Hen ' derson, N. C. 27-3ti FOR RENT FOR RENT OR LEASE SIX ROOM house unfurnished. Good well. Six miles from Henderson. Phone 978 W or contact C. C. Satterwhite, 304 College street. 26-6ti FARM FOR RENT FOR THE fourth. Six and three tenths acre tobacco allotment, good buildings and pasture. Al. B. Westeh 25-3ti HELP WANTED SALESLADIES WANTED PART t urie or regular Apply at Ro-es1 5-10-2">c Store. 2fi-fiti ! For N t A I n "clerks — White, male and female; starting salary $31.20 pet week: opportunity for pro motion to fountain super visors or other departments. I n i f o r m s furnished and' laundered free. Positions available at once. Applicants must be eighteen years of age or over and be able to furnish birth certificate. We will get you it place to live. Write or apply in person to Employment Office, Peoples Drug Stores. Inc., 77 P Street, X. E., Washington 2, 1). ('. 22-23-27-28 DRUG SALESMEN — MALE, permanent position s with with 1 a r go organization ; starting salary $31.20 per week, plus commission; pleas ant working conditions, ‘18 hour week, vacation with pay. We will get you place to live. Write qualifications or apply in person to Employment Of fice, Peoples Drug Stores, Inc., 77 P Street, N. E., Washington 2. I). C. ; 22-23-27-28 WANTED ARE YOU MOVING TO' Durham Do you want a place to live there? Will) trade- three room furnish-j ed apartment in Duke cam-1 pus area for similar place | here. Phone 500. tf. j WANTED UNFURNISHED HOUSE 1 or apartment, four rooms or j larger. Willing to pay one or two j years in advance. Call J. T. Lee ' at telephone 5(i, between the hours of 3:3!) and 4:30. 2II-8U WANTED: TO BUY A HOME. Returned Army chaplain lo cating here desires home in any good section. Would con sider old place to remodel if price right. Few miles out on Epsom highway also suit able. Cash. Telephone 3721. 26 3ti WANTED MR. FARMER BrTnG US YOUR Cows, Veal and Hogs. We pay top prices dead or alive. Call us and we will come to see them. S W. Renn's Grocery, Phone 110i-W. 25-tf WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUFFF.R ing from kidnev trouble <>r back ache to try Kiddo, 97c Money back guarantee. Pagc-lIocuU Drug Company. 19-tf WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOM apartment or small bouse. Call i Mrs. Britt, phone 464 between 8:3o i and 5:30 or call 755-1 after 6 it. I m. 22-6ti j LEGAL NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICE. Under and by virtue of of the authority vested in the undo ..igned as trustee in a cert; in dev i of trust < executed by .June II. Henderson on the Nth flay of January. 1929 and recorded in Book 151, Page 253. Re gister of Deeds Office for Vance County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured at the request of the holders of the same: I will offer fo" sale by public auc tion ;t the Courthouse door in Hen derson. North Carolina on Saturday the 39th day of March. 1946. at i2 o'clock, the following described land: It is that lot of about one quar ter of an acre of land, long known as the E. M. Harris Store lot and bounded by the lands of Robert Green, the Satterwhite road, and others and situated near flat rock church. See deed ol' T. T. Hicks Trustee, to S. II. Satie; white, and deed from S. H. Satterwhite to June Henderson. This the 26th day of February. 1946. A. A. BUNN, Trustee. F-27—M-6-13-20 NOTH E. J have sold my interest in the business operated as Grissom Broth ers to my sons, L. R., A. S.. and U. H. Grissom, Jr. This is to notify ; II persons that I w ill not be respnn-ible for the debts of the business con- 1 traefed after this date. This 20th day of February, 1946. : W. II. GRISSOM 20-27-6-13 BARCLAY ON BRIDGE Dl'PLICATE EOl’CATES BESIDES learning more about how to bid and play, duplicate en ables you to get a line on what others do. in both their good and pad bridge Its most enthusiastic devotees like to look over the scores made at the other tables and note various surprises in them. "How could they get into that contract?" or ‘‘How could they ever be set in that con tract?" are among the questions that then arise. Often they check through on these developments and find that eithersuperlativ.lv tine bridge or unbelievably bad bridge did it. ♦ A ♦ K J 7 6 5 4 ♦ 10 6 2 + 74 2 + 95 i * V A 10 9 3 ♦ A K 9 S + K I S »T * A J 762 *Q8 ♦ Q 5 3 + A Q 6 3 n those cards. It certainly was if West knocked the spa !e A out of the dummy before hearts v. re opened, ttien held up his heart A for th