j Society News | ir.i. in ir.i i iii. -vu.hi. i'ndcrfoot earth rings with a treble note, Piotesting, shrill: Nothing sounds else, save now and again, from fox's throat. . luiskv yelp, or. beyond birch and willow, ake-iee. with sigh prolonged and hollow, Pike a far thunder, : naps asunder. pn 'test proest ■ ncatli my t road: Above, ni black skies, Miperb Orion walks, and Aldebaran stare jcad. •tionless for a space, 1 listen: let, quiet, the night: ow-wrapped the hill. And wood and field — nter-still. Oolore ("airn Ahoskic Group Puts On Entertainment Eor Kiw anis Club den: her- i i I lie K : w, nis club e entertained le-t night i v Mr-, ■ert Smith, nl Aho-kir. and : er ■ oo.i Hubba" girl . vv io p t on unber ot song and dance ,-eli■ - - id piano -. ■ I ■. Program for the evening was in see of .1. H u r.v Bry..n, wh pre !ed Willia n Bryan, o: Ahe>kio, .ii turn introduced Mrs. Smith. B. Burden, la- itenant Kiwatus ertior i f tin sixth di\ isi m. »a. i.-itor at tile a eating. Other guest. ied Dalt n Harper, Mr■ T. I\ dot: hews. M i and Mr- Willi..m * . Airs, lies •>< rt Sir,.1 h. Mr-. ex Woodley, Aliss Sai Fut Oar.'ltt'e Time. Ali- Gladys Willoughby, M Jean M . di V:reinia Seg. r. AI The ."daughter and All.- Shirley Hyatt. A siiort session m K ; a. ■ ",.■■ i:" held with s < embi ring lined for violation ,■ , Ul, Sue Kelly ( irelp Met , Sui K u.es parlor .■! tiie church Ah i ! ,.\ i i ttitig at ( iglit o'clo it , ■ on need t it's " « a > 1-> put i a . lake ..IT. Three it ■ a eineh l" ir. n . Su smart! I’alt n n 9 >*•; ■: , n; -...... ;; j_ ;p; h i. 40. 4". 44. tu ; Si,:a .'..hi take.. Send TWENTY rent in rums for ti’i' path in . li< na.■■■... II I): pate!) I ’at tei u D 1 St ., '■1 ■ ' N Y Print l . i i.1 ■ size. x.,\ ,; e;ess, style XT MP.KiE . ' VI I art in Sj Pattern i>"ok is ii*reody .it’s yours for Filtoni C'rntr Full of smart styles the family | hi EKEK pattern : ' ■ '< : '■ : on-a-belf’ iirintcd right in.-ule th; book. Miss Jenkins Is Honored At Coffee H< >ur On Friday Mi; Rosa Long Tt as ent< r i’ 1 a a ra! nr I ii ui r Kh iday mu '. 1 - ■ :i ..'a!. .. : her h" ' .■ •••! Clarke Sin-i■ t !’.inorie.g Mis; Eli aheth Jenk ns, briilo-eleet. A ng< ei sj ; flowers were place,I ;h: .ughi. it the house. Mrs. Jet n mot let ol the hono ve. presided at the col fee tabic winch was cu\ t l oii with a : ce do*h aiiI cc:ii* red r 11 !i ., -; I\ cr ! ’ir.vl chii lining nap drag, i . i irnatinns, m I ' H : • . Mr-. K. C Ci v. Mrs K 15 Rob . ml Mr Ale’; S. T itkin.- !< ; in serving dainty •andwici c-. ha ;a, alts, cliickcn ■Mad in she!!.-. and swcc.s. The gin- ' list includ'd about wenty-l'na members of the younger set. Girl Seout News Troop \o. !! Tr on X i. 4 if the Girl Scouts told their regtdai weekly inei ting rhursday fte i oon. The inerting ijicnciI with the I''n111 .1 flag cere non.v and patrol n net ing a Tlie gin ip d!\ ided into three tn ups :■ dan ing, singing and having game- The meeting closed \ilh the friendship circle and the Goldi n S' n " ELIZAH 1'i'i 11 A PASS. Scribe. Visiting in i-'lorida. Mis.- R sa Leiglt II >po, d ,lighter Mr. and Mrs. R I.. Hope, left A'edm. \ : ■ m il .- into tune in •'lorida. line J'rom Raleigh. Mi-.- Mar; I ’on. cm student at Meredith C-hl.-ge, Raleigh, i- ex n'cleii 111 .irr.a' today to .-pend till veek-end v ilh Iter p rents. Mr. and dr-. \V. J. Row in. Legion Auxiliary Hears Mr. Dennis i At Regular Meet Henry A. Dennis v .... guest speak er at the meeting <>! the An eriean Lt gion Auxili iry held K iday after noon at the home ot Mrs. H. W. Anderson on Andrews Avenue. Mr. ! )> > nis told the group i f t he pro posed community building and staled tho advantages t > the com munity of such a meeting. He urged tho ooperation of the auxiliary in the erecting o1' the building. Mr. Dennis was introduced by Mrs. t'lvdo L. Finch. i Following tho talk Mrs. Finch 1 spi ke on community service, stress ing the fact that the war had brought many problems i d ami ng them a large increase in juvnile delinquency. She urged the auxil iary and the individual n emb( rs to cooperate with -eh mis. chur he-, and civic organizations in combat ting the problem here and in under standing the needs. She also stated that the aim was to train youth to i he good eiti/.d . because I hey wii I he ttie leafier- of n r future natii n. Mrs. 11. A. Newell, pre.-ident, pre-j sided at the meeting which was opened with the preamble and the salute to the 1lag. Reports were given by the secretary and treasurer. Ihe membership chairman reported that there are now 127 members in the au.xi'iary. The child welfare committee an nounced that $10 had been sent to Sun Die. France, for the purpose of reestablishing this city which was destroyed during the war. S. i Die was created by Americans in the lit'-st World War. A letter was read lion the Red Cross field worker at fort Bragg thanking the auxiliary tor tiie radio sent at Christmas. Mrs. Newell urged the members to attend the officers and units ci.n ierence which will be held in Ra- j lcigh on March 3 and 4. Mrs. ! Walter G. Graven, of Charlotte, na- j tional pre.-ident of the Auxiliary, i will be speaker at the luncheon, she stated. The home was tastefully decorat ed with attractive arrnigements o! -spring flowers with jonquils domi nating the arrangements. At the conclusion ot the meeting the bo.-te-.-es served iced drinks, san hviches. and ..kies. Hi stesses , were Mr.-. Anderson, Mrs. Clyde L. Finch. Mrs. D. T. Beekhnn . .Mrs. Annie Mae McIntosh, and Mrs. M. W. Adams. Wa? Inventions, Fitted To Fence, Will Come Soon Many war inventions that have been withheld from the public lor 1 security reasons and which will fill i useful demands during peace will be released to the public us soon j as manufaettuors arc able b pm-I du- e them. j Among them is a high cxplosi c called pcnlolite. consisting of PKTM. mixed with TXT ■ sensible to shock but more violent than TNT'. ; A deadly ant killing chew ical called AXTTJ also lias been developed as I well as methods for removing tetra- j ethyl lead from gasoline, leaving it' usal.de as a cleaning iluid and fori 'stove fuel. Some other recent invent a us that will soon be available are: A Super-Coal Ami-knock mot >r fuels, produced j through the addition of compounds | of heavy metals other tin l>.w 1: an apparatus that super-powders ei al to get maximum heating value from anthracite and other coals of high I 1 «sh content: a plastic sheathing be-: '.ween copper wire and rubber in.-u : lutions that protects the rubber trom : chemical damage by the copper; New Movie Idea A method of freezing foods by constant agitation in a nearly satu- . : rated atmosphere, producing un : caked frozen products: a method n! . : preserving food by list' ot a highly j v olatile subst; i ce sir h as ethyline ixide or methylbromide which does not injure the product: lle.xible plus-l ! tie bags as containers for sterilized i foods, instead ol conventional glass] or metal, and a new type ot motion picture theater that has the screen on the ceiling and reclining couch seats. i A WITH THE COLORS j ★-★ ■ Returns to Great Lakes. Henry Howard Buchanan left Tuesday for Great Lakes, 111., after i pending a 60-day leave with his larents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Buchan an, Route 2. ( OH M151 S HKNDKRSON. Columbus Henderson has been ] honorably discharged from the C. S. army after serving 21 months in ! the Paeilie area. He is the son of I Lena Henderson and the "ate .June Henderson, of HIS! Clark street. Goes To Petersburg Mrs. A. B. Kaulkner left today for j Petersburg. Ya., to visit her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brooks, COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid — Tablets — Salve — Nose Drops Has satisfied millions lor years. Ca-:.?n L\e cr.'.y os d e.'ei YOU CAN PEACH Alim FAMILY EVERY DAY IN NEWSPAPERS What's Doing In I lie Churches PEN'I EC'l >S I'AI. Mt 'LINES. NORTH HENDERSON. Sunday: 9:55 a. m. Sunday chool. 11 a. m. Morning worship. 2:3a j. in. Sacrci; song serv ice. 7:30 p. in. Evening worship. All these services will be conducted by the evangelist. Mi s Inn ■ Gaskin.-, oi Green iboro I'he s ngers will be the Ga kins-Eaneioth evangelistic pa rt.y Thursday: 7:30 ]i. in. Prayer meeting. FIRST METHODIST Ilev. C haneie D. Barchft, pastor. Sunday: I). 1.7 a. m Church seliool, J. W. Sanders, geneial .-upci miciidenl. Giailed worship and study, there are departments and clas.se.- for ail age gi mips. 11 a. in. W. ill. Senior Choir practice. Friday: 4 p. m. World Day of Prayer ob servance with interdenominational participation. All churches will be "pen for those who wish to medi tate and pray. CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN. Rev. J. Frank Apple, pastor. Sunday: 9:13 a. in. Church -chool. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Ser mon topic. "Dying 'To Live." 8:45 n. in. Young peoples meeting. 7:39 p. m. Evening worship. Sub ject. " The Guidance of God." Wednesday: Friday: -I j). m. World Day of Prayer. Fa - t Methodist church. WEST END BAPTIST. Rev. E. M. Powell, pastor. Sunday: 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Ho'. Fee Pridgen, Tar River Raping mi - ionary, will preach on th - topii "Vo That Ha\ c Faith." • i |>. m. Baptist Training Union. Wednesday: 3 p. m. Rosa Fleming Philathea class will meet with Mrs. W. E. Cates. FIRST PRESBYTER I AN. Row William I). Melnnis. minister Sunday: IF U> a. m. Church school Five adult classes. A place fur every member of the family. II a. in. Morning worship. Ser mon subject: "Pointers from a Pat - able." 5:30 p. m. Vesper hour. Medila tion: What (Pul is doing through us a:3(> p. m. Voung Peopli s inocliii::. 3:1.) p. m. Fellowship period for all. Monday: < ireles ol the Woman's Auxiliary No. 1. With Air.. A. C. Yow, • i ''clock. No. 2. With Mrs. W. R. Ahnr nethy at the home of Mrs. W. I) Melnnis. 4 o'c lock. No. 5. With Mrs. 1. B. Wat km 3:34 o'clock. No. 4. \\ ii h M rs. Edward 11. Dixon, Jr., !i o'clock. Friendly Circle will not meet, c .Jo p. m. Boy Scouts of America. Thursday: 7'3U p. m. Choir practice. Friday: 4 p. m. World Day of Prayer Fn-t Methodist church. FIRST BAPTIST. Rev. E. X. Gardner, pa.-lor. Sunday: 3:45 a. m. Bible school. 1 1 a. ill. Morning worship. T<>pa 'A Fellowship Far Worship." 2 p. in. Deacons' meeting. 3:15 i). m. B. T. U. ■ :3() p. m. E\ening worsllip: Ti>pic: 'The Man Win Came Bavin" Monday: 3:30 p. m. \\ . M. U. circles meet »s follows: Circle No. 1 Hostess. Mrs. J. C. Page, loader, Mrs. W. li. Daniel. Circle Xo. 2: Hostesses, Mrs. R. T, Upchurch. Mrs B. (E Allen, leade a Mrs J. (’. Gardner. Ciele No. 3: Hostesses. Mrs. IT IT Pinnell and Mrs. IT A. Jackson, loader, Mrs. J li. Hinton. Circle No. 4: Hostesses, Mrs. IT A!. Powell and Mrs H. L. Lord, leader Mrs. T. L Dale. Circle No. 5. Itosl -ss, Mis. w. C. ! Rates, leader. Mrs. IT G. Shaw Circle No. (i. Hostesses, APw li A. Dennis and Mrs. Della Woodiicl. leader, Mrs. R. M. Hawkins. 7:30 p. m. Boy Scout troop meet ing. ti |). m. Sue Kelly circle Hostesses Miss Vernelle Gilliam. Miss Evelyn Jones and Airs. Leonard Fason. Leader, Mrs. W. W. Parker, Sr. Wednesday 7:30 p. in. Church conference and prayer service. Thursday: 4 p. m. Girl Scout Troop No. 3. 7:30 p. in. Young people's choir pract ice. 3:30 p. m. Senior choir practice. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL. Rev. Ray Holder, rector. Quo la Church school. 9:47 a. m. MenBible class. 10 a. m. Choral celebration of the Holy t oinmimior,. 11 ... m.. corporate tor Die men of the parish, beginning tlieir pre-Lent n Retr. at. Me n will m ! at t 10 ( i.urch. .1 p. I- Ret it , t l ’ai , ■ !n uaiini a until fi p. r . Evening meditation. 5 p. in. Yi mm. People S> ice l.i .no. 7 p. m. Shrove Tuesday. March a: Ashe Wi ■ (i . The renitenlial Otfiee and The Holy Communion. 1" a. m. Thursday. March 7: I .out* r> To A .u . Mi mil by the |ii tor. a:3 i p. m. 1’hesc afternoon service of twenty minutes each will be h Id daily throughout Lent except Saturdays and Sundays. ■-a Christ P house, 3 p. m Friday. March 8: Th( Holy Commune, u ;:u i prayei for the sick and suit Ting. 10 a. m. I -cult u i'caehiii '. Mi .on. 7.30 p. m. Notice: The Drop-Ju club will be closed during Lent. S. i'."nt HENDERSON BAPTIST. Sunday: !): ;7 a. r. Sunday it hook Bob Clri: :.om, . upcrintendciit. II a. m. Sermon by Up, Leonard Thomas. 7:30 o. in. livening service. Wed lie: day: 7 p. m. Iaver meet aig. SAINT PAtT/S CATHOLIC. Father -he e.- H. King, pa.-t >r. Time o! masses: 1st, 3rd, and ,7th Sundays. 7:3 i p. m. 2nd aim :tli Sundays. 11 g m. Xovetia iif.otic.il- every Sun.iay. 7:47 p. m. Holiday . 9:30 a. in. WHITE MEMORIAL MET!!1 d )IS IT Rev. J. W. Sneeden. pa-tor. 10 a. m Sui ay h k :. J. W. Thomas. >u]lenntettdeiit. 1 1 a. i.i. Alo.-mug worship. Ser mon by the pastor. OH Y lit >AD AIK I lh 11)!S IT Re.. .1. W Sneeden, pastor. 10 a. |:.. Sum lay ho a. W. T. Ad; las. M.ipermlt nitent. (i p. m. AT a:! h Kci low 'ilia. 7 p. m. l'Aciiing worship. Sermon by the pastor. Rev . Mr. Pndeen Starts Scr\ sees Amono- Baptists TL-v. L'-t- Pridr.cn will preach West I Rapt i y by Re\ . id AI. Rowel . hi Tar Ri \ ei Rapt i\ - • • i;11i• 11. i U is a ret ill ned Army c a, plain, h a \ a. a ■ ee yea ice. Prior to entering the service, he was pastor at Dexter and Rock Spline Rapti t cl lurches in Vance county. EMTHS Horry Diane ( lark. Ai . ilid Ai; . 11 an y i III i itei ( '; k ;m 1::■ >un-. • • the birth of a daiiylm A Ii " iv !)i;111• . i ai Krl.'. u.irv 3 1. ,i; Maria I’ai ii.un hospital. Airs. Clark s 11ir foj uier A! iss .Joyce Forrytl .1.lines Aiirlut 1 La-ilcr. Air. and Air:.. ,i. .1. 1i w an '.ounce ilie birlii ni' a .on, .farm :• M icliael I .a .aln . i, F. binary 1 .1 Alaria 1 'arliam hi>matal. DISCHARGED KDWAKO j < ' ! everal days a,aw has returned to his iume in the tTpsom c nv. • : now’* Your 1. Name Ibc nener special a s:.-i ,nl in President Roosevelt who dice a.-I month at Alemonal Hospital, view York City. 2. Pccalcomania is the name ot a lew mental disease; true or tals; 3. The - a.'drn ,,1 a prison has or :a.- not the power to reprieve or ■nmmule a condemned man ., sc li enee'.’ I. Whet warn the i m.e in the lc ■en.t Senate filibuster? a. Xam" the American ambas .ador to the Suv ict 1 nion. ti. Se 'die - raisin.- are manes from ivhich the seeds hav. been reniov c i ay maehuie: true or false.’ 7. Only persons honorably de - chanted lmm the military or naval -erv'lee have the ri.uhi to centum" llieii National Life In-uranee; 1 or false? Si. Kxcopt in the ease of injure i -oldiers, did or did not Army Rc'.; ilations dm me the last 50 years m permit saluate.- .villi the loft ha'm ' >1. i Iraiieutan is an anthropoid ape, nranno. or l:md of marmalade? iWho said. T am not a Yir p.iiiaii blit an American . 'T '.It Ol I It! f ‘ IMIIIN In i ..11/ H i .i < Ti .instated In l.us tat Cl \; 11. 1.1 . page-. \e» York I he \ .kin- 1’ir.s. nn. - Can yen imagine traveling four hue r< i miles without moving an inch" Kant a-1 c Ye , but n t> A - Ir. e ■'nlal World in wieeh Franz We lei I avelc I in the y< a 1 *11 .!> t -. by • ■ 1 : ■.. nstrui 11 ' I, was a trunnion occuience a.- wer * t utie 1 .ik other fantastic events , uell he related in "Star I If The I'libiiiu" 'iii.- i- ".ailed a travel bo.ui by .. i V1. e fel w ho late him self as the chief traveler. F. W. He is called from the W" Id of 1514.a by his od I' i: nd H. II. I" be a 'guest at a i "■ :■ i ill;' ; a ' * :i - mi v M'gl nam. Astmmental world, although tie wedding never lake, plai ■ due to a i alamity, undereu nts of which ar present vv-v n F. W. cnti .- the A - trom' iita! world. Alllv u h the v il c".ers only ’hi ce . i:n, V. ,e fel iiiiliut.lv el down s'liiu I t very mmut" of hi visit the unnatural thin:’,- that he : ■ a deg ol undetcrinine ■, breed that . pea'-'s- all the people a re beautiful albeit they iiav no hair ..|. the.. I, .die and cava r thrm ,-elvi with flim v wiling—alino-l com| | i of disease no n ed i a vveik for every desire i. I 111 1 lilt'll Male .• i / !!■ in tlii: world reached ■ aturit.’ . '' . oi and re main -rt in In world until about 2 •!> years oi.; entil vv< a ied of exist - cnee. They then v ilunta'iiy depart ed to lee Winlergorden region. X" die coni' determine the age ■ f the citizens and only the headdress. sil lied 1h( : pas. nts. grand pa re n1> and great grandparents. For those interested in the pns.-i ; l.ilil! 's ' f .-: 'entil : achievement, the chapter relating K. W.'.- journey t the planet.-, which are called by :ir.r. -■ r f i;> early Christian apostles . is: follow e . .. '■ ext i t i h g an 1 , bivatii-lakuig. ifv en though we can't set '.. I" snali/.e a world like the \streme"'al. Ihe e i- definite foo-d for Ihou.ght that some of th.ee things . could happen i ■ ■. ev en .now iu vv wi -Ids a e -mg r -al": with Ik • splitting of tlu atom, contact with the moon. 1 r.a;.-parenl clothing, etc. II i. .ay n I or . aotastie a - we a.— in:. ■. ill. ant book should be i'te.eeii in : ■ Vim. i apsule lo ij ■ C • ' ; ; , i ■ i ■ ■ mere curiosity iid for . e.mi'a 'is,i." in see it am part o! it did happen. I :■ . 1. . ..' e, . .. . . i. .11 h. .. • a t e d fit.- many years by many •• I • . no via ..ill i gaiety like ail:! ■ • i..v tii ‘ ! e.. ‘ l! * .'ili. A rnni'l . 1 ’:' . ni'iii.1 !c and i>ure h laemaliom "Star Of The Unborn”, i a little or. the Buck Rogers side . •: i it is v.hd’y interest mg. The ’ do of this i’anta y is quite ••••• : I*. \Y. I the* leaning tar, i • . e. \\. d-kis n works, Fran/. Werfel ere; red Iks- masterpiece m d: la i mii;: i forceful .* tyle. Outlandish tiii« aa'i it \ •cm, the en. ional writing .*■-itoulil be included on the shelv ■ oi libi ary. large oi .- mall, .1 amita Stainback. dll' SHO( KINO P i N *\ MW i'\ * rairc ( ram*. Random llaiuv, N< ». \ <;!'!. RUG, -hi page.*'. '* sil l. AT» . Ciane has dug around again an i com • up with {mother tuna- ual li'I‘. in line with her other works ’Ole Pink Umbrella, The Ooiden B.»\. i h■ ! g'lig i Necklace an i others - end i* tin so other c dir combination arc a good as the Shocking Pink i i'd, y ou tan cuddle up with one <>i her volumes any nig1;! and bo as . m ed of .-evei al liotu . >-1 cntei lam men! . The : tee!> hi: • of Sa: i Franc :sc -> v it!: it ci caking eabloc.o is t!ie lo cale' of tin nev e-1 ad\\*u-t'.urc of Pat Abbott :m«i his lovely wde Je;m. woo assist.* him track down the murderer ot two ef their tricn,i<. uncovering ,t \ ;cii ii. ..ii)ring in the iiro.cess. Pa h v. .i iia. .iust net u rne. i 1 n»n a ton: oi duty with naval intelii.g cnc •. ::::• U himself invoked m the chain oi events when a car comes l oilier dow n steep Russian Hill in r ! as hi ioi lal >!e resident ia 1 district whde tiro Abbotts are on their way home fr »m a foggy night out. From then on, he and Jean, through \\ ho>v ' hot water with first the police and the n tiv ir friends. As bltirl) for the* book, nub;:.med by "the ri*df , a,:ir ,,| , ,t. House-" say>: "Frances Crane is r; nidiy be coming one of the best-selling my stery widen m the country and Tn * Shock in leak Hat will cud i no; - mously to her already* considerable reputatii n.” V. 1 tii that we agree whole-hearted ly Al Hi x lei 'em ill KUY UP Al) \\ \ l i I>> Margaret Buell Wilder. *i*i pages. New toik Whittlesey House, Mi (iraw-Kiil Publishing ( o. v!.5:U 1'hc 11. Ill n tamiU n ■ ic tempor . way ill vair. <-oi tunic- the: eiideai ing ; trie.’ dc through rationing, eco nomic dip icultics and oticr trying Kew York. i • l ib. ' . i Ija -i- 1 up , .iiion of the familv to • ii- llj - : i b - { accepts t : Hiltons i.ovcl .'ii 1 tin in ••mien; filming. ’ - i . me story 1 . til' ise who i.i.ii taches .. . < . . "! the head : |; ; v. . ’ detc r 1 . i.l.i btam I i|i Ili..;i CO v;» ■ 1 lanci-s ( a i j, ;- a i ! i 1 j !loulileday A l ■. i.ii. a \,h l ork. shall. Tii tin fit '|)!i "flln • i k .. ro ll:;,,ai was a serious and dominant part of their 1", c bio i Rail I toad O ' .-'ii . j . i,, I a 'Ve Cai - incut cal 1 > the i■, ou i . ,le. ion. Roves ellicf ras t » ... ... . ; Hoil*.-. f ''"111 the si'.' i ’ v. at .ii,' i.io- I,no into 1 ne !'" I. • 'll tills ;,l: IIOU"S the Si! , o i■ 01 pi"! "I tlii Sturt for 111 triumphed o i. Ro " -lo' .0"! the best of a le. 1 ' ■ 1 irrit and .-tailed a family bcf"'.'e Rove. S mot imes tile i '.'tale: feels ;t little impatient with R"ve to he neglects irk because : i l m lie ta ui av iiig Abner. it is a hi. hiy movin': s!"i y. fitted to the era in .vm h it set. an;l m '"juts a ptis-ioo ti.:.oimt plain folks tori elo us G ' Stain back. Vote- On Ranks. Retail .' iii. J. b C. S. Lewis will v tek by bit, m 11 It. o l ' . . . '■ "llu : i \t boon, • Tiie Great lhf" •••- ’ to which lie ret I.; us to the b.'bhatt! -ytobolism i. - * •. , i: Son ,vt ooi lit" di vi lire mem a tied m the title of the book is ;.nd hell. THE EE i!S'' 1 i ( i n !l,c \'ik:ng Port al' i.ih'ai-y i - lull'.i ini' March Wilde, i ■ in." i by I ■ iiia:ri i Ald:n,,inn. ln ;ii "| Dorian Gi ay " and "Sal. une". I *111 i I.' uii i n Ann. I tin ncv. ex - "■ant 'll . ■ d -.k I lie ET( > • i"' "f illE STAIiS AND Si EH'ES ; " vi a item i in the 1 ■ ilium’, talt ' iiic i : i was pub s' I1i11. !a.1 ! E' 11■ ■ |lanv on |": 11: • y ;ii ’ 1 a ithni s are " lit i n .moil "i iheir ."n iu ' mi - .ic has been in mov ie. ' ds. tn a 'I. author of IMPEKFI'T'i IN BED '■i 1 ay. ' i■ t ■ : i ' >\'i: miss TILLIE BEAN \s csh ofl the 1 loubledi pro.-st. .1. s. I 7Jj t’OSM ’ Ml It! rill vTS LL ' Apple In T.ie Attic " 71 || SI.(10 li J- - .AI niei n Amt riean jjj j! Short Sttirir-. S1.00 r t "A al!e> p| DeeMnn" I 1 Si.08 k 71 H \ I ret1 (.rows In 71 -1 Hrooklyn SI. 19 ! 1 li Si. 71 7] A\, T.mk To The li li AVo.als" Sl.lil 7] m r H li "\\ li ‘t Rename ol Alina jj 71 ! nlteii SI.00 11 l i,> J j|| Wind For ir t < •>i <*lin r* SI.19 li il k I HEIMSON 1 | BOOK CO. I 12- ROW TRACTOR DRAWN STALK CUTTERS Now Available For Immediate Delivery! €. J. FLEMING SUPPLY CO. Montgomery Street I SALE! I EMULSIFIED CLEANSING CREAM and PINK CLEANSING CREAM $1 I EACH, plus tax I \\ O wonderful cleansing creams -to help keep your skin silky smooth! 1 ti^— y kimulsihed (!I'*aris ing Cream for dry, flaky 'kin... lossy Pink Cleansing Cream for normal or oily skin ... ON SALK! usually $1.75 i , $3 size only $1.95 each All prices plus tax 'A rTTVSnn I Does your physician say you Need a BONE CONDUCTION hearing Aid? Complete ready to wear *50 Open Sunday—1 P. M. to 6 P. M. Phone 404 PAGE-HOCUTT —DRUG COMPANY —