3B*n&*retm Baity Blapatclf Established \ugu>t 12. 1911 Published Every \fternoon Eseept Sunday by Established \uausl 12. Id It HENDERSON Dls!*\l(ll l l> 1N< 109 Young street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres, at II M. L. 1- INCH, XI 1 El’HOM > Edit : . .1 O :.co Busi:.' •> O.::ee The Hi >ii son D. i > . member • I’lte Y- :-d " and AP Feature-. S. ! Publisher# .\>s> c*-< Carolina Press A The Assoc ded 1 ly entitled :o i.:. i! ji t lisiv* ■ ' ■" • ' • n t other', i e i n ' ■ > ’• and ai • M Bm Is if 1 U » ' K A 1 t > ARI Menders direct Kice « 1 •' Week Nop > • made. V, ML SCHSA -. advance l ye ; ' • ilx r‘ Hi ;t <-, eatr.s S IV r C ; y E »< • C ■ Future Alignments toil. Mo. St", w' ; .. retails to time Russia beeui > a ne. utment on the sale of ■ Ah ' Hitls new member ' e . 1 : -W.tm-, .V a - " • ■ 1 pnlitieal met . Th.e '• emor In :'"' r: ' e a -t Spoke Hi.'* v.' ; . > > • he. "N't •body im •«> h.n » . • • tionn: ! rgau mat mn :; Te: sis ' e.' m the immodiatt f iture • . wha! are the i'f the a u ! on i>i Ad,: g te: nits it. made it ver> elear ttuu he flunk, stallti am: Im- '"I’- . r ■ are out to spread commum-m e where in , the earth i'\- id' ' • i. that ;• about !ii<‘ mar-' r aw d mu; oi the ^ postwar Russian !■■ ■■: da rat has been slated, for that eoiaitr;. eou:ri not 1 lev ;|-f i;j, : ■ ■ ft-. I : 111ry. . see: it ill n prop ■ ■ - • wo omi at in, Hr iter .am Japan wert' lough! and defeated. While Churchill look pains to -ay! that r.r spoke only i- r himself, the: l - m it-asi 'ii to . 1:-.i* views are eeiur.nv to tlmse of 11,-■ [ Attlee Hahor gov, Marti 111 Kltguliri. | e w lien rrr- j tain marli boo mwed at M, Iron I- ■ , bm in in inaaf. Mi ■ , -r. .. d;it ;h. 1 Trun.at: win w •- so t til:: tile ar ■ t t i i the speaker. kht.r: -nil - f ; ht me •hte bare:uI. ■ 1 - lit a. asi in i ...ui: ,n t ; , , ., He r .i!e ,t w‘tb ill i! a.a a - . ''fry frank in its- ittei.'iiiai ., .m , ; true to lorn Faitotf, I he ad'ires ad u i anotlie) .• -g_ h’ent 'o Iht i ■■ t. i m a ) ■ 1'ront" that : . ton: mg in the world. , -! ' 1 < i it tive of a gen * • ■ --i:' K.n Wli ;i; (lenincrat'ie. a list lished from j 'be more me-. , ..j , ,,,,_ 1 : t uini.sm. IncUeatiuns p.>mt to a def- ' 1 JM!"' move ■ in future political a - ! < Canada’s Revelations C annmnn government i> ■ . lathms i ' "1 ’ es of R ■ • U1 ll 1 *m Canada m recent months arc ai | *■ ing to a world. ;,nd partemlar'lv U -s I ' might follow die end nt me .v!,' wnVn Germany ■ 1 1 >an Mot that an other globa : the cornel vit ro . ■ ■ it ex plosion in a matter of months. bat I that dove lonments, almost daiiy strike terror in the !ic.iri- ■ a 'I ,.■. who are sick and tired of armed con flict, and wit.■ believe mat ,i;., , methods should be possible an .set tling differences. A realistic view, tfb.w tver, po os the question a - to ml why the Km- 1 sians should he attempting to steal * the secret of the atomic bomb unless they have designs upon other conn- N tries and expect to have use for the q weapon at some time m the future. There is the counter view, of course, s that we and the rest of the world q cto not understand the Soviets, but ! k even with tha* much conceded it a .1,, i:"t explain away the frantic it! is m Canada, as revealed of y by that country's govern ment. A.- long as the sensation was in tagc. there could be ba'pc ■ » 1 w over. But :■ .111: otticial government statements i,,r.not be tossed aside so easily, rhey are serious. They deserve to •od at face \altie unless ' . •. reason to doubt them—and un it reason now. Tito ■s is lull 'll guard a- to un it .si cui rents that are flow ing o gorous r inner, the portents : w sit no wan tail fully fathom at th< moment. . ci en Mat sftnl Sfal it5 ' ■ a :i,.t the I'mted States lefii :;t■!x has :: > designs whatever I , ■ So\ lot.- ! ■ - os ■ '. hand, it would seem that or hands full with the v t the \\ aid's land surface abva.Tv has. without i 1 :tal other nations own. ■ • 'would be in Kussia any its . intry is a tuysb j i i i e ha\e been any o u; . a rts that cause the wot kf to wonder ''whut u!> to next." as has been Toij'y. Always life answer .0: echo, and Moscow ivn counsel, says nothing, r : Territory at will, and keeps > y ■ " else guessing. is ot si win at ion has been . B . htngton w here ’• o . erg • e his now ei’i it in the Senate las' ■‘ci, y to be followed within 'y-o,u ■ hours by an equally firm :w ■ by Secretary Byrnes. ' u tat e of this long train of 1 •• ' sere is no wonder that ‘■re being asked, tears are te of atari l Itimately this may all ■ i . but .! is a ci w.ditn ’it ".oily i uk ; lead to stram ' • ■ ' ’ an.: strained relations y i" ties—and all so mo, so uncalled for, as all OP A And Ford ..... that the Fofcd Motor '• ' : tig f t:u- manut.ie a ah an explanation of iy-l'ivo* pc • a ease j ' ahotiod for pn '.iu - V--: ,y (mt before V-.f i ... Inch ion makes low ’ , ro to be pa>diiee,I ‘ ■ comparison with 1 ai tla .-.imo penori, the ' ’ 'i ' ii.iturally was much ! ! • i. ■) ■ 111 * :s with (■( ] 11 a I : :i ■>' or a hj( higher when ••• on ... I on a Jai go ; ' ignored, this will be only ; • inns.' Ity mils! be ■ ■ un.to tile keeluvt ■■ • • ‘ ■ ! 1 t J| I’ 1 1st "1,r a t'li.»■ ;t*> are anxious to ge: •* ace. While cars wiU 1 J while '*'11 themselves, the time rM,,a‘ when salesmanship will 1 !lVr 11Pi( ' ■ •« as one ot the most 1 1,1 ’ant tunctions of the industry ■" t,u*n when prices will begin p. ^ to ; c sure, will be alter 11 ■v iatve become only a w. niy. But it will come. answers to daily QUIZ I A method of limiting debate in ■ ‘I hatiicntary bodies. -• Arizona '■’> Approx.rnately 700,000. 1 s-■ rah Bernhardt. 1 1 he muscular rigidity of flic "W- 'hat foil,iws death. ,T: «■' <-nt. I h<. Mediterranean. 1 unite I est. 1 j. 1> v * .i law which makes it . - V In itod Wt . :... : ■ : ,.t cii: lc:cnce in*! ween iivoniii ,. c-.ai ':vy wei^nt.’ \\ urd> «»t U isdom. Hi " : . osees culamit :es. suf l 1 -its oil I tiquette. r ■ , ;. ■; m. ; ; !: ::. Today’s Horoscope. Wit • ' n a*. n ■ • »*i - s I . stroilu v... c ;-ell-lV»iakt • . , : .:. cl Hied t>' • e e\ i . yt il : - Y« 'll a re loud • >! ■ ■; i'ts aim e\ > •’< i • \.* you and i; Tax was wit '' ' j w;i;t > last vt-ai ! 1 ' 1 lit' a , ii •urn A V. Your return if .‘. whet ei 1 t tax v held. Of course. % et rn for the full :if held. iI s t: i \ w 111 A. Within ! im... • c • t l.lllk ol WilRl's. i •» i: .' * ne\ el I hell ly Where on t > i dr one! the o\ depends on the , , t iriiMS In the n .1 «• ! 1 . t ‘i t O >. | H !1 ’ OS'* i esmbursement p» v •> • ini \ miii retm n ) ;m- ■. the second clas • •. . - : or o - dunuy and ntv- • i * i«-<. - al ■ -u - 1 b\ law . tools. ami sale > • • mo:H. The 1. -1 el.iss ol o\[ • . or drJ p- o. Iif-m . : i-M:i 1 u4 a whether P .. short lor-.i . < t . : t i 1 • of C> I'fi-i - ran be a •; .. P i only a> ' miso llaneous or no* -:is" on Pag-' 4 ol a long to: :'. 1 a ' i.; n »»n Form o 4 a When yulii " eto (.y Is ::: a.o\ o a> a rcro iu j 1 . t.4\..hle A. Tomorrow: Hi . • -s income. } himilton Street Properties Sold ert it si H t: tie et V\ 1 U [ilk:: : ' .:.■ tra!is 1 cl - Gi if, if', f Bran f r -j" . ■ . • lli l'iiT.'ti two lofv , ; o.o Watkins Glmcr Hill ■: r. . i v on r s hlRhw a.v Xu. 1 1. • dv. . t Xo' th Henderson Bin • -t ■ .• in ii fur sol 1 and other coiisiia i ,ri..n,., - ■ ts un v. :tn t dreet \\. li.fflofo, hi \' !• AlfK. to M [ '.'ll' o..- :o.; .:! II ’ll.' V. ..V Wl o [ oV 1 • , , : I f hi'! -i ■: • r *. ‘, i; t ■ . oh on X'irwai ,1 I 1 ■ ..-id ;i tor S'.u i I I SIM 1)1 / \ !(! f I) ( old S' f ... !i \i A ■ : i ■ -. . A * ■ ’■ ' S' o i -o I V \ i] | Mo., • e a ■ : A! ; i, Soio .. UNFINISHED JOB • ' T ’’‘a/ ,->’ •» 4} ■« > > A* A. ", ' i>i:e in Mutual Network Sjstem \S ciliu-'fla' niaht Si’.d to !• fur the 1 rush 1 i) Show MiTIU.USON BROS. BtVLR.YGE COMPAQ U 1: PAY' SPOJ ( \SII CANDLER-PALMER MOTOR CO. Mudel akrr Sales unci Ser\ ice llrsuit : sou. \. l • ihnne 4.V2 Sr FRED B. r HIGHT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS AUCTION NEERING riiOM. i8U os: i;sy \v LUNCHES ill Pit-Id" '’a d I'. 'ri>ecue S ndtvi ho, j !■' .intam Service —THE— SNACK SHOP Conveniently Lin did By Ku-.-t National Bank _ _ _ l?‘ ■'sNid ^r. rr,. 9 STOP! AT THE STAR TEXACO GAS and OIL LUBRICATION | WASHING and POLISHING j TIRE SERVICE [ Texas Star Service Stai J. I,. All MM AI \\A«.l I! | I'DKMK AMWIAVS Ml. AM) \. <;.\!!M II | E. B. Cawthorne | and I R. V. Cawthorne ANNOUNCE the CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP of GRISSOM SHOE SHOP NOW! CAWTHORNE BROTHERS Expert Shoe Repairing j “While You Wait” j j Service j Experienced Repairmen Using the Best Avail- j able Materials for Your Shoe Satisfaction kj [j -- See Us for Your Shoe ] REPAIR NEEDS gj CAWTHORNE BROTHERS \ HiK'lthl.V tiiilV'OM SllOl. ilOP I South uai-uell Street t! DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS IT-'.. :', paper 17 Cease 1 Companion . ‘r imnv.il- 20. Ream 5 Burden. berry Uvo (abbr ) 3 Aiati 4. Pi- ■ ■ out 21 River tF/ k.-.gii;:' 5 A iH.-n.bran- 24 Type 10. Odd i Scot t cans tiap measure 11. Marsh bird 17. 1.) 2.0 Priest 12 River Fr. i G White sdk i Fr title' 14 Ends of : trf level i 26 Looked si it Saturn’s 7 Cure ways slyly rings s t .. v. ho 27 To love Saturday's Answer 17) A notion oar, ■ s I poet l yesterday's Answer vt'.th 11 A: ’■ rin.in 23 A ousti.r: 3 Half diameters lt> L ght I” nans duty 7 Shout bedstead 1 ■ Acs 30 Sanctified s Astringent 17. Therefore 1‘ <' ■ .panies persons fruit 18 Level a arriors 31 Sea eagle it) Entire 19. Having a dark hue 22 Bitter vetch 23 Animal of deer fanuly 25 White linen vestment (EcclA ® 28 To set forth beforchar. :