| Society News , i;U< I SI S ARE ON TIIE W AV." i menses are on the way ' -hall look (or a crocus every day.' s wote a brave friend from Eng land. pile of the drabness and nibble. ;.i -habbmess, .-canlncss. and trouble, !'rc.-h. uplhru ting beauty still lives. It h\e . and reveal.- underly ing 1 t o power of freedom undying: Immortal the courage it give ;. And so m the drabness and rub ble. The shahbiness. seantnes... and t r< niblc. I h" will to be darin : . I ill iivr s. c crocuses arc on the way I nail look for a crocus cvcrv day. So peak., the bran- heart of England. Margaret Morn mi < niintrv (’In!) Will ' I.i\ c ()pen House hvery Saturda\ ■ : lining Saturday. March !), the t 1 nd Country Club will have bouse each Saturday evening lb.'Id till 12 o'clock for the club ibers and out-of-town guests, it . 1 lmunced today. imw f. ature of the club has . an an e.l for the enjoyment of member- durm ( the week-end stak'd that a large group is " l ,i:'(l to attend the initial open c affair on Saturday night. •" i1 ’a nn it I enterlainmcnt will be bled but guests may enjoy elves at the get-together with mg. card games, etc. Middlphurg \V.MS Meets '' ^omcn - Missionary Society 'he Middleburg Baptist church meet with Mrs. D. G. Currin rsday at 7:111) p. m. and all mem are urged to attend. ~l-1-- I I T Marian Martin —Pattern— Enjoy Spring clcanmyl To;./ Is.: •.•omfoitabic, pretty apron, Patton; i'244 is economical sowing ,t can lie made from a feed-liny: Xoto the non-slip shoulders and yood fit. Pattern t»244 comes in Small (14 10). Med. (13-211), I.aryo ii(l-42). Small .sire 1 1-4 yards 33-inch. Send TWENTY cents m ecu. foi this pattern to Daily Dispatch, Pat lorn Dept.. 232 Wes! ldth Xe 3 ork 11. N'. 3'. Print piannh. SiZE, NAME. ADDRESS STYLE- vpiy HER. Fifteen cents more brinys yon the useful Marian Martin S| riny Pat tern Book with a Free pat! -r:i for smart "bay-rn-a-belt" printed riylu inside the book. Brimful of chic, easy-to-make fashions. Snrnsis ('lab Meeting The Sorosis t nil will meet with Mr.- F: nnklin Mills on Hollo slreot | .-n Til irsday n!tone n at 3:4.> I o'clock, it was stated. Mrs. Robinson Is President ()t New Nurses Club I lere Graduate resist (ned iiium nf Hondo rson formed ,i Hondci:>nn \11v os Club on Monday m;;hl an I oleotod Mrs. T. .1. Rohm v | !.»•*• Mr... ' * ka i’all. Mis Ru’uy V nnklin. Mc.-v 'n K.n-n and A.'; , Lily 1 h nit tin s w.i1 lv h *!d < n llie ir. t ?.-< ntiay niyht in oa.-.i rn nib. F\ ereack Class In February .Meeting Air-: Howard Faulkner :m i .Mr C' F Ayscue were joint ho-de- ..o fo: 'he Fveready Class of the New Mmdv frock Baptist chi;:eh. on Fri day night ! Mrs. How.r-d Failkn t lyi i ■! w - .■ ■ of the devotion and Mr. . 11. :Ful ! lev led in prayer. 1 Mrs. Green Faulkner Ir: i >-V, ; - | of the followin ; urogram: • '■ i1 m : V. n I -o' i> mr ■ res . Mr.-. Julian do s: Du -1 - -Jaria Fa 11 - • .;>. * ,;uth Robe'd in: "Five Kiwis ... Pennies” by Mr ■ p -g ■ ■ ,.. ; Ayscue: "There Is No Hope For th • ‘ i 'ke- 01 Me” bv Mi- F. \ v ,■ " J'isl a Hope". Mrs. Mamin Howeli: ”'n Fntrustcd Letter”, bv Mi- Carl , Williams. I At the conclusion of the program . contests were held and refreshments .served by the hostesses. j Newspaper advertising will seek I mf vnur prospects .»!i t-r.ore-Weslev (>!;iss Met I uesda\ < n i'uc (iay cv mic the Whit imoiv-Wc Icy da ol the First ■•••■> 11 'li i S inlay . ..! met at tile ■' ■ ' •!' - with the president. Mrs. • • R . *1: n. pro i ling. • 1 ■ ' devntjonals wet e c pretenses from Valet Clo ning eomnany. the suit property ol Flocenoe Peace. E; It ol the defendants was sen- j toncod to six months and notice of nneal was a ide and their bonds ! set at Sion. Lewis A. Reynolds, white, was tried fej- dpi lien driving. Prayer for iudgmen' w s continued upon pavnient o! Sail and costs and con demn that he not drive an automo bile for the next 12 months. His driver’s license was revoked for a year. Albert Pike, w hite, tried f< r pub lic drimke-noss. was fined five dol lars and costs. C. C. Ret i . while, was tried on two eh: rees of public drunkenness nd in each case was sonteiT ed to 30 days, suspended upon payment of live dollars and e ists and con dition that he not be convicted of being drunk in the i ext 12 months. M F. W. Meeting The Metho bst Youth Fellowship sub-district will meet on March 7 at 7:30 o'clock at the City Road Meth odist htirch. it was announced. The Flat Rack Youth group will have charge of the program. Contemporar> Book Club Meeting The Contemporary Book Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30 ■ 'clock at the home of Mrs. Ben Hicks on Burwell avenue, it was announced. Presbyterian Choir. The choir of the First Presbyter ian church wUl rehearse tonight at 7:30 o'clock, it was announced to-1 -iay. ___ All-Star Girls Win 0\ er Avcock; Boys I ,ose X. Y. Henderson girl all-stars racked up a win of 28-fi over Avcock I i.-t night while the boys dropper! the i ightcap 49-35 to Zcb Vance all stars. The Ay >ek sextet was held tr five points in the firs' h; If and three points in the second period, while the local girls bagged 15 points in the first half and 13 tallies in the second half. Divnn w-'s '-jg1' -con r for Hen derson with 12 point Pol t :i p it in eight .points and I.owry and A vr-rjir., four each. High**scorer for Aymck v We t with six pc i ‘s. Peoples made the re ining two points. The Holder- -n rpiint tv ded oolv one point at the end of the firs* nuaretr, 14-13. and at the half 35-21 Harris and Kittrell kepi a steady flow of tallies in the 7.oh V nice bas ket, assisted by Medlin to give then tlm win. Nelson tossed in the most p ant 'or Hendcrsii . barring It mints Forleman netted nine: Mill, and , Blake, five each: Powers, four and OiH. one. Harris and K'M 'f 1 lied for ■ or- j ing hon >rs fi• r /rh V ..- r'- n ■ up 14 point ea h. Me II ’> '-ore 1 lft points; Howland, seven and Stone, four Rorereo fc- the pan1" v B P Terrell, scorokeo" ■ '1 \' i 11 ke and timekeeper. Pill Cox. WORI D PRAYER DAY SERVICE AT LIBERTY A \V( rid Day o'' Prayer service j will be held at Liberty Cou rega tional Christian church at Fp-om Friday ev ening at eight i VI ek. was announced today. The program .'. ill he sp nsored by ! *he Woman's Missionary S< ■ iety. People of the community are invited to join in the prayer service. Miss Elizabeth Jenkins Is Complimented At Tea On Tuesday afternoon Miss Eliza beth Jenkins. whose wedding to Sm th Yount will take pi '. on Apr.l 'I. was honored at a beautiful Dcllwood with '• 11. i, havassc, Mrs, R E < 1c ient.s and Mi Joel Cheatham a.- .1 iut host CS: i . fille ts were greeted al the front door by Mrs. f’heathtint ml Mr- J. Meredith Jeno .. Jr I!eeei\.ii'. in tin1 living room were Mr- 1! K. Cle ments, Mrs. II E. ( li.i- a ■■. Mi. | Elizabeth Jcnkin . honoree, Mi.. J W. Junk.ns, mother of the bride* • leet. Mi ft*' a Long Thomas, and Mi.-.- fiai.-y Ynuns. *■( Raleigh. Mi' -itime of Baltimore. , r Fianl: Robards. Mrs. Richard (buy. an i Mi s .11111.i Tii.imas Gary I . ■ i'i. i at the tea table. Oti* i s *eeeivins in the house were Mir- !■:. F I'atham. Mrs Andrew Newcomb M . Ifubert White. Miss I.is lie White. Mis. Nannie Smith. Ma l’e i • I re Mon Mis Lou .'-mi Wat \ in . Mr Margaret Cheat ham. M: • I li/abeth Ann Bass, and 'Jit '’a tha .Ian? N'evvcomb. Capadine•Contain* 4 ipeciallf •elected ingredient* that work togrther to give quick relief from headache and neuralgia. Follow direction* on label. I found the way td amazing New VITALITY...PEP... better looks! THESE TWO STEPS may help you. So if you are subject to poor digestion or suspect deficient red-blood as the cause of vour trouble, yet have no organic complication or focal infection, SSS Tonic may be just what you need. It is especially designed (1) to promote the flow of VITAL DIGESTIVE JUICES in the stomach and (2) to build-up BLOOD STRENGTH when defi cient. These are two important results. Thus you get fresh vitality... pep ... do your work better... become animated .. . more attractive! SSS Tonic has helped millions ... you can start today ... at drug stores in 10 and 20 oz. sizes. _ S.S.S. Co. aUUD STURDY HEALTH and t«»p StALWART . $TEADV . StRONG 1 helps build STURDY HEALTH - - t _ CAR PAINTING Our modern, wi II equipped paint and body shop wiil yive you expert paint job—whether it's a touch-up job or cc mplete repainting. Reason able prices—See us for an estimate on any job, EVEREADY CHEVROLET CO. l’lione 707 Henderson. X. I'. “Onr Service—Your Satisfaction" JIM BRILEY, MANAGER f ! ■■■■ i ' i ... jJ I! , <5 ' —• \ SAYS: YOU’RE GOING SOFT THIS SPRING For the first time in years you're completely tominine. \ our shoulders curve out, your waistline dips in and your hips ayain play an important role. It s your new look—the* Swansdown look. And you'll find it in our exclusive collection of Swansdown coats and suits. -i Join The Crowd At The — I VICTORY INN | -i Formerly Fnelish Tavern — I Ml>f South On |jj -> Raleigh Road ij j| Ire Cold Drinks and Beer [j -i - .iiidw irhes — Dance Floor “ rilONE 1210 (I OI’FN CNTIL 1 A. M. ,T USAAI and BILL EASTWOOD 11 Owners and Operators si 1' r-r' rr=J r=J r=J r=-‘ r=7r=3 cr You can take General MacArthurs word for it/ "The Red Cross has done a 100 per cent job in this theatre. Mathematical limita tions alone prevent my saying the Red Cross services here have been more than 100 per cent." — General Douglas Mac Arthur SO speaks a distinguished eye-witness of your Red Cross in action. General MacArthur suit the Red Cross at jour lighting man's side, all through the gruelling months of war, bringing a touch of home to homesick, heartsick men. He knows, as you do, that your Red Cross cannot jet sa\, "Mission accomplished.” It still has an enormous task to do. \\ ith j.our help, it will carrj this task to a successful completion. One War is over . . . but another War has begun Thousands of our men still in veterans’ hos pitals and in faraway lands overseas need comfort and cheer now , as they did when the bombs were bursting. And when disaster strikes here at home ■ tire, flood, tornado—your Red ( loss must be reads w ith aid for the victims. Its war against human misers is never wholly won. Hut remember—it is your Red Cross. It depends on you for its serj existence. So give from vour heart. Gise generouslv. Give toduyl • YOUR Red Cross MUST CARRY ON This Appeal To Help The Red Cross Sponsored By n Minors