JUmfcnntfm Established August l.\ 1911 l'ublished Every Afternoon I. \eepl Sunday by HENDERSON DISI'All 11 I Ο . IM. 109 Voung Street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres. and Editor M. L. FINCH, See.-i : ea.-., Bu. Ill 1 PHONES Editorial L)it ice 500 Business Office tilt-1 Tile· Henderson Ρ i'.> L\-|'..tch ..- a member of The Associated Press and AI' Featu.e-, .\ . , er Publishers A.-.- ·% η t:.c rit; C'a. ·. itia 1 . ι .· .\. The Associated Press is exclusive ly ei.' itied Ό i_' ι ■ ■ ■ .' ■ ail new s dlil'..' ■ - i.t ntC'i ' uiui aiso '.. e I e . :. . s therein. Ail rights of publication of special Ul-p'ltciies riereii; ale re ft rv ι : -t li>l Kil l SON KA 1 1 s JAKKlk.K DKUVh.iY in e :y ir. Henderson I'avaU.e to Carrier or direct to uiiice at r per Ca.t* dar Ween. No mor*!i..v or other rate is made. MAiL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payable in advance. 1 yer if,.· ■ , m.n nunths IJ ·»., ;i ".on·.:.s i ' Per Copy 3c *· · ' ·. . · -1 1 \ L Λ- ί . · · · : : = Ί"ΐι the ·ν· ». >t. ; £ Primary Mixtures ί.*'· π ' r- : ' · >'..té De: j : ,a > ! 5 ν . Λ bi R -\T.i\ ture. a- · l.iI. i ' - ' ■ o>· e ν .. . V * : : -, es ■ !" : a. .-. ■ ' ΐlu : Ο W..Î at 1 th.' tw.ave ea-' r a t s. in ^ pott}· nt ino that there jm-tht lx scrap.- in » :.!.v tarée r ..r. ' ■ SL'lUativc Couiey i.- hiunu ! an· 'ht..· t. : :r. without V' i ry ■ ι . >n. ■■ :·. Ν ■ ' he Stat·.· In '.ι ;·■ t 1 : ! .· ' : - : ς. rtit'ieci him a? the ·ι; w r. into the . : : ni. ι : . v. - ι· w 11 be reelee'eca Tht· district ::l w ! 11 ·. h Y.a. a a·· , : ι ated will ha\ .· no isc-sr • · ·:i.· th;.- year. a:: · «ioi. -it..;· Κ :v. i'yii has brecred tiïi" .ill the p· ; : il w .th·· ;t ·.·;:■< >s ι : n ïtV, ant! ha • V. aaj.a - : - e a · ' ;Qr, : ·- . As laa'tei - r ow .pi up. Vance! >· .!:i> v. .!! . a t.aa ι.·".:...·.,.· the ' 1. cal candidat· s As this is written, 11··: a ,·!. . ι :i· ·. .;■-·_·: .·.··,· has bt'i'tt : - · i)."st a; ..a: ··· ' t t':·:. era■ t ι ι .1 Λ; t i·· ■ .t · · ■. a : :r t:;,· ·.·<m'H inc : r : ·. 4 t, . ··■.,:.'.;· · : : a ··-. Th:.- v.·; at .·. k:."Wn a- an " Ί. ' ; in1 ■ ■ ■- - a · ■ : a t ·.'·:. ·: . π r . " -r r. e. a· r ι ·<. "·,·'. a. V r: j, C. - ' i > 11 ■ i ί ' i .1 ' 1 · ' 't··..· . I., ;. 1 - 1 l.Y i! w ·. ..' .t hea y ·.,.η-··ιιΙ Ί inter»··-! !- all · .; a !Way îha ίο. a! l'Oint i": -tic la _ajtni:_ itizen ■ ■ - - • 'te aexi 1. ,v wei.·i·:.- ,.. ·.·,: 'a, a:.·. a 'a., tilt . - nients may be. GRAL fcAC W <>I(K HI \\ IlinK on I tuiuettr. Toda> "s Horoscope. 1 I > 11 M I ' 'I , . I . ■ I.... j . t > t . 1 - . . 1 ... ι 1 - erice. be rostie... and ai:\ m·.- , yuu iici■ ability. You love yoi homo lit·· at ι ! your tuvle of friend though small, are a strong force in your life. Y-LI will always be hap py. Λ friendly letter should chit ι you up early morning Don't u imaginative talk later this morning, as it will riot be understood \' noontime expei' lumheon or oth··■■ social dates to be canceled. Don't try to solve conumdrums of any kind in the middle of the afternoon .and this evening make every effort to ere ate a good impression. Someone new m your life iate this evening may turn oiit to be "the our One-Minute Test Xnswor*. 1 N'aonn's kinsman in the linn , of Ruth. He married Ruth. 2. Naomi was Ruth's mother-in law. :i. Λ prophetess, wife of Lapidoth, She was a i ι lue in Israel in the Book of Judges. (IIIMNEV FIRE A chimney lire at the home oi j Kenneth Harris, on Montgomery | street, called firemen Saturday night 1 at 9:15 in the only alarm received | ■ during the week-end \\ damage | 1 λ at reported. - c Ldiication Board Bu\ s I wo 1 ,OtS Iil I IcikIltsoii Area WITH THE COLORS ★ ★ Hu^hC" i" !»<* Kftiin'.ct!. . ruiute nencierson, and Sis •vl: . B. Hiuho. and son, ; s,-u ·). . ·-· at - 't5 Li '\vry i Ic'.n it,'! λ· A Lift For Today :.ri|. we know that our Fath . vvii: hear and answer because of ■ promised a.-surancc ol cu: .pa.·— ν ι r ν 1' JVC. I ><αι lather, ma> the Spirit of < hri-.t move in the hearts of men toda.N tti.it the\ may draw near to Thee, thus biiiiïinii peaee to the « orld. ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ ! ΛÎι.han.1 ι K. Gandhi. Alfred I\. Smith. 3. Either Kar-i (as in it) be'-an, Ka-nb'-e-an. is eorreet. -t. Femur. Florida. (| I auri-n.-e A. Steinhardt. 7. The Unester. 8. Maharanee. C'anaria. 10. "Dud." ro τ. ι». \. mi i t ι Klliott (ί. Shaw. of Henderson, is , linons a i^roup of State officials if hi· Travelers Protective Association xpeeted to attend the annual din ner of the local post at Wilson on \pril 2. when H. J. Hatcher, com nander of the State Highway Patrol, s to be the speaker. An attendance f some 300 local merrbti® d ' i=it •rs is ariTK'ira'ea MAGIC CARPET OF 1946 Ί \ DONT TELL M£ ! THIS ONE. ι î. I ( CiOiNfc TO CRACK ; UP TOO ! DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Cover 4 InvahJ's food 7 Λ curiosity £> Or. tiro 12 Silk ?.:arf ι Eccl. ) 13. Repulse 14 Cushii-:is 15. Pinacoous tree 16. Coin (Chin ) 17. Malt be\ orage IS. Duct ( Anat.) 19. Little girl 20. Presently 22. Empty talk (colloq.) 2Lieutenant (abbr.ï 25. Conscious £T Exciam.it; r. 2S. Favorable fortune SO. Labels 32. Wine receptacle S3. In 5t.net 34. Slot veless DOWN 1. Boxes 2. Troubles 3. Author of The Raven 4. Capital (Fr ·> 5. Southwest win.! 6. Disease of chickens 7. Stupor S. River (Russ.) 10. Pickle 11. Hebrew pronhet 15 Religious zealot IS. Solemn promise 19. Thus 21 Tree 22. Plead 23. Camel-liki animals 24 Hubbub 26. Butt 29. Calciurr. ( sym.) River boat ("Chin.) Kind of pin Taurus ( Astron.) 31 33 35 ronraegQ w j-is Yesterday'· Antwe 36 Grows old 3S. Revolve 39. Whirl 41. Falsehood 42. Topaz hum ming-bird 87. Greek letter 88. Fabulous bird 39. Complacent 40. Permit 42. Fruit 43. Steps 0'· t.r a fence 14 Small ν.... for iioui i9 45. Wing of a house tO G:rl s name //Λ//Λ zs 1-0 \.'Λ 70 η a 45 /Τ73 21 7TT? M 33 χΆ 33 n 1 m 10 /y Y//< 13 Ε 22 Ρ 1 34 ί,,,,Λ.*, lb 27 31 Ϋ77Ά m 35 5-ie CRYPÏOQVOTE—Λ cryptogram quotation Κ Τ L W F W X A U W M C Ν » Κ Κ C A F A C C Κ I Χ Χ M H L Χ V M - R Χ A H X A Saturday ·, < ryptoquote: THE MOUNTAINS LOOK ON MA Ri» THON. aND MARATHON LOOKS ON TiiL CCA—BYRON Distributed by King Features niUtt !, Uu· SALLY'S SALLIES p. ■ .if S l'aient Ο i r~ ^ ^ * ι I 1 1 "When your father's a fisherman, the boy friend must be a srood listener." It Pays To Advertise! Chest Colds To Relieve M'sery%/|£KS Rub on Tested y^poRu Β 5ALSBURYÎAL "/ think that / shall really be A Pu!let of/nmensity, If in my water you will keep Ren-O'Sat tablets - they're good, they're cheaù^. i I Scr ( s For TIhki· («nod GULF PRODUCTS ( ΟΙ Κ Π ΟΙ Ν >1 Γ,\ Κ 1 UeffisU'rcd I.ubri. iti π st ·ι \ ii γ I S Tin··. Μ illurd anil l S lî.iiit ι ic ·. ΟΓ1 Ν \ I I Mi .1! ι SERVE-ALL SERVICE STATION wii ' ι. λ ι > ' ί' : ι FEEDS New GARDEN SEEDS Poultry Supplies Remedies rinnu· s:i HENDERSON HATCHK1.Y s. (iurnctt St. PHONE 560 For Your PRESCRIPTIONS And Drug Needs Our I ;ι!>·Ί Is Your Protection SI K\ l( I SSN< i: 1S7S Call Us For REFRESHMENTS From Our Fountain PEOPLES DRUG STÛ«E .Sci- Us For Your Needs In F Ά H M HARDWARE \ ril S a/)j)l ii χ— LIVESTOCK-HARNESS L..)w Cash Prices! C. W. FINCH SONS i u»· Lar Will Re ceive Γ he render C are Oi A Baby Here! Y* Mil* 1 :!· Λ M-nvs (a MURAL Rl IWIKIM, MOTOR OVI RUAI LINO MOTOR ΤI Mi l IS K.MTMOM KKI'AIRS ISRAKi: SLRVK I HARVIN-McINNIS, INC. PACKARD SALES and SERVICE I \ H iili.uu St l'honc 17S : FRONÇA Is 1 he Choice For Your Personal Plane . w ili « I - • · U - : t t'U. • Ί it. 1 - 11 . , <1 ; ·!'·. . ·!:·. .pel* in Ntei, - . . ncl s< · ν a*:· 1 ,'.'Ο Lt lit.·; Ι.λ AKUONVA : t ...-y : Β;.il: ! » u average peuple, ·■·■ p]îine practically ilics il * ... Y»»;. be atïîa/eii iluw ca.\V i 1 lu My the Aeronea. i: you are interested in owning .. planr ν. ι· w .11 l>e l; 1. » 1 11 » : the AER< rnO& \\ i : » 1 y.· . See »s 1· : ( 'iuplett· in: nnation. AIRCRAFT SALES CO. HENDERSON, N. C. l'uni Stewart R. B. Hester û mum iy cûum" You can. Never before — maybe never cgain — will you have this chance to go to a university, business or trade school tree. Three years service in the New Army makes you eligible for 48 months of éducation at the college of your choice. The government allows you up to $500 for the ordinary school y car covering tuition, books, laboratory fees — everything. Every month, you will get a check for $65 — $90 if you're mar ried — to help pay living expenses. Your planning for your future is os close as your nearest Army recruiting office whero trained ond experienced personnel will be happy to give you all the information. $500 ο year for tuition fees $2.000 Up to $90 a month for living expenses $4,310 $6,320 I'nit At Post Office Room 10 Each Wednesday and Thursday This Missdijt Spoitsonil lly WEBB'S HENDERSON SHOE STORE

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