USE THE WANT ADS LOST AiND FOUND pj{( iWN LIFl-.TlM !·. SHKAl-TI·;,; t.ii.Iltain |HII lost between Soda . · I.I) ..nil I lcmll'1 ntl I >11 HI . ( I - lt _,· Please return tu Kli/abeth l^ti. itt at I lende; on 1 *» a > 111· · - l'ni - I, c 1 I- ti χ PARTIALLY llnXF.ST THIEF ι hi···!) found. iunday ii'inn i . he Illy an I ι areli ly I « · Γ1 my , ·, ! ick ii i:: in m> I io.\ .» !1, .· ' 1.1 I Ml·. I'lllS t 11 11· Ι ι ·. : ; I lion:·. ι. ι : ι · 11111 y removed all my kev>. pat (In η liai-k in my l>n\ ami made ...... Willi η ly key ease, mi · : ι- finest I have seen and c.ivn· .ι· by a friend. The ronidc:;) tinii ι appreciated. lint if 1 h<* lhii-1 will return my drive ι , ,·: ι· and automobile registration «hu ll were also in the |;( ·.· , . -ι· I hall lie further e.ratelui. '! : .· key e.'rV is well worth tn the t! .el a three-cent -tamp In mail tin . earil back to u.c. No oucs !. <r M ill be asked. I ieiii ν Λ. j II,-ni'. IH-Jti I FOR SALE MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS ! From The i 6outb s Largest Monumental Factory . W. W. LANGSTON 219 Young St., Phone 773 FOR THE BEST IN FANCY I groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables, J fresh meats, fish and oysters. ' Phone 439. Herbert's Yellow ' Front, Free Delivery. 17-tf 1 WEDDING INVITATION^ AN- ; iM.mcements, At Homes, Jîecep- ! tion Cards and Visiting Cards. | Wide Selection of Styles. Inform ais. Special 50 for SI.25 with name Henderson Boole Co. 31-tf. κΓά FALKNER & SON. COAL and Wood. Phone 260. 24-ti | , I I UK ΛI 'TIFl'L, ALL MKTAL 1 '■ HU'Il i Lawn Sets just arnv. . J ! C " t ♦ j 11 - 11 . 'ai » 1«· and attraeti.ν. 1.1 > ·, · ι · · ·· : (j.iiniily; get yours now. ΙκΊ·π·· tl · > aiv guno. Κ. K. Satlvi whit·· ai 01 Sons. lîî-tt' Ali; S ALI·; ( )\Ι·: HOL'SK ΊΊί.Λ ILKH. l(i H. long, sleeps two. In good condition. Apply 7-11 Scrv.ce Sla t:<>n, Raleigh road. l4-4ti SToKKR COAL FOK TOBACCO curing. Get yours while we have it plenty Rood lump coal too. II. (). Kalkner Son, Coal i':c Wood. Phone -till. l.'l-il WOOD FOR SALI'. -LoXC, ()i, sh. rt Lour load sl2. Call Buddy Williams or Sam I'.a tw· od. Phoiu. 12111. Li-LUi STOKKR COAL FOR TOBACCO iMiiiu, (let your, wiiile v.r have ι' : 'ienty good lump η · 11 too il ο Kalkner & Son, Coal «S: \\ ood Pi.' .ικ- 12UU. 13-11 FIVE-GALLON OII, CANS, LAN it 1 . clothes basket.--, clothe., dry er . -tove pipe, ovens, kitchen .--'.""1 and gasoline lanterns. Wat k.i Hardware Co. lâ-âli Hi·:.Λ i, Γ11 BROOMS, GOOD HOl'SF. I -, warehouse brooms, . treet i·: ■ :. . mops and waxc.. of all k. .· I· urn it urt> polish, c: ati h ο π. appliers, steel wool and .hi!:.·.-on Cleaner. Watkins Harri wai e ι 'ο. 15-5ti BOV SCOUT CAMP SKTS. AXK.S, Hi.· -i and wedges. Watkins Hard ware Co. 15—."> L i DDT IN ALL FORMS FOR USE in sprayers, dry dusting, and pres ume type that will last almost ,i year Also all kinds of Flit and Cuii.-pray. Watkins Hardware Co 15-âti CAGE RAT TRAPS, SPRING TYPE mouse traps, bat traps, rat nip and rat bait for killing rats. Also wire ΐ'Ί' rat proofing. Watkins Hard ware Co. 15-âti butcher knives, paring knives, slicing knives. Scout knives, scissors and other cutlery Watkins Hardware Co. 1 ti milk bottles' dairy elec h h milkers, shipping cans, bottle caps, disinfectants, pipe and everything needed lor dairy u.-.e. Watkins Hardware Co. 15—5ti Figaro^ hop scrappers Blackman's disinfectant, laid cans and butcher knives. Watkins Hardware Co. 15-âti •^F.W SPORTING GOODS! METAL fishing Rods and Nylon Tackle, Baseballs. Bats and Caps, Soft Balls, Tennis Balls, Golf Balls. Volley Balls, Footballs, Tennis Rackn'ts, 'Boxing Gloves and Punching bags, also other sport 'n6 goods at Baker's Pawn Shop. Iti-u for SALE—ONE MULE AND wagon. 3,500 tobacco sticks. .1. .1. Kittrell, Bearpond. 18-iti livestock—CHICKS °VR "°0 BARRED ROCK PUL fets layed 45,000 eggs before Jan ^a,y 1. We have chicks from these fine hens for sale now. Also Reds, White Rocks and Leghorns. Call __°r write Henderson Hatchcry Pigs and Shouts For sale at High Price Warehoiist ** J- C. Abbott or J. C. White. lil-âti i REPAIR SERVICES HAYES - THOMAS ELECRICAL ' Service, e!»-ctrir.iI contracting and repair; Phone 149-W, P. ( ). Box liSMI, {lenders'.η. N. C. 8-tf FOR EXTRA WEAR TAKE YOUR I ί-hocs to the ('aioiina Shoe Shop 1 < · ι · · Ν poi-1 repaii M-rvice While V·ill-Wait Repairs us . em· V' II. !."> ati !{ next to ΑΛΡ. 1 1-ti rik ; λ ι ί ι )i,i*:ss ok the mark, wk I'i'Vui' all ant" radio systems. See lis tnr auto radio trouble. (1 and 1! Radio Reepair Ser\ iee, 1011 W. Mi ut.U' mei y . ! r··. !, phone 23 1. 1 1-tf SKI·; MARVIN Mr-IXMIS, iXC. FOit (jeneral Auto Repairing by quali fied mechanics. Authorized Pack ard Sales and Service. 132 N. William St. Phone 178. 11-tf 1·'Λ H M MACHINERY F! Κ Ρ AIR S BY c 111 a 11 i 11_· 1 mechanics. Also Imple in ■ nt and Power Unit Repairs. Top-quality parts. See us for your repaii needs now! North State Equipment Co. 3(ΙΓ> Κ. Montgomery ire t. Phone 032. ll-fltl DOES YOUR RADIO NEED RE pairin: Bring it to ιι·:. Our train ed technicians give imi'xcelled m-i\ ice All work is i'.uaranteed. Phone 12(17, Carolina Railio Co., 117 \. Oarnett street. 13-tf 1 RADIO SERVICE-OVER 20 YEARS experience, modern equipment, j and a complete stock of tubes and repair parts, guarantee you first class radio service at a reasonable cost. Complete factory service on any make radio. Jenkins Radio & Sound Service. Phone 44R. Dl'FFEI.I. ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Sales and Service House Wiring a Specialty j 2'. Years Experience Phone 1017 P. 0. Box G12! 21—tf SEE UPCHURCH & DAEKE ELEC t !■;.· ( '.. , f. ir yimr electrical con- ί tracting and repairs. Experienced electricians to erve you. 0—tf ! ALL MAKE VACUUM CLEANERS j Repaired. Expert work. All jobs guaranteed. See us for prompt.! courteous service. Tanner Sewing Machine and Electri.· Shop. Phonal 11C-W. M-W-F-tf j does your car NEED a PAINT , jo-b? K ir protection and appear ance 1 ' - repaint your car now,! be:'oi e tile old coat is too bad to l V ι'a fresh coat at lo.v cost. Hester Mo· r Co., 12:! H irner street. Mon-ti' Tu 11.1·:* - vi »r - wait, wi·: can make voiir old > hoes like new. 2".i\. iland I.adies. Men and Chil dren's Shoes for sale. Carolina Shoo Shop. 18-tLi REFRIGERATi( )N SERVICE, C( >M : ; ;i πι,.! ι τ (} < ' ! 111 v 1 ic. 1 ).<;.· <»r ni^hl ι·f\ ice C":i 11 ! 1. 1ί. Branch, phoni.· ,'ϋίΙ)-,!. 1 8—Gti INSURANCE ARE VOU FAMILIAR WITH TIIK ('( >MPREHENSîVE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE POLICY that protects you from financial loss nut1 to practically any canst1, known or unknown'.' Let us l;i\c» you full details on this "ALL-RISKS" policy. Xo obligation. Come in, write, or phi 'ne. Citizens Bank & Trust Company AGENTS ii. C. WELLS, Mgr. Insurance Dept. Phono 199 Henderson, N. C. FOR SALE: ACCIDENT & SICK ness insurance—$12 per year. Let us explain ι air Premier Double Duty Policy. Frank M. Barnhart, General Insurance. Phone 562-J. ' 24-1f WHEN YOU DRIVE YOUll car you gamble every thin you possess unless you hav ■ insurance protection. Let tli » insurance company relieve you ol' this responsibility. Ask us about complete pro tection with Automobile Lia bility Insurance. I'innoll In surance Aprency, Telephone Building·, Phone 252. 18 tf U"l'( )M( )BILE W R Ε C Κ S A i ; Ε costly—Let us arrange now to ] iv for any you may have. C'ompl te automobile coverage, 30 peri· : it collision, liability, comprehensi. e, medical payment. Frank M. Ba: n hart, General Insurance. Phi no 562-,J. 18-tf REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE FAC ing Oxford Road. C. B. Godfrey, phone 1174-J. 15-511 FOR SALE SIX ROOM MODERN house <>n W'illowood Drive. Pos se. : ion in 30 days. Phone 877-V/. I6-u ti SPECIAL NOTICES MY OFFICE ( )VF.K CITIZENS Hank iV Tru.t Co., r open :< 11 day and from 7 1»» In o'clock every evening for filing income tax re· ι ...ι Ι:·. M. X. Nordi'11. t-tf FX! 'KH i EX( ΈΙ ) Κ Λ UNDR Κ S S want:, tu du shirts, curiam- , fam ily \va. h and tint' fabrc nil 1 >ifi> 11 ■ ι-.-. Live in' on Farrww s.tieet. I Ml· lit· ill!'.-.I. 8-27U YOU WILL FIND (iUTSTANlUNG values in home furnishings at Hughes Furnituro Co., a"· its for Westinghouse produc'. . llugiies Furniture Co., 413 South Garqett street, phone 137. 12-Sli JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF well known National plastic to,ι kichen tables, will not scar, mar or stain. Th<· table yt u have wait ed for. Hughes Furniture Co., 41·'» South Gurnett street, phone 137. 14-31 i WHY SUFFER FR< <M St IRENESS, burning, and other discomforts caused by simple pile . One ap plication of ACC OINTMENT will relieve ilehr 4 and brin;; \oil quick, soothing relief. ACC OINT MFNT ha- done wonders for pile sufferers. Try it todav. Ask your (Irug.t4i.-t for ACC OINTMENT. 15 - 21 i \VF HAYF AI,I, KINDS OF COAI, and can supply your needs in nut. lump and stoker. Also dry cut wood. Hi: lit'. Coal cK: Wood, phone 1 !J8. HI-Ulti FOR TIMBER CRUISING, GR( )WTH studies, damage appraisal, timber marking. Contact a prol'e-sioi. d forester. Atwood Whitman, Ho:. 1)3, Sanford, N. C. ltj-HMi NOTICE- ΚEEP ΑΙ.I, CHICKENS off my lot at 325 Soutnail street. T. T. Hicks. Ui-Jti STOP AT THE FRESTOXE STORE for your f ree Copy of "Beautiful Lawns With Less Work." Ab solutely tree -nothing to buy. The Firestone Store. 14-&-13 ANTIQUES ~~ Wedding Gifts. Arniversary and Hirthday Gilts. Demi Ta: ses. At tractive Glass Items. Glass Lamps and Lamp Hase-·, Clocks. Picture Frames and China. Mrs. Clifton 11 Ein.h. Open Daily 1:30 until j p. 111. Saturdays 9:00 until 1:30. Same Fluor with .Jewel Beauty Shop. 1 H-lît 1 NOTICE! Part of our stock will be sold one-third off list price to make room for our new building. All monuments are of the highest quality. Day Phone itdli, Night Phone 830-W. Ileiulcrson Granite (S; Marble W orks J. H. GEE, Prop. 18-2ti HELP WANTED KEFINKD LADB.S. WORK THREE tn six hours daily. No canvassing. Karnings S50 to $75 weekly guar anteed. Car necessary. Write W. M. Owens, manager, P. ( ). 111.χ :î97, Goldsboro, Ν. C. 14-;>li WANTED LADY OH GIRL TO SEW and assist in store. Permanent job to right person. Please give experience and reference. Write Box :-:i2 for information 1 lj-liti WANTED RELIABLE ΛΙΑΝ. ΜΑ Κ ι icil war veteran preferred; broad acquaintance an I selling experi ence helpful: to represent a large concern in this community. Good salary and liberal commission to person who can qualify. Oppor tunity for unlimited advancement. Write F-100, care Dispatch. fi-MW !-'-12ti responsible: man wanted to take over Fulloi Brush dealership in Vance and Granville Counties. Worker can make $75.00 per week. See Mr. Hood at Vance Hotel Wednesday afternoon. 18-3ti AUTOMOTIVE We have .ins! received a new shipment ol' genuine Ford Parts INCLUDING Ford .Motors 100 h. p. and 90 h. p. BATTERIES, ir»-i.\CH WHEELS AND FORD MUFKLICKS HAVE Y< it !{ Repair Work Dune at the place where genuine Ford parts are available CLEMENTS Motor Company Phone Ί.Ί7 South Garnett Street. 1C-31 i SITUATIONS WANTED i'OUNG LADY WITH SOME Busi ness experience desires position. Write "Young Lady" care of Dis patch. lfi-2ti WANTED TO RENT t UNFURNISHED ROOMS VET eran and wife. Call Woodie Britt at 755-J. after li p. m. 11-Gti SEEDS AND PLANTS GARDE" SI·;!· :ι r Ί T· F.ARLV planting Get !i.ι :·ι m Mie "i.n! as early as p' s:>ible Garden Peas, Reels, Cal b:«.;c\ * I \ * ! : ι · t c». la: rots. Turnip ;ι ι κ i Saia 1 , Klown seed also. W oo!u. II':. 12 ( > -11 \V('«)D's gai;ii.:\>s oi· ai.i. kiiul: . parka;·»» or by \v< -1 iit. Al ·» : ee( I t ι > ! ! » » t ; 11 * a - par;».," "· . m.» · jrid t · rn. Ail ·>! Dur « «i iii ...·<■ 11 :·. ι ï : ι. r » 11 ·■ 1 an I ; ι î ? ·ι i. \V .. :. .ί , liar, ait· Co. I . -.. 11 FARM SUPPLIES TR.-V Τι ι! l)l;.V»VN t*-ROW ' 'TALK ( ntli ι inr ale I ·ι :·! ι> type trac tor. ! : ; 11 : .t.·· ! ; 11 *.» ι it l· . ι ·· ν ( ' .1. Fleam .jr.' I > ! i ι H·· HIT. '; PLOW LINrK. PLOW TRACKS, back ban . ·-ι 11 :■ , webbin·!. bui'kh· · : ι ( I . I 'l· .w ι ·ι ·ι 11 ι ; ι i'ol low in; ι : ι ι Ρ ι ■: . i > ι ·: i » · -1111 ρ ' ι : 11. f'liam ρ i < 111 - C Ί ι r. 1 ! :. 11.. · ι ! ·, ; ι. (>!i..r ·· Syra cuse, ( 'lippe. -I vii'.-i"! ι : . an· I .\'u. 11 1 )i:·.iο. Y,' a Ikms I lanlv. ar·.· ' 11. lâ-âli ELECTRIC BROODERS IN 100, 150, 30(1 aii'l Γ>■ î■ ι . ι/. ■ . ( · a liiirncr ■ in 1 (HI -I .·. 1.1·;; liai is In.· ν llil'i'.i'll . Wat kin H.·: !·.·. :·γι· (V. 1 i-.'ili G A SO LINK PI'MPS TO 15K USED when· . ai have η ι electric |κι·.ν··ι· line, c; y Ιί o|M;ralt·. Also . hallo.v well !>!ΐπιρ.;. cl; i·' · i·· ρι ι : · ■ t. jet pumps ; nd il. 'p v.vll pumps foi· any Ί»·ρ1 il you may ne ·:!. Watkins 1 Hardware ( 15-àti ^ CHICKEN FEEDERS AND Knl'N ' tains. Expecting all sizes in chick en wire at an early date. Watkms ■ 1 lardwaie Co. 1 â-âti FOR RENT KOI5 RF.XT FDR iiilH. CRU DU Ρ j farm ι η iii 1, low Kitlrell. !·"<>ιιl"-;■ · ' ; li use. I :ι-aese lobai'- ι co allot men!. Will rent !'..;· fourth. I (' ill ι r . ' .· : lenry Mo , Phono 17. ' 14-Gti TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms l'or :·.·πί on Aml.vws Ave. ' o\ten-'< a. \pply Ιο A II. Poy- ' thress oppii-.-itc liridrs. Flurist. 1 18-2ti I WANTED WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUFFER ing from kidney trouble or back ache lo try Kiddo, ;i7c. Money back guarantee. Page-llocutt Drug Company. WANTED ΜΗ. t'A Κ MER BMïXG l.'S YUL't Cows, Veal and Hogs We pay to, f/. ι ··.- Ui'dii ui alive. C'iil1 lis an α ι' will f orne t«· see them. S W Renn's Grocery, Phone lit» 1—W. 25-tf BUILDING SUPPLIES WIN!* >W SCREENS, ADJUSTABLE e\ r. .. 1 M/( ' : . ι ΓΙΊ'ΙΙ 11 Ί ■ ■ i .f ! I::·:. . Hi' kl;h".. itn! ι · I !.. tin -· · |»(v-\v;i'· !!y vvaltc; m Ηϋ:·ιΙν.·:ιιι ( 11 1 Γ»-."it ι I. MAI "RICK ΛΙ.Ι,ΙΛ-. CON'TRAC tiif .riui Bi;ilcU·:·, tiendrai 1ι p.. ι τ... Painting. Weather Xi· i;>p:ng, In ? Millions, FI ■ : Refill.."..11:1.4. I':. <11 ■ ] ι u t; LEGAL· NOTICES noti'i:. Xolice i ' })<·:νί.\ ."iven 1h.i1 I have tlii · day quali! n■· I a- Admin i traior oj ill!· kstate ·»;" the late Ralph Ta;· lor. All pers-n indebted 1>> ?aid e> tate are plea e i asked t<> rnak · im mediate settlement to the undersign ed. Creditors of . aid Kstate are ask ed I·· file their duly verified claim to the un I t a-.n · I Administrator within one year of (!ti date, or this notice will he plea ii I in bar ol' re covery. This the 23th day of January, 1946. | C. V/. WILLIAMSON, Administrator. ! 28-4-11-18-25-4 γλ'ιχ ι TKi.i \οτκ i:. I have this day qualified befor 1 the Clerk »<f the Superior Courl ol Vance County, X. C. as executrix «>i" j the estate of Kmmaline Jackson, de- | ceased, and this is to notify all per- ! son having claims against said es tate to present them to me on or 1 before the4 29th day of January, 15)47. ; or this notice will be pleaded in bar | of their recovery. All person ■ in- ί debtee! to said decreased will please | make immediate payment. This the 28th day «>ι January 1946. IiKF.KCCA J ACKSt >.\. Kxeeutrix of Kstate of Kmmaline Jacksc η, 1 )ec *a ·.··.I. C. W. Williamson, Atty. 28-4-11-18-25-4 EXEC I 'TORS NOTICE. I have this day qualified before the Clerk of Superior Court ol Vance County as executor of the will of my father the late Walter i). Hovle, deceased, and this is to nolifv all persons having claims acainst the estate of said deceased, to pre.eel them to me on or before the 2ih-d day of February. 1947 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estait» will please make immediate settle LEGAL NOTICES meut. 'I'll: tin· li.'înl <i;iv of February, 191(1. HUBERT O. HOYLE, F.xociitir of the Will uf Waller Π. lloyle, Defeased. Λ. Λ. Πιιπη, Attorney. 25-4-1 1 - 18-12Γ>-1 hkatêr of THANKS Br A PRELATE SEATED CN THE EPISCOPAL THRONE in St Patrick-.·: C; : .r ira!, Nov·' York, Franc is Cardinal Spellman is sho\v'\ as he read the ; rayer book at the Pontifical Mass ot Thanksgiving lor the honor that v. a.: be.-towed on him in his recent elevation to the College of Cardinals. {International) «9&SS THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring Popeye IN THAT CASE WE'LL USE WEDDING BELLS FOR A GONG .'/ J .> ,V1. 4 t^s,h5. BLONDIE (Registered U. S. Patent Office·) By Chic Young ETTA KETT n? Bv PA,jl ROBINSON Γ (SAVE MiDGE THE i SACK ' IS SHE ΓΤ*~ L BURNING·.") Γ : .-TfH JUMPING JUKEBOXES."! irè mioses eecm-cp ::) LOOK/^-J A COP IS TAGGING YOUR CAR. D ONT KNOW HE WAS Λ Λ POLICE OFFICER ' :'VM ;\7\ 7* FOR PARKING —, IN FRONT OF THE WRONG HOUSE

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