Rotary Has 5,441 Clubs, ('lark Says 'Today their ;ιπ· Γι,·} ! 1 ."'iotary j cliili.-- m Seven Point Menial Care Plan Given Charlotte, March 20.—A .even point program for care ami treat ment of ths feeble-minded citizens ol this State was advocated in a report issued today by the North Carolina Mental Hygiene Society at its headquarters here. Most of these objectives, the re port raid, were recommended in a report made by Dr. Maurice II. Greenhill of Duke University. Although Xi'itli Carolina has in the last two years "made great pro gress in bettering the ο edition of its insane citizens, little note has been taken of a problem just as large, jusl as confused, just as im portant to the mental he:.1th of the Stale—ι he care and treatment of the feeble-minded.' said the report. The seven-point program said the State is lacking cither completely or partly in. "1. Early identification of the chil dren needing care: H. central regis tration of all known c;s«s: o. edu cational facilities in public school system» and institutions: 4. protec tion, especially during the formative years: â. Adequate facilities for se gregating those i" suable of living at home: (!. K;:| : , am of the 90 per. ont >r re ai :e in com munities and paiole.i I r.-m institu tions: and. 7. public information. ί ! STENOGRAPHERS AND I I ! TYPISTS ARE WANTED | t Stenograiihers a id typi is now I have the opportunity to qualify 101 I probational civil service appoin'. I ments and a classified .tatus, ac » cording to C'ivil Servie Commission I announcement. Salaries for typists begin at Sl.lïOG annually and steno graphers at il,704, the announce ment says. Applications must be re 5 ceivecl in th.o L'oiriii L'. S. Civil Scr Ivice regional office in Winston Salem not late - than Àiareh 1'ti .and full details may be had by those in terested from Miss Sally '5. Garlick, local secretary for Civil Service, at ,'> the post office in Henderson. I Noah Hmsmx. A\&. DEAR MOAH= DID "TWE D(?OP OF /Λ4< GET OUT OF THE PEN BEFORE IT FINISHED ITS SENTENCE?] MARV/N B-WIlSOaI SAP/N, N.C. DEAPNOAH= DO JUS6LERs| OWE THEIte SUCCESS TO Λ BALANCED DIET f M(?S ΚΟΡΛίεγ MCprtAJL brccklvaj . Ai.y. SEMC -COUie NOT/ON S ToNOAtV* -THE- A little Va-tro-nol up fÇDtc OutV each nostril promptly ^T.hle " . relieves sniffly, stuffy ι teV^' distress of head colds— ι «m» makes breathing easier. Also helps prevent many colds from developing 11 used in time. Try it! You'll like it! Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO ^.NEWSPAPERS J ARE THE BASIC ADVERTISING MEDIUM ii COMPLETE LUNCHES J'it-('ookod Barbecue Sandwiv lies Fountain Ser\'ice —THE— SNACK SHOP Con\'eniently Located By First National Bank So Lovely They Practically Glow—And You'll Find Each Or.e Λ New Thrill! Select now irom our larpe, new collection. One and two-piece mod els in the newest spring styles — curvaciously lovely, and in the best colors for spring. You' ll want several! φ Newest Styles! φ Best Colors! # Smart Fabrics And Remember. You Can USE YOUR CREDIT LARKIN'S CREDIT CLOTHING 428 South Garnett St. THE OLD HOME TOWN 9*4**·**4 U 1 Patent OHka Bv STANLEY We wish we had more... • · c we're glad we have a few 'ΒΟΤΑΝΙ "SO 0" SUITS and TOPCOATS TAILORED BY DAROFF If t * p j " 45 'The Fabric is the Soul of the Suit" Both Botany Worsted Mills and Daroff have devoted the greater part of their facilities to supplying fabrics and uni -*Ç- ■ forms for the armed forces. As agents in this city for BOTANY "500" Tailored by Daroff, we have received a limited allotment of the small supply of Botany "500" Suits, Tailored by Daroff, these two great firms were able to produce. We wish we had more...but we're glad we have a few. that those of our customers .who "come early" can still enjoy the fabric that is the soul of the suit;., and the tailoring that is the heart and body of the apparel. LINED WITH 'BOTEEN...A / CE LAN Ε S Ε RAYON FABRIC ί I Ο II S Ε ί 5 EQUIPPED WITH ΤΑ I £) Ν FASTEN!· OUR STORE HOURS 9:00 TO 5:30—SATURDAYS: 9:00 TO G:00 Tune in VVIINC every morning:, Monday through Friday, at 11:15, when Betty Lawson, our personal shopper and style news reporter, highlights the daily news f'om LEGGETT'S. _ Reg. U. S. r;it. Off.