Friends Of Jesus Η ΐΠΗΤ .IOHTS ON Τ Ml·' SIVOAY KflliM T.rSSi By M U M AV « λΛΜ'ΚΙ I I.. (The Internat inn:'1 l'ni ι ι t I . - Futi un tin· ;ili..\ « topic Ι..»- Αι.: il . is Mai I; 1U 13, 14, ill: !.. ):!. l.u, > 9:13-16; #:ï-3; 1S.1-2: John 1:35-51: 3:1: 2a: i.G .. Hit· Me .n>i> Vu ,· . ing John 1.VH. "V·· ...ι a:> :. .i.ul.·. if ye do the 11 ■. ι win. ι I i. nmand you.") "Till·: FUIKXDS ..·· Je. us" is lie subject ni our li- un h day. W·· think ni Je.-a as Γη c Friend of all people: ami rarely th · i. Ί It! friends. Ye: He made friends warm, loyal friends all 1 ! ι r. ·ι ι * Ί Hi- lilt mi c «rl h. Ί lie !'· .·. Ί 1 ni these friendship.·· are told in the hooks written after lii dea:h 1 \ those \vh( knew liim on carta. What a wonderful friena He must have been! Children were liis friend: and lit was theirs. Mark tells the story in his tenth chapter, lew :!ii w urn brought their ca ildtλ i t■ ι II ι I ι liave Mini touch the. . much as we today like to have o.;r children; meet and shtgJce hands with or be patted on the head i>y aie noted! n an. The disciplts were annoyed | 'hat their leader should have Mi:·, time taken up with tiling: that h them seemed unimporant. Jesus thought (iil lerently. He v. as ■'much displeased," and taid. "Puffer the ■ t tie children to come : »:·· Me. ; nd 1 ί hid them not: fur >■! ill i" the , ι s;c1 · · :l el ( i" i VY :l> I > unto viin. v. Ii. ι>ev» 1 h. Il in·: ι·ΐ'. Ilu- i. i1 '.dna ι : ι I. I .1 .1 lilt..· > ul I a.· . ill I l ! ι ' 1 t III I'"i II. .ι 11· I. ni. tin m up ι 1 ii mm . I ■ ' ili' hand 111 «ι I ! inn :ι : ι I > ] · ■ ·ίΙ l.i'lli " Hi y in ' :·! theiir children lalkcd nbtwl thi: event sli the day. ot their lives? Uisriale l!r< <:,;iiixr air -.i.ili. The · ι \ t episode which seems to lu: lo,. liij'HM !■ v i ! In re<·· ;:n! i. mi ' .Jt · . . ■ tin'· Mi- iah. I . Audi,·,', ai l Sip i n P( '' : . and a' . ι y ΓΙ'ίΓ'ρ , ad Χ.ίΓ nie!. .1' η il- 1 ' ■ ' ' : . holding .'ι u walki. .*. . >1 a!· ίι.I. hiiiil h·· i. !i Go J!" T.' . (ii i i|e lu·, rd hini. en I the ν t « il - ίιΓΛ I'd .le ·-. .Il· .. tur .e l, W 11'· m. ml n e I v.n a' tlu y : ι and they a kiil Hi':' via: He lived. "Come : « ci -ee." re he I the Master, and they went with llim end "abode with h:·: tin it \vn« al nat tlie tenth ho ir." I'.pc v. a Aiuhew. Si:·· n Peter'.· ' niter : r-i .aid In him. "We have ti-und the Me.· -in! ." and 1 : ueh! I to Je ni · Whett J^suî h nl eii at Simon He said. "Π ;.o,i a,·' Hiaion the son el' •li.ivi: tin·1 shalt e ralliai Cepha which !· hy interprétation, n si · e." Xext day Jfs :.· found Phili:· i" Γ; Idee :i"d aid "Follow· Me." Phil ip ' nr) n;el end '■ Id him. "Wo ···.·. (I II ii of \vh< ■·> Mosc; in :!",i la·.·.·, and t'ηr> nronhets did write, Jen:.· ι f \".7rireth. the son of Jo ■ i·1 " Aid Nath:ni<! asked skep tically. "Can any pool thing on·.' id of jVTr 7^j i'i ih*.'" Phil l'i Mid. "Ci m* and see" Jesus res?o 1 iitcd \'tha l-:el end the left : n;i; rottvin:· ' ; '·»··' ' ' ν·a,·, tin Sev ii r. 1" 1 ■', ·■. hi.· . ivt.'n haoter. we ar· t t.d · te" l'm .nw ο Je-" V anos tle ·" Pit:···η Peter. his brother. An V (·· " .Ϊ 'I f : ·· i-fl It :n 11. rhi'i I ■' il ' Τ'..·.:·'!! Jornow. Mîitthcw and Thomas •i:· · ·. .'ι Ah ' .' e:i . and «··,· > . ' V i 7, ■ ' Jill1 ' I ·!'( ■' '■;."· o' î r me.·, isth) lodas I/eari·'. Th'-c· lived with Him. saw Him daily, · ■ ' Ί- ·: · : ι · 11 π · ··■ v.i'h Htm. " \n.d ι···:·: m w h I . » In a!· .! m' ". d ν rit end in • : — ' ΛΤ .">■ '.· ,11· ι Λ,:ι 1 "il (hut not the adidtres.-A. <>··' · .'.dm: ■ . η ' ■'·■·.'' de'.'d ■ . \ ad Joanna. ta ν :!·' e' C':' '7 . Herod', te'· . " i. ■ "r' y ■ . ,|■ j- a . .a ■ ·. ι ·ίι ν o' he -. wh ■■ ·!' i··i ' I v.'.·.· Hi:" . : 'heir a> .- tance.' Ma: ν Varthri An·.? I azarus. ΛΓ;.:·.ν t> il VI: rthn nnrt I.a/nru-. at whose home Jesus sncnt rnany hao •>\ tinu .-·. who ϋΠ"·η® Hi.-· elo: «· friends pllJvuigh their names arc m ' 'nr' led in toon··-'.· lr> - » .n. Another i'ii "(1 ν,. \* ndorms, a "harisee fd "a ruler of 1he .Tews." Η \\ > .·: ηκ-ι ber of 1h" Sanhédrin. ■ · (1 ι h"\o been rrtnrh intereî! ινί in t h i «; teaehr1', .Jesus, r»f when ; a-3 lier··.'·. *'The fim.· e"nie to Jesus by •i: ht." i-ecni'-O bcir>e a prominent ..π. he rr« bnhTv < ' i - ? not a·. lh"" ;i- e ν""1' ' ) b" . rir-ia! <■ ! with !,:i" ,'il i· : - ",ι:! h" h'irl nrnv·1·' '!' ι v h or nul he c< aid lh· ' 'a "i f'd '.'at^d ι ' Ίι γ· " le, . > ,1 he ■■-ill 1 ! !- ι ' !l ' ■ ■ Pi ■ ■( ,·ι;|(<(· ! ·> " ■■ t , ■« ·'■ ΛT'~ ' .h. r. Γ I ■ :-;· ι " ■ ι - ■ - - · 1 i ' r· v.':· -! '■,·■■ ■■■■.. ·,, .1 ·,,. .!■· •1.1· '■'·■" '1 m ■· i ' II- i· ■· ·.; J·-,.·.· ■ -M. - .1 ·■ (. - . ■ - « !·· ■11. I f'. ni V in ' he h· at h/ ιiie ·I y. Ο >-f the < ti er · - ' u ι ■ ■ ' ' ' ■ sh ■ <n' :···.» (hi· eity and brnuKhl mil '!ιι· men ι Γ γ"·'";ί 1 ·> .he:'.1' Him il·' bi'iieved. .' > d a! ibe end "!' life un ■ii'ih a friet· i ; me 1 > save II·'· from belm' buried in a criminal's I jiravo — Joseph of Arimathea, "an bt>!:or::bl ecoursollor. \v h i c ii also ■■.aile.! for 1ht kingd'm of Cod. rame, and went in b-IJiy unto Pi late. and era\'ed the la■ lv o: Jesus." Ί he permission \va- given and He was m ; ■ t in'.ii J a: eph's private tomb. I* Friends of Jesus ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON a^c — — —"rirrk 19:13, 14, 16; !Γ S *> ! mi..· ♦ S » J; John 1:35*51 ; 3:1, t'a: 4:€, 7 - — rrAil Atuii<··.·.· anil Siir.. ·;ι ii. ■ J':i! i i. t j·: ■ t Cod. a lui tl.i.-y v.vnt Him for I !r r lu iril John J· ■:ι > 1 In Lanih < >i* ht :ie to talk with hours J··.-lis called His di.sci|»hs Hnr. of them .'ill He chose twelve v. hen named to be His apostles and to ii. wilii Him. Λ I '! .ri.;« , ι . ' ι !1 ' 1 i .\V o< N'înus. ;ι τ ι ιϊ· - τ ÛH .ϊ·. me to Jesus by nigiit to karn Him. H< was a member ot tin· i^AnJiedrin. When was ι γιιιίΓι'ί!. .I■ ·. ··pii of Arimathea Went to Pilate and uslc···· for His v..,.v MKMOKY VKlUiE- J ..:i I.. li. (the Golden (Teal Chi is; blessing little children. "Tc arc- My friends, if ye do the things which I command you.** John 15.14. Revival Speaker Rev. .1 L. MeCiuruy. >: Mt : , will begin a sei'ic.· of ivy;·.. »r ,-e · ;.t Carey's Chapel Β.·>; >*:.-· ea .reh Sunday morning ι.· eontin.e ;i.·. t·,, the following Sinvlav. ! '. 'Pi· .-. ]; . Λ. W. I i* ·., i r . · h : in in r .xtc ding invitation to all to attend these services. 'ΛΈΛ HODIST CLASS HAS 1ST- PRESENT Th< Method V Μι:' ΐ:·'·1ί» of F·:·· · ".Τ. ;·· \-t ..···:·.··!) record attendance of 16^ last Sun day and the el i- ..·· · i le: ; 'Γ. Β. '· -ο. .Τι·.. v. id !:ι · ,· ο: ill.· members in the attendance camp» ign ■ indie ' ' ·'! . till η" ι ·.· next Sr·,.'ay. Attci·. lance Ci · 1 ■ i"-ν C l-nvm Junius Rpsers said there are «till r.vmy Mr· ', 11 - · · ■ ι ι . · , ■ : toti η·οη ",'ίι mi· no; ,.i vndin.·. ι 1 that if intorrsti-d iromb· r- ·.·' 1 ι tnet all those not it! >{jd'«xg and urge ihem to e.ime out there would then l e η ι·· men ' ; day m<·· ning of \y'i eh th · el · .··· Id well feel iirc.'d. Barney Π aslev : · -I·.· .· nte-t with the Statcsvill? class is coming alone nicely, \ ith 1Ι»·:ι·.Κ·".-ο:ι ^t i 11 in the lead, but there are m no weeks t< yet. All m ember.··, pros pective members . -id \ :· :··;·.< are urged t > be present ne\t s > day. 'VÎFTHODIST YOUTH MEET CANCELLED ' Don;:Id Oupton, president >f the Mi t:'χ 1 ïs 1 Y< uth Ι·'ι>1]υ\\-hin s :b di:il'itt, aPl'i'lillCed 1 day «.·,;· tin repi'i.'ir me.â'n·: of the snrai which had been - -hi-.i. : led r April 1!. has been antvllcd. Πι· ■ : ι i « 1 the ac'ic.:i v as iaki η ι»; ; c«··· 1 <·' several con fit ■·> and that the ι ι·\1 meeting will bo held . η ;r;dav. May 9. ' Program At Iluchrs Grove I There will be a program at the Hughes Grove Baptist church Sun i day nij'.hi at 7 o'clock. it was an j noimccd tod; v. .Sena·.η will he b\ I lîev Otlnni'li HU'a< and nui it· bj ■"the Gospel Four and others. Five l .ocal Men Enlist in Arm ν Five H i derson men have recent ly cnli-aed it· ihc regular :irn.y. ac < · r. i ι : ι ■ to an annoiinceaK"it today ::··.· Si ,tr S··:. 1·!«|\ν<·η1 VV. Chabot, I'. S. Army fecntllsji Their ·ι 1 ist j, :·> i>lι:c..I approval Fort ΪΊ'ίϋ'ί;. No ., d J. Ppi Vieâ. l!y I orably di.char ged as .· seaman after > yco:v in 1 a.; enlisted tor IS additional rati ths nervine. flame! C. Leek.eipy has remlisted being honorably dteharged list Oe • ... ι it'.·.· vin;; S ! " V< ίο !h. :rm.y, ·.·. i:h 2."> months ι ver . a·.· ! '·.· 'v ■■ ; : ..til: '.Je, .,: ι· oil li- I 7 l:o;nbt r .1 V a.· : ί:ι t do ,·. : and \vo!i!i-:e.· ·. L::iz. Λ. ..rria. 11 l liberated m te Third army .«It 11 befeg held p:.·· » er for over nine months. Villie B. Marks reenlisted in the air .orps lor three years, being hon : .Ίν d. -char;,· d at Fort St ry, V.i, .. an M. P. alter serving >ver t> ar in the rray, with 30 months o\ crseas. .Tosanh T. Fuller has enlisted ie army uediea] department for t! ·. v i a ·:. He was recently dis ci: ryed at P.:.· abridge, Md., alter serving over t . ο years in the liav.v. Paul Bulk colond, has enlisted for two years, attar just comiîg of age. . Scholastic Roil I .istcd At Avcock ι The : choiastic honor roll lor the Charles lî. \yeock school for the period jn. t ended was announced to tlay as fo'ows: Fifth jirr.ii· —I'utricia Abbott, Faye Hoyle. Ι);·.ι ι Hoyle, Sliellv .loan S'obertson. Martha Loo Klllrell, Wil li.^ Hoyle. ι κ,is Faulkner. Shirley Buchanan, Sliirlev Haves, and E. \V. Ellis, Jr. Second grade -Janet Newton and Eleanor Richards. Third grade Josephine Allen. Shirley Abbott. Bessie Real, Bettie 1 .ou Hoyle. Joyce Faulkner. Joann <'··;-· h il I. Gene Newton. Coen Siruin. Grady Stainb. ck. Kermit Thompson. Fourt " Rebecca Ann l.a.-si ter. Max n.c Faulkner, Ei.-ie .Mae Newman, Lou Ha·· Burgess. Fifth grade Frances Ayscue. Sixth made Harold Finch, Kath leen Have·-, and Mildred l.a-..-iter. I Seventh . i;. ic Mickey Ellington I Jennie Su.·; r. C hristine Hicks ι Eighth gra ii "et·.· Burgees and ! Betty Jean Franklin. J Ninih grade Helen Lassiter. France Abooti, Rose Hardy Faulk ner. Vir· 111·,· \nn Floyd, Nancy Vaughan, Billy Collins, France Thornp--' 'it. . a·I·. - Hubert Abbott. - it likes you Λ*» ' J fc.. /■' ! I'or .vour II .li'ii:.;. j.Uysurp ''t he Iresli-t'p s;n,>\>" ovc-r .Wutuul chain H:o() \«·<;;■: -.ί:tïit^hî*. The Î-I !> Co. Littleton. \. < . Join The Crowd At The 1 „™.* gQr Ml f £&) » &i\i, â SLz&'é* ΤΙ ΐ V. ι ®i πι ' f.'.. i c: .τ ■ s.ivern 1 "Λ5 * : r> South On Iluiriiili Iioad Ti'c Cold and Πγρι· Sandwiches —- Floor i;io on s ΤΠΓ <·> Ί·. <,λμ '■ Asnvooi) · »>r : .it.» ONE COAT COVERS CALCIMINE -NO PRIMING CR WASHING! Covers Calcimine, Plaster, painted w. Walls, Wc.lpaper, ; Conci cte, most interior surfaces, in one coat with· ~~~ cut priming. S2.25 ( TANNER Roofing Co. Phono (iflii WAKi UP 7 ANDUVl! Get that '"Red Biacded'' Feeling Today Why "drag around, vie el run- { down, 'depressed. *dog tired •discouraged with 'poor appetite Don t havq that 'nutritional fa tigue. from simply needing Y-T. V- Γ Tonic is tru· une scient it ically compounded with. iron. ii - rcU'd in the building et* rich red blood i AND other IMPORTANT Min erals. PLUS Vitamins and PO TENT Liver Extract, to give a more balanced action îor more OVER-ALL results li you are not THRILLED with the >at;sl;:ction of V-T after only cne bottK·. ; cur money back Ask your doctor about V-T s valuable iormuia. Amazing IRON, ViTAM îΝ and MINERAL TQNiC I Stay Oat Of The Kitchen! fonriç The Family To The HOTEL VANCE Fur ,1 Dr: irions SUNDAY DINNER -fa Good Food •jjf \':iri<*(l Menu Right Prices Ririhstone For \pril, ΙΚΛΛ'Ολ I) Our Reputation Is Your Guide To Fine Jewelry. Spru:t; Up Your Easter Cut ht With A SPRAY PÏN Ί ho: (.· Easter ÎMii'.· ;ihard to find, win η yon art' i'oruinate enough to jvi-t just what \"it want wear it 1;; i: ' 1 ;>si advantages. Dre.-s il ii|> '.'itli a beautilul spray pin for the linal touch. You I! find our selection to he the most complete in town. Beautiful designs . o variable you aiv sure to ( any type you want! Toi OUGHLIN- (/OODWYN 'N*~> Jewelers DAY DREAMS... risonc 1!) ( ourt S·. . I:î iront οί 1 ('Uri liousr ANNOUNCING The OPENING TOMORROW LANGSTON'S Corner Chestnut St. and Cooper Ave. Featuring A Full Selection Of GROCERIES A Con-plete Line Ot MEATS And SHELL PRODUCTS ( « liio ii) anil in-niv1 ou· now quarters. Select your m ιί- Γη m our large stock. φ. —PHONE Ï2 21— / DELIVERY SERVICE LANGSTON'S

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