Society News ADMONITION. Liston for spring, and you may hear her voice Across Hit· valleys, over rising ground; Wait for her song, and Jet the heart rejoice At such sweet sound. Hers is the luic of sunrise dipped in gnld And hoi- the mi·; of swallows oil the w'114; To lin I lli ■ loveliness her arms enfold Look t<ί the ι >' 111 ;' Sydney King Russell Paul Rose Honored On 11 rh Birthda\ Paul llnni i; is·· entertained the fifth ■.ι ados at West Fil l school at a party al h>s home on South Gnr liolt : ; r< ft Λ i ■ · 11 lay afternoon on the occasion of .In.- eleventh birthday. During the aiiornoon the guests enjoyed sanies. They were then in vited into the rect"ation room where ice cream. cakes. candy and nut were scr· ι·(Ι. Mi: Sue Kelly assist ed m entertaining and serving. Contemporary Book Club. Mrs. John Church will be host ess for the meeting of the Contem porary Hook clu.'j on Thursday aft ernoon at :î::in o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. S Coodwyn on the Coun try club drive, i: .vas announced to day. Marian Martin —Pattern— V183 \ sizes ' ». 14 Sweet an.l lovely- -that's your girl in thin char-n.n ; prince: .· lin : frock. Pattern 9183. Simple sewing, it has NO waistline scam! For clross-up, add eyelet frosting. Pattern 9183 comes in (i. Ά. 10, 12, 14. Size 12 frock 2 1-4 yards 3."> inch: 3-4 yard contra t. Send TWENTY cents in coins for this pattern t'> Daily Dispatch Pat tern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York 11, N. Y P'-'ut m,!v y ΧΑΜΕ, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM BER. Fifteen cents more brings you the useful Marian Martin Spring Pat tern Book with a Free pattern for smart "bag-on-u-belt" printed right inside the book. Brimful of chic, easy-to-make fashions. Return l'rom Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rose, .Jr. have returned to their home after spend ing two weeks with Miss Ann Rose who is a student at Stephens college, Columbia, Missouri. Miss Wiggins Weds ! Lawrence E. Scott In Monday Ceremony In a private ceremony performed I .it the parsonage of Spring Valioy i Methodist church Monday alternoon at six o'clock. Miss Helen Turner Wiggins became the bride of Law rence Kdwaul Scott. liaskets of white spirea decorated the house and white tapers wore used on the piano and on the mantel before whicli the couple stood to take their vows. Ile v. H. κ. L. Moscr, pastor, offi ciated. using the rum ceienionv. 1 ι ior to the cerem my. Mr Albert I'dward;·. pianist, played "Indian I l.oic t'.dl . " I he l<ens of oani, Mar.van I "Always ". Mr s Anil" Baskctt. cousin of the bride, rang I I o\ e Vu ι t ruly" an I "Keen ι· ·' ■m.ι l>>r the ben "diction sang "( ) fiel Love." ill· Kosaiy' wa iiltiy played durm ; 111 · speaking ol lii»· -, ι v. . Miss Agnes Marie Wiggin. served her it ,i in,ml ι f honor. She woi ι .ι v.'h le d ,· .s ta .liiotvd on prince ··■ lines an 1 u; ed black acces orie.·. i". r -liouldei cor..age v.a . οι ι ye! Ii w io.-es. ! t.i. ( ; ι · I. uncle of th · gronn. wa li t rian. Tile bride wore a two-picc,' dress I ti ι" a.|ua c ope an 1 u .e I brown acre Mine:·. At hor shoulder rlie pin iv.'d a cor. age of tali- nan roses. Mr.··. Sci It. who is the daughter : ti I Ή··· John Bryan Wig gins, is a graduate of Hen lerson η .. ι no. ι. sue was employe ! at i i pl. .' Dims .More here for a num bc, ot years ;.n ! prior to her mar ia .e v. .ι ■ employed as bookkeeper at Hi-Way garage. Mi. "c it is the son of Mr. and i· P. L. £'e -tt. of Michigan City, ' ' 1 ■ Η" ι a graduate ot Mich igan City high school and will be ·> · >«· . v. ill ill·.· Ka'lway f-'xp-ess η ;.· π Michigan City, where t!ie will nvike their home, lie has recently return -d lu mon ο ■c.\:ie overseas with the armed forças. Baptist Choir To Present Easter Cantata April 19 Ί ne First Baptist choir will pre cr.t an Easter cantata. "Calvary" by Henry Wes.-el'.. ; nd dire led by W. Ί' ΙΙο.ίπι" a: the church Friday April 19. at 8 o'clock. 'It· · ι aetata is a music.,1 presen tation oi the dtath of Christ on the ■ . i...·· Ι;., ι seven werds ;· d His es :-erlion. The cantata is di ir'e.l in'o ten parts and the pro ram will be about an hour. The public is invited to attend Gfn.1 Friday musical program. Eveready Class In April Meeting Mrs. Otlia Wright and Mrs. Julian Moss were hostesses for the meet in; of the Eveready Class of the New Sandy Creek Baptist church on Friday night at the home of Mrs. Wright. The meeting was called to order by the president. Mrs. Carl William;. Mrs. C. A. Faulkner had charge of I he devotion and Mrs. I). T. Ayscue led in prayer. The program was as follow;: "How To Enjoy the Bible," Mrs. II V. Faulkner; "Where Is Ίhy Brotli #,ι". ", Λ 1rs Green Faulkner: "The iv.icon Believed", Mrs. C. A. Faulk ner: "The I'nder Π ig". Mrs. Carl Wilbams: Religion and I.ife', Mis. C. I·'. Ayscue. Prayer led by Mrs. \. I Faulkner concluded the meet in;. Refreshments were served dur ing the social period. STARS' BABY MAKES CAMERA DEBUT SIX-WEEKS-OLD M aria Chi istina Aumont, daughter t.f vie stars Maria Montez and Jean Pierre Auiv.<'>»t. is shown us she [ tor her lir.-t picture with her mother in Hollywood. Baby Chr.sti::n teems t-> ba unimpressed with the fuss bein£ maile over the event. (International): Miss Ethel Chiffelle Weds Harry Patterson Siatersville, Π. I. — I;i a .romony cf beauty and dignity, Mis.; ktiv.\ Chitlclle. daughter Οι i>irs. Frama. Λ. Chitlelle and the late Mr. Chitlellc of Slaters ν il le, Rhode island, a. mairied to Harry Conycrs i'attjr ;on, sen ot Mrs. Sarah C. Patters, ι aiid the late Dr. Kenneth Howell 1 atterson, on March ^ ι .a 12 ηοί η ir St. James iipiscc,;al ehurjn i Vv'oonsi;eket, K. 1. Rev. H. C. \\ liitma: sh. pa:-.or o. the tri ;o, performed t .e liojjio ring ccrcnwny. He heard tl.e. vu,·. i>e lore an altar oi white gljii; i.i. c; .· nation;·, an.) ι apdrag lis. l-rior to the tercn.:.:;j a pr.igr. m i nuptial ma.-.· was .uive.i y Ai. - l ie;,η r Hunt Arnold, organί/t Tra ditional wedding ni..nh.s weie I. Herjert Strong and Carlton i - ling, both ol Siatersville, were usn ers. Tl.e biidegro m w... at·.·, ; by his brother, Eugene K. Patters ι . as best man. The bride. who was given in .r.a:· i iage by her cousin, Kenneth Cal l well. of Winchester. Mass., wore an oi :-the-shoulder empire g< λ η ο· white satin with sheer yoke, full skirt, and long pointed sleeves. Λ crown of or < ge held her ι insert ι ρ veil .·. i.. i Κ . She i\u ; i · , a bouquet of cal la lijie·'·,'ins. rnr) sweet pens. Bobby Faulkner H as Birthday Part)' Cli Saturday afternoon from five '.ο six-thirty o'clock, Mr . II. C Faulkner entertained loi· lui· son, Bobby. I'll till· ··.· *11 "1 111. Illllt I birthday .it 111.· Ii me ol liτ ; ι .· >1!il-i". Λ1 i s. li. C. I'..i v. at ιU. Uue.ts wi-iv r; (vivcti I > ν tir.· ! ι > ! and lus ninth"! . nd \νι·ιΐ· · I · ι < ι t■ · : into th" In in : r··· ·ιιι when· coiit; t and games were enjoyed. Uefro-hmonts e m .ι. tin . of ι · (•ream, e.ike. ea.idy. cold drill!·: . an I nuts were serve I. Tli·.· ho.-1 ι ■.-<·.·iν - ed many useful and b-a.itilul . 111 Those attendiuwe e: Foreb ν Price. Patricia Clayton, Μ a ν ι . Cheek, liettie Edwards. Shirley Ed - wards Ilartwell I light. Tonmn Clayton, Hilly Woodaru. I î ι ■ 11 < · _■ I'ri· .· Milton Cheek, i.e.-lie Ko., and <1. Λ. Hockcr. Zeb Vance Juniors 10 Present Play •4» "Hobgnblin House" will bo pre sented by the ι '.ior c'a - ο' the Zeb Vain high school on Wednes day ι ight, April 10, at ii o'clock, it was learne I today. This e:1 iting, 'oinantic mystery will be directed by Miss Noll Fine-i Murphy. The public is cordially invited t ait nd this présentât on. AROUND TOWN ■"«WIJIAC.F I.ICKXSF. William Daniel Melt >n and Mar caret K. Stalling.·-, white, both o: Hmderson. we.? granted a marriage ' ··< use at tin· register of deeds o! ' ;re yesterday. NEW BULLETIN BOARD FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Λ new outdoor bulletin board has been presented to the First Presby terian church l>\ the Couples club nf the church, and was in use for the tirst time Sunday, according to an announcement today by Re\. W. I). Mc'nnis, minister. The bulletin board is fluorescently lighted and shows church announce ments for the week. Jr. Woman's Club. The Junior Woman's Club will meet Wednesday night at f! o'cIock at the Henderson hiuli vchnol cal'e teria, it was announced today Host esses will be Miss Hillio Koso. Mis; Dorothy Harrison. Mrs. C. E. Page, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Shaw, and Mrs. Wesley Young. All members are i urged to attend and those who can not attend are expected to notifv rne of the hostesses before noon on Wednesday. î.liiS Gi''p\ c J 'tiifrelie, tna'c o! hf» "·· cci . - ' . ίο:··, ι : r t;endant. hho .< : ■ ».. : ι r· . .· '.ι ah .· iik. . U ; draped .ikii't, hr;h : ι . . and ι a sieeves. and a η ,· ing ι i headpiece. Her :i ··.- were in-i' and white sweet pea. Folow'i g the ceremony a reeep 1 i ; ! η was held ι fee honte u. Π: ■ bride in Slater.n ;ile .· ::··:·· the . s..· era assisted the bridal party in r>> '.civing j, "p-!.-. λ r·. ν' : : Ci ο ci;· ■ a grey sheer gpwn ι r h. r daiugh ter s wedding, Vsitfc a . : ek · nn wni:. h a I and ct-r.-.ngt .· <,..rdci The bridegr< «mi'.- a «>' r . :··.· a ! ,· . ■: 1 : mblc : :'(i : . ' .: t ι·.1a e. Mr. and M. Γ. ■ < t r •v ·. dainti tr ;j t. : the Ν; ν Eng land stales '!':■· ,i tweed thrc - ,j. ι le·.·». :c·-*. Ί h.· .· ·, . !e \ i. . ■; U< X ·!". 1 Ç: ■ ι r . I ·> I» '· their honte in Π · h i. M · Ί lté bn le is a fra :ur-te π. 1 ι ·;< r.; \ i 1 le high . -'ho ; ; nd s: ·.>· ι a λ!ι : cdith co:h ι. Rale: · C 3!he has y· . . rr; ktcc! tv«» a! th_· If. i:ie 1 : ι ι be. .· ii o. Uo . ign. Mr. Par· r- a ! ■ . Jlcrdi :·. ι ·.·, «·· ν1 ('. S. .: ι-·'·· ι.· II • η 11 ν ι · - ι > ! serving three y<v.iih the army ;·ιι· corp.··. He · ι ved ■ ..•.Ma with the . -or.· ·. Λ . Mr. Patterson will re-urne Ms study ul optometry at IV > y 1 \ a:r.i State c«'.lege in Philai' : hi.».· Mr. And Mrs. Gill Fete Bridal Couple \r Buffet Supper ί I1 nui mj· M ι.-s Helen Win η ■ ■au M'iicc r.dwani Scott, wlm wen. .larned yesterday afternoon m tu. I'.aM.iKiue ni Sp: nui V*;i 1 Ie> Methoii t ch uιc a. λΙι and \ I i - Ci Ν ('·ι!ΐ •ntfi'laiiii-l ■> ImfU'l aippei .wa - il day < \ Liiin : at tlu il home ιι. \\ il - i\vi.< ci, ifr; t'l(ι '.VI · (It ι · rated the lOtlsc· ail I while 11· \\ < ι were used t the b. l· :i 1.11>11 lh·· fallowing were p.< eni: Miss iekn \Vig£i:i an·! 1 .awience Seott, ι * I - ni Irm ■ >;. ■! ι Mi!· 11 ei I Kii .'a'd.-, IJ. Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. .!κ·ι«·ν. .vir. ai, I λ:ι Κ. I) starkey. Miss Anno Starkey, Μι .ni:1 lïaskclt, Billy !··.· n-man. M; •ni "ι1! GeorgV Haniii ai i Mi an I Mrs. Cill. Bruee I hompson Κ Ieietl ί )n Birthda\ firuci' Ί 11· ί 1111 en. sen ■ · I i ι ι Mrs I' !11 Tlι· inι|>-i m, celel ί al ι , sixth birthday at hi.- home Saurday afternoon. During the afternoon cm~! ιι joved games. After which rein nients consisting of ice cream .. . birthday cake were served The ii · received many nice and useful ;:ill Those present were: R. Λ. H; · thoiomew, Juanita Iï;i it!r· Ί· ·η ι : ■ .·.. Nellie Ayscue, Pat v Bartholomew. Hell I'.a: thoiomew. .leannotic Ay ;■ S. G. Hayes, Bettie Li m Hay Judith Have.-, Henrietta Have . hlli Rose Ay. cue. Fred Ayscue, An. Oveitcn, In no Overtoil. Mr. an. Airs. Belaud Ayscue. ΛI r . Henry Hayes, Mrs. Dixon Ay-cue. Mrs. I; A. Bartholomew, Jcurlen,· Ii · - thoiomew, lia.-.-ell Jt η .· and Martii. UiyC · ll !ll|l..i 11. Γν; si yt ria ι Choir !"> a( i"(>. *1 r · ' : c First ! r ·· · y:« 'a ■ 'ι V.· ! ί · ce! W'.'d'le f1 ι ι ! 7 ·'!·> . '· '.o ■]-. at the church, i \· ; nnoi'iiccd. SxpecUwjûftûii}? ATfi'hrr'x Frirnd mas.^acjnf; prepa ration heips brirç ear and comiort to expectant mothers. Λ I Γ 1 > . f ■ '■.· ilKJL pn I em ïseiul In nil c rr!:· ι,- ν it · !.. .(I a nodvue . ] ( »: · ... : .:·(·; women i .»r V.V !"T:. 1. c II rd it 13 a: II :■ ·,]. · 1 r j.. . i : ;LÇ t - body urn,.: {:··:. ν . . . il > krep the BIUl r : !· · :vl I'.! ··. the f kin Auidfnlmas içe application for thf jiiim'i. πι. · ·. · . ■ ; ' of the· sk:n . . : r τ * .:·· : h· ·· ι. , clP3 rr r·:".:)·..;: in t:.e .· ···. Quickly absorbed. I- to u-e. Highly pral.-ed 1 · ν .. ·< ·-, ι : i.~t τ. ν d<><-ors rnd l.ursr-. M: ·>· · <■( b so: 1. Just a«k f.nv dru·.···; t for Motlvr's 1 ru-nd—the Fktn emollient and lubricant. Do try it. Mother's Friend r Helps build up resistance against MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN When taken regularly! Lydta E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound does MORijjthan relieve monthly pain when due to func tional periodic disturbances. It also relieves accompanying weak, tired, nervous, jittery feelings — of such nature. Taken regularly—Plnkham'· I Compound helps build up resistance against such monthly distress. Plnk L ham's Compound U north trying/ Κ A G l ν U ι Ν t tCGlSTilCO "1 eepsake DIAMOND RING On any gift occasion, a Gen uine Registered Keepsake Diamond Ring is the traditional way to say, "1 love you." Only one Diamond in hundreds has the lovely color, exquisite cut and clarity to meet the high standards maintained through six decades by Keepsake, the most famous name in diamonds. A'.1 ανοιΙαΜο "> os »ri| m natuiol goU. fncei include Fcdrial fa*. st\ ORDER / / \ YOUR fmmj y EASTER \ FLOWERS EARLY! A-^5/ o*sâ£/ Phone 85 HENDERSON FLOWER SHOP ν.ΛΜΊ·: non ι. bldg. Lntranrc On Montgomery St. For the young in heart of all agesl by Helena Rubinstein She* Minr yi'.irlonp· Sprin<rlime. Slip's the fti'riKi 1 roinantie. Helena Knliinslein has taken the e>-enee of e\erythin<; appealing ami féminin»' ami embodied il in lier unsurpassed Λ | > ] > 11* lilossom one of tlie best-loved perlnines of all time. U'l'I.I III.OSSOM t'EllKl ME. (>.00. '..73. rurseeize 1.00 APPLE HI.O-SOM EA1 DE TOILETTE, 1.75 APPLE COLOGNE, 1.00 APPLE BLOSSOM BODY POWDER, 1.00. .50 I'lus t e.laêl Tjx WOOLARD'S Phone 82 Henderson.N C. Fer Easter .... BEAUTIFUL SFRAY FINS To Add The Final Touch To Y cur Outfit! v II 1J·;■ · our selecti m of <i unn'n r - prav pi.'-s ' So (.ri/inal ; iv.l '··· v iy — .i:i.l s :ch a variety Ί' t'n ".ijrns. V· 11 r" sure to find just what you want — Sec our out.landing a-· art- is Your ociâc nil lit today ! To line Jewelry Our Reputation /xiGHLIN- QOODW YN Jewelers Looking F orward To EASTER Only Two Weeks And You'll Be In The Easier Parade! New Sh ipnient NELLY DON HOUSEDRESSES (ïoinji πΓ sale tcmoi*row mornitij.', $2.60 Tl, $3.50 Our buyers have just returned from NV\v York and more and more package arc arriving every day with suits, eoats and dresses to help you find the right thing for the "parade". Pretty new crepe similar to illustration. Fuchsia and white designs on black back ground. Size 12 at $32 50

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