Henîterûmt Sally îHspatriî THIRTY-THIRD YEAR ^Ιε^^^ερηγ'^3£γ HENDERSON, Ν. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 11, 1946 ,:VV>;\,:Vv" K>-""N F] I le rocs ι )t bataan Death .March On (ίο Airain lu Γο,-l :i, on the anniversary of the famous Japanese-inspired death march in the Philippines, survivors hear cheers of spectators as they commemorated the ο ideal. Baptist Sub - Committee Agrees To Accept Gift From Reynolds Building Fund To He Required If Move Is Agreed To Wake Forest. April 11.- ' ATM - ι A sub-committee of the Wake For est College Board <·( Tr.;.-t e- tod.a recommended to a ,ji int meeting »>: three Baptist agencies that a c· ι - ditional giit of the Z. Saiita. Rey nold.- Foundation t > the college lu· acci pled. Ttie three agencies which received I .ni considered toe sub- mm: tee's ; report were the college hoard of tra-tecs, trie general boaid <>:' the Baptist State Ο nvention and tlie ! educatii nal council ol the general The general board is scheduled to go into sesri t· mis afternoon t ι ·■ nsidi r the gilt which is eonrii Ί( · ; ι - f I noon removal ol !he ci 'lege to Win.· ton-Salem. T! e s; -ei mimttee, w h i c h was ■ a''t"' » \- former ( >. ern> a" .Î. M. Broiight;>n, recom mended that tho c ..or oo ; -e. ill I ι !' ;.η ade'i ■ iatο building l :nd ··> creel a new plant at Winstc.n-Srlem can be raised :* d p'ovided th" State I : , >11.-1 (' nven ti η not be placed in debt in any way. '! ho ■ 1 ; !1 - ' Ό m 11 ' ttee's ro; ·οι ' fu'· i r recoir •·<·η»'··<ι .. plant 1 .···. ct i at W'in.-'e n-Sa Ιι ο e a ρ a b I e of ι 1; η' ! 'η't ; ·ι eni olln en! ■ " J.''tit' t ι - . ■ η ' ·. Tie e. ι! le..a p' e- en t e! ι r >! Ι ο· ι- ai; ι ι I.eiiO. Such a pi ι ' as rco ■ nn adae ' ■ Id c · 1 ah ι t It \y ,· . ointed out a ι an ; .ai ι ha< been ι ii"i v. av sinre 10 b! t raie $ii,!)!)(>. IKH) to enlarge I"ne |··ν.·<·:·ι plant. So '. a t< t Ί ο1 a oil' S1 .l'âo.DDu h.: - i eon raised ιir pledge·ι. it vais revealed that the Roy t" Iris foundation has agreed !h'.' t- it' ate of appi'i>xiηlately $12;")!), (•0(1 ye ,rly, which i - 1» ·. · t · t ho collc'.'e after the removal is made would he all» >ved to accumnlale dar ing the live-year period ted to he required to make the move and that this sum of approximately $1. 750,000 could be used for building. Although the Rentra! beard ha. the power to lake final actio . it was expected it would confine it action to a recon na>ndation and leave the final dee ion up to the State Baptist Convention which will n.eet in November. NOT REGl'LAR FARE, Cof feyville. Kan., April 11. ( AI ' ■ —Bus Driver W. P. Dods< η stopped his vehicle today, climbed >nt, piciuMi up a dime irom the pavement and continued his route. "1 collect more money ihat way," he said. "S2.25 so far." ihnt this sum of approximately SI 750,000 could be used for building. Λ lth ο ugh the Rentrai board hn< the power to take l'in.d aeti<1 . it was expected it wot.1:1 eon fine it actir.n to a recon irondution and leave the final dec ion up to the P.ar.)i<1 Pi in von I i tin which u'ili Hollywood Bound LOVELY Swedish actress Civeca Lindfors is pictured in a typical "ship news" pose for cameramen a· she arrived aboard an overseas plane at LaGuardia Field, Ν. Y. J.liss Lindfors is en route to Holly wood to make her debut in an American lilin. (International) STUDENT IS WOUNDED AT TEACHER'S HOME Ft. Worth, Texas, April 11.—ί.ΛΡ) —( >M(' junior high school student was in a M'riou; condition today and two others were sult'erin:; from minor Run shot wounds as a sequel. District Attorney AI Clyde .said, to a rock throw in , incident at the home of their physical education teacher, F. F. Watkin.. "I fired at the ground and I should have aimed the gun lip in the air," Clyde quoted Watkms as saying. "If 1 had to do it over, 1 wouldn't shoot at all." Tobacco Blamed For Threat Of Farm Land Boom In N. C. College Station, Raleigh, April 11. -—The throat of a national farm land boon) is stronger .1 North Carolina th; >, ir. any other state and the virtual Ί at' Heel ma opcly in flue-ci.red tobacco pradi tion is the reaM.n, Dr. I. (). Schaub, direc tor of the State College Extension Service, .-.aid today. Present l'ai m real estate values in tin- state are -M! pi r cent of the 1912-14 av erage, I ·>■ huhest in the nation, and 45 p< r rent a ove the previous peak reacaed in 1920. As o." .March 1, 19i(i. state larin va'ues pel acre had vaulted J1 per cent ι the course of one yt ;.r, also the hii;lie-t one-year π reasc in the nation. The state produces· about t>8 per cent if the nation's flue-cured to bacco and the 1945 crop averaged close to Sit per hundred pounds. "A tobacco allotment on the aver age farm increases its value bv at least S1,0(JU," the Extension direc tor observed, citing the fgports >f 1'; rmers ,.ικί I:· downers in many (nunties where recent hind sales lune borne out this tacl. Dr. Schaub sin nglv advised against the credit purchase ot 'arm land now. He also suggested that studied consideration in· given a farm':, potential long-time v..lue by the cash buyer. Secretary ol Agriculture Ander si ι. has warned o! an impending farm land bo >m and c n.n..·»«·,; against the repercussions · ! an in evitable recession. Current per entagc values of lam lands in states adjoining Ni r t h Carolina, based upon the 1 ί) 12 -1 4 period and released as official by the IT. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, are: Virg'· ia. 200; Ken ! icky. 221: Tennessee, 21!i: So.itli Carolina. 172. Kentucky rural land values are second only to those in this state· Guilty in Bribery HIS eyes downcast, Lt. Philip R. Wcintraub, former Army judge ad vocate, hears the decision of the court - martial which found him guilty on two charges of bribery. He was sentenced at Fort Jay, Gov ernors Island, Ν. Y., to six years' imprisonment at hard labor and dismissed from the army for tak ing money on the promise of sav ing accused deserters from long aautences. (International) Appeal To Search Roosevelt's Files Denied By Truman Washington, April 11. — (AP) — I Congre»:'mal investi^ators heard t ν I'ri' icient Trum: «1 has dé niée! an appeal by Acini. Husband t" examine what Senator Ferguson (H) ol Michigan called a ;per-scciet file "1 the late Presi dent Ro< .revolt's message. Ensign John Phelan, representing Kimmel told a Senate-House com mittee investigating the Pearl Har bor attack that A',:'· Trum: m had written a letter saying the commit tee alone has the power to look at such iiles. Commander John Becker repre senting tlie navy, substantiated this, adding that the committee had been given lull access to the I'ile. Becker .-aid that when the file was searched it ontained copies of I only tw ' messages to the high com i missioner o: the Philippines n il had little bearing on the Jap attack. Asheville Blast Cuts Off Power, Is Fatal To One j Asheville, April 11. (API — A se ries of throe explosions at the Avery sticet s:i!'-st.it i"ii .if' tile Carolina Power and Light Co., early today t t:mt!y killed William Knapp, about i fill, of Asheville, employee of the ' firm and ut off about one half lot the city's power. S. T. Ballard, chief operator of tin sub-station said that the blasts which loll .-.'.I'd each other within ·, a few minutes were of unknown origin. ι The -ub-statiou was completely destroyed. Government Moves Into Cool Strike Labor Secretary To Hold Confabs With Two Partie? \\ a him.ton. \ j'i'il II.— ι MM —The Riivi Mii.irnt stru rçli I to day lo riii-u· nt'\s lite into the ci.a! talks choke 1 off l>\ John I,. Lewis M.^.iut resortins lo seizure fff the sI/uck mines. Seen ':»!·>· o' L. . ι.: Schwclicnuuch U-ppiitg i:.:·· the lire, h lelt by Lewis' dramatic walkout, arranged •epan.te a te · ™n conferences with the <i] ι · : 111 r.- and !r..iners negotiat ing coi: mittees. The Labor Secretary and his top aides, most experienced m post-war labor di.· pûtes. w ill try to revive the conversations which came to a sadden halt with a declaration from Lewis that "to cavil further is t tile." May Chance Attitude." "We trust that time as its shrink-; your purse may modify your nig gardly and anti-sr ial propn sities," Lewis snorted as he left the confer ence. The operators, jolted by the move. g( t out a formal statement contend ing Lewis has "brazenly refused to enter into any semblance of collec tive bargaining." Challenging the right of any la bor organization to stall and play politics when a basic American in dustry is shut down, the statuaient expressed hope that Lev. s "will change his attitude" and a.-:ime negotiations. Senate Gets Long Range Housing Bill Washington April I!. — (ΛΡ)— The Senate shunted today the em ergency housing bill back to the House and quickly turned to a com panion measure intended to add 12, 500.0(10 new homes by 1 i)(>. The long nn.ge bill came to the S<>n. te floor with the approval ut its Banking committee. l ne Dili i.ι η·>i linked but tit. in with the emergency housing legis lation which the Senate passed (1:1 to 14 and sent back to the House for action on amendments. The new bin is designed to build 2,700,000 new dwelling units, largely for veteran , by the end ot η; a1 year. Before it can ■ each the W'hih House, however, the Senate and House must agree on a compromis·.· version to be worked out by a join', committee. The chief pouit of difference is the Senate provi-i >n for $(!ul),(lOO,(in · in subsidies to encourage the pro duction of scarce building materials. WEATHER FOR \OKTH CAROLINA. Considerable cloudiness to da\ tonight and Friday. Scat tered showers and thunderstorms in '.vest porlicn ard in east portions Friday. Βλ ( World's Fair Heme Will Be Used As Interim Location -\cnv York. April 11.— (ΛΡ) - Mayor Willi;.: ι I'Dwyei' announce 1 t<Hiay t !ΐι· m ii .-! .π of the 1 Wo. ,.1's J·';. 11· KUl>ii:iu'. Mead ow. Long I. a.-· the interim meeting pi;; ; !.. ■ tinted Nation.·.. The Sperry ι ro.-,cope 1;iaiit at Lake Success. 1. 1.. considered as a possible temporary headquarters site \va.- i'ln-..in ;, ,;".v headquarters of the UN. O".Hvyer said. 'lue annouiu ■■:. : : ί was made after a Jo minute ι:κ·< ' '.his inornin» of L'N Secre'ary-Giϋ.·: tl Trygve Lie, Grove: W'hcuiû. lia- ueen as sisting the United Nations officials m : cekinj. a ,-st. .11 tne New York area and the New York City Boar.; of intimate. O'Owyer said the city had agreed to ; .v.iiifc St.-"i i, u> tor improving llie Li.n:; Island a.v.-i and the in terior of the nïuûu'.imI building there, which is ι,.··,, oe;ng used as a skating ιίηκ. πι sia ι;.\ΐ'ΐ ( τ; υ ΤΟ BAC Κ ΙΌΙ,ΛΝ I) Xew York. Αρ: 11.· Ai')—Rus sia was expceu-o today lo join Hi l'olan is demaiH.- that liic united Nations require Spain accused of harbor.ng Nazi.- uev ising in-.v means i of \carlare--to act in accuidance with t.i.· denui. "i m . ; national peace and security. i nlands indictment i.: Spain— cha; acten/ed by the Spanish press ' a.- Kussian inspired—wa brought ι before thj security council yester day under a United Natii 11 ciuirtei provision which states the organiza tion "shall insure that states not members of the L'nited λι.'ι ns act 1 in accordance with tne 1 raiciples «»ϊ the organization ·> far ... may be iieci' ;sary." Although Andrei Groi:i \ k··, who yesterday was relieved oi his am bassadorial duties by Moscow to Irce hiin for full lime w· k a the Soviet delegate to the ..ecu.ity coun cil, has not identified himself with the Polish charge.-. conference 110 st rvei · fully expect.'d lie ν ·aild give hi: support to Poland 111 pressing for action. The Polish charges declaim..', that fugitive German dentist- .vere ile \elopin·.·, ullra-modern weapon-, un der Generalissimo Fransc, -o Fran co's piotoction implied that "suca new means of v. ire fa re" were de - signed to meet the compil;1i"ii oi the atomic a,a·. Irregular Kilrn Taken B\ Stocks New York, April 11. — (ΛΡ) — Stocks turned ere::. 1\ ■ >., t. ί in today's market .,'.though vcin.ia' was light. Down mist ot the ia> c. ere Beth lehem. Chrysler. Γ. S S·.·. Good rich, Santa Fe. IV. 1 \ Grey hound, Allied Chemical, Johns-Man \ ille. East mai: Κ · . Anaconda, General Λ1 · 1 -rs, M ' erv Ward. Genera I Kit- :r . '·· i Aircraft. GAG DEFENDANT AT MURDER TRIAL TIRED OF HER HYSTERICAL OUTBURSTS, Judge Samuel Leibowitz ordered Mrs. Speranza Pisanti gagged during her trial for murder in 13. oklyn, Ν. Y. Male nurse William Green applies tape to the mouth of the 40 year-old defendant after a restraining garment had been tied about her buty. She is charged with slaving Mrs. Xaucy Catalane. (luteriuii.inul) Rep.W.O.Burgin,N.C., Dies Of Heart Τ rouble U Ο. BI'RGIV G.O.P. Asks Repeal Of Sales Tax State Convention in W inston-Salem Comes To A Close Winston-Salem, April 11.— (ΛΡ) — No:lh Carolina Republicans to day were on record favoring a state wide liquor referendum, election re form and minority party represen tation on state agencies controlling highways and publie school system.·». Adopted at yesterday's closing .-e.-sion of it- Mate convention, tit" platform also called lor repeal of the .-tale an ta··., ι eductions in Mai" income tax, increases in income lax exemption , a comprehensive he:. i t li pioe.ram. increases in teach er pay. amendment to the Federal Constitution providing six year terms for Prc.-idcnt, a balanced Fed eral budget and reduction in the number of bureaus and commissions. Backs I nitcd Nations. The party en.ior:* " principles of the l'uitcd Xali. ii and the use ol Ic :·.■(·. ,. nee·, ; · ·.. t1 · π pel military aggression. And at the same time epi'itsed a plattorm proposal that pi ace-lime viiMTiption be con demncd. Tin e!o;.:ii·.· . ion wa hi hli.nht cd by an a·, ire- by !!:·..·! ι Sla. sen. former governor of Minnesota, who often has been mentioned a. a possible candidate for the presi dency in the Kill; election. Sim K. Lapp v.. - ic-eieited ciiair man oi the slate executive emomit tee. I , S. Loan Racket Action Dismissed S. η \ntnni.'. April 11. -(ΛΓ1 111· ί nl η ιι·ι 11.■■an 1 three Carolin ians named ; : ι an anti-trust suit against .1111·lι I hiuh rate money lender- were dismts>cd here today. At: .·ι. . the IT r .. . wiped from the l'en a ds were th<>se pendin;; ar.ainst George Uzzell, Salisbury, and Shel ley Caviness of Greensboro. ΊΊΐΐ' indictments wen· returned in Federal court in May 19Î3. Juduc Hen II Rice dismissed tHo 17 in dictments vc.-lerday in motion o[ a speiial assistant attorney «encrai. ( )ntr-Patient Clinic At Duke I Iospital Being Considered P.a ha;- . April 11. - -1 ΑΓ > Ten tative plans have been made by Duke ι ; m\ersit\ official.» for . nn strnetii η ol .ai out-patient bi; Id • U ;or 1) ,ke hospit .1. wliich will ci ah·· ϋ $8o(i.«ii(t. Ha: i (' Mick ey. h i.spital superintendent re eaied t od a \ Mickey -..ill plan- I τ the build ing have been under discussion for seme tr: c .id that ι di finite de is.on ma\ he reached within the next month. New York Collon Χ" ι·ι ι rices were 10 ti 511 cents a hal·.' !i iwi'i May 28.04, July 28.23. October 28.19. Y( rk, April π it '· ι wer Ιο ί i \ t h ruber Mav July ( let. l'v. ( lose 28.14 Open 28.14 28.24 28.23 28.22 28.30 28.2(3 Dec. .... Mar. May (1947) 8.29 b Eighth District Solon Succumbs in Washington \V; . All!. (At') — Rep. W. O. Burgin (D) of North Carolina who had announced his in tention to re'.nv Inn:. Congre.-s at the end of hi? fourth term next Jan ary r.:e i early ' .day. He w; 67 years old. I! :. · t ■ a · to I), ct'.iv lo pital early last Sunday suffering what 1 .> physician called a coronary heart attack. A busines man and attorney, Bur gin ser ι ti '·.. a member ol the X. 1 Ho.-c ι ' Represen tative.- ι lit: and it \ \c State Sen ate two years later. Iilettcd Ιο He came to Congress .'n 1939 as representative from the State's Eighth Distri : A consistent supporter of the administration's f< reign policy, Bur gin was a member of the House For eign Affairs Committee. Recently he went to the White House to ask President Truman to halt the manufacture of atomic bombs. Survivors include his widow, the former Edith Leigh Greer ι Lex i gtcn. Whom he married in 1912 and a br: ther. Ralph Burgin o£ Wmston-S .iem. Funeral services have been set !' r 4 p. m. Friday at the tamily home at Lexington. The House adjourned today's ses sion out of respect to the Tar Ileel alter member.- expre.-sed sorrow over his death. Speaker San Rayourn < IJ ) of Texas appointed Hep-. Dmighton (D.-N.C.). Kerr (D.-N. C.) and Le Compte (R.-Iowa) as - ί ι ici .1 rep resentatives of Congress at the fu neral. Speaking t the H 1 before it adjourned. Rep Douuhlon called Burgin "an outstanding and useful man who rendered fine service," to his district and his country. Decision In Wheat Crisis Is llel<i Off M ore Drastic Steps Might Be 1 aken To Feed Food less Areas Apr.l 1".. ιΛΡ) — Ί lie Government hold o.f tnla.v any di I'isii .11 whfi her mi re drastic -steps are needed a' home to tide lamme areas abroad over the preset, t crit ··. ..I shortage ι 1 bread. Althoiiah the du esue conserva tion program launched a month ago today has tailed tn achieve the sav :titt .···· ..nd ι \|»>-rts t« hungry an a- have fallen behind promises, >·: !u a Is a· i:.. loreign ci'mn ir lents will le met. In the face ·>:' an Agriculture Department report which raised doubts whether enough wheat re .. > - tu ':tft 1 · >th export needs and (1·;ΐ;ιι>ΐί(' demands at current levels. So ι re : a ι y of Agr: ulturo Clint. !. An ler.-ni: l.;id a news cnn ierenee that this country will ful i :1. it s ι >i < j : ι ii.-e. Bul lie said the nation will havo t · . bse-rve illy all phases of the wheat ·· :. -ι·;'· ail η program and he audi d it might e · eeessaiy to Itco a 11". per c- t.t aon.estie use of Hour between now , s,.· June 30 when the new wiir.i-i wheat en ρ starts mov ing to market in volume. Dut Anderson made plain that ι·, η.· -n or rati, ning of either bread t 11 .r fur r, the present emer i'e: ν ι oat ill 11ll quest 1:1 . $ Major Parties Run Close Race In Jap Election Tokyo, \ pr il 11. — (ΛΡι — T h r c ι· major parties tonight were running; a close rare for mmehershin in Japan's house of representatives. Communists were trailing far behind Nine women appeared certain of election. Scattered ration-wiJe results from yesterday's first post-war ('«•(lion save the Social Demo rats se;><*. the Progressives tit and the I iherals !?·.'!. The communists were certain ol only three so far. At least si\ Independents and one Peo ples Party < andidate also w ere elected. Till Japanese House of Representatives has 4(i8 mem bers. Kesnlts still are too incomplete to indicate the final make up of the House. The Progressives failed to win a seat in Tokyo on the basis of eaily returns.

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