Society News NEW ENGLAND NAMES. The names of .states arc lovely; Vermont. New Hampshire. Maine; hills stump-fenced and lonely; lields splil-rail-fenced by ram; slopes of sweetfern ^om^ with blueberry toward a tree. lallin;: at last toward snnwing ^ulls and plum-slate sea. The names of . tates are prouder than dark peaks on the sky, liiore quiet than th:1 louder wood bird-thri at caotin", shy lines of music toward Mrc.iin ι ! April water, hi lost in Auiiiiit. hoarding one last note toward the winter. The names of states are lovely; New Hampshire, Maine. Vermont Kacll bra■·..- l's tierce, lean, lonely, final catamount. Frances Frost Methodist Choir I'ractice. The i;irls' choir of the Fir.-t Meth odist church will meet tonight at 7 1 Γι o'clock and the senior choir will meet at If o'clock, it was stated. All members are urged to be present. I'se the Daily Dispatch Want to sell y in products. A Want Ad Will Bring You Fast Results'. r Dois Distress of 'PERIODIC' Female Weakness Make you feel "A Wreck" on such days? If you suffer monthly cramps with accompanying tired, nervous, cranky feelings- due to functional periodic disturbances — try Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken thruout the month — Pinkham's Compound helps build up resis tance against such distress I Marian Martin —Pattern— 9237 SIZES Ι-,-20 32 * 4? : h ; si a is no collar. . . . •ι i ""· ι 1 srmin.l. Pattern 9237 i. oa. y sewing, easy to wear. -mi;», η mi cif quickly. Alphabet t'.-fin fe;· f >r initi; Is included. Pattern 9237 comes in sizes 14, 1C. :> 3·;. 3 I. 31). 33. 40 and 42. Si/e IB t'ikes 2 7-3 yards 39-inch, fabric Send TWENTY cents in coins for this pattern t· Daily Dispatch Pat tern Dept.. 2 -2 West 18th St., New York 11. Ν. V. Print plaintly SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS, STYLE NUM BER Fifteen cents more brings you the useful Ma ; h Martin Spriir; Pat tern Bock with a Free pattern for smart "ba'i-i i.-a-b-'lt" printed riuht inside the book. Brimful of chic, ea:.y-t-)-make fashions. •it pav- ! - advertise The Want Ad Way':'' MADAM MURIEL CilFTED PALMIST AND PSYCHIC MKDIl'M Tells you any and everything you wish to know without asking an.v < ι π ·I < * s, gives you names of enemies, and tricmU G ; > ι .·, iri.e and never fii il : η ε; ; icc on all affairs life I: w<>n n il. troubti'c' 01 in doul.'. consult this pli.vc1 , reader it oner She car; ,m I will help you. Con - i'i h· r η l·::.- ι ess. love, niarri:e;c, wills deeds, mort iiaues ! is! and stolen articles and sacculations of all kinds. It < Κ Y ll.WS \NI> M (XV M MHIKS lii n i π. tii-.. . imsji·!·, >· ,ιΐΙ.ι'Γ! >· ι\ «· fa .lcd to help yoii. She does what in··, el 11 · ii to do ):·.·· \i.-it will cniivince von this Medium ,ril '".it,ι II·- ι·. ·. - ■ 11 wiji,, (, ;|i.y ιίί(!(" \'ι.ι have e \ el" co η s u 11 ed. I'rivalr mil ( on! iranli.i I Î* «·.« rl : nus Daily anil Sunday for Both Wliite ■i 11 a ( nlori'd Hours: !l Λ. Λϊ.—0 Γ. M. V»u must hp Satisfied or Nd Charge. LtM ' : > II I' SI !·.| !I1M) I'll V I IM IT ON I . S IIICIIWAY NO. 1 \oktii low m::· voiii.iw i.ook foi: ιιλ\» sir.ν opposite οί.\ι:> s ιιΐΜΐι nso\, \. r. CALF Y & LOI:I) New York 111 I!nti;':inji Our CustcnnT.; ( "ottoii Piece Goods l'i' ni Ί he (ΊνΛΜΕΚΤΟΧ M ILLS I'ramerton, Χ- Γ. Fifteen Patterns of PLAID GINGHAMS (ίο On Sale Tomorrow Morning At Nine o'clock 6Sc yd. Soil )/, 1! * 117// Hare T<> Limit ih< \t>>" '.· ' Of l.'/tcli Salt , And IΓ ι ( 'du . 1 cri /ι1 NO TELEPHONE OliUERS War Mothers Hear Dr. Gregg Speak On War Memorial Dr. Λ Γ). Gregg, president of tin \V;ir Dads ol Vance county, v. a spe τ at the regular meeting o. the V.'i ■ e county chapter ( ' Wai r< held Wednesday afterneor a; ' c In mo of Mrs. H. S. .loanso in (i. ο ι avenue. Dr. Gregg dis cii. ■ d the tentativ e plans !o# a \va - errnria! building which w >ul< honor all service nm and wome j .uni \ .'Mi e ci . 1111 y u h ι scrvci ■' i i" :: t c pa -1 war. Η .· asked ' ο the du'pcralion of the chapter ii advene ng the plans and Iti teak'· : tin ·: ilditiR a reality. Dr. Greg.' v. a pie.'enter! to tae a roup by Mr !·' V. Rollins. chairman o!' the pro μι ; .ι' ι ■tnmit'cc. The meeting was conducted b;· Mm. v.. w. Wester, president, an : I r""! 1 > 11 s ■ η r s. matters were Iran acte 1 I),'ring the bus· ess period plans were made for Ihe sale ot earn:.ti n.-> by the chapter. The salt will take place on the day before Mother's Day with the proceeds to lie used locally to further plan o' Ihe group for war veterans. Mrs. G. W. Knilt. finance chairman, will head this activity. Mi H. H. Bass. Sr., chairman of the Americanization committee, will head the essay c · test which will be sponsored by the hapter. The ccntest is open to all high i.'hool students and a prize of $5 will be offered for the be t essay on 'Oar Iiesponsibility in World Peace." Two new members were welcomed into the chapter. Plans were also discus?eri for a dutch dinner t^ be I e!d in May and wlrch will be a joint meeting nt the War Dads ;· d War Moth i rs. At the conclusion of the meeting 'he h -te. se·. Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. G. TJ. A Hen and Mrs. 11. A. Newell "ve·' Pt'ssJan tea and :okics to' the group. Mrs. Hcrndon Fetes Miss Louise Teiser At Bridge Party Mrs. Carl Hcrnclon was hostess a! a bridge party at the home of Mrs. H. li. Mangum se gays of violets an 1 sweetheart roses. Aftei several progressions of b'ïdge. Mrs. Junius Rogers was given high score prize and Mi.. > Viola Hoyle was awarded low sen·.1 prize. Mrs. K. C\ Daniel won the bingo prize. Miss Teiser, h mor guest was presented a gift of crystal 111 her chosen uattern. The Sliest list included: Miss Louise Teiser. bride-elect, Miss Arm Southerland, Miss Helen Teiser. Miss Helen Collins, Mi.-s Viola Hoyle, M'-s. Geneva B. Teiser, Mrs. Frank Smith. Mrs. Junius Roger. . Mrs. l)a vid Bryan, Mrs. C. F. Anderson, of Pullman, Washington; Mrs. M. W. Wester, Mrs. H. I!. Mangum, Jr., Mrs. i„ S. ieiser. Mrs. I·.. C. iJaniel. Mrs. Howard White. Mo. I!. W. A. Dorlin. Mrs. (.'. IJ. Godfrey. Mrs. 1. Ί. Griffin, and Mrs. ii. R. Man ;uni Mrs. Hern.Ion w:i. a . i.-u-1 by Mrs. I)avid Bryan an I ,.irs. il. 1; Mangum in serving a sweet course. Old Bute Chapter Hears Mrs. Stem Mr.;. T. G. Stem, of Oxford, riuii ' man of the Kl lis Islan I fun 1, wa (.'.ne. t .-peaker at tlie meeting Hi ' (Hd linte chapter of the Daughter.; ι■ f tin' American Revolution hel l Tuesday night at the; h une of Mr... VV. W. Parker, Jr., on Chestnut -Ireet. Mr»;. Stem spoke o! tlr.' work boms (iime at the marin.' hospital it I·.His Island, one win·· of which ι : ponsored by the I). Λ. Ii. The win ; of this hospital can ac commodate 150 patients. Fur the past three years D. A. R. work ha. been with the service personnel. Mrs. Stem stated that occupational therapy stressed for this work i ' financed solely by free-will offer ngs. in conclusion Mrs. Stem com mended the Old Bute chapter toi' the excellent manner in which Π·" nembers keep informed of the vari ous activities ol the l). Λ. κ an. was presented by Airs. Sam Harris. Mrs. Jasper llicks, regent, presid i (I at the meeting which was open j ed with the D. A. Ii. ritual, creed. I prayer and flag salute. ; During the bi siness Mrs. R. G. i Young was chosen as representative if the organization at a joint meet ng of civic and patriotic clubs to ι >e held soon. Miss Cornelia Gary, diss Mariel Gary, and Miss Amic. 'egram were elected as nominating committee to select officers for reg istrar. corresponding secretary, his oriun, and librarian. Mrs. Sam Harris, and Airs. Jasper licks will represent the group at he National D. Α. 1ί. Congress in Atlantic City May 20. At the conclusion of the meeting I Mrs. Parker served a sweets course I ollowed by coffee. Throughout the îome were attractive decorations ol )ink dogwood, purple iris and white izalea. SO. HENDERSON HAS WIN OVER LOUISBURG South Henderson baseball team ideated Louisburg College nine b> ι score of 7-1 in a game Tuesday at ' .ouisbujg. Duke was the hitting star fir viuth Henderson, with the team letting 10 hits. Braswell, pitcher, al nwed Louisburg only two hits, with good backing from the rest of the team. Catcher for South Henderson was Buddy Thomas. Ilerc from Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patterson, -.\h.n, Melba Carter, daughter of D. IVI. Carter and the late Mrs. Carter, ai Wake Forest. Seaman First Class Wood is the sun ul Air. and .Mrs. \V. E. Wuml, of Henderson. Miss Dorothy Harrison Heads Jr. Women s Club Miss Dorothy Harrison was elected president ir tin· Henderson J;ini r Woman's clab ν«„ι lUt'—t. at the April meeting ol the eli b held Vveanesuay night ·. the cateteria ii. Henatrson ne.·,:: c::i. .. £.le.'ei l . serve with Λ:1- 11.,:;·..· :: ...··. ..a· lollowing: vice-pre Λι . - BctKV d'jjl.s: seen tar\. Λι:· · 1 r.n .es Sat terwhit.·: and .re·. .·...·.·. ι··».(> Mclntvi e. ι ,ιο n.oeting . . coi. :.·;. >1 Mi.··. W. 1·.. > ■. !.. : .:i !..·.· a - seru-e if tr.e | ·. . . ' . .·. ... 1 oi'.ng, at: I Was . ' e.i '· : ι . mg un ci act. · ' ■ Ο S ρ . : ii It· ! v-.l I and the ro" .. . .■ > . u . C !.. 1 ll ί.·. »J I . . V ; . . 11 1 l j . L' . 11 tilC tu·.·.- il.': Il II... Men. λ : ;.ι . ί',ci tes t ■ ' .. : . . . ' ι· - .... coming ;ι..:.·, e - .vi a-.·· lia·'. .ι ι ■ nvi · : l> ■ en.-1 uni. It was· aim · need ' iat l:ie 'ai.;.4 sheet li. 11 ί ι i.'i :, 1 ι . ι . ι : : ι . : : ■ ; ι wi. a second article had been sent ta . : IL1 V I Li . . . I ; ι> η ί : : <· η ;·. ι lilt' 1 .. ί . . . , 111!. 1 1.1.ί V. C . . ■ Uppt 1 1 ' ι n . I m the h .:· I', -fd »ht ■ ι ,- 11 ·ί. ι Mr . : ι •I tlu· pi r ί ο λ el I ι I : : ι ■ 1 11 . a ' ι ! : · · t ■ I ι - ; . Λ ■ . ... ;, 0 1".'\ il·'..' I) . ' ι ' ι !... Λ ρ ·. ι ' ' \V. \\ ilt'M" ! :■ 1 : ' 1 ' ί !.'·· . ; ι y Λ. i .· ι . ". ί ' ί 1ι;· t ■ Sa. baek i' :. : ii.. ι ι ί h" '1 · ·■ - - head Hi1, là . : y ! and gave a ·· 1 : . .· >.i : Moir.ents," |. <· .·> wrr.i ··: Uï lian: I ' ! i : .·. . ■ ' :. Mr.·. li. i). 1· Irod. a g a· club for th.· ι 'en ■ u a:; I v. lui ι chairman n: t m t· mu.- e de; art tient 1>: f lia ,\'| ··! la. ! · ie, . i! in: ι of Woman's t lubs, gave an interest ing ; rtie! ■ ml "L'ont r:. ι t i .. ot λ! ι - sic t the .Am ι i ta : ι W ,v n: Lite." She state, ι the η: ..-ia : a nation re! Uet ed the i at ,1 emotions · t:te cot:' y. Mrs. 1· Γι ι S. Ko> *■ r. pre.-: le:: of tile Won a : eh: >. ι ·. : : e , . : a preciation the .hi" ί ι Inn !·>.' their coi .κ r.a : η in the Ma: . t dinner and i:i ether t! ι .·: ,.·. t . She also pr.,i-:'d ti,e e! . ' . work done this year. Officers of t h ·"· Woman', e!.. wert .-, ί .1 .. : ο! the e\ cuinu. Follow' g the program, Mrs. ·'. II. Hicks, .1: conducted . . e . tive game during which mi mbers repeated nr. V : il», . ■ ί '■ t .y ! ! : ι· λ; :■ ■ Ι· i :/:ι ·. ; - : κ ' · . Mi-. Β la Rose, : Γ·.: .'- C. Κ. '·' ce. Jr. SEDALIA SINGERS HERE ON SUNDAY The Sedalia Singers i.f Palmer Me morial institute, Sedalia, will pre sent thei ι : ι : '1. annn: 1 η. mi·..I ι - i,rair S;rl ··« Bapt .· ; . lured, un Co!U\m· slii'.'!, Suiidaj illt ernnon. ; ι ·' o'eà · k. The S < gers have sung all through the New England states, New York ("ity and η .-■ ■· ci il .■·> ι ; : tliL' While House in Washington, ii was >iated hy I lev. \V. B. We.-,l>i. pastor ι Γ the ehureh. Sea'.-· v. .11 I <· reserv ed I .;· ι te peuple de « !" ai'i rd l!i limond Visitor. Mr. and Mr.-.. William I >. Γιιπι■■ . .!r . ol Κiehnumd. Y n ant i. ai spenduiR several da\ with Mr and Mrs. 1!. Π. Powell. M>.· Turner ι the ίιιπ,Η'ι Μι Fannie I'uwell. Now we are promised sphere vhai'C'l ι1 ι 1 ' e. I ll .diiiuld 11 ^ ; ù.vi' .-..ι sat ply oi tiuiv.K. Senior Class At 11 i^h School \\ ιί 1 (ji\ c Pla\ I* riti;i\ So y,» don't like my !i . > . .ay. Λ» 1. ■ i l( i oil : l; to cil, ii-U· y<». ; : ι : I y < »U . ce ' i lit· i ha liti » . •t .-"h. . ·»! ilender.-on · 1 J'l trie hirii μ }ι·. 1 mtUil ·: and ι η t c Jfack Lm Hi' Γ t : ι a t y u .·. . ■ 1 ■ · e m I »! <*.ι. : mil κ lax with a food la . • · \ 1 · . ' · ι · ors liririiy relieve that * ΊΊ» - ι ι · ι ϊ ι :. ,!<·" V. ;]| be : :« π . ' λlie e> '■ }»lay>. 1c . ι. ; ι ; .· ■ U !; v. ι 1 r.'i'or: ' d Lrl Ί !.. i jV »w η galore ;. ; ι , ι r Miss ! ,îmise I eiser Lntcrtaineil At l ea i tea was given I ιlesriay aft I .· >iii e Ί ei. «τ, bride «Ί Dr. pril 22. · were at ■ ; ι > ί ing t low m :..e living l'.i:' ■ n. Ills of ■; by Mrs. We ; v ,· covered Mr C V. An \V;ishin ton. lit· -.ν im-fle.'t. eiH of tlie •1 1 ;i mirrored .·· >Ί·\ l.ii riin . ·. · .···>> · i. iris, . tn-m'i ·,.· in crystal i: !... · the nty sandwiches ; !(| il bout Μι Wr U", was by Mrs. C. B. '.,'itkiii . Mrs. 'Kn \ Morns 2 HOUSES FOR SALE 5 Rooms With Baih $2,500 ancl $3,5~J ()ii< Fluid Cash. Bold ι'··' On Ί < / : /. h η .·>·. .· ** I 1. » , > ' ' ' i " u «f r Rriii V< !;ρρα {tin [-'ίΐ^ίρι >. til il Mit Lliinl! ■ Λ M ί> 0 J SB iiiil '"'ΐϊ"ίι S f- > ΐ £S i.«; I 1 « . ·: ,■ L Ul U iit- rJlitt·· Iggfe -α·ΈΜ% y· φ J . ν '^<· i AJ *..··, ι *&<*&·- ·.»· ν,' 1 *κ ' .;»ν^ ν: : .·«<- .··.■ ' ja^ f \ \ À' Jim & ν /. ·,·<τ Ν Χν \ î/\ · S' J") «$ / f* ' . '· Λ mm rwt* ? Λ S t. · 'Λ ■-'·.·· ' ! ' 6 · 1 ·Γ . - >· WL·"··)' ' ? . . -α ri; W ' '.---s IV V'-Ί ; λ * ' ,'ν ' '1 , ·' , . . ."Μ ■·' ■ '■: ■ $■ ' ■.>% ti* ■ν· Γ* ■ .<«& ·%. ■ -?V ' ν ' . ν·:.'-., ν, ,. -ν - , . " \ 'λ· ^ZjfouVuζ uki^dnt ! SPRING DRESSES 12.7ί> Fam-il'ul designs that provoke a smile, i'lor. 1 ;i·· oiH's (>r dainty little ones nu rr\ with color! i c i.tuti\'t' on slim-dark ground.-, Pastels or .-ptïn· sumnu r white. i>-4 1. (BALCONY ) i ■ ι \ V. .·, - i. i t ( ) ■ SPRING HANDBAG 2-98 To 4.98 Plus T;;x 1 lands* mi' Plasii* s (.ik'aiiiû.u' Patents Gay Fabrics Ci 1 J ■Λ. '-t'; ( 1 I KS 1" FLOOR) DAILY : ' :<>(» 'in 3 ::>«.) S AT I'Κ DAYS: «J :00 To 7:00