Railroads' Future Rests Upon Rates And Volume Car- \?rs 1.«proved Financial Position During War Period ÏÎV IKHil ίί t\ !V\BSON. I (»p> ri: III i!» 1 (:. i iiblishr. s I in:· κ in I '.in ι in. inc. P.; Iimii I . rl.. Mas- , April 12 \\ : ι r ι ame In l':i' ύ . ι ni" nl lilt· laii 11 .ni Tin· ι ii .1 un· in I r:ii 11 .ail eurningû which had persisted tincc 111· 'lu ci·., ,·»i. Volume of 11 .illic ; ι η ( i he! ίΐΗ'Μπκ· ivîumu'U π«·\ν |»ι·ιιΚ · However, the real worth of rail sc« cur it tes must l"· jud.'jed, net ihi past, hill ι ni 11 it 11 : . ·. !1 : i · ·ι mallei·: Se , - ( |\ 11 11· 111 - Il M Ι ι 1 'I'll II 'Olcl when in,.kin; ,ι ι ;· cisi ι) '·ΐι ■.11 : r iai ! ι ii'n ing power—volume of traffic, op· crating expen < ·.-■. t ; ι χ. · --, bond 111 it ί - est and iiil" , Ί ι : ι : Traffic Outlook. Volume I Ireight IralTe varies in pioporlion to (jii in. ■ a. 'ivily. Ue tore I!»1 \v;ir. :l e r im ι ..·titor. < t rin ks, in;toluol)'U's, pen- lin·■:=. shipping and airp! an ) hail cut in to tlu' railroiidr. ° revenue·. How ever. tin war helped the railroad* and hurt the other carriers. The railroads, nioreo\ -r, need no time to adjust themselves to peacetime operations. pent-up demand lor goods, with the create t cash re serves in many years, should insure good business activity and tli.is a large volume of Ire: 'hi l'a-en.,ei traffic should also be good lor a while in spite of auto and air com petition. The Federal H'vrve I ion ι i's in- j dex of industrial .elion show: an increase from 110 in 1929 to 171 in 1941. in line with these increases, ι ail way f re i '.· i it -rsffic jumped to a ι new prewa·· peak in 1941 with an increase of 25 I:..lion ton-miles car ried over tlv: ι of 1 !'·!). it certainly seems thai the railrnad- culd count upon at least their prewar gros* traffic which gave them .SâilO.000,000 net in 1941. The Department i Commerce es timate·· a ' gt'i· m.* : 'liai product ' of s 130, OOO.OOO. (Kill for 1947. This could produce an increase in rail read gross earninr over 1941 of five jier cent for 191". This is especially interesting whin we ii"l·· tliat the 1944 figure for our gross national product w : ι : S 195,(Ιιιι '.ο: i0,1)00. Thus v/e can get a fiv per cent increase in railroad earnings even with a de cline of Si5.iOii.iiiι:·,'ie0 in total na tion:;! ii"'om rcea therefore, point to a gieai. . ν . I ί ι. ï e ..I railway traffic during i'u' ι; m few years than in th · peak ' ·.. ·Μ·..' year of 1911. Higher ( lists inevitable. We ne.-t. however, remember that there ha. been a 20 η·τ cent inereas · in wages since 1941 which will ab : ιirb ^.i'lO.'.HiO,·.'■)" in H) . Λ price ι ise in iti m; c " al ■ tin leads, such a^ lumber, steel and rial, will and to the increased costs due to wage?. The greater op -rating efficiency attained during the war carried over ί 11 ο pi icctimc ecuomy should help overcome tilt· vv;i:,c nc , e giant ( I ti.lv.it ii lilll and .lliii. ;ι:ί iimi III"; to 20 pel cent Wt '>ost a-κ iilli.'.ivi., hi Wt ver, how ι inch more \v.ii.r will lie mi leased during the next year m twu, ? i\t (l (names I.owt'r. Wt hud Unit tin· SfillO.MlD.IKIO net int'icm· ut Ifltl ν III tin wage ant priri· πιγιγ:. iv iaIi itli will I s a \ ι· oc I'lii ι ,'tt nice that nali will I»· highly ii latlt1 ι . . ti· tii mt .-I 1 !J Γ. ope ι at η g f'.pt ii ί : It raili ■ ad η Ί in ι une ι - In 1.1' ι .i lit iht'tl. In; ι ! ι ; ·. . 11Ί i \ i t > lllll ι I I'll K. Ill will ,·■·, i· ill" I ;l 11 li i ! .ι'ΐ·I .in ii· . ■ ii; rati· will i ι 'ίιιΐ in addition. Wliftlit'i' ilie ι illlll I III a HUM»'', to Ucet'pt Slll'll ι - ι■ ι.y ι i-attt ι s guess. 'lilt· railroad;· arc in a murh ■ Iri.iiM'i' position now than in pre war years, since they have used $2,· • aii.o il!.nun of their war earning to decrease their debt. Consequently, their fixed charge.· have perhaps declined S2(UI,(l(KI.«0t) a yeai. They have also increa.' et I tin r net work ing capital from a 1M11 level of sf)i;:i.i;ii(),OUO t ι _'.n tn.i uu.') in in 1941. ( 'ont lusion. II is evitlent that railroad net earning: will hinge t a both highe.· rates ;.nd an expanded volume of traffic. If the next several years favor both these factors, railroad net income .should remain fairly good. However, is il smart to bet in ihe (risibility of both higher ι ates and a high volume of traffic whin ailroad sccuritie.- are now selling so comparatively high'.' AROUND TOWN TO CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. H. II Wilson are to attend 1111 first postwar sales con vention in Cleveland, Ohio, next week of th" Iron Fireman Manu facturing Company, it is learned The meiting is to be held Monday. Tuesday anil Wednesday. The Wil son Eleclric i'ompanv ha. been ale:, representatives for this heatrn· ap pliance for many years. Oil. STOVr! FIRE An oil stove at Hock Tavern, tin the Luiiisburg lughw. y. caught fire at 8:30 o'clock last ni tit, calling firemen to the scene. No damage was reported by William Ilranu', as sistant fire chief. SPEEDING CASE Matthew Ileiman Hunt, colored, was tried in police court today for speeding, lie was fined five dollar and costs. FINAL CI Β ΛΙΕΙ.Τ. The third and tirial io:; of the Cub Scout training program tor leaders and Kroner: will be lull Monday evening at 8 o'clock at th · First Methodist ch.ir !i, it was ; > - iiounced today. A tilm shi ,ving a Cub pack putting on a ci.cus w.lt - prcsenlfd. ii was stated. ΗΕ·&Έ Â%£ from Your Gnat Ve/ue Store LOVELY DINETTE SUITE l.aruv l'Xîcnsii u Γι-piece Dinette Suite in natural finish with blue upholstered ^ 50 cha An outstanding value, only (Pay $i.25 Weekly) l*~v > COi-'i EE TABLE Heau'.iful walnut Duncan Phytc laljle with uni ivaule yl. ss tup, ; how η $11.50 MIRRORS Heavv |>'.aH> glas.1 :ιιίπ'η """■ $4.95 ( Pay SI.25 Weekly) LIBERAL UISCOl'NT FOR CASH HUGHES FURNITURE COMPANY FOR TWO GENERATIONS IN VOI R SERVICE 418 S. GARNETT ST. — PIIONE 378 t\ F. KING — REPRESENTATIVES — C. A. ROOKER Committees Sa\ Everything Ready For Senior IM a y Committee for th< Ilct 1er; η h : . : ( Il. I Si η i ι !' ι ' !. I I «il » to" t· !.ι> . : 11 · . ι ... i thing i. ni ι ciit ι · 'in th j . : - j fnlillJHC»· In' , ' ' llii'h Sril<"ll .. ι . ι \ r i s Clyii II ί -ii ; all Grt \ ( ii-Hiiv·:· ■ - h t·..· pl. .·'. ν·, lii. h 11 | ■ 11 - it I" . ... ' ■ ' it '! :ι· .ιι.ιΙ ( oiiicdy. Moinbi ι r ι . 11 !» c ' win it served on ι·. .nantir <■· are a. · i ·· Stage — Dwighl Mm ly. William I :. illr. l.i - In- ' ' 1 P< rdue. Brook Lan . Urn and Rob i ' ! I: ley. i'n»p« I'tic- rh,.!-lo SIH ι Ά . TVt iii' W ι 1m ·ί. S · I : ί Ί ' 11 · . - nor Milter ami Mnry Lou Duke. MaUe-up ■ H·.··>' liny'·.· .nul Su ic Dunn. Piompter—1.· i't Bach man. Program - C ■ I.ι..· i' Irkf·, 1 )ot Kan· I.. ·■ 111 ι ί . . Muut'ine I la: ; .)« ·. . I 1. . τ; ket·· Hi·'· ·ν :ι _ Shaw, Sam Owen, I Fred Hale. W:· Ili .' ι . 1 Robert I.sley. Publicity - 15. · I' ι ) 1 !· ! :. Knight, Sia-ie Π.ιγ.ι I ; m· r ;liit . and Murguei it ο Tie ;■< ·■. JAIL SELLS I OR .si \K. Chicago— The ««: W.nihru has sold it.· .'ail. a li.iw-.-cii.a I a)· which haifu'l h -ft .in «» vtr> ι·ι! li. ι · yiars.. Γ. W a ; : ρ :■· · ·.'· · · !" three year. .'·ί !:πί::; K'.mtv Knovvli·;·. a l'ar.in r. . junk for $20 and obtained from ;i ' Sill) ; : Jl! ! ! ' is · I ! (it . iiui . ■ :..! ami's. \ * \ il'f ν Î7* A GlNUINt »fGlS1f*eS Ί Vcepsake DIAMOND f NGAGtMENT RING A tender kiss... a whispered word ... α Keepsake Diamond Ring. Through six" decades the choice οt' America's loveliest brides, Keepsake is the most treasured of all diamond rings. Come i i and see our fine selection of Keepsake Matchcd Sets . . . radiant... new...with quality and value assured by the Keepsake Certificate of Guarantee and Registration. LAMAR'S JE IVELL'RS AUTHORIZED Κ Π Ρ S Α Κ Ε D Γ Λ I. F R VENITIA Set 3-5 00 Engogec-.er t Ρ-g 200 00 I /seRAVOifiS SOApyfaM! / GiVfcS 1 jie Sc«P -mm Af»··. FOR GtTTtti'C' GLASSWARE, POTS AND PAN —" QRiC-hT/ m ·?·■ Gives Results H® Soap Can Equal WALLS Works Wonders in Hard or Soft. Hot or C&'d Water Vt last! The wizardry of modern science that has given the world DDT... .'enicillin ... Sulfa Drugs ... the Atomic Bomb ... now brings you the atest discovery to take the drudgery out of dishwashing, laundering and general household cleaning. A discovery that makes soap and iO.iο iiakjs old-fashioned. Here at last is RAVO...the suds you will mv. about... instant suds... rich, billowy, germ-killing suds that give résulta no scan can equal...the hinuest sue!s your hands ever touched. C;t .· pack -ge of RAVO today at your grocer's! for κεερ/WG AND WOODWORK SP OXLtSS DONT FORGET TO ASK ME ^ F0RRAVOT s ι 1 wmm ' ' NwtiC-.-.o . ί·ν· BUY RAVO NOW FROM YOUR FAVORITE GROCER