ïtettîterson Β ml y Dtspatrh THIRTY-THIKD YEAR prM* HENDERSON, X. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 18, 1946 PUBLls^'c^lyNDAA?EBttooW FIVE CENTS COPY G.I. BRIDE HERE TO FIGHT DIVORCE ■:·:·»»Ν««ννΛ·: FIRST BRITISH BRIDE to come to the United States for the purpose ol fighting a divorce action brought by a GI husband, Mrs. Bridget Waters is shown with hor son, Frank, Jr., as they arrived in New \'ork City. She is indignant because a lot of British brides of GIs are "getting divorce papers in the mail these days and will set a precedent." Her husband, Frank Waters, is in Las Vegas, Nev. (Internationalt Thousands Pouring Into Γ? J eνusalem Ci vislbn Worshipers Will Recreate Last Few Hours Cf Christ . ; ν Λ. ·· 1 lu. ■ l Λ") - : -u t .·ι is ! : 11 ■- (1 v. it '.ι a root: ! . s : rt< - ;i id teeming with j j.i · i i.ii ;> . iiio'.is ι ds streamco I into this ancient city today to see C \·. ιi. ers recreate with • \ t .ere η m es the last hour.-| ifi .··, ( ' :. ι. ; was crucified. Α ι m re n re: t of tension pre viiiied throughout the Holy City as! 1 i, thrco-c 'i ncred Λ r a b ,h λ ι- '.-British poia*. ,i! controversy.' wa.· co' plicated l\v a country-wide s!i ke c! 50,0(10 civil servants, who a: ■■ do:· ·· · · 4 acre , incide 1; , vi maUin4 t o h ly -i11· ./ I otier . icred place.- more crowded! wiiii w r.-aipers tu η as'ad Ί î ο ancient rites of Ma ndy Thursday began at daybreak and ; will ont.rue all day as sect after' sect stages its interpretation af the ; events of the day on which Christ led hi- disciples into the "upper room" for "the last supper.'' Nation's Kditors Protest (Censorship New-paper executives voiced pro tests against news censorship any where and Iran in particular as the American Society of Newspaper Ivhtors convened today f"i a three day meeting. Wilbur Forrest, assistant editor of The Ν· w York Herald-Tribune and chairman of the ASN'K committee on world freedom of information, told j a reporter that he would ask the ' society to go on record as condem ning the strict censorship imposed ! by Iran. "This i> one of the negatives of pre-.- freedom." he said. "When it is announced openly that such cen sorship will be practiced, it is time something is done. The United Na tions certainly have a problem to so Κ e." Forrest's comments coincided with a report by John KniglM, ASNE president, urging the society to con tinue its light for "freedom of com munication.- everywhere." Coalition Regime For Japan Asked By Cabinet Aide Tokyo, April 18. — (ΛΡ) — Premier Shldehara's chicf cab inet secrptary startled political Japan tcniuht with a shipment urging: a tri-party cua!i\;>n gov crnmcnt and declaring: "/η my opinion, the Shidc liara cabinrt must resign and ci.nsult with the thr?r parties as a r.ipan> of obtaining political stability. ' Ί lit· secretary, Waiaru \la.a ha-hi, considered on· of the cabin t members closest to the premier, announced that Shide hara would become president of the progressive partv tomorrow an! would consult with the pre sidents of the liberal and social democratic parties. Snag Delays Food Order Washington, April 18. — (AP)—A British-Canadian - American dead lock today over ways to ease th■· world food crisis delayed an ordei' which will put this nation on a diet of less bread and flour. Representatives of the three na tions met at another of a long .series of meetings of the Combined Food Board, but they failed again to agre: on what each should do in the way of contributing wheat and flour to famine-stricken areas. Meanwhile, a· the White House announced that President Truman will discuss the food crisis in a radio eddress at 7:1S p. m. (EST) tomor row. the Chief Executive'^ famine emergency committee called upon the Government to adopt still more rigid food conservation measures. Stocks Operate In Narrow I ,imits New York. April 18. -(AP) Stocks operated within narrow limit in today's market with trends irre gular. House passage of ΟΡΑ legislation had little immediate effect on stoo; prices, which for two days havi hovered just below 15 year average, highs. Higher much of the day were Chrysler, Kennicott, Γ. S. Steel. In ternational Nickel. Γ. S. Rubber Dow Chemical and Gulf Oil. Plans Made For Continuing AAA Conservation Program College Station, Raleigh, April lil. , — Plans are now in the making for ! continuation next year of the ΛΛΛ agneultural conservation program in which North Carolina farmers re ceived payments totaling S34.1ÎHH, 000 between 1936 and 1944, it was announced today by G. Tom Scott, state director of the Production and Marketing Administration. County Triple-A committees thro ughout the state are drawing up crop and payment recommendations to be made for inclusion in the 1937 con servation program, Scott said. He encouraged farmers to make their desires known to local committee- : men m order that county recommen dations may reflect the composite | needs of every community. Deadline for submission of requests to the state committee is May 1, Scott re ported. Payments to state farmers under the conservation program, for plant nit; recommended soil-building crop: and applying othei accredited lain practices, rose Iron1, a low of S9<> <11)0 at the beginning, ol the progran in 19,'it! to a high ol S7,li:i9,00tl η 1943. Λ drop in payment.» to Sô.80.3, 000 in 1944, was attiibuted to srtort ages of certain farming material and short labor supply. Payment for practices in 194f> are expected ti approximate those of 1944. Λ sub stantial increase in conservatioi money is predicted for this year. The Triple-Λ policy, Scott said. . to foster the acceptance by farmei 01 the best farming prflctices. One an approved practice i.· general! adopted in a county, payments ίο it are ceased and it is dropped froi the program. Principal among th practices widely adopted and sine dropped from the program in tin state are the interplanting of cow peas and soybeans in corn and plant ing an accredited home garden. Electric Co. Strike Being ûegûtkted 75,COG CIO Unijη Members Have iieen Out Three Months (ïî\ T!ie .As.s< < i.ilctl rrr.;s) Si .V I'.lO.tS i»' ill) to t; > to to :■ ni" i> » !» .· nation's οΗ { >t i'ii.l H?t.est i:i < >.· (ii t, the 3.500 CIO International I. ι on of Mine. Mill and Smelter | Workers were ti \,>,e on a contract ; which ι··; ν end a ten-day strike at I en,per mining properties in Butte,! Mont. j The 155,000 residents of Flint, re mained without public transporta tion today as the Flint 'Irnlley. ! j Co;, h Co.. said negotiations with its j 120 . trik ι g CIO drivers had col ! lapsed shortly after the apparent I end i f the 1-day walkout was an- , r.ounced. ι j f Truman To \ iew Fleet Maneuvers j April 1. — (ΛΡ) — Pr - lent Truman will 40 "ill into the Atlantic Monday to review n;aneu\ers (i a carrier task furee ! o. the Λ':: ntic tleei. Pre. s Secretary C harles Ro?s 011 1 nc un'.ed today that the President is. I kaving the While House Sunday at ! 4 p. n%. l'or a full week's cruise on liis yacht, "the Williamsburg" to j - elude a meeting with the Atlantic . detachment. The yacht, Ross ;aid, will proceed to Norfolk, where it will be due at (> a. m. Monday. Two hours later. Mr. Truman will beard the carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt and be taken s mewhere in the Atlantic tu join the units of the task force. Mr. Truman will witness maneu vers until Tuesday noon d then j return to Hampton Roads aboard , the carrier, and re-board the Wi1 [ liamsburg at 4 p. m. to resume ! his "v acation" cruise. Ross said. One GI Slain As Army Breaks Γρ Jap Black Market Tokyo. April 18. ΆΙΊ-One sol dier was killed, a si end was wound ed and four were captured in the break up of a local black market ring, Stars and Stripes reported to day. The army newspaper attributed 1 its inform ition to (.'apt. Michael G. Friseh of Ithaca, Χ. V.. chief of the army's criminal 1 destination divis ' o.n in 'lokyo. He was unavailable ' j for c uifirmatii η or elaboration. ·' 1 None of the soldiers involved was named. 1 I MTI I) STATES KECOZXIZES T1IK. GOEKVMENT OF TITO Washington, April 18. — (AP) — 1 The United States has agreed to full ι diplomatic recognition of The Tito : Government of Yugoslavia, the State Department announced today, s The announcement was made after - assurances had been received Iront - Yugoslavia that it accepts existing ' treaties between the two nations. ΟΡΑ WINS HOUSE APPROVAL Much Amended Bill Is Passed 355-42 Washington. April IS. (ΑΙ')—ΊΊι I ! · u ι - * \ <»:■·.; ovcrwhol r:i,ii!,u'i>· to. lay t·· continu·· oi'A for nin< ηι«·ιιΙ ί; . ' π m a form < Μ Λ Administrator l'an) Porter said would wi.-ck price control, ft was : ι.·· οι Pi aident ι ruman's worst legislative defeats since h<- !: i. i\d the White li .us*· a year ago. ! i:· r· ii call v< '<· (-π ; ; -tgi· was ;{55 to 12. The House, meeting at 1" a. m.. two hours earlier than usual, tossed the amendment ii(i:iiu hill over to the Senate, v,i.,Te the White House said to day Air. Truman hopes for much better results." Not For I'rinl. Asked at a news conference il thi C'hiel iixecutive ha ι any commnr in ι Πι ■ ΐίοιι.-ο amendments, Pres. Secretary Chaiies K'··- told report (Ji'SI "Not for print." Afcked il the ''i t ident \\ a. going to "i.n anytnui.-, uoolii 11 ' ltoss re plied: "He hopes for much better result; in the senate.' He diet not elaborate. A bloc ot Democrats, chief from tin south, combined with Republi cans yesterday to so amend the bill that Chester Howie; , economic stab ilizer. said the House had started "a j'.y inn' toward economic disaster. ι aille, me House hail refused by ; li) to 37o roll call vote to sen.i ΟΡΑ extension legislation back to committee·. Ί he bill extending the agency al leaily h.i.·. been so laden with amend ment.·. that ΟΡΑ Administrator Paul l oner sa\ it would mean the end of price c< ntrol. Wotion By ISaukin. Today's first vote came on a mo tion by Hep. Rankin (i)) of Missis sippi to sweep the bill off the floor completely and shelve it 111 the House Banking Committee. The House then proceded with a roll call vote on passage of the ex tension legislation. It then would go to the senate. The bill's major clauses now call for prices guaranteeing "reasonable profit ' to all manufacturers and dis tributors: strapping Government food subsidies: lepeal ot the low cosl clothing production program and an end to the "cost of absorbition' controls limiting prices on autos, radios and the like. Measure Dcpolrcd. l-'eonomic Stabilizer Howies dt - plored the House measure as the be ginning of "a joy ride toward eco nomic disaster. Porter said :i the House action is sustained in the Sen ate. it "amounts to repeal of price control." But the House, having missed out on a final vote late last night alteP a stormy marathon session, expect ed to toss the bill as it is over to the Senate. Whether it will fare bet ter in that chamber was speculative. Indeed, so great was President Truman's congressional setback ·>ι economic policy that rumors swept the Capital that both Bowies and Porter would resign. However, Bow ies went on a radio network and de clared he expected to "see this thing through to the finish." Onlj rent control survived the House rebellion unscathed. Th · chambet beat back all efforts to re vise rent ceilings. Fate ΟΓ Two Americans Is In Doubt Two Men Were In Changchun Hotel, Seized By Reds ( '·■ ι gkinfi, April 18. (ΛΡ) Tin fate ( I an American officer and hi: pilot wore hidden by the smoke ο i.ltle in Changchun today as Chi nose Con"»:: mist lories captured tin .it·· hotel, where the two ha< been slaying. Destroyed telephone communica tions made inquiry impossible inti the late the two — Mnj. Ηο'ηί !ï. Rigg of Chicago, assistant mil it..ry attache and M Sgt. Cla.vtoi rond ol Portland. Ore. News ■ ' the capture >1 the liotc , Iron government forces ante in ι ' lragmentMy disi-atch sent from t!i rn-'nattlel citv >v Assi ciated Pre f ' ·π e-pondenl Tom Ma^terson. ei ! (in there with four other newsmei As Cicn- 'al George Marshall, spt nal C S. envoy. flew here in supreme el fort to bring peace t M;> chin ia. gun lire roared throng the streets of Ch ingchun. Cnmmi ηist force,- threatened to overwheli completely the small national gai ri.-on fiuhlin - from -and bag defense in the eentel of the city. Goveri ment planes dropped urgently neec , t_d ammunition to the besieged for. To Wed Again FAMED dancer of another era. Irene Castle McLaughlin has confirmed reports that she plans to marry George Lnzinger, Chicago advertis ing executive. She said the mar riage, her fourth, will take place some time this summer after her son, William Foote McLaughlin. 16, graduates from Culver Military Academy in June (International) War Guilt Admitted By Ilans Frank Claims Some Deeds Only Recently Have Ben Toici To Him Nuernberg, April 18—(AP)—Hans Kr. i : : k. ' ■ l · ι ■!.■■: ■ >f Ger ■ ι 'an-"' ·. ;·.|·ΐ the i liter— I national military tribunal today that ' "I feel terrible guilt within me" for the atrncitn <>1 the regime. , Claiming that some of these crimes ! only recently became known to him, Frank dcch.ivn 1 r · > 11 : tlie witness ι stand: "S) irak 11. ; ll i. tin· . t -. .1 ils of my . wiml i"l\ ..Mi : 1 ' .· ■ .· : .'ii - of this 1 rial. 1 h ve .ι : an insight into what Wii** ι ni" tile way of terrible atrocities. I feel terrible guilt within me Speakn . n a l'nid. clear voice, Frank held the court with his can— ii.·; .. ii ■. ··: . ι .·'.·· he virtually H,.·,.>>· hiiiKi'll πηη 11 ^ mi'irv In Ihousamls of Vra\. Il< in Ι· i> .. dmittecl the Xazi I crimes against the Jews and His share of the guilt in those crimes— <Ί guilt which he said would "not be ι m !v>is.-a;i·< ι ι .π tu 'ate in the de struction <>i tiie Jews" his attorney asked. 1 ,-a\ ye.-!" Frank replied. "1 ean not allow it before by con j science that responsibility for this should be handed to small people déni· i new ρ ι - la! !e< i c< mcentra j tion camps for Jews but if Adolf I Hitler tu: :n■' s iu i' 'mat dreadful re sponsibility t" people of his, it must i be n.nie too." New York Cotton New York. April 18.—(AP)—Cot ton future ι .petted -">< · cents to $1.70 a bale higher Noon prices were $1.00 to $1.60 a bale higher. May 27.<>4. July 27 7S·. October 27.83. IV. (.'lose Oepn Mav 27.14 27.50 July 27 >7 27.fi7 Oetobci 27 iti 27.70 December . 27.48 27.70 March 27.55 27.78 .Ma.\ ( 1047 ι 27.H4 27.78 ATOM T F ST MEASURE IS SENT TO SENATE Washington, April 18. — (AP)— Legislation authorizing the atomic bomb tests on Bikini atoll was sent to the Senate floor today by the naval committee. The committee set a ceiling oi M 3 on the number of Γ S, combat vessels that may be ex posed to the blasts. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair anil warm this afternoon, tonight and Friday. j A CLOWN-BEFORE AND AFTER . mr ~aw «βκ* «Λ»ηεΓ TOP PANTOMIMIST OF THE BIG TOP, Emmett Kelly sh,,v.s at New York's Madison Square Garden how he makes up the sad lace that lias brought laughs to thousands everywhere. A false unse (upper lel't) goes un first. A greasepaint stick (upper right) forms the base of the heavier makeup. Over a white mouth and dark brown rouge (lower left) he dabs powder that takes the shine from the makeup A battered hat ( low er right) Is the finishing touch and he's all set. (International Exciiuive) Russia Loses Fight In Rules Committee Sought To Achieve Favorable Ruling On Iranian issue New Yd:"!;. Api. 18.— (API — So viet Russia w;is reported today t>< hi've lost .ι strenuous buttle behind f I used doors to have the United Na tion's Scrarity (' > meil procedure expert? ' tile against further consid eration of the Iranian cv.-e. As the (·<ίι: i· ! prepared !.> meet at (15 p. m.). the committee of ex perts ι πι!'.- and procedure \va. said by in'oraied quarters to be I split. 8 to :i. with the majority It'lcl ing that the case could be legally kept on the agenda. The council was expected to re-; sume its di ■ on tin· contr >vcrsial · Spanish cities' .>:i at the opcainù o; the ses.1 ion. v. hile the experts om pleted drafting majority and minor- ί ity repeats, expressing the commit tee's soli ; ο: ι.: .ion on the lr;i iau ciuestion. Lie's Opinion Studied. Sources el'.-e to the committee said tlie.-e lepoits, based o.i a -tuci\ of Seerciai y-( louerai Tiys!» r l..e" opinion teat ta re might ..e i:o lega. gi ι unds tor keeping the case on the agenda. va\;l;i be submitted to the council by 4 .'10 or 5 p. m . Κ ST. This ν . s expected to . ;>»> the way tor a rem ved lloor !. : over th 1er, tiit.v ο iiair.taiiiin;; · n.-.iic tieji ι ι r t lie ι ase. The one .ρ in the c· ι it lee of experts was the same a.- ; lat during tee council de bate earlier this week — Russia, ! Poland and France insisting that the questi' η .-liou'd be dropped. The it,iu r cil,lit members, led by U. S. Deli.;..te Edward Stetimius. Jr.. have argued that the case sh add be kept in the agenda until May t>. the date ι woien Russia has prom ised to have all her troops out of Iran. ( adogan To Lead Debate. Meanwhile. Sir Alexander ("ado gan. Britisii delegate, was schedaleii to lead oil' in the Spanish debate with an assault on some of the nrgu merits advanced yesterday by Polish Delegate Oscar Lange in his plea that members i t the United Nations break diplomatie relations with Franco Sp.. · The British position was represent ed as being similar to that \ need yesterday by Stettinius: 1. That Pa Itain wanted to see the Spanish people themselves throw out the Franco regime and 2. That it wanted this to be done without starting another civil war. Pcron Promises To Help Feed Hungary Nations Buenos Aires, April 18.— t API President-elect Juan Peron referred to Hitler as "a brown beast" today in an interview published by his la bor party newspaper. I I Laborista. He premised cooperation in helping ; teed hungry nations. Iran Clamps Censorship OnNewsmen State Department May Protest Move As Red-Inspired Washington, April 1. — (AP) — pan's ; uddeil resort to -,r ··):·· new.» censorship ont the S'.a'.e Depart ment on an .uxeiu t\v< · way quest Uiday to determine: 1. Whether the actio.; \\ is Rus sian-inspired. and 2. Wr.at t!i · I'niled S* te i: isiht be able to do to gei '.he iron lid li! ted. Ί he possibility of a formal pro, test is being fully explored. Indieations are Ina: . ι explana tiι Ί1 :< being aski ,ι : · .ηι ; e Iran ί m -,., , · ι : All ! ι ied Qavam. ' This is expected ; > shçw wheth er ihei i· any u between yesterday's dramatic imposition oi ■a■ ;iη. 1 een > rship' ml the in creasing Soviet pressure h: Qavam's government because of the still pend ing di.-ρ. le ov ι .·; tile United Χ t :>>: .» y. uri; ν l"· The whiv 1 ι. : ι ' ι use for c, ntr■ . , '. c 1 * one that was used in Russia frqm about March 1 mt,! Mar, . 2s> but then partially modified. li ι- ι · ..menu news papermen v.·" the St.de De partment a- ". nil" censorship be cause it denies correspondents the opertunity t.· Uarn that c liantes have been made η their censored dis patches. Tin- .· „y be used by a censor to di.-t rt the meaning ot stone?. New (jo\ eminent In Greeee Formed Atheiw. April 58.—( AP)- Λ new Greek Government was formed to da\ with Constantin Tsaldaris. head el the Populist Party. as premiei and foreign minister. Tsaldans, foreign miilistci in the cabinet of Premier Panayotis Po 111 sas which resigned yesterday. is a it rolls proponent of an immediate plebescite on the question of return ing King George II to th Greek throne Three ministers, all tormi r premiers, expressed sba d'.-agree ment with him on this question in < 11 ; 111 ii ι v. the government. LEAGUE OF NATIONS DIES AT MIDNIGHT Geneva. April 17. —(AP) — The League of Nations expires at mid night tonight, 2(1 years, three month; and eight days after its birth. Only the farewell speeches am assembly ratification of some fina decisions remain.