Precinct Meetings Will Be Held Here Next Saturday Delegates Will Be Elected For State Convention May 2nd Deim cT;itk piciinct meetings will he held .it noi ti next Saturday in the thirteen precincts of Vance county. as iuc the State, to . le. t delegates to rîit- .iui ty convention the tolowine, S.i', iiiUiy. April ι. I'recinct chairmen . ill .·! · 1.1 elect ed. Metin. thi> Saturday art· η t ex pected to lost tor 1 ni;. Tin· co n tv convention will -elect 27 dele gates and 27 alternates to the State convention in Raleigh on Thursday, May 2. It will also make recom mendations Cor appm ir.ent to mem bership ill I'm? De·):··, ratie State Kx ecutiv Committee. to the congres sional judicial and -enatoria! com mittees and transact such other bus iness as may con e up. Following the convention the county executive ι. mtn.tti*t· w ι i.;e! I t elect ,i oimty cliuirnuin lor tht· next two years. The chair '(i! uf the teveial precinct orsi ii ι » izations constitute the e\eeuti\i C( inmlttce. Λ. Λ. Βιιηη is t : ι ο ρ: c > cut (o.i'ity chairman. Registration bonks fur the Dean.— (ratic primary of Saturday. May 2Γ>. .ill open on April 27 anil will be 'i'< η tiii iUj;!i Slitunlay. May 11. Λ it h Γι.·.· π ·:: i:t1 ;·. at "lit· pollm ·, place on the three Saturdays to cm oil the e w ho : re qualified t > | :.i : icipate in the balloting. 'Ih.e ire ,(".ιη · · ntest< for * » f ' t!.i ci imty, with ;evt ntc·. η d'ûcr. nt candidates entered u il: tre e contests. Incumbent can didates for several office?; wen· un op; ...λ I and were certified as the party nominees to be voted on at ,e .No.eni.bcr election. FISHING SEASON IS OPEN FOR HOLIDAYS Fishing sea.-en will be reopened fo the F.astvr holidays and anglers will be allowed to try their luck on Saturday. Sunday and Monday, A.nil 2:). 21 and 21!, R. I. Burroughs, district game warden, announced to day. Tli.· season will close again on April 23 ami will remain closed until May 19, he stated. Ballentine Speaker At Lions Meet I. V r.allentine. lieutenant gov ernor of \i.rth Carolina. was speak i1 r : Ί ' h ' I ■ c'l i1 b 'in ι t ill'.; last night. il. i ii. : in ·, tlu· ability to pay in order to raise Hi" standard of li\ in: ;n North Carolina "\< ,i!i Carolina produces many semi-finished Roods which .lie Snip ped In other .-tales 1 .· · b · made into fini lie»ι products, which ι respon ■ ,ιîle l'or a low incon ι ρι·ι capita in tilt.' Slali tin· speaker .-dated, :■( i\ι h at in·; ι uirc industrie. which will produce finished products. Touching on agriculture, LI. Gov. Uallentiii·· t t · . I tliat t i ι · - I n 111 · · ot agriculture lies in increased produc tion, marke's nil price. Agriculture cannot live without industry and in dustry cannot live . tliout agricul ture. he said. Melvin Johnson was in charge ot the program an ι presented the speaker. Fi Μ \"ι·ν-! resident Fred A. Rosier pre ided. Guests wete Mr.·. For Henry with Π. ('. Wells, S. S. Ste\ enson, lr., with Frank Wortham and K. W. Sar tor, member of the Durham Lions club. DEMONSTRATION CLUB WORK GIVEN PKAISE College .Static ;''., Raleigh, April 18. — Dr. .Jane S. McKimmon, assistant direct· r of the State College Exten sion Service, in a statement prepar ed for North Carolina farm women and heralding local participation in National Home Demonstration Week. May 5-12, declared that the "demon tration method of education" will be continued by county home agents in efforts to improve the lot of wo men in the i'arm. "A woman doesn't learn to make ·;< od bread by just hearing about it," Dr. McKimmon said, "She does ii better if she sees it done and best if she does it herself. "Leaders in the armed forces cut training periods for new men by 50 per cent through the use of demon stration methods and at the same time got greater efficiency." For ι he expan-ion and lasting suc cess of farm home demonstration work in North Carolina during the past 35 years, Mrs. McKimmon pass ed much of the credit to rural neigh borhood leaders whose duty it was to demonstrate new facts uncovered by trained specialists. + + WITH THE COLORS ——★ In Arkansas Camp. ! Pvt. James Dean Pattersci", son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Patterson, is now stationed at Camp Joseph T. Robinson. Ark., it was learned ιο ί day. His address is Pvt. James I Dean Patterson. 44181846, Co. A 115 Btn. 78th Regt. IRTC. Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark. I ~~ LEADS USO CAMPAIGN »«—»————— HI ——ι APPOINTED USO NATIONAL CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN, Carl W'hitmore, Presiilont of the New York Telephone Company, will head the nation-wide appeal dur ing September and October for 519,000,000 to carry USO through 1917. Gen. Eisenhower's statiynent, "I want as much of USO as I can get, for as long as I can get i^" was all Mr. Whitmore needed to make up his *Φϊ r!, lie said in accepting the job. Mr. Whitmore was chair man of New York City's National War Fund campaign last year aid has been identified with much phil inthropic work. Fire Razes Negro Home C7 The two-story residence of Wade Ro.vster. in «.ht· LSI jod field colored retfciu·, was burned to the ground ! t night abi'«t If o'clock, when liremen were . nable to cope with the lire alter the s spply of water in the booster tank was exhausted. When firemen were railed to the j scene, the flames, fanned by a strong \* ind. had made such headway in the rear of the hou \ Kffcr's were made t ' eu toff the fire be'ι re it cou! J reach the front of t.-ie house, but a."'::' the 300 gall .ns of water fro.!, the hoc ster tank of the city-.- newest . truck were used, no more was ava.l j able. Several volunteer firemen at tempted to replenish the .· .-pply by forming a bucket brigade from a I near-by well, but the flames had penetrated the inu.-u and all e'to!"^ to sav e it then w. re futile. Soire furniture war, saved, but most of it was destroyed. One of the small children was reported tu have been asleep in the hi use at tne time it caiuht fire and was gotten out. but it was no tlearned whether other occupants were there. The house was ο mod by Mabel Allen. Re\ i\ al To Begin At Spring Valley Evangelistic services will at Spring Valley Methodist chui'eh Sunday ni·:1!', at 8 o'clock and will continue through Friday, April 26. it was announ.ed today. Rev. R. F. !.. Moser, pastor of the church, will conduct the services, which will be held each e\oui:ig at Β o'clock. Rev. Paul Caruth. pastor of the Granville Methodi- ; charge will assist with the music. The pub lic is corrtiaily invited to attend these services. SHIPYARD GRANTS WAGE INCREASES Wilmington, April 18.—A wage in- j crease of 18 centr per hour, retro active to March 4, was an ouneed by ; the North Carolina Shipbuilding company here yesterday. Covered by its provisions are all employees1 on hourly and weekly wage scales. \ 1'. F. Halsev. vice president and i general manager of the firm, said the ij:\rease was in compliance with, directives Irom the maritime com mission and applies to all shipyards of the com,:Mission throughout the United Stale-. The aii onnceme-nt came simul taneous with th elaunching of the yard's 243rd ship, the S. S. Santa Isabel, a 14, cargo-passcngei J vessel built for the Grace Lines. 11 POWER PLANTS GOING TO CHINA \Vash > gun — Eleven complete electric light power plants purchased , by UNRRA are scheduled to arrive in China early this month, i·. was announced here. The plants, ranging to 2,000 kilo watts. will he used to rehabilitate I power facilities in devastated areas j UNRRA ,-.iid the needs of 11 ci tie I how are no1,'· being considered. A r.· hiding Kweilin, Liuchow and Wu ! ecand shipment is scheduled ti | 1 e. ι h Chin·· in m id-Mav. I DISCHARGED HENRY A. REAMS. ' Henry A. Reams of south William j street. Henderson, has been dis- j j charged from the navy after 2li ! months service, 18 months of which were overseas. Reams, who held the rank of seaman, first class, received his release at Charleston, S. C. on i Tuesday. The newly returned civilian is the : son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reams, He s entitled to wear the American Defense ribbon, several Pacific eam ! paign ribbons and the World War II j Victory medal. While in service, Reams was ae- ' — tivè in sports and played football. Good Friday *> Services For The INii»Ii<· t );i F ι ici.i.v . '·,·.· ι i V ,ii. ;i j« :nl I»·· I 1 ' 1 I. bo in 1Ί ;it in i .'.I cii. ι ill with ta. i;.i: ' i1 ι ■ - ! ' : ( I.ι \ V 1). . · i • ·. :.,;i ■ . ;. · ■· ' Swivel ch:iii> luivt- brc : ι in use for nu ι. 1 : ι : 111 <·-·!ΐΚ'ϋΐ· . I t"iO\i 11_ . "» pp< >ι Γι L'CCl I)istnct Softball ( ^ommissii mk* r If. ('. Imiv. ir. president of the Hen <><■·. » > ! ; S. )î I ί »;ilî As.-' Il κι lion, h;»· heen :·.;<> iic · i 1 ,v 1 t Κ.Ί CiJlll!!,i-ΜΟίΚΜ «»f -.•Πι/ 1 t * » ! ■»·!>: ··.■«lit the dislrut m Μι I:» iti Stall κ» unament to he nel< .. ι < · h·.! ■ · η Λ.ι«ιι.·· l It.:··"! ι:;·; \ · . ■ ' ί . ι · : 11 mûrement today h; :.-v l · ■: :>-.o!ier Dav. IVÎ r Bow ι··. who i.s cils υ iyuinaLwr < ί 11 : ; V ». 11 > e ! ':·! niture C< •îii| ·;■?.> t ■;j. : ? ir. th' Mender: »n league, ha ho ». η l'u ··' dial of inter»·-1 ;i . « ι il t >; 111 and lia.- '·.·· n pronuueni mi : ·: < ■ ! : " >i mi", the II» ni· r.· οι : lea : ,ι le · · present tata 1 i i . . n incipa! di * i··: will be t«» · · teaia··* ί ihe fi'y league '!" not ;.I. .·. ;.. !>· U .un ιio> .. menil ·■ τ < Ί ' he Maie μ)Πο..!1 a.- ι λ lui;on an· i niuk·.1 .· ha! «·η:;. player. ou; th la - • ·. t are used in the district olimi : ι ί !h']. disqualifying the:o from * fiat ne ex - ·\ίΐ team 1 't : iderson · 11 η \uiust. MLTHODIM S HOLD ι OMMUNION HOUR at the First .< t■- will be tin· Holy 'm service, I)ι. Κi·κi Ati ,l!lg Mil I — ! j\t : QUtCK RELI£F foi distress % 666 Liquid or Tablets act as a mild Laxative and get at Cold Miseries internally . $66 Nose Drops or Salve begins to relievo stuffiness and coughing AT ONCF makes it easier to breathe^ Wcrka Orfol arid work· kut Has satish^d million·. I Κ Purest druqs yet un»yp«fMÉve compare results C«ï ' ·. Ι.'·λ . 'iiy a» Oir«cl#d I Capndint-fontaine 4 «periiîlr •elected ingtedienta thit together to give quick fro· headache and neuralgia. Follow direction en label. π·"τ 45^ sfei Liquid CAPUDINE Robin Hood j Presents You .4, with· ALUMINUM PREMIUMS Robin Hood cooperates in the wheat sharing program; but Robin Hood is still the South's FASTEST· Selling Flour because it bakes BETTER the foods your family loves, and gives you the beautiful new Aluminum Ware you need. Every sack is guaranteed, and there's » valuable coupon in every seek. FASTEST SELLING Robin Hood FLOUR ' MADAM MURIEL GIFTED PALMIST AND PSYCHIC MEDIUM Tolls you any and everything you wish to know without asking any questions, gives you names of enemies, and friends. Gives true and never failing advice on all affairs of life. If worried, troubled or in do-itt consult this phychic reader at once. She cap. and will help you. Con sult her on business, love, marriage, wills deeds, mort gages, lost and stolen articles and speculations of all kinds. LUCKY DAYS AND LUCKY NUMBERS Don't be discouraged II others have failed to help you. She does what others claim to do. One visit will convince you this Medium atid Divine Healer is superior to any reader ycu have ever consulted. Private and Confidential Readings Daily and. Sunday for Both White and Colored. Hours: 9 A. M.—9 P. M. You must be Satisfied or No Charge. LOCATED JUST BEYOND CITY LIMIT ON I . S. niGIIWAY NO. 1 NORTH TOWARD NORLINA. LOOK FOR HAND SIGN OITOSITE O'LARY'S DINER. HENDERSON. N. C. φ* φ S5>{ SILVER OR AMBER IMPORTED BY BACARDI IMPORTS, INC., Ν. Y. RUM · 89 PROOF » , 1 GRANVILLE COUNTY HORSE SHOW EASTER MONDAY APRIL 22, 10 A. M. _A T— OXFORD RECREATION PARK OXFOR D, N. C. CASH PRIZES AND RIBBONS 22 CLASSES POST ENTRIES ACCEPTED Sponsored By OXFORD KIWANIS CLUB Γ^ιιλΙ ιί^· Standard Quality PEAS . Arui Page BEANS Niblets Brand CORN Evaporated PEACHES Sunnyfield CAKE FLOUR . . It's New — It's Different — Swift's BLAND LARD . . » 19c 3 Can/ 35^ 9= 14c 35c 19c IB Oz Can 12 Oz. Can Lb. Bag r ι 4 ,rM Suulh (.'a: iili'ia 2 Lbs. 17c C'A w* ι > MS .... 3 Lbs. 26c SQUASH Yellow 2 Lbs. 15c 2 Lbs. 34c CABBOTS Sweet Crisp Bunch 8c TOMATOES ! Lb. fin. 29c Full <>. ,\i lb. ι Swoet Ju.-λ· Doz. Lemons He ! Oranges 39c POTATOES 10 Lb. flog 43c lîsfaili 3 Bchs. 19c Fit ΈΙ TEHS — CUCUMBERS UKD BLISS POTATOES SOUR PICKLE Ar:.·· ur's Type 1 STAR FRANKS . . . Fare Pork Τ y .c 1 SAUSAGE A A Grade LAM 8 LEG LAMB SHOULDER LUNCHEON MEAT Lb. 52c f Armour's Star BOLOGNA Lb. 33c Dre: ycd and Drawn FRYERS Lb. 62c FRESH FISH Each 5c Lb. 37c Lb. 33c Lb. 39c Lb. 36c Jane Parker HOT CROSS BUNS Pkg. 21c Enriched Daily Dated MARVEL BREAD 24 Oz. Loaf 13c Old English No Rubbing Pt. Bot. WAX 32c Qt. Bot. 59c WINDEX 29c 20 Oz. ^ Bot. Vigorous & Winey BOKAR COFFEE 1 Lb. Bags 51c White House Evaporated MILK 4 <5™ 34c Occasionally you may find some item we advertise short in supply or temporarily out o£ stock. Please ask again. Ivory Flakes 2 «s 19c OXYDOI. SOAP POWDER Small Pkgs. 19. DUZ SOAP POWDER Lge. Pkg. 23< NORTHERN TISSUE Boll

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