HtMÙtrant Established August 1?, 1914 Published Every Afternoon t.ufPt Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH C O. INC. 109 Young Street HENRY A DENNIS, Pres. and Editor M. L. FINCH, See.~ i : e.i.>., TELEPHONES Editorial Office 500 Business Office 610 The Henderson Daily D;>pjtch a member of The Associated i':ess and AP Features, Southern Newspaper Publishers Association a::.i Li· Ν rti: Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press .s exc.a-.. >· ly entitled to use t; ■ all news »·. t :«··.: not otherwise credited tl ; per, and aiso the local news therein. All rictus of pub. > a .on of special dispatches herein a:·.· re served. SI BM RIP ΓΙΟΝ RAÏ - CARRIER DELIVERY la «. ity erf Henderson. Payable io Carrier oi direct to office at 2.e per .let i,.: Week. No monthly or oilier rate $3.00, 3 months Entered at the F ion, N. C., a.- se - iVr Coj. . nice in Hender ciasj mail :: atter A Japanese Secrecy Japanese sup: than four > ■ : great mine disastei in Manchuria, in I which ι :. : e men lost the::· ■ - : the pi ' N< ' duced the disaster, but that it was part anil parcel <>f δ program that kept * :> ■ i ■ : a .-i.' * world m ust as ' ■ the \ affairs in that unhappy land we e carried ■ When pe: :*·. ···· ; · about the:;· : .:· ■ ·.■ ■ in g :t. uit ; ν ··>:< ι y t·· · , t e r t wc loth ism thrive -ei:· \ ■ . - iairs. as η . tnes> ·. -·· · ··".■: Japan. an<: the Spain · S Russia 1 ■: ' : '· years. Had th< in the Uniteci St w: mitteci tu ' : a 11 *. «. would have been sti] ρ c · : ë even as :r set ins there i". i\v ere. those amen- l;s v.·:-. ha\ e been :n 'ne η:η \ -λ· . cans like te kn >w \\ : ..a'. einmt·::· .- : taking tiit n. .·· · ... ·. we W-»n :< What the Ja; ,ηι·Μ .. e- η r. gaineci by ·;·. > ·. ... n·■·.· t kee{ - f ■ darkness. . > w ι- e. ie> . e. . ■..·.· extent :t u .in na\ e :>.·<·:; there ; mar,. - .. » ;;-t, ·, • oi ·:.· · ·..· > I ever 'ne ; ..ι■ ,^e · we: e empire. The·- !.. the we lia re > : ' . 1 · eontr ·!> .. e■· t : · leac;< : ' ; 'n·· It has ot · · u ane -an ... ι- , such a : British Socialism ha tak< ■ '\t· ' ι i· indust l'y. \ ■... ■ · : · - ed that :.m η over .ι >·:·ι··.! ■{ ' at un estimated cost oi $672 mil- j lions, ;hh! legislation is being pre- I pared ΐ< ■ ! :.V ei One can wonder h"w Mrjch f th: huge sum. which will be necessary ! to drive private enterprise ont oi j business in .1w. . . from the nearly four billion dollars loan now being forced tl ··.. < ■■n gress against the w.-ht·· of n.uny congressmen and certain1:.· m the face of opposition 011 the part of a large segment of the An e: : an peo ple. It might be an even speculation that some ol this money will find its way into these channel Thus the American capitalistic private enterprise system, which through the years has developed to such remarkable degree 111 the Unit ed States that it makes possible sucn huge gifts to other nations, is beins called upon to finance the destruc tion of its counterpart in another country. Without this achievement in the United States, this money would not be available as a dona tion to Britain, yet the British Labor government seeks to take our money and then thumb its nose at us and what we have accomplished and what we stand for. Maybe neighbor nations reason that the sooner they drain us of our resources the socner we shall be fi reed "\vn t their level anil it will tiieri b< easier to impose their im ! . - f itable, unsatisfactory anil disas tr· i> ··,!.. h upon Li?. Whether that i> tl.e <- l.'jei ' ive or not. the et > Υ. · , · .:··->!! on- -many of them— ait· ,uK.bk ei uith to .-wallow the j close. Senator Ba "kle> orofcsses to be eat > e: mv. o\e. possibility ■·! 1 ο. ■ _ϊ taekeil on to the η the Senate, ai .-.a- 'oo that Π that ' .p{ \ i. .--ibie to pass the le ..." . ' * -ι .-sion of ι·-- - · \v . i: no', -ell ι·ι:: so λ ο- . :hv :t : it >!1 the dire things M e .t< t.uppen to eithc. 1!. '.a > ·.. · ι ο- .. · - t ; . ·· : hat this c anl.y e. :· take i. '.-ell without tile a.iiited s · .of...- '.hot w alii . omit : · a this Λ1< : éovei·, we iaat t see the lojfic is ι . ti tiritnin, thoiB >>:\in.. ..lather four billions - :. \v being '· ; that an ado. . jllars to So\ ict -ia, to . wed by an endle.-s ι : :'..i tons a-kmr tor - - ■ to ai. 1 a..ike all the-e .'· - at ti ; ν t. *.·.£ . '... : ι . : ^ Ό.ι ι h.iBtl, if Bl .taiïl is a . >wed ust its fin. ers into . ... i · : tv - and help herself, how j an toe u'.ae:.- Lo ueniea. And .1 , and j y is in Mat ν ι Id j·. : .is*, vengeance against We i.i.oi t see iaat the United · — ιΐι . ι H:.:,.m or any ' ' ■ ' · ■ ■ -:<;»· .·:· Sl..a.l ί . >',yi . 1 Mr. Leonard Persists .. . : te; - » ::·.ο- Ι t-iÎMiis arc was 1 ,ιι I / s I ' '* i muance. there ;· bureaucrats wnq s ibstance of the Then.· ι an be but ..... 1.1 ! ι λ■v.·~ mere i.> an ma' . ^ disaster. It is : »ϊι « >1 how soon that !'i' t.« a. Unfortunate « : .at i ve will be similar of other nations, name <·< ialism of some sort. :..« · ι has been going the State preaching his : ot·. -in «my and lower taxes. is eminently sound. We !.<· liually .not to Henderson .ν» i .·>· îluit he made a wholesome impression upon those who heard i .! m· who have read of lus address. I'.iy :> that there are not many more, t · ; a veritable host of citizens, who an- willing tn take up the cry and ;·ι mil in the demand for retrench ment Only in that way, as Mr. Leonard so well said, will results be achieved. AROUND TOWN I'OI.K I ( Ol RT. l)cjom. on Monday evening a", fi..'SO o'clock. All members are a.-ked to meet at Peoples drug stole Mi nday at 6 o'clock to attend the supper. Use the Daily Dispatch Want Ads to sell your nroducts. A Want Ad Will Βπης You Fast Results! GRAB BAG On< Minute Test. thor '·: - :vut best Words of W isdom. . ' y t' χ. - *1 ·.···;." ·Π:ο: Hints on Itiquette. ressing a firm of women by I'oday's Horost ope .:. · 't \ «»u ί:!s« · Hre ambitious ami let the rrgeness of your enterprises detet ; >u, as you have the Wel ti . and guide you F<>cfôy, in the small hours of the morning, refresh y< by relying or sleeping. Don't speculate over the impression y< u make later in the morning. At 7 p. m. there will be splendid rays lot imaginative or creative writing, ,· : ' t ■ : t Κ i ! 1 ,Li am 1 .. till g A i ! 11 ! ι · later a Jbew friends'*up may £jrove short lived. Use your energy to do some thing worthwhile ν : .something you have been negleetuig at a late hour this e\enmg. One-Minute Test Xnsuers. 1 Lloy: «.t ·).«; DuMauner. the « if *' lit ■■ 't'n'u" ami The K.:..: - Gen era'..' ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ Be!"\v are tlie- correct answers to the quiz questions printed on back page. 1 AsMstai;! Secretary ot State. L' !(it! .lanu's D<"ilittle. I» Yum Kipi'iu 4 VI. Γι 'Duty. Η··!.··:. Country" fi. Identification of male criminals. 7. Virginia. 8. Twelve 9 Dartmouth in. The National Grange. A Lift For Today He is not dead. fer he is risen.— CHRIST DID NOT come down from the Cross, but lie (lui arise and march out of the tomb Therefore he is King uf King- and I.ord of Lords. We thank Thee. Almighty One, for the empty tomb of Easter, sym bol of Thy Love and revelation of I Immortality. COMMUNION RITES AT HOLY INNOCENTS There will be a service at the Hoiy Innocent.- Episcopal church to night at 9 o'clock commemorating the institution of the Lord's Sup per. it was announced today. This will be followed by n other serv ice Friday from 1:2 neon 'til 3 p. m. ' which is the traditional three-hour service commemorating the cruci fixion. This world is .onfusing enough | without our son?,s becoming musical ! .vorci North And South Henderson I λ>ts Are Transferred Sevt". „l ; : . ' it's i»: ' ie H< n derson-Hai : : Η lining Corp· ι ■ ' ; >n :!. Nort . and S ith Henderson were transferred : leeds filed at tiu' register of deeds office yesterday. Header» η-Harriet Housing Cor poration sold to Henderson Cot^in Mills a lot ι I."\vry -treet for SU' and other considerations. Hcnder.-on t'<>11■ ·: Mills transferred three lets on Harris street in North Henderson an i l.i lots in South Henderson !<· Henderson-Harriet Hour ing r; ο: ,t ' : ·η for S12 0 0 ;ι d other consider.iti'-ns. Otis G. Falkner and wife sold to Ζ C. Harris an.i \\ lfe a lot on Hen dtrson-Loui«b :rg highwa\ for Slim and other considerations. A lot on First -treet, in the Cor.'.", section, was transferred by J. Τ Fisher and wife to H. F Kewerson and wife for Sid and othei .onsider ations. Benjamin F Harris and w ι ! e transferred a li t on So ithern ave nue to Hubert C. Hight and w:te for S10 and other considerations Hattie YV Co >per, John 1). Coop, er. Mr. and wife ;.· d M. Y. Cooper and wife sold a lot on Mitchell street to .J C Folger and wife for $1.000 and other considerations. The stamp collection of the late President Ro sevelt brought at auc tion more than twice as much as inti ipated- Collecting stamps would jft.n a *cod aoOoy to tc. FUNERAL SATURDAY FOR WALTER CREWS tin llu .i' near < >\fin it al 11 > lock Saturday morning for Walter Wash* :.rv η Crew.». I!5. pi tn > ent Gran. far:! ei \vh died Wed ii( -day ι:; .1 in Richmond. .· Ik ·· ■ c !md been a patient for a :> ..!:·(!, Ill· V..IS a brot.'ier of C. Λ Crew.» ni Henderson. Other survivors are his widow. Mrs Naomi Muss Crew»: .■ son. Wal ter. .Ii ; two sisters, Mrs. J. G. Sinai',. >.f Oxford, and Mrs. Charles W. M re, of Clarksburg, W, Va.. and two brothers. K. G. and Κ. Λ Crews, of Oxford. Ease Headaches Soothe Nerves in handy 10c or 25c sizes. Use only as directt*! Consult a physician when pains persist. The quick-act ing ingredients 1:1 the BC Head a che Ρ ο wd e r "ornuila work ex tra-fast to ease headache; and sooth nerves up set by minor pains. Get "BC" For Prompt, Courteous TAXI SERVICE "DIMINISHING STOCKPILE' DAILY CROSSWORD pil •\( KOSS ι Cor ios « 1.. .· £ Pink f< Mil) 11 Γ Ir. 12 U Γ * ι * It κ. 1 ■ is iv: · _ -ig to me 16 Tu .... I fa hric 1" C.itkr s 2ΰ Mour ι .ι in of Thess.i y 21 Helped 2.1 P.irl of in .in 26 Γ. , ι,-, Andes 30 Highest can! 31 Γ ι rt of m i . ' to ho" 32 Soli-r ri wonder 13 D.'i ι s \· ι Br:1 ) 3S Mi - - lit» u » a poll 37 La 11 38 To choose a m I gath. r 39 Bloixisurk· iny uorn,., II Beasts of burden now ν 1 Compart ments m \\ m.·-ι «-ll.irè 2 Western state 3 G· 4 S 5 Λ - β 7 } s \ Π Κ ι κ· ι;, ru :: Hair \r. _ν> λ wit s.i· î · .ι . < «an t ors 1 esterday's Ansucr Slst M t 29 Fit 31 Pi ■ ,:rt r.! iv ν'. D: ,0 I;· srcts -i.·. Ολ :i servie# . aï-hr. > m & V/ 35 1 ..y. V, Ά Ά V/Λ 2^ m 77Τ\ m 55 m fi W'· ψΐ V/, 4^ 1 yfy, ('KYI'TOQI'OTF.— Λ cryptogram qt. \iti.m L Ρ Τ A M Γ Ε M Κ 1 ' L Γ. t.- Κ Β Τ A M R Β G U RLRL'I-C L C U. S M G V Ι- Λ Yesterday's Crypto«|iiote: DRFaM 0X1 THERE S NOTHING «ÎUT ILLUSION TRI*Ε 1 HOLM Γ* Jj islr ib α ted b> Κ αϊ ή* aie, Inc. For your listrnins pleasure. "The Fresh I'p Miou," over Mutual Chain. 8:!>0 Wednesday nights. Till SKM N-t Γ ί'ΟΜΡΛΧΥ. Littleton, Ν. Γ. STOCK WANTED WILL BUY 300 Shares Of Paul H. Rose Corporation Stock. Write — Stock, Care Dispatch SEE IT DEMONSTRATED! WILLYS MIGHTY FARM JEEP L * Saturday, April 20th 3 to 5 P. M. .U The Henderson Airport Winn it·, m.ui.v larin uses will be shown unci· r .κ tual l.u irint; iipcr itinlis. PRACTICAL - EFFICIENT - ECONOMICAL HARVIN-McINNIS, INC. I . 1. ί i;j 1)1.1 . Msr. ΓΙ: -S ITS Ι"'! Ν Willi.un >: I "JiC Q/f ff ynfe Mc η/ι/ y, t' yrW £ VERS HARP W »n't flood or leak—Even thousands of feet Ιιιι,Ίι in a plane' . Magic Feed keeps you wiiting · leanly and smoothly — thousands inure words per refill. The new Magic Point is so smooth you can't even hear it write. Matching Repeater Pencil feeds new points when you need new points —like a machine gun. In choice of ii> h colors with contrasting gold bands No Federal Tax TUnI IN PHIL BAKE» IN "TAKi ft Ο» IIAVI U" CBS SUNDAY NHiHTS