200Persons Gather For Easter Services Message Delivered By R ev. Barclift; HHS Band Present Λ »» ι ;t lMO pci so > s;it;icred at El w«ι· I cemetery for ' :«· inn uil ci mn unity Easter s :j:ri.-o service yeMerdav n;orning a' R o'cli* κ w-t'i the Easter message ho ng deliv ered by Rev. C Π Barclift, pastor ot the I·': ι -t Mi1' ·· '':i>t church. A fanfare by W. T. Heurne and I mmebcr> of Hendei ■ · ι .»· band opened the pr •«r.t—.. t'oPowe·· 'by a (.'all to wor ιρ ί\ν Iù". Ε .\( r! ee*. Ga* iru1:-. \\ -U»r ι»! t F.r-' Paptist churih Λ : ter ri .u) :«ί t ' any y Λ! Gardner au.) wo: >ai.>ners. "em ο: of the bu >1 flaved "He Arose". A hymn. -Civ. -· the Lord 1- Κ c·: : y m > h.- - - s oi\ , iii.t ·! !· ν \ ·. ' ι .Λ- 11 : ' : u I" ■ ' - gregat;..::al Cnr . :■ . Γι'· Τ e ρ: :!.■!· . ltd ν Μι the sin?inu "AU Hail the Power • Jesii·;' Χ. Ή an 1 bene :;, ta..:i by Mr. Gal : t. . \ a 1er S;itc Is \ I>\ ^ <)urh.s In 1 ar Kin er Fou ι ut EMBASSY -Toim λ iomokkow — f* IN ^ y. TECHNICOLOR The Son of * Robm Hood! > $ .»·>; y.l CORNEL WILDE ι ^ 7k BANDIT fSHERWOOD FOREST 'iir with Anita Louis· —Also— I. ι :. \\ rlJ N'i-ws a -d Short The STEVENSON t Ml Π Mi ON C^OADWAY; # MARJORiE REYNOLDS fREO BRADY £/ -Γί!Ι)η ! ! ΙλΙΟΠΚΟ'Λ' — A MUSICAL ROMANCE . η 11 li 3 million 1.1 u g h s I BUY YOUR COTTON SEED NOW While Good Seed Arc Still Available Pi ice Is Highest hi Over 20 Years I'hen t o, an increased cotioii crop is nccclcu to relieve serieus lard ant! ie?d shoi tag - SELL GOOD C Ο Τ Γ Ο Ν SEED TREATED AND UNTREATED. LEGG-PARHÂM CO. LEW HENRY RIDES Located on Breckenridge Street Next to Rose's Warehouse ALL THIS WEEK FOR COLORED PEOPLE Lots of Fun for Everybody Flobby Fiorses -- Ferris Wheel Chairplane -- Kiddie Kar Sponsored By HENDERSON LIONS CLUB Benefit of Blind Fund Mrs.Falkner Dies lu Cih Mrs. Kate Mustian Falkncrt wif** Κ j<. :.ι F ik::er. rvomiiunit hm :v v. J f i it 5:1 1 i' lock yo-î ■ ..»<> ·> :·η:η^ al her i.omc at 614 Λι rews avenue· titer an illness οι Slit 1 .t- the da içhter <»i the latt ί ■ ι At η·.·.- I. ι· ,\ ι·:vu λ.ti : . > Value <.·· un'v. She v. .is .. tu :r er of tin First Meth uii.-: ghti' - , λ i ' !' 11. Shrew·, < Li nivs\ ι ! le. Μι - Π .s- ν;·. .. .. 1, ·ιλ; . IX. Μ vs. Xwnui.i NcuV-ert :· ·::. J. U . i F · .··,· ,.· !,· , : s ./te.ι • ter* . ί \ ea ;.nd Maurice F t ■ (. l S aw. F Ali η. D. Τ Β' s Γ, '.'.. .η \Vi id, til ί okicvo Insurance Λ\ ailable For \ ance Farmers • (.'111 . oui;. its ha . G · ■ e «. ■ ! î u -l : ; \ : ' j( κ >d \ \ 11 ! \\ ee k 1 ; > B.j ( ) h s e r\ ed f>\ kiw ams Clubs I 'i.i'.ni S·;,t. --Ι" >a U C ι ι uovenunonls fur 1η·Ιρ:ΐι.. ,: γ!· iser r< lationship. Γ':..- ••enl Ιίιπ.ν Truman .-tau ·ί : . 1 \ ea r « « Γ } " 'liti', the m · - ..U .·.·.! Κ ι w a η ι.- ln\ ιι:.ι tii ...ι! .m sponsoring the annual Unit ed States Canadian Good W ill Week "Between Canada and thé Unit ed States there has been no let-down in the spirit or the habits <>f coop* e..· two people-· work to ι · ι .y today as they did . ji·,,· ::u ■ ( will keep on doin^ ' Ti'. wh.Ίι d<-sperate ly needs to profit from our North American example. - ■ Under these ι i:'( i.:· -'ai. ι - there is even more nerd t" 'iay :'·.r Kiwani.- c. rry.vh.. ιv ; ■ ι * 11 * i ■ e lio], .ι· 1 he >n of the Canadian- \i encan reiaf&>n.-hip." I>\ Scouts Hold Kncampment For ( )rder ( )f Arrow More than TO Boy Scouts of the ( >reotieechee U i: : - Order of the Arrow in 11 counties o! the dis rict held their spring en ampment - held Fridav nisht a".d the new initiates particiDating in a fellow hip ceremony Sat irdav morning. Ho!. Tivrnfon. of I'■ irhae·, eiiief o! the Order of the Λ row for Oc eoneechee ι·> ·η: 1. directed the ae t:viii.-« >!' the camp ; id wa,. assisted by Ci .1 Webb, of Henderscr, Scout ! p.- f - ;·:· e the η rthern area o: •hé COunCii. How's Your I. Q.? Can vnu answer seven of these lin.· qi;i.-'m'».·-' Turn to Pu^c four (or the correct answers. 1 SI; : !e> I'emple s hi· the:'. G«*nr_:e rempli·, recently won lus il "but bout a- .ι professional \vi e.-llci : true or talse ]. a ι. . ο do: . - : nt a ;ί \V:u. h ι·ι·nil11 ie- mpri.-ed tin* ."eii'.ai Powers din . \Y"iid War eap;lal ι·1 ' KiImc. 1 ΛΥ; !. !Î .tun I . in. South Pacific ι V . . i: r.. . ' H'.i "Gar GARDNE R IS h V.n ■ BY BANKERS' GROUP i· J UPSET Si OMACHS YIELD INCHES Of GAS AND BLOAT ! \ X I ■ . t\\ S· » ·.. :. ! ρ 1 . ! 1 cm: .4 — Got i : ; t1 : ' -. \ ; S ; i : ·\ Λ. t.·. Poultry Supplies Remedies New PHONE S71 HENDE3S0M HATCHERY S. (. St. ... and Oooh / Whfitd HEADACHE >»N Relieves it Quickly VVbi-ii ν ■" '· · 11 '! n! and mpavp #he ni ft morning feeling foi ' ·· ···. .··. : " " ·!!-·ιΐ". · t",.il.i;ng \\I> c:h<-r IMP* )RTANT Minerals, PLUS \ ■ VI 'XT liviT ι M: < ; ι ι .:I'f I· il . ι . ί :. ' . " ' :.. : t UVK r'i ΛΙ.Ι. r>· ;!:> i! yon irt not THRILLEI1 w ith the satisfac tion of V-T after taking only _ on. I . ■ \ i.ur TRX-^ ν .ι 1 ii able ON THE GUARANTEE [\y\atm/i/.K/s ASSURES COMPLETE COVERAGE AS* ABOUT IT TODAr i η s ι; ran c e A j e η c y Tolcphnno Bid:;. Fhonp d_· ZD SF'RÏ 1 :i; CONDITIONING i ci il srrvicc your wht le car Sor >ϊ)γ:μ·4 cl ι* i \ in!». Our imiter tu?·· - ι.;· .'om;»:cle "hcck-wy. οΐ cooliuï sv».tt :u. ai;jiir tmc-iM. »ί '.r ikis am! Uni ion servi; e m-.ajv ioii^cr life 1< r \ St. For Expert AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Cooper's Garage Norli. ι lt'ud Expert And Efficient MOTOR REBUILDING By Our Qualified Mechanics Fer Smoother, More Economical Cpe ali, 21 t —Includes— !ί. ·ι i» lit' l'i'lll ^ Vai\ >·- ( ■ I·· ;i 11· i ! ·£ . \ ", ίί .. : ι ■ - ri'.rhît'iietl -fa ( 'uimh .! i;;·· u Λ ; .1 ΛιΙ ι1 ted Kcplae, ,1 11 liin^s < ';irl)ti.· t τ Κ placed (hi rlr il il •fa oil Ι,ίικν- Cleaned Tit nt ι. '·.//, pi JJilldirh Si Γ ' I' EVEREflDY CHEVROLET C8 I'lIllM 7U7 —"Hunipcr To Rumprr S:-r\ ice" — MM Γ.Κ > I ! Υ ΛΤur. i 3. SALES & SERVICE C tiers You One Day Senrce On Any Fad ·: THREE GOVERNM/ΛΤ LICENSED RADIO ENGINEERS TO SZRVE YOU: »···'.·. :··: !>■<;',, Γ·. .Mi >T( )!·'( )1 \ A' TP !· i Y '·' ' ; ( ! \RI<>\ Hi \I I : κ l'< "K iV Κ !' - * Γ. -. TKI.KYISK )N Ui:< !;i\ l lis PKXKRAL i. i.i j i li i( ;· 1. i S ΓΧ M!·: Α Μ ΚΙ.K: ÏIMCA1, ΑΙΊ'ί-ΙΑ A i! We Also Specialize In Auto Radio Repair and Installation Η & Β RADIO SALES & SERVICE l'huile \ i'!·■ ·'-'·: ' 1·'!· Muni!', nic!'. S;. 111 . ; t »·, .ill,:"'. 11 iidei'S"ii <1 ■ " I Appreciation -lUk- ^1.. We wish to express our appreciation to the many men and wemen who ha*· shown their confidence in this institulion in that most tangible of ail ways: By na nim The Citizen; Bank ant! Trust Company as their cxccutor or trustee. We have tried, through 57 years, to keep that faith, by administering their funds and property "with competence and under standing. On every estate entrusted to our care, we fellow cur fundamental belief in sound conservative principles— Citizens Bank & Trust Company Henderson, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation