Society News Operetta, Dances Presented Tonight At Central School After ;>■ absence of many years, • ,,· popular : 11 id colorful operetta t νiit· of entertainment is returning t!io stages of the schools, wit. ■ κ- first production of "Midsummer IΛ <\" which will be presented to n.ght at Η ι 'clock in the auditorium t,l Central school. The operetta, which tells the nd \cntiires of a small girl in fairyland f ;■ one evening in the summer, wil' i ( presn ted by pupils ot the f r -· . (1 second grades, a.-s: ted by lumber drawn from oilier grade Sonus and dances by birds and tl.iw )■ m colorful costumes will hi' uiv i ·; oy the groip dur'ng the cnt< - ! Miment. I : .mediately Mowing the pre en n of the >pe ι 't ι, :i group o| ■ ι I - from 1 In- 1 · ■ 11 r ; i ι ι i| Γ, 11 ■ ;'!.ides will be seen in colorful co. t; ned dances. Λ 1 the ρ ■ i:r mi tor the afternoon meet ing of the Contemporary Book club held Thursday at the home of Mi H. II. Mixon in the Country Club Dri\ e. Mrs. I. H Harvin read a paper on "Famous Madonna-" This was fol lowed by Miss Dorothy Wester read mi; a paper on Λ Sketch of Whist ler- Mother.' which was bv Mrs. M. I. Might. The program w.i concluded with a poem. "Moth er". given Mr N'athan Strause. Jr Thi heu-ev.a beautifully decoi at ed with arrangements of roses, iris, and peonies. Dili nc; thi' business se: sion 11;.' committee reported on th.· dutch si;ι>| < ι which lui been :eheclule! for .tune 7. Prior !" the moelini: Mr Mi\on served iee e'var.i cake. istl make ironing easy. Nice, sim ple lines mean simple sewing. Pattern 9340 comes in sizes 12. '.4. 10. IK. 20. Size 10 sunfrock, 2 3-4 3ό in.: bolero only 1 yd. Send 'i'WFN Τ Y ccnis in coins for in pattern to Daily Dispatch Pat 'i in Dept.. 232 West IKtli St., New York 11, N. V.. Print plainy SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM BER. Now ready—the Marian Martin new SUMMER 1040 Pattern Book: Fifteen Cents more brings you cool, new. easy-to-make fashions for all And. printed right in Ihe In»'k: FREE pattern for ballet slipper.· fur home and beach wear! May 12 Is 13th ΛΛΛ Anniversary Sunday. May 12. marks the thir teenth annivei>ary of the Vgrietil· Adju.-tment Act, nimnicnl} i iinWii today as " Triple-A." accord· inu to an announcement today b? I'.. W. Wortham, chairman of tin county committee. ' With the |),issing of the act 01 May 12. 1933. the farmer was givei the right and the opportunity to in fluence the product ion. marketin: and price of his own products I also marked the beginning ol plan ning for agriculture and the reward.· of cooperative effort.- by farmers ο the nation." Mr. Wortham said. Objectives of the AAA wore nam ed by Mr. Wortham as a fair shai\ of the national income for farm fam ilies and a fair exchange value fo: farm products, conservation an· wise use of agricultural resources • •nd safe-Kiiarding consumer supplie of feed and fiber. Carnations ( )n Sale Tomorrow V>\ Local War Mothers Group W l" Mothers of V.·: · > :·.!>· Isponsor the sale of cai· utions, b th Ι l t'd iilKl white, on t : : < · '!·■■·: ' . I ! < dir.·-' π on Saturd. \ .'was II, i: stated today. Girl Scouts from the I various troops will assist during the ι morning hi irs. I'h. eeds reah/ei i o! the carnation un, m . ;·. tlic local cnaple: ι ι .· ι ' ' ■ · UUI'rt in Value ' mo :m d women 11111 their families, ι (ne οι tile out.-tan nj, t -tie the ciuipter is the ι <·ηι.uIniM ί . pern.cment reword ol .ιϊΐ nr ; : < t. \ ι — tie.-, with clipping.- ..nd dee··!a i··!.. oi all those who m r\ < d in tins v. a Ί his ri.ord will '■ < ,.i; t ,:i the li brary. Member nip in : ,e . ι>n;> il c (I to oli ο rn> ι μ ι : m ,·.,·■' .ι son or a (i.-n;· ..· to ,-e· .· n. .v •ither World War ι · r »\ rid War 11., Ί lie .Ή. o. b'-ih .->.··· · ■ ι nations i.- described timely, oe •urring n: the day before nationally I observed Mother's Day. Citizen.' are] urged ill :· I t I'll· u ..· '-Ill : .Ι.» ι.· :· .ι ■ ι ! ; μ ι ".n. . , ; ι. ι l ι. I . v. .i reminded that ' ' : . ; e w o r η tile I'oli·1 .'·. in·.; .lav. Motner'. Day. Miss A\ scue i eted At Surprise !>i»rt\ Miss Mary Elizabeth Ay-cue \va.· j I honored at a surprise birthday party on tile occasion ol hei se·, entceii'i: birthday oil May, 6 by Miss Susie Lee ι Greenway, Mis.- .» ' ··,«· (lieainva; ;· d Mrs. Johnnie Fa n-ner Iris and roses .··( re .sed in tin house, carrying > ; . col· r :«\u ι of pink and green. Owen Wade. *.) <■!:', η Wade an : Han Id Lee Chandle '<.:«· winner ni several contests. After the games ! 'die guests were in ··,·. ■ into the ··..·· ling room which ·.·. s di raterl \v:ti. crepe paper streamer.- :i d the birth-ι ι'lav cake, topped v. i'.h lighted ean ! dies. The hostess received many useful and nice gifts. Fruit punch, (·· ί •■ties. ! ;< 'an .ts ; ad cake were serve I ' - the follow in:;· Mi.-,- Mary Κ. Λ; a: . .·,·. Κ vn He' n. Verm·'.Reiin. Sara . Πr- ok- Wilkinson M ; a. ret I'. nt ι Charlotte L. Wilson. Katie Wade, I Teeny Dorsey, Saille I'.. Wilsu . Mae ' .rape. Frances \ · : a e y. Ce; a I I ι .a: ι Ire. Helen F ' ■ : a ' 'a ■ · H .!·)·:«. Xornri I.. Cil . V. nolle II. : - .ris. Anna Leigh Hicks, Frances Har 1 per. and W. I). Hi ks. Quentin Wade. ; F.ugene Harms. ( >v.a : W iv, [): ni j Bru m mitt, Harold Lee Clu · dler. N O. Creks III. Elm .-·:.···.·'.m Stanley Ellington, Jr. and Mrs. Dell I Faulkner, Mr. and Mr-. S. 15. '.I · I ..·.»· . a no .·.':··. 1 ay lor Ay 5teven Faulkner. Stan Faulkner, Mr. ι i eif! Mrs .Jolineie F i.iikner. ()ak Rid'iC Cadets 10 Parade Snnda\ Oak I» iiim·, May ίο. -Το ! h ■ ι ι ' > : their mother.· the Oak Kid;.'e .Uni I t;iry Instituts t'urp.-. ni' Cauet.. w,. J près» nt their annual Mot hors Day ! Parade and Review :( Κ) o'elock. The ni'liu of the cadets will be honored gut / I and will re- ievv the pa: ade. \i . Walter ( ! 11Γ ι ■ ' Ιι ι .f C ' i i a rli Ί t · ·. ι ·. ■ ι ! h ; i t of Cadet M.ijor .iaek CrilTith. .·. ι. j receive the parade. i The main IV dure of the pit· ••ai,· I will be an exh 11 > ι ! ion m ill In : h select Cold Star IMatoen.. 'i . platoon is coinpo.· ed ol bu [>t; 111> ' 11, . proficiently <: ri 1 i■ 1 ea his Alma ΛI a i » · j here Monday. ..lay 27, to ,:;i\ · a < η i cert under l!ic auspices of Phï Ai1· : Alpha, Univor>ily music irate rnit\ i The concert i> scheduled l'or d.iî 1 ! o'clock in Me: ι rial Hall. This will be Mr. Cordon's second j visit here thi . prim;, the first oe ! m g in April when he was awarded 1 • an honorary decree at the Unix'cr sity's SesquiccaU-nnial celebration, j A native of Washington, N. C.. Mr. I Cordon moved to Charlotte at the i : age of ei;;iit. and lived there uni.t | he entered the I'niversity at Chapel Hill when his tamily moved to Win ; ! ston-Salem. lie was a member ol , me Glee Club under the direction , ; of Paul Wea .tr who advised hint I to make a career of singim;. North Carolina is infested with ί both Ne· way ami Alexandrian rat.·. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. Notice is hereby «h en tiiat 1 ha\ · ι qualified as administratrix of tin Estate of Peter llartwell Cill. < J ceased, late of Vance County. North Carolina. This i.s to notify all pe. - sons having claims against the estate ; of said deceased to exhibit them t the undersigned, within one \ \n j from the date of this notice, or thi:· : notice will be pleaded in bar of their j recovery. All persons indebted to j >aid estate will please make imme diate pavmcnt. This April IT, 1946. JL'i_,IΛ H. Cil.I., Administratrix. ,Jasper IÎ. Hicks, ! Attorney. i la-i'ii-a-lii-i 7-24 t'AKII Ol THANKS. We wish to express our d<·' 1 j .uratitude to the many friends \\ / aided and comforted us with I ! ■■ -n sympathy ail I many a· ts of kmou on occasion of the death of our be loved husband and father. W.ii-. i Smith Brown. V\'e sineetvT.v tl. all those who evidenced then· atfec tion and esteem by sending the man\ beautiful floral token; ' ι riij l· . Swims for Health f ~ - FOR HER FORM, ity, and s\v im« ruing ability, film stariet Joan Ful· t<>n of F ι " Hi';. . M. Y., has been chosen as the 1946 Motion Picture Su-irn 1 τ Health girl. J : an is 5 feet, 7 inches tall; weighs 123 lbs : has honey blonde hair and attractive blue-gray eyes. (International) HOSIERY TEAM TO BE WHITE RAIDERS (.".ml inont H ■ - ί ι·ι η take!) ovr ' by <· v: a! ! · i , ■ ! Î ! ; ι : ι - and has been rena: v<\ t'a White RaJdm, Λ. L Taylor, m.. e iuii ι vie>\'f( 1 planned to ntcs. 7? I,o\ ei\ Si MM!·.Κ ί )RLSsi>, ί"otloiis and Rayon.-· Γι>r ; ideal Motiii i': I a\ (iii't. Λ —— . sortaient limited but ίΐ·.·\ν / merchandise arriving t . < rν dav \\ I II I K CI .ON'KS Si/· . (ί lu 7 in iv.iHiitIris aiul 11<·ι Is in faiiric anil ( 'hiiiese woven nii'sh. $1.24 ,,,$1.64 ;^fâ! IU)l l)()SR I.AMI'S 'retty pair- l'or boudoir table: at $5-95 A lui v"· Each ΓΙ( I l RKS ΙίΚΛΝΚΚ'ί S LINGERIK SHOES MADEIRA TA RLE NAI'KIXS 0 F HENOEZi Ο Λ/, Η. C.