Less Gripe, More Grip Is Needed in United r.aii η 1 Sil:ir-r i , ( ί Woriii, : i lll . »· . ν 4 Πι uh . ι.\ iî« i !i · ' < «■ < -> .Cl \t·»· il .i . ( .ι ιι»ο m.! Mo «· ai . . ■ .ι a et :: ci > »■ .« ; I ι. ~ - . L'. lt V» 14 ■* it kill î « ..h·, jy nii.·:·ainj .i ru.. liw \iclorit. ai 19 · a. i t l'ft rn cîkî t ^ a .IcV t. U' actii» .. ! - < ,t : «. JI h ΠΚ- .. i ν • . : ..t ; t ; i v* - t '. · ■ ' - « ._· J< t Ή'ι ί I .■ i v1 i ·· . v ■ ' t . « : t'i i τ : i, :i : î i.· il Tig vV hl'li ! "t '>é ! ' ' : : eviiv ι y · ii. .soi. . :. : .t'i.î a : ci p.a t'T ; ■ · lore U:lvm«v i day ι al : 1 I ' - · u! a η ce ciu ·.·. : a ·.· · . ..." ··« . ■ · ν ci y ν * ; >a U.·- î.- >.·.-■ ' i. ;! . ri · ι ; art ■ s a reactic ι t t: - ... - • ' ■ Ci; i ïm': ·ϋ ' J'.i. . c . r. i rr.ePt It 's-^ip; v ; ·. . < - ::u·-' in ids. V < » » li! Γ(.μκ> io I ν for Mural·* < e ν ! : , · : ·· · • .1 î ; . ' . : t : 1 t " : ί * t· : > * * ■ ■· il e · ι Ν F >· . i ' il lîrr<\ ρ if I ι ! ι ; neer hg dati ' ..t h;»* krow · ·. : y or j ha ■ t pie ar ' .i - t Ut* -·» i \ il v. t· ο: >m j;. « · ί 1 m j î <>d ;.· nu* î » : · . »·. - a • Vu a .· IV?;".! t . « i l tu y : ι. ι : . i ; I ï.'ll tilt* l ' t<-*« x < \ i î · h \ h ail. ..V · · ÎVash ι gtoi ■ • - ;i : tvi i..» t lit \ * ι ! . lit· _ : : t4 . · · . '· t ht • ι . ' tiOM t· \\ a· g! «> λ : re N-iun t ι onu . \t·.s tu rais. •.Ί·> lo : .t · - '· * ?. ν ! j « » ι η ^ w ι. ·-··.·.: j ν araiai* \ ι terans « .m·-,a · λ·. 1 hosr Hiuc'.s. •or» - nie ·. ■· ap{ t. i > d 7 ui • i. : t « i0l K.ahiM· 11 mit vpV.i'î'îJ ι ν . l· fil II! !'!»' : > : il' ρ · · · ν . ■■ι ι Λ I TEND Λ Γ ν: t .;3L'S£ REVIVAL WIENER ROAST HELD FOR SIDNEY FAUCETT Has 83rd Birthday """ / Λ A<. J— .»_» _ — Wi5>. Ν U 1 ( : «. . ·. - I > .1 (.'· X S·. t i : . : 8 . i .. thdav : : . ..·!« r . ' Me home of : .nulitor, \ \ * ■ *. ! The h ; ο was t.; · : . > . :».■<.· <:;it t! :-! !ΐί. t'lowe: Λ '.·» .ι ; ' u h ·■ ■·. . '. : ν ι - ι·;ι : ' ι '.! ■ . ι>·οη: ν iieiο ' ■ '■ was . ·.cri . ν kuv Λ ι - ....ν ν-,.ίν. with burr. ·.' . , t'i· .. tru· oont · .ble. v. :til 1 htcd taper- · ,η·.ι ' - ' . : > l· ! ".ν \ ' mit ■ ί i '·!·· ' Ρ °.· ret ι ave '■·. ir.:> ·.· . \cii 'lu ilîov. i:i. Π.λ Ho; ··. r Γ Î: Ν ' Mr- v. t: : ae . : ··;;· .. Mr- K·. :.· ·.. K· ' \'hitte" **-m. M r ■ M ■ Μ η Γ ' ·'. . Mr- Λη:.Μ i ί ί. : : . Η R γ,:··· Μ: .? ,1. . .· Κ. ' ' ; Μι Υ . 'villi ι ' F : " II Μ. illy V. . ·. . C'a ι \ ctenm^ See'·. |Λ \ S u;ni · :· \i'J 1 η W <>rk >' >i i' ■ :i m ί\· veterans, ivey \V. ι ·' V'in ·, ι pi ■ rv isol nay. ÎV - ♦ - ' 4 1 ennes and v. e·! e 38."> in ■' een: λ λ F S Λ : . ' y . ί ; . i Ί Ι· c η> 1 I e · πγ·ι ρ . ι«ι-· ι·ο: ,· ïtîî lit ί.η; Λ · : il ο :.ο . - I rîn ! ,> ιΐικ :'■('·>'·]> ... :· vetenn Ι;: pal. ι ■ \ ci R1 ' !·.· bet η ... *..· ν··!' r.n- :· Ιι.,.,;.. , hle:u cf The Beaufort Fisheries at Beaufort the · !.:·.· ι ',··;· : : ..n ifai-ΐ irin ! fi h ·" ···! '. 'ν ι : or..·,Ins in the .«tate Pitching In I η ψ LOSS AND DAMAGE supervisor of the American Railway Express Company in Detroit, Benjamin Harrison Elzey is shown helping in the company's baggage room. The walkout was prompted by an all-day strike meeting of 1,100 ex press employes that tied ur> the city s railroad terminals and docks. Strikers announced that the "mem bership meeting" would remain in session until a 16-cents hourly pay rise was met. (International) >o Halt In Industries 1 Icit So i' ar Rail Shipnitnis i\rduct'd, However, C/ti C-rdcr Gi CÏ) ! ' . I . ii.lt,.- !UIV t »' i · t ; , rii .«ι - . j , . ! . li.pnu nt li. » · γονλ noui .· .11 , -· > i,.« .'-,1 - · t . . ..'.oiivc.i t*i .»! · 11 rt - . i vrert e.M r ν ι*e : · :..i r< id freight , - ■ i. '· .. ' h <: Λ a ν l«\ : t : . rit. the Thar. - ι, . i · * lit ad .in « π et ι ί;ιί;ι : .·,· · Λ I !î rt> ucro ;:\adc tv» ς lea ι ... such offeritip before the - * · ., s :i(·, C I ]- . ι \) ιλ ted. i'.( ·.. f\t ;·. that trai coiît inu( rather heavy lor ..> . I ' · h j IT.ent · • . de.- * mat « ·:> and v> η κ : : : .„· . oro : to ι·:ιπ ici : prii»i i< '. · ι : . ; , . I. C Perishables, livestock and other ..y .-t. i be received and ndled by the railroads, these con ■ : the est·:; ptiens permitted it the ι * : : i oo of De feme Trans portation orders In addition, any . ν ."pt any type <>: t : it·- ; ms on it< 1 >wn • , - re handled all t:a· , ι y . \ ι ' ι c.· ν trie loo mut i\e pertîïit son^e movement ο: amvi ιην t S M 1 . Γ:.» >· r .t t.- pa venger serv t · \ :>y merging >>me ■ t .. -i by withdrawals in other instances. Schedules of .ι : ; t bf. » : 1 ■· re- .!t. though ■ 2 it There - a'-o ,·. η ■■ ' le falling otf · traf ! ippositiun be ing that t: ivelers are hesitant about ' ·■ ; home and far.πι: ι · :'.U able to • ir.'i · ·" Λ' . e ι e -t.indin:; ■ only a few nths lenty ot eat - • :. .: · ,-t ρ - . · . ι ; trains now. DISCHARGED \\ II ! I \.M I . WOOD. '.V. .. · . . >. .Ti N1!: „f Mr. ; V. ! \V ..·: ■,( :':ti Ha: - ι Κ t rt·» ' '· i ■ -. : ' . : ■. i husba/ \I '.ν . , ,lr.. of the : /no address, vva discharged from the : ι nth-. 10 ο; v. m< 1j v.··.·:··· overseas, is entitled to wear four battle stars and the following ribbons: Philip f ι η < ■ Liber; tarn. ' lean Diffuse. Asiatic-Pacific and Victory Medal. Final foot-note on this sprint la ni>e cleanilist business It'- the sea Son when from cellar to attic sweep : : : _ citantes are made. 'Skinner" Turner ( )ιι SanforJ Team John ISii oil Skmiiei ' Turner, of l.i'w > - tret·!. North Hendei on, an 1 I· ι n .<■ ί ι; ι î -1 : on Πι,h c.iool . turi MhU*t.\ Ik. b ι η m.ikin e.ood w it , '. i. ·:·>.. : t ' *1 « ιj ι '. < ·ι I ii.· i obuee. · ·- ί». !. t Li - : · ι . vit'. V : ί *IV 111' I ι . · 11 ?, .-short top ι ui η» ί ι . ·. - ι ·.. h i. ι .i : ot t ; ; : ι 11 1. M li i ι Κ I* L« t I.ill ..!!(·! ; , « . \ . I . ; .1 (Jul.. . iit «nut siu.ili l · lu < . wei .uni lli;) f)OLl!ll· . Aiaiuttir .1 «· i.ilcv, who al « u. ι nne |)!a\t *l m H< n ·■: mi fur Otto i'aiilm.ii: ι· . sav that **&km iK*r ι.· ι ih1 i'l til· !>'. t et-i )u te -ci» ι i 11 sum j? time unci things In v. »! I » : :. 1 ,i 1 11 a hitter. MEMORIAL DAY NOT HOLIDAY LOCALLY ('onltde..111■ Λιι ri.ι! I);iy ν. as IHit (lljM'lM'ii ll'lV tll.liiy. t«. ! 1 the banks remaining open. Public of fices and {justness establishments ι ■ :■! ι ne I t > t>p< .,to ual. it i ■ ndi'i st. < i th..t Mt uiial I )ay un May 30 will pr >b»bly be more or less .t'.t'iu'i ,i. i\ c: -ii by unit' groups, hince i: is a nat'onal holiday. WAKE UP"f RED BLOODi Amaiing NEW TONIC with VITAMINS, MINERALS plus FAMOUS LIVER EXTRACT When you feel Rundown. Depressed. Fagged Out Discour aged with poor appetite, remem ber V-T For V-T not only con tains iron, needed for building of RICH RF.I) BI.OOD, hut ether IMPORTANT Minerals. AND Vi tamins. AND potent Liver Ex tract. which are compounded to· get her in new scientific V-T Tonic This is to give a more bal anced action to bring more over all results, where your c ondition simply results from lacking the significant elements in V-T.caus ing nutritional fatigue If you are not THRILLED w ith V-T s satis faction after taking only ont __ _ _ bottle your Jy money back #fl J\ Askyourdor toraboutV-T ON THE GUARANTEE FOR MOTHER'S DAY Frnfirant Hospbuils . • · FusSsionvti /## Soap ν <*■ y s y φ '/7'Xpi ^ f ,/f^ j SI Λ^\ f ■#Λ />'.·« />«l American Beautv IÎ - >.· ili'l:rii>u!>l\ -ι·«·ηΐι·Ί tlif\ double .ι- ! s »-t ~ ! Brilliant!\ { κ k ·.. · .1, 1 < ·<». for perfect _iift! 1 ; >-<■!,u'i- to tin: box . . . îr 1.00 Jfc \ DRUG COMPANY Win a Pair of NYLONS Η ο w rr a η y w ο r d s c η η y o u m . k β m tr GE? Ente iT ΓΓ.'.Υ £ m any V •rs j r. WHITE COT the contest! Send m >ri! v.- :h three labels ute Cottage product, f contt-· cN'or: :· 1 to June 1. 1946 Other details of con tent ·· ·· ς-'ime a= o.;' · ! c r broad »va ,.i»le at grocery r >rei or I " ·.«: to ο ;r of.'ico. 100 p· V/HiTE COTTAGE PRODUCTS CO., INC. Ro\ ■·■.'. Burlington. .V < . Mfg ( · · f*r W Floor t leaner !.'.·* \·1 λ·ιι1 l· · 11 -·■t| IN NORTH CAROLINA More people drink Atlantic Ale and Beer than any other. Λ M J !t must be... "FULL or OOOO CMffff Atlantic Company—Breweries in Atlanta, Charlotte, Chattanooga, Norfolk, Orlando HOMOGENIZED Delivered To Your Door ... Milk i- the food that pro vides the necessary bone building materials that children need — the food that jiives them energy, a happy spirit and rosy cheeks. We'll deliver your qiuta of fresh milk daily. Call us. Phone 422 SOUTHERN ICE CREAM CO. Our dealers join us in making this frank report to THE FARMERS OF AMERICA International Harvester is get ting back into production with all possible speed. Kxtra shifts art- being emplc 'Vcd wherever con ditions permit. to try to overcome the production losses of the re cent strike. Everything is being done to get parts and machines to you. While we and our dealers would like to tell you that this means an immediate end to the shortage of sen ice parts and machines, it is more accurate to say that it means t he beginning of the end of it. It' illness or bad weather de lays you seriously in the Spring, ymi know how much it throws >011 olT your schedule. The strike li.is t brow η our schedules off bal ance. too There are many "chores" we must do before new machines reach you. Material shortages The preliminary chores of getting our plants back in to shape for full production are fin ished Hut dis turbances in other industries and resulting material shortages may affect our plans. Light gauge steel sheets, brass and copper, fractional horse power motors, and many other items are all very short. The coal situation m ay also prove serious—we hope not. 'J-J Refilling the well Both our dealers """ and our branches have run dry on parts and new ma chines So the big gest chore is to get their working stocks back to normal. It will take time to fill the pipeline to dealers—just as it takes time for you to refill a well or cistern after it has run dry. Stock and display rooms of our dealers represent not one, but ten thousand reservoirs which must be refilled. The moat heroic pro duction efforts will mean that your local dealer can expect only a small number of parts ind ma chines at a time. Since we must plav fair with all our customers, there will be a sprinkle of parts and machines all over the coun try—not a downpour in any one sect ion. You will be glad to know that nil repair parts production sched ules are Jar beyond normal. No hoarding 1 You may be sure that every ma BCKlfS chine will be ship V ped to dealers as " soon ascompleted. IVV do not and u ill not hold machines o/f thi market. At the .start of the strike we had on hand at all our factories and branches just M.S7 tractors of all kinds less than two days' production and lOôofthesewere not completed. Many ol those on hand had one or more impor tant parts missing— principally radiator cores. Most of the rest represented the normal daily "float" between the end of the assembly line and the shipping platform Naturally no tractors were made during the strike. What dealers may have for you We can report to you that our current production on Τ R A C · TORS is good and we an· ship ping at a normal rate. Kven so, there will not lie enough to go around. The situation on I'LOWS and DISK HARROWS is reason ably good. On COM HI NFS M ( ) W I·: RS. H A Y RA Κ KS, Ο Ν Κ - MAN HAY liALKRS, CORN ΡΙΟ Κ MHS and many other items, our schedules base been seriously disrupted. We must in fairness say that many of our customers are likely to be disappointed on delivery of these machines. On MILKING MACHINES, STA TION Λ Κ Υ Ε NCI Ν KS, and some other small units we are hopeful of making practically normal de livery We know you will understand the reasons why your dealer can not fill your orders overnight. He would like to give you the kind of delivery on machines you would like to get, but his situation is a difficult one and not of bis own making. He is doing the best lit can. No cutting corners on quality There is one thing you can be absolutely cer tain about: We will NOT cut corners on qual ity in order to in crease production in this emer gency For years we have said: "QUALITY is HIE FOUNDA TION OF Ol'R BUSINESS." Today we say it—and mean it — as much as ever We know you need new ma chines—and need them badly But we believe it will pay you to wait just a little while longer if you cannot get all you want im mediately By waiting you can I*· sure your new equipment will have the quality so rightly asso ciated with INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER for so many years. ι QUALITY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER