I ! fin γοαΛ wmts- - 01'K&!t'00 Over 15,000 PEOPLE READ The Want Ac!s Daily Let The DISPATCH CLASSIFIED Work For You! LOST AND FOUND STOl-KN ΠΙ30 FuKI) TUDOR Sedan. Ν C. license number t>2 ' - I. Ou ni ι, Ben Stambark. 7-iUi - i t;Λ VKl) FROM MV HOME ON U filiit" day .1 Mnall black dog .villi white tail, short legs, and shot·; . . ■ Vaccination tax No. 1538.">(>. Reward to finder. George Mitchell, [ ! Ruck Sprint, street, lu-and-1.; : I hOR SALE j. 1 >i; KALE: BREAKFAST SUITES. I'tility Cabinets, I.awn Sets. Odd i t hairs, Oak Gliders, Chilferobes, , I .amps. Scatter Rugs, Mirrors, Liv iiu Room and Bedroom Suites, Swings, Odd Tables and many uthei items. See us Save money. !i. K. Satterwhite it Sons. 1-tt ATTRACTIVE GIFTS FOR MOTH-: ci s Day or any occasion. Fountain IYn<. Congress Flaying Cards. New Kodaks, Ladies Billfolds, and Im- j penal Glassware. Henderson Book Co., Estabiisnea ihîh. ι: ι -ti MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS j From The c,,11th s Largest Monumental Factory W. W. LANGSTON 219 Young St., Phone 773 FOR THE BEST IN FÂNCY groceries, fresh fruits, vegetables, I fresh meats, fish and oysters. | Phone 4Ι!ϋ. Herbert's Yellow Front Free Delivery. 17-tf AUTO BATTERIES FOR FORI), j Chevrolet and Plymouth. Guaran teed 18 months, $7.75 exchange. | L'4 months guaranteed battery, $8.75 exchange. Also, Long Type Batteries for General Motors cars. ; Λ and Β Pack Radio Batteries, $Γ> 35. also portable Β and A Bat- > tcries Western Auto Associate j Store, Opposite postoffice. 7-5ti ' χ All. CLIPPERS, DISCHARGED veteran necktie clip, sun glasses, key chains and sporting goods. Harmonicas, pocket lights and j fla; hlights. Baker's Pawn Shop. 7-tf BICYCLE PARTS F(JR SALE. FEN dt rs. saddles, forks, spokes tires', titbi···'. coaster parts, headlights, ι ranks and other parts. We also do Bicycle Repairing. See us. Western Auto Associate Slore, Op posite postoft'ice. 7-5ti MEN' GET YOUR WORK CLOTHES 1 at CartonV Shirts, pants, under-' wear, gloves, socks, woi'k shoes, ι aps. boy's overalls and white iiirk pants. Carton's Department Store. lO-LIti RETAIL GROCERY STOCK. STOKE building, fixtures for sale. Ideal location. Call 132 or 493. 7-..ti NEW SHIPMENT OF MEN'S Sharkskin and cotton twill dress pants. All colors and si^es, $4.95 Lil). Carton's Department Store. 10-21 i WELCH BABY CARRIAGES. PLAY ι . ι m>. "pal" baby strollers. hi-; i ·:;>!! *. rockers at Hii'ihes Furtii • : i : e Co.. 418 . Garnett St . Phone 1 i !-111 F( >R THE HOME! TOWELS 41c UP, ..Mains $2.50 up, luncheon cloth: " ' 111 up, scarf.·, 4i)e up and other ι. ;ι ι κ m . ι Jepai imcni siov. 10-211 :: ο falkner & son, coal sî.'I wood, Sprin.!; street trussing, ί hone 2(5). 10-tf ΥοΓ STILL HAVE TIME TO GET Mother a nice gilt fur Mother's Day. Select from our complete -rock of attractive and useful usewares including. Presto cook er , lamps, electric toasters, re frigerator jars, glassware, cake rovers, pyrex ware, kitchen stools, cookie jars, juice extractors, bath room hampers also. 18-pc. I" China S3.98. Watkins Hardware Co. 10-lti LADIES NEW PLASTIC HAND bags; pretty styles in black an ί white, $2.95. Also, dresses, blouses, slips, hats and other appareil. Carton's Department Store. 1 ti-2ti TouLS Fill! EVERY NEED. BOX. open-end, socket and adjustable wrenches, pliars, screw drivers, saws, hammers, hatchets, hack saws, shears, hand drills, chisels, grinding wheels, blowtorches, vises and other tools for carpenters, me chanics, farmers and home own ers. Western Auto Associate Store. Opposite postoffice. 7-5t: OAR DEN HOSE, NOZZLES, SPRIN klers, door mats, clothes dryers, trellises and other housewares and home items for your selection at Western Auto Associate Store, op posite postoffice. 7-àti •\ESCO ELECTRIC ROASTER FOR sale, good as new. Phone 2703. 8-3t! UN" Ε GOOD FIVE-BURNER Ν Κ S - co oil stove. $50. Vernon Breed love, Cokesbury. 7-3-10 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED — PICK-UP IN GOOD condition. Call 1133-J. 9-2ti WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD 3G to 39 Ford, Chevrolet or Ply mouth. Must be in good running condition. Phone 821-W after (> p. m. 10-3ti I IGNITION TROUBLE COSTS YOU time and money. See us for serv ice. Alst'j, electrical repairing and re-wiring. Hester Motor Co., 12.'! Horner street. Phone Gl-.L fri-tt WANTED eggs, CHICKENS AND COUN try meat of any kind wanted. B. M. Newman Grocery. Phone 516. 9-6U INSURANCE Λι 'CIDKXTS Λ ι: Κ INCREASING Are ,νοιι amply insured? Τ et us explain our S12 per year accident and s κ ' :nes.> policy. FtvA.\'K I\1. BARNMIART. General Insurance. Plume âs>l2-tJ. 17-If ARK YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE ΛΓΤΟΜΟΠΙΙ.Ε INSURANCE POLICY that protects you from financial lo (lue to practically any cause, known or unknown? Let us give you full details on this "ALL RISKS" policy. Xn obligation*. Come in, write, or phone. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY AGENTS B. C. Wf.LLS. Mgr. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Phone lit!) Henderson, N. C. DRINK GOAT'S MILK FOR BET ter health. Recommended by doc tors for ulcerated stomach and feeble condition. Call 975-J 14-eod-tf REPAIR SERVICES I VVK CAN GIVE YOU EXPKRT radio repair service. Our trained radio technicians and scient it ically equipped .shop offer you prompt, i efficient service on all jobs. Whether large or small, your radio , will receive oui personal attention. Let us .serve yon. Phone 11207, Car olina Radio Co., 1 17 X. Garnett street. 3-tf ONE DAY SERVICE ON ANY | make radie:. Our three government licensed radio engineers makes this possible. Authorized 'leak-is for Motorola auto receivers. Clar ion, U. S. Television and Facia home receivers. Sunbeam elec trical appliances. We also special ize in auto radio repair and in stallation. Motorola auto radios in ι stock. All work unconditionally guaranteed. Η. Λ 13. Radio Sale.-, and Service, phone 234, I'.!!! Montgomery street. 24-tf SEE UPCHl'RCH & IJAEKE EL.EC tric Co., for your electrical con tracting and repairs. Experienced ' electricians to serve you. 6-tf HAYES - THOMAS r.LECRlCAL Service, electrical contracting and repairs. Phone 149-W, P. O. Box RfVl. Henderson. N. C K-M RADIO SERVICE-WE OFFER YOU expert factory service on any make radio. Our 24 years ex perience and large stock of repair paits and tubes, plus one of the be t equipped shops in this sec tion, is your gLiaianlee of prompt and satisfactory service at a rea sonable cost. Bring us your radio for your next repair job or call us for pick-up and delivery service. Jen kins Radio & Sound Service, Phone 44ti. 30—tf QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING, j While-You-Wait Service. Best ma- : tenais. Reasonable prices. Let us 1 serve you! Cawthornc Brothers, Formerly Grissom Shoe Shop. z-u remember: you can now get prompt, efficient auto repair serv- I ice at your DeSoto - Plymouth ; Dealer's, Harrison Motors, Ir.c. 135-137 William ^tree'.. Phone 481. SEWING MACHINE PARTS, RE pairing, adjusting. All Vacuum ι Cleaners and small appliances re paired. Prompt, efficient service. Work guaranteed. Tanner Sewing Machine & Electric Shop. Phone 1 lti-W. 16-tf DUFFELL ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Sales and Service House Wiring a Spceialty J 21 Years Experience Phone 1017 P. 0. Box 612 21—tf ι LARNESS AND LEATHER KE- | pairing of all kinds. Expert shoe | repairs. While-you-wait service, j Let us serve you! Carolina Shoe Shop, next to A & P. 7-1 f OOKSTOVES AND RANGES RE paired at your home. Parts of all kinds L.rnished. Print your name and address. Mail to L. Harrison, General Delivery, Oxford, N. C. Small service charge. 8-4ti BUILDING SUPPLIES /IS1T "Tin·: PLACE OF VALUES ' for B. P. S. paints, "Best Paint Sold". It's like a paint store fea turing a complete line of fin ■ quality paint. House paint, inside paint, floor enamel, varnish, fur niture paint and roof paint. Alex , S. Watkins. ti-7ti •AINTS—PAINTS PAINTS. SEE us for the best paint obtainable. WATSON-STANDARD paint will do your job as no other paint can do it. Trv it and you vvilll always buy it. Specify WATSON-STAND ARD. Also asphalt shingles, roll noting, brick siding, asphalt felt. . ement. mortar cement, and lime at Falkner's Building Supply. Court St., in front i f Courthouse, phone 19. 8—3ti. FOR RENT "It pavs to advertise The Want Vd Way!" SPECIAL ,NOTICES seven ι> \ν m.ry: . >\· must· monts and Ma ι ι corn* r j>·»>.t^ and curbin". Ko: free transpor tation te : nit j 11 · ni uni' yard at Ν. Ilende: ι h. ι nil ν. ι ite .Inhn W M.IV, t. i'jihi-πι· 71 -.J. W η k ο Monument Co. 23-2711 going soMKWiU'.rtK·' find new trivel enjoyment Travel the Car olina Motor C! .1) way. For mem I■«·ι hiι>. -ι·· Mi - Lucy Crenshaw. Carolina Motor Club office, Marvin Mi'lnui Buildin;;. 30—27ti MOTHER'S DAY C.aNDY ORDERS bi'in.U accepted for special pack ages for S2.no. Woolurcl's. I-IΓ WE ARE NOW RECEIVING EI.EC trie Fans. Toasters, Mix Masters, Mot Plates, Radios and Batteries. C'orne in and place your order now. General Electric Products. Harvin-Mclnnis, Inc.. 132 N. Wil liam street, Phone 178. 2-tf JAMES G. MEMEGAN, PIANO tuner will be at Vance Hotel, Mon day, May 13. Leave orders with Mrs. W. W. Parker, Sr., or Miss Rose Prevatte. ϋ-411 TOWN AND COUNTRY HORSE Show, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. W.vckoff. Sunday afternoon, May 11.'. to be mven at show riiifi I at Manson. \. C. on Highway 1. Ik jnininu at 1 o'clock. 10-211 FOR BUTTON! lOl.KS. HEMMING and darning see Mrs. J. L. Clai- ■ borne, 931 S. William street. 10-lti HELP WANTED I WANTED LICENSED AND UN licensed electricians to do farm wiring. Westgate Electric Co., Ben Lewis, supervisor, at Walters House, Oxford, N. C. 4-71i EXPERIENCED PRESSER WANT- | cd. Apply at Valet Cleaning Co. 9-4 ti ■REGI S Τ Ë R Ë Π PHARMA^ cists" — male and female. Must be liccnsi'd or able to reeipn cate in the District (if ι '. ι ! ι unbia. i l'vri π i:i or Mary laud. £280.00 a month. Time and one-half for overt into. IS hour week. Permanent posi tions Lars/·· prescription busi ue -s, excellent working con ditions, excellent chance for advancement to assist store nvmairer at higher pay.Yaca tions with pay. We will get ι you a place to live. Write or apply in person to Mr. C. B. Aldrieh. Peoples Drug Stores, Inc.. 77 I1 Street, X. E.. Wash ington, I). C 9—2ti FO Γ X TA IX CLE ΚΚs— white, male and female; starting salary £·"»!. 20 per week; opportunity for pro m ition to fountain super visors or other departments. I Γ ni forms furnished and laun dered free. Positions avail able at once. Applicants must be eighteen years of age or over and be able to furnish birth certificate. We λ\ i 11 yet you a place to live. Write or apply in person to Employ ment Office, Peoples Dru κ Stores, Inc., 77 Ρ Street, X. E.. Washington, I). C. LIVESTOCK—CHICKS WE BUY COWS, CALVES, PIGS, Hides, Chickens and Eggs. High est prices paid in cash or trade. Phone Ï040. Wood's Super Mar ket. 24-tf IF YOU WANT TOP MONEY FOR your surplus cows, veals and hogs, see us first. Call us and we will comv to see them. S. W. Renn's Grocery, phone 1101-W. 30-tf GRAY MARE MULE FOR SALE. 10 to 1.! years old. C. A. Pegram, 1222 Walnut street, Henderson. 9-31 i Registered GUERNSEY BULL FOR SALE Will Bo 13 Months Old On June 12. 194ii Name: Maxim's Prince of Low.s Grove, Owned By Robert Hawkins Route 1, Henderson, N. C. 7-and-10 WANTED Ί Ο RENT FOR SAI.E — SADDLE HORSE, bridle and saddle. Price $175.00. Can be seen at S. W. Renn's Groc ery. (i-tl BABY CHICKS MONDAY AND Kiiday at Firestone Store, South Carnett street, also at the Hat chery on Oxford R'ird any day in the week. Come to see us. [len der.-! η Hatchery, Phone 4814. 7-12U VETERAN, WIFE, AND CHILI) I wants to rent a 2 or 3 room apart- ! ment or small house. R. T. Harris, | Eveready Chevrolet Co., phon ■ 707. 7-5ti j VETERAN A Ν D W I F Ε WANT I apartment. Qui t couple; no chil- ' . dren or pets. Phone 736. !)-2ti THREE OR FOUR ROOV HOUSE or apartment wanted. Please call j 1207. 9-3ti POLITICAL I οκ RECORD! Κ I wish tn announce in.it I : ι rri a ciindidate fur the ulii e < I Ηιίι·ιή i tn : urceed myself IU'liiu'ratic Primary M.i> iilfi I ,-oiicit your support unci roopeia tion, and assure you that it will bi det ply appreciated. If 1 am the choice ι if t lie people 1 will till the office til tin- best n; my ability a- I have in tl ·■ pa t. η. κ. c li:..ik.\ts. 3()-tf. FOR CONSTABLE. I offer myself as a ι aiioidat» for Constable of llcndeison Township, subject to the Denim : atu- Primary. May 25, 1946. Your vote and support will be greatly appreciated. Formerly a member of the Police Department for 7 1 12 years. G. SAM KASTWOOD. 6-tf FOR COROM R. I am a candidate xor coroner oi Vance county, subject to the Demo cratic primary May 25. Your sup port will be appreciated, with my iledge of the best pes ible service if which 1 am capable il I am elect i-d tu the office. HKRti£RT A. KLLIS, )-.'iti 1'aiber. FOR CORONER. I am a candidate for Coroner of Vance County in the Democratic Primary to be held May 25. Your rote and support will be greatly ap preciated. S. W. (SOL) REXN. 15-eod-tf SEEDS ANU rLANTS 5WEET AND PIMENTO PEPPER plants for sale. Mrs. Sidney Green, 2.'i(l Chavasse avenue l(i-!ti .'F.oXIFS FOR SAl.I·' AT MY home. Mrs. F. M. Doi ev. Phono 739-.I. 6-and-10 FARM SUPPLIES I f You Need ν κ κ rr 11.1 ζ ι: \i XVc Have It On Hand 3-8-3 Toby coo 3-9-C Tobacco 3-12-6 Cutt. n and Cm η 4-11i-G Cotton and Corn LEGG-PARHAM CO. 3-0—7—8—9—10-1 AND 3-8-5 TOBACCO FER tilizer. (on, ton hor.e-drawn f.·. - tili/.cr distributors. Tobacco μ·ι 11·: . 3-|)ly t'iliàii'u twin·· in 1 f spools. Cict \>.i;rs now while it ι avilable! (' .) Fleming Supply Co. Montgomery street. 10-3ti DAIRY FF.K1). Slill'STrFF, C'HH'K en feeds, baled hay and medicated salt brick. Cjet your supply now at C. J. Fleming Supply Co., Mont gomery street. 1U--·*.! LEGAL NOTICES not κ ι οι s \ ι ι : Pursuant to order of the Clerk ol the Superior ,i' <>f Vu:i«-e County, North Carolina, in a Special Proceed ' i ing entitled "Ralph Carl SatterwhiU j \ s. Thelnia 1!. Satt· : w!.'te, Widow, Helen F. Satterwhite, Single, Charle K. Satterwhite. Minor. Mary Cath | ι line Satterwhite, Minor, and Bar bara N. Satterwhite, Minor." which · proceeding is in the nature of a special proceeding docketed in the office of the· said Clerk, the under signed Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthon e · ■ ill ι .n ! Il il I ; ' 11Ί ΙΙ-ΚμνΜΙ îîua : iU ι * l s W "1 beginning point: then , :·.ί . a ici i"< >:ι (1 in η . F din ι t un ·'! ' I ι·' t" point of beginning. This loi being Inherited by T. C Satterwhite f l -1 : ; ι the 1 ill · ■ ol 1, mother. Mis Kmmu (' Satteivvhite Keeionce i- made to Special I'. - « '(fill" M in the ι flii'i ι the Clerk ·>1 S.i|h nor Court of \'..i County. :·η·.i Iteport of Commi.v à '.ι ( I nr: ·!·, ··' il" the oft ice of II," Rek..-Ητ ol Deed of Vance Count in Hook L':;H at page 380. This the 7th day of May, lOifi. Τ P. GHOLSON, Com mi; .siuner. May 10-17-24-31 NOTi! ι or rrtiu < i.oi kf. Under and by virtue of authority ι · nitain· ί 1 ι:, .'ι π fa ill ι · "il : ί :;e ex< - ι ufed I.;. Ida 1 !ichardM■!> on the Kith LEGAL NOTICES : . ; γ I y;:;i. an.I >1 1> ι .·< '>rded ■ci . ι ! .1 ι.II.ι ; Van».·.· ' ' ι u ι1 ' Λ. I :l Hook It.. I'ago ' !l >et 11 I'.ivijii 1.1 ■ ! money : . '.■.!·<(. ■ κ ι..... : ha·, in ; ····< i. made she j'.ivι · : tli.1 .I'M therein t·· < :··!. .<.·.·( .it lui' v. r.; ; ,ι ι t-.|uest .1 t!: hold. : ■ I tli·· note. the under iglid '.'.ill offer fui -ale. a1 public . · :*· (·. it t .· <■ i.: . e <|iii.ii' ill ; ii η !ι ι - .I . .il 12 11 clock, noon) on ι he 6th day of June 1916, ; :· I ;·. ! ι... : :· f : 1 .1 h, the '.1.1 .1!· · it . I I >:'! Ί rrty. Ill Wit. ili ,,ιιι ..' a:i .·· i. !;.!.< on John Stiwl. 147 foot fi'imi Rockspring " 11 ΟI ', ; ill ttUllll. ' 1 Ki hit to an alley, thence H. «:> deg. 43 E., 50 feet ii όΐι iii. Make. then:·· .V 113 feet '. ii 11 ιι·ιι stake on John Street, hence alony John Street Γ>ιι feet to In· ('lace ot be;;inn:n . ee ileeil book ■9. I'i.jle 4ii. ΊΊ the ·'>r11 day of May, 1Û4G. !.. Γ·. ('AIM KK, .Mortgagee. XI'CI S^IOX ΟΙ ΛΓΪ'ΠΚί ΙΛΤΙΟΧ. We wish to express our regrets on .osing an able volunteer fireman, H. ". An.'cr on. who is moving to Flor ida. We have enjoyed working with Mm and wish him success in In.- new iiiderU king. liKXDI'.KSi i.V FIR Κ DKFAH Γ.ΜΚΝΤ. ■ Γ\ pewnter - or - Adding Machine ΝΈΚ1) REPAIRS? i f so Telephone Renderscn 1139-W Th:r!y year? mechanical experience on Additif·' Machines ; nd Typewriters Practical!;1" immediate local service. HH.CHER TYPEWRITER EXCH. Ρ ο Ρ Ε Υ Ε AMOy, SU Si Ε, DlPJA SEE 7 vEVv "?? \—* // / ι Simply CU/VNB out op AM UPSTAIRS '.AM,f%^uy AMD A »» y 4,%·/ ^ ~r=:'-L /A ^— the TR^Tri iP vou t2uly loved jt* 1 beesj , ME, YOU WDulD GET >/VVONDSSIN ' AM UPSTAICS WINDOW J WHY >A < SO I COULP CLIMB --> Η ΑΡΤΑ HAVE DOvVNJ Λ LADPEE ^ ί ONE?? FROM ΓΓ"Ξί: v crÇTx · ιιτ -V #V Ε Τ Τ Α Κ Ε Τ Τ But he Ri τ SiMPLVgl; ! nevec 11 I DATES'M U(2E ALL THE G iCCOL 0\ED HIM \\l-.CH GETS U5 E\A~lV MO- f— η Vs'HEGE ' ι [ KNOW I'LL TOSS A PARTY THEM ■ AT -TmE lAST - MINUTE VOU i_All AND SAV VOU CANT COME " • SO I'LL HAVE Μι M j ■ * "TD MYSELF. 'j *