Over 15,000 PEOPLE READ The Want Ads Daily SPECIAL NOTICES ■ ! yk\ I> \S' srRV.v:: o>; mox: . nh nts and Markc , nuni-i i ■ ! and curlnn.'. I • 11, . p ,i:, ,,. . t a 11 ( n 11 i and f i • •, , • i. vain a llcnciei - n. call r : p ■ .1 n .. May. It* It-1 hi me 7. x , Monument Cn. ;>:>-• ;t XG . :, ■ ; ■,: - ■ ■ travel « > en! dina Meter Club way. Pm nn ,n bei.-hip, see Mi-- Lmy Cicn l-.aw ' 'arehlia Meter Club ei 1,. 1 la: \ • ?. 1 (• 111nis Buildinj;. ;j. —j > V.;: AH K NOW RECEIVING Pl.l.i trie Pans, I'na. ter . M'\ I let Plates, liable, and !,. - p ('nnie in and plane \ , , , new. General PI, , | Harvin-Melnnis, Inn.. ] : ■ ham street. Pin ai" ! 7 i .a • • xkw Gut)ci:hy (ii i x's i i.j: • > ly Grocery. IS r.y ■ • Preduce and (1 l ei , ; , , ,, ; 1 y se 11('it yetn■ i ml,. ,n., , 1 ' i I card, .Mimayei. i-a-Sm , ,. , BACK PROM WAR - BYT! X printed ■ tat i< ,nei y at la1-" price- 7!i - hi ■ t • and 70 , ■ printed with vein- name u 1 - (ire- for imly S1 .till I ’! . ■ order now at AI font ! s uf .A OR in• Supply ( e. ; ROCK MTU, SWIMMING p >■ r. I * ,p( 11 I ei the i • a - out and join tin- fen ! H-.lp U-7i' US IX'Cl.I'DK CASITP. Willi your oil eh.mar fer better and : mnetiu r perfennancia km - daC ■ solvent aid t , rtin . - 1 break-ill or iiHb lin -up \ . n- about if ( h! y Set \ me Stall, u. Homy Manyimi, Prep. 201 7Yid, - 11 eet. phene T.ifi. Wed -11 \VK \\ ILL 1 K ('L<>SKI) KACII \V i il111 — 11;iy aft(Ttioidi fi-iiin i to (> I ’. .M. dtiriny tIn numi iis of May, -lime, -Inly aiul Ar y list. S- illt liside i i ft;y ( ,.. HP- -Mousy-Tims 1) ti DRINK GOAT’S MILK FOR BET 1 er hen it! a Keren :., -n !i : In.- h ,e !' u s ler i ileerate 1 -ten .a- 'b . t fe< id.nditien. ( did 975-J 1 t - (• ( 1 u - u •T. M A T7 R IG E ALLFX. CDXTl’A'' 1"|- and Bui 1 ci» t. C iiM.il ' a t i.. . 1 ’a in 1; n'Ad- a; her K: r ippi n:... !n sidal i<-n . Moor Re fin ish. • . Plv ■: 1026-W. cod-tf GF'I KKADV KOK t’ANNI 2 t in cans, can -rain .tint ia;\ ALimhi and Kerr ia r !*»(».-. Km lids, .-caiii! wax. 1a1 i ul»t>*• i )>aii ilia, knives, a; p].• nee!- : . . e,; 1Jik'is. Watkins Hardware Co. IF Y( )P HAV'K PAIX WXG T< ) .: ' done call 904-W nr 224-W. W speciali/.c iii paint ii, • o -. . _• and 1 kmi . Call i: money SPKGiAL SEYLX MONTHS < .F Render s Oi^e-t pin - a 'pi t ce; -1 (JeMlle: The Must Op? r: Ipt'*" h r only si.on to n- w . cribers. Subscriptions to a!! ".ip K\ a ns. 2.42 Chav a-so \ 1 . 2 a - 1 ; I WILL HP. ( II.AD '! < ) INK ;I help yi ill will plan ’ •. i i etc work whic!: \ ■ . to ha\ o don. . - udi a walks, driveway . w •• ii other floors. tour.dat m. etc. oi *’Anythin:., In t Claude (‘. W i icedei . ( I r | n tractor, < Ixlord. X. C t 2c-22-21 WANTED WANTED YOUR OLD MATT!-:ESS ti> sterli/.e and make like v. 1 :. day serv ice. All wmk yuarana e. i. Kmisiicr with 10 years experience. , Vance Bedding Co,, South Wdl am St , Hendersnn, Formerly Ilcml ei sun Mat tl ess C L >. I 4-(ilI I SMALL ONE OR TWO CYLINDER I niotnr wanted, suitable hi powei I c• i■ iI>p 1«.• 11 man in cart. I’. E. Blake. I Rente 1, Bex lit. 1 lendc! -on N. C ‘i | | FARM SUPPMES ■ I MR. farmer: FOR YOUR NEEDS I in cement, mnrtiir cmn n! ;md Ma on’ Lin • 1 I n«-r‘- Building Suppl;.. . ' rH Phone 19. !U'i FIREBRICK ()VEN F • )I barns and coal stoke: al !• . Co. It) 1 -'j . j TOBACCO HAND PLANTERS working hoes, hoe lurks, r .ki -. pitch forks, shovels, gras- blade wire, horse muzzles, calf mu/.dc- • Watkins Hardware Co. 2i-i . GALV. GARBAGE CANS, GALV scrap pans, suitable for feeding cows, dogs and chickens. Bright till lard cans, 5 gal. galv. chicken feeders and chicken feeders. Wat kins Hardware Co. 2d-4li a GAL. MILK COOLERS, MILK bottles, buttle caps, electric cow milkers, electric churn motors, wooden churn dashers, 1-2 lb. and 1 lb. butter mould.-. Watkins Hard ware Co. 20- f ti 1 AND 5 GAI.l.OM oh, CANS, chain hoi.-dci . cam. a i no'.. , . - ers, assorted sizes, aim wheel bar rovvs. well chain, w.ten well buckets, cow chain-, cow loll-, cow halters at Watkins 11a Kva: 1 Co. 20-411 - AT “THE PLACE OF VALUES", Tobacco hand setters, steel rake. , extra good plow lines, post hob diggers, and wagon rod,. Alex S. Watkin.- West Montgomery St. 2D-1 ti REPAIR SERVICES l'(>\ I' TAKE ( II ANTES w ith iiiii riur work win n yon ' yi*nt*f 1 or r red. i 1 . Wt havt 12 years u. experience w> back 11'i "P- Q amity wm-l nian Tip with all work yuaran We call i'or and ' er * > or!on s Law nrnower '!' • I■ II. Kill n !]. N. ( I'I 12; i x : ,xr WILL IN 1 : ' e ! lie \ .illle 11H | impi ■ , til appearance o. your ear. I.el us iv ! al» ' i* n y A.;. , r„, ,and 1 tlO.ee. I !e: tel' \! •, t * 11 ( , | " , 11"| n r !.(■;. p) . (;i _ j |_ mon-tf I! CAN f 11 \' !■' Vi )(• EXPERT '■"i>or .-or ee. On, Cameil ■ ■ 1 ■ — net cientjfieallj ' 'C• A i"• ■ hop oiler 'on prompt ''1 1 ■1 ' ’■ 1 1 ■ on all jobs A ! 1 •' i MU' o .iII, yimr radio ' 1 • ' i " ' 'Mil l alien! a .11. 1 •"* ’■ cc '■ you. Phone 1 da7. ( ar 1 11 . !Ii .N. t • a t ill'll -.1. :i-ir A'- DAY SERVYCE ON ANY n oKe radio. Our three I'.uvernment 1 ieonsod n dio o lfiiuooi . make 'hi possible Authorized dealer; for l' 11111*i ,1 i a it-, receivers. C’lai - inn, 'A s Television and Eaila hi a - - eeivei s. S inbeam i ]. tlied appliances. We also special ize n nut nidio rep ii and si alia lii n. V op,- nla unto ra Ho- m • d "• All van k line ,nditn ■ ei1 d. & !: Ra - . and ... phone Nil, inn Mi t,tc. in. ry .-11 eet. 2 l-lf RA! Ad' i S!;I’VI 'id.WE OFEER VO" 1 d; "I t fai t : y servii.. anv ■'1 • ■ aiiio. Or r 2 f years e\ ! ''1 r n a;; ' lai";e stock of r<•],ai-■ I,:l 1 tube , plus . ne of the • •o.ii-mxw suops ill mis S.r !;■ 1 ' u- an: • miter of prompt 1 : 1 • aeto; v -ei \ a ■ • at a n a | i iv j ;r rad io | • >■ I < -1.. •• y service. J( n '■ a Ra Mo A' SoUIUi See. ice I’lione -1 lf>. ;;a-(f (.•EALITY Sit OR REPAIRING. V. 11. - -3 o.: - (jt Service Hi ; I n in - ’ ■ Reasonable j Let ut ■ i’ > aw; la true Bn a hoi .. 1 1 ’IT: iel iy (in a Hi, Sill n 1 sill i) e 2-tf SKWLVC; machine parts, re- ' P-1 i1 :n 1 ;e I nn. ting. All Vacuum earn - and small appliance; re I’lareii I’n.mpt, t ffieient service ik . ialaui.a.si. Trainer Sewing iune A i.ieetrie Shop. Phone llil-Y 1 (5 -1 f IHTEHI.E ELECTRIC CONTRACTING Sales and Service Hous,. Wirinir a Specialty 21 V. ars Experience Phone 1017 P. 0. Box 612 21—tf Yi" ILL \ v: | F Y()! -R CAR ' ! nr *i:l i. ip- itu* service : • ': ■ cffic; M'-y ul‘ your c. ' 'eSi i-Piym”.,.,th 1 Joalers. I • ■: :.l. to . Inc. Phone 481, ; 13a William street ! 1 - tf i : IPS Y< >UR RADI 1 NEED RE- I i a.: .in." B: .:ig it to us. Onr train ed teihnu ans give unexcelled I ser'.uee. All work is guaranteed. Phone 1207, Carolina Radio Co.. | : V V Garnet! sts, of. 13-tf i - I PL! ■ T R ! C AND ACETYLENE | we!.! mg, Machine work, forging,! I" or W, ,)■];. auto wl'.oel tmight- I i u ng. chisels and t■ mis made to ; o: dor, e. nnceling g. o 1 bearing. Ilo.u i d Wo sell cold lulled shaft- j inn. angle in hi and band iron in j all M/es. Reliable Welding &| Machine Works, phone 116-J. 11-tf j M.KCTlirc AND ACETYLENE ! welding. Machine work, forging, j boiler work, auto wheel sti tight- i i nil g, chisels an I tod. made to o: • or, e hi,necting rod hennii g poured. We sell cold rolled shaft- 1 ins, angle irun and hand inm in j :d! 1 • Rl I 1111 :11 W e i < 111 / A I Mncnaio Work?, phone llli-.l. 17-tf Hi) YOU HAVE A LAWN-1 mower that cuts like a dull pair of scissors, chews in-; -i i-ad of cutting, if you do, it "h-edd he sharpened, clean- j i'il, and oiled today. We can | d-1 a 1 !i-i>>ry type job on your i> - * r and guarantee to please you or it will cost you nothin;-. We have 12 years of lawnmov u1 ex]lerience. We call for and deliver. ()\vr ti n s lawnniower Shop, liox : 11. Litt r- 11, N. (L 1G—end—fit i good GULP’ GASOLINE, VTASII inK, polishing. lubrication, battery reehareme. lire service, Pvivn ■ l ire ext in: u ivlicrs, Oasitc . Iiitlpo ' solvent. >’sit covers. Courteous an I I fiend L service! Henrv Maneum. ; pionrii tur. City Service Station, 2“I William street, plume Tell. mon-ti 1 *’< )R i HE BEST ELECTRICAL IN- I slallatioii: . coinmereial and domes tic winns and repair, phone 1 1D-W P O. Box 890. Hayes- M Tliomas Electrical Service . John \V Have., and John W. Thomas ••\.V Serve Best." 20-tI insurance Wr Sell 11.Ml. I\SI RANCH 1 (>]• ]’ersona), Pr< nail and Efficient. Servic< Insure Willi The Insurance DEPARTMENT (dTIZFNS RANK A TRFST COM PAX V i ’Intin' 199 ID md: ni. X. ( rail Write Pin.in* I D. (\\ ells, Manager I We are now located ia our new of ! Dee « n Pro In in niee . Ik < t. Also I « lit ranee thiur C ‘i -i With In I In nrani'P Ayenpy Of The FIRST NATIONAL RANK robin l I,, f takli'v, Manai'ur in-1 hi SEEDS AND PLANTS PIMK.XTO ( 'ALII-'1 UiXIA W iND;:, ■ i Maiglob I Mid no. mule- 1. Hoti' ii - i> 0,1. V.il-j: BUILDING SUPPLIES V.T I ■ ARRY \ I-'l Id. i, I a J, ( IF SIX gl: ■ anil (an , l ili- --1 n - nglh ia a ... ■' t ill I.., Ivi HKX.IAMIX MOOREI p.UXTS, A Paint for every a, , . a, ■ -T, pontine, Lmgerwett paint rc mover, pure orange and white shellac, .-end paper paint and var nish hru.shi : Co. d i-::; PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS. S K F n l"i' the be-1 paint obtainable V.'ATM ).\-STA.\l ).\RI) paint a. ill do your job as no oilier p.o.d on do it Try it a:ii v a i will alvv av - bli v it .Specify W.V1 SON-STAN D AIM). AI o asphalt ■ a ■ I,-.-, roll . - - -i nr..., la n i t cenu-nt, mortar <'t moi 11. and 1 in at Falk n. -r’s sup,,].-. Court St . in f: • : of Coil- ihou jihone IP. Iii-U GLASS IN AI.L I’OP! LAR s SI.. m ! n ini hi Go .. .-. a,, i, • 19. 1H-u' | " IT IK Pl.Al'K OF VALl'KS" I 'FA- ' turns Id. P. S. house paint. Heat j Paint Sold." 11 give greater pro teetion. it's longer la till-1. IF j more economiea . d\le\ S Waikm , j West Montgomery .- tu-et. l!i-,f LIVESTOCK- CHICKS WE BUY COWS, CALVF.S, PIGS, j Hides, Ciiickens and Fggs. High- : est prices paid in cash -r trade. I Phone 11)10 Wood's Super Mar- j ket. 24-lf IF YOU WANT TOP~MONEY FOR your surplus cows, avals and hogs, see us first. Call us and we vvdi j coma to see them. S. W. Renn". Grocery, phone 572. BO-lr "OR SALK — SADDLK HORSE., bridle and saddle'. Piice $175.01). Can be seen at S. ,V. Reim s Gnu-- 1 cry. ('.-if iJABY CHICKS MONDAY A') j Fi iday at Firestone Store. .'vmHi j Garnett street, also at the H.«t ! chery on Oxford Re. d any day i i j the week. Come 10 see ue Hen- ! derson Hatchery, Phone tol l. 7 -1211 I 3RING YOUR COWS. PIGS, YFALS j and home-^rown produce 1u 1 Langston’s. We pay $*oou prices j i’or all. Lamest.mV. plr ne 122 1, i Corner Che.-tnut street ai.d Cooper Avenue. 17-11 HELP WANTED .1 AID WANTED TO ACCOMPANY Navy officer, wife and child to Newport, R. I. around June lsi ! Henderson family. If interested, call at 107 Clark street for further j inf( rmation. Health certiticate and reference required. 17—.>tr j , AI) Y FOR Cl KN KRAI, OKFICK I work wai^d. One who knows how tc mee tlie public and preferrably one wlio has a knowledge of typ ina. Address Hox 42(i, Henderson. N. C. 18-21! j AUTOMOTIVE ’OR SALE 1937 FORD BUSINESS coupe. Apply Horace Falkner's store, near South Henderson school. 17-2U FOR SALE i R S \ IBRE \KF \S’I 3UITI - Utility Cabinet ..an Set . P i ( la.ns. ( >nk (dlidcis. chin'erohe 1.: ;111>. . Seatt.-i i: a . Mi.-,,.. >. 1,; - in RiHirn aiii I; . 1. Svi inf . i a i, i Ta!>!( a 'thei ilen ney. R. K. Satlerv,a . i-n MOXU" ; rs T< fMBSTONES - MARKERS Ki mn The >uth ! Larg< n mental Factory VV. \V. l.AXOST' 219 Young t . ’ lima 773 E()R THE B E S T EM K.V\( V groceries, fre. n fruit . vegetables, fresh nr ai-. I I, and oy.dei I no 43 J. 11 Free Delivery i__ H. o. FA I,KM'.; .V sm\, c and Wood. Sl a • ! , at el . , nig. I ‘hone 2G0. 1 i a ; CELLCSf )SE 1 ARE, TYI’EVVRl i'EU desks, fluore cei 1 de I; lamps, bo.\e: , clip bo,, ai, h file .,,, j robber bands II . •f,,, , |,,. office. Hend tab ii-bed 1384. ii-n' I I .ElTRK ' f'A '. "I . \B1.E !•'< d; . lore. I' ed mi a a-a'. \\ dl :-,■!! '•heap. See ( ). K :mi al -ei . - j i'" : lotion al /-a Vaiu'c . el,. Nil, | I ’bon, ■ 1212. l;;-;:ti "II, BARREI.S Id ili SAT.E USA bh■ a a.at I ai delr. - • red. Phone 722 1 7-2(1 *22 BICYCLE TIRES. TUBES, MIR '■"is. pedal-. .vire basket.-', handle bar kr , hana|, bars, t ire i e| ■: , . tkii H; XOW IS THE T1 '.III |'ii OMT YOUR lawn sprinkler. ; a r ho .- e. ml length, bras - , i in/.ale . cm, j > lings, all lit 1 ii; - - 11 a i a I you r , .id : e Also pot nkloi A atk in:- H a rd , • (k ,. 2i 1-4 i. PLASTIC SCR rd :.\ WIRE. XKYKR requires painting, dm- not l'U-t, lasting and dumb!'.'. Screen door firing, ' nor close! Vdatkin . Har,iv. e (2a- Hi ! •A & B. RADIO BATTERIES! 1 9. a-tic Ik. ! i '.la and b l, mic to ' it all si/, i la h light;. bulbs, lank i n flash 1 lights. Xu, (i dr\ i h illene A' aka Haul'.' am Co. 2 U - 41 i U'E HAVE A ’ T .V TWO SLICE 1 ■ i a — k ■1 -. All ( * a'' " : 11 a I ■ t : i! n.dci la I . H r la E: il llitul'< Co.. , 1 a i ia ' one 137. 2II-2U ' CEDAR l-'EXCE POSTS. 8 FT.. FOR "I' . A iso dry ual; ••. ,od, splik 1 -i-ii il 1 lar.iictk PIraa■ 9a(i-.I. 20 2ti Keliet in Penicillin Lozenges Rv hfrvian n. ri'ndfafn m n IIF.IIK'S m- \-• 11.t may cv. ri tually t he i of ordinary mc thio.af. A a . affective t> „t liililll'l.t 1 I nv>re than a prom; • t, , a e of i" nicillin lozer . fi'nai:ii• - \\ a fers. I)r. Harry H. IL ■ d. a Lieutenant Coniman i, t : . t! Medical Corps of the t'.s N [J, has tried out both of the - rep-i rat wit i -uich good n ).■ : ■ . a Locates 1 heir w: ; < . the treatment of various kin . of sore throat. Call Doctor Now, of course, this does not mean that you can affor 1 to youi own doctor in such cases. A phy inan should always be cab- d in ca as of severe sore throat, since in mar y in tances, the ir feet ion may be caused by diphtheria pi i nis In this event an emir- ly differ! nt type of treatment is re quin d. Them li.ii, e’-on if your particu lar or! thi ' is of thi most dinary kind. y.ij. will not be able to tell weather a penicillin or a sul fonamide pri | a ration will do the most g.I. Dr. L isenthah for instance, found tin- t id, . 11in lozenge par ticularly effective in tonsillitis and trench mouth. Tie- penicillin lozenge is made •jii of sodium citrate, starch, gela | tin. e-■ g•: r, - I -1 1 > I •,«. ter ar'] pen* 1 [>■ ;■!>'. t mint as a ! ' .tv ■ ■ * < i - g.ven j every t, ,i • 1 • ,i • iglent is in ’’ to dissolve j slowly o i’ ■ ■ g ,i It has been to'i’id ' a* treatment, pain is reho-.• u .- four hours. Tor. - i 1 Swelling The swi • f the tonsils dp crta-i as a u as *5 to .'hi per ini fever and other symptoms arc praoti with a day and a half, fn adilition to the use of t: e neui e.iiin lozenge., he ■ i ‘g.- . gar gling tin- e times a day with a di lute- ■ -lution of hy-lrog-.n i oroxide to a a - i: u way dead ti -• Th - sulfonamide wafer is made of sulfanilamide, baking soda, j . :!?::•• :... ole, wix and oil of pep P' rn i.t. One ta!-!' t is given eve ry two i irs and the patient chews it as he would a piece of gum. Dr. Ko -u.i-.id reports that there is an nmi ite oothing (ffeet on the inflamed lining m-unbrane of the throat ard lie- infection it within two or three days. A j-- - -n with a s--re throat U nail;, ••!.•' -cu e-u-!y ill. Neglect him to become so, how c ■ r, tiii~ may h> the start ing p- ns f-.-r n on s.-rious infec tion ,.f car at.d lungs. In any case, lie is Ii .- ]y to he ui comf--stable, so it i< goo-] news itni- ed that doc tors now have an ea-dlv-med ami effective weapon against this com mon di-order. FOR SALE I-’Oti SALE XEPTUXE OUTBOARD . C’;i:: (.1 . < 'liaiies P. Rom.. a I Ii'ii. -e O .! i .v Supply Co.. pin ,n 1 >i pin in, ■ :;:;p, WarrenO m. (. ;ift<■ i li :;n a 2(1-21-2 - ! i for sack u:;i coi xter axii I oa! IMe fo i loii.i !. 111 . • Ihret■ burner t n i vor- a 1 * lei ’::i ra 1 me. Pho: i, ■ 259. 2( -3ti MEX' - VXD HI LI >REXS BATH in;; trunk? ami -nit,--. All colors in ! .!, I.asti Wool. ,-,.( ten an i .. -n. (‘!ni> iren'- 1, - ■ t ron i 2 .rM an tor men, w i (.h built-in ji-i T i '.li nin'. Depart ment Stof. 20-2: i LARGE SKI. K, "i'K )X USED SHOES. E'J I' ■ : i the ! a mi l.\ . Good j value- ,.i n Ilite, bn>\\ 11 and whlie and others. VVIu 1 e-yo11-wait-shije retiairm;;. ' ’arojina Shoe Shop. 20—tf WI DXESD \Y M< )RXING SPECIAL! II | - e -11 a.i: i > ( ii ie (ill la C Variety of style Carton': Department Store 2(i-2'i FOR SALE AI EX'S STRAW HATS, SPORT ■ swim trunks, jersey . pans and underwear. Also work i ' 'In ■■■ Good . fleet ion. 11 > an o Raker: I ’awn simp : ' VI HAVI JUS'I fir.-t - erved! Get you: at Ik >VS atlLoil SLITS IN' WHI T!: o’ • iik. e Lone ;.i o short pants " f.‘. A. \v.. liable Size 2 ' i ■ > 1 All to <2 IT: I a ton's !)• ■ Oditu.i o Store. 20-2ti AT LAST WE HAVE ’1TIEAI: 1 iy la I ill11.| m aei;.-. Spei'ia ! 2 ;..il!on ran pure Pennsylvania : a•: i.o I oi • ii!) Fire.' ton ■ I '• > i - . .Vi )-t’l Is 'K S! ,.\i K SLITS ■ ' ' 1 kill's Sl/e- 2 to 14. S 1.4.) •At!) 8 Carton’s Department St"i 2o-2t i :L NEW SINGLE-HAND EGG a la i ri i am boater is here. Al..... "itO linnei plate- and Firekin" oinnei sets. Firestone Store. 2a-and-2 1 POLITICAL I OK - ! ? » s} n \ f 1 1 OK ( <>' I M ! ' ! OK ( « fok coponi I am a ■ .ncr of Now ^fo&s&ou* DEAR*NOAH “IF AN OVER WEIGHT LETTER' SNEAKS THRU THE POST OFFICE,. WILL IT GET A LICKING' AT THE OTHER BMD> OF THE LINE ? eurecL Cs bumn b 'nr~i'T~ p A OH. BOY, I YE . g Loot the house TO MYSELF-' - COOKIE WHAT A SWELL AT HOME MST. O H- CHANCE TO BUMSTEAD ' V TAKE A r NAP N D I E E T T A K E T T T H E G U M P S