Hrnb^rsmt ©atilt ©tspatrli THIRTY-THIRD YEAR i.kask., w,«k skuv..k ,*• u,Vh,„,MV -v 7. — — _ _* - - 1 in. m 1 \ 11.1> i' HENDERSON, N. ( HJI>.\\ \l FERNOON, MA^ 24, 1 *.• 1 *> >>.••• FIVE CENTS COPY GOVERNMENT MARKS TIME IN WALKOUTS 6-7-8-9-10— DownforCouni: Railroad Tie-Up Depi.v;;s Mines Of Coal Gondolas Washington, May 21.— ( \I’i_ Tilt- strike-groggy coal industry went down for the count today —from a ring side blow. Hie railroad strike deprived tin- mines of empty coal gon dolas for shipping even yester days shrunken output. As a result, mi industry spokes man predicted ail mines will be birred to shut down in les than 2 1 hours. Plic- situation thus til real .-nod to cancel the last production under ih■ - two week coal strike truce which i nris tomorrow night. The 400,000 soft coal miners al ready had been laying off m in creasing numbers before 1he rail tie up began at 4 p. m. yesterday. Half of the miners and about half of the 4.500 soft coal mines were idle. Some Mines Not Manned. Some of these mines had not been manned at all during the truce. Men Quit at others when the Govern ment took control Wednesday in a last effort to keep production going. Even as the rail walkout began to spread westward the Govern ment's mine administrators Secre tary of Interior ,J. A. Krug and Vice Adm Hen Morrell -handed the Gov ernment's "position on principal points" to John L. Lewis. Krug had held out some hope that some agreement between the parties on the things that make a contract if not din specific terms could be made and the miners could be kepi at work. But the Secretary acknow anil that of the United Mine Work ers it was unlikely the Government could persuade them to remain on the job next week. Continuation of the rail .strikes, of course, would leave any coal set tlement largely ineffectual because more than 90 per cent of the nun" arc dependant on railroads to get the coal to market. C 'n the other hand, however, should the coal strike continue and the rail tie up end. the coal burn ing earners ultimalelv would be re turned to idleness for lack of fuel. Market Reflects Transport (Crisis New York, May :M. (AIM The slork market sold off i • ti«»n; t<. two or more points at the opening today, apparently depressed hv the national rail strike, hut liquidation was very light and assorted recov eries appeared before mid-day. On the retreating end were T. S. Steel, General Motors, Montgomery Ward, Douglas Aircraft and J. C\ Penney. COAST LINE PLANS SKELETON SERVICE Wilmington. May 24.—(AP)—The Atlantic Coast Line today cancelled all schedules throughout its system inaugurated a skeleton service over major routes with supervisory of ficers acting as crews. Over the main line, from Rich mond to Jacksonville, the company began operating only the Havana Special on an every-other-day basis. Germ Spray Newest U. S. WarWeapoit Device Far Mere Deadly Than Atom Bomb, Say Solons \V Ml! Jlill, M l V "1 . I A 1 ’ ) ,-\ im pr;»v ii'p« ru'(ily rsp.mi. i>{ will ir; o .1 large fit i«* and i'ti nt c > "}■. I a ,i.i -h* ; i I i (r.t • y’s nr vr l : t . r* \\v y> n ! . m» • ** (tr»ldl.y th. i! t AC i> ■ | hi (ii id ■: li:V 1' ■ *1 I 111 «»■ ( ' A gi ( • to lay a! !cr !: <• I ir : Lari* hint w ,ta’ <»• i r I i n ilia I a or c*i tlie Hi ;.v‘ : a lay. Sketchy ns we: ‘ nrovuie.i by r ,ni i in of I he Ho 1 A onrush - ti- 11- CoTPinitlee '/.'a h* • • ed «T ther tie\ elopreent i;eiimd guarded doors. Bill Goes To Senate. 'I hose ment’ er - l f the germ weapons, one memoer said, adding dual they have ben ileveloped to the point when they c.. i>e u-ed wherever nece- ary Also, lie a . the United State.- i the >4. pi sor of the secret .nvnlvcd. 1 They have developed a weap m that can wipe out ail form ■: li'e in a large city." a number decuuvd "It is a germ pr p itni an I prayed Irom airp! mu’ flat u u I Is high enough while doing It to he reu m nalily safe from ground fire. I; is quick and certain death." Hirohito l rges People To Help Selves In Crisis Tokyo, May 2 1 -(AIM -Kmperor Hirohito, m an unpreuedented broad, east today urged his 711,000,000 peo ple to help each other t ) ough th" nation' . food crisi but made it plain that he expects prompt action by Premier Yoshila'.. new govern ment. Two hours late. Yo.-.hitdo echoed his emperor's word- that Japan mu-l adopt a "self-help policy. Yo-luda added, m an Hi minute press con ference, that lie had picked th" hc-t man available for the loud job, Him Wada, as minister of agr,culture. Ra ise for Mailmen AS POSTMASTER GENERAL Robert K. Hannegan looks on, (’resident Harry S Trurnan allixes his signa ture to the bill which provides a $1011 annual wage raise for lull time postal employees, and a salary boost tor part-time workers. The signing ceremony took place at the White House. ‘internationalt Bra^ Extends An In\ itation I o Sen icemen Ft. Hr May 21.— ( AP) — 1: you're in the ai noil furors and o ( by ■ ai 1 . ;e. Ft. lira % i .ions, it hospUmiiy. '1 he pub lie r lal m.., (si ice said tr.c’nber ol t'ne army. n:o v, cnusl I . ard an urines. i td c; ....... ■ U . c ' i In War !*o artm > i v.atuhl bo gi\e:t if a!.s and quarter, o.i I'm I o il. ' traveling on < rders will also receive transportation to then destination. and all will hr pul on diitv status here so thev will not be A WOL. BRITAIN TO START NFAV COLONY PLAN T ,on.l. .n, M.v.- ;>) . APi Hrdish | ('• i • '. n .i ‘'T * h le rl« r . have derid el ‘* i ; i am! ;tin “:i< < «• ■;‘ reI i/rd" 1 ie . | » if.-fi nl mm»u 1 cii11nn empire lor emn policy. rI he (iens.'nn, nnn uni' ed nl the j iti i.i'>f a live ' k empire cniifer-| ( e e eni; »hn i/f d lie- mmiy m j ■ < I ' . mon hi 1/ dly marked 1}"' end 1 f Tinted K i11!• an prei Inm i nance. Dispatch Will Announce County Election Returns As has been its custom more (bail 30 years, the Daily Dis patch u ill announce r e t u r n s from the countyyride Democratic primary as rapidly as they are receive. Election officials have been requested and have prom ised to cooperate in counting the j ballots as rapidly as possible, and it is hoped that results may he determined early in the eve ning. .irraui’rinents have been made to use the ampiif.t in:; stslein of (borne V. Icnkins, and li> this ; means the crowd, no matter how lame, will he able to hear tiie retai ns as Ihet are compiled. Space o ■ Yo-.ins street in front of the Dispatch often' will be blocked off from traffic for the period until the returns hate been complete.!. ATOM BOMB SCIENTISTS SEEK DATA FOR BIKINI TEST UNDERWATER EXPLOSION OF A 500-POUND BOMB sends a mighty column of water, smoke and gases, high into the air as University of California scientists conduct an experiment at the Patuxent Naval Station, Va to determine the probable height and shape of waves during the real test at Bikini Atoll. Pictuied a‘tiofah waves are radiating from the site where the explosion occurred. U. £>. Navy photos. v» ihrough the canal past the village of South Mill neal Elizabeth C ity. In the distance are the modernized South Locks, completed in 1941 At the left tl i George Washington highway connecting Elizabeth City and Norfolk. The canal was designed and urveved by George Washington in 1765, and is said to be the old sf t an-rnad waterway in America. (AP) Photo). * Henderson Terminal Is Quiet As Paralysis Grips NeCaroiina Trains Kept At Their Terminals; One Road Running (My The Xssociatcd Press.) Virtually complete paraly. , grip ped .Xorth Carolina'': rail y icm to day a the trike called for 4 p. m. yosterdii> became fully effective. Trans which had been away from their terminals at the hour set for i the walkout had completed their trips and their engines had .joined the majority parked in round-houses when engineers and trainmen struck. Bus lines and air transport thro ughout tlie Carolinns were crowded with passenger?- and truck lines gav • priority to e-.-< utial freight in effort ; ; to keep supnht of food and other | necessities mo mg to consumer?-. Mn.-t South" n tram, wen* held at i terminals win ir they wa re . toppl'd I immediate!;. ; nr to 1 lie . t like d< ad 1 lines. Souliu • ’ north hound Xo. .'51 ; left ('hark >! tc at ter l . - m and j Southern o|'!r a!s -aid it would i • in — ! plete it . t. ir- to W.i; hington. AII train.' • 1 the Southern' Win 1 sti»11 — S a .it - on were .-top: «.*• i ,n I g;f>7 p. m.. c -a ept l rain Xo Ah i mm i A? heviMe. : eh wa an ia »:ir lai-• and cone dole. i its l rip i i >m C Irei im boro. Both 1 i: Xorlo4‘. . a: t W\ a • r i :. and Southern can -a*1 kad all fi eight trains out ot Winston-Salem. Some 1 rains Move. At l.i t it ie ( 1 >. ■ ‘ Lino engine* a a no traimne’ v.. Mo out in Will, m d* n. as di.y Sout: ■ and t 'harle-1 on and Western Car* ' na employe; at Spai - tanburg. Xo ion crew- ol super v isors, >ffic* loved the on k VCL “Hav ana Sp .! t r* in. Cocky Mount to Hichna no a 1 the nuMlibmiii I section ot tin same tram imm Savanna! . > i. t*» -)aek -«»nvillc, I la. HR' t ' • * * dim ", .'ll",; . i i Norlina 1 u id 1 e; 11 I re mid ti .iui tor Richmond a:■ i ! ’«>rl ;■ mill h. Ya., which wore deserted there. No switch cm ::.' operations were per formed after the strike order. Also in the Xm • van. were several express ear mail i,oach«‘>. ’Hie Piedme.m ..n. Northern wa tin' on ly major la m tlie Yaroimus not effected by tlie strike. Its employe.^ were not called out. Mail Service Is Curtailed Washington. May 24.— (AP)- The Postoffice Department today deelai c i a mail cmnargo which wii1 llimt service to local deliveries ana in M class and . n 1 mil out of town Mem Un n ol non-local n ails which are mo daily v. 11 i Is Milen wade 111■ ■ ai de is in t fleet. \on-loeal U'Her n in and air mail have an avera >■ daily weight ot on!.\ 779 tons. WtAIHtR IT)!; NORTH ( A ROM's V Partly cl only and warmer to night and Saturday. Scattered show ms over west portion to night. Only One Train, Operated By Chief Mechanic From Raleigh, Passes Here I 't!i" I'ir.! time in more tlia:i a quail'■. ; t'lit.,rv, 11 ains failed to i an h"! i' today because of a railr iad si: ko. and the ei feels wire in.eied lelely ini’a'cabie i n every hand. At 10 a. ni. a north■> rari passen ger train H ti: operated doe So - I •11 rt It dl way from Rulmgh to Jprh mond. poweicd by three diesel units m ■! with the inn.stor mechanic from the Raleigh shops sitting in the driv er': eat. It was made up of parts 1 I' td" as! northbound Nm 192, due In ' e f t night at 10:05 o'i-I 'a In.' unit'll i:i". or got past Hamlet, lad nules to the south, where it wo ws - c; ug! t under the t'-ike dead line. At Seaboard ofliee d w.i -aid this -amp t r.'i n wo, ;ld n m-" Mila t arly ‘in r, i .iiip a.- 11 a - n t hi \'o U1. (In, I lore on 11' rn i.i i . hi’, ' nt ft.gfl o. 1,1 'I'll.' 1 r-'oo ! <:i s ni'ini'e ; w n ie I ., - ' ' 'i d ' ' . : . .la1 ud i g e, ie I“i limans, .■ '; u'd, i -. At I he pi In'': - it su'd t . *t':,,‘’ "illy all ' m e . gin by Hi rain originated it ! lei and v ieiiiitv. several Star Kotiti". '! iie I feirlei .-on no a , iice is ' c. ed b.\ s ", era! she im'i'-. one mi leave i g at 111 a. m 1It a g .oni I'ltermi'ili.ite puin' ■ ■ • • ,.i - in : at f! till p II- A; ,• , a i . at in n, i in I making an the.1 11 i p at 4 p. in. toward I) . o ,: far as Nui'thsi Ie. out shi ll ; II , de ' hold Ilf Dar i . . ' I I ue . rc'.i.i - ini' here l.etu eeh '1 ;,'.d 7 o'cloei. the evening The t i e- will kep some loach mail v. il :." au.lled 1 .y then at It ii lei d i and I ' h., ■ i: to and from i ast and we.-t p-• t a a m t learned. 'the ) I ain in wuming h d ides i, r hundred., 1 - I pasenge! hit carried \ el V leu ■ ('.•miuctor.. and tuemi : a " not on ..I. ii:c (•■.(■(• ijt as 11ii v are !’m ert into it■1 > 1 ■■ 1 >y stopi go ■ irains I"rii r to ti e ira t■ "tay. the last ri igllt or 11 age!' r a 1 till' Igii 1:< re in any dire, tin i wa. ut'ii.)' au, , Mi.. IV Iron. Port.-moos a. w h i a h paved about on time, around 7:3M o’clock hist night, having left it point of origin before tAe strike ri, adline, and trinding to a halt at Raleigh, the 11' are , .'one uial. N ti, ins were running on the Hondo' ou-Durl.aa: maneh line. Switch Mngitip At Terniiral. Tv. yard ere'.' are rue .love l i III . 11■: .ii. ami i ii- day it. v rs ’ la 11 engine ml a the t. rm Iu,, I la 1 lie .a ill t 111 'in part ' a liir i-i'v a lew 'i ’Ii;: r.-a i iv • t11 I a I i i .'.ant o| t hr- jei .anoa' 1 , ■ hour am v the day v. .as I’m i lied The i u m. w ■ •1 ■ 1 ■ i .. while with tii" parked ngim ml:I Sea board oft ... olished jol if tin t V. a ere w . t a t a. 11 r.e gia U. i ! did not repo.-t or d it.v at ad. At 'll" Se a n, a: . i If ire, at t tie Sin it: ur: 11 o. ti: , dot e ce i , rgo was placed on >nb ol I' eat ni l g ue Ha eg- . ei' of ini'. >ti. — ing freight , ■ ■ .: s! i i patents a ■ wa e ead\ i hand for dial .illt-'ri e i ade.d into ear ; ;e 1 he fre.gih ■■■•■ - v. hert '.lie..' i 1 re hi 1 : is resumed Ho . pr, pu■ ■ e: 1 ■ t he passenger station at ' t r n. tie , 1 ri ire deadline. S,> 'am, ‘ Mo. if passed I -1 bet III'; I 111. :m l until', ued III the R: ’ '1 :a : e hav ■ "maims , , '" . . I .- I i • ■ 1 hen. 'i he !■■ tei mieai here was adding all available ini-.- to handle th • i1 a 1 r a 'U ■. ail U- mi t:■ part n: pj.-sen , " - A:: early P Ti n n n litil'th 1:>, i 11 e i a : e" P a i -a ! .slr.'i I - •! U' Well ' lsec! nil ., .-o: ! th 11..; nd i ii. aicI ,i!;i' s \ ci'i made ; tn si:; a ::v:i! toe 1; , p P> 1) irham i: ni’ •••-■■ a y. T: ere v, iiv indica te r.s til.’ a, t la l Irii.ii'! - mip 151.a Line ight in- m-awn upon far mt'T-city service ii that became i.eci ssary. 'I rips 1 a i txlnixi .iia o’!icr near by towns were made by express truck -’a’ ned here 1 set 1 • ■ . to a- inal t day, but this v. • old not he a continuing service, since no further carer es are ■ iim i u in on tn m.'. and since there are no trams, except the two in question, and in \ irw oi tile embargo on : hipments. tl.iiu I act iriin; intce.-t in the r tv ill’ 111- I all ea -; omen! \\ Ilia i were t .. standstill except as mo.c ilits aid tie < : a 1 i y ': aks. and there was comparatively little ol 1 this. ere war n immed e nroi i j ta n Pi day : - t i how or hi.-1. when .: a ted, as it de. in ! ely will he if t1'i■ it'ike rnnlrnn tor lump Chain usd s( ir. i, ii mall v run •• e most hi l!'.-ir ! ck,- iiy 1 ruck 1 rum dis t n-1 tern m a lx. ml tin a will jt n ib ,v |y continue t..r tie ■ lays. Since n a'h . l' these stocks reach v.-.ire h,<> a,' by rail, however, a prolonged stoppage would • t become serious Five men tn each ( t the two cn rine crews ua the Scab' til'd yard lien are idle as a result of the strike, and lay-'Ms at the freight i ft ice m ty n flow in a short time unless trains resume their runs to permit of lv.eipt and dispatch of . shipments. Southern Plans Lmcr^cnex Runs < liarlottc. May 'll.— (AI*) — Railway I.ines east headquarters here announced that an emer gency organization yyas being formed to operate two passen ger. mail and express trains in each direction daily between Washington and Atlanta, begin ning at 1 l>. m. KST today . The line said road foremen of engines — veteran engineers— would he in charge and train masters and other operating ex ecutives would make up crews. This tentative schedule yyas arranged: From Washington: Train Vo. tin. depart at I p. m : Train Vo. l!l, depart at I !: ;."i p. in. From Atlanta: Train Vo 10. depart at 1:1(1 p. m.: Train Vo. .'id. depart al I:.'!() a. in. Satin • day. TRUMAN CANCEL S NEWS CONFERENCE \V V iy :M. — (AP. P. at Tmr.ici today cancelled .entative plans lor a new cnnl'cro e ; 1! , m. in order to devote all us time to the railroad ciisis. Truman And (abimTTalk Labor (’risks Public Opinion May Bring Action, Says Advisor To Truman '' : ' : gton. ; lay 21 ( \ I ’) • With the too;;: ry i i< V a nation-wide mi! a •;> waikml, I r. 'id; rt Truman today called a p. m. mo. * bur at 1 he White House of t",. caiiie and I, 1 >r i advisors to ea! a a.“th< wh ■ strike situation.'' Press Secretary ( bare It ;, who made the announcement, so described the meeting - purpose when asked whether it con cei ned t lie coal . r rail cre-i . la esalentia! a oa a, wy ti *'g the and sirik ing workers into an agroetni at aa* ending the paralyzing rail strike. A growing urgency, foil i y cumulated r c p o i t s .a iatpe.i.!i;ig food shortage. : nd ■ :et a to : plug a.ent, was relieved also in two White Ho tse de\ el'a •• ,.n;,: Cabinet Discusses Strikes. 1 - Pot t master Genera] Robert I!■' 1 nogun tol• is p rt er. a:: a a <)fi minute cabinet meeting "We ii • ■ ■'1 1 stnki . noth* g 1 ana we did o emphata ally an.I in ti nsely." -■ Sii ator Byrd in .a v- :pma ■a at tdiei' . an on mi i i i ng ai i bat fe (': a 1 Tv era! i o , ,mjt an appeal to Co- g , >ur ;||,t a i .i tbority to previ> t t in the; n:i lioii-wide strikes. •loht R Stet . i i .rial 1 1 b :■ a civ i or. hawed v.nlb lender.; >f a.i ,-triI;aig t,,. ■, ,i, . e m. wmei . and then met re;n e.-o. a hr , - . | : l,e eafriers a? ••emitiat inn- w er, |,,, _ maily resumed in a du.vhtown Ho tel. after a fruitli t s»ion at tl e White House yesterday. "\ i one can tel! I -w hi" ne tt ’ ■1't| ns are go- ... ; , t n out. ’ I Ross told reporters. ltoss Silent On Appeal. d i-.ed wl’.ot'i■ •:■ Mr : . .. ,in ti • ' 11 going to the people with • ■ osdra ' an I me ■ I:. ■' ■ . K .g ■ ml ill' lid '1 - : a - ., ■ .' ! ,'0 i . a a. to Mr. Truman'. man. ■ - ' 1011 a' til" top ; ! its dock cl III" Stilt it*; ii"t" 1 was In" . cue ill i enewod nog' t -at ii m,,. The Man11" Corps .any alc an ' n men. i pi.ins "to "i y basis. loud Supplies Inventoried. .ain: -1y m , o.ntori-•.! ] o d - tp| di as. ,: atii-: i a- - -.. In , 1 . in- i]I doth a, - CS 1 hreate m,; i iishimurn , , 1 ' - ..bios. An einbaig > on all but Inst class and air mail warn! into oin-'t in many : Inew . ii I a a annat'my n ' To n-t-t-I ike v. r-t tmispir-tati u crisis in the > a Men's hi v. the government n i >: i I i, c i a i! a a i l.a a !e ;iirplan« s, tr :ia i boat ■ t* m .. o . at h tea pi jin ny essential: , : •• I, medicines, and ■ tiler vital .-iippiics. The length of the emergenv. a a . npn , iictal he .. it: >U: i’t >j u'.i i r, tore, i 11 lit ran '.ail n; el it - a nt dsv s'l a - eet ween the on 1 - i iers and lea Iers oi the 250,1 )0i) st ik I ‘I’.gnic: > .mi 11 : aie ea bn! the last weacl ,v;:s "no progress." Administia.l ieii .p.alters i-\ i.'cji: y \\ ere cnlintin ; on the ere- - re - T an inconvenienced public 'a m..r rt a ‘ornpell influence on futarc de \ t iupmenl . Public Reac tion \w ailed. "Mayhe public •< > iea I mt ee a.a a n i one < ! M '! t - in: i.' ■ ■ a. o l ..I, ...... ” !t ' . like , . ■ "1 ’ . . nd ee h w 'hi.. : rike I ..a held 1.1 the public. C'em::n : - V.,a ; up m arm a 'he I ail e . I v- S' nator 1' V; ! I'll) .1 \’i: ■ : ' a I' Ml FlU i an ‘'appear before the jo nt ses sion Of ('angle s so 1 he stel Oe T measures • an be adopted lu.m-'i ialely In meet la.s 'meat which im pairs our very existence." Denunciation of the tie-up helped to keep me hu,etc :n a i :-inmr ses sion lasting mU the early morning hauls i 'day. The law-makers pushed through one measure aimed square ly at John L. Lewis and his coal strike, outlawing the type of union controlled welfare fund he is de-* ' rnandVg. v