Over -- iTK°°wE0^ajE READ dispatch classified The Want Ad, Daily Work F<)r y_u. Classified Rates This Size lc per word (Minimum charge 2f>r) This Size .2c per word (Minimum charge 50c) Kur larger size type, inquire for classified display rate. 25 words in regular size type, daily for one mon'h.$6.00 No rules or borders will be avail able for use in the classified but white space may be used on each side of an ad and charged at 6c per line in depth. THE HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH LOST AND FOUND RING FOUND OWNER MAY i i.iim same by identifying at Wat kin: Hardware Co. Phone 46. 5-211 HELP WANTED COOK WANTED. PLEASANT working condition-. Good !io;n~ Apply in poison. lliillop 2. Raleigh Road. 4-311 1 U't i WAITRKSSKS W \ X T K I). Hotel Vance. Room oui n ie. 11 - furnished. 1-6! i V! \ X OR WOMAN TAKE OVER fine established local route. Year round work. Good hours regular customers. Average $40 to $5M weekly, experience uimecessarry. Write the .1 It. Watkins Co., Dept. S-li, Richmond, Ya. 3-4-5-17-18-19 SPECIAL NOTICES WE HAVE MANY NEW ITEMS IN furniture—Come and look at them. See us—Save money. R. E. Sat tei white & Sons. 21-tf FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY. yf'R lie Buddings Adminisl ration, offi.c of the division Engineer. 214-M Post Otlke. Eeder.il Annex. Atlanta 3 Ga.. May 30. lHfl. Sealed Lids in triplicate, will lie received at this office until 2 p. m.. June 2n 194(i and then publicly opened, foi tarnishing the materials, and per lorming the work for painting an. : iseellaneous repairs at the U. S !’. o.. Henders'in. North Carolina in strict accordance with the spcv iIieations dated PB-Div-3. April 11 1946, and drawings (if ;nyi men tioned therein: and the general conditions dated Sept. 15. 1942. and addendum thereto dated May 15 1944 Specifications and othei data may be had at tile office o] the custodian of the building or the office of the division engineer. A. E S, i del s m. I)Li-iun Engineer, 4- :ui "ACE" FOOD FREEZER STORAGE Cabinets tor Home and Farm n-iw on display at Harvin-Melnnis. Inc 132 N. William Street, Phone 17k. 5- 6ti DON'T MISS THE FROZEN FOOD treats at Morgan's! So tasty and so economical. Large variety; alse fresh produce, poultry and gro ceries. Free Delivery. Rhone 1256. 21-tf N. C. State Guard D A N C E Saturday Night At Armory 9 Until 12 P. M. Hedgepeth and Overton Regular Admission 6- 1 ti SEVEN DAY SERVICE ON MONU ments and Markers, corner posts and curbing. For free transpor tation to and from our yard at N. Henderson, call or write John W. May, telephone 710-J. Wake Monument Co. 25-31 ti HACK. FROM WAR — RYTEX printed stationery at pre-war prices—50 sheets and 50 envelopes printed with your name and ad dress for only $1.00. Place your orders now' at—Alford's Printing & Office Supply Co. 16-tf MR. TOBACCO FARMER — WE will be glad to help you file nec essary forms for coal for tobacco curing. H. O. Falkner & Son. Phone 260. 28-tf A GIFT TO PLEASE THE BRIDE —give something in "Pvrex". Cas seroles, pie plates, utility dishes, loaf pans, mixing bowl, measuring cups, cake pans, custard cups and many other useful gifts. Watkins Hardware Co. 3-411 TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS AND customers, when you have cow.-, veals, hogs to sell, phone us at 615. We will come to see them and buy them on foot. Or we will do your slaughtering for you. as we have a slaughter house that has been approved by the coun ty and state health departmcy for our own market use. New man-Sea man. 6-end - loti REA1. ESTATE FOR SALE ONE DWELLING Excellent Location For Colored Home Or Investment F. B. Hight Phone 289 - 5-2ti repair services U'oi;\ SANDALS AND SHOES 1:•: built I'm added i-ummei service Ha\e your winter slims repaired before you put them away Expert Shoe Repairing. Whilc-You-Wait Serviee. Carolina Shoe Shop. M-ti WII.DIN'C; IS DONE CHEAPER AT the Standard Station at Pa ar Pond from C to y p j.; ,1,(1 p s | No. 1. d mil's south of Henderson. I "'" >■ ■ larunteed L< - Standard .Statum. 5-3li OCR EFFICIENT SERVICE DE I -it! rh' rail do your job prorn])t J A . i at i-1 aetorily and inepensive •> bee us now and be set for I'!";.-.a111 summer driving. Harrison Motors, Inc. PIT S. William Street Phone 481. 3_tf RICHARD If. SMITIR PAINT Anything, Anywhere (iuaranteed Service. Phone p) K.dknerV Huilrlin:; Supply. (i-lti BATTERIES IN STOCK for most ear- tjuirk Battery Charg ing* I ‘t a- add C asite to vour oil lor best pei formanee. Coward’s Si r\ li e stalion William and Har rell Street.’ G-tf ONE DAY SERVICE on any make radio. Our three government licensed radio engineers makes this possible. Authorized dealers for Motorola auto receivers. Clar ion, U. S. Television and Fada home receivers. Sunbeam elec trical appliances. We also special ize in auto radio repair and in stallation. Motorola auto radios in stock. All work unconditionally guaranteed. 11. & B. Radio Sale's and Service, phone 234, 109 Montgomery street. 24—tf RADIO SERVICE-WE OFFER YOU expert factory service on any make radio. Our 24 years ex perience and large stock of repair parts and tubes, plus one of the best equipped shops in this sec tion. is y air guaiantee of prompt and satisfactory service at a rea sonable cost. Brine us your radio for your next repair job or call us for pick-up and delivery service. Jen kins Radio & Sound Service, Phone 44fi. 3o-tt SEWING MACHINE PARTS, RE pairing, adjusting. All Vacuum Cleaners and sir,all appliances re paired. Prompt, efficient service. Work guaranteed. Tanner Sewing Machine & Electric Shop. Phene 116-W. lG-ti J. MAURICE ALLEN, C'ONTRAC tnr and Builder. General Repairs Painting, Weather Stripping, In sulations, Floor Refinishing, Phone 1026-W. eod-tl WHY DELAY? YOU CAN ENJOY your radio now! Our expert tech [ nicians offer complete service— i economically, too! All work ii guaranteed. Come in—let us serve 1 you! Carolina Radio Co., 117 N. Garnet' street. Phone 121)7. 3l)-tt DON'T’ DELAY! i' YOUR CAR needs attention, see us for service to increase the efficiency of your ear. DeSoto-Plymouth Dealers. I Harrison Motors, Inc Phone 481 133 William street. 11-ti DUFFEL1 ELECTRIC” CONTRACTING Sales and Service House Wiring a Specialty 21 Years Experience Phone 1017 P. 0. Box 611 21—11 i___ I FOR THE BEST ELECTRICAL in stallations, commercial and domes tic wiring and repair, phone J 149-W. P. O. Box 890. Hayes Thom.v. Electrical Service . John W. Paves and John M. Thomas, •We Serve Best." 20-tf DON'T DELAY'! IE YOU NEED shoe repairing see us now. Quality work. While - You - Wait-Service. Cawthorne Brothers, formerly Grissom Shoe Shop. 34-tf GET YOUR CAR IN CONDITION now fur vacation and summer driving. See us now for a cheek up! Prompt, efficient service. Har rison Motors. In s Phone 481. 24-tt SEE UPCHURCH & HA EKE KI.EC tric Co., for your electrical con tracting and repairs. Experienced electricians to serve you. 6-tf SELECT NEW UPHOLSTERY' FOR summer! We have choice colors in i pm lily fabrics and leatherette, which will add to your driving pleasure. Hester Motor Co., 123 Horner street, phone Gl-J. wed-tf AUTOMOTIVE [•i ) 1; SALE 1939 INTERNATIONAL p.c.'.- ip in good condition. 4 new Will sell at ceiling price, e, e Lawn nee Davis or call 1093. 4—3ti EXPERT BATTERY RECHARGING service lor quicker starting to save you delay and inconvenience. Wil lard Batteries. See us for service Henry Mangum. proprietor. City .Serv ice Station, 201 William street Phone 75G. thurs-tf OUR EXPERT MOTOR REBUILD ing means more economical, more pleasant driving. Seven skilled mechanics to serve you. Call us Hester Motor Co., 123 Horner street, Phone 61-J. thurs-tt 1941 PLYMOUTH, TWO-DOOR sedan for sale. Radio and heater. In good all around condition. Ap ply at Room 230, Hotel Vance. (1-1 ti WANTED TO RENT THREE OR FOUR ROOM APART ment wanted by veteran for fathei and mother until home can be se cured. Call 544-W. 4-5t. INSURANCE I We Sell ’ II.Ml. INSURANCE | For Personal, Pr< mpt and Efficient Service Insure With The Insurance DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Phone 199 Henderson. N. C. Call Write Phone B. C. Wells, Manager We are now locale,I in our new of fice on Breaker.ridge .sired. Also entrance through the Bank from either Gainett or Wyche streets. FARM SUPPLIES j FOR C'ONTRi it. OK BEE TLES AND insect Roh none Dust. I terris At i \ l. a c . i nd A i m 'me o: Lead. A Ik. . f* 1 v sprays and tly ..waiters. Stup Siio:) Food .Market. Montgomery St 4-3 ti SEE UR FOR YOU R FEEDS! Starting. Growing and Laying Mash. Pig and Hog Hatton, also Dairy Feeds. Stop-Shop Food Markt, Montgomery Street. __ 4-3ti j FOR MEAT CURING. SPE.CIAL I'igin. Liquid Smoke, regular Si.an rj/.e 89c: Regular 30c si/.e nov 4kc Also Chambers Anti Skipper Compound reduced. Get the SI.00 size for 90c and the 50c si/.e for far. Blackman' and oth er stock and poultry remedies re duced one-fourth. Wood's Super Market. a-dli ' F O R D-F EROUSON TRACTOR Parts and Accessaries. Also. Im plements inc'uding. Middlc-B'ist ers. Bottom . lows. Sweep Rakes, ■ ( uttivators. Planters. Scoops, It:,:: - liter Mills, Wood Saws. (' J Fiom ing Supply Co.. .Montgomery St. " 29 tr CEMENT. BRICK CEMENT, AND mason's lime for yo.ir farm repair %ork and nov■ building. Come t > see us on Court Si., in front of the Courthouse. Falla .er's Building COLEMAN LANTERNS. GENER ators, mantles. Kerosne lamps and lanterns, battei.v lanterns. flash ] lights and butteries. Watkins Hard ware Co. 3-41 i 'GARDEN PLOWS, RAKES, HOES, hoe forks, pitchforks, shovels, gar den tools, axes, bush axes, side blades. Watkins Hardware Co. | 3-4ti | '■WEED-NO-MORE'\ A~~~MAUIC ! weed killer. Rids your lawn of j ugly weeds. 3-ox. package, enough for average lawn. For sale at Wat | kins Hardware Co. 3-4ti j DDT. 5'; AND 25';. GULF SPRAY ! in pints, quarts and gallons. Flit, stock spray, fly sprayers and dust guns. Watkins Hardware Co. 3-4ti LIVESTOCK—-CHICKS BRING YOUR COWS, PIGS, VEALS and home-grown produce to Langston’s. We pay good prices for all. Langston's, phone 1224, Corner Chestnut street and Cooper Avenue. 17-tf WE BUY COWS, CALVES, PIGS, Hides, Chickens and Eggs. High est prices paid in cash or trade. Phone 1040. Wood’s Super Mar ket. 24-tf IP YOU WANT TOP MONEY FOR your surplus cows, veals and hogs, see us first. Call us and we will come to see them. S. W. Renn's Grocery, phone 572. 30-tf FOR SALE — SADDLE HORSE, bridle and saddle. Price $175.00. Can be seen at S. W. Renn’s Groc ery. fi-tf FRYERS FRYERS — PLENTY OF fivers for sale at Henderson I Hatchery on the Oxford road. I 5—61 i I FOR RENT ONE T.ARGF FURNISHED ROOM for rent. 414 Andrews Avr. Phone 602-W. 5-2ti ROST NESS O I’ P() RT ONI TIES DOME AND AO TO STORES Franchise and Merchandise available for new Associate Stores. Representative will he in Knoxville, Tenn.. in the near future to interview in terested parties. Investigate before you invest. Write or wire Kenyon Auto Stores, Dallas 1. Texas. 30—7ti WANTED MAN OF GOOD ST'AND mg and tv. quniniani'e to represent large N C. concern in this com munity. Sal irv and c nnmis don earning po-diiiilies unlimi'ed. If veu can qualify write S-.iUO. carp Dispatch. 4-4t i WANTED WANTED YOUR OLD MATTRESS to sterilize and make like new. We repair gliders. We give one day service on mattresses. Vance Bed ding Co., Phone 827-W. 3-4ti BUILDING SUPPLIES I ■. 1.1 SHtN( LB II.: I. .It Roll : l li: • I . , ■. . Ill lit : Weight ill : | blue bkick. Roof M ! ft'I l lithe 1 i.: ■ material ,i I- lkner's Bull. , is fir y. (••Ill-: t I l ■ I "lit * , I i, 11 i Mil'll:' ID 4- Hi I WATSON - STAND.'.:: i PAIN M i I no vn for beaut. ,i d modi: v. ' I'..o.l fi ■ a 11 . .■ • also youi painter I , . If iKirir S ipply. Court ■ • • • Co rthouse, Phono 1!) 4-4ti AT ■THE PLACE OF VALUES" lime, cement, brixment. and fire brick. Alex S. Watkii. 3-4ti “THE PLACE i )P VALUES” FKA - tures It. P. S house paint. ' Best Paint Sold." It gi\i .neater pro teetlon. It's loligei lasting. It's more economical. ilex S. Watkin-. West Montgomery street. 18-tf FOR YOUR PAIN I NKRDS: VISIT “The Place of Value ", \ good stock ot inside and mil.-ide paint pure turpentine, blended lin e d oil, putty. and -pan. h whiting. Alex S. Watkins. .-.tli BUFF BRICK SIDING. ROB!, nlofing, and building paper ai "The Place ot Value Alex s. Watkins. li-lti FOR SALE NEW 7-PIECE MAHOGANY EED ruura Suite. Phone d;;8-.I after G p m. Gil) College street. 27—tf FOR THE BEST IN FANCY groceries, fresii fruits, vegetables, fresh meats, fish and oysters. Phone 439. Herbert':, Yellow Front. Free Delivery. 17-tf YES. WE HAVE PLOW LINKS and diii:.ice■ T" :•. A. a, M|raw Hat • and ■ the. ..; no * Gr< - curies and Fresh Produce. Stop s'. p Food Mar.to1. Montgomery Street. 4 - 31 i HARMONICAS, OCARINAS. MCSl cal instruments, fishing rods, key rings. billfolds, pi.-tol holsters, birthstone rings and many other good values at Baker - Pawn Shop 3—tr METAL KITCHEN STEP STOOLS, kitchen garbage cans, vegetable bins, bread boxes, clothes dryers, cocoa door mats, feather dusters, flue stops. Watkins Hardware Co. 3—4ti A NEW STOCK PAINT BRUSHES, pure white and orange shellac, de natured alcohol, and floor wax. Alex S. Watkins. "Building Sup plies and Paint.-". 5-2ti FOR SALE Week-End S P E (' 1 A E S ()valtine fvt i. ti!Jr . i/.t Rep.. 4ur .nv : Jr Van Houten’s (’ocoa Key.. GJ!c : i/v (iUc Rep .,9< Mr 1 )<>nl<*n’s Stai’lac ! i» lifn■ : i/e U i r 1 ktnlonks Hemo 1 !«.■!■.. ”•!)<• size Me ( aniation Malted Milk H> : 4 V • i/c 4(lf (’oconialt R*r 1 M»<■ ‘ i/t* li 1 c* Armour’s Vitalox b’eg. $1 2.r> size s] no P-V Meat Extract Reg. TV -i/.e 17e j Trade Wind Apple Juice Keg 2 V size He Red Star Malt Sryu]) Kcp. G9r m/.c 59r WOOD’S SUPER MARKET 5-2ti NEW STOCK HEINZ. GERBKRS anil Libby's Baby Foods in glass. Full variety. Special 3 jars 2.""-. Wood's Super Market. 5-3li SPECIAL [JAMESES CIGAR ettes 98e )>i■ r cation while they last. Wood's Super Market. 5—3t i ONE 75-FT. CREEK seine. BOAT paddles and oars. Unkle Josh pork nnd. Nylon line, fly line, fish bait. Watkins Hardware Co. 3-4ti WOODEN WATER KEGS WITH brass faueetts. Quart and pint size thermos bottles. Thermos bottle re fills quart and pint size. Water sets, mn glares and pitcher. Util ity glass jars suitable for milk or water. Watkins Hardware Co. 3-4ti WE HAVE A C< 1MPLETE LINE (>F Baby Goods for vuur baby or to give for shower or gift. Carton's Department Store. G-2ti ABSORBENT TURKISH TOWELS in solids and cheeks. 41c to 89c. Wash cloths. 10c to 2V. Carton's Department Store. 6-2ti FOR SALE CELL! SOSF TAPE. TYPEWRITER desk., tin :e.ret,' desk lamp-, ra.-i. !»••>.« . dip b". : i.-., mi il file- .in I ubl-i I,an '. ! . n vtt. :ii> fol tie nffll e II- : - :i B- .. Cl, L-1.il lusheil ISH4 11 -If MuNUMENTS TOMBSTONES - MARKERS Ft -.tin The Snath’s I.urge 1 Monumental Factory W. W LANGSTON 219 Young St, I’hulie 773 WE HAVE A FEW RADIOS ON ale. Gel your.- now .it 11 i.. S. l tei white & Son Having A Paily i >i Guile- I 111 A Pume LANGSTC )N'S We Have \ Large Seleelini: PI (’NIC AND PAITl'V SUPPLIES inoludin;, U uktain Peanuts. I '• Tutu ('itij . ("ana* !;i I)i y. Uaki-7 and Many Other Items. CHOICE MEATS P-.rk Ilf Anv Kind Chieken. Luncheon Meats Comi lete Y'arietv of FRESH PRODUC E SItulgim Shell, and 22 Cartn-ly.es PHONE 1224 We Deliver LANGSTON’S Plenty ->1 1 'inking Space Cot Chestnut St and Cooper Ave. G-lti LADIES’ SHORT CRINKLE CREPE Pajamas. All .-i/.es. SI.90. Also slip.-, pants, brassieres and other item-. Carton's Department Sti re (i-2ti How tn fluid FALSE TEETH More Firmly In Place Do youi false teeth anov and em barrass by -lipping, dropping or wabbling when you eat. laugh or talk? Just sprinkle a little FAS TEETH on your plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and mure comfortably. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste oi feeling. Does not sour. Checks “plate odor’’ (denture breath). Get FAS TEETH today at any drug store. ('.1.0. Drive 11 i i s Slate I n si i I u I io ns Hr IA \N \|v»rT Hailr I)i pul ii 1... i i Raleigh. June '1 • have Icon other distai • • ie > . n • I tale m • ’ r : ■ • - Hi- a bs enniasM i.ccs with the emnlove. . .... . UkU.-iiIS dining room- and kiicier . Rot when the svaitei at ( Chapel Hill. ii .;nuiaI Kiw .in.- : . day night bee.II..e tie ' 1 ' day declined to give imi:: a c ct as a CIO union a new et Li cal Kiwai an - i their ' ■ : ' th wailing gue-':. but lie ie was cording li Mini'- who v.ei present. 1 he . ■ li. f ’ . llll • t 1 ■ legal o| an. : >'. • i '.*> the efleet tf ’ • • 1: •> •• thority tn -i.ir, The mallei v. as :.■!<11 ■. ..: '1 a the general assembly ■■ -n • i . - Mean time. there ;e ■ - a Cl.) a gen ts a n i a u i - tors, lai iry w n and ivaitei at tl resti tutions. Uniomzali n ol ■ 1. in • ntal un ployees is not i:;e • •».■ i: :i in : "me northern .-tale- i‘ ie ."I idea m Ninth Can.in . S'- "ml yeai ■ age an organize!' • id a few farmer imp on western gi we tt to northern markets with iln.* year's crop. ithletes Foot Itch HOW TO STOP IT Make 5-Minute Test Go: TE-OL at .my di ug lore. Ap ple this POWER Fl'L PEN K ! RATING fungicide FULL STREN'tJTH. Rea li es MORE germs to KILL the itch. Get NEW foot c r’ \ ur II.'ie back. Parker's l)ru<; Store. SOME BOP Y VUsjHT P TH YH. YA WAS PC'EVE f WE CnuoMTEC.'.' I CALL C; ! ° I p E I Y E E! NOT" A SIGN OF THE FLANE ! ITS GETTING DAOtC']0#J - UP H5I2E.' YOU n-' VJE CANT HUNT ANY .j&jEj i—% guessed weoNo.'j| moise TONi<3Hr"]jgjigjg| X y Jcome on ( * v T A LET S ANlCLE A m. — I Wfim /S| CsM ,tr^ SAC 1C TO — ■ BmIl 1\ Jjjf K _r^T&Sf t SBfer <^0 -- - T H E G U M P S