Gertrude T. Wade Weds Κ. M. Hicks In a ! 'iie.t hv Rev. Κ. M. I'oweli. Tiii- In id·· · ·· .. light Nil·· green it with white ;uTP.-s. >: its i.nd .1 shoulder msage ol red roses. Mrs. li.rus is now employed .it the h VV Wooluorth store Mr. Micks is nn ploveii by the Carolina Powei Λ Light CumpHivv. Mr and Mrs. Hiiks are making their home at the pre.-ent at 71)9 : i.ii net! street. Around Capital Square Bv LYNN NISBF.T. Daily Dispatch ItiiU'igh. .lnne Π —A group ο! I men >iio mil the capitol were dis cussing tin· success o( the Democrat! ticket ai the recent Italian election.·· 1 which resulted in a six <1 minority against continuing; the monarchy and the House of Savoy royal ruler*. Λ< p." one of the lellows. 'Tin* Itali;" - have proven then capacity foi Democratic sell government Didn't vou see thai story in tne paper this' m rninu the 'osing side haiuing the winners with train) in the election'.' That just the way the traditional Demon.,· in .\'urth Carolina do espei lall.v in the fifth ν 11 λ ι ι 11 ; ι 11 ν * » ι ι . « . ■ 111 ι . «. ;. freed that in tin- re.-aect al - Τ '.he Itali i s seemed c.. ..ility Democrats. C. I'. A. — One of the chief topics for discussion at the state conven tion t- certified public acocunt ..n' in Raleigh next we»': (June ΐ!ΐι-:!2 will he the in· it --m» numbe· <>· tax fraud cases, lYaneredi iU d i1 come during the \v;u boo . years. : I lowing lei » ι times for many busi ness firm!·, led l·· - 'aie short cit. in income tax rci.irn Λ Is· ι : In ι .ipiditv with u h ch · <:n t. ι were changed occ..- ot ι li.. - .ι"'· ! Π' ·( !, .· ι .'! ■ i.lli I . a . : . i cï» :!··«!. Ο:.· · η n. ' lor 2 n c » ι · · Ih ,·1 V ; · lia·. ·. <. · ·! r : > Sill iippikw h :: ί Γ · î i.<* b χ'■ ; ciuriin; pr.-',ι .·. ν .. . it la 1.· · 1 · ■ ρ 1 . ? Skill soft pliable. .. thus .· ·>.■':· ; linnrci --.i·.·.· ell ι !.:.·> t.) ; îllicl t ϋ'ΐϋΐΐι : J t Γ! · i' ht a rai tuia · t ; Pkin. Λ il Irl» ί l η a· ■» . j>»>; :« .. ·· : 1· . ; minih, t inriii r or h · · a : a ·:. ( t* 1 lie .«-k in . . . ι r fb · ! :r« ci back r. . or cran ρ - î ι :. · pain· i ι t :.»· l#*:*s. Q*i :·■»'. absorbed. J ' ί 11 f ■ : l · » ^ 1 r · · H . : . jiraisfi l>v ι ; · : -. many · doctors ... I nurses. Millions of b< (ties sold. Just aslc smy finit'!': ?. for Mm lier'» J-rieud -tin» | Fkin emollient and lubricant. Do try It. Mother's Friend We Will Be CLOSED All Day THURSDAY, JUNE 13 In Cooperation With VETERANS ί IΟ Μ Ε CO MING CELEBRATION Expert Cleaning Service VANCE CLEANING CO. Phone 373 Everything You Need Men's Heavy Broadcloth SHORTS Willi gripper fasteners! White : ι m I Stripes — Sure to please DjiiI! 79c Knitted Shorts 42c Sanforized SPORT SHIRTS In Blue, Tan ami White $1.49 MEN'S BELTS See our full selection-—Leathers ami plasties, including the smart Pioneer belts for $1.50. 48c to $2.00 GARTERS Narrow and wide 48c and 55c Ankle Length SOCKS In cotton and rayon 25c and 30c On Father's DAY June 16th If He Smokes— Parker LIGHTER A sure-fire hit is this smart, de pendable metal cigarette lighter. Only— $1.00 See Our Large Selection BILLFOLDS styles in assort ther's Day 97c to $3.( Many styles in assorted leather for Father's Da ν MEN'S SHIRTS Good quality, pre shrunk shirts in fast color solids of Blue and Green. The gift Dad really wants! Sizes: 14 1-2 to 17. $2.35 SL SPENDERS lîy Gem-Dandy, Pioneer and I!' is I on Ν ice selection. 97c to $1.50 NECKTIES Quality patterns in wrinkle re sistant materials. Solids, stripes, designs and checks. 48c to $1.00 STRAW HATS All styles, including genuine styles, including genuine All l'anamas, Palm cooled and cocoanuts. SIZES : 6 7-8 to 7 S-8. $1.00 to $4.30 -Ol R STOKK HOl'RS "depa rtm ε NTSTORE. Mondays and Tuesdays: 9:00 to 5:30 Wednesdays: 9:00 to 5:30 Thursdays: 9:00 to 1:00 Fridays: 9:00 to 5:30 Saturdays: 9:00 to 7:00 A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH J /# Better make it $35,000,000 worth, if you want to take the whole order at one time. Steel, crossties, tablecloths, coal, lumber, ohinaware, fuel oil...and thousands of other items from paper clips to locomotives went into that order for the equipment, ma terials and supplies purchased by the Seaboard last year. And, as in every other year, a large portion of that S35.000.000 was spent right along our lines. Those pur chases helped to, maintain employment and keep the wheels of industry and commerce humming, in the South east. They also represent concrete evidence of the Sea board's constant desire to make every contribution within its power to the advancement of the territory we serve... For Seaboard is that kind of a railroad. cABOARP AID I ΙΜΓ RAH WAV THROUGH THE HEART OF THI SOUTH