ïtettîtersmt ûatly Btspatrlj THIRTY-THIRD YEAR HENDERSON, H. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON^JUNE , i. ϊίΜβ : , FIVE CENTS COPY ΙΙΚ,ΙΙ SCHOOL BAND CAITIYATKS IlOMKCOMING M DIKNCK * Brir.piup tip the nar of the mile-Ion*: parade in the vétérans lv ni· 'cnminjT day celebration Thursday was the Henderson liiirli school hand, shown here, and which received rounds of applause all alonjr the line of March. (Durham Herald .-tall photo, courtesy of Durham Herald.) . Senate - Approved ΟΡΑ Bill Is Sent To Joint Committee President Urged Jackson To Consult With Him Truman Says He Asked Justice Not To Criticize Black Before Talking To Him Washington. .fun·· 11 ί '■ !'!<·-1 - dent Trurvjan said ι >day thai ·' txficé Uni eft 11 .i. ■ ·k π Ιι.κ 1 ι ι.-il in statement criticizing Justice ι f > u > Black do pil·· a ; r ι I· ί ι ' ι 11 κ ^ ■ ι for prim con.- ; 11:· 1 n. At a news c nirm o. Mr. "l'r«i lan declined rnnmciii when akod i! lie thought both .lacks· · an I i'.t , I. ou Id resign "for tin· «<·...! of ι '■·■ ι niintry and the court." a.· a i··; rtr · phrased it. As t< whether cither .fa . · ■ i.· Black had indicated any i »i 11 11 ■ ι < «η »·> resign, the Prevalent said In· h:irl ι rceived no indication nf 111. · : oit The Pre 'cut ι "Id π·: ■>>rt· ; ■ '1 a! Jackson wired him on St · day before the re] -a -·· · >f I;: I t1 ι:cnt m » berg Monday .In kson's statement brought int > the 11) ιι"ΐ .ι I purl : 11 ! lip lliyli ■ : ι rl ..nil I..1-1 of bi ι. : 11 < ·ί ■ ! -.in to 1Ί ck's , f.ii ■ ι ci law p.'ii l'ipi" i-p;hp .·nt.■ I Pip I . i I · ■ I Mm ι. ■ Work ers v.: . .. .>n . I ι·.·ι· I.. !.. r '11'ιίνj ti l'.l ci; J.iis η ·t ι «. in cnlP'l. Mr "Γι* ι ni· η s.m.I when ,1,'irhi η in formed hin· of hi-· intentions. hp' si gijesfed that tlip justice tnlk th » I n.;ittor m pi with Inn bpforp ..cl.iii, The President said Jacfcson had no! i donp so. Asked whether Ml;irl: thrp itened to resian if .I.'it'kson wore ι ;ι:η.ο·.ί CI iof J'.stipe. Mi' Tnitr.m ipplipc he never discussed the Chief JusD el \ ic.ini ν wit 11 ·'n ν 1 ''in! .ci' ·. f tin court Krprl M Vie on <.' Kent ie|;v Si crt·'. ι1 ν . I" till· Ί'γ.',ί · ; 11 y. Ii. ■ : 'pen η. iii'inl" ! f·>ι" I .' huh ,»> ' U. S. l'iusis Oil Ί raining < 1 China Forces Program Would Include Troops Of Both Sides Washi1 ) !'l1 >i1. .1 m m» I Γ Πιο ' I'nitPfl Slate ι oa Iv ' help I ra in ? ι ( 'hm< so armv · I | "· ·ΐί>1 ν 1 .MOD.00.ι , mon, provided ( miiiv ι_·.i\ ι·.· th. pion approval The t ra in ' η·; vv ι »·. ι kl inel aie ! m »' h C'en! γ.ί 1 ( î< t · > ρ ' . ' ι ί I ( ι un " u : ' ι si troops, in ·ι rjl η η five* I·· "*ie Γ h P » · ! 1 ■ : : m * * ι »| ]1)( Ί S ! 11 1 is nneertiin, 1» ·' (ieneral (ί»·. rue (' Morshrill, S ρ Γ'."! ι 1 ·Ρ : .,Γ· . . η ! China. ha." «ι ; ; ; )π · cl I lie· ι c: η developed 1 >y I · ; « · S* .·■■ W r and Navy department calling :■·: au v. fective small at rny" ο J 60 îrvi ions That deserii.t ive e-m ·· ί - ! ! i rials who said the ο · t -e - îhroe told : 1. To enable China t.> crnta'· hei internal so nrity. 2 T( help preserve peace in Λ «and. 3. To cooperate in what eve v is necoi'-îarv w»th United Nation* Serret-'ry of Spite -Iamo> Hyrne sent net in'4 Senate Γ reside^ .Mr Kellar '1)) of Tor· e-.-eo :î ·οπηο<' f-ιν the nooo>lem.-! ':nii he!'o"« ho loft for Ihe 'ml: f« *ir fore;'4'n m'n Nfors meet η 14 in Pari The pro posal was sent to the Foreign Isola tions Committee f< 1 aetion. Petri No ( iives I ρ In Federal Court Chicago, .It-no ! ί 1 I' Jmoio t" TVtrillo. prciilriit >>' lin· λΐ:κ·'. κ- ■ Kr>d oration "I Μ ι· γίί ι \Κ!·> γ renrlerort today r Ι·'1 I 11 '11 court t'i nnswor clini j· of ν I it' °f the Lea Act in ι striι of thrpo radio station liliranans Ic - on May « An acrcfin^nt with ill" r··>■ ι t ani Vniteri States >»'o ι oy j'o:··:!)«> va fill owed t«> withhold η lie.· ι to th charge. He μι. sled bond of S 1.00 I mhcrto II Still (Contends Ik* Is .Monarch ()t Italy F11 π'· 11 ( Λ I ' ) \ | it ι ii· lamat ιιίι ι - nod in tin· n.iiiH· <>Γ King I " 111 i x< rl 11 II lise hours ilfter hi:; ' I r ί 1111 ■ ι1 i f · !li till I 111111 exile ye -1 en I ; ι \· w.i . uitei pi elecl by Republican lead er·- 1i.ii.iy a.· the first move in a innnarehist plot to restore linn to .the Ihione. I lie manifesto, ι 11· ri by the royal palace, chair.od thai the cab inel had usurped tin· kind's powMc in a "revolutionary ne. Raleigh, .lune I-1 (AP) Thin niiind Chatham of Winston-Salen run-oft candidate for the fifth cor gressional district nominaticn, rc ■ ported today that hi- contributioi • in the first prima· \ wer·· S.4.310, an expenses totaled Ί7(ϊ.(ί(ί. Measure Is Sent To joint Coirmittee To Settle Troubles Wa-h i' moil. .1 Pc 14. - .'!'· Til 1 I {. ι u μ ' IT I ' f -1 ' f I tod .ν 11 > ill·.·.·· I ! h · Senate's drasti · etirtailnienl of ΟΡΛ extension ; 111 < I -. · ι. i I!'.· hill to :i Senate-!!*. . . con l ei r. ■ ·.·· · it.· ■ for ;ι h ill; o:ii/!i:.> of differenee.·. There was widespr. ad doubt on Capitol Hill, however, that tile ?< i terences will l.e able to \vito a com pi'.miso that will not run head on into a presidential veto. Γ' r «· s ι d e η t Tr man declined !·> con mit hi ■ s.·11 when he ■.va·; as ■"..· o.'riL'hl a lie.· cooler.·η"0 wheta cr ho would si;.· tin· measure as η par.e.l the Senate last niuh.t Chester H. ,vlfs. stabilization direc tor. has aiinnnnced he ..ill recom mend a vet.ι if weakened O'W leais la lion is sent tu t he White House ι Spi ,;·τ Rayhurn ίΠι ο:' Teva appointed these mem'ior to the' ro η f e r c il re cop mit tee- Chai·'"· '·■ j Spenee (D) < f Kentucky, Reps. Wol • 11 (Hi of Michigan. I't - ·· t 'Hi nf CtOoreia. Patman 'Π) of Tevn?, ; I', rrv ( !)) of v. Υ·ιι ' i f ' ι w ' \ it the . ' t . ι ! :i *n ha . yr' to reach that e\ploive .-.liowdo .·,· " ' t'e, for the t.mi ■ c ion -f the legislatiin that goe. in Cie Win' ·ι I loupe is : I ill to c He - Yd II and Senate fir.-.t η··ι·.1 adjust "ad · j difference . 111 their e;t irat 1 mi a 1 r«· | f ί e\ti tiding <>P.A heyo'd .Inn·· .' ! ! 1 The oiill· ok for OP.Vs continual on . a 1 was ra.tcl darl;e" th « ever It w IS a 53 to I 1 Senate · . I ·! Hurt anpi nvrd anr'hcr year r ι Γ prit*·* i controls, but the >:mic voir ripped away m.'inv (if ΠΡΛ'; ν, ι r - t i me | m » ν - esr and ιadercf 1 ccilih'i.·; wiped ο | by July 1 υπ π any major cost ο 1 1 i ν* - | inn item··. ΛΤ(\ίt butter. :ι|| aher dairy | ( pi-'idrcts. e.ces. chickens, Ir·r» Γ tobacm, eu'arott · and < ll-er toba· co pi «>'! | 'nets. Li ; ι : u I i 11 ί \ ;i!ul ο!'·ι··γ | ret r< >|ei im j j items all wen· ripped irum fur ther price control on July 1 undo» the bill. John R. Stcelman New OWMR I lead Succeeding Snyder Washington, .Tune It. /Pi Pre.-i I dent Truman today announeed he vas appointais .lohn II. Steolman a ι irector of the Office of Wai Mohi j , l /ation and Reconversion. Steel η ι . a special as nt t the President, will succeed .lotie. Ιί. Snyder, who has been nominated ti r Secretary of the Treasury. Mr Truman t dd his news coin τ ; ence that he had decided to con tinue the OWMR on the advice ο ; pi";, ticnlly ill nieiii'neis ot his cabi net ■ well as the OWMR advisory I committee He previously had s-i i OWMR would he gradually lio'udatcd s iw lie believed it -i ot the country' ι reconversion pr hlems had l,ei> ! ι solved. Truman Ί ο Keep l a\ lor As Kn\ o\ In Vatican City W.i - h i η '41 « »n. -I une 14. «MM Myron (' Taylor will continue a. ι he President's anrbas ador t<> t"ho ι \';itiean until .. 11 « * r world peace h ; ι I. been secured, Mr Truman told .i new conference today. He added that he recently had in - j formed a ejroup of Protestant i. clergymen that Tavlur's tenure - would continue until the peace treaties had been written. After that < he said he told the ipoup he would ci no loncer h:;\e an official represen tativt at the Vatican. Ferrying (Chinese Troops After \ J Cost $30,000,000 Washington, June 14, — (ΛΡ)— President Truman told Coniif'ss to rla.v i! civ t the t States SaOu, 000,(100 to transport I"ii! Chine.··.· armies by air ti. piac» them in posi tion to disarm the defeated Jai)anese after Y J Day. The President disclosed this in his l!Llnd report on lend-lease ep ilations m explaining why it va deemed necessary in continue sue) ' aid to the nationalist forces altei lend-lease had been terminated l·»r all othi r nations. Total lend lease aid ι > all coun tries from .March 11, 1 !»i 1, throuûl; December 31. 1 ίι ■ ■ amounted to 1 SIS).0!)0.0(10.000, the President .aid ι In addition, to the len i le;.se (ipeiaî !'»n.' ο; I·'! .a::· ','hineso ; r< ιορ . b^ ai. ΛΙι Γπιηι.ιΐι revealed that $(ί!1.0(ιΐι aao i· chicks and $âa. 000.οοιι in κ· . unit ion were lend 1 eased to Çhina from American army supplie.· in the Far East. President Certain Ship Tie-Up To Be Averted Bridges \tvcpts 22 A lent Increase lor I .| hi ι ■: I li · - II ) ι 111111 · ·. ■ ι * Till: w.i 11 · ! ;. · I I »y I he I r ·: 1 in ' lu I. ιι· v. π mil ri m r. v. : 1111 · mi I . ■ ι ·. ' · Ί 1111 ! I ;ψ|. ι 11 ,ι. ι ι ! ι ". u·.·. ιι hipping admiiH 1 rat;.;· 1lia( Harry Bridge ;. κ ι a . ·ν>. Hi ar ι ι il .. \v ■ · aicii'.'i-i · ! ' r 11 ; ιι hum- lui' hi- (Ή ) lui 'Im. ηνη. II! \ K'V, il tills, ι > . ! : . |·ι!·ί ι I hlllM' . , 111 I-. · ,1111 I . ■· in. Γ - 11' III . : I .· I hv.llli.--i i ... ' ITla til imc ιι ι j 11 -lis al midnhjlt, 'ι' seems : ι;ι.-ι.liable tu rac thai it be si 11i«'ti" tli i - fti ι noon. Stumbling lïloek. Bridges' mi.!-rlmn m tue :!2-ccni figure.· ha.-- lu vu one ul tin· biggo! ami perhaps the la t ..tumoling blocks st parating union an i opera tors and tin :,i iverni: lent I rum an agreement. H Ίνι. i-a 1. now to tail" it, a reported by Conway, eon'.-need t hair man Λ. H. Kelley (13) of Pennsylvania of the House group that the strike was "over." ! Bridges had given mound bitterly , m - wen lu· lin ;hu-!i-. the pro. • p< ···.- ■ i avi ! ι :th · ■ !;.·.■ Iii ι λ , ill filing a thlv.il of aiutht··· mari'iui" j crisis in little more than three ! months. I !· hii.'e·· in· wi.ulii tak · 'he eel 11 figu re ■ ■ ·. : . . ι η 1 il Sep. t : ; I ier .'ί'ι His ιι, ι 1 ...e oil 2!> en', an hum lia- been a olo-.-k in liie govern ment - drive Kir -ι .· neiai settle ment with Hi· even-union ('unmnl : e· · . · ■: Λ1 -11 !."·· Ι'ιι 11.. i-i.iiniing i" ' repie. ι lit 'Jlltl.lion WI-rla r -. Vtillll 1 ! Oil NORTH ( ΜίΟΪ.Γ» V ( rnsrlrra'oJ ■ ΗοιηΓίι s , \\ i î li Mattered -h vers .m·' thaii.ler storivs tonirjil ant! Saturday. < ontinurd rather hot e\repi not <1 is it ο so hot in north portion to night and >aiurua>. 1 tomic Energy Plan Β vB a rue h Va Λ" «*fk. .lull'· Il \Γ I lie I nited states tod.iv proposed t<, tic w-i'ti ι ί ι « .ι 11 ; « n «·Ι in iiit Tii.it ίί nai atomic dovelop < in a u I h ο < : ! ν t· ha·!. «· a»>aii' ι ιιι·ιι;\ and aurecd t,» destroy its own • tin : ■ ni atom .«ni < .t-e mauuiaclui in ; II»»,η it an adequate f κ ;·<»} system is sel ta p. ? r. f nil.·] .-.tat·'· miicl·.· »' crv I a I prof/ram "composecl nierelv of pious 1h .;i lit ui? of (nfoi< Able sanctions ' — and international law with teeth m it. lie: na \ M. S.araeh, 7"> vear old finaneier who pfaved a leading rolo in th.-. country's victories in hoth world war . laid the I nited states atomic ca»ds »n ι··"· tahle at the first iiveiii : of the I nited Vitioi;-> Atomic ' ner&.\ < ommission. on which he i-, the I . S. repre PRESIDENT VETOES PROMOTION MEASURE Jun- Π if ion ? Tritmwi today \< ·1 · ·«.·:! 1 « ■ _' i! ; ι - !.<>.·; . ! 1 : 111' I ()· -l1 ι : · !.'!·. v η :iri ■' corps <■·mst guard per sonnel " ! <» !:nd boil: pri.-nne:' ι ;. e; < - r.-'Hc th;>: ' ··;.··. was ' nf i: « :· :vv <· - : V .!! t he liai : < > 11 a I : ; ile.'i'sl." Ud'.l;:iji 'il·· ;..·ι Ίο-- m l iru!;ido I ■ -r >on:n ! ο: Ί10 army and i: is my en" ■ ii ' ■:·( I i Ήίΐ'Γ l h ; M s;, h law shi nid provide a en m nu. η policy ■'ι · η: |( - 11 : " ; il ' ■ aniX'd i . : m Τ · ··i Sr,ν Ί ■ · ·_.islal a ι;·, ρΐ'ι·\ idi-'l tu pi'n • ·· :: : th" navy, marine corp. ■ il · ιtl, .Mi Truinan said. ·■ .·: : -111· t'l'l'li· III 1 . I · il l ·■ : ι· iiu'i'i a.-i <: pay md al M. \ l 1 Γ \\1 i l : : i ! \VO\ !() ! Mtl.lF'i'TM < Washington, Ûι·μ 14. — (AP) — 1 McNutt wι': tie the first I'nii 'I . tat ··> aaiiia·. nior In 1 !">«.· Répud ia· ι" the Philippine.»·. Pnvidont "i·.!·::..π sa ι i al his news ronferenee Yssortcd Stocks Gain In Market W'.v York. Jimi 14 '.\P)— As • 'i d v«.,, . .,j.' .inii'i : :<· odi;i· for ward πι today's market although ; ■! ι :t ί Wilted thi rise >f some recently bouyant rails and industrials. Among favorites woiv .Southern Railway, Great Northern, XJ. S. Steel, i'. s. Rubber, Americas Tele phone and Philip Morris. Backward wt-ri' C ΐ ι ι t ■ : * 11 Mu' ι-, Montgomery \\ aid, and Chi \ mii . ί ; . ·.·. ■ ι·· t. · ···..>.· · ι 'opulai - its. Cotton futuri·.- . ..pped. New York Cotton New York. .lime 1}.--'AP) Cot ton futures opened 20 to 40 cents a bah higher. \ooit 1 ι.·· -.'.I'll.· to .VI cents a bah- lov.-r. July 29.15, October 2-9.39, and De lOn:Imί Jir.ι.ν u;ui t years on tins .Ume l-i'.li Down throurh the years men have touuht nd died to keep it wavin . On Corregidor in April, li'42. a frag ment of shell hit the flagpole, .«evering the halyard Aniei cans saw Iheii flag fluttering down Three men dashed from nun bofoie it could touch the ground, repaired the halyard undo: 'iie and reus I'. And raced back to safety At lwo Jima. six men braved to plant the flag atop Ml Surabaehi. Only three survn ·. to the American Revolution, Sgt. William Jasper \v. wounded while fastening to a parapet the standard presented to If !\ ; i ! V / 4 Field Honolulu, flaunted Nippon's might and lived to fly in victory. ********************* his re jiment He bore tlie colors to a place of safety, then died In tlx \Y tro! '. H2 an unknown Connectie ::ι! anti \ : an was wound ed at Lundy's Lane, Canada, as lire severed the staff of the flag he earned He w still waving the mutila,ed standard when he sank iinon the : 1111 d. At Fort S ,-mtci in 1861, the flag that inspired "The St. Spangled Bannv: " was hit nine times and fluttered down to a pile of binning cinders Peter Hart climbed the -phntered staB with the flag in his hands A regiment <->t Un.on Volunteers cut their flag into tiny pieces when they were imprisoned by the Con ic delates Sewed together again,, that ltu£ now bunjjs in liie stale capitol at Hartford, Conn.