ïtewîteramt Hatty Hîspatrij THIRTY-THIRD YEAR ·1 ;* ι:Λ,:;^K HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 15 1046 n..aytkrn FÎVE CENTS COPY PRIZE PHOTO WINS COOL $6% IN CAS2 YOU RE SUFFERING from the early ummer lient, ιι glance ;it this photo of a milkman's hor.-e wail in:; in wind-driven Meet may help to cool you olT The picture, taken l-.y Kvan Richards. 17, of Schenectady, Ν. V, won first prize of $100 and f.ranrl prize of S.i'.K) in the national high school photographic contest judged at the Museum of Modern Art in the city oj New York. (International SoundpholO) Opposition Is Developing To Atomic Control Plan Millik in Suggests Treaties Be Signed Before Plan O. K.'tl Wa ! j 11 i : Μ < » η. .Tun" IV 'VP) Son : » t < » ι M !nkin ; !.* m c '·»!<» r ; ι < ι » demande» I t « · « ί a . j >ι;·ι ν Λ i i j ci { On ι'ί it (.it the If » î 14 -bloeked peaee t roa111 ■· o|' W-.iM Wai li be f< H'C lllr Un I In I S <- i t » I; ι.. \ - t < » ui trust ;.ny ,.ι<.π.λ . ·. t · t · lo mter 11 ; ι ! ι «»?!.· 11 <·· Ml ! cl. Mill ι k π ι .i .ι 1 111 ·,, · link he - twet π the future « »t k <»! the l'nil oc I Xali-n- . Λ1 ο η u ' ('oinn::. ; « · ι î iii New York ..h'i ill · <".ιΐι·«Hire ·>! the· ι eo >η venod biu lour l· ·. · . . > ! ι u u in ters meeting .il Puns, wi·» : ·· a η··· ν Cffol't I :-> bt'lllU 111..fit' t«) f!l'| til·.· stalemate "il treaties. Senators Disagree. ( Ίι.ί ιrni.'i· MeM ill· »iι ι î ) ι ι.Γ < '.»n neet it'll. M i I ! ι !· ι n's « » 1 !c .. .· ι ·· > »ι s II ι» ■ Senate \t<·'. ! I 'omnnf : « e, < 11 : oe< ι m a ..epar»;!e nilciA lew. lit ·. ·μ«>·ι1 belief thai atomic t!».-mi' rcaehed at New York would have more bearing on future peace than a.:reo monts made m Pans. Millikm. however. appeared t represent the majority trend "t li; et tin nn t tee npinn'ii at the innnient. Ht1 t « » 1 ' t now 11 : e π lie and othei s of like view:» want to be eert'im that the world . ■ t » mi ··· e· ·η!. ·ί plan | > ι « » p< )stMI I >y I ierna π I Μ Ρ»a π ieh ' · 11.· · United Nal ion on ρ ι full> ι<· ι - ed before lh<· I "nil» d Stale . !iru u dors to othei hand the kn v. i ι « » s.\ of atomic development. Red !' a per S;i\ s Jap I .and I a trtls 1 loard Much K ici Μ···. ..ν . .Ι.ιι·.· I ' · I·· I'll·· .:·>. ernmont m · 1 : ■ 1 I.". ■ i · .·:·! to f!;-.v .liip . 11 f ·· I. ' I In· I · 11 i - latin .- .vt" - · Ri l 1 in ·.: : i'h '■ ·\· .·. Ί ! m; 1 h π ri It·. I ι ; ο un I Ίο Mad; . >iar. ο while I ' 11 i t · ■< i Si a: os > ι cnaalkm nf ficiî»l< 'n't lin! '·. ι m an <·!ϊο· 1 r ι ■ i u · \ ι ' lli·· > ι r ! ι. : · Tito V. I'ili'l i'I Γιν . : Y, rial was mien· tel primarily in ρη·>" ν i iiii tin· j ι· ·ν. ο; "1 'ho wealthy rlassc anil '·■'. r. r ■ 11 li tin· l'uni · ι ι. ι ! ι < > for I at pu'' ai 111 i η " thai 111 preniH'i '- ι· o' hod w as · · ι·. ·η\ inc Genoi al Μ,.··Λγ1'.nil' th it In ' I im ports Wi'i · ■ ι ι a r.'-' I " | i" it "'.'n fiai 1111 ; > 1 <·. ι 11111 u - · - A Plea for Food PLEADING for contributions to the Mew York City "hunger drive." two-year-old faith Sherak holds out one hand while holding her piggy bank with the other. She is the youngest volunteer working lor the campaign which is sponsored by the city's Famine Emergency Committee on beha if of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, [I aternaiional} Βαηαηα Harvest I THIS CHOCO INDIAN boy with silver bracelets, silver and bead necklace, and painted face, helps to transport bananas, gathered in die Darien j jungle, Panama, to a river steamer for shipment to the coast. The C'horns are said to be? the "wildest" tribe to be found in the Western llemh phere. (International) Winston-Salem Reach ForX. C. Legion \lectin*. I Winston-Salem, June 15.—-( AP)— Members of tin Ν"ι·:!h Carolina Do partition) nf the American Legio i.cuan Λ-·. : 1111 < ■ l i π u i.ere 1· ..»;«> Ι·ί lliei first state convention since W'orl War II began Rowtoon t.liiin and .">.(11)1) iei'ion naires, many of whom scarcely year ago were Mill on the batth fronts of the world, were cxpecte lo rci'ister. presenting Ί·ο I will C ' 11 with its biggest accommodation pro blem in years. The Post here, anticipating th huge crowd, has been busy for sev ( ιiii weeks under Housm:-! (.'hail man Charles Forte securing extr double dicker beds which are to b up at the armory and a local hotel t takek care of the overflow of dele gales. OFFICER IS FINED IN BRUTALITY CAS Ban N'acheini. Germany, June ' /!>, i.t. Granville Cub.Se Oklahoma City, was reprimanded ai s;j;,a to·1 ν vi non ci· \ iction a United St t if ! .··>· court «·: » I thorizing and pern itting "unautho I fiortishnipnt" oi Amer;· an si III \l>s WAR ΓΚΟϋί KOAIÎh. Tokvo, .lune 1 .ΐ ' .M') .lapai own investigation of the war gai ed monienHun today with ;|»' a nouncement of 'lie mpointin ut former Premier Shidehara a. pre dent of the war investigation col mission. FOK NOKTII C AROLINA. Considerable cloudiness and mild toniahl. Scattered shower· cast portion. Sunday, cloudy and warmer. Agreement SoughtAnew By Ministers Secretaries Seek To Bridge The Gap Between, East, West I \*i is, .111" li I ' ΊΊιι· ι ii rim ι ministers of Prat;1 o, Britain, Sitssi®, • I'll tile I ' Il i : ι-ι I S: ·. ir im I 1. . ι c! [i ii'l . 1 i ill : ι >' In v. , t ■ ι " .ι ·(■ ! if.it κ Ι ι il Na/.i C »< - : ■ 11:11 : \ . 11 j1 : » - ιι·!ι in ί I In I i ;i ! : ι me · "Ι ι n'it! : inn "In· ί,.'Φ between la.-hrn and wi'.-tern w c torn I·'; ;r >;><·. Ί he· four ministers. who w ith thoi· ι \|:er! advisii-. reconvened this .· ι Γ t - ιrnoon .:it th· Ι,ιιχοιηίι ujih Palace, are James K. Byroej of the United St ito.-: K.tiest tïevin ί!' Brhain; V. M. Molotov <if Russia arid Georges I !id.. 11Γ of Fr. · ci·. They will attempt to break the | inipa se whiL'h prevented them in.m writing the peace treala·.- : 11 their li.it session here, which lasted from April 25 l· May 17 Slill Deadlocked. American circles said the nrr, tors were .i ist as deadlocked today on ι how the peace treaties should be written as they were when they left Pans a month ago. Son: es close to Byrnes - lid that j Washington and Mi scow had not ex j hanged any diplomatic η les 11 he proposed treaties in the interim ictween the conferences. The V. S. has sent ;· .iral't o! a 1 oposeri treaty with Austria lo the ι h e r g. ι rnir -nts. the A ; erica η II roes saai. .. ,t Moscow has n.. ι plied. In the fi.ee of this apparent dead 'ι ■ k. it was prnblema!ieal how long ' 'he session wo ■ ! d c nt i η ue. ()P A Planning Tu I like Su^ar, Coffee Prices Wash in.Lit· n, .Imih* ! Γ». « I'> ΟΙ'Λ is pi:: η nig. lo .-lap a hinhrr ρ η π ι η another market ha - Let Hem sugar. And the »\>si < » Γ coffee may be in creased three to live cents a pounr s< on. With pri.e hikes authorizes < r al ready in effect for milk. bn· id. but ter, cheese and ^urc cereals, ai OPA nfticial d:s<-loM'd 1 ,at 1. v.· wives will have î<> pay more lot •ugar shortly. This official id lhat the » rrrasr >! ret ai 1 would I » · <> ■ om· - '"i '■ t h ο ι cent a pound a per. η ν on ! five pound package The pri' r% .vd be raised, he aid. '·> <*11 ι wagi increa-es granted U ί ι : *.. » · refup'n i worker^. Political ( In si s In Italx Γ assc> Ιίιητιρ. J une 1 Γι. ι Λ Ρ ) V ! ast ·' il blew ιιρ, Italy's political crisi: nppai t ill Iv has blown ovn tooay. No new m. tances of di.-.orde were reported, and 111·· flight int< exile of King Umberto II ban eeas ed even to In· a subject of debati on Koine streets. ' New York Cotton Now York. .June 15. --(APt — Cot ton futures opened five to 45 cent a able higher. Cotton futures close -11) to Mtl eents a bale higher. I >pen .Iuly 29.14 October ... 2ί). 23 December 29.44 March 29.43 \la.v 29.38 July (11147) 29.30 I Middling spot. 29.89. ARRIVES FOR ATOMiC TREATMENT ARRIVING by plane from Atlanta. Lia , ten-year-old Alouette Rubin, Leukemia victim, 1» placed .11 an am'mlanco by at; -ndants from Madison Hospital, l-os Angeles. She will be li^a'. xl by Dr. \ A. Davis, specialist in the new atomic eneisy therapy for the disease. (International) Shadow Of Crippling Maritime Strike Lifts For U. S. Shippers BENDING DOWN TO HIS SUBJECTS DRESSED in civilian garb, Eniperor Hirohilo lean . ver to speak with a fer-tup of Ins >oung subjects during one oi li.j 11 ·: · jι n-nt tmii <>1" the country. Thousands oi children and adults were un hand at the Prefec» ture Shrine at Chita, Tokyo, to welcome ihcir ruler and shout "Banzai." Before the war, Hie Japs used to bow low and cast their eyes downward acnever they came into his presence. (/,.ti. ιαΐΐν al lit: I. -vholo) U. S. Fliers Will Not Testif y At Trial Of Mihailovic ! Col., Mrs. Durant | Deny'( Viminal Act in Bi<^ Jewel Case Washington. J ne 1Γ>. ■ i'i ί'ι ! ! .lack VVr. Durant and ("apt Kathleen Nash rimant denied through t in·: counsel t<»l:.y that they "had arimit eri any act ν.'.κ-h they considered i criminal" in · > nection v. 1 : : t he IKrombcrg · e jewel thelt. Their at Un ne>, ('apt Frank M. I Bosworth, sairl in a statement that ! lie had m ale ,t formal demand on the army for copies · I harpes· ' i! , ai.v" against the ο uple. II the charges are not tarnished, IBosworth said he was demanding that ; Col Durant and his wife be released j from custody. Ίhe D irant have been held ii I army custody at an undisclosed plact since last week in connection with the investira! a η of the remov al o! j the Mes e ro\ .1 jewels, valued at ι S1 ,à(IO,0QO <ιr re. from the Kroni 1 I berg castle in Germany. Draft (Compromise Believed At Hand Wash nut.·n. June 1 η. (ΛΙ') Λ cnnlVrclM' . ,ί: anittee of Senate an. - ! Ilou.-e η· ning mit kinks in a bill t> extend tin draft law plans to mec 1 I again Monday amid indications o: I a compromise in the near future. The biggest headache is ovei t ! wheth. ι to iii aft teen age is. bu ι Senator (in ney ι Κ ) of South Da· ' , 1\ota -aid lhat probably would b( t I cured In recommending draft in.! I l-oys ol IK only as a last resort, will a the pro\ iso they not be sent over seas until th"\ are l!l Court President Rejects Request As Does Defendant Β ι■ I £ί ι a il e. June ' ■> Ί'ι Ί he <-r ni rt t ry i ι : ϋ General Ι)ι μ Μϋι 11 ' vie 'il charges til' high treasi 11 and (.•(.ll'ilai! atiou rel'a.-ed a defense re fire.·' Inlay tn call United .Stale Hier- as witnesses. The ri fjur. ' ·.·. a nfi ι . · I lait only by tile pro.-ec I. ir. I .nil i.y Miiiailo vje hiiii.-el!. • In prn . I d'i .:·.··<· . Mihail tivie raid. The court dismis.-iod the pn posais by saying to the defense I "go on with your questioning." The ] :: : ι : I·.· prosed tor. · j.j ".-in: the Ia'oj ι - a :. said 1 !.a' .·. aat th< .Amor .,·.<! V'i.iiit ha\ · I.» 'e.-tifj \vi"ild ho in e.'riradii'tar. to tht t(:: ι :\ Mihailo'. ir himself. Ί he de'ense had prop i Ih..1. t'a· ii art call (.'apt. W'a'l Aîansiiek • ·: N'i'W V,irk. !·>.· ·· ·<« r ο , the American militarv mission ti Phailovic; Mike RS»*k r. and ,1. Κ I ,ebm. ,,;r:r· · -v.. .·· Clot· ι ■ i k s ; and W. L. Rogers, resident ο the con m ittoe '■ r d· :ι·ν..-ι 1 : Miiiail nvic. Qui 1 it it·,,·· · " ' '· .· pro: ι, isal M ihailt "■ ;·· "I λ . · ι ■ · · m·: :î. "This is a matter· ·■.·.■ hi. h does ne. need reflect ·.."· .·.· to rt presidon ι said. "1».· y· ι amve that these wit rt SSι- ! : f , » . Ol !lo' "In principle ι ,.o not agree wit the proposai." Mihailo·,·ίι· repliec Late ! e ι.i< ■ i: "Tii·· j·:.. · at r h:.· use.I this op • p'irt i ity to attack ir·.·. He shoul 1 understand these men eould brin mm·!, to a y ·ι ι ■:.",· i· :t in principl ί do ot agree The defense ,:;..· inn - id he h;i ιe,, ·, ed a ι' ιίιΐι tri r the Unite Si.it·.·.- statins: '.. t the witnesse i.-o ·· it t.; t ·»:.:>· tiiat Mihatlovic di ::ol .nil1. ·>!·..to ··.!(: · ·»· eaem.v Th ■ e--as:e w'. - .-et t Ir :t New Yor .1 · r ! ·Ί. i re vi ved .1 1 <: 13. M in.· ; 'eld was the first American office wliti parachated intt Vttgoslavi. Mil:, iiovi denies he I id ever eo labi rated with the enemy. Strong New Labor Alliance Emerges Seamen Get $17.50 Monthly Pay Mike; Collar-An-Hour Over-Ί iine Pay Provided W ι dilngton. June '.Γι > i' ! 1 :■ ;,:f of a IT (·; . · 1' · · li'.ted Γr<i:! tht· nate-n* h ι-y wavt · fI ont s !1 a ν - !111 ■ l)i 4 1 ; ι — Li I » ι ι ' ' - et 11 ·'■: e\. : '.y one in. :.1 ' e >· t · ■ · ι ' was ; i egin. Λ heel κ·, me·!; o' ·. · · ί Ί -a;-nt ended the prolonged and stormy la_ t;i ι (i ■ . 11 ΐ 0 ι". < ι .ι ; quitting their ships and picket I ι res fori nod. The agreement. ·· i.i · . · . : n..iri tim·.· mioiis na led .· » · «· ; : ? \ ictory. -;i red t:;c eoentry I. . in? a third major labor emergency pile up on ton of the coal and rail way ci'ii^ And :t era a i. : ι j <·"n■ at lea.1! temporarily — m the .-hip- , I - i it* · d ι : '· ν I ir the ! ir.-t 11 1 <· n last .tidy. Some Confusion Prevails. Iieca ·.·>■ <>: l'a· . ' ol 1 · et 1.1e 1 ' pre» ailed in several .\m< : : ■ an p-.rts a. se an,en. and dock worker- dis ei se 1 ,".itifieat:on the ι a. ·.·.· .. .«<· ho: ;r J 'art. P.·!· . · |t Bridges and Joe Curran that it rep re.· en ted an " ,·■·:■, ·■■;·. · : υniphy for t ie unions was cotintp' on to e\| "d.te appro· : y r e r»·::. : lid file nd ins re ι . , : mrta'i interr .pta η in merei...at n ... .lie ■ ·ιι ei ;d ions "We'll keep 'em -··: ·:ι·." r mi Curnin. who i - f ·-■ ■·ι:i: ι man with Bridges of the Camn ittee for Mari time Unity." Break At Deadline Τ I . · t Ihrea! ! deadlock · ame !a.-t night at 11:0( . p. m. I* ST. a Ftc ι a long <l,.y I I ■; I se II 11(1 :' Π Ο ''Ml!',:; < ι' !'■"!·!' : . ■ 1er chaos at the Labor Hepai'lnient it was then union leafier.-, and .·· pioyers began signing tiio do · - cci that mean they had agreed at las' Only fin seer η d later deadline arrived in New Yo: Γ> . j ton, Philadelphia and 'he: ea coast ports. Today the r nrrn tact., e , ι from the set Demerit of the <··> · plex and confusing I.·:n ln;>. · disp t· iir, recent years New I alxir Vllimiee. I Λ powerful lie·.· la m I the Con'iniitee lor Man!inn· Γι '> ci imnosef I of ex i'ii ..mi · i- ■la:1 : ι "14.(1011 member-: : id iled essiuly through it.s li '·* KM 1 !" the joint leadership of Undue Curran. 2. By threatening a disast Boules Predicts Flow ( )t ( j<χkIs It Prices Sta\ ί )<»\\ η \V;ishin.u1t ι ! ;. .1 LI! :r 1 Γ> - · Λ 1 Stabilization I>nvctor On>i"i Bnw les today predicted a "I'l» ·«»<i "ί ι < ·: t sumer ΐ',υο! is by Chi ;Mntas il ' λ». ·; can prevent lia· kind <11 para!y-i· ; ' thai conies when prices ait· t>>· : high." j Bowie.-, in a radio address, made , no d Ireel ' «Ίι : et ice t< · ! h<1 ; 1 Sen ate . » !. · i I i ο ι i >» · ρ : . ; e « · · :.! · < · · t ■. he had condemned as h ιur · roai· to run away inflation, but he sa 1 ι ' I <>nly hope we can summon th ^ courage, and have the v. -ion an t· i;ood sen^e to make the riulit oe yisions now to prevent an et··«noma, s breakdown. The choice i. np to ai .1 01 as and the next tow cLi.\ - wn s decide. Legislation which extends (H'V i life nine to 11' month- be\"iui lun·. λ ;]ι) but sharply curbs ils authority - over prices, is now before a House r Senate conference comnnttei 1' t will be sent to President Trumat shortly. Howies has indicated h will urge that the bin be veto© I. (. γ· ι ho 11 Hi Ml ■> n Hi nt»' : <■ Λ ·" I ! <1 tomber. Bridges agreed i" 'he -ot 3d. and ->t«l >.i« .ν<· t co t 1··η« a! that time Ci< ι „π <> · >ι·γ.ι'ίι\·? pi ring Soi.' ..'·. The m· · ' CM*' igrccment SI 7.50 tIonth\ Pay Hike. 50 η nth. 1 f I )'■ ι ,1't : \ ι tn Λ pri ■ I. .. . ι · i< ί la Γ hp. Iviur <>' · : · ij.-.v ι ■· s η ι.ιν ·,'. ii ' ι : : Ί : S: ' , r· i ; \ m l Sunday work in ports, effective to day. The Labor Dopa "ment estimatn.l thnt all tclii. a ΐΟΜίι.Ί'Γί monthly I ·. ν cht < : ; ·.· n;t S.Vi. F:an'·. .1 Tliy I r. ·: '■ -he 1 i t - ι ■ u ■ iir · ; · : ι ί : ■ o: · ■ ' ■ ι ι ii i p; u πr; t thi a 30 po : 4 ·1 . l ·κ■ av'i aui M··-: ■· :>·,.· w.rk a :»« ι ■ ι "ook a! " ι ■ ' ι. an· t-1 hour- ί : ι Ι'ιι ' They " ill (ii"' .;ι<· thi- .u'hori llle bi.t 1 . ' ... ι ' ο ait 01' ■ii. h·· ι'- at ·'··· ari'd 4(1 in pi i't Bridges' CIO longshoremen get ;.ι ι ; re.iM ι.: con's an h"nr. which was recommended May 1.3 by ; far! - ! Mid ' ί II ι : . ' ! ' : ' i L;< ' I .1. ο 1 .3.'"ι ■ ·ο· t - 11 ri m : ι I h . an I ι ·Ι< I ... it m.til >···..! I In· cnil :..·· I1:! . •-.it·.. The 22-cent raise is retro;.·, tivo t> 1 ( lot : τ I- i.o ; i.l'd lut I ! or t1 ; ■ ■ ι ne\ t ( Jctober J1. S' ο " ιοί' .. hiuhor pay nil on Bridges Retreats For Sake Of Unity Washington, Juno 15. — (AP)— Harry Hi hu> yone down the lino for unity. H" .n(i(·: h.M-l; In Situ Francisco < ■ t η 1 > 111 < · ι .-ι ι ho ■ ι I y union Imdei in fhc C ' ι. ! 1111:111 < ί ' fin Maritime Unity who leaves Washington with just about what he had whon In· came. Mill I,. ,iy in will I'd.< w hi- at tempt to gel more whon his new contract expiries Sept. 'in. so there might be· a new maritime crisis this Fall. Il· Mi: \ ..it .η' 11 ι · i 111 · In the la -t η inute of ;hc 11th hour. Bridges finally \ icàied l·>! two reasons: 1 To avoid spiitimg the newly ! ■ ·: ' m ■ ! ( 1 It' ■ foi Man! line L'nitl. :na<ie up ot -i>; CIO unions ..ι. mie :i;dc; "nrtviit, and bolstered by the claimed support of the World Federation ! Tra ι Unions in em bracing wi ike in some 4(1 c nil tries. i - To avoid bringing down on all lain··· tin· wratn of t'<.ngres> a major 1 ιιι 'λ -ι 'ike η uht ar->ii>e. Passage· 'f i tin· . ι· . >· :.i ,'-t it ad· m - I ganized labor a hit apprehensive, d«*s|i;'e il.· \et·· by President Tru ! man. New York Situation Is Found Confused Xe · V·· June là MM — Shipping facilities in New York I I ' " · \ .ι - ' : τ Wi'ii' π ill I'l iM'd to day as members of the CI') Na tional Martime Union remained idle inn \i·'!. ~ 1( ι : -horemcii W''iit to work loading >:uj -. Despite a Washington announce ment thai an agreement had been 11»aeh. ι th.it 'In tin ealene I \ a ! k. ml η.···! led, a loud speaker ,t XV:!' ',· i 11 . iiter-- here blared: "The strike is still on and will reman". · : until it is voted off." M.·, nwliili .·,.·;> '■> · ay it was an nounced 'liai plans for mass picket : mg along the Hudson river water . front had been abandoned. Workers ; were advised by loud speakers "No picket duty this morning." ( liers'N Becoming AgrieuitinvGoxernor P.x IΛ \ \ MSR1T. Daily 1 ► j·^, ..ι. ι 11 I>urr.iii Riili-i ·b .Itino i ι The .- Ι ι. e in • ι" ι· ( Il r ' nu h ( hel'iy 11 : ι ,ti : - i-yf ί ι') ! :i In " . ιI'l-.el .T il lei ;h i orhon I r .ι." .. )>U pp. Π η the v! 11 ;» (. ί\ r fir . ι 1 .in lit j ; 11.;:1 ι.-·> ο' Slate ('<i|lc.;e it I 'he department ·' : ι t»i ilt'ire. J It·· ivt i. >:"î:· I r.-· .tjni - ' . ι ι oi l le I 111 ι ; i ll t t Ile IΊ' Ί 111 ΙΌ' ('.Ί m its' ei ill I eren<· ' in '"I " ι I'Mv ;ni'l utile " ί . t ■ >r; : re rom "■ > i 111 : ι tn ,Ll,e '.ι ■ fie ι ί · ■.- i J : UU !«>n t a!) ";ut i 'i'ltiii'i' u<> erno"." Just as forrRçr Ο.h e"n r Brou?h , ten's · poivh i.t the Hull lliimv eonUT enre e 1 it Π pit h ι η ■ tin ι · i ι > ■ ι a " eve. (loveinor C'hrf-y'x Oklan τ.': ■C.ly spceth has bcoti par;:in«i.mted by big western new. i; · masterly présentation <>ι the ' rm pi oVcn. Attn ' "i -r ι·:ι it . % l An ·ο!γ<· ) nprr u - m d a t ·!«·. Γ |·; I m il <■· "imr.'il ' ■ l ; ι * inns I ί ι· ι ί< ι \ Kyser. tho n'itc I band le ι ί, expressed prido V the recognition Uι'■ on In ; -I; l··. The cnvcnii'i ·ιο i I n' ■ mi ■ ■)«·:■<·!ι l'nr ('r|:\'Tv te ;hf m -, i.iin : I an i ■■ I 'pre l" >rhe: - ι ! 111" slat" ■ ϊ'-ί ·-:nbled ; l Stato ColV a· 1hi vee . an.I il " a ; ;ir cnU>rl 1 ν 1 ' em a a< curate interpret. 11 11 <·: 1 !:. ■ s:l u\ 1 inn. The ■;·ι λ·, I · !::r ni ·nui·-" andin of fare· ρπ>'·Ι"ΐτ> "<·>η.·ο«ΐι >1 · ν 1'ic t*ι vernot lias nir τ i""d m · y peo ele. becan.-i he lias pe' liai - h···' li vs aetnal personal exiu'nen τ vjth ti.rmiiij; than mo: t of his. preat.es :.: <)·'(· . · ι■ ■ ; > .· ι'·<·< 1 il by 11 '. t ι! .■· · ί ' i' |»f»r I .! , · ' ' ι ; i ! ' 1 I · il'li. 1 κ I ' I ·' ))<n . ; t>. t ! ! 1 i ι ! . ι I : . ι i · > til·· Λ IΗ » 10 ι · · ; ; ι ' · « : i < · nr two ail ·_■ . t . Ol ι ί·'\" ι I , I ! ι t I t! »i I · t ! e· it I « ι .'U- » r · IΊ ' i « ) ι til HI, ' : · · ft ·:: 1 - ι ' ϊ ! ». ' · · of uai'K f,t i ' ') ly ι . touch. • : :. « » * . ; . ι] " ! îi ; » : ι. - one « Γ produe 11· ο. \ . ' >Γ ) Ι.-!ΓΟ in > t · i t ί% Il 155— toi y ι -π I ' \ Hxod hy develop ■ < · : - ; ·_; 1 i -, > · 'oiul · or;il ;is m ni', ly i' (ί ·11 nor Cherry s tc ooeis i ! ι : tv 11 » ι l 11 a progrun ioj· m ίό ■ ι V:!"\ite con η try roads, . ( · In proved markçttfiç facili ties, an i "»»:·· ass nvi stability in fax v. ineo he wi*l lîkeïv be kn· \vi\ as a got»·.! "farm governor."

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