I Society WITH THE SICK In Norfolk Hospital. C, ι lîovvl:*it> is reported 1o be .ng Inflow ng ,i major opera • · m li e gênerai hospital at Nor Prayrr Hand Tonight. Prayer Meeting Band will n ' tonight at 7 Ifi n'cloek at the n! Mrs. Fanny Gupton. on ( · t· avenue, it was announced \ liev. A. \V. leard will be the Yisitini! In Norfolk. Mis \v. M. Fleming, Jr.. of Mid ι· spending a few days with . Garland Howling in Norfolk. Milk Mixture for Stomach Ulcers Λ recent medical discovery now used by do*, tots and hospitals everywhere has proven unusually succès-!ul in the treatment of stom arh u.< · :~ caused Irom excess acid. It is a H.*ml; · preparation yet so eflective, in many r.. ί the pains ot stomach ulcers disappear n.· : immediately. Also recommended for gas 11.s . indigestion* heaitburn due to hyjxr r, : ι * ν. Suliem may now t;y this at home hy < i : *. « τ a hoi t le < >i l.l ' Kl Ν from their drug 11; 1 I Κ IN contains this new discovery in its I ..· ; form. Kasy to take. Just mix two tea Rji.->::ful■·. lin a half glass of milk. Costs hut fitt « - Mum '"'lit · or monev refunded I iirin for Sale l>y Parker's Drus More and drus stores everywhere. Tin ''III .<( llthiH lit ') ι II I II il il hi, ill ill;/ nui/ ι ni' hill 1/ princi pal >i /.S- I I fl< fit il in lit ι ι/iiit I, ι'ι si mini 11 In n nl μ ι if our fini xelcctmi. * CURRIN c cZQxû-eXe/i * HENDERSON N.C Marian Martin —Pattern— Mother, sew this for your sunnv Uanmui !·ιι·1: L'ut top of Pattern 0υi! in one piece: button for more or le - -un. Dirndl skirt buttons for :asy i ι on i η ι :. easy dressing. Pattern !)lli>2 conies 111 size:- J. t. (i. 8 and In. Si/e fi sundress takes 1 1 -2 yards 3,ï-ineh material. Send TWENTY cents in coins for tins pattern to Dailv Dispatch l'al ler' Dept.. ΪΛ·> West 18th St.. New York 11, \. Y. Print plainly SIZE, λ AMI·", ADDRESS, STYLE NUM BER. NOW ready the Marian Martin new St'MMEK I'JKi Pattern P.ook! Fifteen Cents more brings you cool, new. eas.v-to-make fashions for all. . .And. printed right in the book: FREE pattern for ballot slippers for home and beach wear! WOMENéo SUFFER monthly PAIN should try this famous medicine to relieve pain and tired, nervous, cranky feelings, of such days \yh.»n due to female functional monthly disturbances. Worth trying! iron i. pimm comVound Miss Jean Candler Honors Miss I.e<«j; At Afternoon Tea I I Coa phmentinu Mi.ns Katherine I il.eng. In idi — I'lcr' III June 29. Mis- I Jriin Cendtcr was hoetaM at tea jiit her hciuie on Clarke -licet Mon-j ι clay aftei ηι·ι»ι it tour-thirty o'clock. j Throughout the house were ar- j 1 tistr.· arrangements of colorful sum ! mei llowii -. In the sun room red I gladioli don nated the decorations while in !he living room were mixed ,-unimer flowers. Λ tasteful arrangement of lemon lilies was placed on a mirror reflect- ' or ι· the dining room table. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Η L . Candler. Mrs. William Candler I and Mrs. R O. Burwell. served ! punch, fancy sandwiches, chicken patties, cheese straws and decorated : j cakes. The guest list included the fol- 1 lowing: Miss Legg. honor guest. Miss Maria Legg, Mrs. M. F. Legg. Miss i Marjurie Teiser. Miss Peggy Moran. Miss Fannie Cooper , Miss Amie j Walk · ·'. Miss Mary Ann Cooper. M ' -s .lean Dixon. Mis- Annice Mit- . ciiell. Miss Marv Klizabeth Parham. i Miss Τ kie Wester. Mrs. R. L. John son, Mrs. W. W. Bowers, III. Miss Josephine Newell. Miss Ann South erland. Miss Marion Callaway and Miss Viola Moyle. Bridal Pair Feted At Buffet Supper M> - Katherine Legg and Albert ; Gallatin Carr. of Durham, u'ho.-e i-.'.ι deling .ι June 2!) will be an out si.mdint; stria! event. were honored ..' ι buffet supper at the West End Country club οι. Saturday evening at Τ o'clock bv Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Noel. Green and yellow dominated the dei ι ι allons of the club room and through! lit the room were i.'iusual arrangements of branches of green ; apple.-, plums and blackberries. Hur ra ane lamp.- illuminated the at 11 active setting. Ci.ie.-t.- were greeted at the en tri.nce by Dr. and Mrs. Noel. David Noel of Farmville, Virginia, and Miss legg and Mr. Carr. Supper was served buffet style t.. abolit fifty guests. Guests were siated at individual tables covered i v. it h pale yellow cloths. BIRTHS Kd wards Soil. Mr. and Mr- Roosevelt Edwards. ... Midcilebui·!:. an.iouneo the birth ol a son on June 2:i. 19-16. Κ a tii y Lee Best. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Best, Jr.. of Fallon. Nevada, ai · ounce the birth ol a daughter. Kathv Lee. June 14 at St. Mary's hospital in Reno. Shejiu Ann Rrnn. i Mr. and Mrs Jrhn P. Renn. Jr.. ! announce the birth of a daughter, Shelia Aii\ on June 19 at Maria Parham hospital. Mrs. Renn is the lormer Miss Millie N'ortis, of Oxford. a Raiders Get Forfeit Ga'me As City Taxi Club Wins, 9-0 With the White K. ider- leading l-d in the sixth inning hist night unrl (ill" η Powers at bat. Crocker, pitch ing for Standard Part · hit Powers with a pitched ball for a base on balls. The count at the t.ine was three b; lis and one strike Standard Parts cl.. rued interfer ence on Powers' part After much discussion. Umpire R.i ■ ev put Fred die Stokes out of the game and when Standard Parts refused to resume play, Ramsey forfeited the game to the White Raiders. Asa Carlisle pitched City Taxi to a 9-0 vi. torv over Vance Trucking in the* nighicap. A single by Dav s was the only hit ho allowed. Batteries: Carlisle and MuChee: Kearney and Knight. Games tonight: White Haiders vs. Vance Furniture: Vance Trucking vs. Standard Parts. "Wednesday night at 8:15 (''clock, ι the University of North Carol ra ! all-stars will play Henderson all stars. Tram: City Taxi Vance Trucking R II Ε 9 fi H 0 1 3 Miss Hicks Bride Of Mr. Twisdale Miss Marian Grey Hicks, daugh ter <>t Mrs. E. C. Mo · of Townsville. keiame the bride o! Cephus Leo Twistdale. Jr.. son o! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Twistdale, ι I I ownsville. in a double ring cerem· nv solemnized Thursday afternoon, J ne 20, at 4 o'clock» at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. F. H. Frazier. Jr., on Bur well avenue in Henderson. Rev. J. S. Kinnersc.. pastor of the Towns ville Presbyterian .h .rch, heard the wedding vows. Queen Anne's lace and baby's breath with lighted tapers formed the home decorations for the wed ding. The bride wore a white eyelet batiste driss with a corsage of pink ιo.-eouns. Mic was given in marriage by her stepfather. K. ('. Moss. Little Mi>s Gertr .de Williams, cou.'in of the bride. ua> ring bearer. Norwood Dixon Twistdale, brother ni the bridegroom, .served as best man. Mr-. Mi ss. »molher ot the bride. ;i <1 Mrs. Twistdale. n either ot the groom. were dressed η black sheet with white accessories and corsages ol gardenias. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home in Towns ville. "HOLDING ON" IS TOPIC OF GARDNER Rev. K. Xorfleet Gardner. pastor of the First Baptist church. preached on the topic. "Holding On" Sunday at the morning worship feoar. The text was from James 5:11. "Behold, we crunt them happy which en dure." "Happiness is elu.ive in de! ηi;i· · and in quest, said the minister. "Can best see what it is bv recog nizing the things it is not. 'l'aère are soma who .-ay that ii ill the discom forts and hardships c old be removed from life, one would be happy. Many tin es though, the happiest people are those who have had the m< -i hardships. Sorrow comes to stretch out places in the heart for joy. Then there are other perse i s who say happiness is bound up in the free dom of indulgence. Happiness is not the prediiv't of the excitement of in dulgence. There are some who say happiness is going smoothly in times of prosperity and in times of adver sity. Happiness comes from bc'V.g stead fast and holding on, whatever the daily circumstances are. "Why is one nappy as he endures." Because in our patience we find the grace of God. Job. in the midst of his physical and mental ail lid ion. found the grace of Gocl. "One is happy as he endures through sufiering. At times, the gorges are deep and the torients seem to overwhelm. Just as a field must be plowed deep i! the grain is to grow, so one's life and soul must be plowed by the chastening of the Lord." C OF C GROUP IN UNIVERSITY MEET Chapel Hill. June 25.—Commercial oigi>"izalien executives throughout the Southeast were going back to school at the University of North Carolina here today. They will be taking relre.-hor courses at Chapel Hill all th's week. Move Hi m 251) from il Southern states started in with classes in vi rions phases ul I amber of commerce werk under .-uih prominent instruc tors as Ben I!, l.awslie, commercial organization department of the U. S. Chamber ol Commerce in Washing ton and Arch X. Booth, assistant manager U. S. Chamber of Com merce. The group i-· attending the third annual Southeaslern Institute, one of six similar train'i'g schools being held throughout the coimlry, which got under way with a convocation in Lenoir Hall here la-.t night. "SNOW WHITE" TO BE AT PRESBYTERIAN "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" will be shown in the lower auditorium of the First Presbyter ian church tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock it was announced to day This i.·- the second of a series of summer afternoon pictures that will ; be shown by the church during the I month^to come. The church recently purchased a Victor sound projector with a large 7x9 radiant screen. The lower au ditorium of the church is cool and pleasant on the hottest days of sum mer. it is stated. Mothers are in · vited to accompany their children to the picture tomorrow afternoon. There will be no charge. FEWER (HIC KS. Raleigh, June 25.—Reports from North Carolina commercial hatcherv men i-idicate that approximately 4. 500.000 chicks were hatched during May. the Federal-State Crop Report ing Service announces. This pro duction was 11 per cent less than the 5.109.000 hatched for the same month last year, but !4 per w.t above the iive-year (1040-44)) Mai average. PAUL EVANS JOINS NAVY ON MONDAY Paul A. Evans, son of Morion M Evans, ot Henders< n, enlisted in the navy at the Raleigh navy re-irumnc . tation Monday. it was announced today. Evans made application v. ith Chief Jackson, local navy recruiter, who i: in Henderson each Monday* for the purpose of accepting application? and furnishing information relative to enlistment. The announcement again pointed out that the Raleigh navy recruiting would stay open Sunday, June 30 in order for men with bona fide de pendents to erlist or reenlist on the last day to do so under the depen dency act. Exchange Members Discuss CommunitN Swimming Pool Further discussion of .1 .·:> · < 'swimmg pool was held by :·.<·πι· <·. υ! tin· Exchnnge el ib last night N« , definite fiction has hen taut n. but the club is interested 111 the ι» mî I ing ο! a pool here and hopes to in terest other civic clubs in help·.'. ; sponsor the project A report \va.- given by the boa:-· of cuHrol on the passing o! some new by-laws and the appointing ol new committee members. Η Β. Houghtaling, of Carteret. X. J., was guest ol M. H. Matthi ·.·. s ! Ε. Β. Tindal. Jr., presided in ab sence of the president. Ray Bu. .. ■ an. who with his wife attended Là dits -\'ight and installation <>' c ι : ; - cers of the Durham Jub last night NEW STAMP VALID ON CANNING SUGAR Rfi Iciah. .Tune 25. 11«>m ι · gel more catmint: .- inar .! !> I ,·. · » ι s ι >a re stamp 10 becomes valid I'm' five pounds. Ί heodore S. .1 nn-· :> State ()PA Director, -aid ι · »· I Johnsin explained that this is the final stamp of the year for r„ ning sugar, as no easing >r t 'κ· ς : ! situation is expected betn-e 1947 Altin ugh it is expec'r.'l t!ia' 7 000 tons of sugar will be a\ .11 : j I< this year for home canning I compared with 900,000 tons during 1945, Johnson urged lv>:ue·.» ives to use spare stamp 10 ι · ; ! es s tin t'a 11 ni A Iff for igar ; |ii( tel y in Spare sta.i tuble .· issai Septemi < home ι l.ited ...r-t.· valid i> ft Π1 ! ' aid. : π May "an.ρ for ,.ιί until >1 I ( I II!" ! \ l'| I·· vj: NTS. ( ·. .If -"· . .Inn. 2à Λ : : . ■ t ! in eight ( . . : τ il . .·· t -t. ( :lii na t.. ytudv an m »·,· - ι n J :>· 2fl. 30. a π ci 31. i" . : 1 ' ■> Dr. Ralph W. Cummings. h< ι .· l ·..· Agronomy Dcparti · « · S' i ■ _< Unless ynu an saving them JM s. ' ■ i. ' ni » ■ * < cl | " »<1 >. Work in a dust vl general fertilizer» hue and wal'-i '■> in ο planta loim n· w ι ..· · l'.ii fi Ί iv . : 'iiuiiK. W f#* iT-i 1> · s .. ·.· ·. Minute Am ' ' ι -.-l.it: j; Ot ι./. ι ( 1 .a! i:ig, - · ! · - i itch na 1 ····'· ·· « · · 'ν f. -'i skm all'ïi·. t*'»n>*.' F" · i| il·· ••«•'ief arid :, ! ] V : ■ Y OÎN'T M FX'i L>· · 1 ι uoy.s in ι Λ. . · ' ' ' folks η - s. ι \ ldren Λ - ' ■: ' V1C T()RY < >r\ : ν '■-■: ! · sold ΐ·! If 1 ■ - ! !- ι-.-utt Drug ("n. M: · I ·. % r vour };"!<ie Ι«·ν. · - Adv 111 îi. Il.l -I -il:: , : "t V alllartt's. SPECIALS FOR OUR WED. MORNING SHOPPERS New Shipment ALL METAL VENETIAN BLINDS Sizes 27x64 Up To 36x64 From $5-75 To $7·75 Light Weight COTTON BEDSPREADS In Blue, Rose, Cedar and Green. $3.65 Ol'R STORE HOIRS Mondays and Tuesdays: 9:00 to 5:30 Wednesdays: 9:00 tu 1:00 Thursdays and Fridays: 9:00 to 5:30 Saturdays: 9:00 to 6:00 GREAT SAVINGS vy·—*■ "«"'r βψ^,^ΐΜg, iΝ HOUSEWARES NECESSITIES FOR EVERY HOME CHENILLE BATH MAT SETS 1.98 Soft, luxurious bath mat set. Rug size 21 χ 36. All fast color. -Seat cover to match. Here's a Roomy, Practical WARDROBE *) Q£ ù'Jb \\ uod jM'-iiM .; ,i ; ·· ;.ru frame cit-ti'iiet ι*Ίί !.: hannoiii/.iii'.· < ■ *i·-■·. tir, ]._· λ ·.-1 ? Curtain Scrim 25c - 39c Yd. Beautiful designs. Blight colors. Vat Dyed and sanforized Aluminum Chicken Fryer 2.98 Lan;e sizr, « ompîcii with toi» mailt* ni -laialf s . Ifîn.iiuim Ironing Boards 3.49 Sturdy' construction, with slate top. Enamel VV a i e r F a s i 89c 1 I Qt. HIGH QUALITY CLOTH WINDOW SHAD ES :;g·· widi. COLORS: GREEN, WHITE, EC III , l t.t.MIl LI, 79e 98e Monday: 9:00 to 5:30 Tuesday: 9:00 to 5:30 OUR STORE HOURS Wednesday: 9:00 to 1 :()() Thursday : 9:00 to 5:30 Friday Saturday 9:00 to 5:30 9:00 to 7:00

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