Utfttltersmt Hatly Bispatrij 1H1R1Y-TH1RD \EAR HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY 'AFTERNOON, JULY 20, 1946 1'umusiu^^KVI-^^.^KUNOON FIVE CENTS COPY ON HALF PAY, EAT HALF LUNCH fDistricf 9? Columbia | I OFFICE OF I PRICE ADMINISTRATION SINCE THEY ARE RECEIVING only hall pay now that the OPA has been discontinued, Huth M. Hum (left) and Marguerite llollcnbcek, workers for the defunct agency, cut down expenses by sharing a sandwich and a soda in Washington. Thousands of OPA workers are still on the job while awaiting congressional action on price controls. (International) Atomic Control Billj Is Passed By House I Military Will Be Represented On Five Man Board Washington, July 20.??,l'i? The | Mouse passed a much amended n tomic energy control hill today send ing it to a Senate-llouse conference , for adjustment of differences be tween the two chambers. Passage was on a vote of 265 to ' 79. Passage followed almost five days of debate during which the Senate control bill was changed by a long , list of amendments. Major Mouse changes provided b>: military representation writhe pro posed five-member atomic energy control commission; for a military man at the head of the military tip- ; plication division; for authority for ! the armed forces to make atomic 1 bombs under certain conditions and for the death penally for most seri ious violations. A short time before the Mm, e io jected a move to pigeon hole the control bill until next year. A vote thai turned down a mo tion to send the bill back to the mil itary Coininitccs which would have had the effect of puttim; the bid on the shelf for this ses -ion pre saged passage of the much amend ed measure later too,,... Brief Bevolt Is Reported 111 La Paz Buenos Aires. July 2.?i.Ti?Rebel lious students tired ? n Bolivian c ib ino! ministers. \v? miding mic ; >d narrowly misani'. President (iualbitu Villarroel, in a fi sh disturbance at La I'az yesterday. : ai<I reports fiorn Chilu today. Karlior rcnorls said lint pcr.-on wero killed in an uprising Thursday which had for it.- aim the over throw < ' Villarr' el. The A-seriated Press c rrespond ent at Aric i. <i northern Chile, only ahniit 2ftti miles from l.a Paz. said the new disturbance yesterday took place tin the Bolivian capital pi front of the government palace when President Villains ?' anil his minister were making speeches from the bal cony. One policom; 11 was killed. TONY MARTIN ILL. Hollywood. July 20.?t/pi?Tony Martin of the films underwent tin emergency appendectomy at a hos pital yesterday. Arnold Forecasts Blow Against LT. S. Via Polar Areas l,os Angeles. Jolv 20.? ? <?cn. II. II. Arnold, war-time rtilcf of the Armv Air Forres, says he believes any future blow acalnst the Cnlted States "will rente from across the Polar re gions. not b.v way of the seas." Predicting f a t tl r e atomic bombs "may well be on thou sand times destructive" as those exploded over .tanan. Arnold countered an inquiry as to wheth er the Fnitrd States could know If any other nation were secret ly building atomic bombs with this question: "Who knows what's going on deep Inside Russia?" Later. In a speech before the Institute of Aeronautical Scient ists. he predicted "Invasion of the stratosphere" by "true spare ships eapabtr of one or more trips around the world." I I Contribution To Coffee Questioned Congressman Will Be Asked To Tell Why He Got Money Washington. July 2o.?,/pi Sen - ior Brewster (It) of Maine, a mem ber 'of the Senate War Investigat ing Committee said today that l!e,\ OYl'fec (I)) of Washington would bo asked to "explain" a five year ol<l $2.50(1 "eamnais" cimtribilion" from a Taeoma. Wash., war contractor. At Tncoma. C'oflee di* tared: "I welcome an investigation on the en tire matter." Brewster said that the committee has already asked the Department ' Justice for its file on an investiga tion which C'oflee ha said it made of tlie contribution. "Belated Alibi." Ife bluntly called Coffee's defini tion of the $2.51 HI as a campaign con tribution a "belated aiibi". ibew.lcr said ol Cot fee's williug nes.- f< r an investigation: "lie certainly will he welcome. The more quickly lie appears, the better." At Tiicomti. Coll r said that the circumstances li.ul been widely pun- ; lislied in the slate and tliat the! .lie lice Depai Imeiit after its inquiry , found "no basis for art a i' Also at Taeoma, Contra lor Kivind ; Anderson told a retiorler: No Evil Purpose. "There was no evil purpose in the pavim lit of this money. I was mere ly trying to achieve something that was higlily honorahle at the time?j leiiiove handicaps a.v it was urgent j to get si.metliing do e. Anderson explained he had a big building project then underway at l-'t. I.cwis. Wash., and "tilings were not moving fast enough " The check went to Coffee's secre tary at the time. Paid A. Olson. Coffee remarked thai Olson and Ai derson ran fur mayor ? f Taeoma in tne primary this year ami that Anderson was eliminated. "For a defeated candidate, five years after making a campaign con tribution. to attempt to alter the i entire complexion of the transaction, can only be co stnied as stooping I to the lowest form ol unscrupulous , tactics." THREE GI'S, WOMAN DIE IN BUS WRECK i Frecport. Fla.. July 20. ? nib ? I 'I lirec soldiers- and one womnn were i killed iinrl on undetermined mini ! her of other persons were injured in a erasli between a Nat.onal Troil j ways bus and o private onto near < here I;>~t night. Sheriff Curtis Millet I of Walton utility sain iiie woman, who was burned to death, litis bei.u identified us Mrs. Fremiti* li.dlard I of Dothan. Ala. The bodies of the woman and two < f the soldiers who i were passengers on the bus. were takoi to Panama Citv. while the , body of the third soldier driver of the private ear. was carried to F.g Iin Field. Fin. I IMF IN Tt'RKKV. Istanbul. July 2" 11 ?? Four per sons were rop< rted shot to detith to day en the eve of Turkey's general election to determine the fate of j Ismct lnynu's government. Three men were reported slain 1 while sitt ?'(! in a coffee bouse at j the village of Izmir. One of them | was president of the vdlage Is-aneh of Jalel Rayar's opposition demo crat parly. Marshall's China Trip Held Failure > Chinese Preparing All-Out Assault On The Communists Shanghai. July 211. ? ^l'i ? l)i|?lo- j malic sources privately agreed to day that United States General George C. Marshall's peaee mission I to t'liii).i had failed. Seem ? gly eenfirminti the opin j ion. the Nationalist government be gan moving more men toward the lighting tri ills and the communists i were reported reinlorcing their |io- : sitions. General Marshall was believed tin- ' likely to have the opporti uity to confer with Generalissimo Chiang : Kai-shek !n the summer enpittd at 1 Killing, where the general went with j U. S. Ambassador Or. John Ueigh- j ton Stuart. Nothing To Talk About. A similar pessimist.- attitude was expressed at the communist head quarters in Nanking when a ?.heck was made on whether or ?'ot com munist chief negotiator G e n e r a I Cboti Kn-lai would visit Killing to talk with Chiang. The official asked the question countered with the com ment "There's nothing left to talk about." Meanwhiic. quarters professing to be ">? the know" predicted Marshall would return home around the mid dle of August after making a final effort to retrieve the steadily wor sening situation. This view n .m illed with persist ent reports that the government lias j abandoned all hope of a peaceful settlement and info'ds to launch an I all out attack against the eommu [ ni.-ts in Soph ruber. Gem Rin<r Suspects ; To Face Charges i In Germany Soon j Frankfurt. July "II.?i.-l'i?United Stiite: Army headquarters aiinoune ed today that charges probably will I l>" lilerl earlv next week against WAC ('apt. Kathleen Nash Durum and Maj. David Watson, two of the three principals in the Sl,5ltn,()(K! ilesse family jewel theft. The announcement did not men- i tion Col. J. W. Durant. C'apt. Dur ant's husband, also helil in the in vestigation of the them ol the jewels from Kromlicrg castle. Army officers said the Durant. were separated reeeiilly and placed on d11 lei i nt hotel floors "because they probably will be tried iiulivi- i i dually." American Traitor ()! Radio Berlin Is Reported Dead I Berlin, July 2d.~l/l'i?Tim Itus- I sinus informed l.'liiled Stales Army I hcad<|ii;.rlois today that Ted \V. K;111 ? ? i>i>.'i< li. a I yeiir old iownn Ion ; anight l<y Die Americans as a traitor for hicndeastuig N'r./.i war propagail rla from fJermaay. <iie<l last October j in a Soviet detention camp. A !te<l army major general trans mitted the information in a letter <?> the American intelligence section, which had tried in vain to learn his fate after liis arrest by the Itussians more than a year a tin. Kaltenharli. the land Maw lla'.v of Itadio Merlin, died of a natural cause, in the Hussion occupation /one of C'.ertnany, the letter said. | Inventor Of I ?ife Proloni^inu Serum, 64, I) ies In Russia l.ondon. July 'Jo.?i.p The Mas- ' cow radio reported the death last night of Dr. Alexander A. Mogn molcts. soviet scientist and polili | cian who said liist month that his , A. (.'. serum might prolong human ?life to I all years, lie was fit. Hognmolets. deputy eliairmiin of the supreme soviet of the Ukrainian s.s.h. and a member of the presi- I dittm of the academy of sciences of the u.s.s.r.. had been ill for some time, the radio said. Michigan Bribery Conspiracy Takes On A New* Twist Laming. Mich., Jui.v 20. - i,vi a bribery conspiracy to defeat bank ing legislation in Michigan in 1011 was charged today in grind jury warrants agahist two Detroit inrltis tralists and l!? picsotit and former state legislators Circuit Judge l.ocis F Cosch. sit ting as a one man gland jury, sign ed warrants accusing 2K persons in all of a conspiracy to defeat a bill designed for regulation of chain banking Four were named co-con spirators but not defendants. Great Fire Ruins Elizabeth City Building ?? n EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS OF RELEASE OF BRITISH HOSTAGES ? ????II ? m -VI BRITISH OFFICER, FREED BY EXTREMISTS, CHASES HIS CAPTORS ??mini ?? AN ALERT PHOTOGRAPHER caught these photos in Tel Aviv, ralcstine, of the dramatic release of three kidnaped British army officers who had f been held as hostages for 16 days by a band of extremists. At top, a startled passerby turns around as Capt. C. G. Warburton (arrow) scram- | blcs vainly after his captors. At bottom, the other captives, Capt. A. E. j Taylor and Capt. E. II. Spencer, climb from the packing care in which the trio had been dumped from a truck. The woman pushing the baby I carriage seems entirely unawai'e of the excitement. (/iifcriiatioiial) Struggle Over OPA Bill In Life Or Death Stage Porter Asserts Some Of Damage Can't Be Mendcc! \\rii>liiii'4t< 11. .Inly ? *i (ip.\ .?\(ln in -11I' I I'miIit sa id 1<?- i day that even ii price cot i In Is arc restored "pel h: ps -nil c nl tiit* ?I:r111 ? nut" <>f tin- last three weeks can't be repiiiretl." Porter declared that while OI'A is "hard at '.toil; lij plans to re* eovcr sane of the ground that lias been lost. e\ en with the best > '? price control bills it isn't Ruing to be an easy job putting the orss back in the basket." Asserting it won't lie a en.-e ?>l "llnnipty-l)ii:i ply. whom till the horses and all the nun ? oulon't i IHIt back Pen '.licr again" Porter add ed: Snme I'crs Sniashrd "Si me ot the eggs are -ina 'nc . and perhaps some of (lie Han age ot the last three weeks cat') Ik? re* paired, but I feci eonfideni that with effeetive authority from Con gress. thiil we ean recover a lot of eggs that have rolled out of the price contri ' btisket and put a stop to other pi ee increases." Porter's doubt about whether "ground lost" can he recovered raised the question whether tic . till feels that all ?kmc HO price ceilings ean be reestablished if controls a revived. Who they expired on .luly I. I?< r ter said flatly that it Congress did not specilically provide for previous, celling* in any revival bill. OI'A would restore litem by a Rcncral order. CONGRESSMEN ARE RECEIVED BY POPE Vatican I'itv. July 2n.? (AIM ? Pope Pius tinted a croup of Amer ican scnatois anil represent (alive. wlicm ho received today in private audience to share the experiences ac quired on their around the world journey, so that men will under stand more fully "the havoc wrench' by war and 11n* tremendous difficul- i ty of reconstruction.*' I Nation To Start On Fourth Week Of Rampant Prices W.-idiiiigloii. .Inly :!(?. i/l'i I' li e >I'A i-titi-ied tin ItI? or de.ilii . tape i ii C'.i|iit<>l Ifill today. Willi C'lii'.ri' death ked. il lie? rami' i-erlain "a- tisit?? ?? i wi'l art mi ,i Inarlli week n| iiiH'iinti'nllcrl pi iriv. with i o nut' knowing in u hut ti.nn. il any, OI'A might be revived. Tin Una r-Srnali' r<>ll!e:'eiiri I con ittcc seeking a compromise ttim stalemated as House member* il l . cri >teaflla-1ly to accept Sm all- liatp against any further price ei-ilings on rill;, meat, cue* and nthcr bosii fowls. Small- l)i -locratic l.< aii-r Hark U-y called the conferee* ?i one more n ret ? e i ii. ?-. If litis tails, I'v <>1*A will be thniwii open atv'-iv in a llmisi floor battle over whether t-> approve the Senate hill. 1'ri-siiU nt Trunian mil, a ling a vein, lias desrrihed the Sm ile nn i ??re a. "terrible." The ernfereo!. after lour days "i | wrangling. were 1 it-d in kn- Is mil the 'luesti'i- of allowing nl'.\ i-er tain discretional v powers in raisins I priees on lnamifnrttired artirles as! prescribed by a new pricing i irmula in the Senate hitl. (loliinihiii Sailor Found (iiiilt\ ()t Killing Housew ife IVllH-eloil. W. Va . July :'n ? ,1 ?? William (Sordini. 21 -vi-ar-old sailor from Cohiilthia. S. I', was i-mivii-? nl of first degree innrili ? today in | the - hot mm slaying of a .'tl! year oi l I'.liii-field housewife. The veriliet. if permilbd to stand, i ai rii-s witli il a mandatory death si-nleiu-e. Defense Attorney Hartley Sandi-rs of I'niu-i-ton immediately moved i" set the verdict aside and Criminal ('our! Judge V. Morion Wagner set August 9 to heat . rgumonts on the motion. Nicht Blaze < o Damage Sel At $300,000 Kli/alicth City. .Inly ','ti i/l'i Kuii maintained :i watchful vigil hrri1 today over the siuoiildri ttiu re mains "I the Kleiner l>i 11 l<l iliu. which Inirii'd lute ' night and early lod.tv with a lies estimated j at Tli" three sli'i'v building?the sec- j iiikI largest nt the city and in the heart of the business district?was ; a complete loss, according tu Fire j Chief Jerome 15. Flora, who said that j about all that remains was "four walls." 'I'll" lila/". fir-t seen breaking I through the roof near an elevator shaft at about lli:la la t night. in brought under control three hours j later by the Kli'/.aheth City fire de- ! p. rtmeiit, assisted by two trucks of . the coast guard air station one from ! the naval air station and one from Fdenton. Flames Still fhiru. Small flame- siil! burned into the day and firemen continued to spray water into the charred debris. Both the roof and third floor gave way. as did parts of the second Hour. Cause of the fire was unde termined. Cue result of the fire may be a rotifusic n in the draft situation, be- I cause the local draft board had ot- | I:ccs in the building and it has not 1 been determined whether its records j were destroyed. Othel offices were occupied by j rental and insurance agents. two | physicians. the (il'A. the Veteran Administration, the State Depart ment of Conservation and Develop- . men!, and lite Federal Department I of Agriculture. Four stores located in the build in;: were Woolwoi III. Hurdles', ladie.. ready to wear. Sawyer and Coin - I p.tny men':, store. and the Albemarle I trii". store. Some of the stores maintained storage space en the third floor where it i:. thought Ur ine originated. I Gromyko Says Nobody Wants Atomic Secrets Nov.- Yuri:. July 20.?i.Vi?Riis noii l>losj..to Andrei \ liiomylei. I playing ;> tand-in iole among the j -'?i< nt 11M :c' i ??! . 1-t Ih ? I'nitcd i ? ! Iimi Atomic ("iiiiini. i -n. v.'.i >>n re. > ?iti today :i ? spying thai "nulKKly I ? (i lium )>>r i i'icl ' uf atomic I:ii<i ?. Inv* ;? I tin l;i ?? uf the atomic i n- i III.I 111st II I. II .. The ifiii.'ii'l; v.*?i. ? ivn empire r. : I ?y the f.'irt th;it th * Ii.?? wmd.. were tin* i?nlv "lie., i'.htm in j l;n*' t fill*itnti*in in ;i "din wnrd of- j lien! ITniled X.itimi.. repmt of yes- j terd;iy's .secret in?*eliir.: of tlx* iif?*.* !:? nitimi if ifie t a -1 teehnie.il ;id- I vi "i v eoinmitIff on (limine eneruv. j 'I h?' mily reported point ??j enn- j II let yustrrdny ;?r??. e over (irnmy- j |;n's prnpiis?il thiit thi* reirntifle cm,- j millet* eh.'i irm.'ilishij? should |i.t h.iek ;? 11? 1 forth between f!i?? repre- | sent.iti\e: of the Xelherkiiuls ;ind I i'nl.ind. Dr. llendrick Kr? inters <?! the! .\et her kinds \v:is mimed tem)M?r;irv j eh?iirm?in. WEATHER FOK NORTH CAROLINA. Clear to partly cloudy and continued warm toniulit and Sundav. Scattered showers in inoiintains Sunday. Party Too Rough? FORMER model Doris Piatt (above) is suing William Leeds and Irwin (Dick) Kramer, botli heirs to large fortunes, for $1,00,000 for injuries alio says were indicted during a V-J day "rouglihouse" in a New York hotel. A jiu-jitsu demonstra tion which landed her on the door was among the indignities she says she suilcrcd. (International) Enlistments Very High, Army Says Wellington. July 20.? i/Pi?New 'enlistment 11mi!???.- kindled liope in cnngi i . munl '11? ? i?i today lliat the army m i.v lie alile to prolong it* voluntary iiulnctiii- holiday. I.ale t return:- liovv that during .I niic then* were 62. Ilt.'l enlistments in the unity, or more than 20.000 ahove what the War Department ugard. a it. i i age monthly need. h may be. aid Hep. Short (R) of Mi ..oon. . ho made tlie figures piililir. iti.it 'li" di aft extension law will not ha <? i" U' used at all or al lea I thai the dtalt holiday, in force din ? -. July and August, can he continued The 11it1111 * thai Short .aid he re eeieed limn the War Department ho wed III d doling the first week of .11mi Iheie vveri' II.', 1.1 enlistment51. Dunn:: the ennui week there wore 12.21!' tie third IJ.00X and the fourth 2a.2gfl>. I nlcr;i! W orkers I o Kecc i\c I ,ate Ii\ (Checks Soon \\ f 1111 g !,?? .lily 211 |,V| Relat ed pa., hi -ho.dd s, on be handed to po tal i oployes and some trcas* i.rv workers who have been work ing temporarily without pay. All that is neeesary is for Prcsi dent Tinman to sign the $1,604. Iifi2.14u treasury-post office appro priation tiill which Congress sent htm Into yesterdny. Mtniv employes have missed their mid-July pay checks while the Son de :>'d Ihnis" argued about the fund hi!. dee disagreement was over a stive price amendment. It wa- settled yesterday hv removing tile seel ion ill dispute. AT LAST-THAT 'BETTER MOUSETRAP*) IT'S VERY SHOCKING, as Mr. Modern Mouse discovers when he takes part in "Test Cheese," this cxpcilmcnt with an A-bomb mousetrap was called. The gadget, conceived by H. L. and R. C. Ratchford, is shown (top, left) fady for att. -hment to an ordinary electric plug. Next (top^ right) the mouse is attrac'od by tho -'.coma of fxe-j lunch; is tossed up .(bottom) by tho electric shock and fall. dead. ''ufcrnationalJi

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