125 Given Certificates In Salesmanship Course Lt. Gov. Ballentine Speaker At Dinner Held At The Club Approximately 125 sales people who took courses in the last three j weeks under auspices of State dis tributive educational service were given certificates for completing the work, and Lt. Gov. L. Y. Ballentine. of Raleigh, spoke to the group on salesmanship at a "commencement" dinner at West End Country Club Thursday evening. Ballentine spoke on salesmanship I and commended the sales people tor ! the work thev have done in the past ! three weeks. Clerks, department heads a 11 d ! executives attended the classes, i which were directed by Mrs. Delia ' Putnam, of the State Department of ! Public Instruction. The training courses were under sponsorship .[ '.he mercantile al fairs committee of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce, with 11. C. Bowie as chairman. Btoys \V. Britt. secretary of the chamber, was toast master. The invocation was given by Rev. C. D. Barclift. pastor of the First Methodist church, and Mr. Bowie spoke a welcome. Britt intro duced the guests. Ballentine was presented by F. S. Royster. presi dent of the chamber, and following the address. Superintendent F.. M. Rollins, of the city-county schools, presented the certificates, some in dividuals receiving two awards for completing two courses. The lieutenant governor said in his address that every one is a sales man of some kind, and there are many kinds. He told the group that they are a part of the American dis tribution system and that their work has helped the national economy The nation has performed a miracle in production, but there must also be n miracle in distribution it all the people are to share in the bene fits. Declaring that a seller's mar ket has prevailed for the last sev eral years. Ballentine warned that that will not always continue, an.! that the time is coming when tin. art of salesmanship will again have to be applied in making business gi It i< then that the courses just com pleted will yield benefits. The hign level of purchasing power can bi maintained and niu^t be if the nation is to carry its great burden of debt as it ought, the State's Xo. 2 man said. Among those introduced to the audience were T. Carl Brown, head >f the distributive educational scrv oo of the State education depart ment. and \V. D. Slattery and W. D Logan, who aided in the courses conducted here. Britt thanked the workers and congratulated the group taking the courses, and also expressed appre ciation to tite Kiwants club for us.' f its quartets, and to the Couple club of the First Presbyterian ?hurch. whose members served the dinner. R. W. Ehret was chairman of the ticket committee which pine ?d tickets for the banquet. J. C. KITTRELL IS GREATLY IMPROVED .1. C. Kittreli. veteran member o' [ho Henderson bat. is rapidly im '?ving at his home here followin ui pcration in Durham three week. igo. He was returned to his horni r Church street last Saturday, ant is reported to be making steady pro g e-s toward permanent sccovery Mr. Kittreli is able to sit ;i'd and to get about the house. 1 MASS HANGING FOR WAR CRIMINALS ! MulimlL|L1 I ? ii ii i imiiii l ;ii A HUGE MOB, numbering about .15,000 persons, watches the r. ass hanging of 11 war criminals at Danzig. Convicted of responsibility for the mur- I der of more than 200,000 Jews while they wore in charge of concentra tion camps during the war, the war criminals were place 1 standing on trucks beneath the gibbets (top) while the nooses were adjusted. Then the trucks were driven oil (bottom), leaving the tl bodies dangling. Four of the 11 that were hung were women. < international ?xc!usit>es) Coddling Of Young People j Poor Policy, Babson Says I BY KOGKK \V. BAUSON'. Copyright I94fi, Publishers Financial Bureau, fnc. Gloucester. Mass., July J(j.? This ity. like most ci>mnuinitics i- hnv ng trouble with juvenile tlelin lueney. It shows here especially in lie breaking open of summer cot ages and unoccupied buildings. In A'elleslcy. Massachusetts, where 1 -pent most of the year, it has been evident in the ruthless destruction ?f school property for which there is absolutely n<< excuse. Farcnts Arc Blamed. The police and school depart ments put the blame upon parents. They state that too many parent are either at work?or else out on parties, etc..?while the children a:c running fast and loose throughout the town. Perhaps this criticism is justified, but it should be remem bered that the parents are paying the salaries of the policemen and school teachers. Of course, the par ents should help more, but the po lice and the teachers have no right to dump it all back into the parents' laps. In some homes both parents tin obliged to work in order to pay th ? high living expenses and taxes that we have today. When I was a boy. the parents and school teachers co operated. In fact, when I got a lick ing in school and my parents hear 1 about il. 1 got another ;.t home! I'm', for some reason corporal punish ment lias entirely gone out of style in most school systems of today. 'I lie first step in eliminating juvenile de linquency is to restore corporal pun ishment in both the schools and llu homes. Coddling Young People. Professional psychologists (most of whom have no children of their own) say that children should i>. entertained more and tit ihe pub!:, expense. In some cities, the police department is even getting up parti" for the boys on Hallowe'en so tha: they won't smash windows and de stroy property. This philosnpi.x seems very crazy to me. I speak both as a large employer of yount people and as an educator with .in i | students now on the Bahson In stitute campus. I believe in supervised play - grounds: also in the work of tie YMCA. Y.MIIA. CY<) anil simil e' organizations. More people shone! contribute to such activities; but ap peasing young people to prevent them from destnrying property will accomplish no more than did the appeasing of Germany to prevent her from destroying Knrope. What Is The Remedy? One remedy for juvenile dclii* ouoncy is to repeal certain slab laws as to employing minors. Boy. who arc strong enough to destroy buildings arc strong enough to work in a store or on a farm. The original purposes of these labor laws may have been soufld: but they have been carried loo far. Corporal pun ishment may do something for these boys when the schools are in ses sion: but only hard work can re lieve them of their excess energy in the vacation period. I have a granddaughter of college age whom I personally desired to employ as a secretary this summer. To my great surprise. I was threat ened with the law for not first get ting permission from the tywn au thorities to have her help me! Be cause of the various officials upon whom she was obliged to call, it took her two or three davs to g-< the proper blanks filled out in or der that she could work for me foi a couple of week.-! New Point of View Needed. Pros id i ill Truman i> not the only person woo is cockeyed mi labor problems. 'I'liere are just as bad e\ ample among the legislators of every stole, and especially iimmm tin* school commit tees of most cotu iii in lit ies. l.abor legislation is neces sary an.I I am for it; but it should apply equally to employers and young people. Furthermore. habit.-* of work should be taught 111 our public schools along with French. Latin, music and the so-called so rail sitidii - lint tu t of all, churche YMCAs. Y.M 11 As. CY( )s and otli m groups intmestcd in reducing juv enile delinquency iliould pet th? laws changed -o a . to encourage the .vacation employment of young peo ple. How's Your 1. Q.? ; Can you answer seven of these 1 quiz quest ions? Turn to Page four I for the correct answers. 1. Hallowe'en occurs on the eve of what day? 2. An American destroyer was torpedoed in the North Atlantic lie lore the I'. S. entered World War II. can you name the ship? 2. Average weekly takr-houfc pay in manufacturing industries is now higher or lower than the average of 11145? 4. In 1018 the l\ S. government took over all railroads: why? ">. In World War II. what was "(ipcration Torch"? ti. Does the prefix "anti" or "ante" mean "opposed to"? 7. What does homogenization do to milk? it. Who was Hilly Sunday? !?. What is an amanuensis? 10. Which two seas are connected by the Sue/ Canal? Maybe the reason the discussions on Indian independence last so lontj is that, in India, everyone seems to speak a different Uuicuukc. ?STATE? FIJI.?SAT. A RIP SNORTIN' WESTERN SERIAL anil COMEDY OPEN SUNDAY EMBASSY ENDS TONIGHT TOMORROW ONLY r I Also Last Chapter "LOST CITV OF Till: JI NGLE" And Short dpipdpjr^jpjpip ?COOL? The STEVENSON TODAY?TOMORROW St'XSET CARSON In "DAYS OF BUFFALO BILL" ? Serial?Comedy LATE SHOW SAT. NIGHT 1 u::io r. m. "STRANGE VOYAGE" Jr=upr i,rzJr=Jr=Jr=Jr=//=Ii= IU 1 Q n 1 n you borrow the first tune 5 B | ll If you need money and have never borrowed l! before, don't feel embarrassed about cominc fi .... mj li to this bank. Business borrows when necessary 11 and repays out of future income. Responsible jl individuals are entitled to the same privilege. || Any loan made here is a strictly confidential || matter between us and the borrower. Present || rales arc the lowest in our history. 0 in "HIZZIZIZ RVgJ iiwinattl ? lli ! . 1 | First National Bank | ! HENDERSON, N. C. M 0 1 U ALL DEPOSITS UP TO 15,009 INSURED BT THE " 1 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION U I Member: Federal Dryoalk Insurance Corporation IU s _ i afigJfc=Jr=dr=Jr=ir=zirsJK=Jr=ir=Jr=Jn=JryJr=Jr=Jr=Jr=?fi k yjr 6 FLAVORS-AT GROCERS taxi fa a call 366 ffocf?, loughl1n city taxi a USED i? CARS WK PAY SPOT CASH i candler-palmer motor co. Sfnrtebaker Sales and Service Hcndtrion. N. C. Phone 45? fflEHr / *ord I YOUR I PRESENT CAR j WILL BRING (j TOP mwE-wi PRICE / IF IT'S SERVICED I REGULARLY BY YOUR I FORD DIALER ? / BRING YOUR I "HOME" FOR SERVICE / I ?eof?P j - Complete RADIATOR jifia SERVICE I JUST bulling out your radiator Will not do the job. It takes a complete overhaul ing of the cooling system for a thorough and effective job. HERE'S WHAT WE DO? FOR A mnn Boil, then rot! out radiator core. Flush err net complete engine motor block. Repair leaks JOB, SEE US! and damage and repaint radiator. EVEREADY CHEVROLET CO. Phone 707 ? Henderson, N. C. It Pays To Advertise! NOTICE! We Will Be CLOSED From July 29 Through AUG. 3 FOR VACATION We Will Reopen On August 5, For Business As Usual. PHONE 51 ? Pick-Up And Delivery Service CITY CLEANERS "We Do It Better" Attention! MR. TOBACCO FARMER Why take a chance with your to bacco when you can install the famous? IRON FIREMAN COAL STORER ? No sleepless nights?More time to work?No attention required to cure your tobacco. Just set the thermostat and IRON FIRE MAN will do the rest! No Guesswork. Iron Fireman is made and guaranteed by the World's largest and oldest manufacturers of coal stokers. ? Sold And Serviced By WILSON ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 738 . William St' t * Henderson, N. C.