-Around Capital Square Kerr Scott Does Alamance County's Highway Fixing By LYNN N1SBKT. Daily Dispatch llutc.ui Raleigh. Aug. 20. Wnen Kerr Scott. coinniisrh ? it i t agriculture, said it is time to do same-thing be sides talk about .vmditiou oi country roads lie e\ identic meant what he I said. Perhaps he a< ; the idea from j the group of Gl's down in .Jackson I county, AUibumu. v ? o ized u 1 >t ? o' road building e.p ipment and fixed i it I some road.- in the; neighborhood. Scott and a couple ot his :?oys did the jaitie thing in Alain nice county week-end before last- ?tbscrving an idle road mac. me Saturday alter lot i they "kidnapped" ;t worked until dark on some of their farm roads, and we: e back o:i the job early Sunday morning. Taking t me out tor church icing .. Presby terian elder the c a i .tier insist ed on that ? tiiey worked nearly all day Sunday. When the regular road crews slnuve i up lor work Monday morning. ?!:f children and Brown tips may Ik* victims of Pin-Worms?often without suspecting what is wrong! Watch nut for the warnlnir signs thai: may moan Pin-Worms in your child **r jKiirM-If ? especially the tormenting. eni barra^ing rectal itch. Rwaipi? now yo.i ran and should * effective way to ileal with "them has been made possible. It .s based ?on. P-W tablets ore bmall Find easy to take, and they act in a special way to remove Pin-Worms. Si? if you suspect this uely infection, ask your druggist for JAYNE'S P-W and follow the directions. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. It's easy to remember : P-W for Pin-Worms ! LIQUOR ? The St! n21.t?i? .55 worth o( liquor sold tit the "!? \IK* stores operating >>> -?? eastern eo..li lies during July was about S'i.i.iM" under Ji ? e iale but it is suiti d th it sales iuereused in nn st ol the co.in ties adjacent to beach resorts. Dur ham. New Hotter or and Wake heiti three top positions in that order. Despite complaints of the thirsty that "the stores don't have any liquor to sell." the fact is sales this sannner have been ahead ol pre-war s ".t mers. State ARC officials report that more liq'n r is being received mo ith Iv now than prior t ? the war. Ka plan.it ion of tin- cntin. in- scarcitv on the shel ves and tin long litus of customers <>n "shipment day.-," seems to be timply thai Tar Heels are buying mole legal whiskey than ever before. Qt'lCTLY. ? The copyrighted "Periscope" scctiun of News week for August I!) notes that t'ndersecretary of War Keimrth Kovalt didn't like Comptroller General Lindsay Warren's Isarlied eritieism of army eontraet-settle ment procedure, and observes that both men are lieiug quietly mentioned lor governor of North Carolina. Comment of a Kaleigii woman who lakes very little in terest in polities was pertinent: "What do they mean 'quietly?' That edite.r must use a different dictionary from mine." GHAN'GK. I 'on!; is: 011 due to an, incomplete telephone conversation ltd a Capitol I e'.\ oliree to give oil' a stoiv that the State Grange v.otihl meet n annual late ronveii 'li *i this week I'M item should a\e been that T icsiay. August 20. had In i ii doMgti.it -d as Grange cliiy ' the :t!lth . nn . >1 I-'allll and llonie Week at State College The regtli.e Or untie vention is scheduled for Clinton on i ? jiier Jh-IS The pro gram will include report and adop tion ol plan i'i ? tut ae aetivily. si ere! degree work. and a number I ed'ieat'oiial and entertainment It alures. Mrs llarr.v It Caldwell tale master, ,\ the North Cam I ? a to.lice i.- It aiiin:', tin- nation in' organization ad nit ii- and i- how , operating in fin euiintit . (>VKKLt >AI). !?'. ? - I . rder has not been made effective, hilt with-l i:t a few weeks 1 v. 1 he illegal for tiny inter-urban bns operating un-| det a utilities ommissi n franchise I t:i leave its tern ina! or any major! point en route with more than in standing passengers regardless o| ; seating capacity. Ove-.aiading ?t! I sc.- has given itilities inspectors' a lo* of worry dm ? : and -'ttee the ACTOR FLEES CONTEMPT CHARGE WHILE CALIFORNIA AUTHORITIES were seeking movie and stage star John Carradinc, he turned up in New York City following a cross-country lliglit from the West Coast. lie is dining with his second wife, Sonya Sorel, after his arrival. He fled to escape a court contempt charge for failure to pay his ex-wife $8,207 alimony. (International Exclusive) Wiir. Tile commissoin now feels that the wartime emergency has suf tieiently passed to justify entorcc men tof safety rules and require provision for tne comfort of pay ing passengers. The overload lim itation may work occasional hard ship on travelers, but its purpose is t> require bus lines to put on suf llcui l equipment to handle traffic without excessive and dangerous crowding. Ii i believed the overload lieu! applied at major stations will per.sit i.use to pick up passengers standing esu.e the road and m mi.alter town-, and so will operate to general public ci.nveliicM.e. , ft iNCKIIMil) ? Garl.vle Hutlcdge. who it'll oe -erv.'itg his third term a- i : i-ent ti-i of Cabtirrus coun ty i:i tile next General Assembly, visiting around capital square Mon day expressed grave concern over the school tear he. situation throughout the state. Simii.u attitude has been noted on part oi many other legis la'u rs at d a.-s i.-.s some action early in the next session. So far there seems to lie no agreement among thein as to what steps should he tak . 'on. bus opinion ? .a: ;:iman\l sal arios is a prima: y ? < ? ">' is prac tically unanini us. Difference i opinit ? :rt vails ' ? Moat . hi crease and met ho: ? apply it. Si ri ming up express d sentiment o' m i ior stato official- ami manv logi lalors Iho conclusion :s roaohod tiial substantial raise in pay ?>! all stato tmpl' ycc- will i > no oi'tain aot <>t tlu ltttT Cionoi.- V-? a:i?!y. I't >TP( >l'l!Itl. rite advoi ti-in boys have dug " uo more ? - J tcrostins doim>. liotail division i?a ii a a ot a paper I'i.ti .-lit. i \ .'ion. oiiii I piles from various rcos essential ly the ?? 'I win: I< u ?it: nufaclu or- u'c far bob : caiplovn on goal.-: ficnoial ! '".i- !iad flUa workers before 'ho war. has ISO.tMt' now. expects 18; . ? to when I'u'.l pro iluol'on gets underway. P.iilc. anticipates 50f? rise i cmpl >ye | by the end of this \or: so boo it .c!(i C .npany . . Sixty million po . pie in twenty million oars liit tin r? ad for their vacation this year, am their rockets will i i for camping supplies and somethin loss ih'in a billion lor an- i.-en on and light refresh vent: < Pi the daik or side, they'll h.n o ten o '! ? P it seven and a ha!: n.iPii n i nii.r | failures, and throe ???'* n st-rior oar breakdowns . . . The 12 tniliio men's and yo ills' -uit- made du: ins first half of 1050 is aboit Ih : mo as for the ".h<>|(. i. |j)!"i. ;m product . I i- S' mi; mill, j rate never roaohod before. Over '?at and topcoat ii'tnl irlion ?>! 8. -500.001) units first half of this yea (almost roaches the 104! peak . . t Copyright on the "rupture dark' discharge emblem i-> p t ' ibilit I for royalty payments by any firm o person using plot no ?>? it m an. kind ot :nl .a rt ising. Passenger Auto Producers Note $45,234,001 Loss Detroit. Aug. 20.? In spiie of in Icrooned prnductim i:i the si cone quarter. i". {components. caused in part i y gov cinmcntal c ontrol'^ over raw :n t< rials, and other interruptions 'o vol i ume production are the jirimar {causes for the operating l's>. rn- il ; inft to Oscar P. Pearson, chief .-in Itistician of the AMA. The loss of more than three pe eift on every sales dollar, calcti lated after allow-in e> for tax i led its' under excess profit tax carry baek provisions. is approvimutch t.lined. SPARK TIME MONEY iWAKEH. Wadesboro, Aug. 20?Edmund De Berry of Eilosville. a 4-11 Club mem ber of the Lilesvilic Junior Club, ha found a wav to spend his spare tin while waiting for customers to buy | his watermelons, says Clarence Ear ley, asistnnt county agent with the State College Extension S ?? r v i c c. Young De Berry loops rug strings which are made from sock tops, for whk'h he receives 8 cents a pound at a local rug factory, and says that during his spare time he can lo?>p approximately 20 pounds for which he receives SI.60 over and above the profit he makes on his watermelons. GRASSHOPPER INVASION Lumberton. Aug. 20.?Dr. M. F. Townsend has recently had a grass hopper outbreak on his farm it Itobeson county, says (). P. Owens, county agent with the State College Extension Service. The grasshoppers first became noticeable when he wa discing up the sod on an old pasture, and as the pasture was disced, the grasshoppers llew r? swarms te near by soybean and corn fields. The gtnsshoppers are damagnig the soy beans. but the number per square /ard is not sufficient to do notice able damage. Dr. Townsend advises the use of the latest nractices of tillage I" help control the insect in the future. DISCHARGED JOHN ELLIS VKRXON. John Kllis Vernon, S 1 e. wiis hon orably discharged from the U. S. navy on August 13. utter serving 14 months ut the Naval Air Huso. Wild wood. N'. J. He is the youngest son o! Mr. nnd Mrs. K. E. VenJon. of route 1. Henderson. l'I'LLKTK BEING VACCINATED. Uobson, Aug. 2l).? Eight 4-H dub boys of Surry {'unity are vaccinat ing their 00(i pullets for fowl pox. according to the recommendations of I". K. I'arrish. |>oultry extension specialist of State College. Hugh D. Borden, assistant county agent, says the vaccination is good practice, as they will now become free of the disease for life. The pullets will be placed in a poultry show in Wi?s ston-Salem in the fall. COOKE'S TOPIC. Greenville. Aug. 20. ? "Building Character as an Investment" is the subject ? f the address to be deliver ed by l)r. Dennis It. Cooke, presi dent of Kast Carolina Teachers Col lege. in the summer commencement exercises to be held in Austin audi torium. Friday morning, August 23, at 10 o'clock. Let NORWICH'S Help I GET . SHOES ? CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OXFORDS Itiiivn iind bliirk. Good. sturdy Slu?cs fur lout*, wi jir. Sizes i! I 2 t<> 11 and 1L' 1 2 to 3 $2-49 VARIETY OF STYLES lit sizes '.J 1 2 to :! I'm* boys and Kirls. $2-98 GIRLS' CANVAS SCHOOL OXFORDS Heavy top \o-\lark rubber soles. Com fortable. Iomij wearinu. Sizes 12 12 to .'1 $1.49 BOYS' OXFORDS Sizes :: to Iirown. $2-89 To $3.98 TENNIS SHOES For boys and itn ls. Sizes 11! to fi GivkI iIii:iIit>. Heavy c:inv;i:. top. $1.98 I MISSES' OXFORDS Sizes 12 1 2 to 3. Brown. Variety or style*. $2-98 ^ ? BOYS' OVERALL df PANTS -r^Ol Heavy green denim. Double- .IJyB stitched, braded pockets. Size 8 to 14 for ttllit tough, rough, schoolboy! $1.81 l*ADV {*, SCUOOI ? SCHOOL PANTS ? h ull ;i->??11 mt-nt in nil >i/i .- !ii>m Hi in <|ii;ility dress :<-lio<>?/fa&ea&tA FOR WOMEN?Fine wools, closely knit ted for a smoothy slipover! The crew neck is looped on by bund?fits with utmost comfort! Long sleeves. 34-10. 3 98 FOR GIRLS. Medium-gauge wools, a littles more loosely knitted for "sloppy" slip overs! Fine-gauge cardigans too. Many brilliant fall tones. 8-16. 2.98 Comfortable Zephyr Wool! LITTLE GIRLS' SWEATERS 2.98 Slip this pure zephyr lony sleeve sweater